HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-4-20, Page 5gR THE ezetter boorate, Is published every Thursday Morning,. at the Office, A2A1N-STREET,. -. EXETER; ^--BY the--- ADVOCATE PUBLISHING: COMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid. in Advance $,1.30 if not so paid, essalrgxtaaisaa, Eaten, cost ,R•1;'F7S,ea- tiosa, No paper discontinued until all arr'e rage are paid. Advertisements without sj eoifio directions will be poDi shed till forbid and ehargedaocordingly. Liberal diseountmade for tranaoient advertisements inserted for long periods, Every aesoription of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques, moneyord- ere, &c, for advertising, sabsoriptions , etc .to be made payable to • Chas. tr. Sanders, EDITOR axe PROP Professional Cards. alH. KINSMAN. L.D.S.&DR. A.R.. KINS3tAN, [. D. S., D. D. S.„ Honor graduate of Toronto University. DENTISTS, Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad °treats. Office in Fanson's Block, west side Main Street,E;;eter. "FIELD. ALTO\ A ,) NDERSON,(D.D.S.,L.D.S. lJ honors txradaato of the Toronto Ilni- rsibv and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth oxtraeted without pale. AU modus of Dentistry up to date, Office over Elliot 8a Elliot's law office -opposite Central llo tel --Exeter. lied -teal rtrs, ,T A. ROLLINS & T A, AMOS. Al Roeidenees, same as forrneria OFFICES, Spackman, building, Main 8t Dr, Rollins' office; same as formerly -north door. Dr, Amos' office, same building -south door, May 1st. 189$ T A Rollins, M. 1). T, A. Amos, M 1) .T, P, b[cLMEMBER OF MEMBEnF Dnthe ()allege of Physicians and Surgeon, Ontario. Phyeioien, Surgeon and Acooucb sur. Office, Dashwood, Oat !Legal. RH, COLLINS, BA]I,RISTElt,SOLICIT . OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public OMMoe-Over O'Neil'e Bank, Bseter.Ontarte • Money to Loan. DIOKSON (Sr. CARL.IN{T, BARRISTERS AJ Solleltors, Notaries. Cnliveyaneer'. Commissioners, `solicitor for the ?Masons Bank, ete. Money to loan at f, and S'4 per Cent, ')tune Fenian,* 'Block, Alain St-, Exeter. (sl, member of the firm will be at Hensall an Thuraslay ofeseh week.) L R. CA1t1.ING, B. A. L. 11. DICKSON. LLIOT & (uAn'rAN. BAR.RtSTER.S+. E'1 Rte., Convoy:tem:re, Haul Money to Loan. B. Y, ]:t,t10T. F. \ . GLAnsIAN. Aucllone'z's LBROW «', Winchelsea, Licensed Anet . ioneerfor the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township ofi'sborue Sales promptly a ttended to arta terms rea- sonhale,Salosarranged at Postofiee.Win. ehalaoa. nenranee. E ELLIOT, Insurance Agent, Alain St. Exeter Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000 Ladles, Safe, effectual, Ladies ask yourdruggist for Cooks Cotton Root Com- pouad. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Price, bio. 1, $1 per box, No. 2,10 degrees stronger, $3 per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 3•eeet stamps The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. +,rNos. 1 and 2 void ana recommended by all responsible Druggists in Canada. an,l No. 2:old in Exeter by (1. Lutz. Druggist. In buying seeds t rid "economy ,s ('xtrav-� aa;aoce.,» because the cost of cultivation wasted an inferior seeds always largely exceeds the original cost of the best Hoods to be had. The best is always the cheapest. Pay a trifle more for and always get your money's worth. hive cents per paper everywhere. Always the best. SoodAnnoalfree. D.M. FERRY 8: 00., Wind,or,eat. . .. FINEST VIRGINIA TOBACCO Port Lambton Boy Drowned. Chatham, April 17. -While playing on the sheet piling near the St. Clair Hats, Clifford, the four-year-old son of Mr. George Bradley of Port Lambton, slipped and fell on the moving ice and from the ice into the water, and was drowned. Three Men Drowned. Deseronto, Olt., April. 