HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-5-11, Page 1THIRTEENTH YEAR.--OO1. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY,, MAY 11, 1899. O. H. SANDERS, EDITOR. The Third Big Week of k:.Cofort andSatisfaction ® � incessant ireeentation t)f bargain news and buying chances makes one wonder if modern storiekeelling is HE e= i e -twai• from what aught to be its elder ubjeet, to simply t1zt; weekly needs of eustoznera in Nut•Ii a wayns nett na-, ; y ar ! I lfllli y la not greatly Fat* ' t titin of the c.omi i t W - 'iF tiszazctt)v. .;#zt ial ,1„ UIr, a CUI1 ricrac )le .a11t1 e p n .. t In if Make l link 1 t t � p Ia 1 :� #ractc t1 b • clic #laLvur Ft11tI furore of 13ar;;aLila Days. TYzere is not and rsilI not be+airy plate. in C Fan., tlF� wlaere> the public can 'benefit io fully as RIGHT HERE, by the store's ability of baying largely Marl selling eI eaply; but the goal we have ex et before fiu- ` • 'to lle slit 1 iu"' ele.•t•el.e and to the personal comfort of rust timers, so that the t1FAcalit)• of the set ua is to ammeter 1 t I p i, I '' '' ' ,well• the t tgalit>' of the goods, will make them t'oiltillne to shot) here, People who are satisfied with service, as as 1 nothing. short t g. for • of the best, and want nata fair price, are going ; to be oiu regular (eustcnnt i•s, This week Malt t' .k: e:t 4Cs t)1 new Spring and Stunnwr goods, so note carefully this list for thi:, big creek New 4;--- Shirt t ith:is just arrived, in big 1 Another g 01 of :lfteasmock 00.11- Bleached and 1. bleaulleel'-heetings d 1in mill prices --15tend 18e. yet. \te)rth 20 and 25e. various fabric,; all band -made, mato- date styles. pretty and fascinating e'onibivatio1is m1 Lawns, Piques, Mtts- lins, Madras and Sateen designs, One of kind only. _ _ See the New hinglish Organdie Les - sic; regular 2.k. goods, this n reel: 12te. Pine Dresden and all-Iver-tigurxetl Organdies; regular tae. goods, this week 1'2i,e, Only out (tress in mill pi(t e, 14'adiee' Metallih Striptetl Skirts with deep Spa111i h ruffle; fast color good:.; regularVtelu. , e0) 7;1'this weekonly $1.75 mermereTlise worth positively ilea a pi.; this week 20e. 10 only, nlaele-up e.ttte+n wrapper,, Inco trittlultrlt4 Mid Weil Matic; worth l?2.0U this weer. Me. IMPORTANT T SILK SALE t1w week. • This season'; newest patterns a1ld color.'. One waist in cw1r of our beautiful fancy sills, no two alike.. Finley ney Waist Silks, $1.f00 gt1tt1,, :)(k . Itialik'+atin :)Ie1 � ( at •49e, worth 75e. Black Satin Puches ie at 75e,./ we $14 3 .. ., •, " $1.00 +e $1•50$1•50,inch Black Swies Taffeta (Imported d +' recommended to weir, bite., worth $1. fancy Waist Pittues, Satin 131.511(' ; Bi,; mina= of Plaids, Stripe., ('heektt regular New 1 irk up-to•tlat(e (1t SIgus and Plain Silks ---.811 new and desirable at 25e.; this week here e for lac. • Meek ('rnehet Mohair TPhwgnet Matteis, 10e. pet' set. 12 only Fancy�}-t'la p and Bueklc` to , • , , , Belts; no two alike.•, New \ (fl • goods; goods to Eat t(r. .1n arae Invi <>cI t regular $1.00 goods, :35e. ea Plaid "ale $VO this woltderfui goods exhi- bition. goods, We have a big display this week. at our stone, in the Gold Medal Dress Goods. First intaet)iluetiion of these ribbon le snit belts. Itli ie vaieepaiiaft. snaIsnow. 