HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-3-30, Page 5adallr•ee THE exeter vorote, Is published every Thursday *Corning, at OW Mee. atfAIN-STREHT, gzErEir. 8v the--.-* ADVOOATE, PUBLISHING 0011.18ANY Tgaaaa SUBSOROTION One Pollariptexr.5turztisfo 7tailla.in Advance Alt-clearovaLe.tzese Xtroto csza .Erspazieoek, Ne peeper distmotieued until allarre re ge ere paid- Ativertiseroents without *yenta° direotioes will be published, till forbid and shaeged,aceortlingly. Liberal discountmade foe transcient advertisemeuts ineerted for 1022C Periode. 42tOry deseriptloo �t JOB LR1\ PING tneed Ont le the duesr stele, c.nd at moderate rates. Cheques, money ord- ers, &e. for edvertisiog.sebseriptionseitteto be made Pawl, ble Ohas.11. Smatters, sDI roe even PROP Professeonal Startles •77•7•^7•••••7777—,7•774777,17., ti. KINSMAN. b. la. S. et RINSMAN. L D. S., D. le S.. Roper graduate of Toroeto Univereity. DENTISTS. Teeth extraetee without aey pale, or aer bad effecte. Oftlee io Panson'tx Bleckmeat ado Main Street..Exeter. 1-1 R. D. AMON A Meg RSON, it,p,seeeDs. • bonotre thaduate of the Torouto iiteod Royal College of Dentel Surgeone ot Ontario. Tooth eefreeted withoet pelt.. • taotles of Dentiatry up to date, [Alice over Elliot ,4 Mora Jew office--oneesite Central Rotel-Exeter, lledieal revs.J ROLLINS& T A.4MO• S itesidenees.serrie fte formerle F PIEE;34SPaekm en, building. Mein qt Dr. Rolling of: sq &erne ee foemerly -north actor. Dr. Mame offiee.seMe building POPth doer. May tat, Ift3, Z. A a/Aline, M. I. T. A. Atoms id D fla.T. P. Sic KR.KU718. OF the College of Plx veiciaus and Sergeant. °uteri° Phyeician, s'urgeon heti tiecoeoh- eur. Office. Ottehwood.. out Itegal RuotLINS, RA RRISTER,s0LIOTT e eonvevancer. Notary Public 0;111a -over osNciPs Dank. Exeter ()merit, Money to Lean ralleiCSON &CARGINii, BARRISTERS Aelieitor Vateri ^t;. erveyexteer*, Vometieeioners. slolieltorefoe the untmes Dania etc. Money to loeit atr, ape ree ear eocit, Vric40, P700,7,111,d Man" onk. MiSt. ExeterI,. meotier et th.. firm will lip at Ifrits.48 rn u.iav of ;tell week l I. R. emel.cia. B. A. L. 11 DICKSON' ;41 .1.4°.1( IT $,4 fi -LEMAN. DARENTEPS. i4 Ete Donvevemeere. and Money to 8 V. Ematoe. P. W. II GanlIAN. SINIMOINOWIF aavetIoneees La W1 Wi mate lava,. Licensed A net AL.ioneer tor the Counties of Perth au. Rosex. oleo for the tow nabi p oll'exhorni Se1-44 nrom idle ;Men le.1 to awl terms reit aoesteloetelelarrertged at Post taco, Win o holacte. Insu*'flUCt. ELLIOT. .to ,.urance. Agent. Hain At. eriaLIC Exote Cook' s Cotton Iloot Compound Is successful Iy used monthly by over 10,000Lad les. Safe, effeetu al. Ladles ask your druggist for Cocks cotton Root Cone enand, Take no other. us all Mixtures, pilla and Ina tations aro dangerous, Priee. Zee, 1, ei per box, No. 2,10 degrees stronger, es per box. No. 1 or 2. mailed on receipt of price and twOH•eent stamps Tito Cook Company Windsor, Ont. ...r-Nos.1 and S boid awl reeomniondedby all responsible Druggists in Canada, '.) 1awl No. sold iu Exeter by C. but s, Ern eg SETTLERS' ON E. WAY EXIURSIONS To Manitoba- and Catuelian Northwest will lettere Toronto every TUESDAY during licantla and April. 1' a ttgars travelling WITT-MDT LIVE ST IC should. take train tee vi ng Toro u to at 3 15 p m. Passengers travelli. g WtTH LTV STOOK shouli take the train letieine Ter onto at em p. m Col miet Sleepers will be attached to Caeli trai For run particulars ami °nee of "settlers' . Gide epply to any tea tuotian Pacific agen t or to 0 E. NE0PSSRSON, Assistant:Gomel.) passenger Avant, 1 Xing tit. Raiz, Toronto, Brockville's large skating -rink col- lapsed Thursday, Mr. Thos. Tompkins had an action pending against the (min- pany for damages for the erection of the building, and Chief Justice Mere - ii who heard the case, has not yet given judgment. On Saturday the ,Buffalo Express No. 8, struck a single