HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-4-20, Page 4THE zeicter bilo.cate, Chas. H. Sanders, Editor and Pop THURSDAY, APRIL 20 1899 eavtike•eogkefasetAINAotiktvkat3 THE EDITO 'S CORNER, IQI:h 6 NOTE ASP COM.I.I -- The nakitoba LagisLame, has ad- iourned until Jame la, after a debate epees Ha- administattion of the eelued ey et era. e aleMiahne will introduee a bill to prevent cavil servants ..1z.twg pay for serviees. kie dv a a tit:S.1' Thurselay where an tell- eial drew $ae a year for winding the eittek En his tenet!. y Raleert MeLean, the teaneervative candidate in the reeent Weet Huron Ovation. IA' WA lay any ineans. „pat pelitles, anti jtaSt ninat von. vineed as ever that he tem k`alTV riaing if allowed fair play. Tirnt he ‘tize-; tOratthtl 44 the seat shortly be deneterarateth as evidence of rascally worli tan the pert efbsopporentsi. - anti Itin'alls lfllttO P 4 The London Atbeertieer 1.4 alsanday arys tehitsago thepatehes taport that the teed weether has cawed great demage la the wheat teelpiet the Mil. It Stews. Ontario is mine -fortunate, ,an Ativertieer reporter interviewed Mr. A,. M. Hamilton. the welleknown proillive dealer, thi uIvuiug. bout • ea of the crop in thiti ; y. •Thert-i vtay prospect at pre- eteeta add Mr. Hamilton, • of a hum. Per have-. The ervere frost eanetel e little heaving on dey, snide- land, ent on the whole the farmers say that nese- eeed then helm Was done. It • Vlik.11 that tile long blades re a••41. alw out t if five farmers • Intend e part e hoe e tantloale then " A14 NVW 174,11. S'41.4 cLu ld1 eaartle,1 , . wiettia with the tel- e 0.7:10'14i eyeteve there "It ie 11114" tliH1 ifrGithv011. • • =,7 • •i•••L*,0•1 ZI1 I H ieftee tilvraavane.-.41 7.14Z.Ci , Viol- u•t: ,i.tt'aphy :ma tother • 04p1171 FOR eeaseena. The gov•ernment's expexament of stoeking Rondo:ea Park, the G,009 acre reseeve hi Kent County, with Euglish end Mongolian pheasauts, is said to he suceess, The birds have stood the wiater well, and the setieme has de- monstrated that they are bartly enough to thrive in a Canadian forest. Au in- cubator Amit .beeeder for hatching is being ereeted. The moose and deer plated in the park are also tbrixiag, • The government- is also eeeteriug pair of eariboo from Quebee, for Al- geniquin Perk,. Efforts are beingenacie to eecure soma eapereailbita perhaps the lineet genie lairds in the world, for Algonquin Park. They are about • the size (d. a wild turkey, and ere foam), in Seaudinavia end Scotland. It nuta be neeessary to pleasure the eggs and hate)). them, a.tkaalr2 1.A.wat,,,,, than I, •y 1 eela nttit 40t. 72 -leant lay ;tt e teeeash.e. tl 11t id...wants f hielta et :et thea- anent as Lett, r 'heal t 1 es. he. a:. easinalate Teets!, et Lee t le • :t le .lanet eiteeely a 'at wheal twee ':"-t pleveielagestserteliteattne. . i T,t't t !VI'S saV that tile 0,. gybe !Lei k Hale tie. 'lariat e.ei- .. et -a ee eal. att. ...wee- off in their . 4,1 eel zee Tie- sin ingot lea; leave, ea- ielek enerme le the ee„t. r. I's43 the !st n eleaut K ingett " ere. *ill Ye on in Mey, grewing. weather Vrrt•itLi Jinn. After 14. Wal• getel hat vest that ytene attleg leteknend etele.ei wee that fa' ase Ti t- Was ice b the imptor part Ilmene tit:at pew till Julie. end tai the natio t.f the tenth ef ,In- there 1.. 140i n'adifit'.° in a ,313itt 0.14 t furl. nu. :=.t .0.`14`,.110' Otztndr. t Si. e. :tan -tat ruined t ne -nese tate that a-aseu. In the etendiee lim.1 41. Brute- and Grey. wheel was ^it. is eteey eet t t la-- IV't it al, t if •ir- P.(i14a14.44. that there :see etarvatunt temetemenete -and itennitapelitiee had to borrew tta aehiet the eett less with advances .sf otz• anti seed grain. In Sarnia !het :.1.4ni v. ii blew front the earth tor Unit. Weq.'s Walnut Yana - <i lm. hi ivy; thew was a suow storm the tell of April. whieh holds. the e IS• late enow etornes in Ontai io. anew fell over two feet deep. and rail- wa yeand country roade were blockaded ',e1 all directione. Otherwise, however, -he spring of Iseil was favorable, and snow swan paseed off. and only elate the difference. of delaying spring work for a few days. - Parkhill Gazette. *.eg, inceecLE TRUST TAKING SHAPE'. A. meeting of bicycle manufacturers ;-ook place in Toronto on Tuesday. The proceedings Wern lint, divulged, leut it was admitted that negotiations were gotten ander way which may result in a big combine or amalgama- tion to include the leading Canadian manufacturers. Among the