HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-4-13, Page 1THIRTEENTH YEAR.. -597.
Sealed tenders will be received until 2 p.
nt. on Saturday, A.pril for the ereetion of
a brick engine roora at the rear oforetonery,
Oen tralia. t further particulars apply at
aggith' a, 2tml Oen., tertian.
We havennlimited prhate funds for in-
vestment upon fo.rta or yillage property, at
lowest rates of interest
Ineason & OantLso.
Darristers.etc.. Exeter
The undersigned has a few good
far:, for
aalochean. Money to loan nu easy terms
Jour: SrAcam.A.N,
Scam well'a Bloch Exe,ter
Money to loan at front 4 to 5 per cent
ELLIOT & tIL,V1/31A,N.
Ilarristers,Soltextors, etc., Main St., Raster.
Sale Register.
Wert: Esni, Arai t ata 1 arse, rigs, house -
bold effects. etc., the property et P. Ruse.
Exeter. Sale at 1 o'clock. IL Drov..n, Act.
Wnrss11Ar, Arca.
l!rOtPt.rty (Ili John sturgeon, Hineardine.
Ile to take place one Woloolt, at the Metro.
t -titan !lute!, Exeter; Thos. Cameron, ;tact.
Tim. &sit:able farm in the township of
StpplIen, bextig Lot 17. Concession 19, ,t3t1/1.
Wiling: aeres. There is 7,0011 briek
houit, mod N11144;14411 tho rretnries; 12 flerini
fall wheat ova; 14 aorta tan plowing done.
Pos$ession given March 1st'OW. MIS is a
good farm and will be sold cheap.
Apply to
31n, oliN Cilat,Exoter.
That desirable 1,riet, voltage situated on
the corner of J.aatos and Andtew :•,troet,
(Ayr. awl about taw -filth tuna ut and. The
house coati -46s ante rooms including a good
kitchen. and therels a good wtdi of wti,ter
and a *Astern on the woollies. This Is a
401141 rseetrty vrU sttuated.toul will be
$01.1 reasonably. For particulars apply to
this °Mee or the undersigned.
Mus. Jous WEI.Fu,Excter.
The untlerneli iq offering for sato tacit,
desirable and valuable protperty, situated on
Huron street, being nart Lot 21, contain-
ing over five aerea. There lb on the premises
a good brick b011SO, containing seven rooms,
with stone cellar, frame hirchen and wood-
shed attached: a tram() stable and otitcr
necessary gs;15 choice fruit trees,
a good wen of water And other convouiences
Torrnsreasonahio,apais at this °taco or to
floderieln After •a long illness, there
passed Way, on Friday, March 31st„
Fanny A -a beloved wife of W, R. Rob-
ertson. Deceased had been in poor
tiitailtit for smile years, and at length
Ole erine1r4011 Was Threell 1r16/1
about her that there eould he no hope
of recovery. Lately sho. failed rapidly
mul the end canto sooner than was
expected. During her illness she suf-
fered intensely at times, but she en-
dured it nil with resolute and cheerful
St. 3.Javys: The total assessment,
number of animals and population of
the town of St. Marys, RS returned by
Assessor,. James Kanmedy, are as fol-
lows: West ward-Apsessment, $198,-
955; population, 793. North ward -as-
sessment $397,830; population; 860.
South ward -assessment, $504,865; pon-
ulation, 1,575; aouresidentessessment
of all wards, $410; antinber of school
claltlx.en front o years to 10, 822; from 8
years to 15, 338; from 16 to 21, -285;
males from 21. years to 60 years, 703;
number of dogs, 132; cattle, 448; sheep,
27; horses, 322. Total population, 3,200;
total assessment, $1,192,060.
Children Cry for
Highest Cash Price paid for Black
Ash, White Ash, Red and White
Oak, Hard and Soft Maple, Hemlock,
Solte and Rock Elm. Either stumpage
0/7-7'w delivered in yard.
For further particulars apply to
Manager for the S. I. Co. Exeter.
