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Exeter Advocate, 1899-4-6, Page 2
tutee raters wily de not receive teeir paper etegaiarly will please notify us at time. Llan at thee office for advertising rates. TILE EXETER AllVOCAT. THURSDAY, APRIL 6,, 1899. Worth Rememberii.j. f het celery engenders sleep. That asparagus purges the blood That hltnatoes .act directly on the liver. ".that spinach and dandelion leaves ars :sscellent for the kidneys. That onions are at preventive And often - Rimes a cure for malarial fever; That, if possible, vegetables should be cooked the same day they are gathered. That poultry should, never be eaten until twelve or fourteen hours after it is killed. That mildew spots can be removed if They are rubbed with a mixture of soap and chalk. That warm bread and cake can be neat- ly cut; by using a knife which has been heated in boiling water. That onions, garlic. leeks, olives and "ballots stimulate the circulation. increase the saliva and gastric juice, and Prometa digestion. I hat peas and beans are the most nutri- Moue of vegetables. contaainieg as much carbon es wheat and double the amount o sero •for. i f tau a n11n^' feed. 1 TThata sn ailF ar ilach of ca bon eke of soda in the water preserves the color of vege- table- and lessen+ the unpleasant odor of atsblwge and onions when cooking. :tow to serve Creamed tiaef. This is a delicious breakfast dish and very easily prorated. For a breakfast for four use a half pound of smoked beef chipped very fine. Put a heaping teble- spounful of Ism ter in a saucepan and let it come ro a bubble over a slow fire. Then Add a heaping tablespoonful of sifted Mons. Stir flour and butter till they are of the consistency of crtam; add a pint of almost boiling milk. St ir the mixture constantly to keep the flour from ltuni'ing When tbe sauce boils drop the chipped beef into it and let it boil for two minutes. Serve at QAC©. ¥inard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc, Great Things front Little Causes Grow. -It takes very little to derange the stom- ach. The came mar he slight, a cold. something eaten or drunk, anxiety, worry or some other simple cattle. But if pre- . cautions henot a 1 n t t thea simple mite t this s h e p natty here 111ost serious consequetteee. Many as el roue: ally debilitated con'attt- tiou today owes its destruction to simple causes not dealt with in time. heapp Ella digestive apparatus in hen Ithy condition stud all will be well, Parmelee', Vege- table table Pills are better thou any for f r theur osc p p The Use of i:ihhon. Narrow velvet ribbon trims everything. White nmril3a mads up for June, bright gingham wady for May, linens, elothes, ell sorts of fabrics are nadoreed with row upon row of the narrow velvet. Some- times it is half an inch wide, but it is generally narrower. On some skirts it is put on in curves, so that it reaches the waist in the back and is barely to the knees in front. It may be bought In cotton -backed quality, which is scarcely more expensive than "baby" ribbon, but which lasts much longer. iiinard's Liniment. Cures Garget in Cows. :Viethod to 1114 lla+tn«AR. "You say Mrs. Weeks was here during +r my absence? 'said the-su superintendent of Y I the lunatic asylum to the attendant. "Yes, sir," was the reply, "she called to Agee about taking her husband home; but he positively refused to go -said he would rather stay here." "I thought there was something suspici- ous -about that man," said the superin- tendent. elle isn't crazy et all." Are you not well ? Are you pale, weak- ly, depressed in spirits, melancholy, tired, nervous and irritable ? Then try Miller's Compound Iron Pills. They will build you up, to ie up your nervous; system, give you energy. His Experience, Mrs. Yonntrlove-rho you think absence really makes the heart grow fonder, Har- old? larold? Mr. Younglove-I guess it does. At all events, you aro about twice as dear to me when you're away at one of those high- pt•ieed summer hutele as when you're at home. New life for n quarter. Miller's Com- pound Iron hills. lrnrd Ri,cu'r. Beat the yolk of ono cg r, mixing in ane pound of flour, a pinch of salt and just enough milk to make a very stiff dough, Beat with the rolling pin until perfectly sroo:h. Roll out very thin, cut into shapes, and bake in