17. -Three fisherxuen-Jacob Oalr and George and Williem Vanwark-left here Saturday evening about 6:45 in a small boat for their home near Howless ferry, and were drowned. The boat was found yesterday morning near the steamboat clock here. "Honesty is the Best Policy" goner was a more pointed saying put into print, and yet to be honest only be- cause it is policy is a poor kind of honesty. Better change "policy " to "prin- ciple" and the world will like you better, In tho edi cal world there is one principle's medi- kine honest for sake -and that is Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is the specific of the age for all blood troubles. The liver, kidneys and bowels are all toned up by its action as a cleanser and thus good health en- sues. It never disEzppointS. Rheumatism -"I believe Hood's Sar- saparilia has no equal for rheumatism. It has done me more good, than any other medicine I have taken." ltfas. Timmer KENNET, Brampton, oat. BadCough: Cough -"After y long illness, I was very weakand bada bad cough. I could not eat or sleep. Different remedies did not help me but Hood's Sarsaparilla built Me up and I am now able to attend to my work," MINNIE JAQUES, Oshano, Ont. Billotherte5s-"I have been troubled with headache and biliousness and was much run down. Tried flood's Sarsaparilla and it gave me relief and built me up." A. Monersor, 89 Defoe Street, Toronto, Ont. Heart Trouble -"I had heart trouble for a number of years and different medi- cines tailed to benefit zne, I tried hood', SarnaP arl,l1a and })lies bQtt1_eicompletely sY and perfectly cured me," Mas. C. A. Fuego, Wallace Bridge, N. 5. A Safeguard-^" As I had lost five chil- dren with diphtheria I gave my remninteg two children Hood's Sarsaparilla as they were sublect to throat trouble and were not very strong. They are now healthier and stronger and have not since had a cold," Mss, W. 11, Fnscgsa, Pembroke, Ont. Varicose Veins - s' I have been a greet sufferer from varicose veins,whichice welled zuy foot and limb, discargin„ Watery matter. Itook floods Sarsapa- rilla faithfully and the sores healed," Mas. A. E. G1r;soN, Hartland, Vt,. d tta Rood's Pills cure liver ills; Ole naq•irritating and only cathartic to take With hood's Sarsaparilla, Both Leg, Cl t off. Essex, April 17.-- Henry Illlyndr4'se was killed by an east -bound freight train last night at the crossing just west of the railway pinup. It is thought he rode from Windsor, jump- ed O(1 as the train slowed o11 the e1n'Cr. and struck the fence, which is close to tr#irk, and was thrown back under the wheel,. Both legs were cut off eloso to the body, and the unfortunate man lived in tlnit, condition for about. three quarters of an hour after the accident, A doctor was summoned but eollld Eli) nothing to help hint. He was about :;0 years Of age,a .resident of Essex. � . Children Ory for WAST Sad Suicide by Drowning. Gorr:c, April 1(3. --George Saunders:, who resides. about live .riles fraum hero on the 12th concession ofHaivick, mated suicide by drowning ]liluself fn the north 1)rani'li of the River 'Maitlancl which is situated about eighty rods from his father's farm. It is believed that he has been temporarily insane for some time, and when he was missed footmarks were noticed in last night's tail of sflOW and traced to the bank. On making diluent search the body was recovered. .;3rowned hi the Maitland. Gerrie, April 1=1. --•-Last night about 10 o'clock a fatatl accident occurred on the Maitland River, by which Mr.. James Peklns, grain merchant and Tr'easur'er of the Township of Howick, lost his life. The river has been over- flowing its banks all meek, and Mn Perkins, with a number of others teas en, ic'aavoring• to bottle with the swift current, when a large piece of ice cane in c eltatct with the .log on which he nabstanding, :taAl1C1111 throwing ,,, t cowing .hint into the. river. The body has been recovered. IL *Hcat eps. rest They do not complain of f anything in particular. They >b eat enough, but keep thin and ' pale. They appear fairly well, 16 but have no strength. You g cannot say they are really sick, and so you call them s; delicate. it, What can be done for them? .' B Our answer is the same that'" Itthe best physicians have been Li giving for a quarter of a cen- s tury. Give them C�1'ii MISSION 1 41.1 of Cod -Liver Oil with Hypo- x phosphites. bites. It has most re- markable nourishing power. 4,1 It gives color to the blood. It q brings strength to the mus- I, cies. It adds power to the A g nerves. It means robust g i health and vigor. Even deli- cate infants rapidly gain in flesh if given a small amount „I g aT three or four times each day. ' 5oc. and $c.00 ; all druggists. 7K. SCOTT & BONE Chemists, Toronto. r 91t .829at$f7tiAtS$'i5f 3R5Q2Sif1/t1 �it9�91►Si1 5f3R° .