HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-3-23, Page 37 AN 11WFIR 28 d1118' RECORD1 Dread Consumption Carries Off 205 Victims During February. /Regina Standard Office Burned Down - Toronto Man Kdled in aa Elevator - Fleury Cole Gets Three Years for Kill- ing W. Ilithhie-Theinus .3leTatee's Bedy to Bo Exhumed at ilu.rford and an Inquest Meld Thereon. The dog and eat poisoner is abroad with deadly effeet in Port Hope. The safe at Bishop's Hotel, Ottawa, was bliavn open on Saturday morning and $ea eaken from it The Spanish Cabinet at Saturday's ses- eion approved the credit for the payment <if the interest on the Cuban deba Henry Cole was sentenced at Portage ia Prairie to three years in the peniten- tiary for causing the death of W. Hubble. Satarday evening. robbers. broke into The Montreal Star's up -town office, and, Working the safe combination, stole $900, The offico ef The Standard newspaper at Regina, N.W.T., was burned Saturday morning. The loss is partly covered by suranee. According to the statistice a the Im- perial taint, the gold productiore in the laueslau Empire duriag 108 ametueted to n81,a60. GoldIo & MeCulloch of Galt have been awarilea the contraet for the new engine required for the eleetale jIbt works ot Vert William, Egan Bros.', St. Tomas grocery store Was robbed Friaay night, evidently by acme person wleo knows the preanises to parfeceion. The ehleves eoeuxecl $91, Seaaeny and F.. W. Smith have boon sentenced at Vernon, 33.0„ to aye years each in penitentiary for burglariz- ing Cargill & Coas store at Armstroua, The Democrats a Cleicago who are running Carter Ileualson for Mayor have e.doptal the questioei or municipal ownerthip of publie franchisee es apart of their plataerra. Word Lae been received tbet Boyes andJ. Raul Perry, C.E., or Nep- anee, who left there in January, have reached Simeamy safe. Tinay are an route to the Atlin dietriete Wilihtne Alba the Italian hotelkeeper who killed at Spokane, Wash., Jaime Hally a Toronto, wee arrested on Sun - at Priest River, and has been lodged in jail at SpOlialle. General W. la Royce, leader of thee M- atted Niceraguit revolution, has arrival at New Orleans from Bocas del Torro via lilobilo. lie Is in bad health and unde- cided about future Waits. Toronto Henry George Club held their third :lemma dinner on Saturday night Among the sneaker. were Hon. John Sherwin. Crosby of the Halted States.1 One hunarea and fifty people were pros - eat Rev. Dr. Paget, reetor of Trinity Church, aluseatine, Iowa, nod clean of aouthern Iowa, bas iacceptea St. Peter's parish, Revelstoke, B.C., and will enter ' on his new duties the first Sunday in May. A ovolone struck the belt of country lying between Helenin antl Eawaraville, Cleburne County, Ala., on. Saturday -afternoon, and wrought terrifie damage. Seven pereons were killed, five of them in one house. The number of deaths from consump- tion in Onterio during the month of Feb- ruary is the highest in the history of the province, :105 people having diea from that cause. The 'previous record for ono month was 180. Hon, John T. Tooloy, member of the New South Wales Legislative Council, and one of the proprietorof The Austm- Ihrn Star, published at Sydney, is in Ot- tawa, en route via Vancouver:, 33.0., to his antipodean home. The establishments of R. Greene & Co., wholosetle clothiers; H. Beaton, hatter, and Thomas Pethiek, gents' furnisher -and tailor,wore considerably damaged by fire in London the Loss on Sunday. Loss $7,000 or $8,000. Richard Fitzgerald Mathews, formerly ete the Poston -ice Department in London, Ont., and a resident of that city for 51 years, died very unexpectedly at his home on. Saturday. He was superintendent of mails in London for 32 years. The French Northern. Reilwtsy Com- pany has just been experimenting in the snatter of speed. One of its trains has made the run from Lille to Pari5-260 kilometers (155 miles) -in 178 minutes, the fastest time over made on a French toad. Thomas Sidley, the elevator man in be Toronto Yong° street Arcade, is dead. He was found Saturday afternoon on the basement floor of the Arcade with his skull snutshed. It is thought he walked into the opening of the shaft and fell to his death. After lingering in dreadful agony, with both legs