HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-4-13, Page 5lee".
01Bzetter Abuocate,
publislaed every Thursday Morning.
at the Office,
-By the --
One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance
$1,50 if not so paid.
aster ortea-txte• mates on setapplico..,
No paper di spouti trued until eal arra rage
are paid. Advertieements without *Pacific
direetione will be published till forbid and
ehargedaccordingly. Liberal disconntmade
for traliSOient adrektinetanirts tasafted feu`
long PeriOdS, Every clesoriptten of JOB
PRINTING turned out in the finest style,
and at moderate rate. Chequesononey °vi-
ers, azo.for advertieing,subeeriptions,eto.to
be !nail° pays blo to
Chas. R. Sanders,
Professional Cards,
R. KINSMA N, X. D. S. DR. A. B.
KUSi¼N F D. S., D.D.S., Honor
graduete of"rorouto T.iniversity.
Teeth extraoted withoutany pain, or any
had effeots. ()Mee in FansexPe Block, west
aide Main Street, Exeter.
na.n. ALTON XINTIVERSON,();),1).$44,1),$0
.11,r heaors Graduate ofthe Toronto Dm.
Oita and Royal College of Dental Surgeons
ot Ontario. Tooth extracted without path,
A.11 modes of Dentistry up to date. Ofliee
over Elliot Elliot's law oillee-oppeeite
Central Hotel -Exeter,
- -
1-Nrs. J Pt• IOTA TANS ST A.U0S.
Aar itesidenees, Same as formerly
OFFICT:S, Sonall, blinding, Mein St
Dr, Rollins' office; same as formerly -north
door. Dr. Amos' oleo. saute building -south
doer, tlay ist.
J. A Rollin% M, D. T, Minion¥ D
• the College of Physieia xis and Surgeons
Ontario. PICiIsteian,Sutgeon and A.coottelo
ear, °MOO. Dasiteveod. out
OR, Conveyancer, Notary Priblie
Of▪ fiee-Over O'NeiPs Book, Eget er,Ontarlo
Mimeo to Loan.
Solicitors, Notarb‘s, Conveyancers,
Commieeioners. Solicitor, for the Motions
Bank, etc,. Money to loan at 3 and rat per
emit. Ilene Faselon'a Tiloelf, Main St.,
Feter cA soeinber of tbe firm will be at
liensall on Thursday °reach week-)
I. It. CAniatia,11. A. b. R. Dmitson
Convey:inners, and Money to
S. V.Eta.to.e. F. W. G1411B141.X.
T3 BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Anot-
1. I.. leneer for the Counties of Perth and
Middlesex, aleo for the township ofltaborne
Salei nrom ptly attendea to aria terms rea-
son hal e.Sal es arranged at Post office, Win.
Insurance &gout,
Main St. Exeter
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
Is successfully used monthly by over
10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
your druggist for Cookfs Cotton Root Cone
mend. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and
imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1 Por
box , No. 2,10 degrees stronger, $3 per box. No.
1 or 2. mailed on receipt a price and two acent
stamps The cook company Windsor, Ont.
ernios. sand 2 sold ana reeommendeclby all
responsible Druggists in Canada,
es os 1 awl No. 2 sold in Exeter by C.
Lutz, Druggist.
Her 1%.leck Broken.
K O- April 1 I, --Mrs.
lohn G oth, of Marlboro township, was
thrown from the buggy in which she
and her husband and. little girl were
to -day. Mrs. Goth's neck was
Peach Trees Destroyed.
Kingssville, Ont., April 10. -Inspec-
tion of the fruit tri
ees n this district
shows that fully 00 per cent. of the
peach trees wero killedby frost Only
Small trees that were well banked sur-
vived. lu many large. peach orchards
not a single live peach tree remains.
It isthe biggest disaster the peach
'growers of Essex comity has ever
known. The loss wil rtm into hund-
reds of thousands of dollars.
Jumped into a Canal.
Artratford, April - 10. -Saturday aI-
ternoon .T. Sease, painter, walked to
the G.T.R. bridge, which crosses the
canal, took his watch and money out
of his pockets, laid them on the stone
abutment, placing his hat over them.