� LAWTON'S CAMPAIGN5 It 1 -las Proved a Rather Poverty.. Stricken Affair. WHY THE GENERAL EVACUATES, Arerioan Enemy #n the Philippines. That Is to ISe a Good Friend of axe Filipinos -General Lwton' s Estimate of Troops itequired to Hold what He Can Get. NOW York, April, H. -Major-General Lawton says: "The present prospect is that 100,000 troops will be necessary to. pacify the Philippine Islands." Ile ex- plains the situation as follows: "The difficulties in the way are those of fighting guerillas in it tropical country. "With my brigade I could force my way from. one end of the island to the other, if I did not have to hold the terri- tory I traversed. But leaving garrisons behind would - soon eat up the whole force." A Complete Evacuation. i General Lawton's expedition has beep ordered to Manila and is preparing to return there immediately. All the terri- tory he captured is to be evacuated and all the leunehes seized to be restored to their original owners --that is to say, they will be given hawk to the persons from whop) Aguinable's soldiers took then'. General Lawton regretted exceed- ingly being compelled to evacuate the (, territory' he had captured. Manila, .April 18. -Tile insurgent gov- erninent is reported to have been removed to Terland, 17 1)11105 north, war, Not aR fibula. Manila, .April 18. -General Otis has put a stop to- the plans of officers who want to bring their wives and families to Manila. ile said: "This is not a picnie nor a G,II..B. encampment. This is war." movedNorth. ov tothe leo .:h AN AMERICAN ENEMY( The Climate Iii) s#e of the P PhlI1i. Enos Will Prevent the Americans Evens Con- quering the Insurgents. New York, April. 18.--A despatch from Hongkong to The World contain, the following: "tile ore weak and you ere strong," said Dr. Gaalliriolo Apaeible, the head of the Filipino Junta here. to rnr to -clay, "but we have an ally and you have none. "We have 70,000 stand, of arms, 30,000 troops in the field and sufficient material to make cartridges to supply our troops for four years to come. "Our ally is the timate of the Philip - pixies. Your bullets cannot kill ono of our men where disease will kill 20 of yours, once you begin your ruivnnco into the interior. Wo will harass your ad- vance at the salve tiIne that we welcome it. "We cannot fight pitched battles with you and we do not need to. We shall be here to -day and there to -morrow, attack- ing, then flying. You can no more catch us or conquer us than you can tho wind. - Thus far your civilizing army bas killed f' about ) 000o four people. lc. "All the Juntas which we have heard of in different parts of the world since the victory of Dewey at Manila were rapruited from the ranks of these patriots who camp to Ilongkong with the bribe money received from Spain in return for allaying ilio rebellion they had started. This sum was deposited in the Hongkong x Shanghai Bank by Aguinaldo. One hundred thousand dollars, remains. The bank refuses to give it up lentil colnpolled to do so by the court on the ground that the power of attorney- which the Junta holds fl'oni Aguinaldo is nob suifoiently binding." THE CRUISER. SUBSIDY POLICY. Tho Small Holdings 15111 Passes Its } Second heading. London, lipid 18. -The First Lord of the Admiralty, Mr. George J. Goschen, on being questioned respecting the sub- , sidles he paid to auxiliary cruisers, said I agreements with the Cunlird, White Star and Peninsular & Oriental Steamship Companies, in order to place the, Admir- alty in a position to review the conditions ' of the contracts and the selection of the vessels' subsidies. There was no inten- tion, he added, of abandoning the subsidy . policy. Mr. Goschen declined to give • particulars regarding the proposed arma- ments of auxiliary cruisers. Small Holdings hill. The House of Commons last evening passed to a second reading the bill re- cently introduced by Mr. Joseph Cham- berlain, Secretary of State for the Colon- ies empowering local authorities ee to advance money to enable occupiers to acquire ownership of small houses on the principle of the Irish land acts, and the small holdings act. notice had been given to terminate the Fell Into a Vat of Bolling Asphalt. Vancouver, B.C., April 18. - John Davenport, a foundry workman, had ar close call yesterday morning. He fell into a vat of boiling asphalt, and then - jump- ed into Burrard Inlet to cool. He will recover. A special from Kamloops says: "Casi- mir, the Indian murderer of Philip Walker, is still at large. A11 yesterday armed men and specials were scouring the hills and woods in the neighborhood of the Indian reserve. His camping place on Saturday night was located, but the bird had flown. Massey -Harris Co. Robbed. Winnipeg, April 18.