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THURSDAY. MAY 4, .18i19.
Things. Worth Knowing.
The lungs of the average man contain
about five quarts of air.
Two thousand species of fish are known
Its exist in the Amazon.
There is as much real nourishment in
one bushel of beaus as in five bushels of
A. teaspoonful of microbes contains over
Scientific men generally believe that the
bed of the Pacifto ocean was once above
water, and inhabited by men.
Tyndall says 50,000 typhus germs will
thrive in the small circumference of a pin -
bead, or visible globule.
The most wonderfulastronomical photo-
graph in the world is that which has re-
,tleiltly been prepared by London, Berlin
and Parisian astronomers. It shows at
least 88,000,000 stars.
The human system can endure heat of
112 degrees, the boiling point of water,
because the slain is a bad conductor and
because the perspiration cools the body.
idea have withstood without injury a heat
of 800 degrees for several minutes.
A hundred years ago the Hawaii=
Islands were said to have had 400,000 na-
tive population; now 30.000 is a high. esti-
mate, The same fearful diminution has
been going an through Polynesia. Dr.
Tautaiu bas recently studied its causes in
the Marquesas islands (L'Authropologie).
The principal causes a.'e: Leprosy, which
leads to impotence- and sterility; tuber.
eulosis, which is eminently contagious and
destructive; syphilis, \v]I.ch is less marked
than might be supposed, and licentious -
Sunilztit and goal th.
Sunlight, says the Lancet, bas a well-
known effect upon the life of pathogenic
organisms. Direst sunlight will kill
tubercle bacilli in a few minutes; whereas
they will live for clays if exposed to a very
strong diffused daylight. Tho exhilarat-
ing effect of a burst of eunsbine in the
spring is probably not due to mere lumi-
aosity, but to an inereaee.i actinic action,
a chemical action which we cannot very
sreA explain, but which everyone feels.
In estimating, therefore, the value of a
health resort, the amount of this actinic;
"'slue In the sunshine ought to be taken
Into account, no less than the number of
days upon which the sun shines during
lbs month or the year.
'd useful At All 'Gimes.—In winter or in
summer Patrmelee•a Vegetable Pills will
cape with and overcame any irregulari-
ties of the digestive organs which change
,ot diet, change of residence, or variation
of temperature may bring about. They
shonitl be always kept at hand, and once
their beneficial action becomes known, no
one will be without them. There is no-
thing nauseating in their structure, and
the most delicate can use them confident-
Cars Without wheels.
Street cars without wheels are the latest
novelty in vehicles. Tho cars run on ball
'bearings, and, being, near the line instead
of raised above it, are not subject to tho
samo amount of resistance in the form of
centrifugal force. Mach greater speed is
thus obtained, and the wear of the balls
in carrying the car is much less than the
wear on the wheel rims. The movement
of the tramcar is easy and agreeable.
Tour friend, .Mrs. , is looking
mach improved In health. Yes, she Is a
different woman. We persuaded her to
try Miller's Compound Iron Pills, with
the result you observe.
Pictures Throuclt Insect Lenses.
One of the latest marvels of little things
is the taking of pictures through the lens
of an insect's eye. We are filled with
astonishment, says Mr. F. W. Saxby,
when we reflect that from a dragon fly's
head we could obtain ::5,000 perfect lenses,
so minute that a million of them would
not cover a square inch, and yet each be
capable of yielding a recognizable photo -
lizard's Liniment for sale everywhere.
Glares Which ''Ley lie Washed.
A glove manufacturer near Carlsbad, in
-Germany, has invented a process for the
manufacture of glazed leather for gloves
which can be washed without losing its
,color, and which will at the same time re-
main pliant and resist the action ot heat
and cold. The leather is submitted to a
tanning supplementary to the chrome.
If the child is restless at night, has
coated tongue. sallow complexion, a dose
of Miller's Worm Powders is what is re-
quired; very pleasant and perfectly harm -
Belated Poetry.
The poets must not be impatient. Man-
uscripts, like everything else in this vale
of song and sunshine, must wait their
tarn till the editor calls "Next!" The
following from ono of the impatient fel-
lows comes all the way from Texas:
"Six years ago I sent you a poem on the
illness of my grandmother. She knew
that I had written it, and she waited a
long time to see it in print. Finally she
died without sexing it, which would have
been a pleasure to her in her last hours.
I now send you another on the illness of
my uncle. He also knows it has been for-
warded to you, and will wait a reasonable
time to see it. I shall be extremely sorry
if he, too, has to dig without seeing it in
print. Will you please send it to the
printer right away`""—Atlanta Constitu-
After a Short, But Hot and. Oeci...
sive Contest.
