HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-4-20, Page 2NEVIfish
;, �a! •
A remarkably heavy-yielding.variety, produces strong, stiff straw. large,
plump, heavy, bright grain with titin hull, and adapted to a great diversity
of soils ; withstands stormy weather without latl„irg or eliciting,
,,.&Prlee by mail (post-paid) per lb., Ise.; i lbs. ft'r sec , or by freight
or express (purchaser paying carriage) i e, k eec. ; bush , Soc.; to bush.
lots or over, ?5c. per bueb. Cotton bags, luiding .1* hush., at 55c each. `
Subscribers who do not receive their paper
.regularly will please notify us at once.
Vail at the office for advertising rates.
Simple Home Remedies.
The roots of dandelion used as bitters
Pr infusion, This is an excellent remedy
for all liver complaints. It is also a tonic
and cures obstinate constipation.
Catnip is a def rvedly popular remedy.
The warm infusion should be drank in
teacupful doses. Ir produces free perspira-
tiont useful in oolds, collo of infants,
nervous headache and hysteria.
Salm is the moist fragrant of herbs. It
lea pleasant and cooling drink in fevers
land may be drank freely. It is anti•spas-
medic, and a safe and pleasant remedy for
Insomnia from nervousness. It is also
good for painful menetruvation.
Comfrey acts chietiy on the mucous
tissues of dee system. and is good in all
pulmonary affections. as Boughs, bronchi-
tis, bleeding from the lungs and incipient
consumption. Should be taken freely in,
the form of an infusion or syrup.
In burdock the root is the part used and
Is a valuable alterative in d:ceases of the
blend, ;such as start eruptions, bails, old
sores, tetter; also a valuable kidney retn-
ady. Dose of the infusion, taken cold, is
I* balf teacupful three tittles, a day before
Calamus is an excellent aromatic khan -
loot and tonic: useful in flatulent colic,
especially of children, and is a good sub•
etitutu for soothing sirups, many of which
contain more or less opium. The root is
the part used and is given in the form of
Camomile dowers are useful in dyspepsia
and weak, debilitated con iitions of the
stomach. They make good restorative
bitters, strengthening in female weakness
and hysteria. If the flowers aro simply
chewed after eating they often prevent
belohing of the food and wind on the
Sage. besides being highly useful as a
culinary article, is an excellent domestic
remedy. .t produces perspiration when
given as a team, whim= stimulating the
system. A itrserate remedy for colds and
eh. eke 1 perspiration. A strong tea made
from the leaves is highly valuable in sore
throat. quinsy, ulcerated throat and some
Messrs.. Northrop .!. Lrmatt Co. are the
proprietors of Dr. Thomas' k cleetric Oil.
which is now beteg sold in immerse
quantities throughout the Dominion. It
is welcomed by the suffering invalid
everywhere with etnotione of delight,
because it banishes pair and gives instant
relief. This valuable speeide for almost
'every 111 that flesh is heir t'>," is valued
by the sufferer as more precious than
gold, It Is the elixir of life to many a
wasted frame. To the fleruter it is inais-
peasabie, and it should be in every
Thu Havana P:Itetric Company.
A company with a capital of $6,000;000
has been formed to operate street railways
through the city of Ilavana and. elsewhere
1a Cubu.
There le mare Catarrh in this rection of the
oouutry ltan allther diseases put together,
and until the lest few years was supposed to be
Jacura le. For a greet many years doctors
3�r.:onounesdeta local diu.ase, and prescribed
3oeal remedies, and by coasta.tly tail:ug to cure
with local treat cent, urunouneed pz incurable.
Science has provencata:rh to be aconstitution-
ad diseasee and therefore requires + onstitutlonal
treatment Hail's Catarrh Cure, maaulaetured
by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toted ., onto, is the only
eu'tstituttinei cure on the market. It is t.ken
interi+aliy in d 'ses frunl 1U drops to a teaspoon-
lei. It acts tiiroetly o., the blood anti mucous
imitates of the system. They offer one hundred
dollars fur any ease it fails 0 euro. Sand for
circulars and tcsiim,•nt. 1s. Address
F. J. ClilaEY a CO., Toledo, 0.
aerSo1d by Druggists, tee.
