HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-3-30, Page 8o£ our Students ha "e recently Try Wiwau's Cough Bztlsaue for Annual Meetinz.
1.1 tsken good situations, and eougbs..Colds and l iouclzial troubles. The mutual meeting of, the. North
inee in,restates eenzzain walled,. Solt: agent for hicks long Syrup. 3jiddiesen Liberal-C'onseevAtiwe s'o-
ciation will be -held on Friday,: Ap-
rillth,1890, at). et'cloek, p,w., at the
Town Hall, Ailsa Craig, for the elec-
tion of officers, and the transectio'z of
general business. All are cordially i,n-
RoI3EnTs,. Jogaaw Fay,
Secy, Pres,
To. Clean Cleimx4ey,'
An easy way to clean, a, ehitnney of
soot has beentatsconeredt by a Maine
loan.Instead of going to thetop
the clrnntioy and probiog with rods,
he begins at the Oottoun There aau
opening is made, and he, fires AI ward
q C', LU'ru,. Druggist.
7 \ at' ntral --- T
a 1 The April Number of the Delineator
J .(} / s called the Spring Number, and ton -
%(/ridoodles a comprehensive summary of
STRATFOR , 014T'. department
and incommet styles in every
department of dress. a choice variety
gives the'e best" in the lice of buriness or of articles of sterling literary exellence
shorthand education. In fair competition
our gra Mates ore nearly •4LWaVS 0110,01., and as profusion of characteristic social
while others.. are turned aside. utters now. and household features, The charm, -
Circulars free,iug Acadian tale, The ;Maid of the
W. J. T4ltoct, Principal Drift, by Charles D. G, Roberts, will
, euclutuce e iter sa
thatattaches ches t
the land of Evangeline, Subscription
! ( ' ' price of the Deliueator $1.00 per year.
6'0W' 'O Address The Delineator Pub. Go. Tor a. revolver charged with a blank car -
Many ministers and others •object to tridge. The concussiou, it is said, will
the pulpit being ,made ca bulletin board clean out the soot, He also chains
for .announcements of all kinds of re- that the burning of apiece of zine in
ligious meetings. Wotdd it not be a stove swill clearthe store and its fun -
well for those interested to use the net of soot.
local press for making such announces presentation.
ments? The ADvoc'&TE is always Before leaving for Toronto Mn Robt,
pleased to publish gratis all such an- Lang, who has been one of our most
nouncements except when the gather, , progressive and highly valued citizens
ings are for the purpose of raisinge3 was tendered a banquet at the Metro -
1 e. o '
ease test lfe f
licence Metro-
is eharg e(l, a Re forts a nxxmber of oo Tuesday rminent citizens,
of the meetings sent • in to us w ill ben The affair took the form of an oyster
inserted and touch appreciated, 31am- supper and after all bad refreshed the
ister•s and lax workers will kindly bear fi tuner nem the prirreipel object of the
this in ,mind; gathering was proceeded with which
The official postal guide shortly to ! was the presentation of a handsome
be issued cmils the attention of post- gold ring. The presentatiouWas -Made
*MAO'S to the r 1;gaalations in regard by Reeve Spackman to which 31nLang
to the transmission of duns from col- , very feelingly replied, expressing; his
leeting ageneles. The regulation pro- ► deepest regrets in having to leave town.
Willits the eating in :ural e ofany andso many warm friendsfor whom
(rood Friday to-rnorrow.
Next Sunday will be Easter,
Saanday last was. Palm Sunday.
Use Dix Little Liver Pills, Sold by
C. Lutz.
Selxrols close to -day tThtzrsday) for
the Easter lineation.
l: are Enedieh stock feed for all kinds
of `:teas•'., Sold lel 1 y #. , Lutz.
Try tlae ..i vucetritt for ll-tdding
stationery. latest designs.
11'1 chi's l; .t -h Sewten Mixture . man-
nla.tnaattl,,P:•t sold by C. Lutz.
-1 DDtnnla r of $i Dominion notes
raised to see are in c-areulaation.
The S'tei'n tires far bee been very
Danfav t able for snaking ,maple syrup.
