HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-4-13, Page 3HRH LULY 8111111TION.
British and: Amerloan Stood Was
Shed by Mataafans in Samoa,
feraeman Conaul Iseued a Proclamation
Preentimilly Rebels to Siam).
Their Ground -Inca Whey Prepared
(or 'trate-Germano Consul lilaile Them
Itelieve No Ow nitro Attack TIteett
Oxidee Hie Protection,
Apia, Samoa, Aimee 24, via San Fran-
cisco, .April ta-Teere have been lively
t heme in Samoa, durina the past few days,
The Unitea Statee and British warships
have shelled. alataafa's foreee repeatedly,
and sailors leave been landed in A.pia to
proteee property. 'Numerous casualties
bay° resultel on both sides. .A.andral
liatutz and the commanders of the Brit,
esh ships are anxioutly awaiting advices
from their Governments, and in, the
meantime tee shelling proceeds daily.
Vbeu Admiral Rentz arrived on the
Philadelphia he spent ewe eays mak-
ing enquiries, and eben called a meeting
of all the consuls and senior officers a
all tint warships in the harbor.
Amerleau Proclamation ;waned.
As A result of the meeting a proeleMet
;ten was teetued by the American admiral,
eleolaring tiatte the semallea Provielonal
Goverramene under alattetra eon have no
tile-re:ore cannot bo recognized by the
'consular and naval representativee, and
artlering XiIiikara end bis supportere tee
k luietly go, to their immtie teuti, respeet
11 laws ot the Bcciin treaty. It was further
eartlerea that the people ojectea from
• homes be returned, and the power
ot tee uand tome, wee stated, would
be use•I agalust, all who dieregarilea tbe
eight of pea.ceably disposed people. Tbe
authority of the eliief justice was up -
hole by tho 1/reclamation, autl the
admiral cloeal by awing that he trusts
that there will be no ucemilee to use zeal -
eery powers.
The pratlawation Wei s*.gucti by Ad.
mind liaute.
avniiee tiermuny's Rand Wu* Shown.
Thie proelamation seal taken to Ma-
cattfa and real. au Mtn by Lieut. Miller.
It 'wee reeetviel ueilenea Mel no weaver
Wei made, eiati eta and lee chiefs quietly
/eft, ane event to the weourn portion of
the riunielp any, and it seieneti as if
Viey WeVe oley the command
te) returri te their lunitta The German
ooneal, however, ettnea a count:T-11mo.
/ataation 11) the teinnetu Mugu:Kee Which
wee de:tribe ee taming the
Th0 Weal:mm.6in "eels as follows;
eXecire, ton1retemans; By the proe-
lamation of the admiral of the United
State% tatted alareh II, it was made
known that, the Tinto arisen; of the el,g.
:eatery pewee,: of the Berlin treaty, as
well etethn three einnunintiers of toen-of.
war, bail been 1111litkimoud to no more
recognize the Promeional Governmeut
oomposiel of eineteut and the 13 chiefs.
"I therefore ;nuke known to you that
1drproolanuelem h quite false. I, the
Gorman eonsuageneral, continuo to
recognize the Provielanal Govermnent of
Samoa until I have, reetelve.d contrary in
from my Government. (Signed)
Bose, German Ooneul-General.
"Apia, alterob 13, 1805."
none,' rrepared for War.
The ennuellato result of tbis net was
that the rebels turned baok and prepared
for war, declaring that they would not
oboy tee adenine's order, and would pre-
vent any food suppliee beiug brought
into SUMO& for the tai dietee natives. Tho
lauti day Apia was eurrounded by Ma-
tattfit's eviler/ars. Forces from the Phila-
delphia nut Porpoise, under Limits.
lerotyn and teak, were landed to protect
tho loyal natives. On Tuesday, alettutfa
baring taii,d to inmate, Flag Lieut.
aailler was teeth to dollver an ultimatum.
EI e was not :dimwit to see the chief, but
delivered his 11.1',3,12311 and retired.
Everyttaing, Looked Galt%
. Everything loeited ugly, and Brttish
and .Ainerieem bluejacketwere landed in
Apia to protect the consulates. Quick -
firing machine.; and small field pieces
were also landea. Hostilities commenced
on Tuesday afternoon, when balf a dozen
Maliet.ea num were taken by the Ma-
taafans. Thee- were taken to headquarters
and bound. On Wednestlay anorning
notice was epreiel that 32 no answer was
received from Mataafa by 1 o'clock the
Philadelphia would fire one of her large
guns, followed by three one -minute guns.
Mataara sent no anewer.
Buoyed by German Blow.
Ile and his chiefs wore buoyed up by
-.the German consul's proclamation and
'vague talk that Germany would support
them, and was the greatest nation on
tearth, invincible in war, and that Great
Britain and America would never dare to
\eengage Germany in conflict. Signal guns
Jae- were Ilred, and the foreign population of
British and Americans were taken on
board their respeetive warships. Other
nationalities wont ou board sailing vessels
In the harbor. Ono hundred and seventy -
live men and officers wero landed, and
at Adiuiral leautz's request Captain Stur-
dee of the Porpoise aettumed command of
the combined forces on shore, Flag
Lieutenant Miller of the Philadelphia
surgeons and Nurses Landed.
