Exeter Advocate, 1899-3-23, Page 8of our Students hate rerentta
.0 t.'xken goad situations, and
x sktk n; r
tii f
") Ceitt rail(
elves the°' best" in the ziue of business or
elves education. In fair competition
our graduates art nearly always chosen,
while others Are turned aside. anter now.
Vtrenzars free.
W. J. Extant, Principal
Use Dix Little Liver Pills.
0. Lutz.
Good, Friday, one week from to-
Use English stock food for all kinds
Spring Term. i Ibtroe monsters.
The Central Business College, Strati, Txar
ee more very large
logs were de
fozl, Ont., announces the Spring li,.ex>cat the Sxther anl ini5 alms
roan il that1 stx'ttxox will begot, <xhere 0nl re.
1u sd1
(> were cut
April 4th. Mr. W. J. Elliott, the oax the premises of Mr. Thos. Cameron,
Principal of the college, will be pleas- Usborne, aid measure 4126 feet,
ed to send full inforulation to aur one stitiner,. ul a,ntx,•„s,
desirous .of obtaining a business edu- rue unders'gued exteuds a special.
cation ora course in shorthand and invitation to the ladies of Exeter and
Open. Meeting of R. •r, of T. Ing on Saturday, March ?5th., All the
vicinity to attend her millinery open -
There will be an open meeting latest styles in millinery displayed,
held hi the Opera. House on lalondity
evening, March 27x at S o'clock, under
the auspices of the Royal Templars,
when Mr.. Saul Grigg, of Lyudon, ex -
hotel keeper, Lecte er and Evangelist,
will deliver. an address entitled, "The
Rezuinisence of an ex-lloteikeeper."
There will be a silver collection taken •
Sold by at the door. Everybody come and
hear Mr. Grigg.
histata Plasm -0X
l -
Rec See'y IL T, of T.
Special Prizes,
of stock- Sold by C, •Luta. Six
x. will
be given at the Stela -
Try the ,lw)xa for citinghen& sher i nturalSociety
stationer}. Latest dosigns, .show, 1899, by Messrs. Stone &
adilnezl of
kiall's British Seven Mixtures, man- j iodangtan, Tor,leozztong m, nuseriseiresy at FoothillGan-
ufacturt l and sold by C, Lutz. Out., for the best specimen of potatoes
Use Native Herb Tea in the spring se, anvil from seed urchasedti12sseason
for purifying the blood. Sold by from Thos, (liu'uuy, their agent. The
0. Lutz. following kind,: --Sir Walter Raleigh,
Mr. R. S. Lang, Exeter North, will Great Divine, and C'aranar No. 3.1
bold a stale of bio household effects coil First prize 410, of nursery stock, ..olid
Rev. Ten Eyck, of London, emus t(•t- three varietle of potatcht:s can be
ed the services in the'_ Trivia ;Uemorial shuwU °"(1 1st ztnd 211(1 prizes "I be
awaxYled oax each variety.
church un Sunday. pleaclxing — o etu-
quentsermt?iia, '
W. D. S1NiilaS
The aelio n Of Penton against the ACAthOi etc Raattt•
1<)onhinie^n Bank has been postponed at Tlleie' (lied the faalaikiy resielen e
plxintztl s request until the eruulnal oil cox'ner of Sanders ;cud Carling
charges are finally d►sp(lsed of.
streets, on Friday last, Mary Pomeroy,
James Dalton, nsul ch'rk on the 1., relict of the late William Pruitt, tit
IL and ;„ between ll'inglmmn anal the age of t17 years, -'l. mouths and (1
'London has wenltlaansfeer('c1 o the days. The de4ecsed has been .in fail -
Niagara i'all•asnd London run. ' ing health for some time caused by 1
The Huron t i ifor111:pparonlotlou and heart trouble and her death has been
Review :examinations throughault this : expected for some tbiic, She, together
inspectorate• t :les place to.(lay and to- l with her son and daughter, mOve(1
morrow. iThersdaF anti Friday.) 1 here a few year ago froi St.Marys,
ii(sv. avaddell, t+f ICs 1 em, oeru aleck 6 and although of a reserved disposition
Ip I
:tat 1, Marvin s501 prize *a of nursery stock. Recollect
Elie pulpit iu the 11.ail% street Millet- ,11e w,a4 nlurli FtWectetl, Iie1'r^einains
dist. church, here on Sunday, while Rev. i were nteari•(•(1 in the Exeteh" eentete1 y
Smith occupied thepulpit at• Grimsby. on day, A number of the mexn-
Tkac Great Northern Railway has a be of the St. Marys. True 13100 So -
Mule another out in transcontinental
nates, hut neither the Canadian Pacific
nor the Cirand Trunk have announced
their piogrant.
