HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-4-6, Page 5TSE Healthy Baby OX der buocate, Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, A AIN -STREET, EXETER, —tiv the— ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY TERMS OF sunswurrxobt One Dollar per annum if' paid in Advance 8E50.lined se paid, ndxrptt5nixtg• Rage on .3p Soy+ tion.. o a l o t nned until all r a e N edscnt g.. p, p r are paid Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid and cherged accordingly J (berm disconntmade for cransoient advertisements inserted for long Periods. Every deeeription Of JOI± PAINTING turned on io the (Meet st otyl_ @, and at moderate rates Chegnes, money ord- ers, &o. for adverUsing .subeariMiens .eta to be made pavable to Chas. II. Sa.>rtdert;, EDI tae AND D o x Pre/fee:ronel Cards,. H. KINSMAN. D.D.S. & DR. A. R. HUSSMIAN, L. 1). S., D. D. S.. Honor graduate of Toronto University. DENTISTS, Teeth extracted without any pain. or any had effects, Office in Fansoa'a Black,, west Side burn Street, Exeter, r R.D.ALTONANDERSON,(D.D.S.,L.D.s.,) 111/ honors Graduate ofthe Toronto Tani- rsitv and. aoytal College of Denbil Surgeons ot Ontario. Teeth extracted without Rio. All er Elliot 4DFll trai��law Odidate, o 1naite Central Hotel --Exeter. rp Medical '.lie. J A ROT,GTNS8t T A, xmoi. 1 F Iteeideneea,same art formerly ofegrfES,Spatoknean, huilriiug, Alain al Dr, Hollins' office: same se formerly -north door. [)r. Amoe'ntfino. same building south door, May let 1893 J. A Hollana.M. D. T. A. Aman, M D , f - t� n TR a ;r. b€fl:f+Il1HtR F a.T.l'. atciaA t r S ii A 1 P+110i Haan 1. .eon 7�^� oCai College a tie # + the t K g, Ontario. Physuoian,SnrCoon and Acnoatch• our. Office, Dashwood. not Go ii. ara txxiS, FIA.R. TSTRtt,,oi,forT sod* OR, (lo aVeva neer. Notary P'uhlie Q45ee—Overn'Nril'. Bank, Nxeter.eintarin n 1L nov to Loa's) IriesSeieT a CeiAf.TN(i IlARRTSTFRs. 1 / eelielturi, Nitteri.•e, t`.nve ataeers, Commi-aeeone,rs. Solicitors far the ttolsons Bank, etc 'v Miaow to loan eat a at^.l t,+fi nor tent. ••84'R Faa>'annTllnj'k.. Main Exeter rA member of the farm well he at Hen+all nn Tlaur ler of each week ) T. ft. CARLING. D• A. G. 11 DICKSON t,f,I'1T ate (1LA,[)\TA . BARRi'ATEPs, Rte., (lon.vnvn'aeer', and Money to Loan. B V. E1'.r.r'nr, F. W. (1GADMAN. Anetloneers TTl[itte Wen Wine heleea f,iee,isod (Suet 1'A,. ioniser tor the counties of Perth and Silelrlle'inv, also for the towneeii' ofT ehorun Sates prom ptty attendedtoand terms ren- so a bad e.Aalee arranged at Post office. Win- oheleoa. ELLIOT. [neural no Sar+ant. Slain St. Insurance. Exeter Cook's Cotton Boot Compound Is sucoessfuliy need monthly by over 10.000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Coat - noted. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations aro dangerous. Price, No. 1, Si per box. No. a,10 degrees stronger,13 per box, No. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of preen and two 8•eent stamps The cook Company Windsor, Ont. siustsiadended by all responsible Drsgln Cana San. • nodi eo aS sola in hxeter Lutz, Ornegl,t, NEIN * tAT EL The undersigned has op- ened up a slew Meat Market. 1 DOOR 3 aJT OF OARLLa tS' fOfk, where he wits keep the choir{ est of meats constantly on hand. :John T. 1Vianning Alai TUE When Born In Three Months Humor Spread Over His. Forehead Into His eyes and All Over His Hands Such Itching,. Su.rniritt Torture— Mow 1tBrl d _.. 'When a Child is cured of the itching torture and burning inflammation of a eczema coxa or salt rheum, it is no wonder that words fail to express the joy o$ the grateful ],parents, and that they. a1dl i as, og i, 11 ea s s,: to x lit ) n t n to as o sibie the plain story of suffering re- lieved and Health restored. Many testitnoniels relate the wonderful sec - Mee sa of Hood's Sarsaparilla in such cases, even after all other prescriptions and medicines fen,- -'fere is one: "0„.1„ flood t Ce., I,owelt, Mass.: a peer Sirs:- •Our boy Earvey wilt re- member the good. Hood's sarsaparilla did hits as long as he lives, He Wagit health3 baby when be was .been, but before ht wan three menthe Oda breaking one: ap- peared on both sides of hie face. Phya5- Ciai.