rig, containing, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Cohoe, of Courtland at a public crossing a few hundred yards east of Courtland station. Mr. Clohoe was instantly killed and Mrs. Cohoe died a few minutes after. Mrs. Augusta Schmidt, who is serv- ing a ten years' sentence in the Indiana woman's prison, has been paroled by Governor 11rount and declines to accept her freedom. She is in the prison for the alleged murder of Oscar Walton, a Cass County farmer, in 1894, and says she will not leave the in stitution until the .Judge and jury which tried her ac- knowledge to Governor Mount that she was innocent and that they were in error when they passed judgement upon her. Brave men Pall. Victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles as well a,s women, and all feel the results in loss of appetite, poisons in the blood, backache, nervousness, headache and tired, listless, run-down feeling. But there's no need to feel like, that. Listen T. W. Gardner, Ida - vide Ind. Fle says. "Electric Bit- ters are just the thing for a man when he is all run-down, and don't care whether he lives or dies. It did more to give me new strength and good appetite than anything I could take. can now eat anything and. have a new lease on life." Only 50 cents at ;it any Drug Store. Every bottle e uarantebd. 0 -N,T, frolv kl)D aoLos azal)...Pirt,t+trthe,),.7tinti,:minT Horrors of Dysperosia it enliven. the stay of the deIegatee, at The Hague - •Sour Stomach, Heart Palpita- two, Nervous, Sleepless Now Able to Do All the Housework —What Cured Her. The excellent qualities of l:lood's Sarsaparilla as a stomtvell Unite Mid appetizer enable it to relieve and cure dyspepsia even when cure seems bope- lese, Read Mrs. Willett's letters: «O. X. Hood 4o Co., Lowell, Man.: 44 Gentlemeut—I have been sick for about six yeas With dye - Letter p9sia, -with all its horrible nightmares, melt as sour No. 1 stomach, flatulency, palpi- tation of the heart, lusorne Ma, etc., and all that time I have tried almost every known remedy and the best doctors in the state, but nothing did me any good. I was very Weak and Nervous. About five months ago I commenced taking Hood's Sarsaparilla and after using live bottles I ant able to do all my housework and feel better than 1 WINS 14 several yors. Also, my husband, had pneumonia last win- ter and his blood gat very bed; he had rheumatism and could seemly Walla Be commenced to take Hood's Sarsaparilla and in a. abort time he was better in every way, his rheum- tiam bas left him and is 34 better health than for a long time." Mas, W, J. WuTzTT, 0, stot Praising Hood's'. «0.1. Hood 8; Co., Lowell, "awl.. "DoaSirsz—I am still praising Hood's Sarsaparilla for the Letter great benelit both 'myself and husband. derived from NO. 2 its use and I do not hesitate to say it is the best medicine we have ever used in our faintly." Mns, W. J. Wu -am"; Z/t. Holly, N. C. The• American Loss on Monday I WHAT FRANCO .V744.*Ver,s's Remarkably Small. toAt in the Africau »eat. $ite Rope* Ifet to make et Up., HOW THE ENEMY CHANGES BASE Gen. VtoAor rthSpent 741°4,14At .4y at ay- eauyan and Is Now Pusleiomou Towards Brulolos The Itialabou itout Was Itoet ricturestAtle One-Taetica of the lf iiipfoos --Cable News. ManilreMareh5S.—General. McArthur's "division spent yesterday morning at May- eauyan, the next stetion 'beyond Polo. After reconnoitering his front, he pushed 'along the milroaa in the afternoon to- wards Malolos. If the statement of $5 prisonercap- tured yesterday is true, the main body of the enemy bas retreated to Malolos. 13nt there are no More trenches to encounter, , although over 30 Villages, including the liwger settlements of Belleau and Gtogn- , into intervene. At every nvilrotid station circulate; have been posted, signed by the Filipino com- mander-in-chief, Antonio Luna. ordering soles and beter*Ore a MAYS to the enemy to be shot without trial, and instructing' that all looters and ra'rlsber be n-ated in the mine mannerFur . therll , atowns abandoned by the Filipino troupe my. lirst to be burned. 