Mr. Wes. . ti:aell shipped a ear load of
fine e• D:tle t`.t'1'4uuto on Wednesday. ay, 1 'l ' h t' d " f 1 ] Dred, is a yarn,' wan of goodie l 010es
ela: Una tori.;,; will take l►o :,z tesen letter or tot et. eurtiele Of Mil natter• be ente4tained the highest regard, The and the wish of his many friends here
The manyfriends of Mrs. Irvine
Armstrong will be pleased to learn
that she is recovering from her recent
severe attack,
W. A. Westeott attended the Mar-
riage of Mr, Harry Switzer to Miss
Laving Brown, in the German church,
Crediton, on Tuesdays.
Mr, John Prang and Mr. Robt. Rich-
ardson, of Zurich, passed through
town Sunday to attend the funeral of
their aunt at Kirkton,
Mr. H, Towle left on Monday even-
iug for Carberry, Man„ where he in-
tends making his hone, He purposes
sending for his family in the fall.
Messrs. Edward and Frank Hunt,
of Seaforth and London, respectively,
were in town over Sunday, visiting
their sick sister, Mrs. I, Armstrong,
who was not expected to recover,
Mr. T, J, Lockhart, owing to illness,
has been unable to fulfil his duties as
principal of the school since Thursday
last, is position, however, has been
ably filled by Miss Ball, one of the
other members of the staff.
Mr, A. J. Rollins, who left a few
weeks ago with a load ofhorses for
Killarney, Man., returned home on
Monday last, anti while looKing hale
andweathex, hearty* his tapper lip shows signs
of having experienced some very frigid
31r, Fred Bissett, who has been en.
gaged with Mr. J. P. Clark, as (,`leak.,
for some years, left Monday adorning
for Crystal City, Man., where has ac-
cepted a situation in a dry -good store,
o,u t',a' lot'aZt• :.::; e4'tre,laaea•\' .Aprilupon the nutAhle cover of irhich are friends present eteh rade a very ap- is that he, inayy, neve evs'ry suee'e s in
e commercialand stwi:al standing, r deentatl pleasantries of the past aar
1 Wit• eti►'n• ileal' £r a iia the 1 rung, if rite n Dson aeltlressed, 1 -oder' this; all ex ne ssed a deet regret at gals de-
14zatrtyillg tit, blond.
ud. tial by , I ' 1 . I
Lutz. regulation ;all letter's rontaimeda in pm acre, atter 'Much the g:atbertug
:miters on which the words bird debt " broke up,
appear. or en which the dunning char- gaster services.
aerie. of the business of the sender Is' The service in the James Street
prominently zndientetl, are to be sent ; Methodist tenweit next Sabbath will be
to the deed letter office. appropriate to Easter. The clinic will
any, words tended to injurin,sly affair roprialtelittlespeech, reviPwingivanv . the Fest,
atikeiza 1 t I t ti
Mr. lt.•est, of Loudon, o
pulpit of agar Trivitt Mertzo
on ~rand l\ last.
The laat. -t addition to the House cif
'mug, is M4:-. Mary McKay, o Cloche
rit lt, tii Years of age.
Mr. John:Moots- held a wotedbee ttr4
los p►eene •,'1*ate stl :ha as dial aalsc, Mn
Oen. t'utb*u rt' on Wednesday,
The taid er' are being In•epere'tl for
the evert of the new mill on Huron
:41144 by Bhe Sittlu'vlantl•Innis Co.
-# big Mouticatl company bas azti-
` s
neared the 1►1 ice,►f t•utte► ns , .coif it D
t tip'eet H the ede.atit•e• will ht etaut' gen•
The Ladies Guild of the Trivitt
Mt•14400d t144ttrla :hadding an
At Matte anti sale of the aattog,•reph
tight: -,la►rtly,
Me. P. llewden. proprietor of the
Exeter Skating Rink. intends landing
reeve es Good Friday. if the weather
tenet notes told,
Rev. Wm. :Martin lnr'aches a Series
t►f "a•tronoan' ttt4 ••:1►udcrn Heresies.''
The th-.t living. on "Faith Vine- ' nest
Sunday evening.
Mr. I . ii. Pirkanl is having the ma-
terielmated for bis near building
whieh he' intend. eine rienring at the
•arl'►e'at t'tIlttiAlllenre'.
Ilenry Rowe. Loudon Road, Inst
atiuethe•r valuable horeit one day lat+t;
week. It was kieked by tone of the
other Lawrie; and had to be killed,
The sate of Mr. 11. S., hangs hnuste
hold fn' turnitun•:nn Saturday. Was we
attended and goal }}epic a'nverte ry glued.
