Exeter Advocate, 1899-4-6, Page 1THIRTEENTH YEAR —596,
We have unlimited private funds for in-
vestment on farm or village property, at
lowest rates of interest,
DiegsoN & Caumga,
Barristers, etc.. Exeter
The undersigned has a few good farms for
sale heap. Money to loan on easy terms
Junri SeAesNAN,
San, well's Block Exeter
oney to loan at front CI to per cent.
EL L.I0T 25z. OLA !MAN.
Barristers.Solicitors, etc., Main St., Exeter.
The undersigned has one hundred thous-
and first-class brief: for hale at Iniyard in
tlretliton. Parties about to build should
Mittlantt F81,11 umsr
Fl.n.m. von smx OR RENT.
Thab desirable tarns in the township et
stip/then, being Lot 17, Concession 10. eon-
t,•ining suo acres. There is a good briolt
Ilse and buildinv,s tha preme.e:s; taeres
te..i wheat sown: I. itureri fall plowing' !ons.
PO58v611014 givVa Niarch lst, 4109. 'Phis is e.
good !arm and will he sold avail.
Airpiy to
MR. dons Gu.z.,Exeter
- —
That desirable brick cottage situated on
the corner of James tool Antixew NtrePt. EN.
ter, and about one-tifth acre of laud The
liouse contains nine rooms ineluding a good
kitchen, and thereis a good well ot water
and a chtern on the premises. This is a
splondid property well situated, and will las
so pa o
tide office or thts undersignd.
bins,eJsaux Wst.SRxeter.
reason% 3. or
rt ltr
; 41 to
zamLnricaealk A.,"14x..41.4‘ al!Suatima&a&a&rik abiodcec2& ALI
ereee-Faom outs owa eetaltfiSnoleDENTS-s'as,'sa-
ileteeeele eses eateaseeeeasenae etee sea esa see sereeteaefeeeeerae-esse -war- esaesee
Seinen. Raeoler - The following is
the Mareh monthly report of S.S. No.
2, Hay. Names am in order of terra.
V., 31. 31. Russell; I V, II. F. Johns-
ton, AV, R. Dougall, Blanelt Bonen-
type: Sr. III, J. E. Gould, Cora 1.
31man, Luella 31. 31tum; Jr. HI, R. P.
Northeott. Daisy Milne% J. R. Munn:
11, A. W. Johnston, 31, Balleutyne.
Lizi i' Nortlictit t; Part 11, Edgar
Munn, Rov Todd; Part I W. W.
N'orthcott, T. Ballentyne, (. IL Todd.
7s tit 11 ell
Miss Tilly Kibler has returned to
1501.01(1 situation as milliner to 31i.
lialls of 1)eshwood.-Sehool closed
Thursday laet for the Laster Holidays
and the teacher:5 have rettneted to
their respective. homese-Alr. Hagan,
the prinripal, is visitieg his peewees;
3Ir. Torrence, assistant, is -visit Mee
oldfriends in Sarnia, and 31r. lIooper
is at his home in Exete3',--31iss Deem -
,(y, Of Exeter, has resumed her sit-
itatiou as milliner vit1t the 3Iesers,
31erneree The delivery of Ih.ering
Maellinery on Saturday by Messrs.
Riehleal and !nun:eta wt. re fa Vt,i,il
With it IM'alltifai day Mall a 1101)1(.
Out Of farmers, who had purchase(' the
1)eering machines from the aforesti
gen t lemma
Corxm-coufleil met ni Town.,4411,
Sale Register. Hall on Aril 1st. All the members
were present except Wm. 11.
.1pap1ements. the property 4.4 Dona.1.1 Ste wart,
Lot 1,1,Concession 12, Stephen. Salo at one Were read, evenereee , and signed by
Taut:see:a Arnie seeraele eteak and bridge. Minutes of raviolis 'lifeline,
Eti DI:1w Aborry Auctioneer. the Reeve, atIlloasters for the cur.
-- rent vear wereappointed 11s 1.01101V4:.
Theumlersigned is offering for sale that
desirable and valuabb property, stituated on
Huron Street. Iseing part of Lot 2t, contain-
irsg over tire aeres. 'Nero it on the premises
a good brick hou,e, containing seven rooms,
with stone collar, frame kitchen and wood-
shed attached; trsane stable and other
necessary oat -buildings; 47401u:deo fruit trees,
a gone well of water eat otheasonveutetwee
Terms reasonable, apply at this office or to
In aeeordabee with the provisions of
the Liquor License .Act, public is tiee is
hereby given that 8. meeting of the lloard
1 Attl Hotel. in the village of klensall, on the
I License Commissioners for the District
• South Huron will be held at the Clanton-
2eth slay of April.lass, at 10 o'clock am., to
!ot.51sh.r a pvlseittieue tor tissi sale of liquor
in the District ol South Huron tor tho exam -
mg year.
