Exeter Advocate, 1899-5-4, Page 1THIRTEENTH YEAR COQ. EXETER, ONTARIO,. THURSDAY,. MAY 4, 1899. IL SANDERS, EDITOR. H. BISHOP SON inWeek of our Newto Grand Opening Store has t14'etl t10 r4co rzu• eel event o the HE p g� 1 �, � 1 t f town of Exeter; exceptionally anticipated, and keenly enjoyed by all who visited this store daring the past week, PILES OF NK%V GOODS just arrived this Freer, direct from the manufacturers, and many any lines among this last lot bought at 2 per cent. less tl��1>! wholesale prices. , - . 1n 0t. to share these big bargains, we have decided to place at number of Big Specials for the following days, as' 1. • ee , - If you cannot ronxe every dal comets often'ae you can. Goods shown with p realm's*.:.. .h(Kn1 1c 11. , 3 y P Thursday's S c 'als. 2i poets of Batt L large and long L+1ce Curtains,. Regular $2,30; 1:L1 $1. e0. 03 in. 3 quarter bleached, 41 lia etl )( ling 1e t � .0414 23e. • 2.10 r s;c - ladies fast ialacic cotton Hose.- Ret 4l11Lr 10c.; e+pevia415ee, as pair, 36 k blae ladies • Sailor Hats; newest 1 ,tyles, Regular $1.t)0; special at 2.'h. Big lot of Silks for waists; regalal 7.14. to $1.00, for 40e. $1.23 goods, 70e. ,i1N) I«LdtLs ('ottolt \=ast:;,r0g1111tr lOc goods for ate.; regular "2Oe.goods 100l0( Monday's Specials. White Embroideries, reg. 20e, for 1M ., 15e, '• y;t, e: 1(k'. ^ 30 cornE 1:1,1111-.0010b, F'd Specials. r� ar1 � � e via ls, P ' 4 lac lot n Dress Goods; 4 It1aL 1 l:hl I t f l a r, .Tic •[ • 414. [ u all°art 4 »a31., on I1 l , 111;i'Oe. a " Lee : attiit (,'lotus, ('01()re(1 i .. rill e I al E. l 1 , It all latest l 14 g Extra. large 1izee White ('-o4+het guilts; regular $1,50 goods, 1peeial epee See our (vials in Ladies' Hawk P 1 t Cotton hose for this day; 3e., 10c., aunt 121e. a pair. 3;p04 ials in Table Linens: 23e., worth 35e.; 33c,, worth 50e.; 50a,, lent tit lir. .; pieces plaid Gingham and Flan- uelettes at ,e., regular 7e. to Se. a yd. Special prices in White and Grey Cottons, Special big cuts in J. P. living shoe( for this Special Day's Bargains. :TO sample piet•es Va4lcnetnenes Lace:; regular We. goods for 10e; ltx•. for f)('•; Tuesday's Specials. Isle. go ,o I s for (c.; Se. for 5c.; :>C. fora', .k 200 pairs Ladies Cotton Fast Bine% Hose at see. pair; these goods are 11 ox thLadies Sill; 3Iits, j rogular ;Tae. Pair= roes a pair, Grey Ile Cabe mixed hose, i Tues(la3• speeial at . '.`'e. 2 for '230. 4 pairs men's seamless cot -1 All the vor1� latest zaovelties o ton sox for '234. Men's white shirts, 4 Ladies' .Shirt Waists; reg. 2:, , for for g c,2;c,, $1,00 goods for 30c.; ;11111•arr ' nt((1 pure New White Pique 1•.'..60,, reg. . tie. linen fronts, renzforcedbaakand.fronts �, , 1 • s, a( double hinds. Special Bar- ,. 1e n Dress Goods; new Silks, big :1.1 d( 1t le l ,lnd, . l c(la>; Big I al . 4t41ck aunt arrived. We will be please(: g.nns, in !Attlee' Comets, Gloves s aand I to have every lady inspect the finest Hosiery, for this day. 4 and 114081 lxeatttiful stock ever import- -. . - ° ed to Exeter. Ladies' summer vests, reg. 10c, for 55e. 1.411110s' Cashmere hose, regular 83e., Display, Saturday eve, in Uow -.5e•. Men's Imre Wool Cashmere hose.. Dress Goods, Silks, Lace t sial ii501 c a 1f Plaid Silk Ribbon at ae.. a regular rats•. *4iu & 30 other s e ,• and Tapestry Curtains. 1, r 1, 1 pt (loll. � ,� � fele thus 1341, 11u1•};aLizi Daly, Don't forget our Big Saturday's Specials. 25 PAIRS : \Cashmere� So i'(.1i14 for . . 