a slow oven for about fifteen minutes. Miller's Worm Powders for restlessness and peevishness. Draping a Piano. If there is an upright piano in the room do not jam it stiffly against the wall. Put it crosswise, almost in the middle of the Boor. Hang a piece of tapestry or a por- tiere over the back, place a box on the Boor behind it, put acme cushions on the box and you have the latest thing, the "piano seat." Tnore can be a difference of opinion on truest subjects, laut there is ouly one opiu- n as to the reliability of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. It is safe, sure and effectual. To bloat stranded Vessel,,. Vessels can be easily removed from sand- bars andbars by a new apparatus consisting of an endless chain of buckets to be attached to the sid -s of the vesseland driven by engines to excavate the sand from around the hull until the ship floats free. Some others may be good, but without doubt Miller's Compound Iron Pills aro the best. /11m --Will you soream for your father if I kiss you? Hao' -Yes, hut I'm so hoarse with a cold` that I'in peel ti •e he won't hear me. Heald' for the children. Miller's Worm Powders. B' Yatrs are unknotve in Melbourne. gd, The poorest part of the city is the Chimes quarter, THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. LESSON II, SECOND QUARTER, INTER- NATIONAL SERIES, APRIL 9. Text of tbe Leeson, John air 1-i1. Memory verses, 1 -11 -Golden Text. Mark xiv. S-Comzuentary Prepared by the Rev, E. M. Stearns. (Copyright, 1S9.9, by D. M. Steaarns,] 1. ''' Tlaten Jesus, six days before the nssover, rave be Bethany, where Lazarus was which had been dead, whom He raised. from the dead." The sisters had been caused to forget their spidery and to re- member it as waters that pass away, Their sorrow bad been turned into joy (.lob Vii, lltl; Jehre avis EO). Hesur tier will heal every sorrow for the believer and bring us body and soul to be forever with the Lord (I Thess. iv, 10, 17), and we shall then see in that sense all present afflictions are light ant but for a moment, and how they have all been working out for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory (II tor. iv, 17. 18). All the Bible records of the sorrows of the saints have been written for our instruc- tion that wo through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope (Roan. see 4). 2. "There they made Him a slapper, and Martha served, but Lazarus was one of them that sat at the iablowith Mian," WO ' have no record of a, single utterance from smarts after1y I. to return m then n cd from s 1 the spirit world to live again on thiseart11. Perhaps his testimony would be the snore as that of 1Pnul, that it was impossible for him to utter whet lie !card (II Co; xii, 4). Ilis life was now that of one really risen from the deed, and it bore fruit to the glory of (loci, as we shall see, even, though there is no revere of any testimony from ann. ;Martha is still serving as in Luke x, 40, but she is no longer ullbcred. It i$ our rrivilege tat serve restfully. 3. "Then took Mary a pound of otnt- spent of spikenard, very costly, and anoint - ea the foot, of .1euis, and wiped IIis feet with her hair, and the house was filled with the odor of the ointment," Thus she truly worshiped Hint; she poured upon Hint that which had cost her a great deal; the gave unto I11111 that which naturally rho would have tater auxin herself. One has said that in the three we have a full Christian life --in Lazarus a, risen life. in entry tree worship. in Martha service without veins cuiu1'ered. WO must not confound this anointing with that in the housoof Sinters the Pharisee (Luke vii, 37, gen as the incidents and the people were altogether different. That was by a wom- an whose we know h o nano 0 1-110 not Wehave ( 0 ro right to suppose that sho was Mary of lilagdalrl. In our worship may wo havo the spirit of tiny), of Bethany and of Da- vid, who said that ho would not offer to the Loral that which cost !lila nothing (II Sam. sxiy, 24). 