'While deploring the existence a war, the circular lemitts the undeniable right of tho defend their homes, lives tool lands against "would-be doininaters who will kill tholo, their WiVe31111141 children," add, ing that this motive ought to impel all Filipino3 to saerillee everTthing. Sarsaparilla is the (be True nittn,4 reriller. Sold by aU druggists. $1; six for eS. 11100(115 Pills 2112 ildieviel. 111'4 Death by P,•istm. Amberstborg, March 2 - Tlit* inquest held this afternoon on the death of Lizzie WOO) be Coroner Holney re. stilted in H. rellikt that shit 41000 her death by poleon, taken, by herself or given to her by parties unkeown. The ;stomach was reemtnnembel to lit. forwarded to Toro o n. nalyei Mitts Weleh died suddenly Satinet:4y night, I. . Sentenced to Ileagr. wintapeg, man.. Alarelt 22.---Wasy1 (luszezak and !..iittent. t'zuby, Or* two Oulleians found. guilty of the murder o -t' N\...y1 Jj i'i-,.i . ' if I .. children, at Slit apthurn, in October 181)% Were senteneed by ,I talge latila ti 1 lliia morning Se Le hanged May 2 . nie Judge summed up strongly in favor of Oztaby. The sentence will in gone tame again at Ottawa: Intl, ill Judge held out. i to hope of the sentence being mitigated. , -.4„,.., 1 For Liihnts and Children. 'Zee ace :Melo denture it: on toiSelef,;.;;;74(dt ,#-"f wpm. eves' With Bare Feet. • Brockville, Mareh 27.—Early Satur- day morning a man named Thomae Ranger, residing on tht . ontsk.rts of the town, rose and renewed the fire it, the coal stove, then went to bed ag He dozed asleep, and on awakening, discovered the lower portion of the house in flames. He was almostsuffo- cated by the smoke and gas but man- aged to arouse his wife and two child- ren all of whom barely escaped with them lives. They saved nothing exeent their night Clothes tilld somebe d-cl o t! ing, which they thew around them while they made their way in their bate feet through the $110W to the house of a neighbor. .?"""*"..""4"4".""*"."."4.06 Advice to I I ICHSUiriptIVOSI There are three great reme- dies that every p..rson with weak lungs, or with consump- tion itself, should understand. These remedies will cure about every case in its first stages ; and many of those • ^ TRENCH STORMING Wa� the Hot Work W141e14 the rolted States 'Troops nod to Do ma Sweety. Manila, lifer:it The Amerleans ave advanced along the lino of the Begotten Itailrotal, driving, the Filipinos from Manna and Cycoyan, where there were 3,000 inhabitants. Last eight the 'brigades of General Otis and Genend Bale encannwil in the enemy's trenehes at Alayeauyan and that at General Whea- ton at Maiinto. General Wheaten's brigade formed a function with the remaluder of tiencral lAleArtitur's division at 31a1inta, an41 the hi ter, leaving General Wheaton there, lieu -elm' along the railroad to Wayeanyon. This plate S4.1(4 fortified mot foram 3-0441,-; rrom It there were trepeht on vett side of the trail:. These were taken possession or by the American triunes. The move- ments of tho Americans will be pushed In this dirmtion, rhunlay's work of the Ifnitod States troops consisted of storming the succes• sive trenches. The Filipinos or/liming them were completely hidden. The enemy poured a strong fire front eirlery vomit until they were disturbed by a hankie," volley, when they would. disappear ha . the woods and jungle, only to make a ' stand at the next line. Thu American loss was remarkably . small, seven being reported killed mei wounded. it is known that the Filipinos were so protected that they suffered little. No dead insurgents were found la the trenches. 