'dell's Natural Wool Half hose, ;,0c, line for 25o. Men's 11 11 v (tnot1 1 ( Overalls, ' lolls t , r;:•rglar 73te llit10: s eeiit11111(4- 30(, 3 's l'1100(1 P.iN'1:N. $1.73 a4 air, Nadal •ler► -. + l:i a air. P t+.l.. P � lames se Boa I1.te; .regular „1.1. hats for :e '' hats � 1 .; Cly.. #ileac, :ata(• a'aeh; • Ladies (':l,l4ule're Ifo e; ret;lllar 35e. a pair; slweial a pair. \\'e handle the celebrated J, D. King stick of Boot, & Shoes, and our stock consists of the very latest up-tO•clate styles. Prices, the lowest;quality. the best. Every flair is warranted. Wednesday's Specials. ecials. Plaid Ribbons at 5e.,. regular 10c. goods. 1000 yds. Fancy Amerieain print at O.e. yd., regular 10c, goods. 200 yds. Olney, plain and dwelt ging- ham; regular Se. and 10e. goods, all :)e. Extra wide Lawn 10e., regular 1110. Special Big Bargains in White Em- brouleries and Laces for this big day. See our big window full of goods -- fresh. dean and up-to-date goods -IVO haat.(' tht'n . Big rraltleti(ins in Shure and Ready- made (.'lathing for this day's ::ale. 0 _0 More New Goods Each Week, Yes, and more to come. Piles of Lace Curtains, Art Muslins, New Dress Goods, New Silks, White Muslins, Prints, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, New Groceries, Glassware, Crockery, Grain Bags, and all wants for the needy. Butter and Eggs taken in Exchange. Remember—The Stand Opposite the Commercial Hotel. B13J10P & ON, ...EXETER. This Store Closes at 6:30 p.m., except Wednesday and Saturday. MA'ON.EY TO LOAN. y We have unlimited private funds for in- vestment upon farm or yillage property, at lowest rates of interest. DICKSON & CARLING, Barristers, etc., Exeter. FARMS P®E. SALE, MONEX TO LOAN': The undersigned has'a few good farms for salecheap. Money to loan on easy terms .JOHN Si'ACICMAN, Samwell's B1ook%Escter MONEY TO LOAN. Money to loan at from 1'V to 5 per cent. ELLIOT & GLADMAN, Barristers, Solicitors, etc., Main St., Exeter. TIMBER WANTED Highest Cash Price paid for Black Ash, White Ash, Red and White Oak, Hard and Soft Maple, Hemlock, Soft and Rock Ellie. Either stumpage or delivered in yard. For further particulars apply to GUS. WAGNER, Manager for the S. I. Co. Exeter. There is Such a Thing as wearing glasses .when you should not and not wearing them when y ou • should... . i s a M i eta ke to'do either, We only srescribep glasses when they will be of use to the wearer. A large 'proportion of the cases of painful eyesight are due to the use of unsuitable or improperly fitted glasses. In consulting out optician you incur no expense and run no risk... . p T. FITTOjY'S JESAtELtEEYY STORE. Mornings preferred for testing. House 1=14r Rent. . House for rent on Huron street. Ap- ply to Mrs. James Down. ljibbert D. .HAY, Farquhar, Commissioner and Conveyancer, I4.toney to loan at lowest rates of interest. BRO14Ei- AIa txs:-Mrs. John Dunlop, near Cromarty, had both her arms broken by falling down the cellar stair. As she is becoming old her recovery is somewhat doubtful. DISPOSED: -Mr. Wm. Hoogarth, of the 10th concession, disposed of his 50 acre farm to Mr, Thos. Leeming for the sum of $2800. Mr. Leeming will now haves nice farm of 100 acres. 1 -le intends commencing fanning again after har vest. Hensall Mrs. Humeston and family have moved into their residence on the Lon- don road, and Mr. McMartin is occupy- ing the residence recently vacated by them. -Mr. Wen. Penga,lly lies very sick with pleurisy. His case is not very hopeful. -Messrs. Gordan Manns and Alen. Taylor 1 or bp e nt TuesdayL with friends in Exeter. -The junior Leag- uers gave a free entertainment in the body of the church Monday evening. It was to commemorate' the end of their mission collecting for the year; also to show a public appreciation of the aid afforded them by the public.