HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-4-6, Page 4THE BE ter 'A'tivotrite, r - Gillis. H. Sanders, Editor andP Prop THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1899 THE EDITOR'S CORNER. AoTi: CON JiENT. ,According to returns i' eived by the :Provincial card of Health the deaths in Ontario during the month of Febru- ary alint)unted to 2.5k; or 13.7 percent, per atite)i(. 'lihi • the highest death rani Vet realrhetl ix Ontario; being s'e ttivaleilt t() :'at Wil:() a y t <tr from :11l ea toles. The alt>.1's,ll•frol}),roesumptioal number' 15. as t•i)nlpared with 1St in .Ianlahati•Y' awl 111 in j)t•(erilaber of hist ytitr•. The deaths frtm other ceontag- aalila tri: e:1 e • tv ere e & n'lat iiia 32; dipll- theria :a), measles 2, whopping cough. 3 all typhoid li. There t were t.) eeve11 death: from exnaliptox during the mouth. * ('pl. Levs has brought. into the Leg, i latture a bill reepeeting municipal and f.S.CI1001 elections. It provides that every person plopost'(1 for an otit•e, 'dile holder of width h. required to have petipe1•ty qualiheation, shall on the day of the noniheition, or on the fol. hewing day. or. when such last mimed play is t holiday, thiels on the following day, the with the the clerk of the Municipality, nut latter than a o tloc•k' in the afternoon, a statutory declare,. ii()n that be poSsesses the necessary'. a ualificatioxt, and, in default of so do in>* such person 418.11 be deemed to 1ltt> vie and Milne F•, t his Milnshall be. irrd, r('ntuveel front the list of candidates. aria shall not be printed on the ballot, is * The est nnattd expenditures of seine great general advertisers tisers Is g,*ivc'n as folitnvn by an authority: hood's Sar. ;aapatrilla. ti"e 5ia,(li'la \y yea's S1 stip ix.11 , ;. 011.otia: Royal Baelug I'p •vder, $500,- a>t' Sapolia $100 ,000; Py It s Pe ohne, $301-01110: Baker's t neoza$2,'itl,U11O Sozo- lt+tit, ti200.00 Cleveland Backing, Pow- der. ,a;•'latl hist): l'atstoriat, 1121. a,Ot fit t -fot nia Fig Syrup, $2.00,000. 00. 'It is note- worthy tllttt :`ogle of the most pttsis- tent advertisers are theold-c tebli.hetl firms. The plea sometimes urged by local mt•1•rhants vv ho do not advertise, that it tonid not do them any good to atdwtertise because every one knowe theta already, has no effect apparently axis tlloat' old fellows who ;:pend their fat ndreds of thousands in printers ink', .very year. x•*x 's. sum FOR THE .tF' F x� riot The I3' oc kvtllc Tine's says: s: • While nhe public areattrihltting the collapse tlf the rink to luisconstrnetion in- ferior work 'and many tither causes which they y demi themselves capable of tit it nstratitl„ the secretary of the rink company eivee soul' startling data to ;;how that the building was "i1t)odoat tl"and ill-fated by the fig- toes 13.. lie states. 'that the eompa)ty was organized 'U1 1:3' . f'Velnb('r. and a'. ' n mein - beta.. its tIt(t ptiou consisted tE (1 f 1:3 In IlX 2 ` November _( ) later, . days ,ail 1, c i2ti131, the el t•olnlxl(nlced A DISE IN atuniaExt An advance in rubber goods, rubbers and overshoes. x shoes is arinottnced. All vvholeesale dealers have received notice from the manufacturers of the adva#ice in prices na and April 1st n x 1) zee a x1 sex Ap , lb'eJeJ, to the amount of 25 per cent. Last season rubbers 111 general were of poor quality. The companies. claimed they could not be made: o. 1 at the prices, There has been an extra demand for rubber on account of the enormous consumption inbice: ere tires, which explains zhe advance, -A Terri.bee Fall, Chatham, April •k, ---Thos, ' Sudds, of Wallaceburg,eulployed on a Well which is being sunk l)y Messrs. Steinhoff & Gorden, was pitched headlong about 15 feet to the ground from a derrick, s tlst•t'rlI1X ft -it iiX'tlx n t3txdtls. ha, K1 tt been it1l(onscious Irma the time of the accident•, alis skull was crushed in :ma he cannot ;live, Death of the SI11ailest Woman. Win(lsor, .April 3. --Carrie Robert,21 vearsold, andprobably the sivatllest womana. womanin the 1 iutl-. ttee is dead at the Moine of her brother ill -law, Henry Bellenperche, of Elmetead. Carrie stood nilly two Glad a half feet in her stockings, t\'lxen a baby she fell front her lxiglx chair and broke her back. 