Ilse new applicants for tavern license
are: -James Shasidook, Corbett Hotel, in the
township of Stephen; Mrs. VV` Is Mholson,
Make Hotel. in the towaship of Hay; I'. II
Murray, Varna, Hotel, in the ti wnship of
Licenses issued for the current year were:
Town, tas,•ern U. shop 2; Village, tavern 8,
shop 2, six -m onth's tavern i; Township tav-
erns (8. Applications tor ensuing year: -
Town, tavern 0, shop 2; Village. taverns 0,
tAX-Months bpi) op 2; Township taverns is
Any petition against the granting of
any license to new applicant or premises
named must be lodged with the undersigned
at least. four days before the meotin g of the
WU. BALLANTYNE, Inspector,Seafert.
Goderieh tp: The farm of Samuel
Johnston, 1st con., was sold by auction
on Saturday to Geo. AlcIlwain, for the
sum. of $3,775. Mr. Thos. Cook, Elth
con., has sold his farm, containing
thirty acres to Mr. }Terry Miller for a
ard No. L-Jaines Walker, Wm.
I NeGillivray,
1 Airs. Finale who has been visiting
, her sistere, Mrs. Coelswill and Mrs.
Welsh, here for the past two months,
' has ret timed to her home in Wiarton.
' 3Iiss Jenny Lewis is still unable to be
out, but We IMpt. fOI• 11:Pr speedy recov-
! svuom.143,0wr. -The following is a
, correct report of S. S. No. 5, for the
month Of March. Report is based on
i, work and attendance of the pupils.
. Names are in order of merit: Sr. I V--
1 :\ ora C0'101111,, Et t n. Coughlin, Pearl
I Wilson, Clover Short, Sr, III -Ton.
! my Light foot, Georgeda Scott Jose
1 ane Co-11021in, Willie. Lewis Lillie
Lightfoot, May MeGrorv, Coln Short,
Edwatrd laulder, Joe Doyle, Garnet
' Corkwill liarry 1 ewie Jr 111-I eo
( nagillia, :Nun Scott, Olive Short. Sr.
; II- --Roselle Lightfoot, Alary Hoffitiala
pearl Short and Nellie Lewis. (4toni,
1 Wesley Cockwillalennet Maguire, Jr.
11- -Gladys Short, Elwin Seott. Part,
i II -Arnold Coughlin, tenth. Welsh,
eallie Wilson, Part 1- -Mabel Light-
' foot, I la yinolut Coughlin, ..e.drain
1 Coughlin, Adeline Hoffman. No. on
:oil fee, average :Mondani-0 31.
, .1. II. LANE. Teacher.
Sire, Die Jones spent Easter in Lon -
dee. Miss Allie Iltel,esine is spending
the holidays at her !tome hereee-Mr.
Harry Shoff, of Toronto, is spending
the holidays with his mother here -
Mrs. Brown lute mt meted from. a visit,
to Lmulon. - Mr, and. Airs. Sam. jones.
of London, ma visiting friends here. --
Mr, and 31re, Asa Collins, of London,
apent East el. here. - Anthony O'Dwyer
Balkwell, john Easery,Riehard Welsh, 11" Purchnsi'd nftY acres of land front
W in. easeen Nee. J. ese„e, ea„,e„, ,s„„,. Mr. Cobbledhas. a Welter Blaekwell
tor, 13a4vieVItow..rlitie7Wr.nrietiOld'ilei..,bit. for 31h.higan' WIWI:" he has
Daniel Hicks, Ell CoultieT, IIIMPSEfp-C*1') tM-120sit '\I'., Lettie
ls0,c , London., spent Sunday witharl, Sartmed Madge, Franeis J. 1 hteer
v is.
VI, r(1 Islo. 2. -William jeekee, her sister he
ILexuem Meisel:Lee-Word was re-
easP' J°11"`Tak°1'n' AV'm ir" Harr"' eeived here on Wednesday that Mr.