1200 yds, fast calor Percal(tnd Cam - brie Prints; s• fincites nrd?, 12_0 ,1uod* ,Ribbed Vesta regular 7e, goods for 5e. Paw t. th11bu * *an, .'ar(efor 3.f lees Odd week Se. " White Cotton ribbed, 21e., for tae. - 17t1U yds. fast color American Muslin ,. t. .. lova for 9e.. paints; regular price 10c., t11iswerkee. ',).n) doz. men's 1lp-to-elate- styles in 27 only, large ('roellet. Quilts; r'e'gt1- Nee•kwear; all regtdar 30e. ties, this lar $1,50 each, this week only 00e. etude week only 250, each. Men's American Durk Top Shirts, Ladies' Ribbed Cashmere Hose; rt'gtl. black and white stripe, regular $1.25 lair price 40e. a pair; this week 25e. each, this week lar. No good:' can t lily 21) doz. left. mutt' these for wear. rt' r I '?t .restin ' v," 4 ,ori 150 : ds. Embroidery; regular priee23c. a yd., this week. 1.250. Ladies' full f•1ehioued ('ottou Hoye, the genuine 11t•ru1 I1 n f dye, teaarain- tt•etl stfi1lI4 ; 25e. re mailer, this week 2 pairs for 25e. Ladies' Heather Mis'ed Cotton Iio•;e, long and ril)bed leg, 12'.'', pair, regular price 20e. LACI'. CURTAIN Bargains. -An- otlleer big lot just ret this sweeel:c •2i ad.-widetean•tains, l.;(1,5'1 tot• :3 „ ,. t, •+ 1.10 t, .75 w 81 4. ++ I ,ifi +e 1.00 '3e ,; ,; ., M•ia .1. ,t it.�{ 1.50 /� •.)R ., •' ee i. :I' •e t. flue Fiou Tamm eurt1iinS in Damask.; all Dew colors; worth 1)z tate) a pair, thin week $2,75; (ally I pairs left. HARDWARE -We handle the new Danish Sugar Meet;;, best the market can produce; („'orn::1i.S.:(, Sweet, I1u- proved Learning, Yellow Dent, Cuban Giant; Mangle,: Maannt,th..wlg Tied and Bruce Giant Yeillersvee-,turnips: East Loth -man, 1Iut1's \V eeliph y , Car- ter's Elephant, Yellow .\J)L, > teal. Screen Doors with IdtT . pr'ing, hin- ge, and hooks, at 75e: each. Pat. ad- justable window screens, dusted 22 in., open :37 in. Semen wire, all sizes. Pare Paris Green, 25e. Car of plain and barb (vire, and slay baling wire just arrived. emelee e 1 'e) i a b e reading. is crowded into thew columns. The foetus are set forth briefly, clearly flint will 111,aI�( 1 1 E t t i ;, anti truthfully. The goods of which we tell the story are all of the right sal -t, nn•, dee: i):eble and reliable, and the prices are insole low t*uotigll tale. extremely tempting. Look for our new goods in our windows. (hems shown with pleasure. Highest prices paid -for Butter and Eggs in trade. Remember -The Stand Opposite the Commercial Hotel. BISHOP 8t SO . . . EXETER. This Store Closes at 6:30 p.m., except Wednesday and Saturday. Sodom 1 Olandeboye Thames Bo td, - Mrs. Silas Stanlnke, Jr., • who has been dangerously ill, is improving and a their is now hopes of her recovery.- e .)Mr.. Samuel Prouty left Monday for • Rainy River District, where he will likely take a land ;arid 'make hie fu- ture a homes .-The# farmers are all about through seeding in this section. -Miss Laura Harris leaves to -day (Thursday) to make :L prolonged visit with friends 1,1 1)etlx)it. Ilwr scholar:' in tIU $ab- Inath school assembled at her home on Wet111e =dwy evening to bid leer fare - Neva sand Iia( their a incere xe pects be- fore her departure. Miss Harris is highly riveted and will be much missed le t to good work she has so dutifully performed in the Sunday School l .etw, The wish, of a all is that she may coon return. MONEY To LOAN, We have unlimited private funds for in- vestment upon farm or village property, at lowest rates of interest. DICIISON &CARLING, Barristers, etc., Exeter. FARMS FOR SALE. MONEY TO LOAN. The undersigned has a few good farms for sale cheap. Money to loan on easy terms SamweIrs Block Exeter iVLONEY TO LOAN. Money to loan at from I%z to 5 per cont. ELLIOT & GLADMAN, Barristers, Solicitors, eta., Main St., Exeter. COURT OF REVISION. Notice is hereby given that the Court of Revision for the Assessment Roll of the To wnship of Stephen, will bold its (teat sit- ting for the present year in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Friday, May 26th, at the hour of ten o'clock- a m. HENRY EILIIRR, Crediton, May 5, 1899. Tp Clerk. TIMBER WANTED Highest Cash Price paid for Black Ash, White Ash, Red and White Oak, Hard and Soft Maple, Hemlock, Soft and Rock Elm. Either stumpage or delivered in yard. For further particulars apply to GUS. WAGNER, Manager for the S. I. Co. Exeter. - Clinton: A quiet marriage took