- Mr. Harold Wacker, formerly of this place, is visiting friends in town. Wienne NG. --=A very pretty and ro- mantic wedcling took place on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Small- eombe, when her daughter, Miss Rose was united in wedlock to Mr. George Walker, formerly of this place. Rev. W. E. Kerr officiated and after receiv ing greetings from many of their t3:en- se l friends the happy couple took the evening train for London and otl'ier places. We wish ,thein; a delight[411 trip and, a successful future. ir. are _ T Iasi ood Centralia SoIie40!.I1Fr'oRt',--The•A,rilmonth-' Rev, A. \\'. Sauer has retU!n4'(1(rout The O1:1nrg,enun of this vicinity have ly report for S.S. No. 2, is as follows. t Tavistock, where he hoe been attend- dis,-posed of their hall to ;t„ Mr, Oliver, names are in order of merit: I\' -H. •. ing the annual conference of the Evan- who intends starting loin; a store and 1'. Johnston, Blanche Ballentine_ Go. gelical, Among the ntaay transfers t hotelier '_11o[J lhexu'. We weleoti,e him Hagley; 4r `, 11I\. ('arra '1iu n, Willie - that took }1.lace in. that, hotly, Rey. to mar raaiclst'-Mr. Soma. L iters, • who O'Brien, , L u ila .Munn; Jr. III (A) --J. i Sauer is still pastor of the Dashwood has for many years been a resident Of li 1lfunn, II, F, Northcott. Daisy DO- ! church, where he is well received, this place, left on Saturday last for ling; Jr. III (131-A., Johnston, :Mowat °) Bishop Esher: preached to a large ;411(1- r Exeter, where he will make his future Ballantine, M.1)ougaIl; II --Ethel Har-, tepee on Sunday afternoon. ••- Mr. f home. Mr. \\'aa►. Parsons has a3S:a Vey. Mary Johnston, Albert Carrol; l John Haug, of the 14th concession, S moved to Exeter, having purchased Part 11 --Edgar Munn, W. Coleman,:met with an occident while returning„,3h. W. H. 1.( v(•t,t's produce beielnese. Roy Todd, Part I--\'4'. :�oL'tircott, T, from church Snnelay morning- The --Theold rILeese factory is now un - Bit il antro(, Chester Harvey; The best horse, being young, tout; fright, and, i. dcrgoing r`epaurs..14rIpara4tory to con- spellere in the monthly spelling match-. in running, threw air. Haug out, in vesture it into a, creamery. It is ex - es were-- -- I V --.t. Dougall; Sr. 11I--(.'. outing hind so badly that it hail neees- wetterthe work, will be completed be - Munn; jr. Ili (-\)-1). Dining; Jr. III ; s.nry to c 1 2tall physician. We hope Jfore the tla of 31ay, and tbeereannery .a.1)-31.1)oe►gaell: 11-31. Johnston; II ` to soon hear of Minn being around' in fall running order ley that date. Mr. Parts -\V. t olenman; l :'art -•T, Batten- again, as this is a ime:y :season forItem,- Calf Los has been engaged es farmers.-31r.tinfarmers.-31r.Dan. Hardier► seems to 1 assistant buttered deer. --The thinners be 4• bicycle king” in our burg this -around here are basil;; engaged at the year, as lie is (optionally disposing d seeding, and are J Lshin g it right of wheels -sometimes three or four in 1 through, owing to the late season. -- one day. Dan has a gIwd select lour of i Owila"r to being. overworked, one (:t wheels, and first-class rep=Lit•_ sirup, 31r,. Woo It, se4.-. 