Surgeons were landed from both ships,
and Miss McCoy and Miss Forth, anis-
etionaries, volunteered as nurses. The
whole native population sought protection
bobina:the American lines. As soon as
the land forces were stationed, the
opened fire by throwing a shell
• Into the outskirts of Apia. The Royalist
followed with six-iuch shells, and the
Porpoise -went down the coast a couple
of miles and bombarded the village of
Viznisn,Nyhere large parties of rebels
wore supposed to be. The church was
onnashed by a shell, and the house of the
manager of the German plantation was
damaged. Tbe whole of the outskirts of
Apia were shelled from the barbel., about
70 shells being fired before dark, when
-the firing ceased. A shell from the Phila-
delphia, which was sighted for 2,500
yards unfortu.nately explocied after it had
gone only 1,100 yards. It knocked over
an outbuilding' of the American consul-
ate and damaged the veranda of the main
building. One of the sailors was wounded
-in the leg,
Ilritish Sailors it illed.
About dusk the rebels made an attack
on the Britisbers at the Tivoli Hotel.
Their fire was returned, •but it is hot
known bow many were killed. .About
0.30 a.m. the natives :made a rush on the
guard at the Tivoli. Three Britieh sailors
were killed and one wounded. The native
aloes ie unknown. At the request of the
..13ritish a Maxim gun was sent from the
Philadelphia to the British *ensued°,
and with it some men to work it. The
next day a body of e00 hialietoans had
their rifles returned to them from tbe
Porpoise, and. louden:4 good serviee ixt
clearing the brush. Tim rebel renege of
Vitialet was learned in order to prevent
the elute approech to the consulate.
Th.. rem., ordered IA. Stoy.
The German warship Falke attempted
to hate tart on •a secret reission, when
Admiral Kautz ordered her captain to
stay Arbon) be wee and be ready to
mama help to Me countrymen Tito Vallee
remained. During Teursdey matters
quiettia. Abele (leek the .Americans fired
ou a beey of Matattrans, but no ono was
k filed.
Early Friday morning 200 rebels rushed
up to witaill 30 yards er the eonsulate.
The odiumbehaved splendidly and the
natives were reptilian One American
sailor WAS anted, and oue 33ritish sailor
wee shot in both legs. Mujor-General
Cntliffe of the aBritish army assisted in
directing operatious at the consulate.
street.; oling Amilust the Germane.
There is intense feeling against the
Germans hu'. tind they are aecused of
supplying informatton to the rebels.
Fighting by night is an entirely lieW de-
parture ill amoan 'warfare, and evety,
thing points to German reaching. One
Marquardt who had been drilling the
Datives, has been arrested. He was sent
n board the Falke under pledge of the
German commander teat be would not
be allowed to lend, A halt-easto named
Taylor bus been arrested as a spy, and
is in irous on the Porpoise, IL Moors,
an American is confinea to his store
under suspicion of being a Mateate, sym-
pathizer. Saturday and Sunday wore
qulee The Tivoli Hotel has been mitred,
In CaSe it becomes necessary to blow it
up, and two German lights front the
shore Is tbe signal to shell it
• Sunday a body of native formers eamo
ell a alateefie crated, killing eight and.
wounalug 20 a them, when the rebels
German Warship in the Way.
For several days the Germaet warship
Felice persisteutly kept n tho way so as
to Moommode the aro of the British
ships. Finally Admiral 1£autz compelled
Jun' to tnove inside the harbor entrance,
out el' tee way.
etailetoa Crowned Raiz.
hfarch Tanumanfill Mullane*
was crowned King or Sanwa at alailinme,
The ceremony woe attended by United.
Settee and British ntpreteltettiVea A pro -
coition mental all through A pie. beaded
by the band of the Phieteelehict. The
German officials were conspictioes by
Shocking: Tales of starvation in Port
S. Turaff a Serlaus Element
• Coffee Gimp Vulture.
New York, April 8. -Tho Herald says:
Briteatlier.Gtneral Roy Stolle Will o to
Waehineton today, Winire he will call
tibo att'ntion ot the Prcshloat to tho
starvation and distetese in Porto Rico, Re
thinkthat the desperate state of the peo-
ple may lead to insurreetion, if relief is
• forthannieg. Ile lets just returnee
from it journey of ten days through the ,
interior of the Leland. The General was
attacheil to the Department ot eegrieul-
turo before the war, and durinz eostilities
be was in Porto Rico as a member of
General Mika' staff.
The last trip WM made with it party of
capiteliste and railroad mon. He was also
Melted by Major•General Henry to give
advice upon the construction of roads
through the island.
"Persons are dying from starvation all
through the interior," said Colleted Stone.
"In the distriet of , Agues Banes there
were teano deaths elle judge in the
dietriet of Comerio showed MO it 1200k ill
Whiell he had reverie(' the mantes of
many who bad died from lack or food,
"emend Grant reported 34) deaths from
starvation in ono district. I saw hun-
dreds of natives emacieted and weak.