place here on 'Wednesday when the naptials of Mrs. Noble and Wm. Stew- art, of Hullett, were solemnized, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Mr. Andrews, of Londesboro. This is the second marriage within two weeks -her daughter Mary, became Mrs. Jas. McNeil. - Tfiere is Such a Thing as wearing glasses when . you should not and not wearing them when you should... . it is a Mistake to do either, We only prescribe glasses when they will be of use to the wearer. A large proportion of the cases of painful eyesight are due to the use of unsuitable or improperly fitted glasses. Inconsulting our opticianY ou incur no expense and run no risk. , . T. FIT'I'0]51'S JEWELLERY STOt a. Mornings preferred for testing. Children Cry dor CASTOR 1 Zurich Rev. Mr. Heist, who has been sta- tioned here for the past two years has been moved to Berlin, and Rev. Fink- biner,•takes the Zurich circuit. Rev. Heist is a preacher and pastor of good ability and fine tact, and Kill be mneh hissed here. We welcome tlfx. Fink- beiner to our midst and wish for him a. successful career. BURGLA.ltx x. -Thursday night burg- lars broke into the post office of this place, pried open the safe and carried off $10 or $15 in postage stamps and small change. They also entered D. S. Faust's general store and took sev- eral suits of clothes and some jewellery. Three suspicious looking characters, supposed to be the gang, -were in town Thursday, all dressed iu dark clothes, one earryiug his arm in a sling. The other two sold small Wire articles. Mr. id The. 111•tte, ()f 13rucefieeld, spent S . •.luy with Mr. and Mrs. .11c. Cloy. 11 •. John Short, is visiting Itis eons areae (°I•etlitoll, -.1rs. blunt is VIS"1 it jug, It wails in ('Baton. ---Mrs. J. Short of c 1 e'il".tt)u, ...pent Saturday Inst with Math' e, here.--MissS1i vitt• is visit - big rt f:1t Ives in town. ---.11i. Robert llc,(r tie •r 1e to moved to his farm op- pt;;tt, t }ti.h'� ^ 111sti 1ate1(er, of ('1111 - tuft, 1` +e .tele.; friends in town, -311i, II. 13111.ee Los lengthened his store by reinte Etc; t ,'t>11tre partition. -Mr, 31e - Ewen ,.., a e'eeeesowing ?about seventy acre', of ,1..' t Itis ,year. The decrease circ , • e;e•ei by a large increase in freight t :.,'-. te)1urillershipping points. -t.))1 deeeley last a young amain armed with at 6• %twit passed arot111d among only Itee •*1 tit teens with a card entitled, 4eThe' :,• a of a (Tipple." Hewed] citi- zens pe ':ely told him We bad Fall we merle a• tosupportFat> the 11Oua(e of Refuge Masao that people in need were sUppoot.1 to lathe thence. Hee claimed he had bin disease lint his assertion has since been doubted. -Mr. A. Mur- dock lute erected at balcony over the sidewain in front of his shop and resi- denee+. eooTitAI.L• -A large number of lien - MI boys attended the football snatch. at Iiippeeu Thursday night, when Kip - pen and Hensel' played Clinton. The score steed 2 to 1 in favor of C. (.'. I. boys. .Another game was played on aal•ilyda)y night, here, when the Kip- peners and liensailitesput up a. star I;alate, staring 1 to 0. Hensel! bad bet- ter quit the job or lcearn the game over again. Usborne Mr. Robert Brock, formerly of this place, and later of Mason vile, London Township, died recently in the Town- ship of Chapman,near Snrdridge,Parry. Sound district. He leaves a widow, Elizabeth Ann, daughter of the late John Banton, of Bicddulph, and six children. Several relatives reside here. -Some few weeks ago a person read- ing the news which came from the Yukon district was perhaps not sur- prised to notice the exorbitant : prices charged for board. But it will doubt- less be e surprise to a great many to know it has reached a very high figure at a certain house some distance north of Kirkton where our excellent pro- fessor of music was