Thomas Harris Ralph Keildee John
Dew, Andrew mow, Alex. mepon:,,e, Thompson, a prosperous and well-to-
Cephes Pytn, Peter 'Moir, Samuel Pass-
"" do farmer Beteg near Levan, had
more, minims passinnee, John (at)e,, hanged himself on Tuesday evening.
Samuel Horton, George Smallateenbe.
" Particulars have not been obtained at
Ward No, 3.-Iienry 'fern, Thotuas time of writing, but despondency is
Broek. John Batten, .100(1 I)ellwidge, supposed to have beee the cause. Me.
Henry Rodd, Edward Avery, Ben '. Thompson has been somewhat sickly
Beavers Josiah emery, .7. copetaa of late, but has not been compelled to
. abandon his usual dnties. He was sup -
Thomas Elliott, Alfred Hawkey, -Wm
Atkinson, Chas. Irvine, Daniel O'Menee peeled to be in good cireumstances,
and bile plaee is; one of the finest in
Ward No..4.-P. Madge, Andrew lbel- . ,
gert, David Cottle, John Tneker, 'Win. ette country.
Eerl, George Kerslake, AVinal. Vance,
AVin. Stewart, Jamet Harris. David
McNicol, John Duncan, ,Tre. jas. Bal. Hurondale,
lantyne, .Silas Shier, John Shut alArate Dia= OF MR. WOOIL-It 141 our
reu 'McGill . A few small orders were sad duty this week to record the death
granted, and Council adjourned to of Abe Jaime: Wood, who died at his
meet May 6th at one o'clock. home Friday evening: He had a
F. Moneare, Clerk. severe attack of the grippe a year ago
from which he never fully recovered.
For the paet month he gradauelly sank
Crediton until the end came. To him death
PRESEUVE 'Dims SlaMT.-ftavingjustcom WaS a release, and he met the ine:+it-
ladled a course at the Canada Optical testi- able with the fortitude that a bright
tate, I am now prepared to Pit Spectacles
on thoroughly tientifie prineiples. Per -The , , , ,.
hope in the future alone can give.
.sens needing spectacles aro especially re- MC( aSed 33335 1)01.0 in the parish
quested to give us a call Eyes tested free. of Broadwood, Devon, England. His
0.1i Zwinglat,
. jewell,„ & optiparents emigrated
c/am, wolto Crettadleeelm when.he
Mr. Wm. Brown, who has been visit- as nine years d, and smonth, 'Mgt= township. Here he spent his
ing frienns in Chesley the past
returned home Monday. -Mr. II. Ell -youth. In 1808 he was united. in mas-
her, M.P.P., rettumed home Friday riage with Mary Blight Mr. and Mrs.
Wood moved west to Huron county
in 1874, and bought a farm OD the 2nd
concession of Usborne. Here he lived
until his death. A family of one son
and two daughters survive him. Mr.
Wood was a man highly respected by
his neighbors for his sterling qualities
of u prigh teess and charity. For many
years he has been a consistent and
useful member of Bethesda Methodist
church, His removal from us has
caused much sorrow to his Wilily and
to his friends and neighbors. Mr.
Wood was in his dlet year. The fun-
eral took place from his late residence
Monday afternoon to the Exeter Ceme-
tery and his remains were followed by
a large number of sorrowing friends,
evening from Toronto, where be has
good sum. Mr. Cook's intention is to been attending the Legislature of the
buy a. large farm. Province of Ontario the past two
months. -Mr. V. Ratz, M.P., of Otta-
wa, spent Sunday here with his fam-
ily. -Mrs. E. B. Scott, who has been
visiting her father, Mr. jamb Eilber,
for some time, left for her home in
Philadelphia last Tuesday. -The Misses
Mary A. Bever, Amelia Brown and
Clara Wind left for Detroit Tuesday
morning on a visit. -Mr. C. Beaver in-
tends building a brick block on his
premises, opposite Clark's harness shop
this summer. Our village is at last
awakening. --Mr. Wichert, of Platts-
ville, is visiting his brother, Joshim
Wichert this week. -Mr. and Mrs.
George Bloomfield spent Easter holi-
days in Byron, while Miss Fraser went
to Ailsa Craig. -The choir of the
Evangelical church gave an Easter
swag service in the church last Sunday
night. Everybody was well pleased.
Henry Eilber was appointed Clerk of
the township of Stephen Monday, Mr.
Prouty having resigned owing to fail-
ing eye -sight. --Miss Merner,of Zurich,
spent a few days last week with Mrs.
