Exeter Advocate, 1899-5-4, Page 5A TUE iter burtrate Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Mane, MAIN -STREET. - —By the ---- ADVOCATE PUBS i sis NO COMPANY TERMS OE SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance not so paid, Ifsclerrarts-tilaao MZe.tetto sosa .13-seereecas, teeem No pesperaisoontinuedantilallarre rage ire nevi. Advertisements without syeelao directions will be published till forbid. and ehar ged accordingly. Liberal die countmade tor transoient advertisements inserted for long Periods. Every description of JOB ,PRI.NTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates, Cloques,moneyords era,,,Stc.for advertising, anbsarintaime ote.to bemadepavable to Chas.II. Sanders, EDITOR AND PROP Professional Card se IL KINSMAN, L. D. S. & DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L D. S., D. D. S.eflonor graduate of Toronto 'University. DENTISTS. Teeth extraeted without any pain, or any, bad effects, Office in Falleteire Mock, west side Main Street, Exeter. 1-111.D. ALTON aNDERSON.CD.D.S.,L.D.S.1) honors Graduate of the Toronto Um- reitv and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Outario, Teeth extracted without pale. All modes of Dentietry itp to data. 011ice over Elliot Elliat's law office-eppoeite Central Ho tel -Exeter. e MoLASUCHILIN. MEMBER or ▪ the College of Physicians and Slug eon it Outerio. 0HtSlirgeOrl and A.ceoncle, eur. °Mee, Oashwood, Ont. Legal. irt H. COLLINS, BARRISTER,SOLIOIT- Ah. OR, Conveyencer,Notare Puhlie. Omoo-Over O'Neil's Dank, Exeter,Onterio. Money to Loan. TIICKSoN & CIARLINO, BARRISTERS, Ase Solieltore. Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners. Solicitors for the moisoes Bank, efts Money to loan at 5 unit 51i per cent. Melee Isensoree Mock, Main St., Exeter. 1.4. inenther of the then will be at Ilensall on Thursday of eath week.) 1. R. GMILINfi, B. A. r. 11, Dietome. LLIOT Si 0 LA PM N IlItTeTE RS, Isse Rte., 0°11v'i'e. and Money to 140an. B. V. ELI, urr. P. \V. Dreamiest. Auctioneers _ tertowN,Wimilielsea. Licensed Auets . ieneer tor the (Mantled of Perth and • dieser, also for the township of Isaborne Sales promptly titteudei to an -1 terms rea- e on be,le. Salo* arranged at Post erects, Win- aholsea. - . Insurance. ELLIOT. Insurance Agent, Main St. 00111,011011.1.10..0101.1.10. JctOr p. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Is successfully need monthly by over 10,000 Ladles. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's Conn Root Com- food. Take no other. as all Mixtures, pills and Imitations are dangerous, Price, No, 1, $1 per box, No. g,10 degrees stronger, per box.. No. 1 or 2. mailed on receipt or price and two Ibeent stamps The Cook Coxnphny Windsor, Ont. eFe-Nos. 1 and 2 sold aua recommended by all responsible Druggists in Canada. I and No. 2 soli iii Exeter by C. Lute. Dreggist. FINEST VIRGINIA TOBACCO Instant'y Killed. Brantford, April 27. -Noble Mont- gomery, aged about 77, an old and highly respected citizen was killed this afternoon on the G.T.R. near the Col- borne street station. Deceased had occasion to cross the track at the. tints a yard engine was shunting cars, and the running cars struck him, knocking him down, crushing and killing him instantly. Six Men Rescued From Drowning Blackwell, May 1.-G.T.R. Operator F. W. 1VIcCordick, of this place, brave- ly rescued six fishermen, named A. West, H. West, A. Raradis, L. Eve - land, E. Wilson and W. James, from a perilous position on Lake Huron, half a mile from shore to -day. They were driving poles preparatory to putting in nets, when a violent storm sprang up, taking away their boat ancl leaving them nothing but a small raft, to which they clung to for several hours until rescued as stated. FERRY'S SEEDS werefamous years ago -their fame grows every year -as the seeds most to be rolled on -as always the beet. For sale by leading dealers everywhere. Five cents per paper and always worth it. Insist on having them. Bun no risk -buy Ferry's. 1890 Seed Annual is free. D, M. FERRY & CO.. Wisciser,Ont. ,./;„•-• "Th Do .111 Costs More Than to Do Well." This "wise saw" might properly read, "It costs more to DR ill than to BE welt" The source of all health is tich, strong blood. It is to the body what the mighty streams are to the earth. If the blood