teaching a pupil. Having to wait until the young lady came from school it• was then nearly tea time before the lesson was 'through and•although preferring to• go horue he sometimes consented, after a press- ing invitation to stay to tea, but •ivhaat was his surprise after • being paid by the woman of the house to be ask ed by the other: side of the . house " What about the board. The Pro- fessor having nothing more thaa;n the seven dollars that had just been paid him for the quarter's lessons asked if that was sufficient to which the party replied, yes, and took it. We venture to'say such a man has, neither con- science or principle, c�3rediton Pu5sr.ai, x, YO1:tt tem. pleto.i a t%urse at the Canada optical insti- tute, 1 or t now prepared to Fit Spectacles en thoroughly ticeentifie principles. Per- sons ntr-,tang spectacles are especially re- questt: i te' ;ate us a call Eyes tented tree, CG.11 Zw1CxfR, Jeweller 8; Optician.. .0 t :e; .11 t y einem-. of 1*,1).^l.,u, .^. ;• in town Monday. ---Mr. and Mre. Geo. Bloomfield attended the Teachers Con- vention at Exeter, Saturday.- Mr. F. W. Farnconlbe, P. L.S., of London, vete in the village Wednesday on busi- mesa--lfrs. Link was in London on Tuesday. ---Wenzel & Fritz have en- gaged lHaugh Sfntpice, of London, 85 ]minter for the stunrner.--Mr, C. Bea- ver is having new flues put in his boiler. •-11 ,. England is visiting her sister, Mrs. llnxtable, of Centrnha -Rev.•lir. i•.idt, of South Rivtee, Parry Sound District, preached in the German church. last Sunday morning. --Mr. and Mrs. Kuntz, and family, of Exeter spent Sunday here with Mrs. Jacob ISilbcr.--Rev. JAN, Husser has bought a new Mason & Risch piano, while lir. A. 11 ill batsurchased a Berlin piano. Mr. C . `Lwieker, of Loudon, was an the villetge last week. -The masons have nearly finished e of Mr. Dyer's dsselling,-Our citizens are busy gardening. -Mrs. D. Sweitzer and Mrs. 1i. Eilber, who brave been 011 the sick list, aro convalescing, -Mr. Wilson Anderson has renovated the interior of his dwelling. -Last Friday was Ar- bor Day. The school children planted trees, made flower beds, etc. -Mr. Albert Hooper, of Exeter, was in the village Monday. • Mr. Salm Grigg, of London, was int On Monday last: M. John Allison town Tuesday morning -•--Mr, . Geo. had a Very narrow escape from being 'Anted has pnr•ehased a new buggy.--- ' seriously injured by falling out of hisMr. Geeo, Sellars is getting his bounce rig. Fortunately for 11in1 Mr. Frazee painted, --Rev. 13. Sutton, of Alms - ton, was home for a, few days last week. -lir. A. Clarke, of Toronto, was home for a few clays. Ile left for Montreal on Tuesday morning. -Mr. happened to see trim* and came to his assistance and helped him into the wagon and drove. lli;n 110111e. It le thought that the cause was a paraly- tic stroke as he appears to have no A. E. Blackwell Was in town Tuesday 1 knowledge of how be MI out. -hiss evening. Mrs. Jell, of London, is' 1d*t Stewart of the boundary is leery home on a visit. --'Miss Martha Hodgins Ill with inflammation. She is under is spending a few clays with friends good medical attendance and it is around heie.-•-The.fanners in this hoped she will'soon be well agM.ine vicinity are tali through. seeding, -Mr. Geo, Carter lost a horse the other night, valued at two -hundred dollars. t fit t:) be sick in the even- ing, (11 It dal not Cru1. in g, but when • he went out in the following morning it was dead. - 'Wheels are the ra,,;e,'Hiram Thomp- son and :1lanfred. llal leton etude. pure chased a Cit•v eland from Carter Sou. th, Clarke btinght a wheel from Mr. Hepburn, -Mr. J. Seale, of Clinton, was ht town the other clary - M1.•a. t-'er. ter, of Manitoba, is home visiting her father, Mr. James Carter. ---Mr, Cun- ningham is getting his 'toilet. painted. ---Mr. Henry Hudgins, of Bay City, Miele, was in town Tuesday night.