Charles Eilber.
Children Cry for
.fillighest Cash Price paid for Black
h, White Ash, Red and White
Oak, Hard and Soft Maple, Hemlock,
Soft and. Rock Elm. Either stumpage
or delivered in yard.
For farther particulars apply to
Manager for the S. I. Co. Exeter.
There is
Such a
as wearing glasses when you should
not and not wearing them when you should. . .
it is a Mistake to do either. We only prescribe
glasses when they will be of use to the wearer. A lame
proportion of the cases of painful eyesight are clue to the use
of unsuitable or improperly fitted glasses. In consulting
our optician you incur no expense and run no risk. . .
T. FrrTows
Mornings preferred for testing.
Mr. WM. Clarke is al smiles these
days. It's a girl -Mrs. IL T. Couch
and children returned home Tuesday,
after spending a. few days withfriends
in Clinton. -We are sorry to state that
Mr. Wm. Cornish, who is dangerously
ill, is not expected to recover. -Mr.
Wm. Delbridge and daughter are also
ill. -Mr. M. McCally visited under the
parental roof on Sunday. -Messrs.
Richardson & Eas:son helcl it wood bee
on Tuesday. -Maple tree tapping is
now the order of the day. -Mr. J. 0.
Bell attended. a" swell" hall in London
on Monday night. -The school child-
ren are now enjoying their Easter hol-
idays. -Several of the boys got April
fooled Saturday. Don't take it hard
boys, there will be another lst of April
next year. -The two Scotch brothers
have left Eliinville and from what we
can learn they were inuch pleased with
the results of their labors, especially
fivancially, having taken with them
$76.85 for three weeks services.
SeHool, REPORT. -The following is
the report of pupils standing in S. S.
No, 6, Usborne, for IVIareh., V -Ethel
Godbolt, Leslie Robinson. Sr. IV -
Linda Hunter, Dora Miners, Dora Del -
bridge. Jr. IV--Ilarvey Hayes'Ida
Delbridge, Gertie Asfiller, Sr. III -
Enos Herdman, Lucy Conch, Bert
Fletcher. Jr. III -Oliver Jewitt,
Ernest Rowcliffe, Cecil Ceram. Sr. H
-Ella Berrybill, Flossie Francis, Olive
:Berryhill. Jr. IL -Alden johns, Wil-
fred johns, Victor Sawyer. Sr. Pt. LE
-Geo. Coward, Edwin Coward, Jack-
son Woods,. Jr. Pt. H-AlmenaHey-
wood, Newton Clark, Priscilla Pon -
E. E. HAries ers
I Mr. J. M. Williams ' left - here last
week to speud his Easter holidays with
his parents at .01alelehoya-Adr, T.
Meets and wife and Alex. Henson and
faintly attended the silver wedding of
. 'Mr. and Mrs. -John Holson, of . Ailsa
!Craig, hist week. They report having
a. grand. retinion and jolly time meet-.
mg so many of them friends and seeing
so many gavel' dollars and. other valu-
able pri.sen l s. - - 11 iss S. MaeLocklin is
spending the Lastee !week with • her
parents near Perkhill.--Mrs. C. • Rup-
born, who has been, visiting friends in
-Boston, Mass., returned. home last Sat-
mei:eye-a-At the annual vestry meeting -
of Graee allUrell held last Monday a
• large timelier of the Official members
nut Rev. R. G. Gtutite:atal squared up
the year's busini•ss and elected James
Hieks ;end R. Hodgins Waedens, and
James McPherson sexton. -Air. Dan.
Dennison visited hie nieee„ Mrs, AV, T.
Moss last. Alonelay.---Abe John. Brown
had a emit bee hest Wednesday and
Mrs. Brown a quilting bee. They are
preparing for cold weather mullet -end
to keep warm. -Mr Jetuee Bulliek vie-
, 'teal lite Walther, Thomas Bullick, on
Menday..-Wm, Bell, W. T. Diens, Ed,
McPherson and several others have
tapped their maple trees and are mak-
ing maple creaue-The Misses Emma
and :Bertha AlePhereon are home visite
ing their perente during Eastet holi-
days.- Miss E. M. Ramsay, mus ie teach-
er, has secured a number of scholars
ate e.--- . • . 1 SOD fat. ate a .ViC.-
ing their customers to seek not the -
cheapest. but best goods. They have
been in business here for over a quar-
ter of a century aud aim at giving
their eastoneas No. 1 goods at reason-
able prices. Staple drygoods, grocer-
im,, _hats, caps, wall paper, direet from
manufacturers,. Meek shoos, tea ewes,
end slippers, flour, pork and beens,
farm 'MCI vrahlell seed4 loggs end ha-
ter taken as cash at full market price..