is pure, the body thrives; ifthe blood is weak or impoverished, then every putse-beat carries weakness instead of strength. Why make the cost of living more than it need be ? Purify your blood and give your constitution a chance to do its level best. The only perfect blood purifier and vigor -maker in exist- ence is the world -famed Hood's Sarsa- parilla. It brings good, perfect health. It never disappoints. Erysipelas Sores Mer scarlet fever a running sore was lett on my nose. Took Hood's Sarsaparilla and it mired me. My brother was also relieved by Mel erysipelas in Ids face." ELLA Barden, N. B. Bowel Tfetible -4, 'My mother, Mrs. John Ried, suffered with bowel trouble for four years and tried different doctors, but obtained no relief until she began tak- ing Hood's Sarsaparilla. Three bottles of this medicine entirely eared her." Lizzie Ream Tracy Station, N. B. A Good Medicine - We have taken Hood's sarsaparilla in our family as a spring medicine and used Hood's Pills for biliousness and Mend both medicines very effeetive. For impure blood we know Hood's Sarsaparilla Is a good medicine." R. $. PDLTON, ptibil5110r cat, Loss of APpetlte - "1 was in poor bealtbaroubled with dizziness., tired feeling and loss of appetite. I was completely run clown. I took Hood's Sarsaparilla and atter awhile I felt meth better. Hood's Sarsapa- rilla built me up." Lizzie A. RUSSELL, Old Chelsea, near Ottawa, Que. Dyspepsia-" For twelve years I was dyspeptic and brolien in health. had ter- rible pains in my back and was unable to work. 'When I had taken three bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla I recovered zny health. Wrests recommend it." J. B. eisNom .30.1 Stli Street, Oswego, N. Y. liond's Pill. mire, Direr ills; tint riondrntating and *6111Y eltilarti.• to take wide earsaparitie. . _ Nay be Posipanod. Ottawa, April - There is an Intel - esting report in cireulation 1 bat the Government will Ina. press the Redis- tribution Bill this year, Should tbe report prove true, it will matte billy shorten the di trot ton the session. it is said that several alinisters now in. Oho. tt t he 1)0iet I. hat at Red ist ribu- tion Bill passed before the holding of the decennial eensus, whieb is not due until 19(11, would bo constitutionally inoptueitive, tuel (11111 if it were passed it would be (teaselled by the mallets that far greater Iutrm would be done to the Government's ;west isre t ha as if tht mat ter were a 1.- lowterto stand over for a year or two. The report is given for what it is worth, but whether the Government dimities to press its measure or not, t ht. doubt, about tine constitutionality of a redistribution 111PilfillIV pfISSNI this session or next will still remant. 4 .4. For Infants and Children, Teo fre- t:eels Oe reessenche ' over7 g.„ • . Cut Her Throat. .Goderich. April 29.-2Irs. Burrowsat lady about 55 yeera of age, who lives with her husband and filthily in Hep- pe!, near Lake Cis:tries, atteMpted sui- cide by cutting her throat, while de- ranged. She had concealed in her bed a table knife, which, her daughter dis- covered, and attempted to secure. The mother, however, seized the knife, slashed the daughter across the hand, and then . drew it . across her throat, laying bare the windpipe, and just es- eaping the main artery. She may pos.- oihly recover. • Violent storms are reported. froin many sections of the Province, doing more or less damage. Several dwell- ings and barns werefired by lightning. 0-0-00-0.6400-e." WhatSh41I Be Done FOR THE DELICATE GIRL I You have tried iron and other tonics. But she keeps I pale and thin. Her sallow i complexion worries you. Per- • haps she has a little hacking 9 +cough also. Her head aches; 1 ,and she cannot study. Give het SCOWS tilillISIOR 41 ii The oil will feed her wasting I▪ body; the glycerine will soothe• her cough, and the hypophos- 9 phites will give new power and 9 vigor to her nerves and brain. 9 A Never say you " cannot 2 I take cod-liver oil" until you 4 have tried Scott's Emulsion. 1 4 You will be obliged to change 0 Iyour opinion at once. Children + especially become very fond of it; and infants do not know when it is added to their food. 5oc. and $r.00 ; all druggists. 