% did Mims little good and Said but or hie strong veestitution ben could not have lived through his dreadful Clattering. The humor feprcad over hie forehead, into his eyes, :ind came out On lain bands. It was indeed pitiful to witness the poor ohildie sufferings, it Was very painfal for blain to open or abut 11l8 eyes, and we had to tie hie little hands to prevent him from, aerate/eing the ii<h n�! burning tikir. My mnth r ur cd us 19 try Heed'sa Bar- eaparilha. We did EMI and a Short time after he began, to take this medicine we SAW a changer for the better.. We con- tinued until we bad given him five hot - Geo, and then the eczema had entirely disappeared, and he has ever eiuee been -perfectly cured of this dreadful diseaaso. klis sufteringe extended over two and a haltyeere, People for miles around knew hie dreadful condition and know that Hood's Saraaparitla. eured Mw. Bela now a bright, hay, perfectly healthy and lees the finest skin of any of env five child rc a '" obis, L. Kam som.Iu1I , Collegeville, 1'e. Hood's Sarsaparilla is sold by all drng- gitta,. fie nix feral.). Be sure to get Saud'*. The impression prevails at l;liebar' t. that. Tur lce'y itt preparing foe at wee with Bulgaria, The rexe'nra,ieua aat4'alett'r St Alas plain;; frau, `lautliaunletaln to the Channel 1:-. lands, sti'atck ,pit Thursday afternoon on the Claugtueta a, rc•('f near Alderney. About nevoid y persons were dr( evil vel. CASTi#f'a�■�t"t Ory fof �..''.'i\l 4 ' : ,.r r u Iia The Otber Band. Barney (on the floor above, angrily) —Begorra, Mike, 1 wish yon wuddent call me the whole lingth of the room ag'in to ax sielr as question. "Ting -a -ling -a -ling," Mike (who comes from the other end of the room again to answer the call)-- Hello1 Barney—Where are yes at, Mike? Mike—Pm at the other ind of the room. Barney. Barney—When yez comes this way ag'in, Mike, I have something I want to say to yez.•—Boston Transcript. A. I b.:toric Spot. 3 a A; e� r✓_ • is Woodby Booth — Uncover, Friend a U • Barnes; we're passing a historic spot, Stormer Barnes -How's that? Woodby Booth—Why, 1, even 1, while with the Smash Up company did slumber for three nights in yon barn. -- New York Journal. SPRING MEETING MAY 24th, 1829 —PROGRAM - 2:20 Trot or Pace - 2:30 Trot or Pace 3:00 Trot or Pace - Running, Open - - DR. Bomaers, Pres. An Ancient Egyptian. 82,:,; Tho ancient Egyptian beat his breast sew and loudly lamented his poverty, for he $17F; had a call to write poetry. $12,w t "A person can't be literary these days," the unhappy man exclaimed, A. E. TENN ANT, ., Secy. ( *ss he has the rock.s1" while he had direct reference, doubt- less, to the custom then prevailing of Fifteen prominent: citizens of Lake City, South Carolina, will be put on trial in the United States Circuit Court this week to answer to the charge of having lynched Postmaster Fraser B, Baker, colored, more than a year ago. They are also charged with murdering Baker's little son and with burning the postoi ice. Glorious News. Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of Washita, I. T. He writes " Foot' bottles of Electric Bitters has curecl Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had caused her great suffering for years, Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and the best doctors could give no help; but her cure is complete and her. health is excellent.". This shows what thousands have proved,—that Electric Bitters is the. best blood purifier known. It's the :supreme remedy for eczema, ` tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils and running sores. It still)ulates lis-cr, kidneys and boxwrels, expels poisons, helps digestion builds up the strength: Only 50 cents, Sold by all Druggists, every bottle guaranteed. writing upon tablets of stone we are nevertheless permitted to conjecture that here was the beginning of the metaphoric conception that rocks and money are one.