HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-3-23, Page 54 r THE eft bverate, 14 published every Thursday Morning, at the Offioe, ¥AIN -S'T'REET, - EXETER, ---(ly ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY 'TERMS 0.e SUBSCRIPTION One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance *1,gG if not so. paid. 3.3srentieissg :atom oxa ,A:S?tal?.qa•- tions. N'opaLperdisoontitiueduutil allerre rage are paid Advertisements without syeeific directions will be nblihed till forbid and a. o i e t ehax ed oo n l .Lib r 1 'ace. n ale rd a di u m, Jrotgranseient advertrseueonts inserted for LouWog periods. Every desoriptiori et ,TOB PRINTING turned out la the finest style, laud at moderate rates- Cheques, money ord- eaaltk(). €QraAtiR p aswertlsin ,:suh;fari tion ,e_ts _et o be mode Payable to 1� Sanders, Chas. St1n ders, EDI TOR. awn PROP Cards. 1PF efes C , a ra, aaINSMAN, L. D S. 8:118. A. R. lIINSAi3N, L 1). S,D.D.S.,Ream! graduate of Toronto University. D1 NTISTS.. Teeth eettl;eteal without arty yelp,, er any had eft Ot% Office iu Fa:nsan.'a Week. west aide Main ? erect, Exeter, it. D. ALTON ANDERSON,(D.D.S.,T,..i).5.,) honors Graduate orate Toronto Pni- raity arsd Royal College of Dental Surgeons et Ontario. Teeth extracted withoutain. All modes of Dentistry up to date. Came over Flliet & Elliot's law odic(. -opposite Central Hotel -Exeter. af(('dicol pro..TA TRROL LINS & T A, M' WS. Stesideneea, same as formerly OFI?ICFS,.p(aokman, betiding,'LLain'St Dr, Rollins' office: same as formerly -north door. Dr. Amos office. saran building--aortth door. /fay 1st. 1895 J. A, U,ollina, AI. D. T. A. Ames, >IT- D T B.T. P. UG'f'at ITLOW, MEMBER 01+' 1..Z the College of Phvsieiansand Surgeons Ontario. Physaolan, Surgeon and AgooAeh- eur. Office, Gaehwood. Beat Legal. o H. COLLINS, RA1t, t, I9m,SOIdi:IT • OR, Conveyancer, ?votaary Yublie Of oe .Over O'`eii's Bank. F.xetor.Ontario Moneyto roan. RS sI Stoll tans CANotar s; It'+( nreiallteers, Commissioners. Golielror; for the Motions Bank, me. Motley to 01 .ti and sus per a; emit. r'ce Pa»'aon',a Moak. Main Exeter (A. member nt th r firm will bo at Hea'+aa11 on Thurslav oresacb wee]:-) I. U. CAUt.INO. Il. ,# L. H. DicaSex wroT fie ilLA. IMAM. BARRISTERS, 1'1 Etc., Cutluvt,ytteccr,, find )lone)* to Loan. 11 V, "Eta.toT. F. W. lltoanstax Ot OLICCrii j.ii BROW N.Win rb°Isom. Licensed Aust, - 1 L• leine tor r llao Counties of Perth and. . C ZStidAlesee, al so for the township ofLTsborne Sales prom ntly attended to and terms roe. - son b+,lo.c-lulee arranged at Post office, Win• eholaea. unlace. .i'.r ELLIOT, Ins:ureree Aleut. Main St. Exeter Cook's Cotton Root Compoul d. Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladiesesk your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com. sieved. Take no other. as nil Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Price. No. 1, $1 per box, No. 2,10 degrees stronger, $a per box. No. i or 2, maned an receipt of price and two a•eent 'stamps The Cook Company Windsor Ont. I'Nes. sand 2 sold Ana reeommendedby all responsible Druggists in Canada. No, a anti No. 2 sold in Exeter iy G. Lutz, Drna+.giat, SETTLERS' ONE-WAY EXCURSIONS 7 Northwest To Manitoba andCanadian N theses to will leave Toronto every TUESDAY during March and April. T F I V Passengers O r3 travelling WITHOUT L ST 'O tC should take train leaving Toronto ata 1 i p. m. Passengers travelling WITFI LTV). STOCK should take the train leaving Tor- onto at a).0) p, Colonist Sleepers will be attached to each train For full partierdarsandcopyof"Settler Gnide' amiss ao any uatnadianPacific agent, or to 0 E. MoPPIERS,ON, • "' Assistant General passenger Agent, 1 King St. East, Toronto,. T & Is the Best BECAUSE -- It is trade from finest imported. tobacco by men p ) � with long 'experience, in a factory absolutely clean, No. Right to Ugliness. The woman who is lovely in face, form and temper will always have