4, 5. "1N fly was not this ointment sold for three hundred '°endo tend given to the poor?" Thus said .Judas Iseariot, but the other disciples nista had indignation and sa:icl, "To what eurrose is this waste?" (Math. xrvi, 8.) When wo with the whole 1lctsrb worship Ilint and give Mies our hest, we may expect that some will final fault. They always have and always will, Men may misjudge thy ansa, think they have cause for blame, say thou art wrong. Bold on thy quiet way. Eked not what wen luny Fay; Christ i3 the judge, not they. Fear not; Le strong. A sincere desire to please Iiin1 will always and ac- ceptant* in Isis sight, even though the effort may 5o poor. 0. "This 110 said not that he eared for the poor, but because he was a thief and had the bag and born what was put there- in." This is most remarkable -that though .Jesus krew that Judas was an evil ono and a thief (chapter vi, 70), yet Ile suffered 11ien to be their treasurer and put up with frim en Inng. 'What long suf- fering patience, not human, but divine! And thele to think that nit the last Ho could allow .Judas to kiss Him 1 Ib is too 1112)011 for 2191 How. could He stiffer it? Bo has in all things left us an example that WO should follow His steps, who when Ho was reviled reviled not again; when He suffered ile threatened not (I Pet. ii, 21- 0:1). When wo have to do with wicked rcople, let ns consider Ilial who endured such contradiction of sinners againstlihn- self, lest wo l.o we u'y (Heb. xii, 3). 7. "Theo said .Jesus, Let her alone; against the clay of My burying bath she kept this." Ile also said, "She hath wrought a ;;cad work upon Me; she did it for My burial" (3lnth, xxvi, 10, 12). "Silo hath done what she could; she is come aforehzusrl to anoint My body to tho bury- ing" (Mark civ, 8). The wo1/10n who bought spices after Ho cried and calve to the sepulcher on the horning of the third. day to en0itlt IIis dead body diel not find a dead body to anoint, but found a risen Christ to greet them. They manifested love, but not faith. Many manifested tho faith which worketis by love. 8 "For the poor always yo hare with you, but Mo yo have net alwa.ys." Mark says that Ho added in connection with the poor, "And whensoever yo will yo may do them goal" (Mark xiv, 7). The law said,"Tho poor shall never cease out of the land" (Bette. xvi, 11), and concerning Israel in her blue of suffering for her sins tho Lord said, "I will also leave in the midst of thee an afflicted and peer people, and they shall trust in the name of the Lord" (Zoph, ii.i, 12). Such are spoken of in Jas. II, 5, as "the poor of alis world, rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which Ile hath promised to them that love Him." What an honor to be permitted to do anything personally for our Lard, and He said that what. Mary did would be spoken. of in all the world for a memorial of her (Mark sit', 0), 0. "They came not for Jesus' sake only" This is written of the .Jews who came to see Lazarus, whoni .Jesus had raised from the dead. Does not the expression describe many who attend public worship and possibly some who pre8ch and teach and sing or work in works that are good? Let us always apply it first to ourselves - Am I doing everything for..lesus' sake only? 10.' "But the chief priests consulted that they might put Lazarus also to death." The rich man in Luke rd. who finds hien- self in a place of torment is heard saying that if only ono from the dead will gb to his brothers who aro still on the earth they will believe, but he is toldthat if they will net hear Moses and the prophets neither will they believe though ono rose from tho dead. 11. "Decause that by reason of hien many of the .Jews went away and believed on .iteus. If people could see in Chris: tuns the reality of a Christlil>e life; while many would be provoked to hate sac li u life, yes there might he funny more believ- ing on .iron. There are four gospels, in 5130 Bible which are not /noel react; taut 001'0 is a fifth gospel which :is beim; con- staLlatly read, and that Is the go:ipolaccord- ing to von. .l LUMBAGO Is easy to GE. and a get as easy t. CURE if you nae. St. Jacobs Oil t-1TO GET QW � STRONG. ettature st(ould lie Assisted to Throw Ott the Poisons Tlimit .tceunlulsrte fa the Syeteus i; ring the Winter 310 abs. Thousands of people not really ill re- quire a tonic at t is season, Closecon- fluemet?t in badly ventilated houses, shops and .school rooms during the winter months makes people feel depressed, fans guicl and "out of sorts." Nature must be assisted in throwing oft the poison that bus accumulated in the