51r. joint frill wielded the hauimie .
invitations have been reeeived in
tenvil for the Third Annual Assembly
the Venlig Il,aebtelat': of St, Marys,
tri be he lel Monday evening, a,l,l'il
Taut year this tine* a large number
Of farmers were throng h Needing, To
appearances -it will be some time
yet before the farmers will i' able to
make a Atnvt,
Rev, I;tn'g;e,s, of London, will. -con-
duet the Easter services in the Triv.itt
Memorial clnrreh on Sunday next,
While 1h'v. Ten Eyck will conduct ser-
vices on (food. Friday evening.
The South Iiuron Farmers' Institute
have decided to run an excursion to
Guelph, to the Model Farm, about the
middle of June, if satisfactory ar-
rangements can be made to that end.
npied t1
ail chord
119”, Wanted.
Two boys wanted. Apply.
Exeter N'S'(znllt% Alias,
nerve slle€^hit umerie both Morning and
he evening, The following is the pro-
gram et the services.
SOutarta:a d to 13,4 33q:c d. " Mtrlt\ixaa N1:iD\"it'k I:S\I\(i ;i:[lv ICB
Marion Brown, the peg leg colored Doxology,
tramp, who has been on trial in Lon. 1 lnvoeati, Irzye►eation,,
cion, on a charge of nnzr.lering Polite „ Hymn 170: Myron 105,
Constable Michael Toohey, was found 1 Prater
guilty of the crime yesterday and was Prayer, "
t, la.ayu r e mtlrent, :#riihent. Christ
beilith. r, E t a it MayI t
i 14 I.
s t'c I! 4
.tiittn It
aAour I'.4raSovcr.
A Fine Animal. Scripture lesson, Scripture lesson,
A Blake correspondent says; Me. Anthem, "Praise.
J. Thomson bas sold one of lea+ Abed- Praise to Thee.' Solo, -,a
elero Angus hulls, Px nark'(. 24ae14e, got Hymn lie, , , Hymn iiia.,
by Clinton Chief. No, 213SO, to Iia, Sermon and prayer Sermon,
Thos, \ illianee of Exeter. for a good Anthem ...leer ire,.,
figure. Ile is a line animal and Mr. the grave Belay Solo,
Williams is lucky in getting such as Hymn 173, Prayer,
bargain. Benediction. Quartette,
Wedded at Landon. Ityntn
Mr. ;flex. Box, a prosperous young Benediction
farmer of Macken, and Miss Charlotte
Peterson. eldest daughter of Me. 'SO -
$09 Peterson, section foreman on the
(l.T.11., here, were united in marriage
theRev. Sage ht 1Loudon. yesterday
tWed.) Sc wash the young couple all
the blessings of married life.
Dolls Wen Away.
73e. doll with $2i itrelaase; 500. doll
with $1.50 llurelia ie; 35t•. doll with
$1.25 pnrehaste, 25e. dull with $1 pur-
chase. This is no lottery, -just get
your premium when you make your
pureltase. See my window for 5e.
r i
t , syrupdishes,
,1 . V, Ct xtint < fit.. h \ .
twine, Intcr•tnir f t , \e.
1 . t
D. Dim in Thursday on luatueys
Next Sunday being. Easter Sunday
the services in the Main St. Methodist
church \will be rmemorialistic in their
character. In the morning the pastor
will preach an Easter sermon, and in
the evening g there will be a special Eas-
ter service of .gong;.
In view of the fret that Rev. Dr.
Pascoe will superannuate at the ap
proaehing (.Conference in June next,
the official Board of Wingham Metho-
dist Church has recently had under
consideration the question of inviting',
a pastor as his successor.
A sensible husband said to his wife,
" Susie don't spend a cent with mer-
chants who don't advertise in the pa-
pers. The wife, who was a business
woman replied: " You old goose, I
learned better long ago than to go
where I was not invited. You would
be an old bachelor now if you had not
invited me to be your wife. Catch me
going to a store without an invitation
I guess not."
4' 4 4 4 4 '4 4 4, .. .4 a. 4•,G a q4 '44.4
Mr. Jos. Gill, of Grand Bend, was in
town on Wednesday.
Mr. 13, 11. McKenzie was in Gode-
rich this week on business,
tV. J. l i'steott leaves this (Thurs-
day) morning for Tumulto.