Harp -ley
'I'he roads are in a very muddy con-
..... EWS pp ' of snow; with very little appearance
s I dition on account or the recent thaw
es of spring seeding as yet„ -Mr„ James
O. .1r.".. -.FROM OUR OWN PORRESPONDENTS-0,--"b.. Pr Latta suffered the loss of a pair of
Sugar making is now in order and
taffy pulls will once more be heard of,
s ,
wast wt. lanie so. -The sehool teaeh
rs have again resumed their places
ft er spending their holidays lit their
respective homes.-- Tlie auction sale is
being largely attenthol..--3,Iessrs. Hoff-
man Bros. sold One of their fine team
of Mavis,: for a handsta no. lig-urea-Miss
Lana Bender, haa lets to take a noel
tion whit Mrs. 'rd;ton...-
11. Fred Wens, has etw!ged with Mr.
John Hall.Creditoa,- MI...Joseph Snell
WItShi ShiPka Friday ou hoshaesS-
The roads are still in a bail eowlition
much to the dissatisfaetion ot hwy.
clists.--.Mr. French, of Guelph, vats in
town last week..
• - - •
'McGillivray Colwell
outwit met pursuant to suljourn-
nient, in the Town 111111, on April arta
All present. Milmtes tl last meeting
Mill, approved of ami signed. Hut ela.
insomad larding, that.liy-141W appoint-
ing members of the Boind of Health is
hereby amended by :Tao' otiog Alex.
Smith one of its menifiers.-4'arried.
Millers-illitchinson, that N. Grieve
and R. Hutchinson are hereby cont..
tnissioned to hare thi hili north of
data on the Parkhill road put in pro,
pte• state of repaha-Carried. Milier
-alIcalStins, that aecounts, amounting
to $12,20 be paid, --Carried,. Harding
liutehinsou, that this Ct emelt adjourn
to meet, in the. Town nom, (m firth
1On*1aLy 1I7ALky, at 19 d'eloek
when gt•avel eOutraets will he Set allti
Pafilillatiter$ appointed.-Carrital,
avaa Clerk.
Stata-Thear. appeared an item
the Eaeter Thine:: last week, which
no doubt was composed by a jealous
person who gets t•he short end. of the
horn. He speaks of a inerehant who
;ulvertisee a bonus of 1 cent a lb. to
take away his wire. This was a slight
mistake of the lain:ter. He alsospeiiks
of getting rattled when cornered up.
Well, now, if wo are not miStaken in
the gent, only a short time ago he
was so cornered up that he had to
crawl into the hole and he pulled the
pulled the hole in after him. Now,
Mr. Editor, if this gent would take a
hold otitis own nose he would have
Itis Mauls full, and would not .try to ,
mock other people Wit° strive to get
along in an honest way, if the shoe
fits him, let him wear it. •
s‘k Srinseannsit.
.5"47-28"SX47.-"zrl'er-2iFIVrVr7411frowl marrinolilit7ids
barley whith the horaes bad not been
aeons -tinned to eat, dying before a
veterinary mrived.-Mr. Peter Farisdi
is building a kitchen to the rear of his
house which ne doubt will add to the
smvenience of his home, -Ma, Willicim
Baker, sr., purchased a Brantford
wind mill from a Pakkhill ageut, for
the purpose of pumping water out of
his artesian well. --Mr. Wm. Format,
of Brucetield was &WU purchasing
seed grillo, of barley Mandechuri
varie% and of oats the Abundance
from s
om • 1". Love. --Mr, S. Webb for the
Sir Kiaighte and Mrs. P. Haggart for
the Ladies were elected as delegates
for Grand Bend Tent, No. IA and
Hive at Grand Bend to attend the
(invention held in London lately.
(Too late for last week.)
D. IIA.Y, Commissioner and Oonvoyancer
Money to loan at lowest rates of intercst.