system during these months else people fall an easy prey to d: ease. A tonic is needed and Dr. Williams' -Sink Pills for Pale People is the greatest tonio medicine in the world. These p!1 s make rich, red blood; strengthen tired nerves, and make dull, listless men, women and elailtiren feel brigh-, active and strong. Mr. John teuldone, Louden, Ont., says: "I can speak most favorably of the virtue of 1)r. Williams' Pink Pills. They prove invaluable in strengthening and toning up the system when debilitated. Having used there for eo1120 time plait I tau speak most favorably of their beneficial results. .As an invigorator of the constitution they aro all that they claim to be." But you must get the genuine Dr. limns' Pink Pink Pills for Pale People. Imita - tlons never cured anyone, and there are numerous pink colored imitations against which the public is cautioned. The genu- ine aro said only in boxes, the wrapper around which bears the full name"Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People." If your dealer does not keep them send to the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont., and they- will be mailed post paid at 5ths. a box or six boxes for $2.50. The BilivHie Manner. Tho Georgia ice crop is immense. Now, if we enn only buy n few pickaxes on the installment plan, we'll be truly happy. Plowing lots been somewhat retarded in. this scetlon, as the Georgia ]pule doesn't know how to follow a furrow in an aver- cant. Milo the sheriff was traveling toward our oflico to levy on us he was frozen to Itis buggy. The Lord sent the 'heather and we're notralwlin ' to s at it. When the cold snnp struck us, our fish- ermen were narking for the river, but they aro flow doing their best to thaw the bait out of the jugs. This year's cotton crop will be served on ice, with 5 cent trimmings.-Atlauta Con- stitution. Variety Is the Spice of Lite. A recently arrived Fronehman who vis- ited 11 well known Boston establishment to 11t !timself ottt for a loin; journey to the west MIS complaining bitterly of the cold. "Don't you have cold weather in France'," asked the salesman who waited On 111111. "Why, certainly we have ze cold weath- er iu France," was the reply, "but we do not have ze all four seasons in ono day in France, "-Syracuse Standard. lteeitle.411(R8. If there is any disorder in eur lives, we tlate ft to restlessness. \:'hat makes unrest? Pride, ambition, solflslanoss- when we feel slighted or are disappointed in anything, thea peace flies. -Bev. tat Boughton. And Got It 'Poo. Mulligan -Did Mike make a speech at t110 convention? Morrisey-lie did that, and they axed hies tend he take the platform. "And 010 he take it?" "Divil a bit' He towld thins he'd rath- er take the nomination. "-Boston Tran- script.. National Binder Twine. Maple Lake Staition, Ont. March 10th, 1899: NATIolsAL. FARMERS Co., TORONTO, Dear Sirs, -I received the National Binder Twine, whichwe aro well pleased with. It isgood,. also, , the 14 karat gold plated watch. We think it is lovely, and gives good satisfaction. With thanks, Yours truly, GEORGE WAUGH. Racily. "Could you tell me what this prescrip- tion calls for?" asked the inquisitive citizen. "Yes," answered the clerk as he glanced over it rapidly, '`fifty cents." Prsetleet Philanthrope. A young Philadelphian went to a mil- Iionaire friend and asked pecuniary aid to start him in busineee. "D you drink?" asked the millionaire. "Once Ina while." "Stop 181 Stop it! Stop it for a year, and. then come and see me." The young man broke off the habit at once and at theend of the year cadre to see the millionaire again. "Do yon smoke?" asked the sue• cessfall man. "Now and then." "Stop it! Stop it for a year, then come and see me again." The young luau stopped smok- ing, :but he did not go back again. "He d have told me," he 'clad, "that now that 1 have stopped drinking and smoking I Hausa have eav eelleeough to start myself in business, and. I bare." !guard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.. animal1to,bral:la. needs. Animals are the smart fads in umbrella heads just now. We have bad horses' heads and dogs' heads and monkeys' heals, but now the fit:untie animal of Manila is the favorite of the fair sex. Next in favor comes the bunny of Easter fame. and then cocks' hc.