He took on his coat and. jumped into
the canal. The firemen with lifeboat,
were called out. Mr. Scase was under
the water for a few minutes, and was
found about 200 yards down the stream.
He quickly revived, and was taken to
the hospital.
"How Did She
Burn Her Face"
That Was What People Asked
About Our Daughter
Dreadful Itching, Burning Erup-
tions Cured
SMOOth, Soft, Whito Skin eittniV.
"0.1. Rood 4 Co., Lowell, Mass;
Gentlemen.; Our little daughter % now
Sur years old, When she was about three
months old, she had eruptions on her face
which were very disagreeable, and itched
so inueb, especially at night,that it made
her trouble a great deal worse. I was
obliged to keep her hands tied at night
and it was necessary to watcb her during
the cloy. She would scratch here lf wben.
ever she had the chance, until her clothes
Vifould Se Covered with Blood.
We had a great many doctors to see her,
out they did not help her in the least. It
wee it terrible task to care for her. When
we took her away from home, people
would ask, 4•Ifow did that child born her
Amer She Wee completely cevered with
scabs tor a long time. She auffered every-
thing. At lase we concluded to try Moodie
Sarsaparilla, because I had great faith in
it, anti after awhile we could see that she
was getting better. Beonle eaid she would
certainly be left with sears on her Iitee,
but abe Was not, It1.11 now a year since
she Was cured. by Roode3 Sarseparille, and
her face is as
Smooth and White and Soft
as that of any child. I believe llood's
Sareaparilla to be the best family medi-
cine that can be obtained. I take it My-
self for headache and that tired feeling,
and Dative found nothing to equal it. One
peculiarity about Rood's Sareaparilla Is
that it is pleasant to take and it is ItO
trouble to induee children to take it. The
(lectors pronounced ray little girl's diseaee
to be eezetna, or salt rheum." Mn.
WILB1PR WZI.1.9, Warren, Connecticut.
B. Do not be induced to buy any
substitute. Be sure to get
Hood's SarsaparMa
The Best -in fact the One True Blood l'aV.ler.
Sold lay alt druggiste. el; six for et%
I f cure Liver Ills; easy to
HOW'S PIIIS ttie, eesy to operate, 250.
Drowned While Fishing,.
Simeue, Ont., April In. Three bids
of this 'dare went fishing I hie aft ern .1111
3 111:431111' fr0111 tt,wu. letueng
the time they were fishing their boat
eapsmed, and one of the boys, doeeph
Barnes, was drowned. 1.13.- body was
Saved From Drowning.
St, Thomas, April -Clarenee the
Seyear-Old sou of Mrs. Kett lewell,
Tal botvfllt', narrowly eseaped hying
drowned on Wednesday in the Kettle
Creek. Ile was trying toget out of
way Of a falling limb whieh Mr. 1V.
K55.1ght hatl off, Mr. Knight plung-
ed m after him. vone to etoon to save
the boy.
For and Children.
tienature sests,-",,4 ess- every
e le on
tf /14'1 .4e.e-e.:.ese/ear
Countar Protests.
The Strat ford Herald Of 'Monday
says: -"Tit for tat " is a good axiom
in many cases, and it is one whieh the
Conservatives Of South Perth intend
to apply with smile force to their
friends of the Liberal =thine in that.
riding and at Toronto.
A meeting of the South Perth Con-
servatives' executive took place in this
city this morning, representatives be-
ing present from all over the riding.
It was decided. to at once enter a coun-
ter petition against Mr. Stock.
Plenty of funds for the vigorous
pushing of the protest. have been s111) -
scribed; and strong evidence of bribery
etc., has been secured. In fact the evi-
dence is unusually strong, as a gang of
strangers who manipulated the Gov-
ernment cash made their headquarters
in Mitchell.
• His FinersAmputated.
Woodstock, April 10. -Mr. Robert •
Whitelaw, the well-known proprietor •
of Whitlow's foundry here, had all the
lingers of both hands taken off in a
buzz saw plainer at his foundry this
morning. The machine was not level,
and. he took a block of wood and. tried
. to hammer it down. In doing so both
hands slipped into the knives. All the
fingers except the thumb on the left
hanh are off at the palm of the hand,
while all on the right hand were cut
off at the second Joint.
