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Bits of Wit.
i'ba life of a cloak model is a trying one.
,7*hen birds sleep on the wing they use
leather beds.
Unless the hotel guests put up the /and -
lord must shut up.
An apt quotation is sometimes better
than= original remark.
Coddeh balls are not Barred in Chicago
social circles dttrine Lent.
- A. puma and a sieve form a praetieai e*
ample of the magi ' feeturer and con-.umer.
Women are -foolish if they D3elie.ve.:he
fool twinge men tee when Veer are its love.
- le takes a ;tones to a acmes . him.elf tc
like the disagreeable tasks he has to per
Test of the Lesson, John xciii. 1-14..
:eleonsee Verses. :i -n --Golden Text.
Csa. flit, 3 -commentary Prepared
by the Rev,. D. M. Steatrns.
(Copyright. tete. by 1).M. Stearns.]
"1Che'n Jews had spoken these words,
He went forth with alis disciples over the
bre eek Colette" Me had eaten the last
Paseovcr with then, He had instituted the
teul,;:er width they should keep nem memo-
rial 44i Hint till IIe should conte again, Ile
haat s'im sett unto tl eznm the words of chap -
tees to evi after he had waded their
feet. Ile had prayed for them, they sells a
hymn (Maark xis-. era, and now in the
t:l e t Ile goes ata: t!: *. t. h theta to (li•taF<zn "Very well, your highness, but my or.
ante- Ilse is n t.. tad by His own people, ders aro peremptory to let nobody pass."
whom lie a tat a t4, bless. His sort Israel The prince, exasperated at the fellow's
(Ex. iv, t1:2; Hoe. xi. 1)i and they laevo do- impudence, struck him a blow in the face
tLrmitied t,, kilt Hine with his riding whip.
• N. ' .leetetotttinee resorted thither with "Strike away, your highness," said the
His dist'iplt s." Hence Judos knew well soldier, ',but I cannot Let yon go in."
v. 's
L Young Recruit's Rapid Rise to Ti-
the and Power.
One day a young recruit was standing
guard before the door of the entrance to
Peter the Great's private chambers in the
Palace of St. Petersburg. Re had received
orders to admit no one:
As he was passing slowly up and down
before the door, Prince Monschikof, the
favorite minister of the czar, approached
and attempted to enter. Hewasstopped by
the recruit.
The prince, who had the fullest liberty
of calling upon his master at any time,
sought to push the guard and pass him.
Yet the young man would not move, but
ordered itis hlghneee to stand back.
"You idiot I" shouted the prince. "Don't
you know me? You'll be punished for
The recruit smiled and said:
the a tart'. t)ne- of tee mats, tPlatt•tl tat t Peter in the moon. hearing the noise
There never ».e,. ;anti :.ever will be, a Josue wont thither le tl:aulltle;s rete ntioal4'I1 outside, opened the door, and inquired
nni'St a:3 6 t remedy, for all • jIt John viii, 1. w C every man went what it Meant, one tho prince toil hit.
Ills to w See very nature mate lila own 1 { but .14. ' V*'0*4. kta:t;l t
of sa: g . t,r:e. ri•,s 4 t< 42 t!a.at were' aa.;:ata. Ile s.al that I ait•re The czar appt.Ir<d amused. but Citi
the -`rt tt . t, e x r ..'4 ,.+t.=:aIag se""'61 we i-a,:tat of t nat1123:g at the dine.