11411•se,. had to b(* so that anything 11/041011 in this linea given a arse, 31x; 11. Lnln.ly prepare! can la t uli Op 1 : It 1 1 1 1 1 1 a 11 I,.1 t 3 11 N #t1i� a(1't s Est „�le►atncl fur steed tt1 v114, St r �. Goetz,o I0 1,,(l 4 u t• Sunday Ly �1 , . f I 1 1 It el 1. Ith 41 11 ( 1 l ¢1 ` �SG¢\ her 1) tit ut a 11010. ) t till nlu1, '- ttndaL� k $ ndS l L+ bee l(fl)rl u 41 lien. l-Til1 1evelnitg.! -.. goosl ao1C4' 4114 (4144• ,t,t Onl' _i; {yu1('t .1 ' u a1 Ltl•C(• ria it• • °it•r•i p hit l;L r a r Lly e1 Oat' n has Jost- to light, t heldIl here on :undty and MoleTa,I guess we had lit't ter he Estill. ---\•an, the were well attended. '!'hose of Sunday o ,,- - r linter, I t 1 l again tl 's tis 4 u.. ,, nt ,z in 7 xl a .e+ req le@ ,• .'{ 1»' were 141(1 1 t (1 1 � ( 3 E . Rev. Baird, l r, E. i ,41 has LLi Tla �I .�. 1' n l l a tile Ira BPHIL u " •E•• ea two �•0 • t 4n(l l' 14T is 11 preached 1 t1 ( a butchering inislrL(�ss of 31r. Will Pfitri'. , alible interesting ► e c tee and well iiiec 1 'etrnon►: t4► lar,'$( t l,ltlxlf•g:ttUU4.s. (.):11 Monday 1•,•v, hobby, of London, do. 1 liveredl his. v4•ry 0ntert:tilting olid :i.- str�tetiv(• lemur(, 1vhith was very • Ynuelt enjoyed. The e.teeative cow - /100w . - ' 3 e - ri (. a t / utt t! 1 L e a. f 1 I.( 1 tat til • ( 1 .. g 1' R cleaningE q, 1t a:l II u (+ and .Lung rpets , a;t1n;L a art 3londaLy rl�eliinfi, and ar - r the (►rder of the day. -Our' cream- ran a4rt' %Mee funning in full blast. Thin- ranged the 1'.'' ,-''.1 for the COI (1lt„ ry ise , t•.• esus have been put o!t the t4 ('n wag"- ote understand there alit' Zurich1a'011(1eanel 1•�.,. The amount. of milk ' more to follow. trebled. to that of last - The litany friends. of ::Mrs. Frank hoes nearly been 0... en 14)11(1(1114)14 anti. Rockaln :, will regret to hear of beg 3 car -ehe Roy waste a 1 ('1.- lke oaks death, which sad event (40L)10041 on nt ss Thursday . -Mr. Ie:(;, eO Nk»•'-S.Lv Friday last. The. funeral took place ea London \\ ednes(laay �a {a, sou to on Monday morning, and in spite of boys! What: takes 541 many e,, y. must the Busy. season, there- were a large Sunshine Sunday nights? Ther, neon number in al:ttendlance.---T11C baseball boys turned out in full force last night for the flrst.praetiee of the season, 31r. Ragan having obtained the lease of the fair grounds for the sea eon. -Mr. Peter Lamont returned from Toronto Tuesday* morning where 11e had taken a.. carload of cattle. -St. Joseph i5 booming again and this year a great change is to be made in the appear-. once of Its site. The largo bunldin started last fall is to be finished an tlunlrr0aLs otherbc4ildings are going up. 3Messrs* (,ontine and Campbell are very busy preparing for their work. Greenway Rev. 31r. Salton, of Centralia. ex' changed pulpits with iter. J. Baird last last Sieblr,Lt11.---Tile gual•terly nteetiooe and ar lit l service Grand 1 e1Ll.uit will h4' held 111 Boston Metria dist crhuleh next Sabbath, at 1030,1111. -Wilson & Gernlettt'suceceded iII get. ting gnod rock water on the 3Melliti farm for \\•, I Wilson. They have (1 •e4 n 4 0 ( ( ( a � t J. ear rtnik moved 11 rt lit and ll I41 down tIvci 11ellsfor liitn.-Mr.Geo. c 1144401 405one to Detroit to.viss-lt Iter daughters. -Miss Alice 1'e:Lrt, of I'.nrlcllill , eeet last Sabbath with her .t4 (e Yiil, 314.• ;".,,lite Wils(nn.^'-a"Ir. John s '4.Va) d ..'n, iii' Llleatl, 11as ;hea•(e 3toh1*' „lP Ings r. . day + for 4 large (,(o i , load i f 1144 a1,4 last Monday.- NOW is a good tilze plane tie eta. Every p(reoll owing I,1,.• should plant a few shade and arm - Mental trees twit Veal'. We don't t kaon' what :lir. Pfaff is going to (141. but We horse he will re- main in towil. Winchelsea year. SCHOOL, REPORT.