When I left Ilona Rico there were 100,-
000 persons there who had had neither
bread nor meat for two weeks.
"Tide :tette of affairs is largely duo to
the short coffee erop and the ruinous
competitIon of Brazil. Porto Rico cafe°
is selling at from seven to &tilt ceuts itt
the seeporte, and the transportation takes
• nearly all of this sum. There is no profit
for the owners of the plantations. Indeed,
I S9W many plantations overgrown with
"The natives cannot get money to buy
the necessaries of life. Major-General
Henry is issuing rations andis doing
everything in his power to alleviate the
"It is difficult, however, to reach tbo
interior. The supplies aro sent to military
posts and distributed as well as possible.
Still Major-General Henry cannot go on
in this way. He cannot make this people
an object of charity. He has found work
for at least 5,000 men in road -building.
With good roads and it Ineans of getting
out of the interior with fruits and vege-
tables, something can be done to develop
the island.
"Another element contributing to the
distress of the Porto Ricans is tbe fact
that the United States continuos to levy
duty upon them. They had free trade
with Spain. Their commercial relations
with Spain are now out off by the duties
which Spain has levied since the war.
Porto Rico formerly sent large quantites
of tobacco to Cuba. Now there Is a duty
of ten per cent. There was no duty under
Spanish rule.
"'Yee with all their sufferings, the
Porto Ricans are patient and loyaL They
are making no complaint against the
United States.
"By _removing the ditties, giving em-
ployment to the people, developing the
MCUTILi Cif transportation and giving lib-
eral franchises, I think that much can be
done to improve the state of affairs in
the island."
corat. w tra. $PENG alli•LtONS.
Annual eleeting et the Great Canadian
Itaittvay Line.
Montreal, April 6. -The Annual meet-
ing of the Canadian Peeilie liallWaY
Company took place yesterday, Sir Wil -
Won Van Horne preskilage The egreet
inept for tee sale of the Aylmer branch
• was approvea. and Sir William Van
• Burnt, meted the following statement to
the annual report:
The total advaeces to the "Soo" by
your company amount to $1,521,664,
while the expenditures for equipment,
terminal facilities and general improve<
Intuits during the years in wilich these
advances were made, foot up e1,748,041,
but as our aceettnte stand, the advances
• of interest charged against our income
account appear to have been $963,846,
. and for other purposes, as showe in the
; balance sheet, $467,817. The extended
agreement with the Minneapolis, St, Paul
1 & Sault Ste. Marie Railway Company -
"Soo lino" -was approved.
money to Be Spent.
The neeeting also authorized the ex -
i petaliture of about three and a halt mil -
1 lion dollars during the current year 'aeon
• improvements and extension, as f011elYsI
Improveinent of permaneut way, $1,-
, 150,979; for additional station, yard and
... terminal faeilities at Montreal, 17aneouve.r
• and other points, $788,187; for the com-
' pletiou of air brake and •automritio
• coupler equipment, 4305,100; tar braholl,
lime to mines in connection with the
Crow's Nest Palls line, $300,000, and
i rolling stook, $1,000,000, as the trainee of
tee compeuy may. require.
The old been' was re-elected, and the
executive officers are unclianged.
Report of Caron Cr01110r.
London, April 8. -The report of Baron
Cromer', • the British agent and conga -
general in Egypt, to the Foreign Office,
"Egypt and the Soudan in 1898," was
issued last night tinder the heading of
"Railways," tho report alludes to the
Atbara, bridge cont./Ice awarded to a
Philadelphia Arm, a fact which bits
aroused conssideeable feeling in British
engineering circles, and says: "Tbe time
of delivery was an even /Imre important
consideration than the price. An English
a.rm offered to • deliver the work in six
months and a hale at it cost of •$42,450.
The American firm's tender was 02,600
for delivery in 42 days."
The report adds: "I have no doubt
these facts will admit of scene explana-
tion wherewith I am unacquainted. They
appear, however, to merit the attention
of Midge builders In Great Britain"
be Aosoolation Biome Its Officers Date
int: the btcottd Day.
Terento, April 6, -The features of the
maul day's proceedings of the Ontario
Educational Association were inereased
interest ;tea largeseattendance. Papers of
merit were read in all of the 17 seetioas,
and they eaoh cleated tbeir officers. At
the meeting of the General .Association,
Col. John R. Farewell, LL.B., Weltby,
was ummimously elected presitleut for
the fortbeconing year; Mr. Robert
Doan, Toronto, WAS re•eleeted eceretory,
and Mr. W. J. Hendry, Toronto, treas-
urer. Toronto was selected as tee next
p 0 0. 0,, in .er week next
year. AU tbe report.; were satiefactory,
and votes of thaults and congrattdations
were rife. Tee eonvention concludes to-
George A. Rose, Nephew or to .11Intsttr
of Eder:tatter', Dies StaddenlY,
Ta.visterk, April 6.-15fr. George A.