Ninteen deaths have occurred in
Mariann and vicinity (luring two
months and ten days. As Many as
< cemx'red during last year, says* the
I Leta Observer,
One night recently a Stratford
young ml -tat who is doing his best to
I�xL�e a i wsta(•ht' had the audacity to
kiss the girl of his heart. The young.
lady did not partieulaariv object, but
she felt as little down in the mouth,
Rev. Jewitt, of Elinhville, oecupied
the pulpit in the Januet street Metho-
dist chiliads on Sunday morning last,
while the evening service was conchal -
ed by Jtev, Thompson, of the same
place. Both gent l(tanen prelurhe(1 very
'eteresting and impressive sermons.
Mr. Riebard Terry has purchased the
liabkat►u`4I cit tho oltl Me:1)onell property
at the back of the salt works. and hor-
ciety, of which site was a member,
,attended the funeral, The bereaved
family have the sympathy of many
in their sad affliction.
Don't Read the Papers,
Rev, Harris, of Empress Avenue
Methodist church London, preached
an impressive sermon to young Men
Sunday night, The average young
elan of to -day was, he said, lamentably
Iax and negligent. He 1-05(15 Uttle, not
even the newspaper. If the average
young man was asked vault was be-
ing clone in the legislature he would
not know, and if you :asked him even
what was going on in the city council
he would not answea-, The young man's
favorite morsel in the newspaper was
the account of the professional ball
game and the ." latest sportiugg" The
iverage young woman s rarebit was
that Mrs. Smith is visiting Mrs. Brown,
ete. To read the newspaper, Mr, Har-
ris said, was au educsataon, and would
tend to elevate young nien.
Council Proceedings.
daring the river, from Messrs. Bowden { C'0118011 met pursuant to adjourn-
& M Donell, Tlxcre is about fifty-thr'e'e i meat at, Town Hall, Exeter, Mamas 17,
acres in the pieta, and was sold for $28L All present except Mr. Evans. Min
an acre. This is eonsiderea a cheap Mee of previous meeting read and con -
piece of property. firmed, Taylor --:Unix , that the clerk
Pick -Nle -1 pa is the nameofat ;mall lie instructed to write County Clerk
and neat little lnitblication just zit•aartc(1, acivisimg Mini that this Council desire
andixx Walla(•eburg in the interest (if the no change re. the supplying theassess-
public school of that place. It is edit- nne,nt and o(atleetor s rolls.—Carried,•
ed by Arthur ('laarxcey and has for its' s 'rnstrong--Muir', that the following
manager Ethelbert Butt, son of Rev. alccountsbepa:tssedandordersbedraazvn
'4'4. H. Butt, formerly pastor of Cen-
tralia Methodist church. ford, snow plowing, $1.50; David Re -
Mr. and Mrs. 7, G. Smallacombe cel- more, do., $1.50; the clerk, services re
the anniversary of their silver
tsbraltecl school trustee nominations, $2; Dr. T.
wedding on Thursday. There were Amos, for regenerator, etc., per Board
about twenty couples present spending of Health $29.60Carried. Taylor—
the day with pleasant games, etc. The iliuir, that the couunncil adjourn to met
presents were numerous and costly. again April 7th, at 7.:30 p.m. -Carried.
Lathe evening a, social bop was given, G. H. T�xss xx, Clerk.
Mn and Mrs. George Easterbrook fur- A creat Swindle.
Wishing the musk.The police of Ontario are keeping
A device which will tend to gladden their eye open for a slick American
un -
the hearts of mothers has been put on swindler from Chicago open up, it is ndthe market in. the shape of a self -rock- ling
derstood, is about to is a su li c.