-- - Mr. Jaine•l (Tarter put outa few nice maple trees this week. Centralia Mr: a11t1 Mr:4.de/. (olwill are visiting at the latterii. latter'home in St. John. Mr's, Bui , of St. MOUS, leas the gout of Miss ,1. knit Salton last week and Mai:. Robert .'1e1'a115, of Berlin, are in town visiting friends and rely- tfves._ -Mc. Thomas Ramified has re- moved to 1-.tett'r, where: he intend' making iris future home. Ile will be n111e11 missed in our Ietnrg, and wCt• are eorry to lose 11111).111: Oliver and wife, of \\ inghant North, have moved here, and wee uceupying :0r, T. Hand- ford's aan(1-ford s house, We welcn111( theist among us.-- Mr. George tirafton. is having his stabir put on a brick foun- dation, which will add nu11C11 to its aappearalnce and handiness. \h'. W. Jluestcnl returned home Tuesday from paying. Baa. s,iS it teu his brt� then, I Alfred, 1n 'ince ton. Ile Korts the fall wheat in ytery bad condition between \l oudetock and London, but otherwise the country lot)ks 1iollri:;h- ittt,'•.--no tietetlnent anddReceptionheld here last. Sunday was veryi11tt'r- esting and profitable, A goodly' 10)311 ber were present, both morning anti evening. The solo given by Mrs. Box was highly aapirrnciatc(l. Rev. Salton harvested the traits of his letbor here during the winter, when aabont thirty new converts tabu(' forward grid identi- fied themselves as desirous of becom- ing members of the church, and were x'eeeived and \welcL novel by the congregation. ; i0e31 .L ,lex . }e" 11.L Mist leen \vide ,sett for as tang tilne in this church.--" Who, or where is he," that wandering boy, that giddy youth who, although Ins obligation called for his attendance at divine worship, pre- ferred rather to roam the woods? Such habits end such youths should be s1•e11 Watched, and we Would ad.. Nit,* this youth to halt before lie is compelled to. -Mr. J. C. Sheardown, our enterprising blacksmitlz, is Mak- ing large sales of buggies, Last week he disposed of four handsome rigs. - Miss Larry Hicks left last week for Chicago, where she will spend the next few weeks visiting friends and relatives. ---The busy season of seeding is about closed, and has been the hard- est rush for a long time, but the crops are growing rapidly, and fall wheat promises to be good in this vicinity. - :41r. Wm. Colwill has both hay presses going, and is doing aan extensive work in that line. Willis a good business man, and 1s well patronised for many miles around. --The cyclists of both sexes are fully enjoying the good roads and fine '*weather. The Centralia Ep- worth. League purposes holding a social on `.Tuesday evening next on the parsonagelawn. Weather being fav- orable a good supper will be given, and all kinds of sports suitable for the oc- casion will be enjoyed,. including egg- racing, garacing, foot racing, ete. The C'reciiton brass band will furnish nittsic. This promises to be the first incl best of the season. -Mr. Richard Culbert, of Bid- dulph, has moved into the house late - 1y occupied by his father -in -law -Mr. Richard Neil 'has taken - possession of the brink dwelling- opposite the p1u' sonage we welcome tum to the town.. ' 3Ir. Jas. Neil, of the 3rd concesson of McGillivray, has been quite ill, and although elide to be out again is quite. indisposed. �1 (From another source), ENCOURAGING ENTERPRISE. -One Of the most promising and encouraging enterprises of Centralia is the creamery It svgs first agitated in January last, and since then the interest in it has been gradually increasing So that now stock is held by some of the most prominent farmers of Usborne, Step- hen, McGillivray and Biddulph,; and most successful business men of •.Exe- ter, (lrecliton and Centralia. The Di-- rectors i-rectors in charge