The Enemy Driven Out—Dodd's Kidney
Pills the Tietnrs-.Mr. Gillean Tested
Them, and They Proved True
end Steadfast Friends.
Amberstburg, Ont., April 24.—Jas. R
Gillean, proprietorof the Lakeview Hotel.
here, is one of the happiest men in town.
For some years past he has been in very
poor health, and was a great sufferer from
Kidney Disease,
In spite of all that medical skill and
numerous remedies could do, Mr. Gil/can
grew gradually worse. His sufferings in-
creased, and there seemed to be no hope of
curing the disease.
One day a friend called to see him. and
advised him to try Dodd's Kidn y Pills,
telling him they had cured a number of
cases of which lee knew, and which were
all worse than Mr. Gillean's. The latter
procured a box, and so much good .did ft
do him that he bought three more, These
cured him completely, and ho is now
obliged to hold quite a reception every day,
so malty friends call to congratulate him
on his happy recovery.
Dodd's Kidney Pills are astonishing the
medical fraternity daily by their marvel-
lous success in eases of I3riglit`s Diseeso.
Diabetes, Rheuutattsnl, La:abago Seim,
ties, Gravel, Urinary Troubles, Female.
Complaints, Blood Impurities, and all
other Kidney Diseases. Many jehy-ici;lux
in this district prescribe them in thcil
practice., always with the beet results.
Kidney Diseases cannot resist the acts n
of Dodd's Kidney Pills, which aro the on1�
euro on earth for such diseases.
Dodd's Kidney Pills are sold hyall time,
gists at fifty cents a box, six boxes ;`,rite 4r
will he sent, on reeeipt of price, by the
Dodds Medicine Co., Limited, 'turonlo.
The Diplomatic Stage Manager.
"I say that she took the exact center of
the stage and held it for 45 seconds. And
I want to quit right here and now."
"But, my dear girl, you are so hasty.
You don't appear to know that they have
what they call silent earthquakes in this
part of the country. One occurred only
yesterday afternoon, and it moved the
stage fully two feet to one side. You see,
Heloise didn't know this, and, besides,
'what you thought was the center of the
stage wasn't. You mustn't be so ready to
accuse people of doing what isn't right."
"Oh, well, if that's the case, I won't
kick any MOM."
And the diplomatic stage manager rub-
bed his hands pleasantly together.—Cleve-
land Plain Dealer.
Novel Swindling Sell eine.
Among the battered tlotyulit a u] fetalis
that has accumulated in ti ,>el,rtll,anl
store not a great disrxnce from .1;14,1...ail
square is a shabby round table w:rh r. e tin
ous secret end no doubt a still tame eanri
sus history The top was grace covers,
with green billiard sloth who h new i
worn to tatters and disclose e a nerd I lea
eat In ilia center and pe rhal as ten itlrha>.
The whole top is loose and •'nn be re
moved, revealing ari Int' rine a.i'are een
taining a horseshoe magnet w''nud will
wire and connected with an ,lrnntrtu'c
very much like that of en ordinary tele
graphic instrument. A close exn'ninn tler
shows an insulated wird running down
one of tbo legs tea small kneels w hnttel.
protruding on the outside. When the top
is in place, the steel plate rests directly
over the magnet. This strange device is
explained clearly enough by its present
owner. "It is a dice table," he said, -on
which a lot of money has been wttll. When
it was in order, there was a gaud sized
battery inside, connected with the magnet,
When the knob on the leg was pressed, the
current was turned on, and that made the
steel plate magnetio. The dice they used
with it had small metal disks on ono face,
and as long as the current was en they
naturally fell that side down. 'When the
knob was released, they would fail any
way they chanced to come, so all that was
necessary for the operator to (10 was to
keep his knee on the button and bo could
absolutely control his play."—New Or-
leans Times -Democrat.
lne ii tour .li .'r1i to l''e I2 ..v3 c..
An ingenious iileehanical device pastes
paper ]abets en 1UU,OUO eons in ten hours.
Down a shoot rolls a ceaseless procession
of cans and each urn picks up a label as
1t passes.
The healthy glow disappearing from the
ebeek and moaning and restlessness at
night are sure symptoms of worms in
children. Do not fail to get a bottle of
Mother Graves' 'Worm Exterminator ; it
is an effectual medicine.
Not So Very strange.