crushed, since Friday morning, Charles Woodruff of Toronto Junction died in the Toronto General Hospital on Sunday night at midnight. He was run 'over at Streetsville Junction while coupl- ing cars. A new satellite of the planet Saturn )has been discovered by Prof. William H. Pickering at the Harvard Observatory. This satellite is three and a half times as aistant from Saturn as Iapetus, the out- eiruoet satellite hitherto known. Tho period is about 17 months and the mag- nitude 16%. The body of the late Thomas Melietee ,of Burford. is to be exhumed and an in- quest held at Burford on Friday next before Dr. Sinclair, county corenera The inquest will be held In the afternoon. Mrs. MeIntee is in frail health, and the officials will probably take her deposition at her leome. • James Ronald, it retired farmer living in Listowel, sued and obtained $60 dam- ages from his sou Robert Ronald, who also resides in Listowel for writing and amusing to be published a statement to tile effect that JAMOS Ronald was a fit subject fora lunatic asylum and should be confined therein. ' Baby Killed by Pahlavi, Teterboro, March 20,--A child of Mr. John Drew Le dead from the effects of a dose of "rough -on -rats." The little girl, y it year 'old, went into Mr. Tranb- ey's, next door, and got hold of a bottle =attaining the poison. She went home at once and became ill, when it 400tor was called at 10.30 ream yesterday. At 4.10 tem. death. ended the Utah) one'. ituffecr- g, THE WINDSOR FIRE. wgs B sweeu Known Dead, 44 !lapsing enel 57 ured s the a se otes est or rrid,y. 'MOIL OODLE 111[ e s ttack the Ratter, et Leine LATEST FROM MANILA. church. and Are Repulsed NV ith LOSS. I New York, March 20. -The desametion Was improper Influence Used on on Friday afternoon of the 'Windsor British House of Commons? Hot 4 and the loss of perhaps 60 lives is still the all-absorbtng tsopie here. There it eoneternation tat the homes of many, Isesionation Tbat the nocitefelier Moth - and telegrams are coining from all parte ode were used, to Secure "Murder one as to the whereabouts of nassing rola- i Vote -One Paper Speaks sareastleana, . tivee, However, the full tale mania bitt te. 1 till perhaps to -day, when the wore in "Rockefeller to Sleep" Accents - of clearing away the Wreck will probably Every Witness, Prom Lord Melvin wello untler way. Litt e in the way en 00., ravored High itia„). . • searehina for bodies could be done yester day. New York, March 20. -Henry asorman, Sad Figures. Cabling front landon to The Times, says:, No more bodies were taken from tht "For the arse time in ray recollection, ruins yesterday. The latest estimate last common talk, and, indeed, the criticism night is 16 dead, 41 missing and 57 in of frank newspapers, has suggeeted that anal a vote in the House of Commons was due The Property Loss. to an improper outside influence. The It is expected that the property Standard 011 Company is a corporation loss of such vast powers and such far-reaching including the hotel, coutents and, vala attics owned vests, will total $2 00 activity, that perhaps it is not surprising 0 it should be suspected of baying its in - 000. finenee on this side of the ocean on behalf Tevelve hundred men are now at worl in three eight hour shifts engaged it of wilat is here described as 'murder oil.' searching the debris for bodies and vain A "Much comment was directed to the Males. 1 Presence of a number of Americans ill Many thrillinstories of escape anc the members' lobby of the House of Cone g hereto rescue are told, and yesterday ova mons on the afternoon of the debate. The 20 of those aeeounted n,nnrn th Pall Mall Gazette said.: 'The American oil ring has been too strong for the House were discovered, reducing the niunbee of Commons,' Tim Speaker, a leading now to 44 Leberad weekly, says: Mr. Rockefeller eto Trace or H. mad the American Stanaerd 011 Trust Mrs. Isabella Macdoneld, forinerlY O trim -aphid in the House of Coramoas on Toronto. \obese Milan is among the raise , weelnealay afternoon.' ing, had ilved a,t the Windsor for three 4‘The CAltilootr,, un Imperialist weekly, 1 years, and was it secletY newaPoPel speaks sarcastically la Jesse Collings' Writer, She hod been ill for ainae thai 'Rockefeller to sleep' accents. . Salton. Sae