•a as and eocka oos, the latter in their natural colorings. The Welty pig is also out as a, charm to bring wealth and success. Ile has' been 010 in gold for nesse 55120. but, now be [appears in i.etween two pi: ces of goltl•riitauaed drys. tat, with 3 ring aft one end, as a rival to the fou eleafed clover, Teri !p litre Catarrh in this-ectfon of the country Au* all ,titer ti ceases pat VI -ether, am r �, tma" I 1 {t 1. Rt 41t -r 7 1' i rs tt i l Il 1 i a sari ee to h .t t e l u tale. Fra great l an yetis doetore motets -10 u:f t load v,Qtmei ►rtsa,t d Leal In1 i(1and 1 : (q 1Ria tl} (tlll'lle to ellrtr tient 14e,1 treat vete "1 P µN1.ltt t•(t it .l lr3 r.lble. Seteliee has pl+,von .'lt:l• 111 1.. tots a 0ur.slitntion. at li arise, aid Iher, f +s a requires ou+til4ttu'nad tr.-8uanent, ]faits DAM" Cure menu itvtured by 1 J. O'envy e Co„ 'Puled tee.), is the only ('--;1(21ts mai mire o 1 the mat het. It 18 t ten it tera ail. i 1 de 54.1 iron au drug's :a al tease 11 n 1111 11 ;u•ti 1.ireetly a the 51 ml au i mite' 11S 8111!ante o. the systema. They offers/1m hundred e'o..asf.rany va-e it 1lis .1 (ir.•. S al for cu•u ass 511.1 testi 0 rut is. .1•idt185 F..1. Oil ENEY& cu., Toledo, 0. arriutd b. Druggist,, Vie. A (Iirl remote. Manitoba is suffering from a "girl famine." Servants, apparently, cannot be llireal, The young women wise acts as a general servant in a private family eters easily command $10 a mouth at Winnipeg, the parlor maid $18. the 00ef: i::v, t 111 the laundress $15 to •'10. A u tips of Scot(h lassies were brought to talc province lea' 2 sprang 52nd already x1 ee ;,a L..;r cent. of thele etre Married. DRAB SIR*, -1'211. l9 to certify tY that I have been troubled with a lame back for fifteen yeatre. 1 have used three bottles of your ;1IIN- ARD'S ',EM MEN and am completely cud Itregives me great pleasure to recommend it land you are at liberty to use this in any way t o further the toso of your valuable meliicltle. 'lwo Rivers, ROBERT Ross. How to Perfume Flowers. To paint the lily and adorn the rose is always regardcd as a. waste of energy, but to perfume unscented flowers is frequently desirable, and in France the method is oft, n practiced. The blooms are sprinkled with an alcoholic solution of essence mixed with glycerine, in the proportion of 100 gremlin s of v,Iycerine to ten grammes of chosen perfume e,s e' c e. Differences of Opi2lun regal ding the popular internal and external remedy, Dr. Thomas' Ecleetric O:i-do not, so far ee known, exist. The testimony is posi- tive and concurrent that the article re- lieves physical pain, cures hameuess, checks a cough is en excellent remedy for pains and rheumatic complaints, and it has no nauseating or other unpleasant effect when taken internally. Machine That Climbs a Irence.. A bill -posting machine which sticks bills onwalls as high as 50 feet, without the use of ladder or paste pat, is doing suc- cessful work in Paris. Theatrical people are delighted with it. 1 Miller's Worm Powders make the children healthy.. Severe colds are easily cured by the use of Bickle s Anti -Consumptive Syrup, a medicine of eir rai:ordinarypenetraating and healing propertie . It is acknowledged by those who have used it as being the best medicine sold` for coughs, cordis, in- flammation of the lungs, and all affections of the throat and elle-it. Its agreeableness to the taste makes it a favourite with ladies and children. Probably the Treason. Mr, S. elter-Ohyou may talk as of p , y y a please, .Jane, but you . were an ignorant- woman when you married me. hirs, Spelter-Yes, that probably ac- counts for it. John's Good Blears. Several ladies sat in one of the Colo- nial club parlors a few evenings ago and discussed the virtues of their hus- bands. "Mr. Bingleton," said one of them, referring to her life partner, "never drinks, never swears nor does he chew." "Does he ever smoke?" some one asked. "Yes; he always likes a cigar just after he has eaten a good meal. But I suppose that on an average he doesn't smoke more than once a month." Some of her friends laughed, but she didn't seem to understand why. -Cleve- land Leader. - News From the Family. A happy Billville parent sent this letter recently to one of his sons in Texas: DEAR Joene-This is to let you know that Bill's out the penitentiary, Dick's left the chain gang, George has been declared not guilty by a jury of his peers and Rafe has re- turned thefunds ha misplaced, and we're gain to have a big family reunion, and wewant your presenoeon that glorious occasion. -Atlanta Constitution. All Well Enough In Its Place. I'Don't misunderstand me," said Me- andering Mike. "I ain't down on work." "You don't neem to have much af- fection for it," replied Plodding Pete. "Yes, I have. Work is a good ting. If it wasn't for work• how would all dese people git money to give us?"