are doing all in -their power to further the -interests of the Company by making all necessary im- provements economical and substan- tial as possible. Last week a cement floor was put in by•Mr. John Neil and an .engine room built by Mr. J. Evans, Exeter, while this week the building will be equipped with thoroughly up- to-date machinery so that everything will be in running order• for May 15th or 17th. The services of a thoroughly practical butter -hatter, in the person of Mr. P. W. Brown, of Winchelsea, have•been secured, while' Mr. Cadl1'as has been engaged as assistant. 'Un- doubtedly this will prove a boom to fanners' of the surrounding country, who may see fit to patronize the same. C. L. ». McGillivray Council. Council metursuant to adjourn- ment, iu Town Hall, McGillivray; May 3.st. All present. Minutes of last meet- ing read, approved of and signed. Miller- Hutchinson, that P. P. Raid- ing i$ commissioned to meet the rep- resentative from Loudon township and attend to the repairs required on the town line. -Carried. Hodgins -Har- ding, that R. Hutchinson is hereby authorized to expend $25 on West Williams town line, west of Parkhill, providing West Williams Council meet it with a similar amount.-Caz- ried. Harding -Miller, that R. Hutch- inson is hereby commissioned to have Prance's side road put in a proper state of repair. -Carried. Miller -Hodgins, that N. Grieve is hereby commissioned to have Snowden's side road put in a proper state of repair. -(:armed. Mil- ler -Hutchinson, that the tender of Samuel Pearson, for the building, of pier for bridge on the 2nd concession, be accepted; that the deposit be retain- ed until the bond is signed and Mr. P. P. Harding oversee the building of said pier. -Carried. Hutchinson - Miller, that P. P. Harding and the clerk is hereby instructed to have the washout of east branch of bridge over the Sauble, Sth concession, e. c. r., re- paired by exteuding bridge eastward and filling: >,pproeches.--Oarried.. 'Mil- ler•-Hodggrns, that By -Law! No. 1, • 1800, dividing the township into road divisions and appointing pathmasters as read a first and second time be now read a third time and passed. -Carried Harding -Hutchinson, that the sever- al gravel contracts be accepted and commissioners appointed to oversee the laying on of the gravel. Hutchin- son -Harding;. that the council pay accounts amounting in all to $180.510. -Carried, Hodgins--Miller-that this Council adjourn to meet in the Town Hall on the first Monday in June at one o'clock p.m. and the Court of Re- vision will be opened at four. o'clock. Carried. • has taken possession, . Was. PRASE, It, Clerk, Ribbert Mr. .John Stacey, sr., who was very ill with la grippe and intlalrrmatioa cif the lungs, et recovering so rapidly now that bre is ruble to go out around. --Mr. Edward Rye/man, who has hart Mr. 1Iellry : -'iz' it's f:ir111 1e'astd during the l :at three years, 11as ptlrebase(1 Mr. Thos. Nie'hnll's property of Chiselhul'st for $1000. Ile will now go extensively into the apiary business. --Mr. Richard Luxton, formerly ae resident of dais dace for many panes e, is here renew- ing acclglaintances. 11e moved into the ]hate of Illinois some years ago where he married as lady of aflnaanee and ease, Ile is looking remarkably hale and hearty, (ilreC11Way Last i'i idas was Allem Day. Our school yards were nicely cleaned up, flower beds fixed and a number of trees set 011t,- -Mies : *. ;4fatelachlan at- tended the East Middlesex Teachers' Convention in London last week. SVe note with pletateare the address of Mr. C, C. Jon(::?, our Deputy-:4linisteer c)a' Agz'ie•ailt*xre. \\'e hope our l(1ra1 pa- pers will Copy it and that every teach' will read it. --A large+number attended. the quarterly services last; Sabbath and on account of the great number Iter, J. 