friends, but one who would be attrac- tive must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and all run down, she will be nervous and irritable. If she has constipation or kidney trouble, her im- pure blood will ciuuse.piniples, blotches; skin eruptions aud' a wretched com- plexion. Electric Bitters is the; best medicine in the world to `'regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to purify the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich complexion.: It will slake a good-lool.ing, charming Worn u)( Of r, ruit-down itiv;ilid. Only 50 cents at ,iiiy Dl'.0 ' St()i'e. A Veteran's VoceMET DEM cAL1LY. Gives High Praise to. Hood's for Health Bloodod: Purified -Strength Builtt u R Tobacco Habit Cured. Malty a veteran of the war, whose health was wrecked by wounds, ex- posure and privation, has found in Hood's Sarsaparilla lust the toniio and blood reviving' effects he needed. The following is one out of hundredsof of letters from. G. A. R. boys pads- ing :)Tool's Sarsaparilla; for health re- stored and drstreugth renewed in de - 3 "C. I. Flood eit Co., Lowell, lkiase,: "(Dear Sire: On account of the great benefit Hood's Sarsepaxilla has been to me, I gladly write tide, that others Mml- t c f is f afflicted a 1 f ha nuc etas o r ymay lee= v the medicine in my ease and a positive cure Lor there. I had, been A Physical Wreeek ))Once 1884, 4n4 had also been c. constant smoker for 35 years. My wife puechisied the first bottle of hood's Sa;eaparillaand. I commenced to take it moxa to please her than anything else. One bottle after anther watt takes with lmoreaairrg benefit. The effe(;t was of a etr:;ngilenfng ocltute, touiug up my whole eystetn, After 1 lead been taking the medicine a short time, laid away ray pipe anti have not had .any desire for the use of tobRcco siue;,a. Hood's Seraaparilla has thoroughly purified my blood aud driven all poilion ant of dry system. It halt also done loo Power0 A aweof . Coed physically, and I feel like a new end fret ilaan. Previoaaly, I had tried a goad retain; dittercnt times to stop etuokiug, and tt gain my health, hut I IV9 uaebio to ae mplieh the former, so that my attemi (r the latter wall each tune a failure. ant pleased to recommend Hood's Sareapa • rilla 115 a blood purifier." J. IL MoPanonx Bs-Cotmitander :veva Post, No. 81, G. & Ito Dept, of Kans::.4, Srot. neville, Warm). 19, B. It you deride to take !good's Ser, etaapariUat do not be imbued to buy an, ubstitute; insist upon Ilood'.s 'ar.d only: Hood's Sarsaparilla Tota Otie True latosad i'nricor, *cid by al druggists. 1'rlce Si per bottle six for '45. set rearateatously wt. flood's Ails hotel)',►ear'aaparitla. Ci O ii M 11 I'"ol' Infants and Ohiltxien. "Sao fac- tions tetatuto o f trt«r$0<. Tht' seal/old we ed in tile large sn st dust burner sat the )coil Of W. t' twltrtl,s & Company, at ltat•kton'. 1; ywaor just es the men were entering. and coming Clown upon the five who entered killed four of them.. Ills Lilo 'Wee Sava 1. 5lr. J. E. Lilly. a prominent citizen of Hannibal. lately hada Wonlit'.- ful deliverance front 0 fright','uk t#cat l. in telling of it he says; 1 was taken with Typhoid f'(+v('1•, 001 rat) into 1'ne'uatonnl, 5y len;;, bla•.a)ot'harden ed, I was s a tweak 1 eoul()J't even set. up in bed. Nothing helped me, I ex- pected to s0nn die of ('onstuupf ion, when 111('artl of 1)r. King's New I)is, (oycry. (liettlgave g great relief. T continued to use it, and now an, well and strong. 1 ('ain't ,ay too intim, 111 its p111114e." '1'llis r in,al\`('ilea, 1110114• cine IS tlic.ler(:4t and quickest cure it. Lung theworld 'an• 11 Throat and I�l,r. a tf b Trouble, ilii cents and $1.00, at. an, Drug Store; every bottle guatanteeCi. ' Ash giaxiatad- Sarnia March',?1.---Robert Ironsides, of Forest, a bachelor, aged 45 years went to bed at the Hotel Arlington here last night at 11 o'clock, and woke He was I . 