firms said to he interesteal in the proposed trust are the Goold Bicycle Co., Brantford; E. & D. Co., Windsor; Welland Vale, Gendron and Stearns. The Massey - 'Harris bicycle people have up to the present asserted that they are not in any deal. At the meeting in Toronto favorible consideration was given to a proposition to amalgamate into a joint concern, with capital stock of $3,500,000. Of this amount $2,000,- 000 will be preferred stock, at 7 per cent. cumulative interest, and the balance, $1,500,000, will be common stock. In the event of the deal go- ing through most of the stock will be taken by the companies amalgamat- ing. They state that the °bleat is to get rid of American competition. If the amalgamation is consummated it is probable that Windsor will lose the Evans & Dodge industry, which em- ployes several hundred men, and is one of the city's best manufacturing establishments. E. L. Goolcl, president of the Red Bird Clompany, states that his works will probably be largely in- ereased. It is believed that the com- bine will place on the market an ex- ensive, high-grade wheel, and a well- re:liable wheel to sell at a low figure. •The low price wheel will, it is hoped, compete successfully with the Western. Wheel Works product, the Rambler and Other cheap American bie,ycles, eyhieh are turned out in large aumbera behAmerican factories and fiud tee chts sale 114 the United States end Cienacla. 't< LOGAN VS. Meiameor. Thie ea eche Welt hes been going on for nearly two years, has at last reached, the Supreme Court of Canada itnti will it liCaid la Ottawa in May next. The 01:tiOn WaS brought by the townsbm of Logan against the township of Ile- Killop to 'eover $378.38, paid by Lo„ elan for the Construction Of a ditch made unde in eugmeer sawarth htee Kalov infused to reimburse Logan be- muse the exeentors of the Coleman estate, Seaforth, who were larg,elyiu lea, objeetea to the procetelings. tt the triad Mel justiee sarmour ith etanie rehtetance dismissed the 1. Logan aaapealed to the On. Arita coart of appeal and stweeteleth three judges out Or fou' WhO heard the ease, detailed in favor of Logan. MeKillop luts now appealed to the Supreme Court. Apple King Cautelon, of ('Unton, has ilOW about wound ma operations for the season. In talking over the situation he eanressed the opinion that of the late winter varieties. the Maun wile the best of them 01. It stored better and Ineeight the higbest priee in the Eng- lish market. the caner of tests. The Ben Davis, Canada Red. Phoenix and Rueeetts were all good sellere in Liverpool. The Northeru Spy, which ie the most extensively grown in Huron, lete no superior but tsteo till11,4311110.1 to Stalld iteroes- 'wean transportation, though it re:wil- e. the North-West in eplenditl condi- , thee The Cranberry Pippin. the Apple King aVS. is a good eeller but is more at' the variety. In Prime. Edward comae • witert. the mail has a liuttattme I a n tone (ht' Pippin thrives. extesedingly well autl is a good )001i.en. It &SUN net. Vro (III su Wtql in Huron, alwing muet lihely to the differenee in eta! and bettent, and is. liable to spot. lle speake front eNperiellee, as atUnc Vvirs he 1111111,11t 018Its front 'Nave lalward whieh leave not proved sitteCesS.. Seeforthe On Monday morning of laet week. Mr. A. ;a:rele01t-1m of Market et., met with a painful ate -Went. Ile wa engaged hi drawing a load of straw. when the shaft' of tilt. wagon Image. and in retaining hold of the , upon the horse, was foreiltly jIlIll- frean las seat and preeipitated to the heat-% penult'. The rehilt et tlie fall wee 0 very severely sprained arm. Au explosion thet might has e been serious toole .plaeta at the hose faetory Friday a ftt,rnnOn. StInw chtnnieale were being got ready to • dye some yarn when the stuff fa:plod:- tel. and spread over the floor. injuring Mr. Lemon, the foreman, and Fred piwtornoa.14 lad in tin fiu•to*,.. :Nrr, winiams. one of the travellers of the firm was present, but got away 402 - hurt, Tanliartom Last 3Io11411ly as Reeve , laneeell and eaurwilltar Oliver Harris were driving through Fullerton Cor- iiere to intend Council meeting; the rig in what'll they were driving sudden- ly hroke down, and both oteemants were dragged for a short distant+. Mr. Russell was so badly hart that he had to be taken to a (beam anti was unable to -attend to hie duties. Mr. Halals was not so severely hurt, but received a severe ehalung. up. Varna: Miss Mitchell has sold her lumse and lot on Main street. to ehe Thomas ,Keys, for $500. It is a pleas- antly situated and comfortable resi- dence, and Mr. Keys will have a nice hoine.