Mt. C. Cook, of Ilensall, paid the
town a flying \
Baster Railway Rates
The Easter railway rates are as fol-
lows: Singh fare, good going Murch Frank Walters, of the Advocate
211th to April 3rd inclusive, and return- strati', is on the sick list this week.
ing A fail 4th. Teachers and :students,
Mr. Frank Gardiner, of Berlin, was
in town en Tuesday ou bnsinees,
Mr's, 8, Powell and son, Willis,spent
aur al owed a fare and a third rate, Sunday with friends in Seaforth..
gond going from .March 17 to April 1,
and retnrntng not later than April 10.
No fare and ay third will be issued to
ordinary passengers.
Rev. Ten Eyclt's Farewell.
The London Advertiser of Monday
says :•--t`Rev. Ten Eyck preached his
Miss Eliza Cooper, of 13icldulph, is
the guest of her aunt, Mrs. T. Oke.
11r. and Mrs, Kerr, of ('landeboye>,
spent Sunday with friends in town.
Miss Steinbach, of Zurich, is vend-
ing a few days with friends in town.
farewell sermon to the coag regaltion Mx. C. W. Sanders, of Seaforth,
of the Memorial Church last night. I .spent Sunday at his home in Stephen.
Mr. Wm. Hawksliaw and sister, Miss
Jennie, spent Sunday with friends in
Mrs. French, of Medicine Hat, Assa.,
is Visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs, E. A.
Mr. George Salter and Miss Polly
Welsh spent Sunday with friends in
Misses Millie and Ida Hodgins, of
Clandeboye, spent Mondaywith friends
in town.
Detective Westcott and Mr. W. H•
Moncur spent Tuesday at Grand Bend
on business.
Mrs. Levitt, who has been spending
the past, week with friends in London,
bas returned home.
Mr. Fleming, accountant of the
Sutherland -Innis Co., Chatham, was
able they Marcwgreeted with good in town Wednesday.
houses. Few companies on the road The Misses Buelah and Melinda Bea -
to -day have the merit of the Carlyle ver, of Crediton, spent a few days with
Co., it being well• proportioned and friends here this week.
every role is in superior hands. We Mrs. McDonald and family, of Glen -
feel confident that should they decide
coe, has moved into the residence of
to visit Exeter again at any time they Mr. T. Andrew street.
will receive the patronage from our Dearing,
Ile stated that it might be the last
time he would preach to thein, and
wished to thank them for the encour-
agement and consideration they had
always shown. It was his first charge,
and they were ever ready to overlook
his failings, whichhe knew wereinany.
He also referred feelingly to the leav-
ing of Rev. Canon Richardson, to
whom he owed. a,sleep debt of gratitude
for his assistance and encouragement.
Mr. Ten Eyck leaves for Exeter, where
he will take charge of the Trivitt Me-
morial Church. His many friends
wish him success in his new field of
A Good Company.
The Carlyle Dramatic Company clos-
ed a week's engagement here on Satur-
day night last, and while several of
the nights were stormy and disagree -
Winfield; :Mr. N. Cantina, who has
had the saw mill since last fall, last
week. sold out to William and John
Wingbanaz Sherman Dey was un-
fortunate last week; while at Itis work
itt the Upholstery factory, he ran the
sharp end of a rile through his band,
,months, died Wednesday at the a Lucan: Miss Mary Cooper, who has
been ill with consumption for some
e of
20 years, The funer•:11 took placegFri-
Parkhill: Thos. Mathers was taken
to the county jail, London, Tuesday to
serve of twenty days for
Mpassing stolen coin, the property of
artin Breen, of this place.
St. Marys: While walking down
the sidewalk the outer dav, Mr.Holden
a farmer front. Lakeside, had the .mis-
fortune to fall ern the icy wall;, sus-
taining a nasty scalp wound,
Tuekersmith: Mr. Cyrus Ayer, who
bas had a lease of lir. Alex. Sproat's
farm on the Kippen road, has leased•
the farm of Mr. Wm. McCloy, on the
10th concession, and has removed to
Mr. Wm. Parsons, of Centralia, has people that they so richly deserve. On Messrs. Elijah Higgins and Arthur
purchased the produce business from Saturday night somelocal interestwas Glanville, who have been on an Evan
Mr. W. H. Levett, and intends mov- attached to the Iast act, Bert Piper, gelistic tour have returned home.
ing to town shortly. Mr. Parsons is better known as "Frezo" gave a very Miss Winnie Taylor. who has been
a thorough business man, having had clever step -dance which was most visiting her mother,Mrs. Thos. Bissett,
a large commercial experience, and is heartily encored. The Company left returned to London Wednesday.
a hustler in bis line. We wish Mr. on Monday for Petrolea where they Rev. H. E. Bray, of London, former
Parsons every success, and trust will fill a week's bill. pastor of Trivitt Memorial church, here,
he will find Exeter all he expected. Exeter school Board Minutes. • spent Tuesday with friends in town.