'LC('Uln )alli(4 11 ill eternity..let t to his room by the hotel clerk, Woe warned him about turning off the ga.- The reply was:-" Young man, I Sawa born before you were." These ower the last \vorcls he was heard to utt•( on earth. It is supposed that aft(. turning off the gas 11 oil sides in so way turned it en ag lin, for when the clerk went to cad. milli this 1110141,. he found the room full of gas al) Ironsides deed in bed. Mr. ]ronsid was well i tine 'ted and. big ily respect- ed. A Fleshy Consumptive Did you ever see one P Did you ever hear of one P Most certainly not. Con- sumption is a disease that invariably causes loss of flesh. If you are light in weight, even if your cough is only a slight one, you should certainly take Scott's E,u!ion of cod- liber oil with hypo phosphites. No remedy is such a perfect prevent- ive to consumption. Just the moment your throat begins to weaken and you find you are losing flesh, you should begin to take it. And no other remedy has cured so many cases of consumption. Unless you are far advanced with this disease, Scott's 'Emul- sion will hold every in- ducement to you for a perfect cure. All Druggists, soc. and $x, SCOTT & BOWNE}.Toronto. Mrs. Place Dies at Sing Sing in the Ele(tric Chair, FIRST WOMAN ELECTROCUTED, A Murmured i'raxer Wes. tl4a OuJ.y Evi, donee of Dependence -The womnan, •, e a Who d Stepdaughter \4 Killed Her to tau I and it it S e >n 1. Dnr;hand Bravely acvdth i' eIn- evitable-Proceedin a iu the Death Chamber, Ming Sing, N.Y., March 21. -Mrs, Martha A. Place, who killedher Brep • daughter and husband, .at their hot) a in Brooklyn on Feb, 7, 1t398, wa4 e1eetro- cuted in Sing Sing Prison yesterday morning, the first woman to die in the chair in this State. Mrs, Place wentt to her death impassive, calm and With no more than a murmured prayer. With her when she entered the death house 11413 the warden, on whose arm ,;he leaned heavily; her rninister, Rev, Mr. David Cole of Yonkers, an old friend and aged. pastor; it WOluan pie :. eche, Vitae of the lin'atraira of the prison and two keepers. The woman's eyes wer'eeltlsed, ant# the picked her way ter the emir tritbou low- ering her head, Ati she slat down hat lip moved nein in prayer, and she scald, "God help me!" The two women, who followed her closely', were thele in an fust:int. Dr. Mt Irvin, with art «ts;i:�tant h„l1Jt'd tst elle. oil' the view of the tae i ; st'ate'd around the chamber. 1a wan bat a rnaen)ent' work to bare tho lei; and saltie: the electrode, the prison III4 on dowingher skirts out in front of the chair. The r)ee- end. Oka:bode was cliinr,p,'tl down on the head in an instant. Mrs Fleece r,oYSt-r stirred. )ler aged pastur walked. quietly away. lie could not bear to look itlwr. Quh'?;tor tlJian it haa over been done before, the a;trapa across the face were buckled on, the pad drown ever the eyes, the Memel given end the lever thrown down. Tho women a(.te'ndiruta pre'. eel close up a u ;;ain't the chair. One could Iuanily set) loovernent of 'flit body, 'd'herie was no win. no suffering, no F:eene or tiny kind, The women in the. deaaUt chamber .aa -nn d shnn oly out of plat(., The Wu. rnan phy deign was 'bright -looting. sharp In her movements. rapid in %vltat alu' dl(#, )rut her do ei' MIS Whitt gibwa flit! seem a strange aspect. She wore a grey onand a, huge Twat, with pronounced 'rinr'.n trid¢Jl ble- . She bolt Listened (.n the Lleetiwde and examined the heart. With the prison matron. she stood dheet- ly iii front err' lira, Piece, and wutehcd . . her ?act' ny SW, ai'q#. i3'rtlt titerL, ullect(•d, but performed d their dutiaes Stie11. At 'needy 11.01 State Electrician Davis grave the sharp. I vmaa voltage of 1,7611, about the umal strength, and wits continued for four secunda. Then it was lowered to 200, and maintained for tut seconds'. When the euro'nt was shut off, Dr. Irvin.. the prison physician, felt her neck, whew there was a slight pulstttdon of the arteries; but the woman