oraapied rooms on QM /Val Witnelises Favored High Plash. I floor, awing on the inner court. Dr. "Every iradepenclent witnese before the Simon, says that he has so far been un royal commission, from Lord Kelvin a able to obtain any alto of Mrs, aliteclone downward, eavoretea the high ljasb of old. She Is supposed to laave perisiwa, all. The Gaveromeat will not have low The tasepitial Raper:. fiesta oil on the memisaa SONO al import The hospital reports as to the iniured anta American States prohibit it. In Lon - were most favorable yesterday. Most of don alone 30 deettas every year for tbe the Patients were improving. Some of lost sevea Years !HINT been direetly caused them were able to leave the hospitale by the 1ew flash oil, yet the legal flash yesterday arid ethers eau be discharged point le to remain for tbe present in to -day, 1 linglancl at 73 degrees, It is a curions Mealla, March 20. -Aa. attack was made by the rebels on Saturday upon the biatery at Lome Chirrela but were re- pulsed by the Pennsylvanians with heavy loss. Lieut. Thompson. and Privates McVey and McCanso of Company C were wounded. A. gunboat with a company of tho 23r4 Regulars on board, is now on tho lake attacking the small towns. Site woe last heard of off Morang and Santa Cruz. Want to GO Home, Madrid, March 20.-A cable Inessitge receivea from General Rios, the former commander of the Spanish troops in the Philippine Islands, says the situation of the Spaniards at Manila is so critical that they all desire to return home, the Americans rendering their sojourn in the Philippines irupoesible. The Spanish steamer Luzon left Manila on Saturday for Cartagena, taking at number of Span- ish soldiers and 120 officials. Illipinos made an Attack. Manila, March. 20. -Some of the rebels meanly expelled, from, Cavite and the small towns in the vicinity of Pasig come bined teems and on Saturday night at- tacked it company of the WashingtonVol- unteers, a cleteched post at Tagnig, about a toile and 4 half southeast of Pasite The rebels fought detperately, aided enatere, ally by the jungle and the darkness, but they Were comuletely routed with Mama loss, :after two honrs' aghting. The Anierleaus lost two killed.and 20 wound- , lendItaisTrtnige tohnelatterseliindLay%ILI:: kOF1.4reguoit Jones.li egi- atone had one man killed and four wounded, and the 22nd Regiment OW) MUNI Aeedrtling V) th0 official reports no fewer than :ale of the Filipitaos were killtel. I Gen. Otis meet. the American army and ' gunboats now command the lake, Ile estimates that property of the insurgeuts valued at $500,000, with quantities of rice and smear and 40 tons of coal, which lie very valuable here, leave beeu captured. A Traitor's Fate the . feat thee of Irieh members, one-half I San Francisco, Cala March 20. -Mail Gone *0 New YOrk, voted for the Tagil flitele oil, and the other advices from Manila contain the follow,. Tomato, altuah 20. -Mr, J. B, Kay of half for the low flatele" I ing: The Amerieen, a daily paper pub - date city left last night for New York toi lisheal hav, saya Ex -Corporal .rohn W aid in, the identificatIon of Mae al:action- Ilayee of Company la Flase California ald, if necessary. Mai. aineclatudd, whet RAILWAY RATE WAR ON. Velanr.,er.:, it traitor and deserter, has is bis emit), lived here about 15 yetua age, but las resided at the Windsor Hotel fin some years past. TUE FAKIR GOT IN 11I5 wor.IC. w a, Kotne-Mstie Patent Medicine Clot MOMS linii1/01Vr atoiaey, Traveler, Ont., atareh 20.-A, large amber of people in Ilespeler and the surrounding country aro feeling very sore, the reetat of the visit of it slick fakir it couple of days ago, who toek awaya big roll of good dollars and left in their place it largo quaneity of bad medicine. Ho gave las name as Hamilton' and said he was a brother of it well- anown doctor of Toronto, His plan of premium was, before calling on nfamily, to Dna out the mane of the family playsi- elan who usually attended them and seal that: he had sent bine and highly recent- nuandea bus medicines. IIIs prices knock- ed the bottom out of the load druggists' quotation& Preparations that sell for 81 it bottle be offered four for $1, with a couple of boxes of "blood pills," it pack- age of herb tea and it couple of