Sure to See Her.
Caller -Is Mrs. Brownston at home?
Servant-Yes'm. She'll be at home all
the evening. It's my night out.
Health for the children. Miller's
WFcrm Powders.
"What is fiction, pa?"
"Any story that says 'they married and
lived happily ever after.' "
Baggsy Bolieve in expansion. Tnggsy?
Tuggsy-I do when it's produced by a
square meal.
A law granting POO to every burgher
who is the father of twelve boys has been
'introduced in the Transvaal voiksraad.
Web to thelengt•h of two and one-fourth
=noshes been drawn from the body of a
eingie spider.
New life for a quarter. Miller's Com-
pound Iron Pills.
Tent of the Lesson, John sty, 1-14.
aleatory Verses, 2.4-t o]den Text.
John xiv, 6 -Commentary Prepared
by the Rev. D. M. steams.
(Copyright. 1S$9. by D. > . Stearns.]
1. "Let not your heart be troubled; y4
believe in God, believe also in Mo." It is
the fast night before His great tigony, and
one would think that He would need some
one to comfort Him, but with entire self
renunciation He comforts these weak ones
and us through them. He teaches us that
In the world we shall have tribulation
(xvi, 33), but we need not have our hearts
troubled. In Math. xxiv, 0, Ho says: "Ye
shall hear of wars and rumors of wars.
See that ye be not troubled." In Iso.
xxvi, 8, the secret of perfect peace is shown
to be a mind staid on Him.
2. "I go to prepare a place for you."
When on earth, He lived for us and died
for us and rose again. Now in heaven He
ever liveth to stake intercession for us
and, as Ho said, is preparing a place for
us. W'o may not understand these many
mansions now and just what they mean,
but it should suffice to know that Ho who
loved. no enough to give Himself for us
and bear our sins in His own body on the
cross le preparing a place for us in glory.
It will be worthy of Him who prepares its
8. "I will come again and re vivo you
unto Myself." He wants us with Him to
sea and share His glory (chapter .xvii, 22,
24). Concerning Ills coning again see
Acts 1, 11; I 'Mess. iv, 10; Ileb. ix, 28;
Titus 11, 13; Rev. 1, 7-12. Do not think of
His coming as death or the coming of the
Spirit at Pentecost or any other event, but
always as His literal personal return, first
to the air for His saints and later to the
earth with Bis .saints to set up Ills king -
dam here on tiro earth with Israel as a
4. "And whither I go yo know, and the
way ye know." Ho had often told them
that Ito had conte from the Father and
would return to the Father: Ile bad also
told them that IIe wouid die and rise
again the third day. So Itad they believed
His words they might Itavo known much
mars titan they did. To Iiimnt the going;
to the Father was very real, for with the
Father He had been from all eternity*.
0. "Lard, we know not." Thus said
Thomas, who also after the resurrection
said, "Except I shall see, I will not be-
times" (chapter xx, 23). Ho knew not bo-
caose he believed not. Some want to see,
and somo want to understand before they
'will believe. Sueh not only grieve the
Spirit, but Iose much personal joy. Ta
them the Lord says; "Bo not faithless, but
believing. Blessed aro they that have not
seen, yet have bellcved" (chapter xx, 27,
0. "Jesus saith unto him, I am tho way
and the truth and the life." Ho is the
new and living way (Heb. x, 20), in con-
trast to all tho forms of the ceremonial
law, and as the antitypo of all types and
substance of all shadows. Ho is the truth,
for God is the God. of truth (Ise.. lxv, 10),
and His word is truth (John xvli, 17). In
Him is life, and Ile is our life. He that
hath tho Son haul life (,John i, 4; Col. iii,.