In cradle. By means of some power- he game on the Canadian public.
fill clock -work beneath the cradle, it is The man eis said to be of , a Germain
extraction and a verysmooth talker.
set rocking and will continue doing so His object in cominto Canada is said
for quite a long time. By an ingenuous to he to supply people with wooden
arrangement afan above the place sup- nutmegs, which can be manufactured
posed to be occupied by the baby s at a cost of about a dollar a barrel
head is kept in gentle motion. and sell at a few cents a dozen. The
The Kiowti a Indian Medicine Co., " nutmegs " can be turned out by ma-
under the management of Mr. Fred ehinery by the hundreds. .After being
Ilse, of Dashwood, closed a week's en- cut to the proper size, the "nutmegs"
gagementhere on Saturday nightlast. are soaked in a liquid solution and
The show put up by the company was pressed in steel dies until it is almost
good. The contortionist performed impossible to tell them from the real
many difficult feats. His contortions Jamaica article until they have been
were marvellous until one would think used. They sell at a greatly reduced
his bones were made of elastic. They rate, and the vendors •make a big pro -
went from here to Hensall where they fit.
intend staying a week.
Mr. Sam Grigg, ex-hotelkeeper, : NN
London, will preach in the James a
church next Sabbath morning taiad.
evening in the absence of the pastor,
Rev. Dr. Willoughby, who is spending
a few days in Alvinston, attending to
the duties of his sou, Rev. Gerald'Wil-
loughby, who left there a few weeks
ago for England for the benefit of his
health, and who is expected home in
the course of ten or twelve days.
At.. a meeting of the directors of the
South Huron Agricultural Society,
held in Hensen on Friday, it was de-
cided to hold the annual spring show
for entire stock, on the society's
grounds in Brucefield, on Wednesday,
April 19th. .A. list of very liberal prizes
has been arranged, and as both the
horse and cattle markets are now
much brisker than they have been for
years, and farmers are taking greater
• interest in them, . and as several new
. horses and. bulls have been brought
into the district within the past year,
we anticipate an unusually large and
attractive show at Brucefield this year,
and a proportionately large turn out
of flamers and others interested in
such stock.—Expositor.
Boys Wanted:
Two boys wanted. Apply at the
Exeter ;Woollen Mills.
Land Purchased.
Mr. Robt. Pickard last weekur-
chased from. Mr. Jos. Davis a portion
of the land north of his store, on which
is now situated. Mr. L. Day's butcher.
A Clever iluronite.
The Huron Expositor says:—We no-
tice with pleasure that our clever
young friend, Mr. T. A. Russell, son of
Mr. Thos. Russell, of Riverside Farm,
Usborne, is developing rare qualities
as a public speaker and debater. He
is in his final year at Toronto Univer-
sity, and has frequently, during his
career, won distinction in his classes
as well as on the platform. In his re-
cent debate which took place between
students from the University and from
Knox College, "The Varsity" makes
the following complimentary refer-
ences to Mr. Russell's performances:
"Varsity students do not seem to
doubt the propriety of inaugurating a
championship race to win it themselves
a fact which was Inch in evidence last
Friday night at Association Hall,
where Varsity, championed by W. F.
McKay and T. A. Russell, captured
the laurels of victory for Knox pol-
lege, in the final contest of the Iuter-
Collegiate Debating Union, an associ-
ation organized this Academic year,
at the instigation of our Literary So-
ciety * * Mr. E(akin's
Irish accent and faculty of speech,
as well as his logical arguments
made the Knox students in the gallery
enthusiastic and confident. But they
were not expecting such an effort from
Varsity's stalwart, T, A. Russell, who,
all must confess, made'the best speech
of the evening. He attacked his op-
ponents' arguments, viciously, literal-
ly tore them to pieces, and then show-
ed they had no connection the one
shop. The property is twenty feet with the other., then he came to the
wide and was purchased for $600. support of his confrere, built further
We understand Mr. Pickard intends upon the foundation reared for him by
erecting a building thereon,' but con- his leader, and Won the debate. His
six -tenable s p ecnlation is rale as for what retorts were excellent his 'logic gi
p c deep,
purpose the building will be used. I and his grasp of the subject thorough",
Miss :, Homs,
Noose (;f; htCYUitet Notes.
John Durran, of Drysdale, was ad-
mitted as an inmate on Friday last.
Wni, Well, of Usborne, w:aa admitted
on Tuesday. John, Oholwell, au in-
mate from Goderieh for some time,
took his departure from the house, but
it was early on Monday morning; re -
poi ts have come that he has left
several other refuges in the sane un-
ceremonious manner does not agree
with flim.
The Presbytery of Rama.