1 A SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto. 4•010110018•Iineseeetile800•644•004504, IRE CAPE -TO CAIR1 RY Sir Michael Hicks -Beach Will Not Guara, aee Rhodes' Plan, CHEERS BY THE P.ADICALS. rennet Annottueement of the China Agreement in the House of Lords and In the Rouse of C0111111,011S— Eord Salisbury Nopes resssia Will Consent to Publication ef Agreement, Isetelen, May the Viintio of Commons yesterday. the Right Hon. Sir Michael Hioks-13each, Chancellor of the Exchequer, announced that the Govern- ment heti failed to come to an agreement with Mr. Cecil Rhodes respecting the proposed gimrentee to the Cape -to -Cairo Railway. The announcement was greeted with cheers by the Radical niembers of the /louse. ANGLO.RUSS. Formal Announcement of the Agreement in the Inilperna. COMIUOUS., London, May 2, -The Marquis 01 Salts - bury, Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Nr. A. J. paiferir, First Lord of the Treasury and Govern- ment leader, anuouneed yesterday in the House of 'sortie and in the House of Qom - mons', respectively, the genera drift Of the Anglo -Russian Agreement regarding the spheres of intluenea of the Govern- ments of Great Britain and Russia in China, as they hero already been mode known. Loro Salisbury said that he hoped RUSSIAwould consent to the pub- lioatien of the text of the agreement when le arrived in a few days. His Lord- ship emphaelzed his anxiety not to ap- pear to attacli exaggerated import:ince to the speollie selpulations of the agreenienls adding: 'But, of course, 1 attach very great importance to the signing, of this agfeelnent, because it is a sign of the good feeling so desirable between the Governments of Russia and England," Ills Lordship further expressed the hope that the good fealties thlts lllzs- tr8te(1 would extend to the peoples of the two natitma. This agrt.enient, he said, Was Talliable as preventing the possibility of a collision between the two Govern- ments in Claim. "and therefore," he said, "it is a guarantee of their future agrco- tient for a ltmg time to come, 1 trust hal it Will lead Li future agreements On other matters." BIG BIRTHDAY PARTY. Hor majesty Wishes livery nesnber of Her Family at Windsor Castle on the llldth May Next. Now York, May. 2. -The London core- spondent of The Journal says that Queen Vietoria bas expressed a desire that all members of her family who .oan tiossibly be in Itiugland Alan attend at Windsor Cestle, May 24, when she celebrates. her SOth birthday. PROP, reuxsoustERs The Author or the Great Wore. "Foie and Matter" Is Dead. Darmstaat, May 2. -Prof. Frederick Karl Christian Ludwig Bucchner, the author of 'home and Matter," is dead. Prof. Buechner was born, March 29, 1.8e4. He took his doctor degree at Giessen in 1848. In the work referred to, which has been translated into most European languages, Dr. Buechner ex- plains the principles of ills system of philosophy, which he contends is in har- mony with. the discoveries of modern. science. Ile insists on the eternity of matter, the immortality of force, the universal simultaneousness of light and life and the infinity of forms of being in time and space. Dr. Buechner further explained his system in other works. ALLEGED CIVIC BOODLING. EXETER MARKETS. Ex-Ald. Hall While tio a Visit to Worouto Nrotia. Iluifialo, Is Arrested Oa an Old. Charge. Toronto, May 2.-Ex-Alel. William Middleton. Hall, who left the city at the time of the boodle investigation, NW placed wider arrest about 1 o'clock yes- terday on four charges as follows: One is that of accepting a bribe of $1,000 from Marshall D. Barr. agent of the Edison General Electrie Company, to vote to establish a trolley system. The second charge is that of conspiring with Edward Hewitt to accept a bribe of $2,000. The other two charges ore of perjury in em-itetion with the investigation. The arrest created considerable excite- ment in the city. It was made on a war- rant sworn to by Vergt. Reburn in 1894, and was exeeuted. by Detective Cuddy. Hall, who was in Toronto to boom a mining scheme, was much surprised at the revival of the old warrant, and was later in the day hailed out in $2,000 for Appearance this morning. CHANOEs, • Sir Wm. Fan Karim to Become Chairmaa of the Executive noard. Ottawa, May 2. -It was learned last night that certain leading changes are contemplated in the executive