4; I John v, 11, 12), Eller° is no other
way to heaven or to tho Father (Acts
iv, 12).
7. "If yo had known Me, yo should have
known My Father also, and from hence-
forth ye know IIim and have soon Him."
To know God is life indeed and peace and
joy and a foretaste of heaven. It is better
than all the riches or wisdom or might of
this world (John aril, 8; Job xxii, 21;
Jer. ix, 23, 24). How wiso are those who
give themselves up to know our Lord
Jesus Christ as revealed to us in the Scrip-
tures, and thus to know tho Father!
8. "Philip saith unto Him, Lord, show
us tho Father, and it suill.coth us." He
bad said many such words -as "Tho Fa-
ther sent Me," "Tho Father is with Me,"
"I and My Fathor aro ono," "I do always
those things that please Him," and from
such sayings they might have gathered
that to know Him was t`o know the Father.
0. "He that hath seen Mo hath seen the
Father." Ho is the usage of tho invisible
God, tho brightness of His glory, and the
express imago of His person (Col. i, 16;
Hob. 1. 3). Shall wo over see the Father?
We shall expect to and yet be satisfied if
in the glory we see only, as John saw, on
the throne one like tho appearance of a
jasper and a sardine stone (Rev. iv, 8).
'Whom no man hath seen, nor can see (I
Tim. vi, 16) may mean no mortal man.
10. "Believest thou not that I am in
the Father and the Fathor in Me?" Then
He adds that all His words and works
were not His, but tho Father's. He takes
no credit to Himself for anything. As to
His words He says elsewhere that the Fa-
ther gave Him a commandment what He
should say and speak (xii, 40). It was the
same with prophets and apostles; they
were given by God the words which they
should speak (Ex. iv, 12; Jer. 1, 7, 9;
Ezek. in 7; iii, 4; Math. x, 20).
11. "Believe Me for the very works'
sake." In the previous verse He asks it
they do not believe that Ho is in the Fa-
ther and the Father in Him, but now He
commands them to believe it and calls
upon tho works as evidence. In chapter
t, 86-39, Ho says that the Father and His
word and works all bear witness that He
is what He says Ho is -ono with the Fa-
thor, the Lord God of the holy prophets,
mho Messiah of Israel, the Son of God. as
is the Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace (Isa.
ix, 0).
12. "Verily, verily, I say onto you, he
that boliovcth on Me, the works that I do
shall lm do also; and greater works than
these shall he do, because I go unto My
Father." Thus will be manifest the union
of the believer with Christ, as His union
with tho Fathor was made manifest. It
is God who worketh in us both to will and
to do of His good pleasure, and He will
work in us those things which are pleas-
ing in His sight (Phil. ti, 13; Hob. rill.
13. "And whatsoever ye shall ask in My
name, that will I do, that the Father may
bo glorified in tho Son." Wo aro supposed
to ask only for those things which will
glorify God. When the lanio man at the
gate of, the teniple or silicas or others
wero healed in the name of the Lord Jesus,
then God was glorified in Hini. When
:souls aro saved, God is glorified in Christ.
When saved ones aro wholly sot apart for
God, then Ho is glorified. When by Iris
grace wo manifest at meek and quiet spirit
under trials, Ho is glorified.
14. ,' "If he shall ask anything in My
name. 1 will do it." I believe that the koy
to these two verses with their seenth' ,1y
unlimited possibilities is in the words ''in
My name," which, as I understand it,
means just what Ho would ask if lie was
here. 1.n His mime suggests that are are
about His business, seeking only This glory
as Re ever sought the Father's glory.
"Oh, I would not call Chollioa dummy,"
said the young woxuan who has a kind
"What else is he?" asked the caustic
young woman.
"I do not know that he is anything at
all. But all the dummies I have seen
wore ready-inado clothes, and Chollie
would rather dio than do that."
Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
Expecting Too mach.
"The idea of that man having the an-
dacity to try to buy my vote outright!"
exclaimed the small politician.