-A Treherne de spatch says: Early yesterday morning Massey -Harris' office was broken into, and the safe blown open by gunpowder. About 8400, belonging to S. A. MoGaw of Winnipeg, and 8100 to the Northern or Elev at Co. wasstolen. The office was badly shattered. ed There is no olue to time thief. Wants to Bea County. Toronto, April 18. -The Muskoka Dis- tries is ambitious for county privileges, and applications have been sent to. the Govornrneut for ' transformation into a county. Nova Scotia's Subsidy. Ottawa, - April 18. -Premier Murray of Nova Scotia and Hon. T. W. Pipes aro here to interview the Government regard- ing an increase of the provincial subsidy THE SAMOAN TROUBLE. D1r. St- John Broderick Hakes a, State, Ment in the) Commons,. London, April p 1 18. -Tho Parliamentary Secretary of the Foreign Office, Right Hon. William St. John Broderick, reply- ing in the House of Commons yesterday to Mr. Michael Devitt, Irish Nationalist, said the it e manager er of the Gorman]alit,- tion near Apia was arrested by the senior British naval officer en swops evidence that be was seed direeting the natives who ambushed the naval landing parties.. This action, Mr. Broderick added, was. taken without the naval officers having an opportunityof communicating iesti )g vzth the Homo Government. In conclusion Mr. Broderick said: "We are informed that he was handed over to the commander of theGerin n a warship h o t s i a promise that he would l;' n the be detained on board," Mr. Broderick said authority had been given the British representative at Apia to join, if he should deem it advisable, an a joint proclamation with the other con- suls, calling upon the inhabitants to. abstain from hostilities, pending the arrival of the Semoan commissioners. But, he adciod, Iter Majesty's co)nnutnd- ing officer would be bound to take Ine)ts- urea to protect live, and, property should these be threatened by either of the rival factions. Mn Broderiek :aid the telegraphic re- ports received did not afford sufficient material on which to judge the canna of the reoexlt hostilities, but so fits es ascer- tained the action of the United States and Britain naval con nanders had, be=. caused by some aggression lig/that st British stlbjsots 01' United elates citizens or their property, which they were bound to de- fend. - 15Ili LIRE NEa15 ROTTEN ROW, Fashionable Section of Loudon Genf a Bad Scorching. London, April 18.-,-.I}Iyde Peek Court, Albert Gate, one of the orient and most fashionable blocks of residential fiat, overlooking the famous Rotten Row, caught fire at 9.80 yesterday morning. The building, which is 11 storeys high, was built by the notorious Jabez Spencer Balfour, the former member for Parlia- ment, who was responsible for the col- lapse of the Liberator Building Assoeia- tio n and other communes, by which al thousand'; of people were ruined, and Who is undergoing a sentence of. 14 years penal servitude as a result of his convic- tion on charges of fraud. The fire bx'ok0 out in the lower part of the building and spread up the elevator shaft with great rapidity. Tho flames in. volved the upper storeys before their occupants Wel'e aw#ire of the danger. Wilen the alarm was raised the affrighted servants dropped from the top windows to a verandah on tba ninth storey. The defective arrangements of the London fire brigade were again demonstrated, as the fire escapes were too short to reach the people in the upper storeys, who only escaped with the greatest difficulty, while the fashionable residents of the lower storeys streamed out of the building carrying what they could of their belong- ings. The Dame; were not tinder control until 1 o'clock, when the upper part of the structure was gutted. It is considered lucky that the fire occurred in the daylight, or otherwise it would have resulted in loss of life. A11 the flours were supposed tobo fireproof. l p p DIVORCE COx:1tT CROWDED. Blore husbands Than. Wives Want Re- lease From .lxarital Bonds. London, April 18. -Six hundred and eighty-three suits were entered in the London Divorce Court last year, and that was an increase of 25 per cent, over the figura for 1807. This year there are 780 petitions for absolute divorce. Husbands' petitions