- Jerusalem'8 Pa II 101.oin Glory. Jerusalem is now nothing but a shadow of the magnificent city of ancient times. It is about three 1211105 in circumference, and is situated on a rock mountain. Are you rt sufferer with corns ? If you are get a bottle of Holloway's loway's Corn Cure. It has never been kuosvn to fail. Several states in New England have Statutes forbidding kissing in the streets. The lacy is an old one and obsolete. Only one man in 700 pays income tax In India, though the fax is levied on all lnoomes of £30 and upward. Ask the BON Rider What he thinks Obis wheel,and We will abide by what ho says. Affrays reliable, the handsome easy -running Gendron again leads the procession for Gendron M'f'g Co., Limited TORONTO, OST, Send for a Catalogue rree. J.Vipond Co., FRUIT AND PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, S, Correspondence Solicited. Advances Made on Consignments. MONTREAL. REPUBLIC MINING STOCKS. 1 invite, the llltane'ing purelist8er to tyllen rot tt��t# i r i ', Aa 041;1y or flay rec4ti.t ltnl tical lout' enti(1eentitled✓441'll t,ll,lt'.e Mining camp', 21,21 IS a rattle, effort of anal., dealing tvlah OHO Of tile'rirhrvi 114(1 1 pr+'dlacing Arens 1n the world,. lltnl except tonally well lur,.rrnlvl nR 1" ilrncr.'A. 05 e", 1301 nt RP- nubile, and 1 ennpalet mixeneeewr and advent 211*)` Sat naffing' t4urrhst«.er. At present 11 131812 recommend Lone Floe. mute aa., Invetnn. Frinco.,. Mn"(. Itemcos nod Jointers E. (i.}tt'1 r,Y1'A tall RR, Mts:tne Ite.,knr, 12 24I3'lni,te sc. t'.,. t'arrnllto. 55e'.V12$ 1)is;usted. A. typical specimen of rugged and un- lettered rurality, he Intl managed to n338110 his way unchallenged to the ro nt where a number of nun were engaged in getting up articles of pith and moment fur a great publication. Otto of them. 4 particularly profound and able writer observed the intruder. He looked at him questioningly. The visitor beamed on him and exclaimed; "Don't ant 1 nGo ] as if D mind ml', right ahead Within' was iaappenin'." The ability man looked at him disap- provingly and triad to resume his work, bus the -n stranger was 1 knowledge a th tt the s w standing near and with anexpressionof eager interest in his face banished inspir- ation. "Did yon want, to see anybody in particular?" he inquired. "No, I jes' happened along. Don't pay no 'tention to 1110. 1 don't got into town very often. These sights is a party ca2n- fartin' ohango from mountain scenery, an' I thought $o long as I'd looked at the outsides of most of the places along this street I'd like to take a squint at the inside. I s'pose those is your busy hours. I would not lnterrup' you fes marlin' ill, the world if vou'vo got work to do." "Well, there's no doubt about my hav- ing work to do," was the slightly testy rejoinder. ° "Well, go right ahead. I've been hang in' around you hero jes' out o' oluioelty t0 See you work." "Haven't 1 II enworkingfor a av t ata soon mo th y last 16 minutes? Haven'tt yat1 soon o grabbing great thoughts out and hurling them through the -sworld? Haven't you noticed the way the perspiration has poured oft my brow ns lay brain shook With Titanic cerebral spasms?" "No, 'I hain't noticed." :Well, you jest yvalell." Ito took Isis pen, and proceeded with his writing. "Mister," inquired the stranger, as he took his hat frons the top of his whin, where he had hung it on entering, "is that what you call workP" "I should say so." Ho turned in silence and walked to the door. Then he cast a look of reproach on the -man at the desk. "jos' sets there and sticks a pen In the bottle an' drags it over tt piece of paper, an' then when the ink runs out sticks it in the bottle ag'in an' then drags it over the paper some snore. An' a full-grown man calls that work! Well, I'll bo dogged!" Scotty Collapses. In