Mr. Andrew Can.iphell, who receatly
spent six months m the Famat City
Business Coilage, Mt • on Wednesday
last for St. Paul, Minn. We are sorry
to see luau the land. of his birth
tbr the land, of toe Stars audStripes,as
he ia an aetitta taiergetie, mut well-to-
do young mau; tit -fable and agree-
able einnpanion, and a highly 'respect-
ed citizen, but (ming to'n better optima
tanity to 'mike use of his. busioeas ed-
tie/atonal trailling he has (headed to
go west. -1.)). Campbell, of Brooklyn
itilS S0141 hIS lilt, acre farm t
Mr. Jolui Hannah, tickersmith, foi
the mon of ssatiii0, Hannah wil
not oetaipy it for nearly t Ivo years unti
Mr, Twitter's lease expires, The Dr
assao saat, hasmg was not very profit-
able Ileum the disposal of the Inlayer
ty.-- Miss Agnes Aon Hay, who- SS at
tending the- Collegiate institute, St
;‘, ht,r3.'s, is home spending her Rasta
amiteress • as is also the Ithaties Maggit
iteasellancl Myrtle Madge. They al
look hale Mai hearty,' iilthaugh study
Mg- harch-a:Nliss Laura McNichol lef
Tueaday for Mitehell where she is go
ing to speml the smuttier with Ian
mush), Jno. Whytt..-31r. Archie Mc
Curdy had a retie last week. of Ilia:faro
atook and implementa. Mr. Thom
Onitertat• Wielded the. 114111131Wri Mr
NI.H.‘11r4-Seirlied Slits farm to his broth
er, Dau, and owing to ill health is go
and maple syrup is nOw the order o'
the day,-.- -Mr 1 /avid Vitale, who .1-ciolt
unto himself a partner for life a shOlt
tilne ago, entertained the youth and
twaiity of this vieinity Tuesdaa
night -last by giving Haan a SOvial hop.
•dr, John Brown, the famed aioliuist,
furnished ext.ellent. Mush!. It was kept.
up till the wee sma' hours in the Illortl•.
ing, When ants. mired to their homes
feeling gralthet and pleased at the
good tune they had and the hospitality
extended to them by "Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. Wm. Hodgert, of Exeter, has
taken possession of Mr. S. McCoy'S
house lately mall ded hy Mr. Delgatv
ind moved. here est, week.. He will
assist Mr, j. Neil during the •sinumer.
Messrs, A. Netin, and Ed. Stewart,
spent Thursday in i.orn ton, visiting
friends aucl relatiaes.-Messx.s. G.
Esstay, and J. Brown, have (Toned uP
in extensive business in agricultural
implements their show room on
station street. Far»iers are cordially
invited to call. -Mr, Alex .Atkinson,
Wu of ,John Atkinson, left on Monday
for Dakota, where he h•as accepted a.
position as engine driver. -Mr. Byron
Eicka has resigned his position as
assistant. baker with. Mr. Feist of
Crediton, and has accepted one with
Mr. Elliott of Claudebeye. wish
him every success. --Messrs. James
Mitchell, and Samuel McCoy are bust-
ly engaged taking out timber fox. the
erection of their new barns which. they
will .soon erects -A meeting of the
officers of the Creamery and Butter
A„ssociation was hoio. on Saturday
afternoon, in the TOW11 Hall, where a
large- amoant of business was transact-
ed. Tenders be received at the fac-
tory for the erection ef the new brick.
engine house. Mr. J. Neil Ms receiv-
ed the contract of putting in a cement
floor in the factory and engine -room.
A. meeting will be held to discuss mat-
ters on Saturday.,Mr. Wm. Hux-
table wears a smile these days. - Its , a
girl. -We would suspect from the
•number of long fleeces in town that
.sheep shearing time was near at hand.