41 el 2•t t ettent or the were tithes when the Sim of �i.11 heti not ; In the evening, however, he sent for the
peace , era 4a;. m i els ve one ill ill wirers' to lay I's' h•=ad tl.ati o Lv� 5"), t prince anal the soldier. As they both ap-
tura, u4 .1 .;,.-.'t' 4. a ..::e Other. We', 3- Judas and Itis b:and e'zt tt erith ,'m- peered Peter gave his own cane to the
hmve Lee, ever, las tlt,salna ntale when terns and t r4kes ard wraions. Jehn
diet, staying:
hat err alts in th
+obtai e t e et .4 s.•n t ti ria atu .era c,i • nidi es no rr it rent'. tot o "That man struck you in the morning;
state a r a a + for enema 4•: i gt ee 1041s late.: garden l.t fort Tattle. crone ---the an.. •env. the . tiow you !oust return the blow to that fel-
IV h'4 j t .tl : 1" t • au41 s'auu 1 lee, the' cot=alit* cite thrice 1•t a rated prayer and the ; law with my sties..••
fro,flest .e. r2t„ .4+t• .12116 6 rclaam aitne.3 nice el=,•!ging di cilli e. em hien ars` n24I^ti:4aan•tl by TI:e prime was alnarecL `Tour nlajes•
anti ,t a .,,.i:, 1) ;i.e ...are ^ece a idea (,�tte- i the ether evanlaellste. Perhees the ree,el- ,,, be said. "this eomwon soldier is to
Mile exert, on N.3'. t r4 , own restore:eves. i
it relieves tine tits ei + spirits of shoes' leetialt of it was. too) much for.ilarin. sand strike me?"
with evia,4nt a e Io .;c state of morbid ties-� he could not write it. f4I maim him a captain," said Peter
gondeItcy and lash en:.a. Brest itt life is a • 4. They did not have to look fair flim "But I'm an cruiser of your majesty's
1 aiisease reel, 1 e ttett.ruzl':^?ug the nerves, with their lanterns nor use their weal„flus hauseho1d." objected the primo
riDhpa a to st,titatl ;atot rofreshaintt sleep-- to tette flint. Ile knew all that sh'ntld "I maize hien a eoionel of my Life
»r ,
?ill nIhousehold,'
tof thea�»
a '+ e l t
• t1:. vigor t ,l ionO went forth t4..
t a, � i and
in ari aon inn)* a i lih s hot
Come t ,officer of the ou L
con 0d an f1I e.r h d,
u s a
Fanti aI
I eter
"My rants, your majesty knows, is that
of general," again protested Mcnsehiltot%
"Then I make him a general, se that
the boating you get may come front a num
of your rank."
The prince got a sound thrashing in the
presence of the czar, and the recruit, who
was next day commieeioned a general with
a title, was the founder of a powerful fam-
ily whose descendants are still high in the
imperial service of 1„ussia.
much, berm; ',ta n Met 1 f course,throne:at "Whom 41L rev" His
taut Clot 'seine, t •tetlesal8s; the healthy t Lacer them, saay2nh, 7aot 1 set ,
animal Pune::0245 of the sestet!!, thereby ; polar had come to hale our sin::. and Ho
making laCtavat' is tl4,e'e-eery requite i wad ready to give ITDusself nix Itis prayer
etrengthetting the Seams, and giving late in the garden was answered. Ho was de -
to tlaa' 4il4. e.t1Ve 0t 4. a.. w tela naturally livered from dying there,an angel strengths
demand nacre:t.eed. sui.....i.ce--re.taih. hue ' ened Ilium, and lie was ready to go ou to
roved appetite. Nerti4r°ep & Lyman of i tho cross and finish the work. He knew
oronta, lp covet* to tate pUbtle their, ave it all before Ile left Ills home in glory
stun" rate '
Wine the usual a + vitaQuininebase atg
u e rIle 1
1" sufferings s when
I i, own iq
He saw I
' FI �Y
�1 of
end, •• a be the u y n.n, t
D, gauge ifthe shedding of blood provided the (slats
this wine a;e~*ro.tclzes 'nearest p,•r.ec' ion at,
any in the a4a:.rl4.et. Al. tmragg.stt, sell It. of skins for Adorn and Eve in Eden (Oen.
ill, 21).
5. In answer to His question they said,
A. Predicament. "Jesus of Nazareth." He instantly re.
"Moot, neon!" shouted the Searle con -i plied, "I am Ile." or, more corteetly. "I
tractor. who is putting up a lino house in azn," for the word "ho" is in itailes, indi-
the suburbs. "I canna manage wi'yel 3 sating that it is not in the Greek. lie Loomis Into a Pante.