'Fhe aecidelxt stopped her growth, but did not impair her health in any way, Send. No coney. Any reader of this paper can secure their choice of '1 Ste1•lnlg Silver Brace- let a goof. Watch or a : +Ohd (fold ling with at genuine I)ialllond Setting, by distributing Flower Seed Coupons among theie hien de and acquaintances. Selzd your name and addresswith taco :3e Canadian stamps to the a.inerteall Seed Co., ` 1.33 Broadway, N.Y., and you will reeeivc a pa tatag e of choice seeds, $1.081 worth of Coupons, and full particulars. Winnipeg Election, Ottawa, April i,., -.The government has about completed areal texnentsfor making a revision of the voters' lists Death Caused by Fall. Ov en Sound, April 3.—Mr. a jaws iowu.es Barber, aged 83, an old resident of this w place, fell down stairs on Saturday eveni:xhg injuring himself somuch that paralysis resulted. Jte died this morn- ing, ear, Tragedy in Chatham. Chatham, March 30,—While passing a L,E, & D,R.R. car ou Colborne street this morning Doyley Hood, aged 10, was killed: A piece of heavy timber fell off a fiat car and struck the lad on the head, fracturing the skull. He died within a few minutes. Presbytery of Huron, The Presbytery held an addjourned. meeting in o • 5th, i Seaf 1x1 • I• r +1 ..t The resgnation of I) on Dec•<Do uald of his pastoral charge of trier."iist Presby- terian chnrch, Seaforth, was taken up. A resolution, passed at a xmeeting li of the congregation, was read, express- ing their regret at the necessity of this step being taken by Dr. McDonald, owing to the state of his health, testify- ing to their great esteem for hint, and offering to give hint, as retiring allow- ance, a quarter years salary, viz., $350. The following; commis:tamers were heard on behalf of the congre- gation; Messrs, Robert Covenloek, \V, Wilson and Colic 13ethnne, and D. D. 'Wilson on behalf of the eessiou, all testifying to the regret of the eol1- gregation in parting 'with their pastor. Thereafter Dx', :Mel,)onald was heard, reviewing his connection with the con- gregation its its pastor for over 2(1 years, Be was followed by his 1)reth- reu in the ministry present, all express- ing in appreciative terms their high regard for I)r, McDonald, and regret- ting the great loss which the Presby- tery will sustain in being deprived of his 'matured experience and wise counsel which often led to the solving of perplexing questions which now and age L11 present themselves before ecclesi lstieatl courts, and wishing him the presence and blessing. of God vwhere his lot may be cast. rite x esig;- notion was accepted, and Mr. Fletcher and the clerk were appointed to pre - pace a deliverance tlxereou and to- re- port at next meeting. Mr. Stewart time of (aeRxl,nl r e" \i ulna e<r so as to permit of an exec g„ Winne" alld rtpalr- No t hi>!'t ° ?tike Pane's Oomoug For the Nervous System.. It is the World's Best Spring Medicine, -As fat" as the sick and suffering ar'e concerned, time is too precious iti their estimation to waste in reading any long dissel'tation on their con- dition based en a medical or scientific stanapoiitt, The suffering and diseased know well of their*perilous and low condition of .health, and hearts yearn for release from the ehains c 11 s of death's h agents, Ealeh broken down, weak and suffet- ing; xnail and woman should know* that the underlying cause of their burdens and ailments, apparent in heatdaelles, sideaelles, llaclaehes, sleeplessness, dyspepsia, neuralgia and rheumatism, is at faulty nutrition of the entire Iler- VOUS etysteltt, Tho bleed is pale, watery and ham- pered in its life-sustaining work by humors and impurities, 'l'he nerves cannot assimilate proper utnu'ishment, no matter how much food is taien in- to the systetht, "When your condition is such as we have described, Peine's Celery Com. pound is your sure deliverer and res- eurer. it (Trickly :muses a hearty appetite, regulates the bowels incl brings. about a normal action of the liver. At this season, Paine's C'eler'y Com- pound frees the system not only of rhetnuatisIn, eczema, stilt • rheum and other blood troubles, but also of neu- ralgia, xlerVous