-What might have prayed a serious
accident, happened last . Thursday
night at Fairfield. Mr. George Wind-
sor, while driving along the road, for-
tunately tipped and fell into the diteh,
and had it not been for the assistance
of his companion it is hard to say what
might have happened. -A pleasant
event took place On Tuesday evening
of last week,at her cousin's here, it be-
ing a surprise party for Miss Roxsie,
pilot. to her departure for London,
t where she has a,ccepted a position as
matron in the London hospital. A
number :of the citizens gathered, and
a very pleasant and interesting. time
was spent. Supper was served, after
which Miss Roxsie was asked to come
forward, when she was presented with
a handsome and well filled purse by
Mr. G. Bissett, followed by a well
worded address, read by Mr. Lingard,
as follows:
DEan .‘11,1FN33.-NSTe, the citizens of
this village and acquaintances of yours,
take this method of expressing ma.
heaitful x'egret yoar departure fro •
among as. While you bave been avi h
us. we have enjoyed misoli pleasure.
Yomapiesetiee anion us and yoar
kindness towards us has proved a
great coinfort to us and • now as :you
are about to leave us We ask you to
accept this purse as a token of can
love toyop; and trusting that He, who
overraleS guide and direct.,
andaassiSt you to triTst hina for
strength. In this the time Of .your de-
parture from 02 know that your;
place Cannot, be filled by any WhO may
come after you, but We hope that they
will .follow yout., exesuple. „We avisll
you: every suceess :in . your neat, • fiel
of labor. Signed in behalf of Ma. • J.
.Liagatal, Bissett; A. Hepburn.
Mr, John Sherritt our extensive cattle
dealer,. is mewing large munbers of
cattle daily, haviag in the neighlana
, hood of two hundred. head of cattle,
pat:mots Yong Suatr.-11asing•jast.00to
rioted a. eonrae"at the criamtla. ortit3al 11180-
r tate, Lam now prevared to Pit Speetaohni
on thoronglay scientific .prineiples ter-
(1218qut,te,1 set, 11-8.1,itintziw4seynenziii_tietea tree.
I :Iul,etlimg! ekireehkap ro-
jeweller & Optician.
1314ga'sa-Mr, James Clark • has re-
• turned trout Manitoba, where he haa
, been the past moath on • business. He
W814 aeeompanied by Mra, MeSfurdie
a and her two sons. -Mr, William Hoek-
, ey, who has been on the sick, list, is
able to be around again. ---Mr.
Dad Axe, Miehigan, spent a few
1 days last week with his father-halaw,
ReV. John 'mote, nf
f London,. was in ttiWn Monday an little-
iwas.---Nra. Arta/ Brown, of Blenheim,
is visiting her parents, Mr. and '.11,as.
Gottfried Gelaer.- Mra, Jacob
beiner spent last Sunday With her
daughtea, Mrs, Daniel Truernixer,. of
Dashwood. Jas. Whitefoed, of
St. Marvs•,spent Sunday with "friends"
hare,- kr. sambrook, of Belmont, has
started a barl as.. shop In 8. Lamport
old stand. We wish hit» well.--MiSS
11. Elsie, Of Chatham, Was visiting
friends here (Wring the week. --Mr.
Gorden MeLatighliii, of (finale, is
spending a few days with friends in
and around Creditons-Miss Oussie
Metlinchy, Stmtford, is visiting
her many friends in and around Oredi-
ton. She intends remaining for some
titneo-The Misses Ella Beaver,. Myrtle
Clark., Melia Bream and Ella Link
held a millinery opening in C. Beaver's
shop.' About thirty dolls' hats were on ,
exhibition which wati greatly admired'
by a large uumber who aeceived
tattons. This is a new way for tots to
enjoy themselves, and from the en- '
eouragement they received will no
doubt have spring. and autumn open-
ings inutually.-0. Prouty, of Hay,
wa.s in the village last Saturday on
business. -Miss Rata spent Monday
with friends in London.
(Too late for last week')
NOTES. -Mrs. Neil McKellar, who
has been ailing with a ling,ering can-
cer for tee 00 twelve years, is now con-
fined to her bed. The disease that ap-
peared to be working about the nose
and face during this long period of
time has now extended its operation to
the throat. She has the syinpathy of
the vicinity in her painful illness. -
Mr. Geo. Stacey, who sold his farin
to Mr. Anthony Allan last fall, pur-
chased another one of 150 acres in Fill-
Im.ton, near Carlingford. Last spring
he went to Manitoba, but not caring
for the place he retux.ned and intends
remaining in Ontario. A few clays ago
he moved his stock, implements and
houseeold goods unto his new lama.