"Wonldn't you agree to his terms?"
asked the intimate friend.
"No, sir. I might rent it for a little
while, but I woulen't," sell it,"
Worms cause feverishness, moaning and.
restlessness during sleep. Mother Graves'
Worm Exterminator is pleasant, sure and
effectual. If your druggist has none in
stock, get hits to procure it for you.
she would wait.
Maude -If a rich old man on the edge of
the grave should propose to you, would
you throw him over?
Marie -Not until after I had married
To Depended On.
"Isn't Mauda rather: uncertain friend?"
"Not at all; whenever she comes to see
me I know she wants something."
Tho distance from the farthest point of
polar disooveries to the pole itself is 460
Tho railway systems of the Mexican
erepuhlic now measuro 7,706 =nee.
The Steele, Briggs Seed Co?s
Enormous annual trade in Farm and Garden Seeds has been at-
tained by 26 years of constant vigilance and care, and in supplying
merchants and growers with the Very highest standard of quality
that can be procured, and at most favorable prices consistent with_
"Good Seeds," which is the $est essential for a good crop.
Among our many introductions of merit
Short White
It may beproperly called "Little
Alaat." Seldom exceeds six-
teen inches in length, and has
been t,rown to measure twenty-
sey<.n lights in circumfeience;
steeds nearly onc-fouuh out of
ground, with a strew, bards. me
top, bread and heavy at the
shculder, tapering evenly to a
peon. 5$Peffect as if turned in
a lathe. 1l:crater is pace green
abovo grouud, and a light
cre.,my white order ground;
flesh r ch white, solid, sweet anti
very nd,triticts. Under go. d
cultivation has yielded ago
thousand buthcls per acre.
e As. an
Exhibition Prize Winner
it is the Peer
Is the .. .
World's Champion
Because it is the Surest Cropper
The tteavi,st Yielder
Easiest Harvested
The Handsomest Shaped Roots
And the Very Lest Field Carrot
in existence
Price (post-paid) per lb.. 4sc.; a ib., 250.:
Ib., 150.; oz., loc.
PLEASE NOTE, -As a safe -guard to growers, we supply the genuine "Im-
proved Short White" Carrot in scaled packages only. printed in colors
and bearing our name and trade mark as shown in the illustration. If your
resident merchant cannot supply you, write to us for it. Refusa imitations
of our packages and varieties said to be "just as good."
Write for our Catalogue, contains descriptions and prices of the newest
and best Field and Garden Seeds es'3DC-Got- Please mention this paper.
"Canada's Greatest Seed House"
Very Likely.
"They say Itockefeilor's income is E25 a
"Is that so? I wonder if he keeps a
punch bell on tho fellow who sits up and
counts it for nim at night?" -Chicago
Unlcind Suggestion.
Bill -I winder if that is a fact that mon
become what they eat?
.Till -Well, if it is, there must bo a lot
of people about who partake of beet sugar.
-Yonkers Statesman.
Is Miss Linsey's Endorsation of
Dodd's Kidney Pills.
They Cured Her of Female Weakness and
Headache When Other Medicines
Were Without Effect -Her Cure
Began When She Started Us-
ing Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Quebec, P.Q., April 10.-A very short,
very pithy and weighty statement is given
for publication by -Miss Lizzie Linsey, of
this city. This statement, made and sign-
ed in the presonce of witnesses, carries a
message of hope and encouragement to
the vast majority of women, for nine of
every ten women are sufferers from one or
other of the long train of ills known
as Female Troubles.
To these, to them all without exception,
Miss Linsey's statem.:nt proves that there
is in Dodd's Kidney Pills a positive cure
for the diseases that rob life of all its plea-
sures and joys.
Miss Linsey writes: "I have been a great
sufferer from Female Weakuess and Head-
ache. I suffered alithetortures attendant
upon these diseases, and could get no ree
lief, though I tried many different kiwis
of remedies. .Some time ago I began using
Dodd's Kidney Pills and my complete cure
began at the same time. I am now strong
and well in every way, thanks to Dodd's
Kidney Pills."