Sobbed the Grave.
it startling incident, of which Mr.
John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the
subject, is narrated by him as follows:
"1 was in a most dreadful condition.
My skin was almost, yellOw eyes sunk-
en, tongue coated, pain continually in
back and sides, no appetite -gradually
growing weaker day by day. Three
physicians had given me up. Fortun-
ately, a friend advised trying Electric
Bitters; and to my great joy • and stir -
prise, the first bottle made a decided
improvement. [ continued their use
for three weeks, and am now a well
man. r know they saved my life, and
robbed the grave of another victim."
No one should fail to try them. Only
30ebs, a ,bo tt]e, every bottle guaranteed.
:it any Drug Store. ,
Advice to
CRS ptiver
IThere are three great reme- I
dies that every p...rson with :
Iweak lungs, or with consump- $
tion itself, should understand. I
I These remedies will cure i
i about every case in its first :
Istages; and many of those t
more advanced. It is only X
the most advanced that are
hopeless. Even these are
wonderfully relieved and life :
itself greatly prolonged. i
What are these remedies? ;
Fresh air, proper food and
of Cod -Liver Oil witlt Hypo-
pltosphlies. Be afraid of
Idraughts but not of fresh air.
Eat nutritious food and drink I
iplenty of milk. Do no forget ;
that Scott's Emulsion is the i
Ioldest, the most thoroughly 44
tested and the highest en- ;
dorsed of all remedies for i
weak throats, weak lungs and 4,
iconsumption in allits stages.
___ 50t. and $c oa; all drug's.; f,,
SCOTt & BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto.
And Capture Santa Cruz With
Slight Lon to Themselves,
The Xrightiag wee qetek end ettare
After a Tiresome Job of Navigating
the Tortuou'asi Xver -
seription of the Assault on Um
Tow. -Ge. Otis. Official
Manila, April 11. --Santa Cruz Was
the Filipinos' stronghold on Lake Laguna
de Bay, and it fell into the hands of
General Lawton's expedition after some
sharp, quick lighting. The expedition
start•ed from San Pedro 3.1acail at dusk
on Saturday, intendlog to capture Seuita
Cruz by assault at daybreak, but in
navigating the eballow, tortuous Pasig
River, perhaps through tile emoting of
tbe native pilots. who were net anxious
to see the Americans suceeselt51. sereral
boats grounded and it was nearly dawn
when the troops reached the lake. The
expeditien then steamed cautiously for-
ward, the Napidan and the Ceete amile
Owe and the I.eiguna de tiny guarding
the rear.
siebt or sante Craw.
Rebel. signal Ares, hewever, were
lighted an the mountain top, giving
warning of the approach of the troops. et
was noon before the white church towers
of the city cen.peartel in the shadow of the
groat Valrallie UMW:du on a. marshy
plain dotted with, Awe:Wend grove% A
ottectee-a equarteended, liatebottemed beet
it force of 200 picked, sharpshoot-
ers, under Major Weisenberger, mostly
belenging to the lst Washington Regu-
lars, was run into a. shallow inlet about
five inilea south of the city. Then a few
shells were sent towards the entrench-
ments of the rebels: at the edge of the
woods, sending the enemy scampering
Inland. Then a number of ..eanerieans
jumped into the SMUT and wading for
about 100 ;sante crept forward and fortits
ed in line, covering the lauding of the
remainder, which finished about Zo
o'clork. The thrive traope of the 4111
Cavalry, dismounted, prere sent ashore
an a dangerous inareby paw, dir4 ray
south of the eity, under fire fr011l the
enemy's treneleee
Thr no the lawn.