Ross, who bought out tho drug store
from Dr. Steele some months ago, was
found dead in bis store at half -past 12
yesterday afternoon. Ire was last seen
alive by his clerk at 12 o'clook, just be.
fore the latter event to dinner. On bis
return from dinner be found Mr. Ross
• dead in the store. Dr. Steele evaa celled
In, and white be mare it as bis opinion
that death was probable,' due to natural
causes, he notified Coroner Devlin. Mr.
Ross, who came to Tavistotile frorn
Strethroy, was a nephew of Hon. G. W.
BOSS, Minister of Edneetion for Ontario.
Sick Soldiers on the Way Rome.
Washington, April 6. -Gen, Otis bus
cabled the War Departmeet that the
transport Sherman bas left litmila with
100 wounded soldiers, whieb included all
tbat were able to be sea Mune at that
TIM Samoan Negotiations.
Berlin, April 13. -The negotiations be-
tween the German Minister of Foreign
Affairs, Baron von Buolow, the United
States ambassador, Mr. Andrew D.
White, and the 13ritish ambassador, Sir
Frank C. Lascolles, contemn.. The repre-
sentative of Great Britain still favors the
majority rule within the proposed 'Samoan
investigation connniseion; Germany
wants unanimity, according to the Berlin
Act, and tho united States acquiesces.
They Are Exchanging Notes.
Washington, April 6. -The Stemma
agreement for a high commission has
progressed to a paint where the three
Governments aro cechaneine notes as to
the members of the commission.
Wireless Telecrophy.
Paris, April 6. -In view of tbe success
of the experiments with tbe Marconi sys-
tem of wireless telegraphy across the
Strait of Dover, the authorities propose to
attempt to transmit messages to England
from Paris. The terminal here will prob-
ably be the Eiffel Tower, the distance to
South Foreland being 230 miles.
Henry Donde Drowned.
Arnherstburg, Ont., April 6. -Henry
Delislo, it farmer, living in Maiden Town-
ship, was drowned yesterday off Bar
Point. Be was in a rowboat with one
Brothers, when itreapsized. Brothers was
resealed, but Delisle was drowned before
assistance could reach him. He leaves a
widow and two children.,
Great Fun hi Court.
London, April 6. -In court yesterday
Viscountess Habberton began suit
against Sprague, who keeps an inn near
London for refusing to serve her with a
meal bemuse she wore bloomers. The
testimony evoked repeated laughter. Tbe
Viscountess is leading it "Rational" dress
Lady Habberton, who is the treasurer
of the Rational Dress League, said on the
witness stand that she bad travelled 4,000
miles in bloomers, including the West
End of London.•
The latellady pleaded that she only re-
fused to serve her ladyship in the coffee
room and would have served her in a
private room or at the ordinary bar. She
also claimed • her business would be
zuined if she as obliged to serve some
women attired in bloomers.
Tree jury decided agatnst Lady flab.
• Troops Reid in Readiness.
Hongkong, April 6. -Capt. Francis
Henry May, superintendent of the Hong.
Jongpolice, who it was reported had
been captured by the Chinese, but wheee
return in safety was announced yester-
day, reports that a number of surveyors'
sheds have been burned and that tbe vill-
agers Were so aggressive that he was
forced into concealment at night, and
had to return to Hongkong in daylight.
Troops are Wog held in readiness for an
Wheat. le etill Saa-aaine- L'ivern°°1 W!""
4,iett4, lam peteres
• Dropp.,41 •Pr ewe.
Paris „vbeat advaneed i emulates, and
paris itiur la to 1 wies teetim-y.
• g A f ares anathema to
odscoeio•pd c
tech oiri;eivabtalei
teikee :vizi a grant of salt. The blaY
JU1Y 4.901X.Z.4 41W.1:4,s1 Una Ci44
ea Ut ;:ittva the bouttut priee of the de'.
Letteneet. Wheat Starltete•
Follewleg ..t.• the aniesiteg prlues to -day Ai
Imporient evatrees:
xvir yor4 April. 0M7a6c,.
eilleetto 5.... 59 113a -1.0 71%St. Lotus 0 74. 0 97"
Toledo ... 0 72111 , 0 73
peiroit o 73
Bideto. No.1
Northern 0 00% 0 1,9% 0 7011 731'
w roth, no. e
bard ..• 721; .... . • • a •
elinuteepene „ 0 09ee 0 011%0 pe
',reroute, roe • coo „_
Termite. Ne. 1
herd Mewl. 0 tai ..• • . •
Torouta St. Laweenee, aturatet.
