HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-4-13, Page 8ieninitentMettan000linalaieteete - of our Studente have reeently taken good situatems, and tour positums remain unfilled. eerem) Central ees.a.)- ,en STRATFORD, ONT. gives the" best" in she tine of besesess or shorthana (sweeten.. Li fair competition our erenuates are nearly 41wa vs ceoeen, . while others turned eetle. Eutee mew, niratiars free. W . Elliott. Principal aso.e.acsatweetweeekeoeeke, I LOCAL DOING'S, • Here lies the, brnly a Moses Draper (Tread softly ve who puss) 'Who lived till without a paper And then blew out the gas. Vse Dix Little Liver Pills. Sold by C. Lutz. Hurrah 1 Band. Coneert Montlaen April 24th. • Try the a evonsTa for Wedaing stet ionerv, lanai designe. Rev. Ten Eyee, will ',weepy the pul- pit in the 1'L'1't Memorial l'hursh Sunday next. The 1'&''11t inine e have dona power wa of good in the v of invigorating the growth of the fad wheat. Clinton is abont to make the pur- chasen of a stone (Tr U10usher for un- meiventenit t)f their reads. W. H. Sksimier, Bass soloist of 1st Methodist ehureh London, at Band Coneert, Monday, April 24tb, lit Merv; has %looted DPW MOW' of advertising for a school taiither, They offer eir melt day of aetual eeraiee. "Burnt Barley Fields" the sub - ant announe ed by Rev. Cluirles Smith far diseourse in Main streve Omani next Sunday evening. The Junior Laerosee elub bare tit ganized a team this year under the name, of "The Nationals aud will commence praet ire shortly. Owing to tile eoutinued ithipss a Mr, T. J. Loekhart, principal of the Exeter Public. Sebool, his position is being filled. by Mr. Boyd, of Belfast. Try Winarne Cough Balsam for coughs, colds and bronehial troubles. Sole agent fin. Ilit.14,'s Lung Syrup, C. fe"rz, Druggist, D Rev. r, Beaumont, of Loudon* oe. eupiedthe pulpit in the Trivitt Memor- ial ehureh on Sunday last and pre:tele- ed two very impressive and instructive WI:MODS. :311'. Hail, of the Sutherland -Innis Cie, who luts been residing. in the reel.- deare owned by 31r, AmbrOSe Cottle, has moved into the house 01 24115. Hoo- per, Hume :Amen Mr. Harry Iemte, of Sodom, hes pur- chasedhe tresidenee of Mrs. TON/ la111. William street, now oceupied by Mr. Jas. Murray, for the stun of SIRS) and intends moving therein shortly. Mr. Samuel Davis, of Centralia, has rtened. the house of Mrs. Rich Welsh, and will move into it in a few (lays. WelS11 Will 1110Ve i1110 the 11011Se DOW occuptect by Mrs. Keys, on the saint. street. Mr. Walter Westant, who has not hod the paper uee of the leg he had injured some years ago, leaves toelay awned:al n Lewin low, where he ' will have an appin iace fitted by Mr. John Boyd. The postponea vestry meeting of the Trivitt alemorial Church will be held in the school hall of that church on Monday next, when the unfinished business will be completed and a re- ception tendered the Rev. Ten Eyck. The Goderich Star has again en- larged its borders and is now the lag - gest paper in the county. The Star iS elean and newsy, gives a large amount of local news every week, and is to be congratulated on its phen- ominal progress. May its shadow n.ever grow less. The Mitchell Advocate last week celebrated its 39th anniversary as a public journal. It was founded by Mr. W. R. Davis, and still continues under his control and management We heartily congratulate it on its deserved success in the past, and wish jt and itn feender abundant prosperity In the. future, Air. Frank Ruse, musk teachernwho hag been a highly respected resident etf Exeter for several years, has de- cided to remove to Toronto shortly, and will dispose of his horse, rigs and household effects on Wednesday next. In loping air. Ruse the town loses a worthy citizen, and his many friends here will regret to learn of his depart - tire. The negotiations between Mr. J. A. Stewart and Mr. Chas. Snell, Division Court Clerk, were brought to a close last week and as a result Mr. Stewart now possesses the premises owned by Mr. Snell and adjoining his store pro- perty. Mr. Stewart intends remodel- ling the two buildings and making it into one immense store. Mr. Stewart is to be connnended on his enterprise. In order to meet the demands of their ever increasing trade, the enterprising firm of Messrs. Ross & Taylor have found it necessary to further equip their planing mill with more modern maehinery. Last week they added a, new sand -papering maeldn.e. It is dne of the best machines of its kind that can be procured, and by its aid the work in this line will be much facili- tated. A horse belonging to Snell's livery m and driven by Mr. Frank Snell, ade a lively rim down Main street yesterday (Wed.) While near the bridge at the river, the bit of the bridle broke, and the horse started to run. Frank realizing the imminence of his danger erawled out over the back of the buggy aud thus saved. himself. • The horse tan as far as the stable, none the worse for its run but the harness and buggy were slightly damaged. Farmers should use English Stock Food. Sold by C. Lutz. We am in receipt of a pourable from Mr. W. P. McCreary, Commissioner of • Immigration, . Winnipeg, Man., con- taining a list of lands open for sale in the Wienipeg, nistrict, showing loca- tion, improvemeet (if any) price per aere,terms OX1 Which they will be sold, title of property, etc. This little pamphlet would afford intending ewe. grants the means of obtaining reliable information and can be procured on application to. the above commissioner. 