-Mr. James ahdele has sold his blaeksmith shop and busineee. to Mr. D. MeNeughton, the former proprie- tor of this establishment.. The price paid was $650. Mr. McKie, in turn, has purchased the property and bug - nese of Mr. Daniel. Campbell. The property consists of a niee, comfort- able residence, a blacksmith shop and about an acre of land. The price paid was $1,200. Mr. McKie Will Continue his business in Mr. Campbell's shop, Sp soon as he gives up possession of his present premises. elan Campbell, we believe, thinks of , removing with his family to the States. • Varna: A sad and fatal accident occurred on Saturday last. Mr. John Robinson was driving a team for allay press, when the whifiletree broke and the arm flew back and struck him with such force as to render him in- sensible. He never regain ed conscious- ness, and died on Monday evening. Mr. Robinson was well known in Stan- ley, having carried on the blacksmith- ing in Varna for over twenty years. He sold his business to Mr. McNaugh- ton some ten years ago, and removed to Marlette, Michigan, where he has since been engaged in farming. Mr. Robinson leaves a wife and family of seven children, three of whom are married. His sudden demise has cast a gloom over the neighborhood. We wish to extend to the widow and be- reaved family our sincere sympathy. Goclerich: Three more Bayfield youths -Charles Card, Sauaes Sander- son and Henry Magee -were brought to town 'on Thursday to appear before police Magistrate Seeger. On Friday these three and the three previously apprehended -William Hewitt, George Brown and James Atwood-awere ar- raigned on various charges. Magee, Atwoocl and. Hewitt were accused of breaking into the store of Mr. Hewson, druggist, at Bay -held, and stealing ,jewellery, perfumery and other goods to tbe value of about $35. Card was charged with receiving sorne of these goods; and a charge against all of them there was a charge of stealing whips. The magistrate adjourned the case until Friday of this week, when the accused will be sent up for trial and taken before the judge inomechately. All eacept Hewitt are out on bail. cago, is visiting his father, who is very 0 a0,6 joillo 00 BIirnvilIe Me. John Halls. of Chi- Varna•Z AIM W. Porday, who re- ceived the sad news that her brother in Michigan was at the point Of death, left Monday ou the afternoon tram. He was one of Varna's old citizens and blackemithed for some Uwe On the MeNeagetton stand, • • .Winitham: On Wednesday, Harry, sou or Freeman Carr was badly bitten bY a dog„ Two dogs were fightiag, when Harry undertook to separate them Jeist then a, third cur aleeeare sal ou the 800210 844(1 savagely bit Henna inflieting a severe wound on one leg. Wingluna; Word was aeceived by her parentS in Lower Wingluun. On *Saturday lash of the death of Mary Jane, wife of • Herbert Rinesee, Tor,. onto, and deugtee of Peter Ga Mule (loch, of Lower Winghaue in the 24th year of her age. Deceased- WaS Well known by many. ia Wingham and vicinity and •liad only been Married 81)00 two years. Clinton: Mr. John Clarridge of the organ filetorV stait met . with an un- esual and wailful accident on Saturs day last. He had undertaken to clean a revolver for n friend. It WaSlOaded, whiela he knew, blot wouldn't dis- charge in the nem' way, and while working with it it suddenly went 011 anti the hall paseea through the pelm of one of his hands, Wingham; Maitland river has risen very rapidly during the past two days, . The south braneh has taken full possession of.the race coorste the ageh imitated grounds ani building; ;melbas also monopolized a considerable par. tion of the road southof town, renders ing, it imaessable. Several residents in Lower Ve engluen ere flooded Out. On the north branch, the water Thursday morning Was reported else high - et' than it bas been for amity years; It 18 Sailt tO haVe SIX inches front six to lithe 0'010ele Wednesday evening, and from nulanight to (1 44 thie- teeu invites, Oil Wedneeday afternoon the bridge on the B line went down before the rising waters and as the 100 has not yet gum. out,. gerater damage is feared. As we go to press, the flood Is still rising in Lower town.