—Detroit Journal. Why Sonic of Us Are Poor. Every time the neighbors' children drop in to spend the evening extra lights are turned on, and the cost is at least- 20 cents. When a young man calls to see a young woman, the extra cost is not more than a cent, for they do not use much light. When a woman drops in with a shawl thrown over her head, the extra cost is 15 cents, and an evening card party costs -60 cents for extra electric lights.—Atchison Globe. An Eatiinate., Adirondack Doctor—How long have yon had this -cough? Castleton -1 don't know exactly: It has cost me .$,500, Doctor—Veho was your physician in New York? Castleton—Dr, Fleeceriy. Doctor -Then you've had it about three weeks.—Town Topics. ts THE FILIPI-NO ARMY Defeated, Discouraged and Scat- tered Give Hopes for Peace, NATIVES RETURNING HOME. Brie. -Gen., l aerireu Grey Otis, Who Hes Sailed for America, Say' He Believes ei th q Ilarnrrectioat Bur, ltecetree ate. Death Iitow„The °ascial Deepateh prom Gen, ot1s, ;'Snails, April 4,•r -The natives continue returning- to their home;: They are corn- ing in all along the Ainerienn linea, anal, many of them, seeing the promises of good treatment are fullllied, are inducinfe their relatives to return to their lionie s. Brigadier -General Harrison Gray Otis sailed for honwe on board •the U. S. trans- port Sherman yesterday. Ike says, he be- lieves the insurreeUon has received its death blow. - General Wharton has assumed com- mend of tl.e brigade lately commended by General Otis, The 3rd and 22nd Regi- ments of General Wteeton's command are returning eta, this city. 1 he wooed Deeja%4tcb. Washington, April 3. -Tho following cablegram was received at the War De- partment early yesterday Meaning: - Menile. April ll -T Acljnt:iant-Genet tl, .Washington: Pmsent in'lleations- denote insurgent government in perilous condi- tion: its army defeated, discouraged and seetter•eai. Insureente returning to their bonen. in cities and villeg es between here and. points north of Malolos, which our reconnoitering parties Have reeeched, and deaatre protection from Anieriaans. News from 4ita.a bilged ero,3 'm era ngt n n every day. (Signed) Otis. War Department officials eve r0 plcaast•d by the Cheering deep itch from .General Otte receive(' yesterday. It contains a great deal of encouragement to thein, and thine who know General Otte well !sty he is not Paan ter take a roseate view of ss situation unless there ie reason for it. '.neat by tale tweeter; of stone. Chicago, April 4. ---The Re'cord's Taa- eorna, Washington, si±e'lal visa: Foreign bu*int';s, house± last over SLUM/0510 by. the dte,tru('tion Of Iloilo by the Filipinos before U 'trio Miller- captured the city. Sterol 4e. ('carnle±ny, an Rngbistt arm. estimates chair lois at $140,1iUe) on storied hemp, Nuntei,rus other Agnea lutd warae- hoornes and sewn'.' destroyed English in- aarance eonjelnles will 1;0 the eh let 1'r,nrai, '!.'hu French, firm of .1(ew .i.'re, L a 1 eerella del Norte. lot 8300,001of property. ALL. Sur suet teas )tULE8. hour ;time:dal , trdaitt+ries Complete to Iso escapha d to 113001aa. Washington, April 4.