'tom,- prisoners were taken by the Americans and it is estimated that the rebel casualties numbered th). The Insurgents broke their guns when compellea to abandon tame. . The Helmut ana the arroy gunboats slueled alubtbon and the comavy beyond, while the Moutuinoel: Moused all its bat- teries upon Peranaque for two bouts, for the purpose of destroying the attilitary Stores there. A. great smoke was caused, but as the insurgents aro in possession OL the town the results of the shelling are not obtainable. The evaonatioin of Malabon was a pic- turesque rout, thousands of women, men and children, loaded. down with house- hold goods, some with their dearest treasure:4— Beating rocks —under their arms, poured across the swamps In the early morning. An exploded caisson at the railroad bridge proved a bar to the Americans. Ten soldiers of the Oregon Regiment, while searching for two of those killed early in the fighting, sneaked into the eity in the morning and found the place in a conditon of chaos. The inhabitants seeing them, iled in a panic, thinking ' the ,Anterican forces 'were in possssion. The Oregonians shot several armed natives and then returned to camp. The American forces did not occupy Melabon, but are concentrating their strength to strike Malolos. idalobon is a city of desolation. The .American soldiers have been forbidden to enter the place for fear the natives may bo lurking there. I- Paris, March 28.—E•vitient1y it IS the present intention of England and France to remove all causes of eenfilet hetwerli the two nations, bvit it is considered here that in the recent Afrietin negotiations England got the better bargain. 7,110W the Newfoundland Shore affair is natter way. and Prance, feeling tbat elm bee a stronger position, expects Nngland to. make large coneessiona. Sir Charles Bilkeat proponvl that France l'e110011Ce the treaty liabts tie to alewfonadland in exchange for certain shadowy Frigiieli claims ha Madagascar will never be seriously e01 deed here. EVell suppoeing the French Cabinet is ready to adopt stedi a proposition—of Whicb there is not the slightest likelihood —the country would, abiolutely refuee tra approve. h‘rarate4 expeets in compensation for ber .Newfoutulland rigbts some English poseession in West Africa that cuts into French territory. The little Brttleh colony of Goinlna, for instance, v.vith its 2,700 Square miles of area, juts Into the French colony of Senegal, monopolizing the most of the navigable leogth of the GL011, hi44, River. This time England may make up her mind that Franctv expects the saerlilee to be evade in Downittg Street. Straight Push Bank. Washington, March 28.—Major Simp- Ben, chief of the Military Information Bureau, was again busy yesterday assem- bling the kttest information from the scene of the bartle,a,nd so arranging it on the militarer map of to show the progrees of the engagement. It disclosed a COM- plete change in the movement since Sat- urday. In two days the insurgent base, waich was at Malabon, about five miles nomb of Manila, has fallen back to Maio - los, about 20 miles north of Manila. At the same time the Amerioan lines have MOW(' forward from Caloocan, about four miles from Manila, until General Otis reported yesterday that McArthur h -this Marilee, 12 miles north of Manila,. Thus. the insurgent retreat covers about more advanced. It is only 10 nnles, and the American advance eon - the most advanced that are ers about eight miles. hopeless. Even these are Mr. Davin Was Stoned. wonderfully relieved and life 2 ta London, March 28.—The Cork ."tre itself greatly prolonged. shrmelent of The Dail., News s; What are these remedies ? • aktobaot Devitt. Nationalist inerab:rYosf Fresh air, proper food and Parliament for South Mayo'was stod and several of his supporters were handfee SCOWS EMU- SiON Mame at a political I' nee ang in Charley vi le, County Cork, on Saturda h y Ttbe I rival supporters of candiclates r e of Cod -Liver Oil with Hypo- cwointrycouncillorship joined in the light thee:Akita. Be afraid of clubs stones. Mr. Devitt spoke draughts but not of fresh air amidaper eel, hail of stones, and the Eat nutritious food and drink. I Ineetirn. g was finally broaenup. " plenty of milk. Do no' forget I that Scott s Eine sion is t • The Hague, March. 