Gang home, mon.' t used the name by which Ho had made two late Professor Elias Loomis for
**ma for?" Himself known to Moses and to Israel, "I
"Dinner I tell 't ye to tak' the hurlbarra ant" (Ex. iii, 14). It Is often se in this many years occupied the chair of astrono-
an trun'/e thee stones doon there, an ye gospel. If you will notice it. see chapters my at Yale and was the author of the well
+studs an glower't at me? 1 canna manage iv, 20; viii, 24, etc. known series of mathematical textbooks.
evi' ye when yo dinna nnderstan' Eng- G. "They went backward and fell to the The truth of the following. story on the
3ish."--Detroit Free Press. ground." IIe did nothing to them. He professor eau be vouched for by a number
did not touch them. but only saki, "I of YaDo anon:
t.t (i.,,,. at,•,•u. nothe junior class a course of lectures on
eht physics. The lectures were illustrated by
A Conspiracy of Silence That Threw
ail." Oh, the power of Iiia word! nowProfessor Loomis repeated each year to
1 t
tt o we appreoia e
know it! It created tho worlds. broil
Israel out of Egypt overthrow the 1 Elena
experiments, and in one on compressed
air ho explained the principle of the well
Theee would have been tall dead morn thee known me an.
tions. There Is nothingt044 hard for Him.
Endured by Victims of Stone in t - Tho students of each succeeding class as A dose of Miller's Worm Powders ocea'
The Coal ninesofCh1U.
The Chilian coal alines, opened in 1855,
seem to be nice places to work in. Tho
seams of coal run from the shore under
the waters of the Paeiao ocean, and the
tunnels are so clean that you can walk
through thou In a dyes; suit without mak-
ing yourself dirty. They are lighted by
eleetrieity. anti yon can have a ride for a
mile under the ocean on an electric car at
a speed of 22) 14111tea an hour. The m nes'
farm quite a catecemb of well -lighted
passages under the water. The output of
coal is now Luce tats; rl day and ;t) miners
are employe+: in thane
An Fatl to l9ti:un+ lit itlno'tte,-I3itloni5-
ne<s, am 11.'18 04 ean�•; 41 h excessive bile in
the tet'= n aa.'t. fete s attrarot'd effect upon
the nerve.. .:+:! iftt it lun.tif".4.22> itself by
severe I a 1 t.a44" 1.44 i4 the most tits.
tre"s'1i/ t -..:I-, ti e:tt• 0311 have. Tkere
'tee tae. tl iel.0 r on t':lett, from fever, and
front ,, her muses •.tat the mo'.t excr'2ci-
Minn 4 ° Lal : the'11,1 4'=ta4 ate: A 4. •he. I':tr-
a..t.e,'. \ t `t'la a 1m i.4 nen:i sura' it--enre
:1 ,ttt 4 c i n4 tedi tta o• 1 a a1 disappear
.l, 4;.• 1 .., the i'2i,4 ltt. .e. There
1:..144;t4. 4tnrer in the tre..itlne:it of bilious
anti :ac4tr.
(.'lit n 11=+= 011.1 1' 1 i•' or r olie 1 0�eicken
fret' t :t• 1 •:'It 't til 4. n 16•iT• 3''g'
,..:me.. { :4:.:'.. . n= m. "•,_. I'4t ,.
li... 6IGt_1 1.1,1'1. .ell in:a-.:reit
;:442.` ®'ti . .t t 1 •." ',1 and the
a.s.4•d:6tn { „. rxa pI.`.1 4 a4..al.,'.1'
(::th'k4. 1.. L• = t. T.: ,4'04 144 tpt14 42 t.re• 'List
1441^1 a tostl. ' n'., . .48•.4 t ::aa ore:r:l. The
Y .�h 14 I t .is 1.'2:247 slides •
a. 2 kli,'7 , :{ w 11 . I 1n :t, pi:atter as
there/ are pe.•..tas at ' .• .4i.,..,..
tli arf3'S I.6i t ,•.:i li."e'; a tik et fit COWS.