--Avrangrnnonts, it lei reported, are under way as th0 War Department with the representatives of an English gun-n,akin:; establishment, looking= to the Immediate shipping of four naountain batteries to Manila. The Eng- Ii,h maker furnished to large amine* of automatic clutch -tiring guns to the United States in tho spring of 1308. Tho same establishment now offers to ship to Man- ila at once, and complete in every dotoill, lacking only in men and mules, the gime and aatnnrunitioix for four full batteries. The Lngl1th guns uncles' consideration throw a projectile weighing about L3 pounus, with a velorlty of nearly 1100 foot per second, and they can be taken wher- ever infantry can go in force. DANGER IN T,iie BALKANS. The Whole Province 1s Drilling and Open Revolution is Pouted. London, .April 4 —In connection with the colli,ion between Bulgarian and Turkish frontier guards at Iiozyl-Agob, between Jamboli and Adrianople, an important strategic point for Turkey, a correspondent in Macedonia writes to The Pall Mali Gazette concerning the seething condition in the Balkans. Ho says: "Grave consequences cannot be deferred much longer. The whole province is tanned and matters are rapidly drifting into ooen revolution. The people are drilling for the coining struggle. The country is virtually in a state of siege. Turkish troops have been pouring into most of the disturbed districts; they aro concentrating chiefly in the north, and reinforcements are arriving daily. Detach- ments guard the Oriental Railway from Salonica to the Servian border, and the garrison towns are packed with soldiers. There is a widespread impression through- out the land that momentous events are impending. There is a general feeling of unrest everywhere, trade is at an absolute standstill and the Ottomans are prepar- ing in grim, deadly earnest, because they aro convinced that Bulgaria is at the bot• tom of the trouble in Macedonia, and will certainly actively support the expect- ed rising, encouraged by Russian influ- ence. It is estimated that 100,000 men are under arms, ready for action in the immediate repression of the coming rebellion." THE POPE FAINTED AGAIN. Ills Holiness Had It Serious Spasm en Sunday -Hushing It tap. London, April 4.—The Pope had a fainting fit yesterday, according to a despatch to The Daily Telegraph from Rome, which proved of the gravest char- acter. Every effort is being made by Cardinal Rampolla, Papal Seoretatiry of State, to conceal the real condition of the Supreme Pontiff, his object being to pre- vent the powers from working for the next conclave. Samoan Affair being settled.. London, April - 4.—The Berlin corre- spondent of The Standard says: "Mr. White, the American ambassador, ex- pressed to me yesterday his firm convic- tion that the whole Samoan question is now in a fair way to a setitement satis- factory to all the powers interested." ,le'igaro to Be Prosecuted. Paris, April 4.—It is announced that The Figaro, which is publishing daily the evidence given before the criminal chamber of the Court of Cassation in the Dreyfus affair, will be prosecuted. Meaning of Norway's Preparations. London, April 4.—The Daily Mail's correspondent at Gothenberg Sweden, re- verting to the warlike p sensations of Norway, says: "The cnly po .eiblu object of those preparations is to attack Sweden, whose ciofeueee and aeries nettts are in- ferior, and whose infantry are armed with obsolete weapons, Should the Nor- wegian Ileac attack Gotheuber , the city must inevitably fall." A DESTROYER SENT. Troops wilt Promptly 3 ullow le Orders to. Protect Ilritish Iut. erste. io eta• Canton, China, District. Iondon, April 4.—According to a ,de Jpatoh to. The Daily Mail front. 110-4E'' kong, serious disturbances have recently occurred in the vieinity of Canton, and a British torpedo pada boat destroyer has been sent there to protect British interests, The destroyer will soon be followed by other vessels carrying troops. The T Peking c etre., den ti t of The Time, says: "The Chinese authorities have imide known to the Xiritish consul at Tientsin, the port of Pelting, that the Whole foreshore recently opened at fort n Chpnnwv.ant;lu is reserved, for as Chinese ruining company. , The British legation has entered a protest, pointing out that this notion render, the opening of