was dead, and those physicians wire ,saw the (defeat,. cut•ion and examined the body afterwards gave It as their opinion that death had. been iu-atutmeaus. • .lifter n brief interval a second sihock was given. Those who stood around slid not t'ven hear a respiratory moan. The voltage was the same us in the first shook, and again lasted four seconds. It was gradually diminished to i300, and when the current was shut oft the body sank back in tete )chant. There Was hard- ly a nark where the electrodes had been. The body 1'ernained in the chair until after the witnesses had filled out of the chamber, -when it was removed to the autopsy table. where the autopsy was conducted behind closed doors, no one being permitted to be present except the operating surgeons, Dr. Irvin, Dr. 11eKennaa and Dr. Jennie Griffin. Tho report will be sealed and not made pub - lulie at resent. Later in the daythe body p y was taken to an umdertaking establislr- tnent and •embalmed. It was shipped last night to Now Jersey. After it was over, Warden Sage said the whole affair was even more satisfac- tory than he •had hoped for. There is no denying that the warden had feared a breakdown or a scene Tho reason for e crime was jealousy on the the doubt © e y � partof Mrs. lace towards her husband a r . P e for his love and affection for the child of his former marriago. THE LEGISLATURE. A Gre,,t QU11iitity of I:outine .WerR D 5. posed of Quietly -Second and Third Readings -work in Committee, Tomtito, Mnreh 2L -A fair amount Of routine busines.3 was transacted at yeater day afternoon's .session of the House, though no platters of great public Im- portance were token up. Mr. Ca rscaalieu'it. bill providing for the assessment of the plant of telephone• ant other companies, as the property of going concerns, and not as "scrap," passed the second read•. ing, but Hon. Mr. herds stated that aItbough.the e i it would be U we d to go lli 0 committee,. iter h # the ► , Government rl ust not be•understood us bring minion -red to any of its provisions. Ile pointed out that the Government's bill now before the House dealingh with the general) rases.. of rho ei trio lit and which to some extent coy-. creel the Inst •*nicnt •of the eonlpatlies re - fermi to in ;s 1r •Carseellen's bill, was in an opposite direction to that gentleman's proposals. , Cr: f F Mr. aux o d s bill respecting Snort (:ilurcll, Termite. Was read a third tune arrd passed. In reply to Mr, Foy (South Toronto), Hon. Die: Gibson said the amount of fees the lshar 1paeived In 1$9Srt•gfreta of suchoan c rpocomk'at1ollsnies wA&reci 1.0,- 540.50.. The expense, of the office the hon. 'needier said he could Trot precisely pre. • Tile OXpeas s of the instrranee branch for they same ee year were §i0,45S.15. In reply to :air. Reid (Addington). the Attorney -tlen rel said an official Was up - pointed by the government to retake rio - olidit of the accounts of the collector of ho town of Atnherstburg. It had been deemed batter that he proceed .no further in this work until he yearly statement bad been pr(.s,'nted to the town. Mr. I'attullo's hill to ineorporata• the Ontario Historical Society was read a second time and referred to a special committee. Mr. Pattnllo explained the objects tit the society, and its aims, Two 11i111 for :intendment of this WD canto up for amend, reading. Mr. Reit) (4ddingtou) b'rs a simple bili in ono line -,-to repeal section d of that Ontario Game Protection Act; in ether words to repeal the enactment aeg..dinst huni•ing or kiilirg of deer in Water. 