Mrs. Minks—Isn't it queer that such a
little bit of a country as England can rule
such a vast amount of territory?
31r. 3Iinks—Well, I don't know. You're
not very big yourself, my dear.
A. new back for 50 cents. Miller's
Kidney Pills and Plaster.
That Burden A¢ain.
"Well, I see you've taken up the white
man's burden."
"What do you mean?"
"Wasn't that your wife's mother's trunk
that was carried into your flat yesterday?"
+Qinard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
Those Girls.
Mae—So you are engaged to Georgel
I refused him three times.
Ethel—That most have been what be
meant when he told me that he had had
several narrow escapes.—New York
Household Martyr.
Polly—Aunt Sally seems woefully
downcast tonight.
Jennie—Yes, poor thing, she hasn't
been able to get her feelings hurt at
any time today.—Indianapolis Journal
Immortality Cranks.
Immortality of fume is something de-
sired 'by man, but attained by few, says
Dr. Tohn Fiske in The Atlantic. Physical
immortality is Something which has
hitherto been supposed to be inexorably
denies to human beings. The phrase
"All men are mortal" figures in text-
books of logia as the truest of truisms.
But we have lately been assured that this
is a mxitake. So, at least, I was told by
a very downright person who called on
me some years ago with a huge parcel of
manuscript. for which he wanted me to
find him a publisher. He had been cruel-
ly snubbed and 111 used, but truth would
surely prevail over bigotry, as in Gali-
leo's case. I took his address and let him
leave his manuscript. Its recipe for pby-
sical immortality, dilated through 000
pages, was simply to learn how to' go
without food! Usually each a regimen
will kill you by the fifth day, but, if ar
that critical moment, while at tbo pone'
of death, you make a heroic effort mid
stay alive, why, then you will have ore)
come the Ring of Terrors once for self.
returned tbe gentleman's'. ,reanusepipe.
with a polite note, regretting that
lino of research was so remote from shoe
to which 1 was accustomed that I cote,...
not give him intelligent aid.
Canada's Greatest Seed House
Means Wdl.Fed
Grows handsome, tankard shaped roots, of a purplish -crimson
color above ground, yellow beneath; stands well out of ground,
grows roots of giant size, Price (post-paid) } lb„ roc.;
Ib., x$c. ; x lb., 24c.: for 5 -lb, lots and over, 21C. lb.
For overtenyears the favorite with best growers; even, hand.
some shape and a great cropper. Many tons of s-cl. are re-
quired annually to supply the demand for this Ane variety..
Price (post-paid]} lb., xoc.; lb., x5c.; lb., 24c.; for 5lb. lots
and over, RIM ib.
SPECIAL. NOTICE.—Steele, Briggs" "Jumbo" and
"Selected" Swedes are sold in sealed packages
only (7J lb. and x lb.) as shown W accompanying illustrations
always bearing their name.
Soto ea CanereL
Mammoth Cuban The heaviest
ear producing
Yellow Dent Corn variety, with a
season bas yielded 3i tons of ears per acre, and
ripens in most parts of Ontario. Price, bush.,
45c.; bush., 85c.; 2 bush. and over, 80c. bush, ;
bags, 15c. each.
One of the earliest dent varieties in cultivation, a
strong grower, stalks and ears of good size, small
cob with deep grain, productive. Price. +} bush.,
50c. ; bush., 900. ; 2 bush. and over, 85c. a bush.
bags, 15c. each.
FAMOUS Gardena Flower SEEDS
First Prize
Steele, Briggs'
You can get Steele, Briggs' Famous Garden and Flower Seeds from your
Resident Merchant, or send for them direct. THE BEST SEEDS THAT GROW.
Newest & Best Seeds, Plants,
Bulbs, Flowering Roots, Vines, Fruits, Small R" ruits, etc■ CATALOGUE..
If you have not received one, send your name and it will be MAILED
FREE. Mention this paper. When ordering, please send money by
Express Money Order, Postal Note or Registered Letter. All orders
receive best care.
TheSte'Ie, ori
FORCIBLE suWWccessrbateor fverailure crop yqa rgelgrowy.
is la
governed by the seed used.
Successful growers
always use the best
seeds obtainable. Ali seeds have a value, which
varies accord tr.g to the care and selection of stock in produc-
ing them
roduc-ingthem ; indifferently grown seedscost less to produce and
permit of being sold at like low, "cheap" prices—Like
produces like. The labor necessary togrow a crop
with "cheap " seed is the same as when using the best
seed—then why incur unnecessary risk by
using "cheap" seeds?