Miss Ohm Boyle is visiting friends
Clandeboyee--Ala William Foster, of
Granton, spent Sunehey with Mende
here.-Mrall. Mills is spending his
holidays with friends in London. --
Our fife and drum band is in "fuhl
blast" again and are preparing for the
coming celebration. This band, we
Etre proud to say, has never lost it con-
test m which they have competed.-
A large number of visitors from var-
ious places spent Easter her with
friends. Among the many we noticed
the followinge-Aliss Pearl Cobleigla
of Parkhill, visited under the parental
roof; Miss J. A. Campbell, of Varna, is
the guest of Miss Maggie McCoy. -
Wm. Bagshaw. public school teacher,
is spending his holidays with his aunt,
who reside:, emu. 50 miles below To-
ronto. ---Mr. R. Luker occupied the
pulpit here Sunday morning owing to
the pastor, Rev. Salton, being indis-
posed. Rev. Salton took charge of
the service in the evening mad also
baptised the hiftuat of Mr. Arthur lied -
den. ---Mr. 'Wilber Hicks, who has been
attending the Business College during
the winter months, has returned home.
Mr. Frank Anderson, who enlisted in
the London Militia, and was drafted
as a guard at the coast, has returned
home where be intends remaining. -
Our town can now boast of almost
every business man of the day. This
week we are pleased to record the ar-
rival of a painter, Mr. George Slightly,
of Ailsa, Craig, who has rented old
"Ocean wave" lately occupied by the
butcher, and has moved here. He is
doing a good. business. -Air. A. Nevin,
who has been a juryman on the notor-
ious peg -leg trial, returned home last
week, but expects to be called out
again on a similar case. -The sale of
cattle of Mr. A. Hicks on Thursday
was well attended and proved very
successful, the dairy cows averaging
$4,5 to $50 per head; 3 year-olds, $40 to
$50 and calves from $5 to $12.
&nom REPORT. -The following is
it correct report of Centralia Public
School for the month of March. The
names are in order of merit. V -Mel-
ville Mitchell, Gertie Cottrill, Wesley
Luker, Laura Banyham, Ida Windsor,
Cedric Hicks, Albert Callas, Sr. IV -
Polly Windsor, Kate Elliott. Almena.
Huxtable, AlIa Hicks, Annie Boyle.
Jr. IV -Jennie Haggith, Fluda Baker,
Alvina, Wilson, Percy Windsor, Aggie
Hepburn, Heel Mitchell, Edith Bunt.
Sr. HI -Wilber Lane, Brace Mitchell,
Eddie Calfas.,. Cecil Walker; Geo. Hep-
burn, Wm. oalfas. Jit. DEPAreretniar.
Jr. III. -M. Baynham, H. Motz, C.
Pathan, M. °Alfas, F. Cottrill. Sr. II
-W. Mitchell, H. Mitchell, Harnaa
Mitchell, A. Baker, F. Boyle, R. Wil-
son, E. McCoy, L Handford, A. Hag-
gith,R. Bloomfield. Jr. II -C. Hannan,
E. Windsor, C. Vale, W. Essery, F.
Hepbtua, N. Cottrill. Sr. Pt. L -R.
McCoy, V. Wilson, V. Sheardown, W.
Tomlin. ,Tr. pt. IL -E. Windsor, M.
Elliott, G. Essery, Melinda, Callfas,
Heaman, M. Calfas, C. Wilson, S.
Hemmen, F. Faiar. Attendance Sr.
Department, names on roll 30, average
attendance 26. Jr, Department, names
on roll 36, average attendance 20.