At stlitriso yesterday the aistrilt Non-
meneed. The .tuieriean line south of the
city stretched 1110 milee Inland, and, with
its left etvreping, the N11,11Vo ItS movee
north, while the 4th tetvelry num on the
point advanced towa54 the city, pouring
volleys upon the trenebee. elimultaueoue-
ly the gunboats hovered along the shore,
shelling the weeds ahead of the troop.;
and driving the Fliipittoe inland. The
gatlings cleared several trenehes. The
whole brigade was divitiol into summits of
twelve, and the fighting wns carried on
in the old-thue frontier fashion front be-
hind trees, crawling through blieltes or
rushing across the open. The trenehee
that were not eleared by the gunboate
gave voneitlerable reeistance when the
lines were nearing the oity and the
Laguna de Bay nna ce:40 bolubaraq
them for au hour in the hope of making
them too warm for occupancy, but did
nob succeed in clewing them entirely.
Gen. Lawton, with the 14th Infantry,
approached a narrow iron bridge across a
creek on the south border of the town.
Here a company of Filipinos was in -
trenched aeross the stream, and behind a
stone barricade et the entnsuco of the
bridge. The Americans rushed forward
in single file, in the face of galling lire,
demolished the barricade with their bands
and drove the enemy from the trenches,
killing 0, dozen. The Filipino soldiers in
the town, secreted in various buildings
and firing from tho windows, gave the
invaders an interesting hour. A consider-
able body of Filipinos fled northward,
croseing open marshes, but the gatlings
poured upon them a deadly hail, until
they disappeared in the woods, a dozen
being slain. Major Weieenberger deploy-
ed the sharpshooters along tho shore,
and they crept against the enemy in the
woods, driving them toward the mount-
Gen. Lawton established headquarters
at the elegant palace of the Governor.
Within an hour the town WAS patrolled,
and all looting rigidly prevented. On the
marshes north ofthe town were found
40 dead Filipinos, some terribly torn by
shells. and many others wounded. .A.
surgeon who traversed the field counted.
80 killed.
The gunboats yesterdny afternoon
have been searching the Santa Cruz
River for shipping To -clay the expedi-
tion will push forward, the Ainerieans
having destroyed miles of telegraph lines
cutting off insurgent communication
east and west.
Gen. Otis' iteportsemisma
Washington, April 11. -The following
despatch was received frons General'Otis
at Manila yesterday:
Lawton's command captured Santa
Cruz, chief city of Laguna de Bay,• yester-
day morning; casualties, six wounded;
insurgent troops driven, leaving 68 dead
on the field, and largo imanber of
wounded; a considerable number 'captur-
ed. Lawton will pursue westward.
Two Kansans Al minded.
April 11. -The rebels along
tbe railroad fired at a scouting party
near Malolos yesterday, wounding two
members of the Kansas regiment.
The War il 111 lie a Long One.
Though hundreds of Filipinos are
•daily rettuming to their bornes and are
desirous of resuming peaceful pursuits,
and though the proclamation issued by
the United States Philippine commission
has given an impetus to this movement,
the war is far from ended. One of the
foremost American generals said recently:
"We will see 100,000 soldiers in the
Philippines before the Amerions control
the islands," and a majority of the army
are of his opinion.
Vroops 1,:ttaing• 'fired of It.
A majority of the United States volun-
teers are eager to return home, and "we
did not enlist to fight niggers" is a re-
, mark that is, constantly heard. While
braver work them they are dein..'is im-
possible to find, there . is small glory in
guerilla warfare, the dangers and heed -
ships of which cannot be appreciated at
home. The volunteers construe their en-
listment' "to the close of the war" to
apply to the War with Spain, and wish
to be "relieved by regulars."
Mrs. Mary Simpson died at Ottawa on
Seturday night, aged 106 years. She was
' -h birth •
' ' ' • • . . .
. .
White and Black. Nwers and Deputy
Sherias mixed VVin a S"490'"
Pane, Ill., April 11, -In a riot which
broke out at 10,30 ;cm, yesterday, on the
main 'street. in (rout of the telegraph
betweeu white and black miners,
hi which deputy sheriffs took Ptatt fiv°
men and, one woman were killed. Fight
persons were wounded, several so serious-
ly that they will probably die. Tile killed
are: .Kavier L. Bong, Frew:lemon, union
miner; Frau* Coburn, whites sett of ex -
Sheriff Cohurn; three unknown negro
miners and one negro waman.