28.—The peace con- • oldest, the most thoroughly• fol.ence, which moot here May 1, The PH4lee Conference. tested and lzhe highest en-, syn.1. itoia its sessiens in the First Legis- dorsed. of all remedies. for 1 Saieve. chamber. M. de Beaufort, presi- I wcak throats weak lungs and dent of the Dutch Provisional Govern- ' • anent, will open the cougreSS with an 1 consumption in all its stages. I ataircs,s of welcome to the delegates. M. co; al1 clruggl-t, •••••••••••••••••••••900•tott•”i SnOT151 ii"Olv.,sge Chemins, Toronto.; do SilLtal, tile Russian representative. will a.PFAirts AVOItSr. T441.14" t114S4.. Avner* 1t Seems, Vereet* All About ;he Reform* Tie Promi*efl. 1.4110011, March despatch to The Thnee front Jobonneshtwg eays. that 41 petition to Queen Victoria,tined by the 410,000 British eubJetts bi the Transvaal, has Wen handed to .tbo Briviett ;tact% tit. Pretoria. The petition reviews the dis- content among the Ultianders. and :WA that since President Hreger promised refornts affairs aro worse than over. It coneluiles bysaying that ehe. position Of the Liitianders is intolerable, and beg iiel' ithkie:4F to extend ber protection 10 her subjeets Itv the Transvaal. TRU 11,11‘ 41:14.0 Ny.ria)t. Town in Which t:very COO. eeeted for $4 a Tear, Stoekiteint. 'Marelt 2e. --The most emu - telephone systein in the world has just Leen ineuguramed in this city, This system is not in the bands of a 41quileata, ax' trust lint under the Immediate control, of the tioverament. 'ahem hartily a resident, in Storltholin 441111 the neighbor - Ina towns nut countated with central ellices. The telephone tax is levied in the cities, and amounts to °illy i a year. In the large hotels there is a 'phone in CIVe17 7011.11, 4111211421:11141 With is Sl111.01,21tral !It 'tile hotel 011ie41. pawn; and London, 'Aforeli .13.—TIon. A. Bab four's &Aeration in his speech before tho Nationalist tlyelists' Union, of whiclt he is president, that "there has been no more civilizing invention within the memory of the present generation than that of the bleyele," Is reeeived with ap- probatian on all skive. The majority of the papers have devoted leading artieles te the subject examine- out tat; revolu- tion efeated among the poorer elasses of seelety by the bieyele and the part is plays in ministering to the health, recre- ation and couvenience of the multitude. TIto Coupliims 14111 London, Ware; 138.—In the House of COM1110118 yestertluy the president of the Beard. of Trude, Mr. 0, T. Rileble, emit' Her 1121jeity'S e0Ve1'11711011t did not intone to proceed during the present ses.sion or Parliament with the automatic couplings bill, which provides tor thc compulsory use of automatic couplings on all /3ritish railroads, after it widtht of live years from the passige of the measure. EXETER tiltIRKEIL.. (Ohanged Oyer), Wecia.e'slaY•• bear per bushel ..go to .,`I.our per owt .1,8;" ro 21401 41 to ,lb I et- if' to :4' 'eas ea to ir.) 'Torn ..... . . 45 to 46 intter 14 to 14 "..ggs 14 Potatoes per bag.. ..- 55 to GO ay per toe &Seto OP 'ivied ApPloa Pet ito Ducks Geese Ohieken orhey Gold in East Africa. Berlin, March 28.—A .commisaon of experts sent out in September of lan by Gen. Liebort, Governor Of German East Africa, has just returned to Dar-es- Salaam. The experts. repert that less than four miles from Lake Victoria Nyanza they have found a number of gold ilvdds, the ore hi which assays $1:20 to the ton. DID liui ItILL HIS V.A.THER Francis 22742Coll of at. Origitle, Que., on Trial at st. St. Johns, Quo., March 28.