are nearly double those from wives. But the Engliaii law gives divorce to a husband' for unfaith- fulness only on - the part of the wife, whereas a wife, in order to secure relief, must prove both unfaithfulness and cruelty. Court statistics show that actors, musicians and sailors are the threw classes sending the fewest petitions to the divorce court -2.8 per cent. Publicans and hotelkeepers provide 8.65 per cent. Engineers, architects; etc., 8.04 per cent. Shopkeepers stand the highest in the list, with 6.20 per cent. THE SPANISH ELECTIONS. Indications Are That the Ministry Has Been Sustained. Madrid, April 18. -During the election riots at Bilbao on Sunday 20 persons were wounded, and popular feeling runs high in Valenoia and the surrounding districts. 'There was a serious affray in the town of Portos, Province of Tarra- gona, where, the official candidates being beaten, the municip.c officials fired guns at the crowd, injuring a number of per- . Tho latest indications as to the result of the elections are that the Min- isterialists will have a large majority. Senor Horet, who was Minister of Colon- ies in the Sagasta Cabinet, has been elected at Saragossa. Sir Lambert Price, Bart., Dead. London, April 18. -Sir Rose Lambert Price, Bart., the author and soldier, is dead. He was born July 26, 1837. He served as a lieutenant in the Royal Mar- ine Light Infantry on the east coast of Africa, for the suppression of slavery. He then joined the Royal Marine Battalion under Col. Lemon, C.B., and went to India during the mutiny. He was in the storming party at the capture of Canton in 1857, and was also in the storming party at the Peiho forts, and during the fighting was shot through the leg. He was present at the taking of Tangku, and was in the storming party at the capture of the Taku forts, and was present at the surrender of Peking. He was the author of "The Americas: A Summer on the Rockies." - Great creat in . Tele rx h e Telegraphy. y London, April. 18. -Herr Pollack, the well-known engineer and electrician, has discovered, says the Vienna correspond- ent of Tho Daily. Chronicle, a means of telgraphing 60,000. words per hour over a single wire. No Agreement Tet. London, April 18. -In the House of Commons yesterday Mr, St. John ,Brod- erick, in reply to a question, said that no agreement had been reached between Great Britain and the 'United States in regard to the modification of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty. EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wedl.ea,:ay, Wheat per bushel. Flour per cwt Barley Oats Peas 6o to 05 Corn 41) to is BEggs.. perbag le) t 11 EgQs...„..... is Potatoes 0(10 Hay a ton, y r �ai,5oto 5}a Dried Apples per 3b , 5 7 tl 5 9 e7 co ea , t l,3. " :see 36 to 45 1(0 to 51 Ducks: Geese Ohieken Turkey Have Yoe BeCnSklt� Perhaps you have had the grippe or a bard cold. You may be recovering from malaria or a slow fever; 9r possibly some of the chis- dren are just getting over the measles or whooping cough. Are you recovering as fast as you should? )alas pot your old trouble left your blood full of impurities? .And isn't this the reason you keep so poorly? Don't delay recovery longer but Take 5 • It will remove all Import - ties from your blood. It is also a tonic of immense value. Give nature a little help at this time. Aid her by removing all the products of disease from your blood. If your bowels are not just rigbt, Ayers Pills will shake them so. Send for cur book on Diet in Consti- potion. Wr/to 10 oar 0000 1030 Wo have the exclusive services of same of the most eminent clans in the 'United States. write freely and receive a prompt zeply, without cost. Address, DR. 3. 0. AVER�, Lowen, Hass. Baby Found Dead in Bed. Huntsville, April 17. -On Thursday 1no)'ning, the f, -months -01d daughter of 3. T. D. Coulthard, baker was found dead in its cut. The Coroner's jury in the case returned al Verdi.('} }Hint the child's dearth was caused by wilful neg- lect on the part Of the parents, Girl Binned to Death. Cornwall, April 14. --While engaged in tlu'ir father's sugar Dish in an endeavor to boil (1,Wn sugar, I.: Elia;; Marcoulx, the live -year-old daughter living 111)11' .kle-.,incl] nit rl ns leuenel to death aral her youne.er sister w cls ter- ribly injured. Sparks fioni the fire caught in the former's apron and She was soon enveloped in 'lames. Her Sister endeavored t(i extinguish the flames, and, as ar result, it is 'feared will lose both her hands. 