1 School opened on Monday last after a week's holidays. Hurrieli 1 Boma Concert Monday, • Miss Vera liewitehaw, Whohae been v siting friends in Seafottle, returned. home on .Saturdity. • I :alias Nettie Martin,. who has, been . April 24th. Use Native Herb Tea for spring Tee Amnion Trendless-. medicine. Sold by .0, Leta Engem) .Lookbart, the Bey Cottle- dian, in Irish and Scoteb. ehatacteta Band Concert, Monday, April 24th. • owe nest. Alt old chain between. f.lXetet an .8axiedes west, of the Maneion House. A read of $20 will be given to the finder by ITU:truing .s.aine thisofnee, Educetioual Somme% Sermons in behalf of the Education, al Society will be preitched be the Janees-sts chetah next Sunday morn- ', lug and eveningeby Rev, Joeenb Edge, • of London, Important to nerenta The teaebers of the Exeter Public School nre ;maims that kein>. pupils, about to :enter eehool for the Mm at time, be in .attendance on Mou- day; 17th inst. Parents will kindly support the staff by eending taeruits for the term out on this date. Tea nxemptions. The law evhich up to a short, time ago enabled two-thude •of the mem- •.se e of the . nuit ipa Council to grant lex exemptions has been (*hanged. alunieipai eminent; cannot now grant elude exenration until twtethirds of the- eleetors on the roll of a municipality d have eelared in favor oft at a geuer- , al munieipal tn. speeial election, , tens in t. ThoOrts Jonroll- Iter. Mr Ir- vine, of Grave Chnreb, oaeapied the pulpit of the Central Methodist Clowch • Sunday morning. He eommended the aetion Of the pastor of tbe Owen, ten Re3Ir. -Ceewrequ s, in esting the • ladle,: of the ehurch who wore large ,bats to remove them during the ser.. mon, Ile said the request wile not contrary to Serrature, insomuch as women were a in a nulition ,ofeervitude at the time when Paul wrote, but they were not so now. He mid he hoped the nun-mld oot woue become quite geeeral ill all churehes. eloastor of Tim Forest There emend taro:eget- .Seaforth on Thuesday of last week one of the tar- geet trees ever seen in this seetion says the Seaforth Expositoe. Indeed it MOM resembled the inueense pine trees Mine) we hear about as growing in British Columbia. This tree measne. ed 7 feet 1 inch iteeoes the stump, and. it was 45 feet from the ground to the first limb. It was ten into four sete tione, the first .seetion. naeaeuring. 12 feet and emit of the others 11 feet in length. It contained in all 7,661 feet board measure. It. was of soft eine It grew on the farm of Thomas Grieve, 2n concession, cannot Accept. The Wingbam Advanee of last week savszene Rev. C. W. Brown, Who wile invited to the pastorate of Winglnum. Methodist clench, Ind has written to say that he minima accept, though he would like to have done so. It , seems he badreceived and Aceepted an invitation .from Exeter some time ago, • Ind. it was not es utundmous as it might have been oe account of local influences. On receiving the invita- tion from Winghane lie wrote Exeter that their invitation must be 111111111- MODS, or otherwise he must be release ed and left free to accept another invitation. The Official Board at Exe- ter tlwe met and made the invitation unenimous. Hence Wingham znust look elsewhere fora euitable .pastor." Did lite vanisinue Act. - Thos.. B. Parkinson., a cotumercial w traveller ell -known to the ulerchants of Exeter, has made himself scarce, as will be seen by the following taken from the Landoll News of last week: "The cheap earance of Thos. B. Park- inson, ilea recently traveller for th Bryan's brush works, is giving e gos- sips of the city something- extra inter- estieg to talk about these days. Mr, Parkinson, Who has been prominent in Oddlellowship and Masonic circles in this city for years, was away on one of his regular trips when his firm here were surprised. to receive a letter an- nouncing that he was returning to them his trunks, keys, travellers' cer- tificate, etc., and would not return to the city, circumstances having render- ed it necessary that he should reside outside of Canada for a while. Mr. Parkinson's accounts are straight and a good ..many people wonder what on earth happened to induce. him. to do the vanishing act," Post -entice statistics. The report of the Postmaster Gen- eral for the year ending June 30, 1898, has just been received. From it we glean the following interesting infor- mation. The annexed table shows the business done at each of the "account ing " offices this