headaches, dyspepsia and kidney disease. Let the advent of spring be to you a4 titin ill ill the Vatcanew mused by the wits appt)iihtcd iflodt'ri#�ol : of ; t'ssi011 ing, of y(111r entire :;S`stem Piune's Beath of :11x`, Jallttf'soo. wionipet during the vacan�y, and to declare the (`t'lery Compound will do this blessed will ' ' 1 t, pulpit vacant. A deplitetioii consist- work in a Way that n0 other medicine 11 be x t 1 rt : t lltl d i11 the in'* of Messrs. Muegr ve Fletcher, t house this session, but, it will he t^ 't can do.' It is the only prescription towards the easel of June before the D. D: Wilson and. Feil er'inghaitl were that druggistyouror medical adviser election can take place. This time appointed to visit the Bout negation of can honestly recommend. No other wilt be Ileee1Stak for getting the lists Blake, respecting services being con- remedy can take the )lace of Paine's revised and holding llelection, leas dui ted at Drysdale, at their, earliest Celery Compound foryourcase. The Prorogation eallllu take )lace before convenit•nee. The report 011 Sabbath use of one bottle will firing quick con- seai t July. Winnipeg will be represented for le. t was transmitted and convener vection to the greatest doubters. tt. few tweE>k�, to he tratll;:nlit.trd to the ca2lvcucr of the Synod's committee. Dr. McDonald was nominated for moderator of nest Discovered by a Woman- Assembly. Leave was asked and ob- Another great discovery has been tanned to moderate in a call at Bruce - made, and that ton, by a lady in this field when they are prepared for it. country. e. D isease fastened d rt, t lutcll sr • - The next meeting ince IS to he held in C h11- upr,n her and for seven years she ton, at 10,:30 at. na, on May lith. withstood its severest tests, but her _ vital organs Were undermined acid death seemed itunlinent. For three 4.14)1.I!(t About, tS months she coughed incessantly, and Biddulph: The Rc'v. George Cobble - could not sleep. She finally discover- dick of Bothwell w is v isittti frtrll(ls in Lucas and Biddtlipli last week. tJsborne: Mr. Hannah. of Hibbert, r, a.. bought foam, 1 h 1 n the 100 -acre 1 the lta x f;x t ed a way to recovery, by purchasing of its a bottle of Dr. Ring's New Dis- covery for Consumption; and was so ilii tmuclshE>lslc pilau 11iga1*.t;nlld withkig (ltti0 9thcolteessinn, belonging tai Mrs. (D)',) 1)iamentl I Dean re' without bottles, has beenatl)s(olutely cured. (alllpllt ll; natty of 1)tOt ly11• the? gI•nndest horde agents for money Hier mine is Mrs.Unice!Lutz. 'ThusMoray: Mr. Bt1111 xlln ' h(epphard '$t 111 g. Many a• 1•oivatn .vwltll one or v ■• r ,. has 111 e purchased 1 t e )acre farm I <)Il hs c c 11 1 t iz t two -tett -cent it )at d.a res of the. e d .cls writes \\'. f .. Haislilick & (o., ofIt cX 1 c g, y Ma llifioient Results at Small Cost, Diamond Dyes G uarantee Success. wort on the building with 13 mPxl, the t Shelby. N. G. sold ley all Druggists 24th ,coil., known tis the Mackenzie has (lie(1 her old chess a beantifnl and g, a t opposite tc Hodgins til Beos. .. ) l o') soto save 11c ex: - Liter, nal lc (ler, as . t .4 r , • , ..fl day . `0 s Si.'", - bottle 1 p •) ) e t d i11 at ,) cent and 1.40. Every )(tile •. tel 1 handing, t I , Y • ) .., pens( o a n )1 e. O1 clo bin can 1KttEi', u1l \ucexuber :)i' 1 al<,t> the col- guaranteed. HEn.tlll: Mr. G. D. Arnold,:'1rnnlKiof this i e x ( f cwt c 1 d t g tractors c•oiluneuce work on the build- village had the misfortune a few days. s be made over r for the little ones, and ing, with 13 men, the building was ago to re'ceiv'e a pain -fill injury 11 ,', g•11 by eyeing it with Diamond Dyes none r ulmplc'ted in ''(i days t•'-�l,,l and epl- . � would recognize t1 tit the dress and P011t0n 5 ,.Stilt r11$illlSSed, falling; down his cellar steps,1 :.tps(•d exactly 13 ver=eks front date of 5hi )1 'z 11r F I3eintrall•lnrecenth sluts were not new. DiamondDyes a•ompletion, The day before the col- lapse an i11 -omen eat climbed up the srnith end of the building ....d coln- mencedto jump front arch to arch till it finally reached the lath arch, where r al .is - 1 until c contentedly ' settled itself ccI 1 1 it ct ( t ie)ged 13 hours litter. This particular a eh was the seat of the trouble the f+)glowing day which resulted in the +rlovwllfall of the building Strange to Cohourg. March 00.