85 The Leading Specialists of America 20 YEARS IN DETROIT. 250,000 CUED. WE:CURE EMISSIONS Nothing 1,40ts rl(, more demoralizing to '1 a_ yqung or meddle -aged leen than the eras - 1 once of these "nightly losses." They a produce weakness, nervousness, a feeling „1' of disgust axdawhole train of symptoms. e ' ' faiird suelal bobbin eGine. ,omw t e k another council by evil habits in youth, raturslwealmessor sexual excesses err "ldoer Method Treatment Will positively A, 1, curd you. fair CURE O PAY al, l,5 Bes.der, yea need help. Early clause or later excesses :may have weaken„d you. ESpnsure may have diseased you. You aro not eafo till oared. Our New Method will cure yell. Yon run no risk. 250,000 CURED Yo(trk Vitt- -P'ou arepp ale, feeble and a w hags aY, • va,, cue, irrita,bto and ex- citable. You `+gnome forgetful, morose, and despondent; blotehes and pimples, sunken eyes, wrinkled face, stooping form and downcast countenance reveal the blight of your existence. WECURE VARICOCELE No scatter how serious your ease may be, erhow long you rimy have had it, our NEW METHOD TREATMENT will cure it. The "wormy veins" return to their normal condition and hence the sexual mesas rooeivo proper nourish- ment. The omens become vitalised, all unnatural chains or losses cease and mealy powers return. No temporary benefit. but a permanent dere assured. NO CUIU4, NO PAY. NO OPERA- TION Nlast LrSARY: ,r �t10 DETEN- TION FROM ]3USINESS. CURES GUARANTEED Wo treat and. cure SY_'PHI.LIS, GLEET EMISSIONS. 1M1.OTENCY, STRIC'11URE VAR10001iLI SEMI- NAL LOSSES, IDLADDER AND KID- NEY diseases CONSULTATION FREE. t]3OOKS FREE. CHARGES MODERATE. If unable to call. write, for a QUESTION BLANK for HOME TREATMENT. YisaYZt t510 KENNEDY & KERGAN 148 SHELBY' STREET, DETROIT. MICH.' 61011 aithPro'ver6s but dont think you can patch clothes tolook like new, Then 1 la, agau>; it would not pay you when you can buy clothing at the prices we sell, BARGA�t�S Pants made to order, all wool heavy tweeds 82. Suits Overcoats $'89:1°80900 9,800 +9 - $.99 Bieck Worsted suits a stet; mal, 812,00 Our 820 blacks beat all a#hers at 823, come and ase fQr yourself. PATRONIZE U People patronize us because they realize that we always sell clothing that is strictly u -. p,to>da.to... w GRIEVE Opposite Post 011iee.. THE RA.LNE STORE READ THIS I ball, mill F'all's British Seven Mixtures for 5 number of years, and am Ilovt'r without it in my stable. It, is inva11iahlo as a as drec.sing in illi out:,, wounds and Calks O11 horses, .AAs) as as liniment Far etrain1, swellings, laiui'nvss, .are throat, and influenza it cannot. be trlrp list(l."-„ 1A'. G. Btssimr. 1llulilfstetured and sold by C. Lutz. English Stook Food is giving good satisfaction, and we would recommend ~tock raiacl;; to give it aL trial. 0.. LUTZ. rule .w. -+R. ,PBA a13e.,}le ,.p'...n.. ,p, incsI 4 IT PAYS 11> 4 To reach the big store,' ad- vertisements STOP! THINK ! For whose goo(' are eve in the furniture busineeel' For yours and ours. If We am not useful to you We cannot be use- ful to ourselves. We have got to carry the goods you want at the prices you want or we can- not make a success of our busi- ness. But we have been doing btl i s ' s nes, right along for 'c-eax's, which proves that we are. the right kind of people with the right prices. Come and see for yourself ... . S. GIDLEB & SON. Furniture, Undertaking. OPERA ROUSE BLOCK. EXETER FOVNDRY J. MURRAY,,,, • Merufactrxerend dcalex'inFleece Gang Plows, Iancl Pollees, Eco Cutters, Straw Cutters, Saws, Belting, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, and Babbett Metal. FOR SALE. White Engine and Steam Threshe complete, and Clover Mill, Straw Cutter and Grinder, for $1250. S ee our Truck and Scale combined, weighs 800 lbs. Price $18.00. - J. MURRAY, $bre' After' Wood's Phospholine, The Great English Remaly. ' Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered: Six packages guaranteed to cure-all foPms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse i or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- ! bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package 51, six, $5. One will pima. ' six toil/ 01415. Pamphlets free to any address. The -Wood Company,'' Windsor,Ont. }Wood's Phosphodine is sold in Exeter Ly 1 C. Lutz, druggist. ,