Whale wbita busk -.nee 71 to •...
ceeodos..:7? . . 0 Vele ....
re, stereo:, eneteezete
01 Tjo.ti 0 30
e, _ evai it44
itt eke twat, hush . • •
sepee.L....„1.euina 1,14•1,1•91N19146••.• 0 Api.1
, to ;3 50
White eloyer S'ee41, bUS14,,, 5 00 8 00
Alsthe, (*dee to fancy „,„ 3 .s0 4 10
" geed, No. 2 3 riq $ GO
'timothy. bush 130 1„
" good, No. 0•011,.., 3 oe 3 40
m 35
raxeli e_a., 0 be 0 00
Itay, t1ip4I4y, twr roe 04t go to PO 00
'toy. eZoy.r. ; .„„; 0 01) 7 r,o
Straw. ton,„„, 5)112 130
8traw. low.. per ton 4 01.: 0 Olt
D aley Produets•-•
Butter, lb, $0 le to $0 20
Butter. It.reit rolls 0 13 0 17
verge pier 0 18 0 23
Fresh eitettii....
foreatvoners, ewt.-01 Ito te 05 go
reef ht#1 1..eirters, ewt7 59 8 59
Latrif4. 2ear3ng, per lbov: 0 MI
1,:inVt. sprite:. .aelt 4 01 • ft 00
Mit Uri. ewt ea • 7 09
7 .,..:1;4
4:1 5 5 59
114er, tke-sed,
maim ,,,,„„L„S,i;I CI to $1 Mil
. ... 0 13 0 15
Vetilru null Vegetables. -
Ale lei. e 50 to r 4 fifi
r ces dr.1 1 Off
(101,, ;4 a` Ope . .. . 1 at 1 re
lee te ; ta CI 0 .7?)
Plitterie... ..••,1-0 0!krt
Teta 1: s, par 'lent 0 tfi 0
Mitric.ettjti!jV., 4g)
TAverpi. 0 A; •NO. 11Name
541: re 0 • 4', 04 Pi 01 emu. time li:P4
1501.0 Wl'•f.41's e e, -Ws 0,11: lard. preen
We 'tern, 37, 0: Ati.erImin rennet!, 2et ai;
• ne Aeozoliaii. 8is ildt need to awe
341s1144 011111.4ti?itles2c1,13hOtTli;
white en I. c .".trest, 52,4 cll.
it wheat, nondnalj fte
throe, rill 1 Iul.v, uiet, at Us 5a4 for
ur,c. ani i :lad for JOr. Ntalze. steatIY.
tit 34 54 for ttew and 3,1 Oral for old spot:
fitturt .'14 il roc 'May, and Ss elted for
anir.Fkur, 17s ed.
elecraptde 'Vint Contain 'Much
of tho thty'e News.
England won the international chant.
pimp:alp eyeball inatel) on Saturday at
Ifirmilighant by it 50011e of « to 3.
The London correeeorident Para; Le
:Malin says that the eneeeeser of Pope
Leo XIII, will be Cardinal Vaughan.
Arebbiebon of Weaminster.
Two out of the flier murderers at Daw-
son City have eaul-the oldest of the
three Inellane and the boy, In lite came
of fee other two a further respite has
been grentea.
A telegram from :Mouthed says that
the emaguners. ilitilivate of 'Noy '4'irk,
with f.154..,0,000 capital, is otetteniziegto
engage in the Canadian domestic and
foreign meat traffie.
Alice &need, aged 8, and Alberta
Lecimpelle, eted et fell from it bola) lin
witettow ott eaturday into the stree• at
M-mtreal and the Mos died from her
injuries. The other may recover,
The entries for the great Horse Show to
be held in Toronto Armouries on Thurs-
day, Friday and Saturday next are
already fail, and in harness, saddle beret
and hunting classes aro ahead of the
On Saturday the French ambassador
at Washington, M. Cambon, presented
President Mareinley, for the American
people, two magnificent sevres vases from
tho late President 'Faure to commemorate
the opening of the leranco-American
cable on 17th Aug. last.
The next Penton vial may be held in
Toronto. The case was argued on Satur-
day, but Justice Robertson withheld
judgment until ho had 'consulted his
brother judges. Mr. Osler had ineutioned
Toronto, and if the Crown gets a ebange
of venue it will have to supply the funds
for the procurement and the payment of
all witnesses tor the defence.
LOSS TO 22ASS111Y-11Alt1lIS CO.
A Sunday -Vire in Petrolea by Which the
Big; Firm suffered.
Petrolea, Ont.'m
April 9. -This eaning
about 2 o'clock
fire broke out in a frame
building situated on Maln-street, known as
the old 011 Exchange Hall. The building
of late was turned Into it warehouse In the
rear and small stores and offices In the
trent. The building was totally destroyed.
Mr. Knight, liarnessmaker, occupied the
same store, but saved all his gooas, except
his working:totes. Insurance small. Messrs.
jopp and, Value, horse doctors, had :n
office In front. Their loss was small.
Mr. J. W. Downer, agent for' the Massey -
Barris Co., occupied the rear of the build.
kg, and had It pretty well filled up with
all kinds of machinery. Ile managed to
save a small amount of tbe Implements.
irsaranee small. The fire was conlined to
the one building by good work on the part
of the lire department. • The °right of the
tire is unknievia, ,
Ilawson Mails Twit*, a Month.