county, and the ennumeration received :by the post- masters, including their allowances for fuel, light and rent: The following ale the amounts paid for conveying the mails between the points named for the twelve months ending 30th .June, 1898: Hayfield and Seaforth $315: Brewster and Parkhill, $319; Brecefield and railway station, $88,90; Centralia and Crediton, $225.60 Centralia and Saintsbury, $48, Clinton and railway station, $146.88; Dashwood to Sarepta, $32.08; Dashwood to Park- hill, $384; Drysdale to Kippen, $145; Dublin to Farquhar, $188; Exeter to railway station, $187.80; Exeter to St. Marys, $615; Hensall and railway sta- tion, $100.17; Hensael and Lumley, $300.06; Khiva and Shipka, $75; Kip - pen and railway station, $125.20; Sea - forth and railway station, $187.80; Wingham and railway station, $250.40 Wingtaxa and C.P.R. station, $82.68.; Zurich and Hertsall, $224. Th Tt p • n on win be beta this year from May t3Otti to June when 3,700 men are to ae trained. The first infantry brigade will consist of five battalione, One eanalry reghnent and two city battai- ions will be attached. for two days. It is not known whether the 83rd Bat - tenon is included in the five infant -ay g - Foe area:tore ot nraugtit Horses, The Secretary of the Dominion Draught Horse Beeders! Society hes just issued eight page report of the proceedings the last annual meet- ing, a statement of the Society's Awns conditiou, and a vouralijation of the rules and regulations as amended up to date. This is for distribution • g . noeie tout will be readily supplied to any one interested in draught 110150 breeding, A. fact that will interest many in the neighborhoodof the fall lairs named is the .offering of $10 in prizes—lst, $6 land ....9nd $1 for fillies two years old and under, reaistered with t his Society :;41-iown. at either the G.N.W. Won at (loderiele the South Heron at Exeter, and the North Perth fall fairs. f There beer been many animals from each of these stations registered with the Soviety, and there should be pro- duce moue% from t a 1 visaing friends in Mount Forest, res • turned home Saturday. _Use Cadge Hugh Gillies had his right foot jammed betweeu two pulleys! on Monday at Unties & Son's saw mill. Drysaide; Mr, Arthur Mason had nnoioltir competition at atilt fair, sese. t ' '321000.0enlanal PERSONAL. Vae0s7479Ve3Wel'O-00WireWelatIrc—.-eaAaa en, Mise Ida Johns spent Saturday in Loudon. W. IL Moneur spent Wednesday in Gannon on business. I :Mr. .4. th1S0116,43 Vela SUDaay With friends au Centralia. I Mrs. Jobn Sanders, of Sarnia, is vis - 'time relatives in Stephen, • eirt K 34, eleKenzies spent Sunday k :et his home in Goderiele I Miss Elliott left on Saturday last to visit friends in London. Ma Faulk Wood is spending a few days in Siirnia on business, Detective Westeott spent Monday and Tuesday in London on bur:Mesa Mr. Geo. Sutherland, post master, Neilsen, event Sunday with friends in town. Mr, R. hansman, left Saturday to ;Tend a few days with his brother at Sarnia. Miss French, of Seafortin spent Suns day here with her sister, ;Mrs. J. M. Enos Cialmore, who has been visit- ing friends iu Seaforth, returned/mule on ZNIonday. Mr. .1, R. Labatt, of Toronto branch of the Molsons bane, has been tains- ferred to the benneh here. Mrs. Herman Kelly, Huron street, euffering from au Mt:tele of congete ton of the lungs, Miss Lily May, after spending Teas - ter hot Mays with her parents at Mit ell - en, returned Saturday. Mr. Wm, Hodgert and family have moved to Centralia, where they will make their future home. Mr. Weed, of St. Thomas, spent Monday aml 'Tuesday in town the guest of Mr. Frank SIMI, Mr. jno. Gould, merchant tailor of London, spent Monday and Tuesday here, the guest of his parents. Mrs. James Balkwill, who has been visiting relatives bere, returned to her home in Dutton, Wednesday. Mr. Rodgers, of Winnipeg, Man., has taken charge of the office duties of the Parsons Produce Co. here. Mr. H. Bishop, who has been on a purchasing trip to Toronto for sever- al days, returned home Tuesday. Willie Smith, son of Mr. S. Smith, London Road south, bas started to learn clerking with Mr. J. P. Clark. Fred Hawksbaw left on Friday last BIG CASH CASH OR PRODUCE ONE PRICE ONLY. the misfortune to have bis fingers had- ly braised while working in the woods one day recently. It is better to preArve health than to cure disease. Therefore, keep your blood pure with Ifood's Sarsaparilla and be always wells St, Marys: J. MeQuillian, an old resident of this place, had the misfor- tune to fall on the slippery sidewalk Wednesday and break an arm, Morris: While working in the hush Monday, Mr. Erb hurt his head badly. , 'While cbopping wood he slipped and the axe either fell on his bleed or he fell on the axe. Seaforthn Mr, James Diek, having leased a large stook foam in Colborne weer Goderich, for five years left thie \PRING .1 111141MES' CORT S & CAPES. ANN•we' ***** 1 $5.00_Ladies' Blaek Ciotti Coat, nicely stnehed and