bottles of other preparations throw:101n. Tbeso big bargains, coupled with their doctor's recommendation, fooled it great initny people, who bought $2 or $3 worth of the stuff, most of which was not genuine, Ho even sold to the relatives of the 11.1).'s and druggists. no was traced, to Guelph, where he registered at a betel as Lewis, but there gave the police the slip. Thirty-six dozen bottles of medloine, sev- eral dozen boxes of pins and a valise be- longing to the fakir, which were left at the hotel there, woro solzea by tho author- ities. STRUCK II VI A D -ON. Ln Englne-Smashing Collision at Shakes- peare on Saturday -Firemen Hurt. Shakespeare, Ont., March 20. -At 5.40 a.m. on Saturday a bead -on collision occurred between a passenger and a freight train on the Grand Trunk Rail- way. The freight train, although the passenger train from Toronto was due to pass, was standing foul of the main line on west siding of '"the station. At 6.40 o'clock the passenger train, in charge of conductor Devlin, arrived, but the storm prevented Engineer Walker seeing the ongine ahead of him. Both engines were badly broken up by the collision. The first-class passenger coach was derailed, and the baggage car was considerably damaged, but stuck to the rails. Three ears of the freight train were derailed. The fireman of each engine was badly in- jured when taken out of the wreck. Fire- man Finch of the freight train lose his left foot, and Fireman Law of Toronto was badly scalded and hurt internally. An auxiliary train was sent out from Stratford and the track was cleared in two hours. The crow of the freight train all belong, to the Sarnia tunnel, and that of the passenger to Toronto. "EMPIRE DAY." Public Schools of Ontario to Celebrate It 031 May 23. Toronto, March 20. -"Empire Day" will be celebrated in the Public schools of Ontario on May 23 for the first time., The Education Department has issued it eiroolar to school inspeciers througbout the province, notifying them to that effect, and outlining the method in which the day should be spent. The morning will be devoted chiefly to it familiar talk by the teacher on Canada's relation to the Empire and readings from Canadian and British authors. Patriotic recitations, longs and speeches will be the afternoon program. The public will be invited Fire Broke Up the Dance. Vancouver, March 20.-A special from Nanaimo says: While 300 merry dancers were enjoying themselves to their hearts' content in Wellington Opera House about half -past 1 Saturday morning, someone in the candy store below overturned it lamp, an& the whole building was in flames in a few minutes. The alarm was quickly sounded, and the -dancers fled from the building in confusion, one bare- ly escaping. The flames spread rapidly, and succeeded in reducing the Opera House, Grant Jessop's drug store, a bar- ber shop and Henderson's confectionery establishment to ashes 'before they were got under oontnea The total loss is about $20,000; about half covered by insurance. Agents of the Union Pacific Ad. g found his jut end. lit; body now lies in treneh dug lo bury the enemiee of bis vaed That it New eelieduie country Who fen in battle. Hayeseanie Now applies. " with hie regiment to Manila, Lest Octo- ber he married it Filipino. and two daya New Y°r1r..., tanerni latter detertea to the inenrgent lines. This ger agent eannax. of toe einem .P401.11C.'was tht. 1a..,1 10.9 rcgirsent heard. aballt 1 P a ma until yeAt4T(Ley, 'wheal, in burying 010 Agent Tenbroteac Out, taking effect Sat- dead llama:ems, they eame aerate las urday, second-elass rates from Missouri body riddled, with bullets', with the River torminale of to California points will clothee of a first lieutenant of the insur- selle.60, a cut $40; from Sioux City „tents. and Omaha to northern Pacifio and inter- 1 s'• mallet° point,4, 625; trent Leavenworth sant() us uM and Kansas City to the mum territory, p PUS IS a a V atte via Pocatello, $28.25. The latter rates The Police Are ii-av-7-ing a nerd Milo of have been $40 stud $50. General Eastern 11 in the Cuban Capital, Pastenger Agent Charles Kennedy of the Havana, Marra 20.