Weak, pale, nervous women, whose item
are a continual round of suffering, need
look no further for a cure. If they will
use Dodd's Kidney Pills they are sure of
complete restoration to vigorous health.
Dodd's Kidney Pills strengthen the Kid-
neys and the Urinary Organs, and bring
health, strength and vitality to weak, de-
fective organs. No Kidney Disease can
exist when Dodds Kidney Pills ere used.
Dodd's Kidney Pills are sold by all drug-
gists at 60e. a box, six boxes $2.60, or sent,
on receipt of price, by the Dodds Medicine
Co., Limited, Toronto.
Couldn't Re Returned.
Six-year-old Tommy was sent by bis
eldest sister to the corner grocery to buy a
pound of lump sugar. He played allies
on tho way to the store, and by the time
he arrived there he had forgotten what
kind of sugar he was sent for. So he took
home some of the granulated article. His
eldest sister sent him back to the store to
get lump sugar. After the proprietor of
the grocery shop had made the change for
the little lad, he engaged Tommy in con-
"Tommy," said ho, "I understand there
is a new member of your family."
"Yes, sir," replied the kid, "I've got a
little brother."
"Well, how do you like that, hey?" in-
quired the groceryman.
"Don't like it at all," said Tommy;
"rather have a little sister."
"Then why don't you change him,
"We would if we could, but I don't sup-
pose we can. You see we have used him
four days now!"
Free and easy expectoration immed-
iately relieves and frees the throat and
lungs from viscid phlegm, and a medicine
that promotes this is the best medicine to
use for coughs, colds, iufiannnntion of the
lungs and all affections of the throat and
chest. This is precisely what Bickle's
Anti -Consumptive Syrup is a specific for,
and wherever used it has given unbound-
ed satisfaction. Children like it because
it is pleasant, adults like it because it re-
lieves and cures the disease.
Useless Extravagance.
They wero on their way home from a
visit to relatives, when the husband was
taken ill,..xnd they had to leave the train
• and go to a hotel.
1 "I think I shall die," gasped the hus-
band, as he lay groaning in bed, but his
wife Walt not exactly sympathetic.
"Of all the extravagant, shiftless men 1"
tilts tairl angrily, '-Why can't you wait
,-r-sa get houxo to die? Don't you know
le win lfr t a good ten pounds extra if you
die ti rret Don't you let Jne catch you
egl tie g it. Olen s al i t" Ana he didn't.
Mental end physical vigor follow the
use of Miller's Compound Iron Pills.
The Model Yews:n rtuo'e Virtues.
.A. model young enan's ohharacterlstics
are honesty of speech, respectability of
carriage, industry.of mind, and eonsieera-
tion for others. With those a young man
is as "model" as it is given an earthly be-
ing to be. -Edward Bok in the Ladies'
Home Journal.
Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows.
St, Vitus 1i.ls,. '.i rapidly cured by Miller's
Cornpoutifi. Iron Pills. Oases of years'
standing now enjoying tho best of health
a1i a natal/ of tai•ilig them.
"The way I wrote it," saidthe young
man who was leaning over the railing,
red with mortification and outraged feel-
ing, "was that tho young igen of the High-
upandup Club would hold a bowling con-
test at their club -room this evening."
"Well?" said the city editor..
"The way it was printed in your paper
this morning, sir, was that the young men
of the Highupandup Club would hold a
'howling contest,' six!"
I inard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
Cause for Pain.
Bill -Old Squeers took gas and had a
tooth out.
Jill -Did ho indeed?
Bill -Yes, and he said it hurt more with
the gas than it would have without 1t.
Jill -How's that, I wonder?
Bill -Why, don't you understand. ]ge
had to pey for the gas.
Woman's suffrage in France.