Wountled: William Xuhn, proprietor
of the Klondike Steam LaundrY. AloP
-through both legs; .Albert Vickers, white
miner, shot hi right arni; Cyrus Serick-
leo, groceryman; George Gillen, fernier
of Roseninuntl, left arm shot off; Clara
Felix, servant at the Harrison Hotel,
shot in back condi:eon serious; Mrs.
Ifenriett, wife of a union miner, right
Arlo shot off; Frank Hausworth, tlelivcry
boy, shut, in head, will die; IIeUr7 Step-
pino, negro miner, shot through body six
tliOneS. tikely K1 Ole.
The trouble began the night before
when 109 tientit3: sheriffs were called out
into the Flathant and Penwell mining
distriets to provet several families of
negro.; who were endeavoring to load
heuselloiti crierts preparatory to leaving
far Iowa ;ma were being prevented by
the negeo guanle armed with r Wee
fltraisited by the Pittla, Coal Company
who clnIuwd the geode the negates were
moving were compauy property.
The depntlee were tired mean by un-
known pereone, supposed to have been
negrafs and private gintrcle at the Pen-
well mines. and fully 4M0 shots were ex-
changed. Tito fighting terrorized the
citizens of that section, and Chief Deputy
Cheney sent a special detail of deputies
armed with titles, who sacceeded in re.
storing quire before daybreak. Several
negroce were arrested, eherged with In-
citing riot, end yesterday's rioting Degan
while they were on
rr WAS XOST 1tj1iTU. 4:11,111E.
1:971101kilk^, or a Colored rsecauwe Uv
Wa% Elected Potitetaeler,
S.C., April 1 1. -Tim trial
of the thirteen chime of Lake City for
having lynched PostulaSter Baker began
here yesterday before Judge lirawley.
Thew an, leo enteeeeeee to be tessamlned,
but the end of the trial will probably be
rearlitel in me weelN. TWO of the mot
against whom indictments were returned
have turned State evIdenee. They are
Joseph P. Newman and 'Orly Lees,
The men told how the mob assembled
and of how the plan of murder W.fit
lnsipped Mitt They told of the midnight
seamh made In the town for oil; bow the
mob moved stealthily to Baker's humble
home, and how ±110 oll woe poured on
lailidlatt. WWII Wei then lirect lite»
tho witneestes MK of the wild cries
whieb canto Item them when the hapless
inmatee atvoke, half suffocated, to ilee,
Pent were then shin down.
linkee's crippled family have come
here for the trial. Thu mother of the
children wee Welly womeled when the
house Waci 1MM:ilea and burned by the
mob. ;She was holding the babe- in her
Anne when she started to the door. A
bullet from the mob passed thrtregh her
tOlinegea every Ma dneeclay ,.
wheatper bushel . ae eo IT
LSI/ to 500
;15 to 40
20 to 80
SO to 115
411 to la
aitter is to to
sags -. iti
Potatoes per bag. 55 to 10
fay ter ton 4 50 to ;:fee
Dried Apples per
uueee 7
()ease. ... „. ................... - - ---- u
Chieken a
rurhey ii
Flour per cwt
arm, broke the hope and then louied
itself in the head .of the baby. The other
children, diem out by the names, wer4i
all badly wounded. The night was bitter-
ly cold. The wounded ..thildron crawled
into the woods, whore they remained
during the night. They wore almost dead
when rescued after daylight. These
children will show their wounds to the
Baker, who is a caoree mate WM
doted postmaster of Lake City. He re-
ceived it warning shortly afterwards that
if ho attemptee to 1111 the Oleo he route
be killed. Regardiese of tide he began
his duties, whleb soon cot him bis
The Horse Show 013 morseree
Toronto, April 1 1. -The Arraourlee
presented a busy scene .yeeterdav mem-
ing, and the contractors are hard at work
building the large grandstand, darer/its
ing and laying out tbe tan bark ring for
the show, which begins on Thursday
morning and will be formally opened on
Thursday afternoon with an .atitiresse to
His Excellency the Governor-General of
Canada, who will be pittAent,
His Excellency and the Conntesa of
Minto have aignifieu their intention of
being present at all the performances for
- a time at heist. On Thursday (vetting
the ladles' musical ride will be given for
the first time.
Are you frequently hoarse?