• eest e j tee ��-
'Theeutter4.4r •.1 :in t a 1611.6 311-t: see, iv
e4121 !tett. o taker'•, re* rl. rt,stating an al
legorit .1 to . i -,n 1841 wee vrue't.lm der 2a new
peeetes au 14 IeW 4304424. It .s ,t'inelles
4 .
411.8 NU ,•4r
square and rept �, •. I tea it r. ata!,..
111 ea its uttr, a nt :til t i; :iai ane inch.
By the 4,e ti n.► v
Ina tit a .2181:. Re".:•'.1+ is not fa•v' •.,:407 in
the 122 4m mei -eve,.altl L:iv`e talk08 three
There is more ea a r:.a :t ,hie st t ion of the
eennt r m ittu ; it tt..10 ,fag a.t'a eat tem tiler,
and uatt 1210.• 1..56 yeti . ours was sh ,:ose41 to t,+
i .r.4r.t le. Per a greet :n et} 7 e 1i R .lust era
laroneut10 d at a let:4l i1'a4 4.0, 1484.1 p•r•,erib.•4
local scent dace, att.i 2, a u ,,a i 407 tail ;„ to caro
with ! eel treat alt too "uueed at ia,rur.)ia!e.
Szienea !taepetmen- 4,urht.t+eaeo etatatiere
a! at'se ase and tan , t`, 0 squirts cue illtiunel
treatines4t. hall s e 41 :'1 Di t flare, mam(taetured
by E.J. (:'sen.', & l .. Toted a) 1 8)1110. 1.1 the only
0 n441t4teta •4ael tart O a tate market. It 4s t igen
leeereejl ; 1,4 ti= sea fr"at 1e drops to a teaepet-n-
fut it net(.drertly o t110 141.-041 an 2 mucous
stirtaee401 the syett'm. Tileyisiri'rcuehundred
do;,.Les Feer any ease it fats o Darr. S. mi for
carmine and t4 atitn2,4n1 ls. Address
k d. t`II1� ti EY ta CU., Toledo, O.
tTaold by Druggists.
Svortliv of Note,
Turin held an international exhibition
last stammer wide!: will remain note-
worthy through the receipts having ex
Ceedetl all expenditures by $1;:11,(100. No
511 known than th
sooner was than veldt l e
Italian government tint in tax bill, de-
manding ten per cent. of the profits.
would never have 11$l•n to their ie.•t ,a n •
had He so willed it Yet ti >v th'at;xlnt to they entered the room for this particular tlionally will 1L. ep She children healthy.
• take Hint lay three. They thought to Lill
the Badder lecture found on the side of the room re.
Him, the Prime of Life.mote from tho platform a small target..
ate atop° of Escape Except by canna 7, 8. Again Ile asked them= and they After explaining the operation of the gun
Profeeeer Loomis was in tho habit of land.
Dodd's Itid,toy Pitts They Itotnov answered lite sante Its 140fure. 114' t. 1111' "I in these of its ro t ttfies with mtxthe-
the htone, t;utcllly, a u ily and
1lave telt! start haat. 1 sort. t 11 tl:• as s4+ .' ye nautical occur tcq in3 the center of the
Nerat:atte,ttly. Seek 1210, lot. the.' 1.:" t.tt'tr ev.ty I.0 bullieye.
Montreal, P.Q.= AYtril :i. -No agony that yttltle,l llaln; l IF c /the':at, later ttit4.4I4 ;:4ee1; The professor was always applauded for
Ills dieeiple s from them. He ed., d teleere:
falls to the lot of -• tering, humanity IS this feat, but his grill) fate, covered lay as
a'' a Ile could vette Ilio -elf if lie Ire! evils. •al
greater. serene terrible, nor harder to bear i He ! 1 L save 1I'u t' ",:d - tightly drawn tl.in of pam't'infcnt I4:l0,
than i that a.aa'e'1 by the formation of a atlas+r ata 4.. tt114. l:ttvu 11144 411 a:'t ; ,:• ata never sla•twed theslightest situ of grati&
kind. T
e a t of any ki o
t , t It 1
arra n
•m he bladder. 1 • ., ,
dawn at Ida kI1. Llld d t Ills
!nl i t -
!ttn, 1
. that t ,
The ooiuph sant is SO comm^an and so ; Ilam It Was apparently O meetly
dely ri demonstrated. .tiffs ex-
lie ftn, 8o-
ex -
frequently eptly sp,)i.en of that the to rrib e sig- ; t`3 •Of thorn whieim thou g the -t lie I periluent to be t m ells daluou tr.tted.