strappe&l special vulue. Navy Coat, very neat and natty, a real bargain. $5„00 ----Ladies' New Fawn Coat, a perfect beauty, very stylish. $6„50_Ladies' Light Fawn Cont, our best, the latest and meet stylish emit in town. week to engiere in the map oecupa- :$3 75_131:wk Velvet, Cape, eeatly trimmed with Lace,. Jet ani tiou of agriculture. Ribbon, special value. $4 00—Black Velvet Cape, verpretty and. stylish, trimmed -11„ OA rat, to 01. emit h rt- s-; -, „ • cr . greeted lances Of Mr. itiovites Cie faux of Ilinnu(h & Bowles is replaetel by with Lace, Jet and Ribbon. $4 26—Black elvet (eipe, hued throughout with Near Silk that of lament), & Sou, and the !nisi - and trimmed. with Lace, Jet and Ribbon. These are • ness will he carried on as before in the the most stylish eaves of the season. old stand. Goderieb: Loeis Bettie, who is in Black Cloth and Worsted capes, a full range. All new the employ of Baton & Tree -eft in and up-to-date. i tbeir furniture factory at Liu know,the Dre411; E41 for the choicest- lot of fancy figured Black , lied the misfortune to lose one of his 5 oo Dress Goods we hare Orel." Offered. ThiS is a rare eharice fingere hist week while lielping to 11':to secure something new and up-toelate nifty Black sthe invitee 4 Goods, Oh 1 ).'-ee, we have better Week goods, and also ebeaper ones if you want then). Hensall: Messrs. T, j. Berry and Owen Geiger., the welldsnown 11,0150. 131,0(3 of this pIdee, re,eently sold their well-known entire horse, n Young A. STEWART • Rakelield, to Mr, John Gentles,of eardine, for a haninsonie figure, Stores Close 6:30 pan, eecept Wednesday and Saturday, Hensall; -An T, Murdock WOK 411'1V -- or sir VriErniriVrnr"UrNil"gr nir704"e"gr nincirligincrikr,g7.20"Uritricir iqg holm. from spaortil ou Saturday night, his team shied and fell over the (lid of a eulvert, one on the other. up- atenaima5nn03510 setting the rig and hinting 31r, 31313e dock considerably about the head. Hensan: Wenduesday night J. C. Muscat went up the front stair lead- ing to the ph itograph gallery and As a was dark d not see the haek stair tansh maw rA i he shot like an arrow land- ing in inheap at the foot. ills sineal- der was injured, one of the hones be- ing broken and he WaS badly shook up, Seaforth: On Tuestlav night S01110 pe3'4.1111 111'ekeilit01 F. holterte' drug etore and eXtraeted a little over $2 in silver front the cash register. othin else in the tore 11:718 disturbed, an the burglar even despised about $2 11 coppers that were in the register. Bo - (tame must have been gained by it key for the front door, an(1 the fellow even lorked the door after he went out. Ilibbert: On Wednesday I. J. Wm'. den, eon of Thomas Warden, gave up bachelor life, and with the nem:donee of Rev. 8, 0. Edimmds, made Miss Sarah, daughter of Henry Lenders, Itis wife. Miss Lenders has li yea in Mitchell nod ha41 a large (-beet. of 1111.11114.1. Mr. la olden has 'seemed a fine helper for life, whieli we hope will be pleasant, and lua.y they long enjoy it They will reside on a Ilibbert farm. Egmondville: The silent reaper has agnin visited our village and gathered another sheaf of his almedaut harves€ of this SeaS011, 311 the person of Atm S. Carnoehan, which sail event °mimed Monday evening. She spent most of the winter with ber sister in Clualey and on her return was in her usual health, but soon she was attacked by lagrippe and other complications set- ting in, a constitution never very ro- bust was speedily undermined and on the above day she paased away, THE Exeter Turf Club for London, where he will spend a term SPRING MEETING in the Forest City Business College. Miss Smith and Miss Boyd, after a, MAY 24th, 1899 pleasant visit at the Main street par- sonage, returned to London this week. Miss McKenny, Miss M. Christie, and Miss A. McLaughlin attended the military ball held in Seaforth on Fri- day night.. . Mr. A. J. Rollins, after spending a few days in Sarnia on business, re- turned. Frida,y. Mi.. Wm. Davis, Exeter North, is quite ill and unable to attend to his duties as mail carrier. Mrs. Chas. Eacrett, of Sarnia, is visiting friends in town, the guest of her sister, Mrs. John Snell. Wesley Sanders, has accepted ' a position in Mitchell as tailor, and I left Monday for that place. Albert Pytem attended the wedding of his sister at Winchelsea, to Mr. Horn, of the same place on Wednes- day. Miss Ada Treble, who has been en- gaged as a milliner hi Toronto for the past few months, returned home Sat- urday. Miss Maud Teckell, who has been suffering for some time of congestion of the lungs, is yet confined to her bed with no signs of improvement. Mr. Wesley Bissett left on Wednes- day evening for Paris to visithis sister in-law, Mrs. Inksater, who is at pres- ent very ill. Messre. L. II. Dickson, W. J. Carl- ing and C. II. Sanders attended the Conservative Convention at Ailsa Craig on Friday. Mr. Chas. Shute, of Lions Head, who has been spending the past few weeks with friends in town, returned