- Til(' following 'is the report of the lddle'school for the month of April. NaNmes me. inorder of merit, Senior Department:- -V ('edric Birks, Leut:1 li:Lvnhanl, Mel- ville 3litehell, Ida Windsor, Wesley Luker, .'llilert Cants. Sr. IV ----Polly Windsor, Molina 111I)ltalsle, Alla Bickel .Annie Boole, Katie Elliott. Jr. IV. he' some attract -Imo -A aun ,i ,-. rllvinlL Wilson, Edith Bout. i'lgi(t Elliott, who is engaged with 3 r. T1 c'- 'deer, l'oi'v3• Windsor. li;l i(e Iice�� 'owale l . . ''* •n, Jennie Iia► ith, Earl 3litcheit. Coward, while ruling a wheel ou :inn t,"fi day night collided with 44, buggy going :''" ^ 11--1 b'uee ,llitebe'll, Geo, Hepburn the e o) osite direction and received "'x:1„•. Walker, Eddie (111fes, Ruler Pearl >,. averag(' attendance t 3, name° ezrrlees n black a ye.-ll31r. Robtal�\ h. Iiia', 'd�.hi• Junior Department -3z burn of Harrison,ormerl • o -a, nn x 41114 .,,,, rip .ani. F. ('ottriil, C • Pah.- hall, visited relative e and x of a tri t I1T`- 311. B. . a, 11. 31otr. Sr. I1: - p . 1'i n l repent 1 hall, 3M. (8llfe ` ! t Wilson, a aHarding lnt,snmrts 011, Oe now -Friday - Hector Mitchell, t• err, Warrenel 111441.. Arbor day. 1F11trhell, Alvin a I3 L1. 7itlt, I. li xn(lfenvl SerMo . REPORT. -The following 1 + ; Till, e•(t. 1 , ,,.'' l Ial;;., ld. .Tr lily, the report of the standingof the I l . Haei .H414 E.'W in4.- pils of l S.S. No. 6, 1 1411rn0, for xe e':Ii1 \ \\ ilsaz!t (', pbu .1 .w. Esser.. month of April.'•-\'�'Etheel Godbolt, 91,1,.3Tetlo ,ihe7rdluan, e 'au't 11 Leslie Robinson, Sr, IV --Linda Hein ^t. C otlrill, \ .. Siaea4rticllcn. .®.T. mu. McGillivray, ter, Dora 1)elridge, 'I'orial 3fiileo' Jr. _ Enos \\ lntlnar. Murray Elliot t, »_,• :nit r: .. .44Ol. i -•4 elle f4elloe/-i,)=; Is' 15 .....0 rti, Millie; Ida 1)eIbrid e. Jen- z1, 49.;IlilItttia4 (,alltaas. (.1 i,l w > 124a7`..*'1'?' 't t, C'. \\ il,(414. 3I.1:1114:1::. 1W, 1101 in:. S. llatenan, W. Tt,n11iz1. Part I,---1". 3litebel), F. Frier, S. Met'ov, C. Graf- ton, 1,. 31aht'znan. .average attendance 32; atggreeate 105. \F B. Ittoiniaw'lTeacher:', 31.1.1vaxs, 1 a tame et report of S. S. \o.:1, for the mutt ll of April. Sr. IV -Rafe Congh- lin, Pearl\\neon, ('lover Short, tiara ('oughlin.Jr. 1V--'4\'illi( Lewis, Thos. Lightfoot, Lilly Lightfood, Josephine ('oimghlin, May McGrory, Edward Faultier, Georgeda Scott, ('ora Short, Joe Doyle. I11-• Ii,oseilat Lightfoot;Leo (`oughlin,.Sam Seott, Mss y Hoffmann, Olive Short, IIatrry ;caves. Sr. TI-•- Pearl Short, Nellie I1'wis; Jennet Ma- guire. Jr, IraeOladvs Short, Erwin Scott, Part:II--wArnold Coughlin, Lot- tie Welsh, Al1Ie Wilson. Sr. Part I• -- Raymond Coughlin, Mabel Lightfoot, Adeline Hoffmann, Adrin Coughlin, Biddle Part I -Francis Glavin, Clara Lewis, Erin • Scott, Edward Jones, Chester :Morley. Jr. Pt. I. -Genevieve Glavin, Eliza Hodgins, Willie .3Iaguir Fred Lewis. No. on roll 43, averag attendance 34. J. H. LANE, Teacher: Stephen irie Nail. Sr. III .-Liwv (`1414(14, Char- lie (1o(iholt, Bert Fh'telhor. Jr. III - Eriwst Rowelilre, Oliver Jewitt, ('eeil Comm, Sr. II -Ella Beroybill, Nelson Coultis, Flossie Francis; .Tr. II -Willie Jowitt, Victor Sawyer; Sr. Part 11==.._ Ivy Pullyblauk, Clarence Fletcher, Luella Bayes; Jr. Part 1Im-Rattle Hun- ter, Clarence 3liners..Tohn Kellett; Sr. Part I•• -Addie Johns, Nettie Campbell, 1Vollington Skinner. PETER GARRDINER 1 Tctt('114=rs. P. HALLS i r�`p Cred▪ i▪ ton Px4145fai11'la ionrtSierlx.