Steele, Briggs' Seeds
oe Co . Toronto Ont.
Not Highly Educated.
"Why do you think she must have picked
up her musical education herself?
"When she sings I can understand near-
ly every word she says."
Are your corns harder to remove than
those that others have had? Ilave they
not had the same kind ? Have they not
been cured by using Holloway's Corn
Cure ? Try a bottle.
She—John, the Joblots' new house is eo
much larger than ours.
He—Yes, my dear; so is their mortgage.
Miller's Worm Powders e•ure all ail-
ments of children like magic. •
Some important inventions have been
discovered by lunatics.
Mr. Nicofellow (to adored one's 'tttle
brother)—Thorel Fon did tint errand
very nicely. Here's a penny for you.
Little Brother—Oh, mal Mr. Nicefel-
low gave mo a penny I
Ma—Well, my dear, you should say—
Little Brother—Yes; I know I should
say, "Thank you!" but I was so s'prised
I forgot. You said he hadn't a cent to
call his own.—Stray Stories.
Easier to 3iove Than to Cloa"r Up.
In Formosa the Japs have instituted a
sanitary measure that does infinite credit
to their nerve and alertness. They simply
deport a whole population to another site,
for the reason that it is cheaper and easier
to build a new town than to clean an old
Money Saved and pain relieved by tbe
CT Cures Rheumatism leading household remedy, Dr. Thomas'
JACOBS „ Lumbago
011 „ Sciatica
„ Sprains
„ Bruises
ST. „ Soreness
J1ACOBS 1a Stiffness
OIL „ Backache Aches
• oaf lu flopm F sA
A Thwarted Career.
"What does Adolphus Kinks do?"
"Well, he works for a living like the
rest of us."
"I didn't think he would turn out so
The hest physicians speak well of Mill-
er's Compound Iron Pills.
A Peachy Complexion.
Mr. DeBullion—What a peachy complex.
Ion Miss Prettie has.
Miss Beautie (a rival belle)—Yes, isn't
It awful? Just full of fuzz.
I torow MINARD'S LINIMENT will cure
• Diphtheria. Jo$N D. sIotrrIILIEn,
French Village.
icsioW MINARD'S LINIMiENT will cure
Croup. J. Ir: CUNNTNe.HAM,
Cape Island.
I xxow MINARD'S LINIMENT is the best
remedy on earth.
Norway, Dia Josve'S A. SNOW.
In a Piano. •
There are 48 different materials used in
constructing a piano, from no fewer than
16 different countries, employing 48 differ-
ent hands.
Miller's Worm Powders are a wonder-
ful medicine for the ailments of children.
Eelectric Oil—a small quantity of which
usually suffices to euro a cough, heal a
sore, cut, bruise or sprain, relieve lumba-
go, rheumatism, neuralgia, excoriated
nipples, or inflamed breast.
A New French Chain.
A Frenchman . named Jacquet has con-
structed a chain, every link of which can
be separated and put together at any time
and by anybody. The links have button -
holo shaped slits in which little bolts with
figure -heads can be put.
Health for the children. Miller's
Worm Powders. •
Sure I
"You will forget mo, won't you, dear?"
she pleaded by way of softening the harsh-
ness of her refusal,
"Sure thing!" said he; "you know I'd
do anything to please you."
Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc.
Potato Stalks for Paper.
On account of the scarcity of raw ma-
terial for the paper mills of Holland they
now use the shl.11cs of the potato plant,
which can be bought from the farmers for
60 cents a ton.
$100 Reward, $100.
The readers of this paper will ho pleased to
learn that there is at least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure in all its
stages and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
is the only po•itive cure now known to the
medical fraternity. 0 tarrh being a constitu-
tional disease, requires a constitutional treat-
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mucous sur-
faces of the system, thereby deAtroybtg the
foundation of the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitution and
assisting nature in doing its work. The pro-
prietors have so much faith in its curative
powers, th •1 they offer One Hundred Dollars for
any case that it falls to cure, Send for list of
Testimonials. Addres1
F. J. CHENEY & CO„ Toledo, 0.
airSold by Druggists, 750.
A Necessary Precaution.
Mabel—Why does Kitty always rest her
chin on her hands when she tries to think?
Clara -She has to hold her mouth shut
in order not to be disturbed in her medi-
Many persons suffering from rheuma-
tism have been permanently cured by
Miller's Compound Iron Pills.
The Liar and the Thier.