1Tr. Chaarltnn',l bill is to anlen(i the amt leo that it ache)) riot apply tor hunting doer owned by Ont) on rise )•,ends of the person hunting, •0041 en the trial of any Mils plaint defendants 1110 to be competent but mit aatt i.)keel le witnesses, On the vttr n "tient of Tion. Dir °Moot 'oth bills will be const'#erect together by the letgatl c ntain)atee• The second reading stow carried ill i'v' zi'et to eaeli bill. On the motion for the second reading' of dr. $tr ateon':L :illi respteting eYele paths :and eyrie )path colnmi+.slomem last Friday, the peakcr intimated that he thought the bill was not in order, seeing 3t iilwt)lvr:1 L and money e`11tt4(a's , Ile however, allowed the billtostand. Yes terdey the clerk of the lloio," again call- ed the bill for second reading, on which the Speaker repeated ),ie objectiod to the money clause's. Mr. monition slid not wlthalraaw tbo bill, lord it remains on the order paper. "third Itendtuua.,, The following; bills wore razed a 'third time and passed,: Vonreerning the. town of Prescott;sre- specting the Hamilton Young Vomer) Clint -::?en 1,a*s eiatiau and Technical. In- stitute; re4peeting the township and vill- age of ))aloe to consolidate the debt of the town of Colltagwood; respecting the Toronto hotel Company. in committee of the \whole House, the following bills were advanced a stage; Respecting Victoria Hospital of tho eity of- London; respecting St, Luke's Clelrlcral Hospital, Ottawa; respecting the. Loudon Young Women's Christian Assc- elation; respecting the town of Dundas. Seoond R lid ill ay. Respecting the town of Owen Sound respecting the Brantford Gas Company; respecting the debenture debt of hernia; reepecting the village of Exete.e; respt'ot. Mg, municipal institutions in territorial districts; respectin pasture lands and hens on stock:. To amend the Registry Act in respect to registration of lettes-Mr. Stratton. To amend the Public Health Act in respect to bylaws for borrowing money for funds to erect smallpox hospitals, and. several bills respecting n uuici ul and assessment acts. Among the latter were the two bills of Mr. Carscallen (East t Ham11on). IIEV. ,Det. 003I ISTON DEAD. One of the Greatest Preachers Canada Ever Produced Passes Away. Whitby, March 21. -Barrister David Ormiston of this town received word yes- terday that his brother, the Rev. Dr. Ormiston, bad died at Azusa, near Los Angeles, California, on .Sunday. Tho deceased was born in the County of Ontario nearly 75 years ago, and 25 years ago was looked upon as one of the most brilliant orators in the Presbyterian. Church. He was the son of a fanner, and was essentially a self-made man. He taught sebool in the town of Whitby, then carne to Toronto, and graduated from the Normal sohool. He studied theology at Victoria College, then in Cobourg, bun was ordained by the Presbyterian Church. He was pastor of Central Presbyterian Church in Hamilton for a number of years, where he attract- ed as much by bis genial personality as by his brilliant sermons. He went to Now York and took charge of the church on the corner of College street and Fifth avenue, where he is said to have been paid $25,000 a year. About 15 years ago he resigned his charge in New York and went to Cali- fornia, whero, having bought a large fruit farm, he settled down to spend his declining years in: peace. Here it was he died of apoplexy, not unexpectedly. The deceased was considered one of the greatest preachers Canada ever produced. His sermons drew university men at all times, white his leotures were the most popular of his day. His pet theme was education. He was in his day a master of tempestuous oratory. To Re Opened by. Lord' Minto. Ottawa, :March 21. -The Governor General and Lady klinto have acoepted the invitation of -Sir Oliver and Miss Moiwat to go till to Toronto for the Horse Show, and itis Their Excellencies' fntan- tion to open the show and stay for two days. Mr. hhern,nn Very Low. Xingston, Jamaica, March 21. --Finn. John Sherman is worse, and is not likely to survive the night. EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wednesday, Sheet per bushel .:, , 1') to se Samarper,cwt. 1.85 to. 5,00 -3arley•• ,....,•, ,.,. ::,. 40 to 43 'ars 24 to 20 fess 60 to 55 Corn 18 to 48 tatter 14 to 14 ,.. 