nifacaneu of t'lo name itself is lost. If we One class of hul:.ars, however, who had
have Let none." Title IIt had herd iu 1' is ! learned of the immemorial incident from
were to speak of a atnnr in the brain," or prayer in t l.ap=tt r m ii, 12. Tla.'u .1t:a1 4
"a stone in the heart," the terrible nature wa. never ';iVe11 to Ilial; he was never t.131I tho then teniurs, attempteda little experi-
of the di -ease would be apparent at once, of Isis fheep, never am -;teed than, 14'0 Ilio went of their own, the suhjece being
because we are not used to the expression,; sht.cp can never 1 ri h: no p01000 ran % mathematical and scientific human nee
p1ur1L them s
and its meaning forms itself upon us in- out of IIs, hand !.lutea taro
sternly. ; 27-:118). He will lever lose any of His Three puffs from the airun.610 and al-
1�ow; "a stone in the brain" would not property. 4o we may keep on singin r, "I though the students straw that the`bu i ab ao
be more out of place than "a stone in the know whom I Lave believed anti am -per Sas perforated ars usual there was
stunted that Ile is ride to L-et'p that which
I have committed unto Him ulooked a moment at the class in n startled
g:tinst that
day" (II Thu. i, lief. A lady told me re- ( way, then at the, target, and then, with
scurfy that she flit so sorry for Jute::: he- degree of emotion he had never before
exclaimed:cause he had to do these things and e.,lalti ` etDidn't it hi12 Didn't it hitP Didn`t
not help it. lie must reincenher that • ri"d is it hit?"
love antiwiiletlmnot the tiett.hefatnr'ini.ir.1 sell his A roar of laughter, followed by even
til. ,Chen tut hi.10 said, "Ho that bath 110 w more than the usual applause, showed the
him garment 214(1 Inti ' professor that he had not lost Iris watho-
ono ' (Luke xxii, 1121), I think He IVUS test- i matical accuracy.
int; them, for when they said, "Lord, l,o-
hold, hero are two swords," and He said,
"It is enough," Ile certainly did not, mean
the 12 to have each a sword. Although
there were but two, Simon Peter carried
one of them. And now sec the use he
maws of it. Many a blundering Christian
has hindered others from hearing the gos-
pel since the days of Simon Peter. Are
we by our lives and our testimony helping
or hindering those who should be hearing
of Him who died that they might live?
11. "Tito cup which My Father bath
given Me, shall 1 not drink it'?" Jesus
told Peter to put up his sword, and He
108011ed Malthus' car and healed him
(Luke xxii, 51). The weapons of our war-
fare are not carnal What a blessing that
our Lord can so easily remedy our blun-
derings1 But see• what our Lord calls till
this, the betrayal of .Judas, the hatred of
the rulers, etc. -"the cup which My Fa-
ther hath given Me." Conlplare Acts iv,
A St,1111nt: n Word. to
28, and learn from our great example
to 'see God in everything and to accept all
The estimates of the statisticians of 'things pleasant or otherwise.
is a a rata
bL'idder." Nor would it cause near so
much suffering, as echo nerve centres would
become paralyzed and feeling would die.
• But stone in the bladder is alarmingly
common. Thousands suffer the most hor-
rible tortures from it. Thousands die
from it.
And yet it is very easily cured. There ;
is a remedy-Dadd's Kidney Pills -that
cures it quickly, easily and painlessly.
In proal of this statement, it is 'ewes-,
eery only to quote the following letter,
written by Madame Campaane, of 167
St. urban street:
"I have suffered with stone in the blad-
der, and though I underwent different
treatments, and used various remedies, I
got no relief till 1 took Dodd's Kidney
Pills. Five boxes removed the stone,
built up ivy health, strength and flesh,
and lade a new woman of me."