the port nugatory, 'Friendly relations continue between the German legation and the Tsung Tamen, and China offers to grout a rail- way concession if the Gernraan troops ,we Withdrawn." Peking, April 4. --The Hongkong authorities aro pressing for an extension of the territory ceded to. Great ldriteiu by the treaties of Canon one Nanking,, on the ground that more lend le eeedtlel for Government building+. They propose to build a custom house for the rolieeeettou of Chinese revenues, and promise to increase the opium ditties 440,003 cnnuelly if the extension it granted, lit eco of refired they thre sten to remove the Uiil,e.se custom house frorn British territory. London, April 4.—Tho Renee corr- spondont of The Daily Chronicle saays, .he o e. , ivarn�, in Ol s la circle that Iii lv and a Greot Britain nve ±r rt sat an s n ace - lent yhi 1 will 11 r sena tit In an lialiaarr occupation of S8111111141 flay, Province of C1tiiFiarrfi, (]ldtla, before April 25. London, April 4.—Tho lIongkong cor- respondent of The. Deily Mail says: "Placards have been poacd in the Kow- loon hint riaand inciting the people to stop tnc 1,d ,,at i tit 1 1 fron; • cvn x thexee, sand the tattletale have returned, to Hongkong bt'raau;0 of threatening att1- tude of the Chinese." Hongkong, April is reported that the Chigoe. have captured Captain Henry Fraiee is May, supertntenclenc o: the ilnn •long puller. Tiro companies of Welsh F ueilae;e; went to Canton last night on the torpedo boat destroyer sent there to pry, Pets Rrlti•sh interacts, anal the torpid de grayer. Thine followed at day- break this meriting with 2UU Inca. The Hongkong regiment la under orders to proceed to Canton. AMERICA: 'PRA OE METHODS. British Bridge guilders Hint at Uni'tee sestet: corruption. London, April 4.—There is enthused ai ssattsfnuiion among British eontlaetors at the inset that a PhiladelphiaPhiladelphialimn has si roce edetl in obtaining the centime to build the bridge over the River ettbara, a branch of the Nile, south of Berber, 3n the Soudan, and is is now insinuated that the 'United Stats firm hada the spoolilea tions err advance of its rivals Mr. itigby of Rlgbv ea Westwood, a leading English firm of coutraotols, in San intcrivtew published ycsterdny says: "I simply do not believe that any firm in the world Not turn out a bridge of that size in the time mentioned. We and other British firms made special efforts to secure this particular contract. At a lueoting of our directors, who aro all con- nected with large steel mills, it Was agreed to divide the supply of the requi- site materiel and le„ other orders wait. We made a very low tender, guaranteeing to deliver the bridge by April :10, but no tenders of British firms were even ack- nowledged. "Of course, a bridge has undoubtedly been shipped from Philadelphia, but I absolutely decline to believe that the work on it was commenced on February 8. The United States firm either had this specifications before or adapted a stand- ard bridge to suit the requirement, of the case. No other explanation is possible. The general fooling is that the British firms have been unjustly treated." Pu1tTLi'S itE-LARCt1ES. Advocates Use of Cane in Preference to Beet Sugar. London, April 4.—The Berlin corre- spondent of The Standard we: "Mr. Robert P. Porter, before leaving, told no a few of the results of his latest re- searches. German beet sugar, he finds, cannot be manufactured under two cents a pound. The cost of production is, there - fora, she same Sas -tont of cane sugar in Cuba. "1f the grocers of England and the United States could be induced to pro- mote the sale of cane sugar in preference to beet, the consumption and production of the former would rise considerably; and this would contribute more to the solation of the bounty question than pro- longed negotiations. "Mr. Porter thinks also that if the British Government indorses the Indian countervail, that would be a further rea- son for the United States to change its attitude toward the bounty -giving states, morn especially as the question about the existence of the most favored nation clause between the United States and Germany is complicated. "These various reasons, together with the increasing production of cane sugar in Cuba, will force the sugar -producing countries to deal anew with the unbear- able bounty question." Horseless Cabs in Paris. Paras, April 4.