14 Pettateea per flag 55 to 60 er sy per lost 4.50 to Sun Dried Apples per )b - 5 tucks Geese Chicken, Turkey PC 011 ver pressed Arid is it not due to nervous exhaustion? Things always look so much brighter when we are in good heaith. How can you have courage when suffer. ing with beadacbe, nervous prostration and great physical. weakness? Would you not like to be rid of ths depression oLspirits? How? ' lay removing the cause. By taking ,ice+ withPioiterbs but don't think ,you can latch clothes to look like new, Their) again it would not a 1 o�e .o 1i �h n ucanh clothing at the prices we sell. Bi.RRAI N S Pants made to order, all wool heavy tweeds $2.00 Suits $9.80 i Overcoats O Black. Worsted suits a spec $1,2,AVOr Our $20 blacks beat all others at $ 2:i. come and see for yourself. PATRONIZE US1 • • People patronize us because they realize that we alwas 1 sell clothing that is strictly up-to-date... J. fit GRIEVE Opposit(' Post Ofllel' THE ASSEdtRLY NOTES. Charles E. Rigging has been appointed police magistrate of Beamsville, without salary. The appointment of Herbert E. Irwin as clerk of the peace of the County of York, vice T. H. Bull, resigned,nei has been gazetted. IIon. 'O, W. Ross yesterday introduced a bill to put separate schools on the same footing as public schools in un- organized districts. Willittln Thomas Rochester Preston has been appointed commissioner for tak- ing affidavits within the County of Lon- don, Eng., for use in Ontario courts. The arbitrators for the settlement of outstanding accounts between Ontario, Quebec and the Dominion will Meet at the Parliament Buildings this morning: They are Chancellor Boyd, Toronto; Judge Burbidge, Ottawa, and Judge Casault, "Montreal. Messrs. Irving, Q.C., and. Shepley, Q.C., are counsel for this province. Ladies and some gentlemen from Ham- ilton wailed upon the Government yester- day afternoon to solicit aid in the form of a grant to the Hamilton Teelmical School, which is an instituiton for wo- men, its object being to train teacher`s of domestic science. Premier Hardy had a talk with D. P. Burke of Port Arthur and James Con - /nee, M.P.P., yesterday afternoon, all about New' Ontario. It gives .activity to all parts that carry away useless and poisonous materials front your body. It removes the cause of your suffering, because it re- moves all impurities from your blood. Send for our 'book: on Nervousness. To keep in good health you must have perfect action of the bowels. Ayer's Piils cure con- stipation and biliousness. Writes to our Doctor. Pintails you would like to consult Berne eminent phl8lClana about your condition. Then write us freely all the C eiveaprompt reply.with out costtia re- address, DR. J. 0. r YER. Lowen. Maar. , !t Grand Trunk ('8pt'i:a:» xl'tsil( KWh 0 to Toronto dashed into a: bet Shakespeare. Tho engines were omits - ed, but the only mall seldonslt i. t \vasa fliiellatll Hewlett, who lost a leg ltd taste (lie. Mt. 510100 Johnston, a fernier living about three miles from -The me,sf (rtl, was struck and killed by lightning. when ('rossirig a fiteld from one barn. tta • another all Wednesday ;tft''l J eon. clip :tad left shoe were sl o torn leis ( erito pieces. • Charles 'Woodruff, a: C.P.P. brake- rmaut, met with at, rt<'eicle'nt at Streets ilie 3iinetim) Frith! W. 11O Wilt; (bins i r 'c 11 1 1 t1u al 1 When a )1 some :switching r :a 1 tripped ('21 11 s cit('h reel hod fall .1eross tlu m'ails. A mother of (:11.1 p ass(•5 over ilegs, ( trir both " and Yn- .Iieting other miotics vwhi(•h proved 'attal, on Sunday night. S"t'ootrnt bad '.term married about a year, a11(1 until a • holt time he )lord at 321 Adelaide street. AVALAVCHJ14 AT QUEBEC. An Intereolonial. Train and liftren Nen 14uried iu the Snow, Quebec, March 21. -Two great snow - slides took place from the cliff overlook- ing Levis yesterday. An Intercolonial i freight train was buried and the engine I thrown partly off the track by the first. Men were sont to dig