of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company and that they ere liable iv -Mho place pretty soon after Sir William Van liorno's re- turn from enlitornio. These eltanges aro es follows: Sir William C. Van Horne, chairman of the board of directors. Thanuie 0. Shaughnessy, president. R. R. Angus, vice-president. MeNicoll, assiNtant general manager. These changes will, of course, necessi- tate others of o leis important nature, and, 415 it 1)85 been deelded that the now vicepresident will not be actively en- gaged, as biL ROW cnie, in the running of the road, it is quite likely that the last named gentleman will be second in command. Pm -Pound Rails for the c.r.n. Montreal, May 2. - The Canadian Pacific Railway Comixitty has decided upon a most important (tango in con- struction, which may have far -meshing effects In tho future maintenance of their system. They have ordered for immediate use 59 milts of 100 -pound utile, to be laid on a portion of their lino between Monte real and Ottawa, anti on the Main line from 31tantreal Junction !southerly over the St. 1.11WrelICP bridge. The Snell Inqueen Parry Sound, Ont., Alay %-An in- quest is now being held by Coroner Stoner on the body of " Thomas Snell of Broekville, who NM 8111,1110Sed to have dropped off the =tinier bridge Net Nov- ember The postsmortein examination mule by Drs, "Welton and Alapaha indi- cates that the man was not drowned, but that death was caused • by a blow on the side of the head, inflicted by a 'Muted Instrument, as a hole is found over the right ear, penetreting to the baso of the brain. It might have been inflicted with a piece of wood with a nail driven through It. The inquest was adjourned yesterday aftern000 for other evidence, Provincial Appolittnients. ,• Toronto, May e. -The Ontario Govern- , ment bas made the following appoint- • ments: W. 11. McCrea, to be clerk of the lifth Division Court of Leeds and Gren- ville, vivo Whitmarsh; James Yates, to be clerk of the First Division Court of Huron, rico C. Seeger; Cornelius Mur- phy, to bo barna of the First Division Court of Lincoln; John H. Foto, to bo bailiff of the Fifth Division Court of Haidimand, and J. Wesley Maras:tar, to bo bailiff of the Seventh Division Court of Norfolk. 11g )oad2VICother in as sierra]. Kingston, Ont., May 2. -The dead body of a woman packed in a barrel arrived by the steamer Dore yesterday afternoon, addressed to Kingston. Accom- panying the body was a constable 111111 the son of the deceasea. It proved that the body bad been stolen from at grave- yard; and shipped from Adolphustown. The body was that of the late Mary .Tane Young, buried at Silleville on Sunday. The grave was opened and the body stolen. A Bicycle Funeral. London, May 2.-A. bicycle funeral took place in Folkestone yesterday. The undertaker carried tho coffin, containing the body of a baby, strapped to the handlebars of his wheel. The mourners followed on bicycles. Snowstorm on May Day. London, May 2. -There was a heavy snowstorm yesterday morning in Perth- shire, Scotland. The unseasonable weather resulted in the killing of great numbers of sheep and. lambs. Spanish Government Upheld. Madrid, May 2. -The latest returns from the Senatorial elections show a Gov- ernment majority of 40 over the combined opposition parties. DEADMAN'S ISLAND CAPTURED. Officers of the B. C. Government Have Taken Possession of It. Vancouver, B.C., May 2. ,Deadman's Island taken possession of by the Provin- cial Governinent is the latest sensation in connection with that much -talked -of affair. Timber Inspector R. T. Skinner yesterday afternoon took charge of the island in obedience to a telegram from Hon. F. C. Cotton, chief coinmissioner of lands and works. He bad a special oon- stable sworn in, and together they form- ally took possession, for the Governinent of the province, of the island that IS claimed by the city, as well as the Dom- inion, and also by Mr. Ludgate. The guard was placed in charge at the end,of the bridge, and has orders not to allow any trespassing, and to retain possession of all the timber on the island. Tho guard carries a notices on his person to this effect and will strictly enforce its provisions. All Right Financially. Buffalo, May 2. -The International Association of Machinists of the United States and Canada convened in this