ISodd's Kidney Pills are a positive cure
for stone in the bladder and every other
form of Kidney Disease.
Always on Hand. -Mr. Thomas H.
Porter, Lntver Ireland, P. Q., writes:
",bay son, 18 months old, had croup so bad
that nothing gave hint relief until a
neighbor brought nae some of Dr.
� •' 'c i] ma h I
tea O
1 Lama.. 1i1Cle.. , gave,
and in six hours he was cured. It is the
best medicine I ever used, and I would
not be without a bottle of itis my house."
I of applause Prof us,or Loomis
letters that Mr. Kipling ' p id t the t 12. They took .Jesus and bound Him
of a shilling a word so stirred a penny -a- Judas actually kissed FIim (Mark xiv, 45).
liner's sense of fun with the notion of re- "And Jesus suffered it, merely saying,
•Snail quotations for wisdom that he wrote Botrayeth thou the Son of Man with a
to the author, inclosing a shilling and
ordering one word. Mr. Kipling retained
the shilling and politely returned (written
one large sheet of paper of the best qual-
ity) the word "Thanks."
They Are Not Violent in Action. -Some
persons, when they wish to cleanse the
stomach, resort to Epsom and other purg-
ative salts. These are speedy in their ac-
tation, but serve no permanent good. 'their
use produces incipieut chills, and if per-
sisted in they insure the stomach. Nor
do they net upon the intestines iu a bens-
licial way. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills
answer all purposes in this respect, duct
have nosuperior.
The Sultan's wives are divided into three
classes -five of the first, 24 of the second,
and ':;.0 of the third.
kiss?" (Luke xxii, 48.) Oh, how much
He bore for usi What unjust conduct and
seemingly unendurable indignities! And
wo who bear His name and rejoice to be
redeemed by Flis precious blood find it so
hard to bear just a little for Film, and
when itis anything very unjustor unkind
we are to refuse to put up with it, forget-
ting Him who when Fie was reviled re-
viled not again; when He suffered, IIe
threatened not, leaving us an example (I
Pet. ii, 23).
18. Having bound Him, they led Him
away to Annas first, the father-in-law of
Caiaphas, the high priest' Thus Ho was
brought as a lamb to theslatighter, and as
a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so lie
•openetll not Flis mouth (Isa. ilii, 7). Just
think of the hands being tied that were
ever being stretched forth to heal and
bless and ungodly men leacling to death
their Creator and Redeemer! It was nil
in the plan for our redemption and inn:at
be carried oust.
14. This Calaphas, as the high priors
had been permitted on 0110 GeettSIn:t
utter tt prophecy that Jesus would die io
the dation (chapter xi, 421-52), but it we,
by the Spirit of God bo said it. Do net
think this strange, for consider the 10(12'
dorful words uttered by the Spirit throes.'
The Horrors of Tea. Smoking.
Tho Medical Press and Circular seems
to hint that the latest fashionable wicked-
ness is to take one's tea in the form of
cigarettes. Judging, however, from what
our medical contemporary says of the vice,
it hardly seems likely to become general.
The first sensation, it appears, though pe-
culiar, is not as unpleasant as might be
supposed, but this condition of qualified
beatitude docs not last long. Then conies
"a thickening of the head and a disposi-
tion to take hold of something or to sit
down." If the novice perseveres, he or
she may be next rewarded with a feeling
of exhilaration, intense, but of very brief
But the after effects, our contemporary
solemnly avers, aro too dreadful for con-
templation even by a medical commenta-
tor, and it takes many hours before the
beginner even begins to revive. A dust-
pan and a, broom seem to bo the only
things then required for removing the
Hard on the Author.
I'iattn214.; tura Good 'IV itnr.
:lir. Jiigettne--:., you want ten dollars'
with evhi:•h tta+,o riti(n41.ia„Y What do you
intend to buy:
Mrs. Iiig;;uns-: don't knew, dear. If 1
did there would ''e no use of any going
shopping. 14'•attid have you st.'it in soma•
where and rot it.