DRAM -While the angel of death
has been making sad havoc in this sec-
tion during the past few -months, yet
nearly all that have passed away have
live the alloted three score and ten.
This week we are called upon to chron-
icle the death of Miss Emma Rosetta,
Conch, which sad and melancholy
event occurred on Good Friday. De-
ceased had just budded into woman-
hood heing only in her 191h year. The
deceased had been in poor health for
some time and was unable to with-
stand the fell destroyer of grip. She
was a universal favorite with her com-
rades and friends, and her untimely -
demise has cast agloom over this place.
The funeral Sunday was largely at-
Win. Leask, a well-known resident,
who lives six miles north of Dominion
City, Man., fatally shot himself Mon:
day morning at his home. The cir-
cumstances point to a case of suicide.
The deceased was about 40 years of age
and leaves a, wife and one child.
'Ithere is
Such a
as wearing glasses when you should
not and not wearing them when you shona . .
is a 'stake to do either, We only prescribe
glasses when they will be of use to the wearer. A large
proportion of the cases of painful eyesight are clue to the use
of unsuitable or improperly fitted glasses. In consulting
our optician you %CUT no expense and run no risk. .
Mornings preferred for testing.
U 01, 0 •'ci r(•::rg or
Sen001. MVO:an-The following is a
correct report of the Creditori School
for the winter terna.-Sr. V -Percy
Banes, 81; George Lawson, 73. Jr. V-
ida Browa, 60; Chas. Brown, 66; Tily
Treitz, 35; Carrie Kuhn, 51; Otealia
Treitz, 51; Clara Keinzle 44. Sr. 'V-
W. Finkbeiner, 66; Geo. Hoekey,60; B.
Bertriind, 50; E. Gower, 56; V. Beaver,
55; 0. Brown, 58; A. Kuhn, 58; E. Clark
52; M. Finkbeiner, 45; E. Beaver, 37.
Jr. 1V -Geo. Sheardown 62; A. Fahner
54; E. Wnerth. 44; G. Hill, 40. Sr. III -
W. Broin, 71; E. Eilber, 70; W. Wein
66; M. Wenzel, 57. Only four highest
are given in all forms except Sr. IV
and V. The average percentage for
the term is given.
Jr. 111 -Wesley Brown, Flora Sims,
Olivia Holtzman; Everett Fahner. Sr.
II -David Wein, Louisa Fahner, Ed-
ward. Treitz, Loeda Finkbeiner. Jr.
II -Louisa Haist, Fraser Brown, Tom
Appleton, Artie Holtzman. Sr. Part
II -Lizzie Wein, Walley Hill, Annie
Ewald, Henry Brown. Jr. Part II -
Bella Hill, Lucy Maste, Frank Fink-
beiner, David Kilpatrick. Part 1 -
Hilda, Shenk, Irvine Fahner, Edwin
Fahner. No. I. -Tillie Chambers..
Viarnms. A. BANES, Teacher.
Sr. III -Dan Finkbeiner,Ettie Clark
Clara Fahner, Albert Wolf. Sr. II -
Melinda Trick; Fletcher Gower, Ezra
Oestricher, Ella Link, Jr. II -Lillie
Fahner, Myrtle Anderson, Myrtle
Tfirtzel, Mary Hasson. Sr. Part
II -Josie Finkbeiner, Eddie Winer,
David Baker, Alfred Waerth. jr.
Part II -Laura Haist, Bertha Fink -
1 beiner, Ada Ewald, Minnie Finkbeiner.
Part 1 -Sylvester Wuerth, Claire
Holtzman, Harvey Hill, Clarence Holtz -
MOM. No. I -Chas. Finkbeiner, Harry
Trick, Eva Chambers. Lily Metz.
Clarence Haines, the eighteen year-
old son of Mr. W. H. Haines, of Lyn -
den, accidentally shot himself while
examining his father's revolver Mon-
day night. The bullet entered his right
side and passed through his lung.