—The trial of Frano >is McCall of St. Brigitle, for the murder of his father on Nov. :29, opened here yesterday before Hon. Judge Ober- land. .A number of witnesses were examined for 51 e prosecution, elieiting the same evidence as given at the Inquest. Chief DeteCtive McCaskill and Assist- ant 01•OW are expected to be examined to -day. The circuinstances of the crime will be easily remembered. The family of the prisoner are poor and all its members in- tensely ignorant. Qaarrels were frequent between fathet and son. On the night of the °Alma, it seems, the former, after a quarrel, insisted on going to bod with his boots. The son, who was drunk, insisted it that the boots be removed. A fight en- • sued, and, according to the prosecution, the prisoner kicked his father, inflicting injuries from which the latter died. es Y011t Bad ACIIC? 1In constant pain when on your feet ? Is that dragging, pulling sensation with You from morn till night? Why not put the medicine exactly on the &ease ? Why not apply the cure right to the spot itself? You c41 do it with DrIllers cherrg Paton! Piaster Immediately after the Plaster is applied, you feel its warming, soothing in- fluence. Its healingremedies quickly penetrate down deep into the inflamed tissues. Pain is quieted, soreness is re - !loved and strength imparted. No plaster was ever matte liken. No plaster ever acted so ettkkly and thoroughly. No piaster ever bad such complete control over all kinds of pain. Placed over the chest it is a powerful aid to Ayer' Cherry Pectoral; relleviag congestion and drawing out all inflammation. YOU SAVO 214 ALT. 2270200124141. .7, 0, Ay= CO, lart011. Maas. 7 A Galale, braaeman named George .Be (Mute, of Vvaulsor, whde standing on top of a box car 021 21 Specilli trail . holl1U1 east Sunday morning., was ma : . eidentally killed by striking an ever- . head bridge, baltat mile west of Prince - :ton. lite remains were taken to 'Wind, i sor tm the .express Smulay. Archibald MeCo.y. a Grautl Trtink . seetiountan, lvito res:ded neer the Des- iardins Canal. Netts eeeidentally killed ''ley the out going 0.1).R, express train Saturday night. Tho unfortunate man i was hit in the side by the locomotive, his ribs being erneluel in, and he ex- ! pired in a few inmates afterwards, 1The Russian famine is reported 111 be ' very serious. four hove provinces east , of t he Vele.: le !!ng involved., while : ' wcet of the river it 4•21tell(14; 01111014 to Mt I COIN. Tile 1.*Z81' is reptlit ea to have removed the Minisi or of tbe Interior on apeountof it , mai to have appointed M. de 'Witte. Minister of Finance to the post. • -4,7-ce ,r-..4:7-..1.71177-7;7•,%-1.--; ,- •,:m VP ce I ci 6 4 4 6 84 4 irt ,Is*IIA WR rover 5 but dont think you can patch Clothes to leek like neWt Then again it would vot pay you when you can buy clothing at the prices we aell. BARGAINS.-Nwios- Pants made to order, all wool Suits :..2 heavy tweeth ()vi moats b.09 ebek Worsted suits a ial, $ / 2,4,0 Our $20 blacks beat all athera at 823, Cense and age for yowelf, PATRONIZE US. . • People patronize us because they realize that we allAa) a sell clothing that is striey up.to.clate .. J. ti. GRIEVE Opposite Post Otliee. THE ALMOST A HOLOCAUST, An Awful Scene at the horning; of the Armour Curled Hair Works. Chicago, March 28.—Fire destroyed the Armour Curled Hair az Felt Works, 31st and Benson streets, last night, caused a property loss of naarly $400,000, injured 11 employes (one family), and endanger- ed the lives of 400 others, Who managed to escape through the blinding smoke. Men and women left their posts in frantic rushes to the exits. Many took to win- CIOWS, and descended by the fire escapes, but most of them groped through the moles, to the first floor and out the corner entrance. Late last night it was found that six people who were in tho building when the the brolee out aro missing, and while it is not thought all of them 4t4,0 dead, it is pi.olaable that the majority of them periehed. lilts 1,213 San Francisco, Lainb 28.