New life for a quarter. Miller's Go
Iron ls Pills.
mv.a1tmtnlp to, e-,;.
Penman --Did you say that agent who
called on you today was selling semo of
my books?
Denman -No, I didn't say that. I said
ho was trying to sell them.
Miller's Worm Powders are the bent
laxative medicine for children; as nice as
Rider what he thinks of ]Lis wheel,
4111 '1>'e1899. 1Fill abide by what he says. Always
reliable, the handsome easy-rttnuiug
Dendron again leads the procession for
Send for a
Mexican school children are allowed to °
smoke during lesson time, provided they
have attained a certain standard of ex-
steady and Witting.
She -Although my father is rich I have
never cared for wealth but as a means to
an end.
He -Well, I'm ready to go as end man
at a moment's notice.
Elephants aro said to bo fond of gin, but
will not touch champagne.
e it
Trade Mark -Dr. Owen
Established 1824. OF ENGLAND.
The only scientific and practical Electric Belt
made, for general use, having batteries that
generate a strong current of Electricity that is
under perfect control and can be applied to any
part of the body, for the caro of
1 BiKL���`i Las
The author wanted some reading, and Thousands of pooplo stiffer from a variety of
he sought out an unfamiliar shop. Ha- Nervous Diseases, such as Seminal Weakness.
fortunate) he was a facetious author. ropes oft, Lost 1lfali.Ig' etc., that fel: old
y modes et treatment fail to cure. There lose
There were people who thought him rather of nerYve force or power that cannot bo restored.
proud of himself. At any rate, he thought r would trydica atreatment,
this by doctor
yck 7/9 of
drugs is pursuing a dangerous practice. Pro-
perly treated, these diseases can bo
ho would be recognized anywhere, because
his portrait had appeared with some fro-
quoney in tho periodical press. So when
after he had chosen several works of fic-
tion by other writers, the salesman banded
him a copy of his own latest book he
winked, drolly at the man behind the
counter and pushed the book away from
hien in mock disgust.
"For heaven's sake, no I" he cried. "I
can't read that man's stuff." •
"Well, to tell you the truth," said the
salesman solemnly, "I can't Dither."
The Difference of a Letter.
A man 00001461)' left awidower, when ar-
ranging for his lute wife's tombstone, gave
orders that the lettering should be of a
stated size. At the bottom of the stone he
wished to have tho words, "Lord, She Woe
Thine." The stonemason said ho was
afraid there would not be room for the
words, but the bereaved widower insisted,
and the carving was put in hand. The
correctness of the mason's view was justi-
fied, for when the stone was finished al
the foot of . the tablet were. the words,
"Lord, She Was Thin."
Established 1857.
®t®valy e.'tared
Head Office for Canada : TORONTO.
Jas. Boomer,
Marlag r,
RESUSCITATES worn out Lands, IMPROVES Good Lands
and makes the Best Lands BETTER. I :si DOVES the
QUALITY or the Crop and increases the QUANTITY.
0tU, ONT.
Electricity, as applied by tho Owen Electric
Belt and Suspensor will most assuredly do so.
It is the only known power that supply
what is lacking, namely nerve force or power,
impart tong and viler to the organs and arouse
to healthy action the whole nervous system. It
will most assuredly cure,
Varicooelo Nervous Prostration, Rboumatism,
Sciatica, Kidney Disease, Lumbago, Lame Back
and Dyspepsia.
Contains fullest information regarding the Duro
of acute. chronio and nervous diseases, prices
how to order, etc., mailed
/v4(sealed)-FREE-to any
../% address.
The Owen Electric Belt
And Appliance Co.
J0VipOd & o
Cjorrespondenee Solicited.
Advances blade on Consignments.