The Presbytery of Enron met in
Willis church, Clinton, on Tuesday,
the 14th inst. Applications from ai,
receiving congregations were revised.
These were all for the same grants as
last year, except that from the change
of Grand: Rend and Corbett, which
was for $:i0 less. Tike applications
were all recommended. Very interest-
ing and encouraging reports from the
counuitteesouYuungPeop le's societies
and ehnx`ch life and work were pre
seined and adopted. Mr. Muir' s resig-
nation of the pastoral charge of Bruce-
field, tenelere(l at the last meeting of
Presby tern, was accepted with. Mauch
i(•giel. delegates fpni the emigre
gaunt ex ..zresssed their entire satisfac-
tion with his work during his pastor-
ate, but said that insomuch afro domestic
circumstances required his return to.
Scotland, theywould otter Du objection.
,tlr. Sltaw, of Egmondville, was ap-
pointed Moderator of Session during
the vaeancy, Dr, :McDonald, of Sea,
forth, tendered his resignation of his
pastoral change there, and applied for
leave to retire fromthe? c (bales
_ ha. five tl
`of the ministry after aperiod of over
10 years' service, about half of whieh
was spent on ids present dame, Ar-
rangenients were made to cite the
congregation, and to deal with the
resignation and the ap ilieation at an
•• .
tll.iie(1 meeting iito � (Ek
J m t ►t; e held in ,a
forth, on the 28th inst.
Tho Carlyle Company.
This eceellent company opened a
week's eagn'getneut in the Opera house
here ou ;Monday night with the great
Soeiety Comedy entitled "The Black,
smith's Daughter," and without : exag.
gelation is the best tbathasstruck the
town in moony years, being far above
the average. On Tuesday night they
put on " average.
a Woman's Heart" and
test night, ll wine f ei a Article
as r ( sis) Lawere
47 0 Cora the Creole.":ill w ex pro -
awed with remarkable effect and
could not help but satisfy the most
critical audience. ,'1iss Sadie Farley
is a ("lever and brilliant young actress
and was splendidly received, realizing
the ideals which had been forms -
ed by those who knew Next only by rep-
utation. The plays are all high -classed,
the strong scenes are elaborated with
skill, and it is in these that Miss Far-
1 y's great emotional powers find the
Tidiest exercise and that her genius
dominates. The subtle suggestion of
latent force was revealed in the less
intensive passages and she stamped
her personality on every act an 1 word.
The Company throughout is an ex-
cellent one s(nd gives Miss Farley very
capable support. The pianist is a cle-
ver musician and her renditions be-
tween acts were listened to with murk -
ed attention. Considering the very
small admission fee this merited com-
pany should be greeted with the most
liberal patronage. It only remainsfor
us to add to miss these performances
is to miss an opportunity that seldom
presents itself to the people of Exeter.
The followingresolution was unani-
mously adopteat the last monthly
meeting of Court Exeter, No. 123, and
was forwarded to the children of the
]ate Mr. .Samuel Westaway, with
cheque for $1000, the amount of the in-
surance policy held by Mr. Westaway
in the order.
"Moved by Bro. L. H. Dickson, sec-
onded by Bro. David Mill, that the
members of Court Exeter No. 123, I.O.
F., have Iearned with heartfelt sorrow
of the sad. death of Brother Samuel
Westaway, a charter member of this
Court. In every relation of life we
lose a valuable and esteemed friend.
As a citizen of our village Bro. Westa-
way always enjoyed the highest es-
teem of his fellow citizens, as a Broth-
er Forester none ranked higher in our
love and regard. Bro. Westaway was
one of the few who survived of the
founders of the Order in our village in
December, 1896, and from that time
until he recently moved to Brantford,
filled the office of Recording Secretary
in our Court with great ability and
fidelity to the duties appertaining to
this onerous office. Little thought we
when recently Bro. Westaway con-
cluded to remove hence to Brantford
and we bade him a fond. and affection-
ate farewell .extending to him the
right hand of fellowship, with wished
for happiness and prosperity in his•
new home, that so soon thereafter we
should be called upon to mourn his
In the limited words•ofthis resolu-
tion it would be impossible to tell how
shocked.and grieved we all feel over
the unexpected and awful catastrophe
which has befallen Bro. Westaway.
To his sorrowing family is extended
the loving sympathy of the members
of this Court, and may God, the Father
of the fatherless, bless and comfort
them in this the hour of their affliction
and bereavement."