—The regular service of automobile cabs, for which the public has been looking for a month, began yes- terday. Potteries Trust a Failure. East Liverpool. Ohio, April 4.—The American Potteries Company, the name given to the proposed 27,000,000 trust. to include the potteries of the United Status, is dead. Tho projectors, it is said, spent $250,000 in . trying to effect an organization, but, failed because of over- c pitalization. They could not persuade investors to buy stock. �ever•,tl Iiuiid ups li.uraed. Watcrlown, N.Y., April 4.—Fire at $aokel;t's harbor yesterday mora iib des, royed.-,the Earl Rotel, Madison Hall, two churches and several dwellings, Loss not yet estimated; EXETER MARKETS (Changed every Wedi.esda,'r Arbeet Per bushel L tour per cwt Barley via to 40 SO Peas 00 to era bt to 27 1441.togir Corn butter egs Potatoes per bag lay per ton Pried Apples per E, Ducks Geese. Chicken lurlaey 45 to ee 13 to 13 10 58 taie 4,50 to 5:e' 7 Y091' lnga' 911 voii: Pulse You feel the blood rushing along. But what kind of blood? That is the question. Is it pure blood or impure blood? If the blood is impure then you are weak and languid your appetite is poor and your digestion is weak. You can- not sleep well and the morn- lig finds you unprepared for the work of the day. Your cheeks are pale and your com- pe lexiontroubled with�I im" les o boii s, or souse eruption of the skin, Why not purify your blood? 5 5 will do it. Take it a few days and then put your finger on your pulse again. You can feel the difference. It is stronger and your circulation better. Send for our book on Impure Blood. If you are bilious, talte Ayers Pills. They greatly aid the Sarsaparilla, They Cure constipation also. Wela to our Doctors. Wrritnthem freely all the pirt(enlers in your oatreceive n eroywabutM, Athiress.AR. J. O. AYE% 1 owou, mass, 1.uuibellut'a, from the I jg3Igt Ottawa prophesy 'mays floods; tins epriiar; as a remit of thio wt•inte'a" a c'Nt•e'pt ions ter large snowfall. A man named Forsythe was found dead on a dredge at Cardinal. where he Wag lnaakirag some repairs. A large iron 3311(0l lying on leis tread i$54111pos ed to have (11±150(1 his death. Charles I)unfield, ynrlrtt..et sora of I)r. l)uniiadcl, W418 the w ictil,l ttf a very painful accident on , l'i'('d11e sclay. He Wag throwing a stick of wvu(1(l over the 10130 e, when it lodged on the teal, and fell lino., striking him with greeat force on the top of the head, iniiiethig an ugly. gash. The (1+y goods Mart, or Paquette Jiro',, A1It1 1k) in t(,: I)O+e coneette'were cempleetelw destroyed 1 w fire at .Mont- real. wn the lerildiege collapsed it carried with them Firemen Guthrie, Decaelnpte and Champagne. Cham- pagne's head is badly crushed, but the others ere not Sr rioUSIy hurt. ,„J2 til � The Leading Spacial:Ois g Av.,rita 20 Years In Detroit. 