--slaving Jest Com r1efed a course at the Canada Optical Insti- tc, I as now revered to Fit Spectacles t,o•.ugh Scientific principles. Per- dinl; pectneles are especially re- d give us a call. Eyes tested free.. G. H. Z1yrcKRR, Jeweller & Optician. • Reitz M.P., of Ottawa, spent -. , ay with his finnily here hiss of Stratford, is visiting her sister 31 a ''Charles Treitz. -Mr. Geo. Salter Seiio©L REPORT. -Following is the and Miss Polly Welsh, of Exeter, spent correct report for S. S. No 4, Stephen, Sunday with friends here. -The brick for the month of April. -Jr. Pt. I-- and tile manufacturers began their Idella Schwartz, Lucilla Schwarz seasons work on May 1st.--1Mr. Chas. Gladys Nestle. Sr. Pt. I-Elde Wein, Roeszler has bought the dwelling of Leo Hartman, Edwin Wein, Albert Mr. Carl Drier, who intends moving IIastman, Merner Either. Pt. II.- to North Dakota in 'a few weeks. - Nora Brown, Cox"a Clark, Idella Smith, Miss Cassie Fraser, of Seaforth, spent Della Nestle, August Hartman, Aron Thursday and Friday with friends in Nein, Wilber Mario*. Jr. II. -Elgin and around Crediton. -Miss Brew, Amy, Willie Roeszler, Willie Smith, of London, is the guest of Mrs. Robert Wesley Wein, Annie Hartman, Cecil E. Walker. -Mrs. (Dr.) Rivers has re - Rowe. Sr. H. -Jacob Hartman, Al- turned home after visiting friends in bert Whitaker. 'Jr. III --Mabel Clark, Brussels, Wingham and Clinton. -31r. Almina Yaeger, Oliva Hartman, Cook, of Hensall, agent for the Racy - Tommy Roeszler, Ezra Wein, Herbert cle Bicycle was in the village Monday. Morlock, Nora Hartman. Sr. III- -Rev. lir. and Mrs. George Brown, Arthur Amy, Freeman Morlock, Wil- of Carrick, were the guests of Mr. and her J. Rowe, Chester Row, Albert Mrs. Charles Brown last week. -The Wein, Pearl Kestle, FredAlny, Garnet Ladies Aid intend giving a lecture Amy.. Jr. IV Russell Bastard. Sr. and entertainment in the Town Hall IV -Clara Martine, Mary Roeszler. next Wednesday and Thursday. Bills No. on register 44 -Average attend- will be seen around the village.-Bis- ance 39. hop J. J. Esher, of Chicago, preached. J. H. HoLItEs, Teacher. in the German Church to a large congregation Sunday evening, while Rev. Christian Brown, of Pittsburg preached in the morning. -Mr. Mich Miss Louisa Hackney, who has been ail Nlumpp has built a wire fence in ill with an ailment of the ktiee for over front of his residence which adds hneat- a year, is now confined to her bed a ly to its appearance. -A very pretty good deal of the time. Her many event took place in the German church friends would rejoice to see her around last Wednesday, when Miss Almeda again as she is a very genial and ami- Brown, daughter of Mr. G. K. Brown, able young lady.-11Ir. Bowman has of this village, was wedded to Mr. W. been operating his road machine on H. Dafener, of Sebewaing, Mich. Miss this road during the past week. He Mary E. Brown. sister of the bride, seems to understand his work well and acted as bridesmaid, while"Mr. E.°Ben- roves the centre imp c titre of the road very der, of Dashwood, assisted the groom. enrich, but we don't approve of leaving The Rev. J. G. Litt officiated. The the loose earth alongthe'sides of the groom g om and bride left for Sebewaing, road. Our councilmen will have to Mich., Monday morning where they devise somemeans of removing this intend to make their home. We wish eyesore.-Theyouth has taken the them a long and happy married life. hint. Some are very curious to know Messrs. Elwell Burley and Milton who he is. Wo may satisfy your cur- Batten, wheeled out from London aaud iosity some time latex'.