Moved by Bro. R. N. Rowe, second-
ed by Bro. David Mill, that a copy of
the above resolution be sent to the
family of Bro. Westaway.
Mr. M. S. I3uges, a traveller of
Smith's Falls, was found dead in his
room at Kingston.
Mr. James Ronald, of Listowel, got
a verdict against his son, Robert, at.
the Stratford assizes.
A farmer residing about 25 miles
from Kingstonhas captured over 100
foxes since the first of the year.
Mr.. John Perrin, of Lorne, was found
dead in the woods where he hadbeen
chopping, with a big gash in his foot.
IV. 11. Ponton was examined before
the Master at Belleville for discovery
in connection with his suit against the
Dominion Ba ti k.
Friday it lid. Sat tu'tilly Bar-
galas in tis.t tel Cet-SW-'re--•
Special -200 i) a`t, mac( d
each—at.;..ye s, "r; ti.a)ors
emit i>l t Nom 0/lice.
1.4gweemeaMk.ike,v4,,u3;.wmske Natil
PER, ° \.pit,.
Dr, 12, K, Hyndmav was in Londo1
Mr. Gordon banns, of Hensall, spent
Sunday in town,
J. B. Dennis spent Thursday last
with friends in London
Fred Bissett and W. A, Westcott
spent Sunday in Luean,
Mr. John E, Tom,LP.$,,of Goderich
was in tOwn on, Friday.
Mr. John Bawdexl, of Liman, spent
Friday with friends in town.
Mthel's. Wxn, P2of leMwers. sJ, oames' af '2uekeltersrsm.itb,
is guest
Mr. Harry Sanders left Wednesday
anornimg to visit friends in Detroit,
R. Dr, Willoughby left on Friday
last for Sarnia to visit this son for a
few cla)s..
Messrs. P. N. Williams and N. 13.
O'obbledick spent Sunday in Zurich
with friends,
9,▪ 9
CASH 8../,fk,oliJ
(—liar Millinery ShQW Rooms are now open and
in 1are beauties.
full swing. The new hats b tie.
The Colorings are new and very catchy. You and
your friends are always welcome to come and
study our new styles. You'll not be asked to buy.
Our show rooms are for the publle,
Walt Paper,..
Ow.' New Spring Wall Papers are all in, and the stock is now complete,
We have quantity; we have quality; we have value. Cash and One Price
o does wonderful things when applied to wall papers. They will pleaseyou,.
n •
Nil's. J. Storey, of St, Marys, attendee
ed the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. Pratt,
here on Sunday.
Mr. Irwin Armstrong, Huron st., is
we are sorry to learn, very Maud con -
tined to her bed.
Mr. B. Ether, of t`lby,: Mich., who is
visiting relatives at Crediton, was in
town en Wednesday,
Messrs, Louis Long mule—has. Treve-
tbiek left Tuesday morning for Port-
age La Prairie, Man,
Mr, Gec1, Easterbrook left :Monday
for Burlington, where he will be en -
bred at the masoning business,
Nelson Sheers, after as pleasant visit
with laic parelats here, returned Satew-
dey to tilt his position in Petroleaa,
Mr, Wesley Saudera, who vas been
engaged, as tailor with Mr, 13. knight,
has accepted a positionwith lir. Pope
at Hensall,
Mass Clara MWFalls, of Lueau, sp('nt
a few ditya in town during the week,
the guest, of her aunt, Mrs, T. W,
Mr. aan(l Mrs: 1)aw, of Colborne
Township, who spent the past week
with friends in town, returned home
00 Saturday.
.lir, and ill's, Chas. Perkins, who has
been visiting their daughter, firs. Al-
bert Johnston, .of St. Aagustiue, re-
turned home Thursday.
,Miss Lizzie Heath), of Kincardine,
who has been visiting friends in Lon-
don and Dutton, spent a few days in
Exeter last week, the guest of \kis:►
Annie Sanders,
Mr. Chitties Knight, station agent,
and Son, Frets„ attended the funeral of
llr, 11'in, Chamber, late locomotive
inspct'taax' on the G.T.E,, at St, Thomas
on Friday last,
Mr. Chris Well, who bus been visit-
ing in anis around Exeter for the past
three months, returned to his home in
Cavalier, North Dakota, on Tuesday,
accompanied by .hiss Annie Geis, of
%urielt, and Mr. Andrew Musser, of
Kirkton: Watson brothers killed a
hog on Tnesday last which tipped the
scales at 700 pounds.