'W. Baird adiiainistered the Sacrament to the people in the pews which was done much quicker and with less eonfusion than gathering aarollnd the alteae,.--lVilscln c% Gerznett.e struck a (Inc spring of water for Mr. J. Sherritt Inst week at the depth of over 100 feet. The water 00,810 within :1 few feet of the top in a few minutes. They 11mvo moved to 11r. Slaerritt's other farm on the 18th concession 01113 expect to get water there in a fess days. --Mr. Albert E. Corbett, of Huntsville, Wash., passed through here can Inc way to Corbett last Monday, Ile re- ports business as prospering in the far west., -A party from here found a val. u1able iuretruxnent used by dewlaps and nurses. Owner can secure it by apply- ing to James I. McPherson. -Mr. Os- car Snlithers is making a big improve- ment on W. J. l 'ilecnes foam and the C. H. and J.'T.'Wilson tritaet by�lee il(`- inl; wire Ir e; •-•Mi'•s ga i; 5. zliI1, of (iraand Bond, visiteel frill dt here L.rre. week. - -•M1: L. Phippen passed (111 ough here svitll a large load of furniture Last week. -Mr. R. English has the cement foundation built for his new shop, --- At a trustee meeting of the Boston Methodist ehureh, held last Monday evening, it tens decided to have a new fence and slat walks built, the ground levelled and some lawn grass sown. This is a much needed improvement. Wingham: On Friday it was found that the roof of the engine house at G.T.R. was on fire. A few pails of water and Messrs. Button & Fessant's fire extinguishers soon put an end to the blaze. The fire is supposed to have been started from a sperk front an adjoining smoke stack. Goderich tp: The death of Robert Emerson, took place April20. Mr. Emerson bad been ailing. for some time but finally passed away at the age of 05 years. He bed been a resident of that township since 1840. He came out in that year from County Ferman- agh, Ireland with his parents, who took up land upon the 7th concession, upon which line the deceased lived un- til death. Clinton: George Nimens, son of Mai. George Nimens, hacl a narrow escape Friday. He was employed with Mr. William Riley, the framer, and while taking down some timbers the purline plate fell and struck Mr. Nimens on. the side of the head, cutting the ear, injuring the left eye, bruising the face and wounding the head. The violence of the blow was such as to render hint unconscious for sone time. Goderich: At the patriarchal age of 80 years - and $ months William Robinson, an old resident of Goderich, departed this life last Friday. The last nine years he had lived in re- tirement, having withdrawn from -the • firm of Buchanan & Robinson in 1890. Until the beginning of 1808 Mr. Robin- son could take his daily walk, apparent- • ly in the best of health, bat from that • period he was seen to fail and was frequently confined to the house, and from the time, a few 'months since, when he met with a severe accident his recovery was considered impro- bable. - - Varna: Mr. W. Cook, who has been in the hotel business here for some time, has leased. his hotel to Mr: Philip - Murray; of Blake, and has moved his family to Egrnondville. Mr. Murray elate, Se a e��'..x • �.ti':S The Sprint; Months. Are most likely to find your blood impure and lacking in the red cor- puscles which enable it to carry nourishment co the nerves and other organs. Therefore you feel weak, tired and listless and are troubled with spring humors. Relief is given by Hood's Sarsaparilla which - purifies, enriches and vitalizes the blood. Hood's Pills cure biliousness. Mail. ed for 25 cants by C. L .IIood & Co., Lowell, Mass. sums:. HANLON.--iu Centralia on May 8th;.. -- the wife Pat Hanlon, of a daughter... DEATHS. BAevie er.--In Strathroy, on May itb,,, Isaac Bawden, formerly of. Exeter, in his 81st year. ti.