W. B. BAG-snAw Teachers
The entertaimitent on Friday even-
ing by the Y.P.A. was it decided
success. The house was well filled,
the program well rendered and the
collection all that the young prople
had expected. The collections will
be spent in the missionary cause. The
Auction sale of general merchandise
by Mr. John Hall, is being largely at-
tended. -Mr. Bert Stoddard, has taken
a position with Mr. Fenn as HannesI-
18 Mr. Fenn being overcrowded
with work. 'We welcome Mr. Stod-
dard to our burg. Tle comes highly re-
commended. -Mr. and Mrs. Oarl Hart -
]ib, celebrated their golden wedding
01.1 Monday,an occasion which happens
DOt to every individual. There was a
big tittle and every one enjoyed. them-
selves. May Mr: and Mrs. Hartleib
still have to enjoy each others com-
pany for many years to come is the
wish of all. -There 18 another business
deal on in town, We don't know if
It will come to a boil or not as it is
just shumerieg now. More particulars
later -Every thing was still as death
and all eyes in one direction as the
newly married couple we made men -
teen of last week wended their way to
the front of the church on Sunday
evening. It lasted but a short time;
then the sileuee was broken by a
whispering with your nearest neighbor
and with heads a nodding made an
interesting scene to the lookers on.
But it's the eame story. --We under-
stand a like oeekliTellee Will take plaee
in our midst again ere long, but we
won't eay a word about it; no we
won't. -The old adage, pride goes be-
fore eke'', was truly seen on our streets
one day this week. We won't metiou
nantee as we don't wish to cause of-
fence but the good book. says: He
that exaltetli 'himself shell be brought '
low.--Aleeses. Adam Mansz, and Ed.
Reeder, who have been renewita,e, 01(1
acquaintances in and around. Dash-
wood, left ou Monday for their homes
near New Hamburg. -Om. by one our
boys leave us to take positions here
and there for the summer months -
The infent child of Mr. and 3Ire.
Keller pas1 away on Saturday and
was buried Monday. Athch synioathy
is felt for Mr. and Mrs. Keller itt the
loss of their little one..
Smoot, linemer.-The following is
the correct report of S. S. No. 3, Step-
hen, for the month of March. Tito
names are given in order of merit. V
-Ida lone Edwin Beaver, Daniel
Sanders, /V -Stella Penhale, Clinton
Sweet, Chas, Sanders. Sr. 111.---Herbie
Ford, Vero, Sanders, Frank Trielmer,
Atm. Peultale, Roy ?exams, limiter
Bagshaw, Marshall Box. Jr, III -
Laura Jory, Sadie Willis, Viola Pen..
113(10, Hattie. 'Willis, Elsie Handford,
Sr. II -Jennie &mime Alonzo, Ford,
Minnie Sanders, Willio Triebner, Nel-
son Sanders, Jr, II -Eddie Willis,
Lizzie Sanders, Herbie Beaver, Edith
Parsons, Herbte Dearing. See
Harry Parsons. Jr. Pt. II -Lillian
Stanlake. Sr. Pt. I, Tommy Sanders,
Annie Sandere, Ham Triebner, Ralph
Willis. ate Pt. 1 -Vinnie Cookson,
Samuel Staelake, Cicellia Ford, The
average attendance was 33.
R. N. Omen, Teacher.
Cot:Nom-The Council for the town-
ship of Stephen met at the Town Hall,
here, on Monday last. All present
Willerte-Yearly, that 'Wm. White re-
ceive the sum of $21 for burial and
other expenses of the late Charles Mc-
Laughlin. Hieks-Sweitzer, that the
resignation of Chester Prouty, Clerk
of the township of Stephen, be accept -
eel mat that the Reeve and Clerk are
hereby authorized to draft a, testimon-
ial in recognition of Mr. Prouty's° long
and faithful service. Resolved that
Henry Eilber be appointed clerk. A
By -Law was passed recinding the ap-
pointments of Chester Prouty and a
neW one passed appointing Henry Hil-
lier to the position. Sweitzer-Hicks
that the assessment roll be accepted
and that Joseph Guainen be paid his
salary as assessor. Resolved that the
Court of Revision be held at Town
Hall, Orediton, May 26th next, when
all gravel contracts will be let, The
following orders were granted: -An-
drew Burke, gravel, $2.16; Wra. White
burial expenses, Mr. McLaughlin, $21;
John Ratnford, culvert lake road, $1;
. Disjardiee, work lake road, $1.50;
C. Willert, N. B., 30c; L. Willert, tile,
con. 14, $1.44; Win. Ryan, repairing
culvert S.B., $1; Chester Prouty, sal-
ary, postage, etc., $51.25; Charles Eil-
bete drawing lumber, $2.50; Wesley
Hueston, gravel, $4,80; J. Guainen,
Assessor, $80; C. Beaver, burial ex-
penses re. Bassow, $15. The follow-
ing are the pathmasters appointed for
the year 1898: -Francis Hicks, R.
Handford, T. Essery, J. Heaman, T.
Sweet, W. Hueston, F. Cald.will, W.