it out, and another avalanche buried 15 of them. By strenu- ous eifbits they, were dugout alive, but the last one rescued was unconscious and almost :lead. All trains were delayed. Tho snowfall is tremendous. A,pa,'ronto Mail Rubbery Case. Deserontc, Ont., Marel 21. -After 'ex- amining a number, of witnesses itr the mail robbery case bele yestercia)', court adjourned until" 9 o'clockthis morning. if HOES A Book for Young and M. CUR VIE [ ,. � NERVOUS BoOO Elm �lFlfi' �,1( pilVATE SES CUR, non Etil41871 250,+000 DISEASED WI d CURED X00 CURED {��^,(,•�a T . } API PI Hngesavenst soz sinnenatured t rJlJ,42tJ when ignorant of the terrible crime you were committing. Didyononl consider the fes.einetirg allurements of this evil habit? When too late to avoid the ter- :. Able results, wore your eyes opened to Tour peril? Did von later on in man- iJoodcontrnetany}211IVATE or BLOOD diseapo? Wereyoucured? Doyonnow and then see some alarming y t alarmingsymptoms 7, ?uro'I_present dit Dare marry in LRn AiER, T. LIRE SON." If maarried are you con- i stoutly hying in dread? 3's marriage a failure withyouon account of any weak- ness caused by early abuse or later ex- cesses? Have yon been drugged with mercury? .This boDkletwMpenitent to you the results of these crimes endpoint out how our NEW METHOD TREAT- MENT will positively cure you. It shows how thou san d s have been saved by our NEW TREATMENT. It proves how we can GUARANTEE TO CURE ANY CURABLE CASE OR NO PAY. We treat and oure-i)MISSIONS, VA1t1COCELE, SYPHILIS. GLEET, S'T1RICTURE IMPOTENCY, SE- CRET DRAIY'TS UNNATURAL DIS- CHARGES. KIDNEY and BLADDER diseases. t s4 CURES GUARANTEED "The Wages of Sin" sent free by enclosing 2c stainp. CONSULTATION FREE. If unable to call, write for QITESTION BLANK for HOME TREATMENT. KENNEDY & KERGAN Cor. Michigan Ase. and Shelby St. � Y DETROIT, M ICH. STORE. • ., Stock raisers will find it tel their lift+i'(•.st 10 DM. ENGLISH STOCK FOOD. This fon() contains no injurious or useless ingredient4,101(1 is perfectly- hf( () feed every day. For istilcli roes, fattening cantle. animals nett ,f condition, calves, sheep, pigsaand ,speedy, itwill be found of great Veer' and will amply repay the outlay, This food will improve the :tllpro tett, promote digestion, a•nrieh the ,Mod, sti'eeugtluva and itit'igcn'atoo h(+Whole.systrni, and will inereau(' he float' and rirhmess of )milk. We simple las)., stock steers: to !i\ve it aL LI ■ Z■ Q. - IT PAYS 4 4 STOP! THINK i To real) the big stores' ad- vertisements 4 4 1 1 For twhoser0Otl are we in the furniture business? For yours and ours. If. we are not useful to you WV cannot be use- ful to ourseh'es. We have got to enn'y the goods you want net the prices you want or we can- not make a sueeess of our busi- ness. (r. , . 1311 `(+ have t yt beP 1 x doing In g r for right a l t can •e r,y which proves that we are the right kind of people with the right prices. Come and see for yourself . S. GIDLEY & SON, 0 IFurniture, Undertaking. ' OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. EXETER FOUNDRY J. MURRAY,,,, Manufacturer and dealer in Plows Gang Plows, Land Rollers, Root Cutters, Straw) Cutters, Saws,' Belting, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, and Babbett Metal. FOR SALE. White Engine and Steam Thresher complete, and. Clover Mill, Straw Cutter and Grinder, for $1250.. See our Baurrow and Scale combiner), weighs 800.lbs. Price $18.00. L, MURRAY. After'Ilefo wood's Phoaphodine," The Great English Remedy. Soldand recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reit- able medicine discoveredd Ma packages guaranteed to euro all to ms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive ase otTo- baeeo, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package $1, six, $5. One wilt six 251(1 cure. -Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor; Ont. 2 : Wood's Phospliodi,lc is sold in E':cter 1`:v C Lutz, ur04 1.•