--Wing- ham Advanees St. Marys; A very painful at-eident happened. Monday evening to one a our ineuninent inedness mem R. T. Gilpin; It appears that he was out exereisieg 44 paint; horse whieh had not beefl out of the stable for some time. end woe teatesequently very wild. Mr. Gilpin was leading the animal. and when hist opposite his own store ' it beeame frightened at a pessiug wagon. ;mil shied to one eide. Mr. Gilpin, who wee quite elose to the lueee and enable to get, 181( 411 Ow way, in time, wasknocked over mid fell heavily on the hard paveltlent tit the Street, tie earieed into his own teeidenee. and medival aid at once summoned, when it was found that he had reetaved 41 fraetured hip and sustainea teller hijurite. and, Mr. Gilpin being well up xix years,. it win lw some time before he wtfl be ;dee to be amend agam. At the pre - emit t ime the patient is doing as well 88 eould expeeted. A Painful Accident, st, Thienes, 14.-A painful mai:dent twevirred to Adam Laittlaw of Aylmer yesterday. While he was driving. into town, his horse shied, throwing 111111 out against it wire fence. His right thumb got fastened in the eye of the top of the wire stays, and it was torn off elose to his hands, bring, hat, with it the eords from ten to twenty inchee long. lie :deo received severe cuts about the face. Tired of Life. Norwich, April LOP. a high- ly 1'('5l 8'(1('(1 resident of this place,coni- witted euicide yesterday attention by severing a jugular vein and bleeding to death. The body was fonnd on the railroad -thick n short distance west of the station. A note weis found on the body containing these words: "This is no case for 011(juiry. 1 do net wish to live any longer." Deceased was an in- suraece and mirsery agent, andwas about t15 years of age.. His relatives in Hamilton have been commanicated With. : A Brakeman Seriously Hurt St. Catharines, April 15. -Charles Perry, a G.T.R. freight twakeminewas seriously injured at Jordan Station this morning, a,nd is now lying in It critical condition in the hospital heee. He was standing On a car EIS the train came into the station, and 'VMS struck on the head by the arm of the water tank and thrown to the ground. He was picked ep by the train hands and those around the statical and brought to this city on the regular train. His skull is fractured, and it is doubtful if he will recover. Head -End Collision. Rodney, April 18. -About 3:30 o'clock this morning a freight train, bound west, Engineer Gooding and Conductor Ba.11autyne, struck an east -bound freight, Engineer Savage and Conduc- tor A. Morrison, about a mile east of this place. The east -bound had nearly stopped and was injured but slightly, but four cars of the west -bound were smashed to smithereens. In an incred- ibly short period of time, Supt. Mor- ford and Tralnmaster Brown were here with the wrecker and the track was cleared before six o'clock. No- body was hurt. The accident was caused by a mistake in orders. Remarkable Rescue. • Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plainfield, Ill. makes the statement, that she caught cold, which settled on her lungs; she was treated for a month by her family physician, but grew worse. He told her she was a hopeless victim of con- sumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump- tion; she bought a bottle and to her clelight found herself benefitted from first dose. She continued its use after taking six bottles, found herself sound and well. now does her own lniuse- work, and is as well as she ever 'Was. Sold by all Druggists, large bottles 50 cents and $1.00. Children Ory for C STOR IA ifas Made Paip's Ogg CNN The Great Rome Medicine, As a Spring Remedy It Meets the Illiants:of Women in Every Sphere of Life. When'aveakly, sick and hrokenalown woman are seen to gain health and vigor from day to day from the use of Pain0s Celery Compound, no tome for doubt is left to the most skepticel individual. Medical science devised Paine's Cel- ery Compound, a medicine uniformly sneeesstail in banishing the troubles that afflict the great nuejority of me men, and honest physiciansare always plecised to recommend, its It is tewell known. fact that all . the women who flay° recoveredbealthapd strength by MMUS of Peirte'e Celery Compound Were induced tte use it through the influence and persuasion of other woineu-sisters, Mothers oz' friends. In the spring time, when Women are weak, overworked, nervous, 110,V0 tired feelings, dyspepaita.backache,sideaebet hea'dache, neuralgie, blood troubles or auy of the many nameless ills from which they safer in