I invite the i"trn"in2• port -have. to 4(41(0 for ee'- p lc atalilliirr Cacti 19
a copy of my recent pablta2LUen..•ttit-1,'d Rdl3tllil 1 �,
Tl,1s is ,t Ilttlo effort of mitre tir4(22a5• with 4,2)4101 1130 ebbe,., gnat prodtaclltt:
arena In the world. Yum exO"nt2oualir yell auCnrtnwl as ,o Itr"2r. 4. of',cv 1121 et 1114-
p1311110, :411,1 Ie:an p4143. any enquirer and ad V110 any l,ltend lor, ptn'c1t.l rr. .1 6 e 3
can recommend Le110 I' lite, Into and it..'.t4rn, "rine'•''* Mewl. nein, 00rsa•.d,Tn,nita.
h. G.laFnti.1 I'At:lilt12, 41ita,n» Molter. 12 At1e1.title St. E.,'lotonte..
4 Z» C It, t offee%
emmen89 Of 0410E 1: ;. i.,4. & 13. 'Ex tract
Write us. HAMILTON. 1.,14- & 13. i*plees
Front St. West, Toronto, Out.
1ncc14 This lovelg
u little Lady's
Watch, with guard or
chatelaine for selling 3 doz.
of our full-sized Linen
Doyliesetlea eaoh; L a1y's
SterlingSilvsr Watch for sailing
6 doz. Doylies in latest and
prettiest design. They sell at
sight. Write and w0 send them
postpaid. sell them, return our
moneyandwo promptly forward
iournleItuabLNENDOld YLYCO., Dept., n
PLOt`11S, RO?.L 13 est FiRa3flOWS
up 2/r•.t 1., 1'- •+cn4t tor t:.,2-tt".1.o'.
cOt'ifo:Li •rr PC,Oe;i ('16., Wit 'rivilto.
e I oma Liss i S 0
9 It cures all forms
of them -even after
the knife Pas been used. It is a wonderful rent-
ed v. Itis 3110910 aa(1 safe and is free to honest
sufferers. Scud address and ,yet it free.
A. 1EW:SI 112 Shuler Street, Toronto.
T. N. II.
We are gtv- I R L
n; away Stern Winding
Watches, genuine Ameri
can weer emotes a Solitl Cold
Rings M ,siith sal stone
moats:1141i many ocher val-
ue. le premiu.ns for selling 24
parkat;4a,46 our g.'nnhao IItt7-
ten 0 ars per package. Eaeh package make!
50 (cuts Ivor.}, of tine ink. sent your name and
address and we will f..rward you, prepaid, the
Ink Powder and ental .gue of premiums with
tell instructions. When soid and us our maney
and wo will send you the premium. you select.
Don't lose this grand opportunity. Write Let
tho 4 unit to -day. Mention this paper.
Everything for
the Printer.
, Made by the celebrated frees
of Ault & Wiburgg.
FREE 171121P
Sting, 61
gvislta >i'ltt iI,'il tttafl 14•,80.
fur selling 1 doz. dainty Muskets el
neliotropo,Ruse and Violut per.
Nona No bran oraatwtust. 5011
at 108 aneh. Ronan mi 01.20 and
rucelve ring. T'8#8111 by retina
mail. Liboraloonanisston, fYppro-
ferrati. Vnaoldgoodszaturnabla
1 0224E s2IPH'Itli CO.,
Dent. i) Toronto. Ont.
Excuse of a Belle.
Mistress -Mary, Mrs. Julius tells mo
that last night she saw a policeman in the
kitchen with you.
Mary-Yes'm; I had him there to keep
the other men away.
Liubby watt Afraid.
Doctor -There is one thing more. Your
wife must not sped: a word to -day. Tell
her that
Patient Husband. -W -would you mind
telling her yourself?
Miller's Worm Powderg cure Teter is
i ; The latest and best.
PLAITS tLelw,orld. Beet atm
Cast by the "Gat -
ling" Process. ''he
t only plant of the
killd iu Canada.
n s Of all makes and
j�' 1Linds-new and sto.
s7 P s�^ coed hand.
Unequalled by any other in Canada
ie matter, paper and. presswork.
srRA, Ft frn ?*
rut ti
Promptly.and effectively executed.,
O. Yaail' Rp TRO W P m `WY
Fine deep shells, and clear working
ss 10 100101 10 10