HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-3-23, Page 4THE
Obaater t.orddt',
ghee. H, Sanders, Editor and Prop
THURSDAY, . MARCH 23, 1899
Prohibition. Refused,
S epee, ot Toronto, Secretary
of the Dominion Alliance, has received
from Sir -Wilfrid Laurier the following
reply of the Government to the re-
quest of the Alliance that a prolubi-
tion weer:lure be • intrl)du(•ed in the
Dominion Parliament following upon
the 1)1et)i cite of last fall:—
" V hen the tlele g ltion of the Dom -
Whin -iit:ance wain d upon the Grove
t•rttinent lest fan to ;Ise. as a COIL4e-
.luenec" of t tLr i), ci) seite the introdue-
,ry le 'elation, they
.• a.. prohibitory rl
tem t pt t..
ii,taseu t,at•.x'demand, upon the fact that
,en th total of the vote cask, there was
a Imajol•.4y in favor of the principal of
prohibition. The exact figLU'rs of tile'.
votes reeoraect were not at that time
accurately known. but the official fig-
ures, s, which we hies 1' n.ow, show that
on tae question put to the electors,
2i8,187 7 voted yet, •rod 261,5` 1 voted
nay-. Atter the official figures had
latex tl lasatie lalbLe, it was eontended by
oonir ot the opponents of prohibition
that the margin of difference between
the majorley and nimority was so
slight tuat it praaetitatily eoustituted a
tie, and there was, therefore, no ocea-
e on for. the Government to inemounee
either one way t)r the other. 'l:lie
(k vt'r•atme rat does not share than v ite'w
Ale ere of the vpinem that the fairest
way of ap n ();LIiuug the question is by
the culissderation of the tutairoit east
in favor of prohil).tion, leaving alto-
gether the vote recorded against it.
"let ..lent view of the elue>sti(u1 the
metal *utl shows that the e h etorate of
Canada; to wlaitl: the title•tio11 wan
,% 3 eaters,
comprise(' i Ott
.>tal)inittrtl, t a nipt•1. t t 1,,.. . #4k ,
end of that number less than '..a per
ural trifle over I ti t.fifth,111111ua(d
their conviction in the principle of
f)1 ohai)ia ion;
If we remember that the ob1(ct
ehe plehiF rte• t1 as to give an opportuu-
y to ihxa't• who haw a' heart the
•eft Ilrolatethat, \:•1 4 .•lit>vt•tl that
if the question were voted upon by
w"itheut any other issue whith
might tietra rt from its consideration,
o 'at ' would re..
majority t t the (
lewd,anti thus show Canadian
peophe prepared. and ready: - for its
that tlit
:a admitted
rulol,tfolt, it meet. be t let
• ceepe•t•tatiou uot, justilfed by 11u.
event. On the other band, it was ar-
um d b:4f re us by yourreli and other::
t a,at as the plel isctte campaign was
e tl'1•ied oat by the friends of proltibi-
tion wit -out any e>Npendit ore of mon-
ey, and without the metal excitement
4:f p,elitiea ateit.atiol, the vote carried
in 'laver of it w t. comparatively ae
large onte I'llis statement, I did not
then controvert uor do 1 controvert.
it hers and now. 1 would. simply re-
mark that the honesty of the vote did
nut sutler from the absence of those
Noises of excitement, and that even if
the tet:ility of the vole might. have
been somewhat increased by su;1t
enlace, its ui;w:al force would not have
been made any etronger.
1 'velltul•e tat seinen for your con -
skim ation, and the consideration of
the it eulber;sof the Dominion Alliance,
who,beli ve iii prehilntion a ;dile' uelst
efficient xnef els of suppressing the
evils of inte1; peranc•e, that. no geod
purpose would he sevl e d -by forcing
upon the people 'ft 1m1•,tsnre which is
shown by the vote to have the support
of less than twenty-three per cent. "of
the electorate. Neither itaervc
any good purpo c to enter here into
ninny lel
it 4114 ninny further controversy O
a idental points ;1iscuesed before ns,
My object is simply to come, to you
the eonelusion that, in our judgment,
the expression of publie opinion rl'
corded at the polls in favor of prohi-
1)it;ion dill not represent, such a propor-
tion of the electorate as would justify
thc introduction by the Government
of tt prohibitory measure."