About a month ago women had the right,
for the first time, of voting in Paris. They
seem to have been for tho most part little
desirous of exercising tho privilege, the
occasion of which was the election of a
number of now magistrates. In the second
arrondissement only three voted, and a
similar number in the eighth. Much the
salvo was the result in every arrondisse-
ment, while in the Quartier Latin, which
might bo thought the very sanctum s.Jno-
torum of women's rights, not a single
member of the fair sex took the trouble to
0.O. RICHARD & Co.
DEAR Stas, -For some years I have had only
partial use of my arm, caused by a sudden
strain. 1 have used every remedy without ef-
feet, until I got a sample bottle of IIINARD'S
LINIMENT. Tbebenetit I received from it
caused me to continue its use, and now I am
happy to say my arm is completely restored.
Glamis, Ont. it. W. Meatuses.
Ineligible for Matrimony.
Alum recently passed in Norway makes
girls ineligible for matrimony unless they
can show certificates of skill in cooking,
knitting and spinning.
No worm medicine acts so nicely as Mil-
ler's Worin Powders; no physic required
Wheat has been grown 200 miles fur-
ther north than Sitka, Alaska.
"I thought you told me you never drank
anything stronger than water," said Mr.
Booce's now acquaintance.
"lVat (hic) water," said Mr. Booce, with
painful dignity, "sbeon known to blow up
Rich, red blood is produced by Miller's
Compound Iran Pills. They possess the
great vitalizing principle upon which de-
pend health and strength.
Lingual Confusion.
"Julia, I can say 'How d'ye do' and
Good -by' in French."
"Ah, that's good, as far as it goes."
"Yes; but I can't remember which is
Lady -1 think you are the worst -looking
tramp I ever saw.
Tramp -Ma'am, it's only in the presence
of uncommon beauty I looks so bad.
Tbis is whero the knife fails, Plasters also,
although inflicting agonizing pain, fail to
make aperinanent cure. The only perfect
system is our painless, pleasant home treat-
ment. Particulars free.
Forst Versus Taste.
Eller Brother -Freddy, I'm surprised to
sec you soak your bread in .bo dish. It's
exceedingly bad form.
Freddy -Well, it's awfully good taste.
Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc.
Itoyat African Scorcher.
King Karreh, chief of a. large Kafue
tribe, has become a full-fledged "scorcher"
and rides his bicycle over the smooth Soutls
African veldt nearly all day long.
A new back for 50 cents. >,iiller'2
Kidney Pills and Plaster.
A single grain of strychnine will ear
bitter000,000 grains of water.
The invention of tho typewriter has
given employment to half a million people.
The Charm of Mystery.
"Your logic 1 can't comprehend."
He murmured, with a sigh.
The statesman winked and said "Up
In truth. no more can L
"I sadly fear, I must confess
If 1 were understood
And did not make the publio guess.
That I would be no good."
-Washington Stmt&
PLOWS, ROLLERS do HARROWSThe Hest Made. Send for Catalogue.
Cr1C1 SHUTT PLOW CO., ]i1tANTI'aa✓v
UCAS, STEELE & BRISTOL, T1,S. & ;'L",free■
Write us. HAMILTON. L.:. & U. Spices
'Union Station Arcade, Toronto.
I can cure permanently all
diseases peculiar to women,
such as displacements, in-
flammations and ulceration
of wornb, painful, suppress-
ed and irregular menstruation, leucon
rhu:a, etc. WRITE Fon FREE BOOK.
Mrs, pilin R. Richard, Cor 996. Montreal, Qne.
We also make
Steel Flag Staffs.
Grain Grinders,
Iron and IVood
Pumps, lies
• Supplies.
Send for New Oats
T. N. II.
FREE E°Brgit
fluter* 7IuBb.lincttd'e sty,
ter selling 1 doz. dainty packets et
Ilcaotropo, loose alai Volet Erye
fume, No bran orau,uaust, 9e
at 100. each. Return us $1.20 cab ,
receivo ring FILES by returns
roam. Moral conln,l,alen, input
furred. tlnsoldgoods returnable,
Dent. D Toronto. On*