Malone, N.Y. April 10.-5 letter just re-
ceived from 111. 'Verner of Dawson City,
dated Ithirch 1ayes late news regarding
the chief city ot the Klondike. It says a '
regular b1 -monthly mall service, has now
been established, nucleithe direction of the
Northwest itionnted Police, over the Pass to
Skaguay." The lest mail out was ten days
ou the way, but on one of the in -going trips
the fast time of 8 days and 1 hour wee
made. This was accomplished by travellug
day and night and .changing men and dog3
at every pollee station along the trail.
Jumped Into tile Canal..
Brantford, Ont., April 10. -On Saturday
afternoon G. Ccace, painter, Northumber,
land -street, walked te the G.T.R. bridge,
tviiich crosses the canal, took amtch and
money mit of hls pockets, lald them OD
the stone abutment, placing hts hat over
them, hook kis coat ,oll! and Jumped utio
the ennal. The fireme.n, with the lifeboat -
picked him out and sent him to the hospital.
.oheecieed goods the Pratte shatled tee,
foots differ freen those worn last spring in
.fer es the lines are neer- and roe date. -
comity in both directlette, forming small:
.olateck Weenie.
Stone et the novelties ,among French
poplios are slightly .erapeelintheir wenv,-
10g and hors cross barSof gay Color, as
or example Crimea ground of briar roses,
pink -Orteased with rusSot and. Migneatettet
Cyrano- red bait 104 fever, Ana lta Saga
Is %next by new shades oiled.po.rieean.
d'Espagne (Spaeth poppy), the. brilliant
dye called Roman red, and a handsoMe
EnglIsh curette red. These colors_ will be
ueed both as dressecees.sories .47,4 In milli -
It legate tbeli1040 now •f0 have a cliffer.
Pet effect on either eimeldet, a flae Msgr.
teen triton:lee bend or velvet or toweled
gimp on one and on the other al trailing
spray of nage or a emit of upetatateng
veleet or Satin ribbon, Or a eleeter- oa,
trig)/ tips.
A silk petticoat, Italia deerarated on the
lower bate with full eorded, tea.
,llottacee, ie now an actual necessity, lance
the chogtrig dreee Ain% made wtthent
Wanes's, requite, thee extra fullness beneath
to give them the proper outward Aare from
thee knees down.
The pretty gel( ceeramit clothe wilt be
used Meth for pawns aed.Ceiatet The 'new
weaves have a genuine Sa.Dtell leek, WA
thew bcroutinel cater blendinge. Theo
goods are not ozpenswe, although they are
double Width and vere cies* resemble
high plead tartans in telk .enta Wool mix -
Shepherdat check fabrics will be in
teethed favor ter two :Feelieellei to come,
They are faired in both simple awl elide)*
Bite 1040, in 29, aet. 40 .niatl 40 Inch
Widths, and theyrange inprice froto 29
$1,511a, yard, They will he use4
tor dress skirts, shirt waists, liettleoetat
drew acceseeries,lininee and Telco trim-
med gowns entire
Queen Viet,oria'e ammal tripe to ;tad
front Scotlatid ale -nieces& ber clew on $5,-
000 it year.
Emperor William'a bed is narrow, al-
most a cemp MAL but les sheet: are ot tea
finest linen, mei let levee a silk ceratetere
pane, tie goes to bed at 11. :ens ep at 3
mad Is resttese and agitated during his
The Princoof Waleeist fillinWitig tee ex -
entitle or tee Italie of We11in1:0a ;Bid FAT.
Ing Garments wheat he has wove (et epee
cad emeteparia. Teo prince's eel:action
'ill bit aslnterostit as the dulas store
ot ntedeut teetatere met tevallowteil ceats• ,
Queen Withal:Mem rArs to bint ntiont 11
o'clock and get./ up eerly. Line her fa-
ther, on teeing. sete takes it stroll mood
tho park and visits the stables lit'r lad.
wad is of monumental sire, being broad
enough for six, and inaportionally deep.
le is whapered that Ler youthful Inajeety
snores slightly.
Queen Natalie of Serve). Is followiag In
tee footeteps of Colleen Sylva, queen of
Remained:4, havIng secluded herself in a
cbartating vititt perfumed with tire odors ot
roses near Florence Size is writing it ro.
mance of personal reminiscences which
ens Its beginning- in, Stevie mud its epi -
legate in Biarritz,
Fraud may be proved by circumstantial
A stranger to a note indorsing it after
delivery 1*comesa guarantor
Ono taking a note purporting te be
signed by an agent must Inquire as to the
agent's power.
A creditor holding several seenrities for
the SaIlla debt auay realize from any 0320
of tile securitles.
The giving of one's note 110 12 creditor Is
not, iu the aletence of expresengreenienti
payment of the debt.
Ono defrauded by a contract should dIs.
affirm the Santo at the earliest prat:lieut./le
nunnent after he has discovered the fraud..
A partial payment of an undisputed
claim, although received as complete pay-
ment, is not it sateseaction of the debt or
A claim owing to a firm of white one Is
a member cannot be set off ngentst debts
owing by such partner individually to the
firm debtor. -Recent Declaims, Highest
The name of tbe new president of
Franco is pronounced as though it were
spelled "Loobay."-Nashville Banner.