-Rev.C. Fletch- er, who is not gaining strength so rap- idly after the serious illness that he had last summer as his friends would like, has decided to take a trip. to Scot- land. It is hoped that the sea breezes and mountain air will .have such a ton- ing and invigorating effect upon him as to restore hint to his former and wonted health. -There was a goodat- tendance at the Christian Endeavor last Sunday evening. These.,rneetings are productive of much good in educa- ting and-instl''ucting the young On the Hood's Piils are non-irritating and teachings of the Scriptures and dGlc- the only cathartic to take with 'Hood's trines of the church. Sarsaparilla. Thames Road, spent the day with " friends '° here. Effects Were Wonderful. " T had leen troubled for years with pains in mysides and kidneys and had ech(- in all parts of my body, owing to stomach and liver troubles. " I be- gan taking ' Hood's Sarsaparilla : and its effects were wonderful. In a short time T was entirely cured. Mxis. FRAvcz-m, 209 Ossington Avenue, Tor- onto, Ontario. Sodom; Mrs. Jars, Stacey visited friends here last wt'(•k. Meade raay :hoots ,`lar: alparilla 0ur'4'8 when all other preparations fail to, do any good, and you run no risk in giving it a fair trial. Kirktonl The trustees of the Chureh of England. had a meeting on Monday evening t4) tr Lnsaet business and make preparations for building the new e1111Tch. St. Joseph: Miss A. McGregor, school teacher in No. 11, fell from her wheel the other clay and injured her le; badly. It will lay her up for .a week at least. Clinton; Mr. R. Fitzsrnnnons hrte retired from the butchering business in which he has been engaged alnlos coutintlously in Clinton for the pas: twenty-eight years, Brumfield: lir. Scott held a. sale o his effects Wednesday. A.. 3icKenzie . has purchased the property and will move on it shortly, having sold hie house in the village to Miss M. Walker. Varna: While T. Johns was weigh- ing Mr. Johnston's team on the scales the other day, one of the horses be- callle frightened by one of the planks upending, and struck Tom with its front foot inflicting a severe bruise on the heel.. Clinton: Mrs. Margaret Brownlee died at her residence on Victoria street at an early hour Monday morning. She had been in poor health for over a year and though much Worse for the past six weeks the family clicl not ex- pect a fatal termination. The com- plaint from which she suffered was of a painful nature, but she bore it with Christian resignation and fortitude. The deceased was the relict of James Brownlee who departed this life twelve years ago. children Cry for AST,,,:, R His Lifo Was Saved. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had fawoxlder- ,nce ol deliv .r e e from D n a frightful death. In telling of it he says: ” I was taken with Typhoid . Fever, that ran into Pneumonia. My lungs became harden- ed. I was so weak I couldn't even sit up in bed, Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of Consumption, when I heard of Dr. King's New Dis- covery. One bottle gave great relief, I continued to us it, and now am : well and strong, 1 can't say too much in its raise," This marvellous medicine is the and citicl:est• cure in the world for all Throat and Lung Trouble, 50 cents and $1.00, at any Drug Store; every bottle guaranteed. BIRTHS. MooDIE--Tn ITsborne, con: 5, on ;.April. `/7th, the wife of Wm. Moodie, of a daughter.