to his home on Monday last. Miss II. Kinsman, who spent Easter holidays with her parents here, return- ed to resume her duties as tea,cher bit Blenheim OD Saturday. Harry Chesney, of the Electric Light Company, has resigned. his posi- tion here, and will seek for a similar position in the North 1Vest shortly. Harty Browning, who has been spending his Easter vacation under the parental roof, returned to Mark- ham on Monday to resume his studies. Mrs. Renton, formerly Miss Andie Bissett, and daughter of the late Robt. Bissett, of Powassau, Ont., accompan- ied by three childr, ee is visiting. rela- tives and emends in town. —PROGRAM - 2:20 Trot or Pace 2:30 Trot or Pace 3:00 Trot or Pace Running, Open - $225 - $200 - $175 - $125 DR. Roestates, A. E. TENNANT, Pres. Seciy. * NEW * MEAT MARKET. The undersigned has op- ened up a new Meat Market. 1 DOOR SOUTH OF' CARLINGS' STORE, where he will keep the choic• est of meats constantly on hand. alOhn. T. Manning 13ICYCLkE REPAIR BARG/4ms For 30 Days Only. Now is the time to get your bicycle put in good order for the season. No. 1. For $11 will clean, oil and adjust ail the bearings. No.2.--For $2 J. will clean, oil and adjust all bearings, polish all nickeled a parts, nd brighten frame arid forks. llo. 3. -For $4.501 will clean. oil, adjust, enamel thd frame encl. fork black or maroon and polish nickel parts. No. 4.--Fdr $6 I will clean, oil, 'adjust, en- amel black or maroon, true 'both wheels. true frame,.forks a,1 cranks, repair 'tires if worth repairing. a 0 a polish nickel parts, N... . -For $5 I will clean, oil, adjust, en- amel black or maroon, true both wheels, true frame, forks, an.1 (trunks, repair tiros if worth repairing. nickel Plate all parts ex- cept s pok es and h ribs. No. 0 -For $10 I N, ill elm». oil. adjust, en- amel black or maroon; irue both wheels, true frame, forks and cranks, repair tiro8 4(5 8.,b()Ve. nil :Arts, put all hew spokes in ho th wheels. llrunford Eicyclo for Sato, $40 oniy. All kinds of Supplies on hand. ISRAEL SI\IITH, English, Ameriean and Canadian WALL PAPER (" Imam& of voile to piek from. last season we 11111 short in . OUP 1401.44, bllt 113111 70411' We bare placed on otte shelves three limes the stock we hare ever tarried. Our prices range from 34e, a roll to 20e. Our variety Of dark 411111 light patterns are exteelent, and the callings are the best prodneed, CARPETS—...06a. :13 now pi000s nt wool, rpm. TapoArs and 14.ns...1, Flom. Oils and Linoleums in all withe and patterne, Window Shades in latest colors and patterns. eettEMEGatintill= E. J. SPACKMAN, -04P21,The Sig Clothier. ommoN SENSE MANUS that you should eall And insee 01 the tines of . GENT'S FIONISHINGS that we have placed in our store. You will find in this new stock Quality and Price.... to suit you. FIT WELL FEEL WELL LOOK WELL..... This is what we always ;meow plis h when we make a suit for you. Prices that Please. Bert. Knight. EXTENSION °F HOER -waving purchased the Exeter mill, 4 we are now prepared to do general gristing and chopping Flour at Reduced Prices. ALL KINDS OF GRAIN BOUGHT. Grain delivered at first elevator paid for at Mill office. Apic• FEED delivered to all parts of town free of charge..... Seed Wheat, Oats, Peas and Barley for sale at Filet Elevator. COBBLEDICK & WILLIAMS Sneli COMMERCIAL LIVERY. First-class Rigs and Horses Orders left at Fla wksbaw's Hotel, or at the Livery Stable, Christie's old Stand will receive prompt at- tention. . . . . . Terin$Reasottable r.reeolnhn°enc 'Lox „ 4•41' tOZZ ' • '..,40111,,• • 174.261i2iFrad mpowsmoranaminnoihma vongeradoomasormommarrianmeromwa FOR FIRST-CLASS BEEF, LAMB, PORK, SAUSAGE, BOLOGNA, PRESSED TO:.N.7GVE, CORNED BEEP; SALT, 'FRESH' OR SMOKED MEATS, Call at The Family Butcher Shop. one door North of ft. Pickard's store. LOUIS DAY Proprietor.. THE Illtractin of all sass. Just at present the object of attraction . to the people of Exeter and. surround-- , ing country is OUR GREAT LINES: —OF— FURNITURE • To see is to examine and to examine our stock is to buy. Prices are so astounding when the . —quality is considered. . R. N. ROWE. The Filalsons Bank. arternd by Parliament. 1815.1 Paid up Capital ' $2,000,000. Rest Fund I 500 000 s Jed office Montreal WOLFERSTAN THOIVIAS, Esq., Gni‘IlDRAL 11L9NA,C4B13. 1iolio3 aesa»cee to good Farmers on their own notes with one Or Mare endorsers at 7 per cent. ivy annum. --EXETER BRANOTT-- epon °rely lawful day from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m; Sat s 4(1 a.m. to 1 p.m. A general banking business transacted_ CURREN'r It AIRS allowed for m on ey on Denosit Recoipis. SaviLgs Bank at 3Z. DICE.SOIN & CARLING, N. D. ITUnnow; Solicitors. mantes • Gross Rev'nue No. of Mony Ord'rs issued Sallry of Post- mastr Other Allow - ances. Auburn $ 481 90 790 $ 176 $141 80 Bayfield 629 44 792 252 145 79 Belgrave 864 48 216 290 8573 Blyth 1,46749 894 500 21524 Brucell'Id 465 48 100 • 175 30 80 Brussels 2,82822 2,307 720 481 22 Clinton 5,10968 1,225 1,240 595 66 Crambr'k 302 22 162 136 2292 Crediton 726 96 458 270 124 28 Dunganas 715 73 555 220 116 38 Ethel 524 92 267 228 3482 Exeter 2,44260 1,5 , 700 397 28 Fordwich 815 45 802 280 13461 Goderich 6,81303 2,681 1,900 47953 Gerrie 1,057 08 819 380 178 13 Hensel). 