S ■ '.! T) U .r E
eturned by Justices of the Peace in and for the County of Huron for the Quarter ending March. 14th, 1899, pursuant to the
Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 76, Section,
1. S
if 1
Name* of Prosecutor Name of Defenclent
,1, IL Van Egmontl
Win, Bailout yee
A4 44
4; 44
Wm. Gillespie
44 b,
Ruben Taylor
Get). Deane
• Feelings McConnell
Matthew ('lark
• Robert Tory.
G. E. Henderson
• Thos.: Stephens
James Weir
Edward Day is
John Munroe
Hugh Rose
Samuel Sutton
James licPliee
George Bell
Nature of Charge,
Assault and Battery
Selling liquor contrarylaw '7
Blinds closed on lieen. prem. " 228
44 44 44 44 (, 64 29
Date of Name of Couvictult, justice Ca'
Conviction Justices.
Amount.. "lane when!
Penalty to bepaid e y
l' ty Time when
Fine or to said paid,
Dantatge. Justice.
Dee. 23 John Beattie, J. P., Seaforth.
4t 9 J. Beattie & 13.13. Gunn, ,LP's
John Beattie, J.P.
Drunk and disorderly Jan. 18
44 t4 44 - 44 44
Abusive language Nov. 21
Embezzlement Jan. 14
• Dee, 2
Assault Dec. 21
54 44
44 f4
44 44.
S. Caldwell, J.P., Manchester
.A W.Sloan,Jos. Carter,
W..AIallourh, J. Roberts, J.P's.
S. Smillie, D. 1.'rquhart, J. P's,
1 00 Forthwith •'lt^a Lewis,
20 00 Forthwith William
10 00 Forthwith i `^
10 00 Forthwith
1 00 14oethwith
1 00 Forthwith r j
00 t Forthwith , t
T&svhonl,, aid over
by said .ustice
alt w
Dahl en.
Clot of the Pt+tree,
Ballantyne, Lieen
0 0
44 44
Town Treasurer,
4: c
Paid eaSt4 arnount
Township Treasur
Satisfaction made
If not paid, why not, and
general observation,
if any.
se Inspector.
ing to $1.(15
Case dismissed.
er" Ashfield,
under Section 801.
Certified to be correctly copied from the Records in 1n
Clerk of the Pella` Office,
Goderielt, Dee. 19th, 1898.
Clerk of the Peace and C.C.Q.. of Huron County.
Huron swing ng Assize. ---------- =- -- ---- ark
The court was •opened .at 2,30 P.M.
by prorlamatiau. His Lordship Chief sai
tltitlCe Armour )'t 4k(
Following were t the utat)sual Jew price of Hatrdware, we
a heavy advance on or before the first of the
yea; The •
,j 1 > ling
GRAND J(i(l, i
John 111id(1
to'totL.fu)rcnlam,lA'rn. Aclte-
11 ►
tiara, , it la(n :, John Einigs• 1'
1 'e > eu liniug, .h,
W. D. lair, James Sheppard
George George
Harris, John Mutton, fleury Keys,
ZCIu, ;McColl, George Nott,
There was no c rilnin,al causer for the
gland jury to tike ftp, end his Lord- ;
61np instructed them as to the routine
1y 1z
( t
Bedford v. ('ombes. 'This was an
aetiou for illegal distress and on acto-
count. lits Lordship dia tensed with
to t ship 1
the jury, Judgment reeerved. G, F. .
C --To -
''` 17a •ow Q. O.
Blair lir 4t
,, 1
for( tr1
I31t .
for (left.
Hays v,Tlw1f Gal
for damages to land in the town of Ner
rS ) a
,;.'file,, of to the 111
) Owing
1 (t r(q,pjy
(l 1 1 h'ek%'
lal,itt rill witne'.,.trial of this action
eves postponed tuna the flay, sitting(, lir
of this court for the toilet). of Huron. +
Ilolt for p1ff (farrow, Q. C., for deft.