—The 1Vorthunl- 1 :` < are a guarantee of perfect work and berried assize regret, which opened here }nurchasecl the iU acre f lrlli of Jollta sittisfac+tion when the sine >le directions The of fife 18th can. Str phen, He 1 yest�(Tday before Justice Street, re- are followed, intends moving to farmthe snnlecl to -day. The case of W. H. Pon- in Insist upon getting Diamond Dyes ton against the Dominion Bank, claim- fut are. every V t•tine yon bey, as inferior- and ing ti-t(tU) damages fornalicionc pzo5tfx h, Mr. Geo. Oliver had the a lug ereic'. dyes are sold bysome t ) bad- Inc: to cut his little tingle: 1 Id .t c noon false 1lnprisc)nmE tit and libel 1 � dealera in connection with the robbery of the It in a rip saw while at his aeenstouttx. Napanee branch of the bank on Aug. work in the Broadi'oot & lox Furni- 28, 1897, was called, when E. G. Porter tura factory on Saturday. say 13 'utiles remain intact and stand' cousel for Panton, askedforepo tpoue- aa a monument to show 13 still. Bolds pleat until the sitting of the Ott twa, 11 ' fiat. Perth and Whitby assizes. A. B.Ayles '> The notice of an injunction was worth, for the Dominion Bank, object- 'erved on the company by Mr. Toinp- ed. Three jurymen had been railed, kins on December 13, and the Chief when Mr. Porter told the judge that justice held court for consideratian of he did not wish to go on withthe case, this matter on Monday,March 13 last, .as it WAS impossible for him to do so and it is in order to deliver his iptig without certain witnesses, whom he relent on April 13 to complete the could not possibly get here in time for chain: the trial. His lordship therefore des " There were 13 doors in the rink missed the case. building. 13 nights were reserved dur- ing the season, the band played. 13 different tunes, 13 inches of ice on the r�• n gal skating surface and the fine Cxc statements of the company present some remarkable 13 combinations." ** A. correspondent writes:—" It is a fact not generally known that if a per- son holds his breath wasps and bees may be handled with impunity. The. skin practically becomes a coat of mail against which these insects drive their stings. The moment a particle of air escapes from the lungs the stings will penetrate. In explanation of this curious fact a well known physician advances the theory that holding the breath practically closes the pores of the skin, and thus leaves no opening for attack. This interesting statement explains and enhances the valve of a practice I have followed for the pre- vention of colds. I have left meetings where the heat was intense, the air fetid and poisonous, bathed in perspir- ation, and passed out into the chill air of a cold winter's night, thereby run- ning the risk of catching a severe cold. j Yet, strange to say,I enjoyed a sin- gular y' gular immunity from such aggravat- ing ailments. At the first touch of +cold air take a deep inspiration, and then hold. your breath for half a min- ute; in the meantime walk as fast as you can. During that half minute the pores of the skin are closed against the chilling atmosphere, and by the time the lungs call for re -invigoration of the body will have considerably cooled, and the risk of a chill will have passed. Public speakers, vocalists and clergymen, and those who sit in over- heated rooms, will find this an invalu- able pointer. An essential thing is that you umst breath through your nostrils, which is the natural way. There is not much to remember. All you have to clo is to breathe through: your nose, walk quickly and hold your breathfor half a. minute. Not only is this good advice, but it has the ad- ditional advantage of costing you nothing." A iriSi+. h Lines on a friend's visit to her for- mer r mer home in Biddulph from Killarney, Marl. It's here in Biddulph where the Irish abide, Itis here where I formerly used to re- side; No wonder I love it, and to tell you the truth, It's here where I spent the best days of my youth. It's here by the Sauble I oftentimes strayed, While