1,316 81 924 4.e0 186 50 Kippen 372 99 171 128 53 45 Londesb'r 465 51 274 164 35 69 Molesnar' 83276 120 92 '22 24 Seaforth. 4,891 53 1,686 1,884 610 78 The following ale the amounts paid for conveying the mails between the points named for the twelve months ending 30th .June, 1898: Hayfield and Seaforth $315: Brewster and Parkhill, $319; Brecefield and railway station, $88,90; Centralia and Crediton, $225.60 Centralia and Saintsbury, $48, Clinton and railway station, $146.88; Dashwood to Sarepta, $32.08; Dashwood to Park- hill, $384; Drysdale to Kippen, $145; Dublin to Farquhar, $188; Exeter to railway station, $187.80; Exeter to St. Marys, $615; Hensall and railway sta- tion, $100.17; Hensael and Lumley, $300.06; Khiva and Shipka, $75; Kip - pen and railway station, $125.20; Sea - forth and railway station, $187.80; Wingham and railway station, $250.40 Wingtaxa and C.P.R. station, $82.68.; Zurich and Hertsall, $224. Th Tt p • n on win be beta this year from May t3Otti to June when 3,700 men are to ae trained. The first infantry brigade will consist of five battalione, One eanalry reghnent and two city battai- ions will be attached. for two days. It is not known whether the 83rd Bat - tenon is included in the five infant -ay g - Foe area:tore ot nraugtit Horses, The Secretary of the Dominion Draught Horse Beeders! Society hes just issued eight page report of the proceedings the last annual meet- ing, a statement of the Society's Awns conditiou, and a vouralijation of the rules and regulations as amended up to date. This is for distribution • g . noeie tout will be readily supplied to any one interested in draught 110150 breeding, A. fact that will interest many in the neighborhoodof the fall lairs named is the .offering of $10 in prizes—lst, $6 land ....9nd $1 for fillies two years old and under, reaistered with t his Society :;41-iown. at either the G.N.W. Won at (loderiele the South Heron at Exeter, and the North Perth fall fairs. f There beer been many animals from each of these stations registered with the Soviety, and there should be pro- duce moue% from t a 1 visaing friends in Mount Forest, res • turned home Saturday. _Use Cadge Hugh Gillies had his right foot jammed betweeu two pulleys! on Monday at Unties & Son's saw mill. Drysaide; Mr, Arthur Mason had nnoioltir competition at atilt fair, sese. t ' '321000.0enlanal PERSONAL. Vae0s7479Ve3Wel'O-00WireWelatIrc—.-eaAaa en, Mise Ida Johns spent Saturday in Loudon. W. IL Moneur spent Wednesday in Gannon on business. I :Mr. .4. th1S0116,43 Vela SUDaay With friends au Centralia. I Mrs. Jobn Sanders, of Sarnia, is vis - 'time relatives in Stephen, • eirt K 34, eleKenzies spent Sunday k :et his home in Goderiele I Miss Elliott left on Saturday last to visit friends in London. Ma Faulk Wood is spending a few days in Siirnia on business, Detective Westeott spent Monday and Tuesday in London on bur:Mesa Mr. Geo. Sutherland, post master, Neilsen, event Sunday with friends in town. Mr, R. hansman, left Saturday to ;Tend a few days with his brother at Sarnia. Miss French, of Seafortin spent Suns day here with her sister, ;Mrs. J. M. Enos Cialmore, who has been visit- ing friends iu Seaforth, returned/mule on ZNIonday. Mr. .1, R. Labatt, of Toronto branch of the Molsons bane, has been tains- ferred to the benneh here. Mrs. Herman Kelly, Huron street, euffering from au Mt:tele of congete ton of the lungs, Miss Lily May, after spending Teas - ter hot Mays with her parents at Mit ell - en, returned Saturday. Mr. Wm, Hodgert and family have moved to Centralia, where they will make their future home. Mr. Weed, of St. Thomas, spent Monday aml 'Tuesday in town the guest of Mr. Frank SIMI, Mr. jno. Gould, merchant tailor of London, spent Monday and Tuesday here, the guest of his parents. Mrs. James Balkwill, who has been visiting relatives bere, returned to her home in Dutton, Wednesday. Mr. Rodgers, of Winnipeg, Man., has taken charge of the office duties of the Parsons Produce Co. here. Mr. H. Bishop, who has been on a purchasing trip to Toronto for sever- al days, returned home Tuesday. Willie Smith, son of Mr. S. Smith, London Road south, bas started to learn clerking with Mr. J. P. Clark. Fred Hawksbaw left on Friday last BIG CASH CASH OR PRODUCE ONE PRICE ONLY. the misfortune to have bis fingers had- ly braised while working in the woods one day recently. It is better to preArve health than to cure disease. Therefore, keep your blood pure with Ifood's Sarsaparilla and be always wells St, Marys: J. MeQuillian, an old resident of this place, had the misfor- tune to fall on the slippery sidewalk Wednesday and break an arm, Morris: While working in the hush Monday, Mr. Erb hurt his head badly. , 'While