The French republio has again baffled
the widespread desire in Europe to predict
its death and attend its funeraL-Phila-
dolphin Press.
There is another humane thing in the
French form of government They don't
incarcerate it man in the vice proside.ucy
over there. -Washington Post.
If Franco ever hopes to enjoy the respect
of the great bulk of civilization some day,
she will elect a president with it name like
Smith or Jones, so the newspaper reader
can pronounce it without it day or two for
practice. -Pittsburg
President Lonbet speaks of "the sang
froid and dignity" of France in her diffi-
culties. President Loubet seems to be an
accomplished statesman, fully equal to
throwing a bouquet every time France
throws a 11t. -Louisville Courier -Journal.
There are 10,800 teachers in the diminu-
tive kingdom of Belgium.
In Pennsylvania there are 867 school
districts in which the schools are open
only half the year.
The Chicago board of education has de-
cided that all teachers in the public schools
of the city must hereafter live in the city.
• A friend of the St. Johnsbury (Vt.)
tteaaemy, who desires to remMn un-
known. has given 111000010 the institu
President Harper of the UniversIty og
Chicago believes that no college having
an endowment of less than $100,000 should
be allowed to confer degrees.
Aguinaldo is said to boa lover of ransto,
but he doesn't like the new American two
stepa-New York Press.
The suspicion is rapidly gaining ground
that the Hon. Mr. Aguinaldo is carrying
the joke a little too far. -Chicago News.
Aguinaido should abandon rot:anima;
and go in for pugilism. The wide differ-
ence between his threats and his perform-
ances proves that he has several goatlike -
tions avalIa1.00 for the prize ring. -Troy
vidonGe of incendiarism
Threatening Letters.
nutter yolity -"hoer poi:co Surveitiateoe
reiletuu;to stint for lay airs.
Asia.ew..a Feu' Alone* liefore 10.
talesed Mysteriously lay
a servant,
Nett' "Wee April 10 -Despite reticence ow
tee part of the pa ta44$ Lectime public
Saturday whielt utahe it appear that the fire
winent oa 1)0 4 th1io -ell thirteen per -
sous was of invettoiur,y orittlen it tome -
aired teat 5 few lent;'s before the flames(
were seen a teiteentatt was seat for from
the Andrews house, nud was mysteriously
dieteeised hy a sertatut, who add be wait
0411 wanted. Letters tbreatento...- the Lite*
of the i)tiairtalvs sand the eldluren wee*
feetel. 11 IS heLeved that the motive toe
Incesidet:Itm wes reiresge, and that thu.
atetir rase out of a quarrel emote; thy
servc.uts. Until aottie arrests are made 18
mill he prz,etteelly intapoesilde teunravel
watt notv seetue to Wave Ewen e plot,
elm letters ameete eberges ogatast Marl
• eneeteet eu4 the bar lea The writer gala
in pert "1 beree elm and Sirs. lrew
• delft think foe one moment teat 1 tun re.
contee 1 or pace:lee with Mary Flanagan,
for indeed 1 am Cot, and what ts turthee,
1 never 2-.1/1 ent11 1 get my reveuge, 1reel
Meet 1 letve gittat werulog enough, auda
• am gotta' 40 lis her for lire, auel Imeitese,
YOU end mes. Andrews del not give bet*
te wareate, ent going to you, too, l'te
going te urake eteneune throw rametbing
sone meta' mei ciellaren'a faeta thee
elle elisagere them and eat all the tiestia
if the wfte. Tbl. 1 wIll do for stew. hio
• cameo you .41,4 wa let Mary go as I toli
to. To'* Lae jest ea well lee licrvo
tut oa hst. you wy, hare no giti ,..
Whell 1 3.41 31114(itgh With leer."
whit or Jeldait. Damns, 51• 1
the in!ur( 41 were reperteel to be dolor, as
• 'net as 0020.1 ite eepeeted. V'or the Burn*
gisi there sperm tie hope, Both the police
aho fre derriciatent off14.1u1s tvere 10-
• 1nee.11 retitle the eig:FP of the fire -raft
• FOMP wiiil 'aeries of plots end Ineenillaret
1431 ‚422 51' nowl• All the pollee tyrant() NAY).
1h i,.',' Audrey; Pelee, batter to
AteIrewv. via Zee suatellinnee. They
atm% *Le 1 h:i3y-1 mere ahotit the firer
• ant: he hart :W.I. l'urilivr Ilion to add.
• tilt '1-5 Tt. Uf•^0 -1 4-3-lopg
^31 4.14-4. visa r.Prlaitaqi. 1110. peittee trete te-
te "
k ,
tonal:iu r425a2, r4,46.7.0 the stetexnent
t101...• It Ilra. Ar. ;. emit far re Fence..
• 11, , 'y 11-eTute
, 111, .7c 1..• 1,711131_a0VVP3t
• L".! 11a. ai.",17: that be
^e• eery etetenients.
it hi; s tee PeOrerie 4-411 b.F tear
tart; it +-IN 41P.1 110raF.4Q/"It148)e<1.