—The British sealing 5ChOOTiCr Geneva, which for ithe past SiX weelts has hon cruising off the 4.tdifornia coast, Ints put into Fort B,oss for wt.tter. As a resnit of her cruise she bas 1,213 sealskins on board. 11, 7h9 Leading t,,,,peolalists of America 20 YARS ftl ETHOri, '350,000 CURED, WEI:BRE EMISSIONS Nothine ee more demoralizing to Young to. middle-aged men than Tthenrer- onae of these "nightly lose.." Tbey • producoweakness nervonstess, a feeling of disgust aud o, whole train of semptofes. The., upi14, ..acan. for businese, tearriel life eel :eels1 haepine.s. 10 emee.: .Jiliether crea.ed by evil ',Oats in yoes...., ...Natural wea5riess or E44.1.-ual excesses, 0... Bew Method 'Ttszotracnt wiLl positively cure you. NO CURE4.1\P PAY • Reader, ie.. need help. Early ebuse or hater excesses narz home weukenad you. Baposure may have diseased. you. You are an, '.. safe till owed. Dux Ntmrv Method will ""1. Ionian ty. risk. 2.5% 0 0 CURE:1 YIl‘"r1.rrb. e,.feebie an:dhaggan.7i1:ts-0 and ex- eitle7Yoe t:otieoros, ancb despondent, bleteees eral temples, annken eyes. wrinkled face, szooran farm and downcast conntenance naves the blight &you-, exietenee. WE CURE VARrriCr LE No 'ratter how •, ,a". V,‘ ' case May he .yr how lo, ,,, • ". 'Lod it, cur NEW air i _NT will aura it. T: ' ()turn to theie uor ,ence the peeteel 4 eurisb- elt.W '1 , ' J., all ..,:ls",,,1- 'I 0 and 'sr.. . ourary -trod. '0•1•AIA- CLJHES 1--ti1 FrO• We treat a,rIel care ktii.P1111,1S, GLIZET EMD-NIONS, ThIPOTENflY, ,F,ITIIIO1U111,1, V A 1.C.1000E144,_ SEMI- NAL LOSSES, DicS1YDN DR AD ICID;- NE'r diseases. OONSULTATION FREE: BOONS El: 1 B. .flIARGES MODERATB,' lc e:411. write for a olei for BONA TREATMENT. KNLDY4 icERGAti 14a SHELBY STREET, entaco, hI1UbH. STORE raieete will laud il to their to use ENGLISH STOCK FOOD. Tb.N t(5441 ei m ta ins tit* ittjora eta or useleas ingredients -4 and le pet feet lv safe to feed every day. For mileh cows. fattening (*tittle, animals out of (*mid ion, valves. tillet'lh Pig"' and poultry, it ssllI be fomal of pled aervice and will ;amply repay the vitt lay. This food will imptove appe- ite. promote digestion. emit It the Wood, strengthen and int. igorate the Whole tavelent, and will ilea Mee the flow and rilelmess of milk. We bitoRly ask stoek ralz--er, to give it a tend. 0- LUTZ. 1 NIERSIIIINIRIsINPEaaK INEEVEMM=.'626e zets.s5c.x_nt 4 IT PAYS 11 1 1 To read the big et ores' ad- e le 4 vertieements...... I STOP! For whose good are we in THIVIC 1 I the furniture busitussl* For y41 14. t id ours. If we are not. tr us444i1 to you we cannot be use- Ilk ful to ourselves. We have got " to carry the goods you want- at the prices you want or we can- not make a success of our imei- ness. But we. have been doing business right along for years, which proves thnt we are the right kind of people with the right prices. Come and see for - yourself — . 1 1 S. GIBLEN Furniture, Undertahirg. OPERA ROUSE BLOCK. 7(jr-112,r-14,- id. 4.4 w EXLIER FUNERY J. MURRAY.... alsrefteiriar trd deiml€rinFcws Gang Plows, Land Boilers, Root Cutters, Straw Cutters, Saws, Belting, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, and Babbett Metal. FOli SALE. White Eogine and Steam Thresher complete, and Clover Mill, Straw Cutter and Grinder, for $1250, See our Ttuck and Scale combined, weighs 800 lbs. Price $18.00. J. MURII,AY, W're* 4f/er' Wood's Phosphodine, The Great _English RemZdy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only/en- able medicine discovered. Sid packages guaranteed to cure all me of Sextet Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry. Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants.. Mailed or redeint Of price, one package ei,st x. $5. One tolt/Pieme. six tufa cure. 'Pamphlets free to any 'address. The Woad company, Windsor, Ont. ititrWoocVs Phosphoclino is sold in 'Exeter by Lutz, nrav,vist.