cbopping wood he slipped and the axe either fell on his bleed or he fell on the axe. Seaforthn Mr, James Diek, having leased a large stook foam in Colborne weer Goderich, for five years left thie \PRING .1 111141MES' CORT S & CAPES. ANN•we' ***** 1 $5.00_Ladies' Blaek Ciotti Coat, nicely stnehed and strappe&l special vulue. Navy Coat, very neat and natty, a real bargain. $5„00 ----Ladies' New Fawn Coat, a perfect beauty, very stylish. $6„50_Ladies' Light Fawn Cont, our best, the latest and meet stylish emit in town. week to engiere in the map oecupa- :$3 75_131:wk Velvet, Cape, eeatly trimmed with Lace,. Jet ani tiou of agriculture. Ribbon, special value. $4 00—Black Velvet Cape, verpretty and. stylish, trimmed -11„ OA rat, to 01. emit h rt- s-; -, „ • cr . greeted lances Of Mr. itiovites Cie faux of Ilinnu(h & Bowles is replaetel by with Lace, Jet and Ribbon. $4 26—Black elvet (eipe, hued throughout with Near Silk that of lament), & Sou, and the !nisi - and trimmed. with Lace, Jet and Ribbon. These are • ness will he carried on as before in the the most stylish eaves of the season. old stand. Goderieb: Loeis Bettie, who is in Black Cloth and Worsted capes, a full range. All new the employ of Baton & Tree -eft in and up-to-date. i tbeir furniture factory at Liu know,the Dre411; E41 for the choicest- lot of fancy figured Black , lied the misfortune to lose one of his 5 oo Dress Goods we hare Orel." Offered. ThiS is a rare eharice fingere hist week while lielping to 11':to secure something new and up-toelate nifty Black sthe invitee 4 Goods, Oh 1 ).'-ee, we have better Week goods, and also ebeaper ones if you want then). Hensall: Messrs. T, j. Berry and Owen Geiger., the welldsnown 11,0150. 131,0(3 of this pIdee, re,eently sold their well-known entire horse, n Young A. STEWART • Rakelield, to Mr, John Gentles,of eardine, for a haninsonie figure, Stores Close 6:30 pan, eecept Wednesday and Saturday, Hensall; -An T, Murdock WOK 411'1V -- or sir VriErniriVrnr"UrNil"gr nir704"e"gr nincirligincrikr,g7.20"Uritricir iqg holm. from spaortil ou Saturday night, his team shied and fell over the (lid of a eulvert, one on the other. up- atenaima5nn03510 setting the rig and hinting 31r, 31313e dock considerably about the head. Hensan: Wenduesday night J. C. Muscat went up the front stair lead- ing to the ph itograph gallery and As a was dark d not see the haek stair tansh maw rA i he shot like an arrow land- ing in inheap at the foot. ills sineal- der was injured, one of the hones be- ing broken and he WaS badly shook up, Seaforth: On Tuestlav night S01110 pe3'4.1111 111'ekeilit01 F. holterte' drug etore and eXtraeted a little over $2 in silver front the cash register. othin else in the tore 11:718 disturbed, an the burglar even despised about $2 11 coppers that were in the register. Bo - (tame must have been gained by it key for the front door, an(1 the fellow even lorked the door after he went out. Ilibbert: On Wednesday I. J. Wm'. den, eon of Thomas Warden, gave up bachelor life, and with the nem:donee of Rev. 8, 0. Edimmds, made Miss Sarah, daughter of Henry Lenders, Itis wife. Miss Lenders has li yea in Mitchell nod ha41 a large (-beet. of 1111.11114.1. Mr. la olden has 'seemed a fine helper for life, whieli we hope will be pleasant, and lua.y they long enjoy it They will reside on a Ilibbert farm. Egmondville: The silent reaper has agnin visited our village and gathered another sheaf of his almedaut harves€ of this SeaS011, 311 the person of Atm S. Carnoehan, which sail event °mimed Monday evening. She spent most of the winter with ber sister in Clualey and on her return was in her usual health, but soon she was attacked by lagrippe and other complications set- ting in, a constitution never very ro- bust was speedily undermined and on the above day she paased away, THE Exeter Turf Club for London, where he will spend a term SPRING MEETING in the Forest City Business College. Miss Smith and Miss Boyd, after a, MAY 24th, 1899 pleasant visit at the Main street par- sonage, returned to London this week. Miss McKenny, Miss M. Christie, and Miss A. McLaughlin attended the military ball held in Seaforth on Fri- day night.. . Mr. A. J. Rollins, after spending a few days in Sarnia on business, re- turned. Frida,y. Mi.. Wm. Davis, Exeter North, is quite ill and unable to attend to his duties as mail carrier. Mrs. Chas. Eacrett, of Sarnia, is visiting friends in town, the guest of her sister, Mrs. John Snell. Wesley Sanders, has accepted ' a position in Mitchell as tailor, and I left Monday for that place. Albert Pytem attended the wedding of his sister at Winchelsea, to Mr. Horn, of the same place on Wednes- day. Miss Ada Treble, who has been en- gaged as a milliner hi Toronto for the past few months, returned home Sat- urday. Miss Maud Teckell, who has been suffering for some time of congestion of the lungs, is yet confined to her bed with no signs of improvement. Mr. Wesley Bissett left on Wednes- day evening for Paris