enjoying the shelter of its maple shade; But not near the Sauble I'm destined to rest, For my heart is away in the far distant west. I must say adieu to my dear native shore, Tho the friends I see now I may never see more, And tomorrow morning I take the first train, For I am bound to see Manitoba again. They say it's' out there that the sun sinks to rest, Yet that's not the reason I love it the best; Bat its rich rolling prairies and fine fields of grain, They make me long to see Manitoba again. Tho Biddulph, I may say, I was anx- ions to see, For not long ago it had charms forme; Yet now I exchange for a home in the west, A home in Biddulph though you say is the best. I longfor to see Crystal City again, Ancllo re -visit my clear Deloraine, ::rhe;'e would be rejoicing I venture to say, If I. landed safe in Killarney to -day, Lucan: Mr. E. ,I. Phillips met with an azccide nt Monday which will deprive hire of the use of his right hand for some time to coxae. While feeding a job press his hand was caught, severe- ly crushing the four fingers. Brussels: Mrs. William Vanstone, formerly of Brussels, passed away to her reward last Sabbath afternoon, aged 32 years, at the home of her twice, Mrs. Wilcox, Galt, and was interred in the cemetery in that town on Wed- nesday afternoon. Goderich tan Mr. S. Walters of the Huron road, met with a severe acci- dent short time ago. was work- ingdelit a sh t n e He around the horse power, which was in motion, when his ankle was caught between the cogs, completely crushing it. His foot may have to be amputated. - Kirkton: It is our sad duty , this week to chronicle the death of Mrs. Peter Burns, which occurred on Fri- day, March 24th, at the residence of Macausland Irvine, on the 4th line. Deceased had been in poor health for some time, and at last succumbed to her sufferings. Lieury : On Thursday afternoon the residence of Mr. Edward Morgan, about one mile north of'here. was totally consumed by fire. A quantity of the household effects were saved. A. defective chimney is supposed to have been the cause. There was a small insurance. Clinton: Mr. Charles Reynolds, of this place, and Miss Jessie McKenzie, of Ailsa Craig, were married by Rev. J. H. Moorhouse, at the parsonage of Christ Church, London,on Thursday, v, March 30. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds will visit New York and the eastern cities on their honeymoon. Mitchell: Rev. J. T. Kerlin per- formed one of `those pleasant cere- monies on Wednesday last at the resi- dence of John Leyburn when Thomas Tubb was married to Miss Maggie,', daughter of Mr, Leyburn. They are both fine young people and have good prospects before thele fax a happy life. Goderich: Esther Jacklin,, a single woman living near Brussels,` was brought before Judge' ' Masson on Tuesday on a' charge of being insane :Ind do erous. gThe mother: and father of defendant were called as wit- uesses, and Doctors G. C. Shannon and Hunter testified to Miss Jacklin'sstate of Mind. The testimony not support- ing the charge, the case was dismiss ed, defendant leaving the court with her arents. --Adaie.I p IA For Infants and Children. -) fn- rinile -i^,Eat"ure of in on vs anor. The Appetite of a Coat - Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose Stomach and Liver are out of order. All such should know that Dr. King's 'ins irew , Life rills the wonderful Stomach andi Liver Remedy, giveses a splendid appetite, sound digestion and a regular bodily habit that insures per- fect health and great energy. Only 25 cents at any Drug Store. Your Doctor Knows Your doctor knows all about foods and medioines. The next time you see him, just ask him what he thinks of seolrs LinllsIoo Cod -Liver Oil with H of yPo- phosphites. We are willing to trust in his answer. For twenty-five years doc- tors have prescribed our Emulsion for paleness, weak- ness, nervous exhaustion, and for all diseases that cause loss in flesh. Its oreamy color and its pleasant taste make it es- pecially useful for th'n and delicate children. No other preparation of cod- liver oil is like it. Don't lose time and risk your health by taking something unknown and untried. ' Seep in mind that SCOTT'S ,EMTJLSION has stood the test for "a quarter of a century. 