A. Thousand Tongues.
Could not express the rapture of
Annie E. Springer, of 11.25 Howard st.,
Philadelphia, Pa., when she found that
Da. King's New -.Discovery for Con-
sunapti an had Ootapletely cured her a
a hacking cough that for many years
had made life •a burden. All other re-
medies and floaters could give her no
help, but she says of this Royal cnaea-
It Soon retrieved the pain in iny
chest and 1. Ca;11 DOW sleep soandly,
Something I 'can scarcely remember
doing before. I feel like sounding its
paaises throughout the Universe." So
will every one Who, trieS Dr. King's
New Discovery for any trouble of the
Throat, Chest or Liles's; . Price ' 50
cents and $1.00 at any .Diars Store'
every bottle guaranteedaa '
Stages; Will and Rob. Yoe au
the their sisters, Mary and Jane
Thomas Speare and his sister, !Mimi
are among the number who left tiles
parts for Maaitoba Tireadaye-Wi
Beli, who aold out. his blaeksinith sho
in Cromarty, has located in the vi
Johnston to Mr. Godfrey Nieholsm)
during •the tr ying ordeal. Rev. James
eoliths, of Ailsa Craig. and Rev.. Il•
Saunders, B. A., performed the tare
Niehols summated the happy couple
home of Mra. John girkpatriek was
made bright by the pleasant event of
givt up
the netutinge of her si,4er,. Era
SkInglmirty11.1 ir 1 imilesiiiiileVS1s1,1 tp'.. rlijtie3tlisk
Mr. James Nicholson and Miss E. A.
torinary surgery.
Parkhill: Last • Wednesday the
Henallh Sat urday night as Norman
Cook was passing Dave tionQe
he notice41 a bright light einittial ham
the 'coal stove, closer hispeetion show
111111 that the stovt, was aaa has asa
Melting downs:, He 4tt Oflee Opelled.
MIAOW, as tat:person W415111 tbo lams(
and though nearly sniftiented by tht
gas auceeeded in putting out the tire.
In a few • minutes Mom the /must
would have been in Mows, as pyyp..‘,
haell Of the stove was aglow.
Bayfield: • What- might have provet
L very disastrous fire -was, 011 iweount.
of the timely arrival of eitizeas, suc-
cessfnlly theeked, Orle Iast
weekat Ma. • .1. lialiery. Tim
fire originated 114 the L11(41141, the cell-
Mg-et/telling. from the stove pipe. It
was seen just hi time, for if it had got
a few minute:a start nothing would
have saved at least.three frame build-
ings. The nubn who worked sa haaaa..„
ally deserve •greateredit for thew ef-
forts in checking the flames before
any great damage, further than de-
stroying the kitelien roof.
Varna: Two more pioneers of our
township have passed away during tile
past week. Frulaas Mra, John Peek, of
the Babylon Linea Stanley, passed
peacefully away at the good age of 75
yeara months, Deceased .was a mem-
ber of the 'Methodist einireh.-Satur-
day Mr. •Robt. Reid, of the Hayfield
road, Stanley, also passed to the great
beyond at the advaneed age a 98 years
and four months. Ile was a aative of
the eounty of Tyrone, Ireland, and had
been a yeshiva or:Stanley for over SO
year.s. He was a' Conservative in polls
ties, 21)11(1 14 consistent member of the
Presbyterian church.
-MeKillop: Much surprise and regret
was felt on Tuesday on it, becoming
known that Mr..Robt. T. Morrison, of
the 12t1i taineession, had passed away.
He had been laid up for about 8 week
with pleurisy, but. no serious conse-
quences \rev anticipated. On Tues-
day morning. however, he aeemed to
feel dtstressed, and requested to la.
raised 111 the beds This was done and
he passed away in the ;Irma of his at-
tendant, who was supporting him.
Heart failure was the cause of death.