Walker, J. Stanlake, T. Shapton, W.
H. Dearing, W. White, 0. Hoffman,
G. Mantle, G. Hirtzle, A. Dearing, Sr.;
3. Stanlake, 3. Lampert, I. Hill, Jr.,
W. Geiser, M. Finkbeiner, J. G. Wein,
T. Chambers, G. Lawson, 0. Eilber,
3. Schwartz, J. Brokenshire, E. Kestle,
J. Flynn, D. Mawhinney, H. Smith,
J. Regier, T. Kestle, James Doyle, P.
Sullivan, W. Witzle, L. Dietrich, J.
Ziler, N. McLellan, J. Keys, H. Smith,
N. Nafzinger, W. Brown, J. Honla,hen,
P. Geiser, C. Finkbeiner, J. Baxter,
X. Rhode, W. Smith, C. Mack, J. Bas-
tard, H. Newsehwanger, Wm. Turn-
bull, 3. Carruthers, 0. Stone, J. Allis-
ter, G. Webb, F. Tetreau, P. Disjar-
dine, S. Webb, P. Baker, A. Hayter,
H. Brinker, H. Bertram, R. Harlbon,
A. Disjardine, Jr., H. Wilson, W.
Riley, P. Glavin, J. McKeever, J. Mc-
Carty, T. Ryan, J. Hays, R. O'Roulte,
H. Ryan, T. Whiteside, C. H. Wilson,
F. Green, Silas Stanlake, Sam. Stan -
lake, G. Penhale, J. Atkinson, A. Bert,
Jr., F. Baker, P. Schroeder, Jr., T.
Merritt, 0. Walper, G. Kellerma
The following are the Fenceviewers:-
Thomas Shapton, Newton Baker, Jas.
Ford, P. Glanville, Hy. Doyle, Win.
Holt, Sr., Ware Oliver, R. McLinchey,
Peter Farrell. Poundkeepers-Wen.
Moffatt, S.S. No. 1; T. Shapton, S.S.
No. 3; Walter Clark, S.S. No. 5; 0.
Finkbeiner, S.S. 7; Joseph Hickey, S.S.
No. 10; Louis Walper,.S.S. No. 12; P.
Hall, S.S.S. No. 6; J. Edwards, S.S.
No. 2; T. J. Amy, S.S. No. 4; Wm.
Holt, Sr., S.S. No. 6; 3. Brenner, S.S.
No. 8; F. Wetter, S.S. No. 11; Silas
Stanlake, S.S. No. 133 T. L. Mo.sser,
S.S. No. 16. The Council adionibed,
to meet at Town. Hall, May 26th, 10
o'clock 43.111..
OT r. an Mrs. Amos Weld-
fong atteeded the wedding of Mr, Jose
Wildfong and Miss Wagner, of the
14th concession on Wednesday, Alarch
29. -Miss Nellie O'Brien spent a few
daye With friend§ in Heesall lest week..
-Airs. Wm. Northcott is spending a
few days with friends in .aud around
Londore-Miss Consitt, teaeher 51.
Hillsgreen, visithrr bar sister, 31rs.
Writ. -Coleman, of retie'. Blind Line. -31z,
Jno. Northcutt has moved to .Eialter-
te oceueeeng the holiee he recently
puraiesed freest 313'. MoCallum in Ex-
et:ere-Easter. pa seed all in a quite way
' in this pletetee -31:este1' Harry Huston
spent Easter wit 1.t hie eonsins here.
Wanmee: Beet.e.--(eu 'Wednesday,
lpnil4th,a usppz. «unpany gath-
ered at the res4enee of Mr. Cicero Aid-
Worthelot 7, couees,stem 3, to Witness
t e marriage Ot 111$ ,.'4$1111ge.tit daughter
• 31.lss Christina, to 31r. Nelson .North
teat,' a proeporous young 1 miter of the
. 3r1 eomes.sfint.: The vertetiony . was
performed, by the Rev.. Chas, Smith,
;et ane .'eXt.,inith 'church, in the
presenee-of over arse invited wickets.
Pree,ely at four oe.loele, while the
week t.mg nevelt Tit:eyed by .Aties
Matul Ittiseell, the wedding party ap-
peared in the parlor. The bride looked
charming -in - le gown of cream silk
trimmedwide silk. -lave alid insertion
with rose.e and carnations. She was
assisted by Miss Jessie Northcott, sise
ter of the Int wei liO W Ore a. beautiful
whav muslin artss trimmed with lace
and roses. Tilt, groola WaS attended
by Charles etidwortle brother of the
bride. Congmtulatious over, all sat
down to a sumptuous repast, to which:
all did ample jtestice, tater Which a
pleasant and el noyable t into 'MIS spent.