The best medicine Burley can buy
for impure blood, nervousness, and all
stomach mid kidney troubles is J
oad s
St, Marys; While .about his work
at 3. D, Moore's planing mill on Wed-
nesday, Jas. Spearin cut one of his fin-
gers badly.
Cromarty: Mr. William Bell has
sold his blacksmith shop to a gentle-
man from Mitchell, who took pos-
session ]astweek.
East Williams We record the death
of Mrs. Simon Thompson which took
place at the family residence, East
Williams, Thursday morning. Her
illness was a long and painful one ex-
tending over a year.
Wingham: The death of Mrs. John-
ston, wife of 3fi'. James Johnston took
place at her residence, Scott street, on
Monday evening. The sad event was
not unexpected as deceased had been
ailing for months.
Clinton: Chas. Wilson has purchas-
ed the business of the popular butchers
of town, Ford & Murphy, and will
take possession on Monday next. The
late proprietors have not yet decided
what they will turn their attention
j� aving purchased the Exeter mill,
4 + we, are now prepared to do
general gristing and chopping
Flour at Reduced Prices.
Grain delivered at first elevator paid
for at Mill office. •
delivered to all parts of town freeof
Seed Wheat, Oats, Peas and Barley
for sale at First Elevator.
The undersigned has op-
ened up a ' new Meat Market.
where he will keep the ch
e t of meats constantly
John T. Manning.
for oarBest Black is
ted Suit made to yoir own
Measure. Such value no other house can offer you.
Best goods, best trimmings, , perfect fit.
R e ern bier ,..-" "
Your money back is the guaianteee that goes
i ,ala .) 1; l' ia.') n the Big Cash *tore,
Stores close 6:30 p,in., except Wednesday and Sat mina',
Spring Millinery Qpenings
on Saturday,25th, and following days,
Hiss AleKenny will be pleased to show the ladies of Exeter
and vicinity our display of New Styles in Millinery. Our show-
rooms will be full of New York, London anti Paris head -gear; also
introducing novelties into the the trade that will imterest and suit
you, The triintmixga far the season's t1•tLd' are pretty and novel,
and the combinations are catchy to the limey. We desire your
atten(lauce on our opening day.
Agents tor Bias Brush Billda-lli!.
E. J. S A M A N
--'"The Big Clothier.
The "Hang -dog Expression"
looks of aready-made. "hand-nie-
down" suit of clothes is enough
to disgust the Prince of Slovens
A tailor-made suit cut, made
and fitted to the contotn' of your
form is certain to look right.
AND wi AR'—milliv►-
Parts of machinery which ac-
curately fit withstand severe ser-
vice, and parts that do not fit
wear out quickest. Saone with
clothes. Choose your cloth and
we do the rest.
Prices small as stitches.
Bert. Knight.
thebest equipped We have one ofb s q pped re-
pair; shops in Ontario and make a
specialty of repairing
In fact, anything and everything. We
are prepared to remodel Bicycles, and.
do all kinds of repairing on short
One door north of J. A. Stewart's.
First-class Rigs
Rigs and Horses es
Orders left atHawkshawi
Hotel, or . at the Livery
Stable, Christie's old Staid
will receiverom t "at -
PP`s n n i
ermslLea ble o !ti Gnn ect or.
Call at
The Family Butcher Shop.
One door North of R. Picktard's store.
Yes, Webster's dictionary coo -
tains a store of knowledge, but,
you may search. it from' start to
finish, andit won't tell you
where you can buy cheap and
the best furniture
We have everything you meed.
from a hat peg to the largest
• piece of furniture, and best of it
is that prices are away down. .
Undertaldug a Specialty.
The RMolsons Bank.
'Chartered by Parliament, 1855,,
Paid. upCapital • ........$2,000,0
Rest. Fund. ..... 00
toad office Montreal.
Money advanced to good harmers on
their own notes with onor more endorsers
at,? per cent•• per annum.
Open,everyiazvfulday from 10 a.m. to- 3
p, n; Saturdays lOa.m, to 1 p.m.
A gen oral bankingbusiness
� tratistc<l.
CURRENT RATES allowed for money on
Deposit Receipts, Savings Bank at aa.
Inca sea CA87.ING, ' N, $UittloN;
Solicitors. •lllaui,ger