He was only 38 years of age and leaves
a young widow and a little daughter
to mourn his demise,
ive: I
I North Middlesex Uong9rvatives
The animal ift.e7litig. of the North
Middlesex Liberal-ConservativeaAsse-
r., elation was behl in akilsa Craig oa Fri-
clay afteriesm hist. Notwithstanding .
the bad state of the roads'itntla th.e •
gloomy atmosphere, pepraseatatives
from the various parts of -the riding
Were in attoulanee and the Meeting
proved a most enthusiastic ones The
meeting was opened by the "'resident,
Mo. John Fox, of Laeau, .after which
irring• 24IM10tt.:7; Were 111802., eXpretg-
Sing sympathy with ;he millet-maleto
the prinelpies and Ottawa -1i as outlined
by Sir fl'harles Tupper :nal bL eiippor-
ters at Ottawa. 1 oliowing were the
speakeraa -L. H. Dielianu, of Exeter:
Robert, Birmingham, Seeretary of the
Ontario Canservat:ve- Association, To-
ronto; lawan; C,
ker,• Allan. Craig; C. Stanley, Lneen
-" and others.
1 Fidlowing, 'were the otlieers elected
1Kr!t!i 1,11.17.att, ILIt1(I:/l72iis.(4 P14 111st1.'
art, Ailsa Craig, • Treasurer; Chas.
Stanley; Iowan, Secretary.
' The association passed unanimoualy
a resolution expressing deep andhearte
I felt regret over the death of their late
representative, Me. W., H. Iltitchins,
and the high esteem in which he was
heldand hi mrelentillgetforts towards
• the StieeesF of the Conservative. party: -
The meeting Wati 11j1,31111110118 and unit-
.1ed, and the tamest harmeny prevailed.
Married Three Sisters in Ten
Goderit.h; On Wednesday afternoon
'Wm. Hewett, aged 17, Geo. Brown,
14, and Jas. Atwood 15, were brought
before Police Magistrate charged with
larceny, the two first named with
stealing a whip from James Spackman,
and the Nave for stealing a whip from
Jas. Wallace. The boys were all ap-
prehended in Hayfield, where the al -
ledged theftswere committed. On
the charges being Teed over the Crown
Attorney asked for a, remand to get
the evidence which was granted, the
case being adjourned till (this) Midas*
afternoon at 2 p.m. The father of At-
wood being present, asked for bail
for his son and. Brown, and his re-
quest being granted he was bound
over for the sum of $200 for their pro-
duction at the trial. Hewatt having
no friends present was sent to the
comaty jail.
Kippen : One by one the pioneers
of Huron county are passing to their
aeward, leaving, as a monument of
their enterprise and frugality, one of
the grandest and most fertile counties
in our Dominion. The last to pass to
that relna beyond the bourne, was Jas.
Smilie, of this village, on Friday, at
the age (4 75 years and 8 months, af-
ter an illness of some seven months,
which was born with fortitute and pa-
tience. About 3862 he removed to a.
farm on the 2nd concession of Hay,
remaining several years. During his
residence here he served several years
in the capacity of Reeve and also of
Deputy Reeve of Hay. In February
1869, he removecl to the farm on which
his S033, WM. R., now resides, north
of Kippert. After a residence there of
22 years, he retired from active labor
to the village of Kippen, where he
spent the remainder of an active and
energetic life.
Londesboro: One of those tragic
events that remind us of the frailty of
human nature occurred at an early
hour in our village on Tuesday week.
James Mannino- one of the Oldest resi-
dents of the place rose up early and
went out to the stable and , with a
pocket knife and carving knife made a
iahtful gash in his throat. The wind-
pipe is severed completely mild when
found by his daughter, Mrs. Young,
was almost dead. Help was got 11111
after he was taken ipto the house lte
revived and became quite conscious,
and is able, although unable to peak,
to make hiS WalltS known. He is very
sorry for what has occurred. He has
been sick since before Christmas, and
hae suffered so nittch that his mind be-
came affected an(1 became despondent.