250,000 Coral. WF;Ct RESTPJCT F Thor ' young and middle : e,1 mortar 139iththie d .seam—may unccnie They may have a smart - int k -,.a, small, twisting stream, sY utting pains et times, slightdis- cl difficulty in commencing, weak missions, and all the symptoms of ne ous debility—they have STRIC- TURE. Don't let doctors experiment on you, by cutting, stretching„ or tearing you. This will not cure you, asitWill re- turn. Our NEW METHOD TREAT- MENT absorbs the stricture tissue; henceremoves the striotureporinanently. It can never return. No pain, no suffer- ing, no detention from business by our method. Thesexualorgansarestrength- ened. Tho nerves are invigorated, and the bliss of manhood returns. WECURE GLEET Thousands of young and middle-aged menare having their sexual vigor and vitality continually sapped by this dis- ease. They are frequently unconscious of the cause of these symptoms. (General Weakness, Unnatural Discharges, ges, .Euil- ing Manhood, Nervousness, Poor Mem- ory, Irritability at times Smarting Sen- sation, Sunken Lyes, with dark circles, Weak Back, General Depression, Lack of Ambition Varicocele Shrunken Parts, etc. GLEET and STRICTURE may be the cause. Don't consult family doctors, as they have no experience in these• special diseases—don't allow uaoksto experiment on you. Consult pecialists whehave made a life study of Diseases of Men and Women. Our NEW METHOD TREATMENT will posi- tively erre you. One thousand dollars for a naso we accept for treatment and cannot cure. Terms moderate for a cure. CURES GUARANTEED We treat and cure: EMISSIONS. VARICOCELE SYPHILIS, GLEET. STRICTURE IMPOTENCY, SECRET DRAINS. UNNATURAL DISCHARG- ES, KIDNEY and BLA1IT)ER Diseases. CONSULTATION FREE." BOORS FREE • If' unable to call, write for QUESTION BLANK for HOME TREATMENT. DRS. KENNEDY&` KERGAN Cor, Michigan Ave. and Shelby St. DETROIT, IVI@CI4. witkPtdverbs as but don't think you cats patch clothes to look like new. rItien again itwould a not u Pay you when you eau buy clothing at the prices we Self. Pants made to order, all wool heavy tweeds $2400 Suits $0480 Ov3,coats 8.09 Blaek Worsted suits a spec, iali • Si %it* Our 820 blacks beat all others at 8`23. Come and see for yourself. PATRONIZE US. People patronize us Legalise they realize that we ultra ac`s sell clothing that is strictly up•to•date M tj. 14, ORIEVE Opposite Post.4 t. Office. THE RAL St4±e1: raisers will iit;el it to touch 1Ute"x'Pct to um' EhGLUF,H STOCK FOOD, This food ('f lit uins no i t, j uri(nt,s Or ur,t+lac ingrc•diI'nts, ±33rd is [)i'1•fc•etlyy safe to feed every day. For xrrilrh cows, fatteninngeattlt', animal out of temelitioe, calves, sleep, pigs arid poultry, it gilt be found of great 3'rvic(e and Will amply repay the outlay. This food will improve the al►pr- tits, Promote digestion, enrich the blood, strengthen and invigoraato Um wildly .system, and will ine'rcni a the flow and richness (if .ruin:, We simply ask stock rati$t•r;, to glee it a trial. C.. LUTZ. - -- }wr 41/44�h" c a8c .rt. _t`c 4"4- s T 4 4 PAYS To read the big stores' a vertlsenrexlts STOP! THINK ! For whose good are we in the furniture business? For yams yea ours. If we sere not useful to you we cannot, be use- ful to ourselves. We have got to carry the goods you want at the prices you want or we can- not make a success of our busi- ness. But we have been doing business right along for years, which proves that we are tho right kind of people with the right prices. Come and see for yourself ... . S. G1DLEY & SOI. Furinture, Undertaking. OPERA MOUSE BLOCK. 1 EXETER FOUNDRY J, MURRAY,.,, Mer•rfsctrrer and dealer inPima Gang Plows, Land Rollers, Root Cutters, Straw Cutters, Sawa, Belting, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, and Babbett Metal. FO SALE. White Engine and Steam Threshes complete, and Clover Mill, Straw Cutter and Grinder, for $1250. See our Truck and Scale combined, weighs 800 lbs. Price $18.00. J. MURRAY. B ore. Afar,. 'Wood's Fhosphodine, The Great English am. all Sold and recommendedby a druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine ,discovered. SFx packages guaranteed to cure all tams of Sexual Weakness, all effects of °abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package81, six, se. Ow vn'zt please. six toil cure. Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood Coni an Windsor On*: P y. t 11' Wood's Phosphodine is sold in Exeter by a.nt�, ru2SAst,