city yesterday. There are over 150 delegates at the convention. Thep represent 40,000 machinists, the members of about 400 local branches in all parts of the United States, Canada and Mexico. The associa- tion is in a flourishing condition, having $13,000 in its treasury. McKinley to Dewey. New York, 1Slay 2. -While at the navy Lost an Eye at Belleville. Never Too Late to Mend. Hamilton, May 2. -After living no less than 107 years. Mrs. Goodman of Went. worth street has decided that to be entirely happy she must join the Method- ist Church. Accordingly, at the reception • to bo held next Sunday morning at Wes- ley Church, she will bo welcomed as a member by the pastor, Rev. W. F. Wil- son. Mrs. Gobaman is believed to be the oldest woman in Canada, and perhaps on the continent. She has resided in Hamil- ton for 88 years, Thunderstorm and Loss. Timberland, Ont., May 2.-A terrific thunderstorm passed over this vicinity yesterdayafternoon. It was accompanied by a high wind, width levelled many fences in the country. The barns of Mr. Loftus Shier, • three miles west of here, were struck by lightning, and quickly burned to the ground, together with 35 pigs, two calves, grain, hay and imple- ments. The loss will bo in the neighoor- hood of fis,soo; insurance about $1,200. Captain Rockefeller Missing. Washington, May 2. -General Otis re- ports from Manila that Cant. Rockefeller of the Ninth Infantry has been missing since April 28. On that day he was on the line, commanding a battalion near Cal000an. He visited the outposts at 9.30 at night and has not been seen since. It is believed that he lost his bearings and was captured by the rebels. South Ontario Election Protest. Toronto, May 2. -In connection with the South Ontario election protest, which is to bo tried at Whitby on the 25th inst., Justice Osler yesterday granted to Mr. W. D. McPherson an order for a commis- sion to issue to England to take the evi- dence of W. T. R. Preston. C.P.R. Pays R2,500. Toronto, May 2,. -The Canadian Pacific Railway Company has settled the claim of the widow of Benjninin French, who was killed in a rear -end collision in Brit- ish Columiba. The sum of $2,500 will be paid to Mrs. French, who is now in To- ronto, yard President McKinley sent a cable- gram to Admiral Dewey congratulating him on the first anniversary of his groat victory. Belleville,.Ont., May 2. --William Rut - tan lost an eye by a blast yesterday morning. His nose was also broken. (Ohetigest every Wed uearl ay ) Wheat per bushel , . all to ea Flour per cwt 1 8f) to SAD Orley 35 to 45 Vats 911 to ;41 Peas 60 to lif) Corn 4a to 48 Butter 11 to 11 Eggs Potatoes per bag 10 ,.. 00 to 00 Say per ten. 46v ta 3,145 Dried Apples per I) 6 7 Ducks Gose Chicken Turkey ill PM? In the Back? Then probably the kidneys. in the Chest? Then probably the lunge. In the Joints? Then probably rheumatism. No Matter where it is, nor what laud; you need have it no longer. It may be an hour, a day, or a year old; it must yield to r• Allers Cherry eciorai raster 'Immediately after applying it you feel its soothing, warming, strength- ening power. It quieta congestion; draws out inflammation, it is a new plaster. A new combination of now remedies. Made after new methods. Entirely unlike any other plaster. The Triumph of Modem Medical Science. The Perfected Product of years V Patient Toil. Placed over the chest it is a powerful aid to Ayees Cherry Pec- toral in the treatment of all throat and lung affections. Placed over the stomach, it stops nausea and vomiting; over the bowels, it controls cramps and eolic, Placed over the small of the back, it removes all congestion from the kidneys anti greatly strengthens Weakness. For sale by all Draggists. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Maas. 5 1) ThrowI1 out of a Wagon. Owen Sound, May 2.- -Robert Craw- • ford, a farmer /mu. Annan, 11118 f01111(1 della on the roadside three miles east of the town last night. 1{e evidently had lwen thrown out of his wagon by his horses running UMWwith fatal results. He leaves a wife and family. Peculiar Fatal Accident, St. Thourae, April 27, (eo. Crane, •of Dutton, met With a peculiar 41(14 - tient last evening, which resulted in his death at midnight. Crane was • sisting in sawing and piling Wood, when a piece thrown by a 1112199 named ('hapmau struck him on the head ren- dering him unconscious. 