5oc. and a•oo; all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists Toronto. flare 1 „.,, ;,,Illi:i1,f2.....,,:,'eetllaG4U,„„ ds zr. :S , w x, LOO: J)RO,> .S bregetablePreparr.lion forAs- similating theFood andRe g Wa- ling the Stomachs andLoweis of Promotes Di estion,Cheerfu1 tress andRest Contains neither M i Optum,Morphine nor..illeral: Now NATIc O'r!C. .Ysaoeefold2z il.,l'1 ! . L'l J'emrfk li. ifEtl •" •Act: r • Ilodato Safe- ,et.:re S.. -a • MPrn:J'ted •• Aperfect Remedy for Constipa- tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, Worms ,Convu[sions,Fes erisht ness and Loss of SLEEP. TacSintile Signature of p NEW YORK. Atfs riraoinjh% o1(f.1 C � t� J lg '. in k t X,ACT COPY OF WRAPPER. - '1lialigaiiiiiiiffiffiliiiiiiiiiiMMERE SEE THAT THE FAG–SIMILE SIGNATURE IS ON THE WRAPPER or EVERY BOTTLE op Criteria, is pet tp in oae•st;o'bottles only, It Is tat sold in bull:, lion t allow aeyess .o snit you anything olso oa the plea or promise that it is "jut as good" autl "will answer ovary aur- poss." ' Sea that you. get 04•S-T-O-R-I,A, t'lzi fsa- of=ire i1 pa Ognowe every of e wrapper, V,b. atyC *a13ca3c>dcSc a1Sc0 ten* et, +i'lcstSca.9ca24c 44a"1ra$ ** 41 IMPORTANT —To -- 411s 41.1 PARTIES BUILDLNG, HOUSE OR BARN. We have just ed an order placed 1 —for— ? CLASS from the Old Country T before the Advance. t/ °WWINO TO THE Stint low price Of Iiat1•(lvvatxt+, WO ANTICIPATED lhiI11N K ADVANCES 0 0 WE BOUGH ` IN CAR LOTS 401. beery advance on to before the first of the ye:u. in nails,,ceulents and other heavy. goods are very and eau now quote you 011 0 IiI, tBI1iCI1tL MIR BiIii 1! s 61G... 4p► • ep at prices that wiIl surprise you. Also will give specially love quotations on FURNACES IRON- WORK, TROUGH RON- EA EAVE-TROUGH, METALLIC SHINGLES, etc, 'when tendering for the entire hardware . , . contract . . . , wt 'It Biftop on. :.t cat'kava.adcx&s" sea.si'hcai'hc x<'°a.s2ScsSssa�cann. dr& sikca .� AlcseacstkaScutocr Nor—'Gia $lm2T r �' '4s" z >�"eTa Ta"eb� a .5•Ury rz:: ar V." ersill ti • SHEEP DIP ALD MAR WASH. Persiatic Sheep Dip is the most highly concentrated and all-round satisfactory Dip in the market for curing skin diseases in cattle, and for destroying vermin. It is powerful without beingharsh, and im- y g mediate in effect with no irritating results. Cures Sores, Bruises, , Shear Cuts,. RiRingworm,CTaira •enc, Ii,ed Lice, Skin Worms,oxms, and scab. ' . It quickly rids the animal of all vermin. ' • Mr. G. A. Brodie, Bethesda, Out., says:—" I used it with great success in castra ing lambs, the wash healing the wounds rapidly and keeping the maggots away. I shall never be without it. 1 heartily recommend it to farmers generally. . ®®.ate®410•1111.01191.11, Act Your thcamakers, PICKHARDT RENFREW CO, a:, Stouffvil/e Ont, Mr. J. M. Riley of Oanxpbellford dropped dead while walking to a Sun- day School meeting. Children Cry for GASTO R A. Brucefield: Many of the friends of Perry Overholt, in this vicinity, will death, to learn of his e Bath , which took place at Weston, on March 22nd, of typhoid fever. Mr. Overholt was for several years employed with Mr•. McMillian, of the London Road, near here. He left Brumfield about three years ago, to work at the blacksmith- ing business with his brother at Wes- ton, and has been there ever' since. He was 21 years of age" ' Colborne: After a long illness Susie Rowden passed peacefully away last Thursday. Two years ago she was taken down with typhoid fever, but recovered sufficiently to be able to be around. Shortly after, the disease de- veloped into; consumption and during the two years of illness it was consum- ing' her life: A few days before Christ- Inas she was compelled to take her bed; very shortly after this it was quite evident that her time here was not )long. SMOKE T&B IdPflT6AYY See T &B in Gilt on every plug. alerigeataa p,30e'rroai+1,'1'� The Morley Ladies' College at Hunts- ville was burned Saturday night. The loss is estimated at $12,000. - Sweet, refreshing sleep is given by Hood's Sarsaparilla, which feeds 'the nerves, tones the stomach and cures all dyspeptic symptoms.