Murray y. Siclynr.--,. (+tiau to re,
•> •
ca ej.
legacy. .• Otl' 1 t
r 1 f ,tt
. l
axld,t tl
(O l 1 as 1 t,
8 $Ottlfna(art,'trial 1Lo.tponecl till the
'tIay::it.tiss}; of t1t seotatforthecounty
of litn•on. Holt for On (Jarrow, Q,
C., for deft. t.
•('aesarl v. Ehnnlin. • .Action for dans-
ages for iudueiug plaint itT to purchaeso
defendant's business in the county of Aye
Norfolk. 1)alheey for plil•: (.arrow, Q.
( for deft. The jury brought in a it
•(t edict for plat) t 11 for ``'?4a0 and costs,
tietell Y. Bradford.- 'Cetinli for in-
juries mused ed plaintitt by xxegligeuce, 1 •
()n application of plaintiff, trial hostII
A Sad Fatality.
London, March 18. -••Wm. Taylor, a
farmer living on concession 8, West-
minster, and four-llliles-eatst of, 'Glare-;
worth, was killed instantly at the
Glauworth station crossing by an M.C.
R. train about 10.15 yesterday. Taylor
was occupied in thought apparently
and deliberately drove in front of the
oncoming train. The fireman drew
Engineer Jones attention to the man
and remarked that he did not ap-
pear to notice .the approaching ex-
press. The bell was ringing at the
time, and the whistle was v,goronsly
totted. But all in vain. Taylor al-
lowed his horses to jog onto the track
just in time to receive injuries that
caused his own death and that of both
horses. One of the horses was cut in
two. Taylor's body was considerably
mangled. The scene presented by the
wreck was a horrible one. Taylor was
one of the best known residents of the
township, was 85 years of age, and
leaves a wife and one child—the latter
a boy of seven years of age.
polled, costs of day to be pal lay
1)laintAl' (latrow', Q. (1., #or, plfl;
)aLneev for dell. y , , a1•Fza>5ca C,ut?,4r!tr.rc!'cc>T cnca a enx iQic at4ca4ca C i(1c ° c tsr.
Roraledge V.
ret, --.ARU . O1L f. 4"!, $"Si' 3t,"rs° es c 'eS.ca{,},r + s Alcnw c'"•':is3)e •'°iZrc C"6i" .''4
We have just
placed an order
from the OM
iountry beffr e the
fin natils, Celnonts and other goods ere very
) of on
• c c• now quote you
and saran t
1(8113, OgiteigstMiill$,oBaits 3}
„ads) goo, 8
at pewee that will surprise you. Also we
will gree specially 1041' titlOtartiOUs ()11
when tendering for the entire hardware
... contrac't:..
Bis4op & San.
. EXETER. 4'
mortgage, (a arrow, Q. ('., for edit;
Campion for deft. His Lordship eli-
xccted that judgment he entered in
this case after thirty days for the
plaintiff to recover possession of the
lands, mentioned in the proceedings.
1 e 'liowing is the.
' (ri,:1:ND Jt-Iten4 FIrl y a:x i'.l'I1e.'\'t:
( ui)1,:1tmlt, Mti•clt 1•ltlt, 1809.
To His Lordship Chief J ustiee Amour.
To grand jury at the Spring_ seiizos,
189.1, for the euxulty of ilurolx, beg to
present that they have visited the
(e innot1 101 of the comity end found
every #hang neat amtl elven and hi
good tit der, and the gaoler courteous
and attentive. All the male prisoners
actively engaged hi the wood
yard. The only complaint made by
the prisoners was that kir the past
ten clays the breach supplied was not
good. "Vi t' examined what was on
hand and found it sour. We endorse
the action of the county council in
taking steps to reconstruct the gaoler's
residence, believing that it will im-
prove the sanitary conditions, more
especially the ventilation. All of
which is respectfully submitted.
JouN MIDDLETON, Forouxan.
The court rose Wednesday enorning
after discharging the jury.
S. F. Washington, •of Hamilton, was
here as Grown prosecutor, but there
were no criminal cases before the
By a Highwayman.