.Vialiees Were Seale But Ple-
1.01: Bat (1)1.1.73111I.a.
;":11—.10Venttnent *Iv.
Th•-nt Count Laud.
V.:113'!colV0F, nee -April Ith-Cana41uns gen-
rm'enle timalt in the
ortrull tlw 1ona84 io4 ua'AINV I Mtn.
tee Z. ie weent have Nettled I.
ealr,es„. Ilivt,ett,v,eavref.. asnit‘11101 ureet.
; to e.,nati,Inall the hal at thet!Zttry
14.os be that they will Settle la
1041“ .t. 14,,y t n atm em tort*
hmuttletit M.' Tile Not.b-Ati:erthier. A dept..
t-tt .-it hy Mr. ArtlIttr Ilergstrout
reeently *Milted 14)00 Alc.
ied. Walter the agent General for Ilritiele
calembia. end menet itiut if the Provieelat
lI• par; ,I1J,:alltue,....nt4aticti;ltartetire14•Litoneet alora,gmutheenive
tLe hind. and AS ',ItiSt et
them Mei n Mlle 0ai:1,y they witareetel to.
lw ;dale to tray Emir way. Sit \Teeter re-
eneeted Oa deem:alien to put the rattiest la
writing. w.ieti fortuard It to the
Proviticial 0,44 et,n,eld.
ICA Si t.-1: Vett' EL
Ch)nete Erformer Who la Fleeing for
Ills Life In Canada.
• Vittoria, B.C., April 1€.-XCnng-Th'Wj.
the fillumze retainer, "R110 Wati atTOSe
filtal leis shire beim puteuel by the UM -
press Dowager, hue :mired here on the
Steamer Ideutal Dien front Yokohama. Ile
is on ids vely to London, where be hope*
to end a harrier refuge. Kong Yti-Wel,
tee thief cominletrionar eivretary of the
Eilattd Of Palle WIets, was respausible
far the reforms Mil +bet under lite oid re-
gime. When the neeress Dowager de -
peso.' blut a priee wa, put on Ids itend. ha,
fled and get en the ilritish slip Ballarat -
Although tutamed by Chinese toots he
mashed, hong Kong. Thenee he fled to
Tokyo. he Is In ninr*al terror of his life -
and fearful of as,ai....ination, evexi at the.
hands of his countrymen here.
treli-rinown curter Killed.
Lindsay, Ont., April 19.-A sad and fatal
aceident httppened in the Sather. Dundee
at Plavelle Company's flour mills bete Sat-
urday night. Just before closing down the
mill at midnight John McMillan, one of
the employee, attempted to disconnect th&
oatmeal department from the rest of the
machinery. Ills foot slipped, and In trying
to recover his balance he was caught br
a revolving shaft, which drew him in be-
tween a pulley and some timbers, and be-
fore he conld be stopped he was badly
mangled. The physielaus found It necesei
says to amputate one of his legs.
The shock was so great that he could not
recover, and died last evening.
Furious Eight Between ISoyS.
West Point, N.Y., April 10.-A tierce
battle oceurred at highland Palls at it;
late hour last night betteeen crendtdates
for admission to West Point as cadets oa
the one side and boys of the village oa
the other.
The trouble began with at hand to handl{
fight, and the crowd soon Increased to
such an extent that stone -throwing took. ,
the place of fists. Several of the eandi-
dates were more or less injured, and the
most seriously hurt was U. S. Grant, the "
third son of General Pred D. Grant
The services of all the doctors in town,
were required to dress the wounds of the
Injured. ElostIlitles continued for nearly
an hour.
NOntroal 3Tnli Arrested.
Boston, April 10. -Alfred it. GoslIn of New
York, formerly of Montreal, hna been ale -
rested here, and is confined in jail. • The
arrest was made on a prOCUSS 111 a civil suit
broeghteby Edwin C. lloltru.n of Bostees
against GoslIn and William It, Paddock be
recover $10,500, which lie alleges he gave
them to use for him. The action grows out
of the dealings of Rolinam with the brolcer-
• age film of Stewart & Paddock, who have
otrices in New York and Boston. Ile specu-
lated in stocks, bonds and grain. Goslin
fighting the ease.
Gave 01,1. 8148,000.'
• meeieepeg, Mem, April 10. -Mr, P. W.
Jones, who has just retired from the sn-
perintendence. of the section of the C.P.R.
west, wits presented on Saturday with a
perse containing $1000 end silver pint,
valued at 5200, by his associates on the
road. He hos accepted a position with
Mann & McKenzie on the coast,
Marion Brown Not WorrYIna,
London, Out, April 10. --Marion Brown,
the condemned' murderer, was visited ye.s-
terclay by Rev. Dr, Robert Johnston. The
prisoner Is in MDC11 better spirits than tt
feW days ago, and does not appear to be
worrying over his fate.
Mr111 Take the Dont, Mut No Troops,
Wellington, N.Z., April 10. -The Iinperlet
Government has accepted the offer of the-
eolotiy to despatcb a boat te Samoa. hut:L
Ins troop°tread are not rsqUIred.