Do you havethat annoying,
tickling in your throat? Would
you feel relieved if you ;mad
raise something? Does your
cough annoy you at night, and
do you raise more MUM in
the morning?
Then you should always keep
on hand a bottle 91.
if you have a weak
throat you cannot be too
careful. You cannot begin
treatment too early. Each
cold makes you mare liable
to another, and the last
one is always harder to
cure than the one before it.
Dr. miers clan Pectoral Niger
prottel$ Me lugs kw colts.
Help at Hand.
If yott have any complaint
whatever and desire the best
medical advice you can pos-
sibly obtain, write the doctor
freely. Yon will receive a
prompt reply,
Address) DR. J. C. AUR,
Lowell, Mass.
1/11110. 1O.,t1.1.1I1
geteetry :a ft ).wifti Sound Thursday, .do-
ing vonsalevalde damage.
Juntes Bill, of 13111110/111, a teanister
in the employment of the etwparat ion,
fell under his wagon Mondayafternoon
breaking his eollarbone in two places
and et berwise bruising himself.
Master 'Willie Henderson, Of On rum-
oque,met With a :anions aceulent Thurs-
day which may result in the loss aids
sight. lie und Itis emnranions were
playing with 11. tire (111111011,
pi0(1144 tile tetwder entering limitless.
son's eyes, and the boy Was taken to
lungst on Hospital.
After a quarrel with his Tn-
vel-ness farmer mooed, Boucher got up
in the middle of the nielit, put the
woman out c.f the house, strangled his
infvnt ehild toad lait tile body in the
stove. After the body was half burn-
ed the father took it ont and threw it
in it snow bank. 'lonelier is supposed
to be insane.
174,' ff. rf+
• 141 1‘.s. ktt
:'1IN 4:41 ;11
A EiDi7,1 t'11.1
t out (1.
New' York, April 10, -The movement to '`'..;Se fats!, eat rat'
seci,re municipal ownership of gas for • s ' 1..;‘fo
Greater New Yore is progressing set naiely.
It is coaoeded by everybody exeop, tin! „fat
magnmvs tLemsilves diet the th'jart re will „
be made: the only question now is 000 of
time. The syndicate contemplates eb..rging
75e, but is prepared to charge 0oe if -the 6
o. compaaies begin a rate war. The soc-
cess of nearly every large city In England
and Scotland in furnishing cheap gag to 1,s
citizens has proved the value of nuntleimil
ownersbip Of the gas franchiee, and It is
high time the. greatest American city took
this forward step la governmental progxess
WiIIis Cat t 11111
Allatny, N.Y., April the senate
to -night Senator Willis' ein providing that
cattle imported into the state shall be
examined and passed by a veterin .ry creat-
ed an extended fusel seen, it being attack-
ed by tienater Mackey, whO Said it Would
kill an importent indestry in the western
part Of the state. eenator Ambler moved
to recommit the bill, with instructions to
strike out the enacting clause, which was
cerried by a vote of 2$ to 10, thus killing
the bill.
Young Pearce). Diegl.
Kingston, April 11. -The young man
Henry Pearcey, struck on Sunday by a
Grand Trunk train near Gananoque and
brought to this city for treatment, died
yesterday. He was brought out from
England eight years ago by those in
terested in the Marchmont Home, Belle
ville, who will take charge of the inter.
rnent. The young man was aged 17. He
did not regain consciousness.
Why Did no Bo it?
Winnipeg, April 11. --William Leask, a
well-known resident, w o livod six n1es
north of Dominion City, fatally shot
himself yesterday morning at his borne.
Ciremnstances point to a case of suicide
Deceased, who was about dB years of age,
leaves a wife and one child.
Premier Hardy Talis a Best.
Toronto, April 11.-A flier the labors of
the session .Promier }Ludy requires a
rest. He left rest6rday morning, flacon
panied by Airs. Hardy, for Atlantic
N.J., whore he willreintin for two
or three woks,
Zee • seees,
F' • .'-", • .
• 7V.C1..4 r
• 11172 *i
• • e ie
, • „..„.