The -numereue and eostly presents re-
ceived by tIm bride testified to the
high esteem in which she is holds , 'For
niany_years elle has been the- faithful
and popular organist in Sexsmith
church. .All the many friends of the
young couple join in wishing them a,
pleasant voyage over tile Matrimonial
H. Emotn., Clerk.
hie Fooled The :Surgeons.
.M1 doctors told Reniek Hamilton, of
West Jefferson, O., after suffering 113
months from Rectal Fistula, he Would
die 'unless a costly operation was per-
formed, but he cured himself -with
five boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve,
the surest Pile cure On Earth, and the
,best Salve in the World. 25 cents' a
box. Sold by all Druggists.
Leman: The many friends of Mr, and
Mrs. Frank Downing will sineerely re-
gret to learn that death has invaded
their hitherto unbroken family circle.
Saturday morning their baby boy,
Lyall Sylvester, passed away at the
age of seven months.
Goderiell tp: This week we record
the death of Abs. James Bear= whieh
sad event. occurred on Saturday. She
bad been ill of he grippe, and had al-
most recovered when e relapse came
and her I:none:dee' demise, Mr. Bea-
com, who 31159 in her 71st year, was a
kind motherly woman, much beloved
by a large circle of relatives an d friends.
The end eame so suddenly that several)
members of the family who live near
Sault Ste. Marie were unable to come
home in time for the funeral. Her -
husband died. on Dec, 10th.
Logan: .A. very quiet but pretty
wedding took place at the residence of
Mr. Henry Cook, Huron road, west, on
'Wednesday, 2t/th lilt The contract-
ing parties being Miss Maggie Leyburn
daughter of John Leyburn, sr. of Lo-
gan, to Mr. Thos. Tubb, also of Logan.
Only immediate relatives of the bride
and groom were present, 'numbering
about thirty. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. 3. T. Kerrin, of Mit-
chell.The bride was assisted by her, sis-
ter, Lizzie, while Mr. Blake, of Wood-
stock, performed a like service for the
Chiselhurst : Mr. John Taylor has
sold his farm, lot 20, concession 10,
Hibbert, near here, to his neighbor,
Mr. John Worden. The farm con-
tains one hundred acres, and, like all
the farms in this vicinity, is a good
one. The price paid for it is $5,000.
Mr. Worden owns the farm on the op-
posite side of the road, and this one
will be very convenient to him. Mr.
Taylor intends removing to Exeter to
reside„ and where we trust he may
long be sparecl to enjoy the comforts
of life, to which long years of industry
so justly entitles him. He will have an
auction sale of his farm stock and ef-
fects on the 6th of April.
St. Marys: It is with deep regret
that we record the death of Mn. James
Moore, proprietor of the Ontario ,
House, which sad event occurred on
April 3rd. Mr. Moore had been in busi - ,
ness in St. Marys for nearly seventeen 1
years, and during that time made :
many fast friends who are deeply
grieved to learn of his sad death. Ele
had been confined to his bed for near-
ly four months; but a short time ago
he recovered to such an extent as to
enable him to leave his room and his
friends hoped that iva short time he
would recover his health, but a little
over a month ago, he was seized with
a relapse and from that time he began
to sink rapidly. He leaves a sorrowing
wife and a number of loving sisters.
ea, Istr
A. Publisher's Statement.
• -4NATe have used Hood's Sarsaparilla
insour family as a spring medicine,
tOnie and blood purifier, and Hood's
PRIs for billonsness, and have found.
beeli very effective remedies. We
believe for impure blood Hood's Sanas
is a good medicine." R S. e
PELTON, Publisher of th:e Bed, Atwood,
Hood's PiRs give strength even
vhile their cathartic qualities. are
ork. Easy to take,
Usborne, on April 41h.
the wife of Win. Clarke, of a (laugh:.
Woors-In Exeter, on March 29, the
wife of Daniel Wood, of a daughter.
Usborne tp.'colic (...ssion 2,
3 ernes .Wood, aged 00years, 1 month
and 21 days.
SmASLLAContnil-In Exetets on March
81st, Mary .lane Smallacombe, aged
30 years, I months and 15 days,