Chatham, Ont., Mar. 16.—W. Green-
wood, of Blenheim, who had been sit-
ting up with his sick brother, set out
for home about two o'clock in the
morning. The night was very dark,
and, being unable to see his way, he
decided to return for a lantern. He
had just stepped inside the gate when
he was commanded to throw up his
hands. Mr. Greenwood . replied by
making a dash for :the house. The
highwayman fired once, but missed,
and the business man reached his
brothers house unharmed. Mr. Green-
wood had been too late for the bank
in the afternoon, and had considerable
,money on his person. It is believed
that the highwayman is one of those
who robbed Powell's bank a couple of
weeks ego. Blenheim is still without
a night -watch.
Volcanic Eruptions.
Are grand, but Skin :Eruptions rob
Jif 3 of joy. Buckler's Arnica Salve,.
,res them;,
; also Old Running aria
Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons,
GOT ne, Warts, Celts, Bruises, Burns,
Scalds, Chapped Halicls, . Chilblains.
Best Pile Cure on earth. Drives out
Pains and Aches. Only 25 cts a bo;
Cure guaranteed. Sold by all Dzug
I,°s fives
_ .alive m
Paton Colorll 00.1100114g
indorsed by physicians as
the Best Spring Medicine,
The records and history of medicine
point to Paine's Celery Compound as
the most succesfuLl remedy ever given
to sick and suffering humanity. Et is
indorsed by the medical faculty be-
cause they know its formula and have
confidence in its life-giving virtues.
Paine's Celery Clompound works
glorious and marvellous cures. This
is the secret of its success, and ac-
counts for its world-wide and enor-
mous sales.
It is in the spring time—this very
month—when men and women ` are
weak, nervous, rheumatic, neuralgic,
dyspeptic, have headache, kidney and
liver troubles, and blood that is slug-
gish and impure, that the great medi-
eine should be used to restore nervous
energy, rich blood, healthy digestion,
natural appetite and sweet refreshing
The winter has been a time wherein
men and w(7men have stored ill health
instead of keeping, the body sound,
clean and full of true life. The nerves,
blood and digestive organs mast be
fed, nourished and cleansed by Paine's
Celery Compound if tree and lasting
health is looked for.
At this time we honestly y 'ur ge the
nediaine that has restored thousands
o full and robust, health alter medical
skill and ordinary medicines failed.
One bottle of Paine's Celery Compound
will convince you that you have found
a tint friend and lielpea
,ks i vAMtix
PersialiaSheep d A i atDi
Persiatic Sheep Dip is the most hhimg• hly concentrated and ;around
satisfactory Dip in the market for curing skin disease's in cattle, and
for destroying vermin. It is powerful without being harsh, and hn-
nwdiete in effect with no irritating results. Cures Sores, Bruises,
Shear Cuts, Ringworm,
orn, x
iigxeie, Red d
Licc, Skil Worms, and scab.
It quickly rids the animal lofalivermin.
141r. G. A. Brodie, Bethesda, Ont., says: -.,.4t I used it with great
success in castra ing blabs, the wash healing the wounds rapidly and
l.et )ing the maggot::t away. I shall never be Without it. 1 heartily
rectehalxend it to farmers generally.
At Your Dealers, P/CK/- ARDT RENFREW CO, LimStouffville Ont,
Or /rola the makers,
The Nurses.
John W. Brown in the London General
1)ospita, Dee. 1815.
I cannot say just how it comes,
By chance or choice—perhaps 'Us
To make a choice of your profession,
I think I should be somewhat loath;
To spend nay time—no not misspent—
Among creations lords so rude, .
Where kindness often is repaid
With basest of ingratitude.
We read that woman was a gift,
Given as ahelpmate unto man,
But as a nurse T think she comes
The nearest her Creator's plan:
In their own homes our better halves
With noble qualities unseen,
But here ambitions height she gains
And quietly r ons the whole machine.
How oft the drooping heart she cheers,
She answers every beck and call,
Her noble nature brightest shines,
Within the city hospital;
And thus we by degrees may learn,
Our own. complaints and those of
Are sent to us simply for to prove
Mankind at all times should be broth-
All hail the doctor and his art,
His soothing•syrups,pills and blisters.
But loving kindness is the milk
That's kept in stock by all our sisters;
Philanthropists may scatter wide
The contencsoftheirweil-filledpUrses
Be mine the part to speak a word,
A word in favor of the nurses.
You're champion for the ladies. fair,
And that the nurses treat you kind,
Aye, kinder than they did the Mayor.