Thero is not much likelihood of his re-
covery. He has always been a quiet,
steady Mall 8.111(.0 he came here and
has boon associated withthooBeoti
for over thirty years, anan
leaders in this neighborhood. The
sympathy of the community 124 extend.-
(att.° his family. He Ma (me SOU 101
Dakota, one datiothter, Mrs. 'Nord ()d-
in Washington Territoqa and :NU'S.
Young in this phce. P.S.-lie is now
dead, •
Minutia Ga., April 1L -Allan
oi Hill county, has jiait married
Ins third wife in ten months. In June
he wedded Miss Jennie Fowler, the
eldest of four pretty daughters of John
Fowler, a prospeemia farmer. After
two months of wedded life Mrs. Kelly
died. Within a, month Sallie Fowler
accepted him, and they were married.
She died a fetv weeks ago. The third
of the Fowler Asters, Miss Lithonia,
at first refused hill'. an the ground
that Ids wives seemed to be victims of
8. stiange fate. She finally consented
to marry him, and they have juat been
Do Not he Fooled.
With the him that, any preparation
your druggist may put up and try- to
sell yon will purify yonr Mood like
Hood's Sarsaparilla. This medicine
1)1(5 1) reputation --it has earned its re -
<sell. It is prepared under the per-
sonal supervision of edueated phar-
inatists who know the nature, nualit
and medicinal effeet of all the ingret
Rads osed. Hood's Sarsaparilla ab-
solutely cures all farms of blood ills -
ease wizen other Medieines fail to do
any good. It is the World's great
Sprang Medicine and the One True
Blood Purifier.
The old 011 Exchaage at Petrolea.
was burned Sunday.
The Conservn!ives of Brockville have
nominated Hou. Peter White as their
vandidate for the Commons.
Thirteen persmia are on trial in
Charleston charged with the murder
of Baker, o negro postmaster, and his
The dwelling house of Wm. Buck-
ingham, of Maxwell, was destroyed by
fire Thursday. Loss about $400. Nit
A smash up occurred in the freight
sheds at Guelph Monday. A few pas-
sengers were jolted considerably but
none much. hart.
Paul Williamson, it veteran Hudson
Bay Company trapper at Rat Portage
district, was accidentally killed by the
discharge of a rifle he was carrying.
A fourteen -month-old. son of Joseph
Kelly, of Guelph, drank some amonia.
Sunday. He was taken to St. Joseph's
hospital, and is rapidly recovering.
The late Mr. Hiram F. Inglehart, of
Hamilton, left property valued at $10,-
158, with the following bequests: -
$2,000 to the Centenary Church; $2,000
to the. Y.M.C.A. • $3,000 to the Mission-
ary Society of the Methodist Church
of Canada; $1,500 to the University of
Victoria College and $1,000 to the Su-
perannuated Ministers' Fund of the
Methodist Church.
Death has claimed another promin-
ent citizen of London. Mr. John Green
the oldest wholesale drygoods mer-
chant in London, died at his residence
526 Ridout street Monday evening,
aged 67 years. He hacl been ailina for
some months, but the news of his death
will be a snrprise to his. friends. Last
September he took a trip to England
to recuperate his failiag, health, and
for a time showed some nnprovement.
It Never Disappoints.
People who are troubled with any
disease caused or promoted by impure
blood ora low state of the system may
take Hood's Sarsaparilla with the ut-
most confidence that its faithful use
will effect a cure. Illillions take it as
a, spring medicine, because they know
by experience it is jost what the sys-
tem needs.
Hood's Pills are the best family
cathartic and liver toaic. Gentle, re-
liable, sure. . .
Exeter, April 5th, the
wife of Edward Howard, of a daugh,
2.110Fatasealt Bidaulph, csa the Oth
iust, the wife of Wilbur McFalls; of a
Ganstm-In Orediton, on the 711i int,
the wife of 'Wm. 13. Gamer, of a son,
RItTLT,N*,----SOnth BOUnclal,y, Stephen
00 the 7th lust, the wife of Wm, CI
Reilly, (4 41 daughter.
HITXTABLE. ----.At Centralia, on the 3*111
hist, the wife Of Wm. Humtable, of
8 daughter;