1.3verything possible was done to relieve the injur- ed man but without effect. K-MtMei:MICAPS..vp A Book for Young and Old. ou vgc,.UIRE f4tig mon firshious WA IBM L';:'1' BLOOD OM' Batt liet CI) t 6 $ • wifitPr0oirerbs but don't think you can patch clothes to look like new. Thert again it would not pay you when -von can buy clothing at the prices we sell. BARGAINS Pants n ado to order, all$2.00 wool heavy tweeds Suits Overcoats "9 Black Wonted suits a spec- ial,S,00 Our rice other at f0e.812.e b a c3ks beatoe all 800 f PATRONIZE US 4ii * People patronize us because they realize that we always sell clothing that is strictly up-to-date.. J.t1. GRIEVE Opposite Post Offiee THE IRAL STORE.. LUTZ'S POULTRY POWDER. • • 1 and using Lutz's Powder. and }lave no hesitation in hinting that it is a most exeellent powder for poultry. It certainly inerenses th egg suite's., and promotes th,.vigor and health of the poultry, i would strongly recommend poult ry raisers to give it at `Now. ain using Hnglish titnek Feod, nunfitet iiroa by Litt z, anti find that it improves condition of 911 ik'li COWS, DM! the flow of milk. 1 would recommend stock raisers to give it it lt lel." W. If. 1 hs einem. 1 O. LUTZ. <=tieusEssamazwammam,„„m„,,, allkatticAralls aitlx ai3r1 Al IT PAYS To read the big stores' ad- vertisenient 41, STOP! THINK ! 250,00o f; DiSEASEDr? Erem cliRET3 ..AffirMit*$ OP. a50 000 cum YOUNG Fd1111. •.,,azt•liminsiantniiert when ignorant of the terrible crime You were committing. Did you only consider the fascinating allurements of this evil habit? When too late to avoid tho ter- rible results, were your eyes opoued to your peril? - Did yen later ou in man- hood centroctany orBLOOD disease? Were you cured? Do younow and then see some alarming symptoms? Dare you marry in, E EA. your _present con- dition ? Youm know, 'LIKTUER, LIMO SON." Ifmarried fia'a you con- stantly living in dread? Is marriage a. failure Withyou on account of any weak- ness caused by early abuse or later ex- cesses? Have you been drugged with mercury? This bookletwill pointout to you the results of these crimes Mid point out bow our NEW 111E1110D TREAT- MENT will positively euro you. It shows how thoustun d have been saved by our NEW TREATMENT. It proves bow we can GUARANTEE TO CURE ANY CURABLE CASE OR NO PAY. We treat and oure—EMI$SIONS. VARRIOCELE, SY.PHILIS. Gum, STRICTURE, IMPOTENCY, SE- CRET DRAINSUNNATURAL DIS- CHARGES, ISIDIrE1( and' BLADDER diseases. CURES GUARANTEED "The Wages of Sin" sent free by enclosing 2o statue. CONSULTATION FREIE. If unable to cill, write for QUESTION BLANK for HOME TREATMENT. Esert. KENIIEDYA KERGAN Cor. Michigan Ave. and Shelby Ste DETROIT, MICH. 55 K 5 e.'• 1-1•1-1'ss,"•1,1.11.Ss:1,-Ssette" "" 41e1SeS,'171111SsiesesetiesseesesereitetteisitiSteseleeSeeSeseetieete1,71sS1- 4 4 4PS Furniture, Undertaking, For whose good are we in the furniture business? For yotirs and ours. If we are not useful to you we cannot be use- ful to ourselves. We have got to carry the goods you want at the prices you want or We can- not make a success of our busi- ness.. But we have been doing business right along fox' years, which proves that we are the right kind of people with the right prices. Come and see for yourself .... S. GIDLEY & SON. 1 1 1 OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. Irassenessets-eur elerelirstRsernessise-Mis"lk EXETER FOUNDRY J. MURRAY.... Manufacturer and dealer inFlows, Gang Plows, Land Rollers, Root Cutters, Straw Cutters, Saws, Belting, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, and Babbett Metal. FOR SALE. White Engine and Steam Thresher complete, and Clover Mill, Straw Cutter and Grinder, for $1250. See our Truck and Scale combined, weighs 800 lbs. Price $18.00. J MURRAY. Before- After' Wood's Phosphodins, The Great English Renudy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Ea packages guaranteed to mire all lo ms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive ueaof.To- haw°, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package 61, six, 45. One wilt piease, 559 19:11 cure. Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood company, Windsor, Ont. tr,IT Woo it,s Phosphodie is sold in Exeter by C. Lutz, druggist.