Lying is of all mean traits of character
the most despicable. This Is the crying
sin of the age—that men do not value their
word. If a Iran steals anal is caught, the
world brands hire a thief and shuns him;
he can never outlive it; but if ho lies,
though it may be proved, ho is still re-
spectable, and if ho profit by the Ile he Is
esteemed especially clever and smart.
But the thief is not near so dangerous
to society as the liar We can protect our-
selves against thieves, we can guard our
possessions, but the liar can penetrate the
strongest fortress and blast the most pre-
cious of our possessions. lig can go into
court and rob or murder at will. Ho can
blast a life or ruin a fortune and there is
no redress.
Intercourse with Christians had given
the savage a taste, among other things,
(or dialectio subtleties.
"I spare your life." he said to the cap-
"Thank you," the captive replied, not
forgetting his manners.
"So you owe me your life, don't your
asked tho savage.
"Oh, yes!" said the captive.
"Well, then, if I take your life, I won't
be stealing, will I?" exclaimed the savage.
It was clear this benighted person took
a truly civilized delight in bunkoing his
ethical sensibilities for the benefit of his
Remarkable Mall Service.
According to a Parisian journal, the
following peculiar official document Is to
be seen outside a certain postoffice in
Hours of Collection.
First Collection In Summer,
Morning at five o'clock.
In Winter. The night before,
At nine o'clock.
This notification is in the flowing hand
of the postmaster, and has been visible for
the past ten years.—Househo]d Words.
GOLD PLATEP3s aand hie ,: the. am
to uo with your name and address,
and wn TAU forward Pilo waxer% to you
by express for examination. 1t Is a
snapback and bezel duet•prool
open face, stern wind and ■et,
gold plated. handsomely en-
gmved, It looks Ilto a solid'
gold watch, 1s fitted with a
7 .Jewelled American Model
Movement that we warrant to
give good satisfaction, and Is
Just the watch for trading pur.
ppowe. If after careful can,,•
ination you Mid this watch to
be exactly as represented, piny
the express n ggent 52.55 and
charges, and It Is yours.
Terry Watch Co„ Toronto, Ont.
Ask your
dealer to
ns for
Linii ed.,
Montreal, Que.
?awn ,;.»; fir+.-•++•, +y�i,,.v.�,w
He --i only married you out of pique.
She—I know it. That was why I Ia0•
copted you.
Land in the city of London is worth
eees+0.Ofan an acre.
The Jin ,t Made. wend tor (atnlof ue.
IMPOSTOR. OC OROCERaea. I -.S. eC ii. Ex trace
Write us. HAMILTON. L.5• A't It. Splees
Union. Station Arcade. Toronto.
The Physical Life of Woman
By GEO. It. NAPIIEYS, M.D. Advice to the
Maiden, Wife and Mother. It treats in de-
tail Maidenh.vd, Matrimony and Maternity,
to which is added parturition without pain.
Knowledge Is safety. No family should bo
without this invaluable brolc. Cloth Lound,
regular price t1.50—slaeeial this weoic sent
post paid on receipt of 81.0O. The G. M.
ROSE C SONS ( O.. Limited. Toronto.
We also make
Steel Flag Staffs.
Grain Grinders,
Iron and Wood
1'unxps, Ileo
Send for New Cat-
rd "? I can cure permanently all
diseases peculiar to women,
such as displacements, in -
RR fammations and ulceration
of womb, painful, suppress-
ed and lrreguler menstruation, leucor.
Mrs, Julia Ii, Richard- Box 998, Montreal, Quo.
Vtre gine this tide watch
FREE for selling 2
dozen Gold h late d
la ver Collar Buttons.
1.,,It2's Watch for 3i.
dozen, nt 10e. each.
Send your address and
we forward the But-
tons post paid. N o
money required.
dell tl:elluttons to your
friends, return the money
and we send the Watch
prepaid.—A genuine A21-
erivan Watch, guaran-
teed for a few hours work.
The R. 0. Smith Co.
(hillia, Ont.
itt. r 3fl't?:i;t'a r:4„a1c {i=n13;aisif«, '.
T. N. II.
F11.13 tam t'�s '1"""411ie I
ISt l9liY
FE iiLilE �nt.�l
toe�usite 1'1d,dai type'case
for rolling 1 cloy, denary packets of
Hollotropo, stole sad Violet rip
Pone, No bran or sawduea. 8ti`` '
et 'Eo, each. Return ns 51,20 says
rneelve ring FREE by team
mall. liberal commission, Ifptw
*erred. Unsold goods return10l4
boot. D Tartrate. RAO