You think the nurses, blessing now,
And wonder who could call them
But have you heard about the row,
His Worship had with certain nurses.
You have for them the greatest praise,
In love, in fact I do declare;
Let you hear what Mayor Wilson says
And then takewarning by the Mayor.
I hope your time is not mispent,
While working in that latitude,
As kindness often is repaid,
With basest of ingratitude.
Those nurses yet may win renown,
They are so kind in every way;
I'm glad to hear it Mr. Brown,
Mayor Wilson hasu't that to say.
—1'ec usiselt
A pleasant smile, a winning wile,
A friendly word well worth presery
She showers her favors all around
Alike on good and undeserving;
And while we scan each others woes
We learn more freely to forgive,
And one step farther up we go
To live, to learn, to learn to live.
T learned,
One lesson long ago a ,
Where many by the wayside tarried
A kind word never as forgot,
And is easycarried;
A courtesy
The chronic grumbler still may growl,:
The fiend indulge in deep 'drawn
'Tis strange; Pm not ashamed to own
I'm deep in love with all the nurses.
VERSES er.s ON reit Ntrnsl•:s.
Nov, Me. I'm pleased, to find
Bismark's Iron Nerve.
Was the result of his splendid health.
Indomitable . will and tremendous
energy are not found where Stomach,
Liver, Kidneys and • Bowels are out of
order. - If you want these qualities
and the success they ,bring, use Dr.
King's New Life Pills. They ; develop
every power of brain and body. Only.
25 cents at any Drug Store.
Scalded to Death.
Owen Sound, March 18. -The acci-
dent that took place on Thursday ev-
ening at the Owen Sound Iron 'Works
terminated fatally to -day. Mr. James
Agnew, aged about 48 years, menet. in
the moulding department, and the rest
of the staff had finished casting. Mr.
Agnew, being tired as the result of the
hard and intense heat, sat down on the
edge of a tank filled with hot water to
rest. He either lost his balance or
fainted, and fell backwards into the
Water. He was immediately pulled
out, but was so badly scalded that the
skin came off from his hips and shoul-
ders. Everything possible was done
to save the man's life, but he died to-
after suffering extreme agony,
children Cry for
What is
Casto>,in, is for Infants and Children. Castoria is :a
harmless substitute for Ca.stoi, Oil, 7t'aregorie, Aro.'
and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium,
Morphine nor other :Narcotic 4tibstlnce. It is Pleasant.
Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions <a
T1lothel•s. Castoria. destroys "Worms and allays Feverish,'
Ixess. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic . Castoria
relieves Teething Troubles, tuxes Constipation :nue,
Flatulency. Cnstoriu assimilates the Food, regulate
the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Children, giving;
healthy and natural sleep. Castoria i the Children'.
Panacea -The Mother's Friend.
"Ciastorin Is int excellent medicine for 4' Cnstorla 13 a t4vlt at5:.,.te.1 to 411 9rctt
children. 'Mothers have repeatedly told me? that I reemnincnil it as supeti•,r 1'; au, ?re-
mof its good effect upon their children." r seription known to me."
c t c { :I. M. ). ,•ie>i.•+`li}'R ;►; Y
G. it A.:1 i xIt t I ,
Ar". C. . o.,roon lua• Il . fas . t c ,
C 1 ,
THC CENTAAIlfe C11\Ie.ANe'. "I. to YQ15 err/.
- Z77717.
aseeasaalea'7elee'Rest ;lame
need no introduction. They have been for so long universally acknowledged fits
.r-TQfti IRA's Orn(es1 lliiI6 „..eistso.
that nobody now disputes it, and in placing -oar line of 1899 models on the
market they need no further introduction than the statement that they con-
tain niore'new and valuable improvements than -ever before. '
New Handle Bar construction;
• ' Expander Bolt
• Frame Head
• Reinforcement
" Rear end Yoke
New Fork construction;;
Fork Stem
Hub 8c Spoke "
Crank Yoke "
and the new
Cleeland Ball and RolIer
Greatest invention in the history of bicycles.
Prices from
. e
, ,...."- Sole Representative
' Ent9At<
et7A L. 5 E ER.
3' C . al
H„ A. Lozier o , Toronto J11r, (ln,