to visithis sister in-law, Mrs. Inksater, who is at pres- ent very ill. Messre. L. II. Dickson, W. J. Carl- ing and C. II. Sanders attended the Conservative Convention at Ailsa Craig on Friday. Mr. Chas. Shute, of Lions Head, who has been spending the past few weeks with friends in town, returned to his home on Monday last. Miss II. Kinsman, who spent Easter holidays with her parents here, return- ed to resume her duties as tea,cher bit Blenheim OD Saturday. Harry Chesney, of the Electric Light Company, has resigned. his posi- tion here, and will seek for a similar position in the North 1Vest shortly. Harty Browning, who has been spending his Easter vacation under the parental roof, returned to Mark- ham on Monday to resume his studies. Mrs. Renton, formerly Miss Andie Bissett, and daughter of the late Robt. Bissett, of Powassau, Ont., accompan- ied by three childr, ee is visiting. rela- tives and emends in town. —PROGRAM - 2:20 Trot or Pace 2:30 Trot or Pace 3:00 Trot or Pace Running, Open - $225 - $200 - $175 - $125 DR. Roestates, A. E. TENNANT, Pres. Seciy. * NEW * MEAT MARKET. The undersigned has op- ened up a new Meat Market. 1 DOOR SOUTH OF' CARLINGS' STORE, where he will keep the choic• est of meats constantly on hand. alOhn. T. Manning 13ICYCLkE REPAIR BARG/4ms For 30 Days Only. Now is the time to get your bicycle put in good order for the season. No. 1. For $11 will clean, oil and adjust ail the bearings. No.2.--For $2 J. will clean, oil and adjust all bearings, polish all nickeled a parts, nd brighten frame arid forks. llo. 3. -For $4.501 will clean. oil, adjust, enamel thd frame encl. fork black or maroon and polish nickel parts. No. 4.--Fdr $6 I will clean, oil, 'adjust, en- amel black or maroon, true 'both wheels. true frame,.forks a,1 cranks, repair 'tires if worth repairing. a 0 a polish nickel parts, N... . -For $5 I will clean, oil, adjust, en- amel black or maroon, true both wheels, true frame, forks, an.1 (trunks, repair tiros if worth repairing. nickel Plate all parts ex- cept s pok es and h ribs. No. 0 -For $10 I N, ill elm». oil. adjust, en- amel black or maroon; irue both wheels, true frame, forks and cranks, repair tiro8 4(5 8.,b()Ve. nil :Arts, put all hew spokes in ho th wheels. llrunford Eicyclo for Sato, $40 oniy. All kinds of Supplies on hand. ISRAEL SI\IITH, English, Ameriean and Canadian WALL PAPER (" Imam& of voile to piek from. last season we 11111 short in . OUP 1401.44, bllt 113111 70411' We bare placed on otte shelves three limes the stock we hare ever tarried. Our prices range from 34e, a roll to 20e. Our variety Of dark 411111 light patterns are exteelent, and the callings are the best prodneed, CARPETS—...06a. :13 now pi000s nt wool, rpm. TapoArs and 14.ns...1, Flom. Oils and Linoleums in all withe and patterne, Window Shades in latest colors and patterns. eettEMEGatintill= E. J. SPACKMAN, -04P21,The Sig Clothier. ommoN SENSE MANUS that you should eall And insee 01 the tines of . GENT'S FIONISHINGS that we have placed in our store. You will find in this new stock Quality and Price.... to suit you. FIT WELL FEEL WELL LOOK WELL..... This is what we always ;meow plis h when we make a suit for you. Prices that Please. Bert. Knight. EXTENSION °F HOER -waving purchased the Exeter mill, 4 we are now prepared to do general gristing and chopping Flour at Reduced Prices. ALL KINDS OF GRAIN BOUGHT. Grain delivered at first elevator paid for at Mill office. Apic• FEED delivered to all parts of town free of charge..... Seed Wheat, Oats, Peas and Barley for sale at Filet Elevator. COBBLEDICK & WILLIAMS Sneli COMMERCIAL LIVERY. First-class Rigs and Horses Orders left at Fla wksbaw's Hotel, or at the Livery Stable, Christie's old Stand will receive prompt at- tention. . . . . . Terin$Reasottable r.reeolnhn°enc 'Lox „ 4•41' tOZZ ' • '..,40111,,• • 174.261i2iFrad mpowsmoranaminnoihma vongeradoomasormommarrianmeromwa FOR FIRST-CLASS BEEF, LAMB, PORK, SAUSAGE, BOLOGNA, PRESSED TO:.N.7GVE, CORNED BEEP; SALT, 'FRESH' OR SMOKED MEATS, Call at The Family Butcher Shop. one door North of ft. Pickard's store. LOUIS DAY Proprietor.. THE Illtractin of all sass. Just at present the object of attraction . to the people of Exeter and. surround-- , ing country is OUR GREAT LINES: —OF— FURNITURE • To see is to examine and to examine our stock is to buy. Prices are so astounding when the . —quality is considered. . R. N. ROWE. The Filalsons Bank. arternd by Parliament. 1815.1 Paid up Capital ' $2,000,000. Rest Fund I 500 000 s Jed office Montreal WOLFERSTAN THOIVIAS, Esq., Gni‘IlDRAL 11L9NA,C4B13. 1iolio3 aesa»cee to good Farmers on their own notes with one Or Mare endorsers at 7 per cent. ivy annum. --EXETER BRANOTT-- epon °rely lawful day from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m; Sat s 4(1 a.m. to 1 p.m. A general banking business transacted_ CURREN'r It AIRS allowed for m on ey on Denosit Recoipis. SaviLgs Bank at 3Z. DICE.SOIN & CARLING, N. D. ITUnnow; Solicitors. mantes •