sileuee, Paine's Celery Compound whlI grilekles bitialeh all dangers and sufferbigs; it will i* - part that streagth, health and vivacity that make women 'materiality and edam - ed. Paine's Celery Compound is at pres seat carrying on this joyous transfor- nation wink all over Canada, and WO - 1814')), young and old, of all leads's and couditions, bless the memoz.y of De. Phelps who conferred sin'11 a blessing tan their sex. Dear women of our conutry. why vont:lime in misery ana euffeting when suelett friend ftS Celery Com- pound is withia slide easy reach, and ready to do for you all you so much desire Do _not be deceived by • any of the nuniy nervines, bittere, sareaparillas or advertised .pills; they cennot bestow that pearl of great priceagoini health. Paine's Celery Compound has given new health and life to your friends; it will not fail in your particular hour of lewd. Bear inmind that Paine's Celery Conipound makes siek people well. How to Dress Well. By Using the Never Failing Dianu›nd Dyes Any Wo- man Can Have Two or 3fore Dresses oft he Newest Colors at Trifling Cost, Wmnen who desire to dress neatly and, well find the Diamond Dyes to be their best and truest helpers. One or two pace:ages (according to weight of dress) will recreate any faded or die - colored dress or skirt that has been east aside as useless, and the eost will not exceed 10 or 20 cents. Instead of having to depend upon one dress for street 4111(1 church wear, any thrifty and handy women with the help of Diamond Dyes can have two or more dresses in stylish colors always ready Inc service. Do not risk your dresses with imi- tation or adulterated dyes; see that your dealer gives you - the Diamond Dyewhen you ask foe them. Fell from the Bridge. Brantford, April U. -Thos. Lowes, a resident of West Brantford, and a. moulder by trade, was returning home from the city yesterday across the G.T.R. bridge, which, since the wash- out at the Lorne bridge, is the only means of communication with that part of the city. While on the bridge and. just over the middle of the still badly swollen river, a train happened along, and Lowes was forced to stand on a couple of iron bars of the bridge to let the cars pass. While in this dan- gerous position he was either shaken off ot turned clizzy and lost his hold, and fell from the bridge. At first he was observed clutching convulsively at the iron bars, and hung suspended by one hand for a moment or two, then dropped into the river twenty feet be- low, and was drowned. Bismarck's Iron. Nerve. • Was theresult of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous en- ergy are not found. where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the s"success they bring, use Dr. King's New, Life Pills. They de- velop every power of brain and body. Only 250 at any Drug Store. John McLean, of Brooksdale, is dead, aged 102. John Willoughby, of Dresden, is dead, aged 104. Joseph Fox, and Indian, was killed by a tram at Bothwell. Eager Ricketts, a six-year-old lad, was accidentally killed at Markdale. The Spanish elections are hotly con- tested, there being 4,000 candidates for 400 seats, Kensington Palace will be opened by the Queen on her eightieth birth- day as a giftto the nation. An iroportant discovery of coal is re- ported on the mainland on the shoree of Queen Charlotte Sound. Serious floods are reported at Galt, Brtintford, Guelph awl London result of the Spring freshets. , -111,7eaMeeie, 5 What is elhaeleheateele 431VM.1,0 4 Castoria is for Infants and Children. Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by 'Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays Feverish- ness. Castoria eures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castello, assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Dowels of Infants and Children„ givingl healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's Panacea -The Mother's Friend. 04StOria, Oastoria, iS an excellent medicine for " "castoria ls so Wen adapted to children children. Mothers have repeatedly told me that I recommend it as superior to any pre 01' OS Vaal eft‘ -'el upon their children." scription known to me." PR. G. C. °scow), Lowell, Mass. II. A. A EMIEER, M. D. .N,00ktra, V. l' THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. TNP CCNTAIIII COMPANY. TT munuive ISTPECT. N VIRT57777,777=7';',;` " YORK CITY -as VIM "r4 4.111.1011,4,11011111.1141111111121111= Orsi SHEEP DIP AND ANIMAL WASH. ill11100.16NO0011.1.1,11161EntIN.C1.11,11.