a certain regiment, an Irishman and a Scotchman being in (Qrnpauly, their con- versation turned to feats of strength. Says Scotty to Pat: "Scotland can boast of the strongest man In the -world." "How's that?" said Pat. "Well, says Snotty, "we have a man in Scotland that can put his arms around the biggest tree and pull it up by the roots." "Psliaw!" said Pat, "that's nothing. In Ould Ire- land we have a lean that can get into a boat and pull up the river." (Collapse of Scotty.) As Tot. "Henry, dear, what are yon going to preach about next Sunday?" "I shall probably preach from the text, 'And the winepress was trodden without the city, and bloo 1 came out of the wine- press, even unto the horse bridles by the space of a thousand and six hundred fur- longs; " urlongs.' " "What is the meaning of that pass age?" "I haven't the slightest idea, my dear." Itr,stl117833(58. If there is any disorder in our lives, we trace it to restlessness. What makes unrest? Pride, ambition, selfishness - when we feel slighted or aro disappointed In anything, then peace flies. -Rev. G. Roughton. One of the Style. Now. "What is the difference between a res- taurant beefsteak and a rattrap. "I give it up." The difference is that one is rare done, and the other is clone rarely," "But what bus the rattrap got to do with it?" "That's where you got caught." -Now York World. iucAS, STEELE & BRISTOL (lroi^ TritA t 7 . IMPONT[R8 or 04001.11a'[ 1. ,i% t Write us, HAMILTON. 1..�. 114. PLOWS, 'ROLLERS & esiil tifiOSt; S The 11.•,4 11,40. need far L , tollotr'1 '. OOCICSHUTT PLOW CO., It MAIN 3..E'OItD. Brantford STEEL, TOWER AND WINDMILLS We alsomaim Sleet Flat; 181:56+. tlrala Grilt,lor+. Ives 1(1341 1.3`.,,((t PUMP*. Leet•n fall tel,, Sand for Nets Cat- wtngtte. BINDER TWINE AND ROPC. aNT,,1ltld) BINDER 'J'1VIN11 (''(1.lee Front St. Wee; Tero.tto. Outs, Boys AM) We aretee' L. 11traway tt1Itl Winding 'Watches. geutl1ae ,tuneri- c'n mei surra&- 8o110 Goll Icings with nail st.'tae tete t.oco, illogical Inwtru.• meats re vi many other val- 11a le premiums forselhlag M2_Ia. Havas 4-,'A n1 .,tor teenIV " PERIAL ENGLISH INK POWDER at ;file ilt l` 3118. per ilde fiil};1� 31 [ as ni4:: u u.atu;a il) cents w',r 1t 1,f alfa 1111 , tirn,l your ra Henn i address amt WO will f nv.ard ye u, t+tepuad, the talc lkatti00 and e'atat ,ane .if ,pretnit1l1s with iu111nalrnet1' n+. Win t o''ls=•ild 113 aur In bey land we will Reuel yo u nit pr. vi a'a s 0 )1,11ect. D nil hiss this grr'nl H't' rte i'y. Write fur tlrc 1 unit ta•dsly. Itrntinn tit a awe% t3IPErt;It1.!" INK CO., TORONTO, ONT, PLE ,. T, i errs allforma tot them -even after t me knife' as been used. I1 1411 av-n'Icrfulrem. elle, It is simple '+all s1f.ralar is sere to honest eu1Tei'ers. Seed i d nets and ;ret it free. A. LEWIS, 112 Shuter Street, Toronto% FREEf Thin lovely ■ little Lady's Wotan, with guard or chatelaine forselling 3 doz. of our full'sited Linen noyliosasldo. each; Ladys Stertinsr,ilver Watett foraeiling 5 dos. Doylies In Safest and prettiest,rlVrite alis: we send ttlem postpaid. Sell them, return our rnoneyandwe promptly forward yourwalohfree. Untold doylies rottltaablo. CINEN(WYLYAO,.Aept. " Everything erythingj, for the Printer. sitzsYts et ski et sir 0 0 000 I 1 4 Ulnare it by&theWibceleb orrated film TYPEThe latest and best. PLATE� N`etvc, DliscellanY, S Serials, ate. Best aha world. ROLLERS PRESSES READY -PRINTS int Cast by the "Gat - ling" Process. The only plant of the kind 111 Canada. 02 all ntaicee Nadi kinds -new and se- cond hand. Unequalled by any other in CanedSS in matter, paper and presswork. STEREOTYPING Pronapl ly ;Intl I TAtttively executed. ELECTROTYPING Fine deep shells, and clear working guaranteed. TORONTO TYPE FOUNDRY CO,, 44 Bay St,, Toronto.nited. Branches 040 Ural a St., Montreal, 175 Owort St., W(nnipeg, 5261 Cordova r t., Vauteou•ver. 140 Lower Waiter St., 1(ltl't az, T. N. U. Zea tit: mills T,aantifbll FAr lave a;oolet-:ik,elll (dwa4^a•c 2(211.ato Mali? 11 ax. 3r10111 ll g 1,lozh-I i lec,'I rn;90 !or codling 111oz. dainty 1,31, asal or ]renotrule, Itoso and 1 lobs pee, fume. No bran or sawdugd. 8511 at 105 ouch, -lto am ,as :1.90 and recall's ring 1`ilEli by relit% total. tl1aeral culmination, irbr(- forted, U't,ald 5cmit, return le. no:1Ill S1rP1'LT Co., Dept. 111 wcreeee,, *tete