1)31 !1
-1 ttti J sitalea -
vhlaignorantof tee1eeraele011110 Ton
tao eosens'Mg ireaexitthis evil,4
AA habit? When too latete asteld the ter- e,..!
rible %vaults, were your eyee opened to Sy
ill.; your peril? Did von later ett'iln man-
ef.et, heedeentrnotanyPRTVATE cr.ELOOD • y
discao? Were yOu cared? Do You now v
an cl then sco semo Alarming. symptoms?
1l0ro :au merry 111 yeur neesent eon-
• deice, it You know, "1jIE.11 Ls.,eunn,
,,,,..1I1110 SON!" It married. are you con-
stantly living In. dread? Is inarriage a
, failure with you on aoconnt oil ktuiyweak. ,
nose ceasetl-hy early apse or later ex -
eel bosses? 116,ve you been. er;:gr4cd,with 50-
meroni7? • This la ooklot Will tee ut out to 1Ye
I ' yon the results of these c ekes end point ti •
Out hewour -11.-EvyktrimoD
MEN n wilt posit:reel, tan e 'ou. It
shows bon' thoesaii0 shavoboonaintaby
our .NEW : TREATD.IF,NT. It roves 11•
• We treat' . and • etwo,--RMISSIONS, L•
diseases. . •
"The Wages of SP111181. If in" sent free by
enclosing 20 dump. CONSIIisTATION
untbleAlkfli Nvraltlor
Es ma.
Cor, M!Ohigaii Ave. ami Siigihy St.
DET11011r, MOH.
• 4
• K 84 A$14( 84
d 101 irt 6,
. . a
it 4 '
wifk Prover s
but don't think you can patch
clothes to look like new.
Then again it would not
pay you when you can buy
clothing at the prices we
Pants made to order, all
wool heavy tweeds SZOO
Suits 0.84)
Overcoats $.09
)31ack Worsted suits a spec-
ial, S I 2.00
Our $20 blaelis heat all
others at 823. Come and elic
for sourseit.
People patronize us because
they realize that we ON% ays
sell clothinp, that is strictly
111)4o -date..
Opposite Post Office,
IRA!. Da
1 have need Jinn's Brill:at
Seven Mixturee for a number of
years, and am never withont it, in
my stable, It is invaluable as a
a dressing in all Mts. wounde aud
yolks .135 horeee. Alzo. att 11111111ellt
141111115, swellioge, lameness,
-ewe throat and influenza it eannot
tAlI1/111,14 W. G. leiseierr.
Mnnufaetured and sohl by C. Lutz.
English Stoek Food isgivil
good satisfaction. and we would
volume/id istoek raist.v, lo give it
a trial.
C.. LAI e Z.
afteeficeiflealla etc efle•eft. aftesefte
To read the big stores' mi -
1 vertisement,f . .
8. GIBLE1 & SON.
Itat alirrtirNfritit ''tit“taf`-na' 31F-Ak
For whose good are we in
the furniture business? For
;eons and ours. If we ate not
neefid to you we cannot be use-
ful to ourselves. We have got
to carry the goods you want at
the prices yott want or we eau -
not make a succees of our hued -
nese. But we have been doing
business right along for years,
which proves that we are the
melt kind of people with the
right prices. Come and see for
d. MURRAY".,
Manufacturer and dealer in Plows
Gang Plows, Land Rollers, Root .
Cutters, Straw Cutters, 8aws,
Belting, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, and
Babbett Metal.
White Engine and Steam Threshe
complete, and Clover Mill, Straw
Cutter and Grinder, for $12.50.
See our Truck and Scale combined,
weighs SOO lbs. Price $18.00.
jle'fb';e* After' Wood's Phosphodlno,
- .....; -.
druggists in Canada. Only reli-
Sold and recommended by all '
The Great English Remaly.
04, , ,,,,, , ., able medicine discovered. SU ,
,• ,' ^' T." packages guaranteed to cure all
Wiens of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive Use of To- -
bocce, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt • , e ,
of price, olio package $1, six, $5. 07181,0111,Pte2See
SiZ will cure. Paniphlets free to any address. '
The Wood. Company, Windsor, Ont. • ' '
t141*Wciod's Phosphodine is sold. in Exeter by
C. Lutz, druggist.