> OROSS/48."11411.3.111* . Isatisfactory Dip hi the market for einem; skin (21508508 in eat( le, and Inc destroying wreathe It is powerful without being harsh, and ini- Persiatie Sheep Dip is the most highly coucent rated and ell -round mediate in eireet with no irritating results, Cures Sores, Bruises, I Shear Cuts, Ringworna Gangrene, Red Lite., Skin Worms, and seab. it quickly rids the animal orall vermin. :air. G. A. Brodie, Bethesda, Ont,, says:--" 1 used it with great •I success in castles ing teethe, the wash healing the wounde rapidly and keeping the maggots away. I shall never be without it. I heartily recommend it to farmers generally. AtifigaialSa01.1164% At Your Dealers, PICKHARDr RENFREW CO Lim Or from the makers, • Stouffyille Ont, C•111100110111•2111MMUMMI.M. C STO IA For Infants and. Children, fre- simile atssature of If- every The young men Dicksoe is. on 111111 in Quebec, charged with killing George Pepin dit Lachance, on February 12. It is expected that the Canadian Pa- cific wili issue a new thue eard about May 15, by which the running time acrOss the continent will be greatly reduced. • The body cif Albert Smith, who was drowned while skating on the liana, ton Bay in December hud, was recover- ed from the water at the smelting works .wharf. • Allen Richardson, aged eleven, only son of Mr. Richaedson, jeweller, of Dunnville, accidentally shot himself through the heart while playing with revolver. • Mrs, Mary Delany of Mello Town - County of Dulferin, tin inmate of the Hamilton Asylum; made a rope of her bedding late .at night, and while attempting to escape frem her bedroom window the rope broke and she fell 30 feet and was killed. . • : Penniless,behind hi . her rent .and hopeless of the future, Mrs. Georgina Dworshak, a widow, aged 26, of lath, Minn., shot herself and two .dhild, ren Monday night. • The - three bodies were found Tuesday. The children. were four and six years of age respec- tively. ,He 'Wasn't Afraid. Her Papa -Yon mustremember, sir, that my daughter has been used to an atmosphere of refinement. The Young Man -Yes, she told me the other night that the perfume she uses costs $2.40 an ounce. But I know where I can get a big discount on the same stnfa-Chicago News. His Move Too. Kind Old Party -Why do you weep so, child? Child -I can't get father ter come home. Kind Old a'arty-'Why, goodness me, does be thank? • Child -No, sir. He plays chess. - New York Journal. Improving His Financial Position. "I am glad to hear that Borus is get- ting better prices for his literary out- put." "Yee He wrote a magazine article at one sitting with which he paid off a debt of seven years' standing. "-Chios- go Tribnne. • Slightly Different. Watts -Say, was it you who told me 13rowne had a habit of thinking aloud? • Potts -Not I. I told you he had a habit of talking to himself. -Indian- apolis Journal THE Exeter Turf Club SPRING MEETIN G AY 24th, 1899. • reocineeta. 2:20 Trot or Pace - 2:30 Trot or Pact. 3:00 Trot or Pace - Running, Open - - $225 $20o $175 $125 Da. RomaXte, A. E. Tee:we:ea, Pres. Seca,. BICYCLkE PEPAIR /3 FIRGRINS For 30 Days Only. Now is the time to get your bicycle put in good order for the season. N. L. -For $1 I will clean, oil and adjust an the bearings. o. 5 -For $2 T. will clean, all and adjust all bearings, polish all uiekeled parts, acid brighten frame e.t.a forks. No. 8. -Por $4.50 I will clean, oil, adjust, enamel the frame and fork black or maroon and polish nickel. parts. No. 4.- For $6 I will clean, oil, adjust, en- amel black or in a.roon, true both wheels, true frame, forks and cranks, repair tires if worth rep_airing, and polish nicliel part T 5. -For $$ I will clean, oil, adjust, amel black or maroon, true both whee is.. true frame,forks and cranks, repair tires if worth repairing, nickel plate all parts ex- cept s pelt es an d. u bs. To, 6 -For $10 I will clean, oil, adjusts, en- amel blaok or maroon, true both wheels. true frame, forks and cranks, repair tiros as above, nicikel all parts, put all new spokes in both wheels, Brantford Bicycle for Sale, $40 only. All kinds of Supplies on hand. ISRAEL SIVIITH. THE fittractioll ot Oil EllOs. Just at present the object of attraction to the people of Exeter and surround- ing country is OUR GREAT LINES -OF-- FURN ITURE To see is to examine and to examine • our stock is to bay. Prices are so astouncliug when the .quality is considered. . . R ROVIE.