Mr. Levettpation has not as yet decided what The items of public interest in the The Misses Lille and Ida. Johns visit -
occupation he will follow, but at is to session of the Public School Board,held ed at Mr. and Mrs. Shirrey, near. Hen-
be hoped he will not leave town. on Monday eveninglast were: The re- gall for a few days during the week.
Mr. Samuel Grigg, ex -hotel -keeper, ception of Mr. W. Trevethick as a Mr. R. S. Lang and family left Wed -
of London, occupied the pulpit n the member in place of Mr. D. Spicer, re-- nesday morning for Toronto, where.
Tames-st. Methodist church on Sun- signed; the passing of the following theyintend making their future home.
day last, both morning and evening, accounts under reserve: J. Moore, re-
and delivered two interesting . dis- i pairs to primp, $1.50; Advocate Print-- Messrs. Israel Smith and Wm.
courses to large congregations. He mg Co, ballots and reports, $5.50. Kuntz attended: the funeral of their
also delivered a lecturer in 'behalf of Teachers cheques for the current mother-in-law, Mrs. Eilber on Sunday.
the R.T. of T. in the Opera House on month to be made available on Wed- Lorne Cann has commenced as an
Monday evening, his subject being nesday, Per J. Senior and R. N. apprentice to learn the trade of mould-.
"The Reminisences of an ex -Hotel- Rowe, that the Repairs Committee ing with Mr. Alex. Tait, Exeter Fown
keeper." The lecture was greeted supply a fresh set .of coat hooks for dry.
with a large crowd, and his discourse the boys' room. Per H. Hueston and Thos. Sanders, who has been en -
Wee listened to with marked attention, i W. J. Carling, the approval of the gaged in Woodstock as cobinet-maker,
The hotel keepers of Stratford have action of the Supply Committee in re- returned home Tuesday to spend a few
advanced the prices far,all wet goods. I gird to the present vacancy. Per W. days.
Following is the new tariff: Rye, malt J. Carling and R. E. Rowe, the ap- Mr. Ed. Bissett and familleft Mon -
whiskey and Tom gin, 5c. per .drink; pointment of Dr. Amos as representa- N.
10c.; case whiskies tive of the Board tothe Public Lib-` day evening for Enderlin, in, their -futur
do., with soft goods, vui where they intend making future
10c. per drink, 3 for 25c.; mixed drink, vary Board. Per W. 3. Carling and home.
150., 2 for 2tic.; Holland gin, brandy, R. N. Rowe, that the Council be asked S ue1 Hall,of. Chicago, spent
rum, Scotch, Irish' and London dry, to re -appoint Mrs. Follick as tr„uancy' Mr, ame R
3 for 25c.; .im opted officer, the Board' believing it. best' to a few days last week with his father,
100. per drink, 5c.' ci ars. have one°is at all times immed-Mr. Samuel Halls, at :Elia ville.
wines, 10c. per drink, 3 for, g who 1
beer, ales, native wines, soft drinks, lately available, and who is "by his Mrs. John Harness, who has been.
5c. straight, positively no six drinks position intimate with the Circum confined to her bed for some ti.►sic with
for 25c.; bottled ales, pints, 10c„ quarts stances of each case. congestion of the lungs, is rapidly
WO, .. T. GR,IGG, Sec'y. recovering;.
Clinton: A couple of small Accidents
happened recently; on Saturday Herb
Alexander had :a hand cut bv ar'ip saw
and on Monday R. Shenpausl also had
cut his baud by corning in contact with
a. grooving saw.
Mt. Carmel: Mrs, Andrew Collins,
of this place, died on .S atnreiay. She
was a pioneer resident of McGillivray
and highly respected. The funeral
took place here on Monday last and
was ,11
z t rnerousl} attended
llitebell: Word was rc a rived Tues-
day, March 28, of the death at Manaa-
towaning; of the death of Mrs, David.
Watson who formerly resided here.
She was the daughter of firs. Vickers,
who went to wait on her a few weeks
ago. Her remains were brought here
for bullet.
Nest McGillivray: It is with regret
we record the death. of Edith, second
daughter of Joseph Pun\frey, which
took place on Friday, March 17, after
a six months illness at the early age of
10 years, 8 months and 23 days. A
large number of friends and acquaint-
ances attended the funeral on Monday,
showing their sympathy for the be-
reaved family.
Exeter Turf Club
MAY 24th, 1899.
2:20 Trot or Pace
2:30 Trot or Pace
3:00 Trot or Pace -
Running, Open
wzG CASH Sirko,
saRGAi I _
Twelve hundred yards of Cottonade remnants, direct from
the mill. This is the best value we have ever placed on our
counters. Come quick and share in the plunder. Every end
is a sure bargain, Ends are from Itt to 15 yards long,
,The Minto" is the latest nut, \Vt' have it and it's a beauty,
very stylish and most beeoniing,
en's and Boys' Ready-made Suits. Big Stock --Rare Values. Do
you know there's nailing like Cash and One Price on clothing.
k, :a
nd try it.
A. E
Stores close (k81) p.m., except Wednesday and Saturday,
English, American and ('anadiau
4444444,4=4,44 .
I1o,4nauuls of rolls to pick from. Last season, we ran short in
our stock. but glair year was have placed on our shelves three
times the stock we have ewer tarried. Our pricees range from tic. a
roll to 20e, Our variety of dark and light patterns are exitellent,
and the colorings are the best produced.
35 new purest of Wool, I'utoit, Tapestry and
Floor Oils and Linoleums in all whits and feat
Window Shades in latest colors and patterns.
i T - The Big Clothier.
The a' Hang -dog Ex cession"
looks of a ready-made "han d -me -
down" suit of clothes is enough
• to disgust the Prince of Slovens.
A tailor-made suit cut, made
and fitted to the contour of your
form is certain to look right.
AND W.r;AR--
Parts of machiuery which ac-
curately fit withstand severe ser -
$225 vice, and parts that do not fit
$200 wear out quickest. Salve with
$175 clothes. Choose your cloth and
$125 we do the rest.
Pres. Sec'y.
',Waving purchased the Exeter mill,
4 j we are now prepared to do
general gristing and chopping
Flour at Reduced Prices.
Grain delivered at first elevator paid
for at Mill office.
delivered to all parts of town free of
Prices small as stitches.
Bert. Knight.
Call at
The Family Butcher Shop.
One door North of S,. Pioltard's store.
We have one of the best equipped re-
pair shops in Ontario and make a
specialty of repairing
Yes, Webster's dictionary con-
tains a store of knowledge, but
you may search it from start to
finish, and it won't tell you.
where you can buy cheap and
-the best furniture......
LAWN' MOWERS. •W e have everything you need.
from a hast peg to the largest
in fact, anything acrid everything. We piece of furniture, and hest of it
is that prices are away down.are prepared to remodel Bicycles, and
do a1 kinds ind f s o repairing
g on short UuiII(?atialsllab iL Sg ►ecatl.lfg•
Seed Wheat, Oats, Peas and Barley yy
for sale at First Elevator.
• NEW 4
The undersigned has op-
ened up a . new Meat Market.
the choic-
t of meats constantly y on
John T. Manning
One door north of J. A. Stewart's. The M o I s ;,. ns Bank.
Vii. RoWE.
t,v Parliament, *865.,
Paicl up Capital $2,000,000.
Rest Fund 1;500,000
COMMERCIAL LIVERY. ysad offioe14ontreal,
First-class t t -class Iii s and Horses
Orders left at Hawkshaw's
Hotel; or at the Livery
Stable, Chri.stie's old Staled
wi.11 receive prompt at-
tention.- .
Terms Reasonable
at Connectroy
Mot,ec advatviced to good Fanners on
their o,cu notes,wirh oe;e or more endorser$
at7 per cent. Der am. urn.
Open every lawful are from 14) a.m. to :3
p.;n; Sat nrda5's 10 a m 15, 1 p.tn„
A general banking business transacted.
CURR N t• RACES allowed for snottey on
Deuocit. Ti eceipts. Savings Bank at S/.
Solicitors. meta es