-A serious conflict Rook Leland was tulvised to the same efftat ba General Passenger Agent Sebes- !between the pollee and people of Havana on Saturday night, vaulted in consider- tian, and le is expected the Canadian 011 will bulletin, these rates from St. nble shooting ana clubbing. From 110 to 174 persons were wounded, some serionely, II% Great Northern has aggravated. the -Among the injured is Police Captain Iestampes, formerly a colonel in the situation by aanouneing that on the 21s1 inset. it will apply la:armee:I to all second- Cohan taloa- class business moving to all points from. Another Outbreak. which the regular faro from St. Paul is Shortly before 0 o'elock it was reported in excess of $3. The Northern latelflo that another conflict between the people will undoubtedly follow snit, and other and the pollee had taken place last oven - roads affected may be expected to fall in , Ing in the outskirte of Havana, and two line. policemen and several civilians, all wounded, were wavered to police head- quarters. It is asserted also that two policemen were killed, and that the re- serve had been called out. There is also a rumor that a polieenum was stabbed to death in the afternoon. A 'BRILLIANT IrtINOTION. The First Drawing Ilooln or the New Governor-General at Ottawa. Ottawa, March 20. -Seven or eight hundred ladies and gentlemen attended the first drawing room of our new Gov- ernor-General in the Senate Chamber on Saturday night. The function was one or the most brilliant of its kind ever held in Ottawa, it very noticeable feature be- ing the large number of visitors froin places other than Ottawa, especially ladies, of whom there were nearly 100. The reception lasted exactly ono hour and ten minutes. The Premier was prevented by indisposition from being present, but the Ministry was represented by the fol- lowing members, all of whom, with the exception of Sir Henri Joly, veers their official uniforms: Sir Richard Cartwright, Sir Louis Davies, Sir Henri Joly, Hon. S. J. Fisher, Hon. W. Paterson, Hon. A. G. Blair, Hon. W. S. Fielding, Hon. David Mills, Hon. F. W. Borden, Hon. J. I. Tante and Hon. W. Mulock. Solici- tor -General Fitzpatrick was also present. The ex -Ministers were also well repre- sented be, Sir Chrales Tupper, Sh• Mac- kenzie Bowell, Sir Charles Hibbert Tup- per and Col. Prior. After the reception was over the Speakers of the Senate and House of Commons, Sir Alphonse Pelle- tier and Sir James Edgar, entertained His Excellency and Lady Minto and all those who had attended the drawing room. "KIPLING MENDING FAST. Dictated Some Letters and Saw it Few Friends on Sunday. New York, March 20. -Mr. Ruelyard Kipling last night read the papers, dictated mine lettere tend saw a few friends. He spekaof *getting out soon, and his doctor, Da. Dunham, encouraged him with the prothise that he will be par- initted to leave his roora in a few days. Lake Sailors' Wages Raised. Cleveland, O., March 20. -At ti, meet- ing of the executive committee of the Lake Carriers' Association, held here Saturday, it was decided to advance the wages of sailors $5 per month for the coming season. The advance applies not only to sailors, but to all kinds of labor on a vessel, from engineer to deckhand. The advance takes effect on all boats owned by tnernbers of the association, Which aro about four-fifths of the vessels afloat on the lakes. The advance will be general, however, as the owners of boats not in the assoelation aro forced to pay the association rates of wages, Death Rather Than Arrest. Winnipeg, March 20.-G. Lemma:Alt, secretary -treasurer of the municipality of Rhineland, who was short in his accounts 83,700, has committed suicide at Altonae where he resided. A warrant • had been issued for his arrest, and the local con- stable was about to execute it, Lemprecht shot himself In the head with it revolver, whieh he alwaya carried. Death ensued in about All'hour. Spain and Her Filipino Prisoners. Malaria, March ea. -Senor Silvela, Pre- mier and Minister of Foreign Affairs, had. n conference yesterday with the French ambassador regarding the liberation of Spanish prisoners in the hands of the Filipinos. Spain, it is reported, has deter- mined to protest M the civilized world against the attitude of the Americans in hindering the efforts of Gen. Rios, Span- ish commander in. the Philippines, to liberate the prisoners. Onr Trade With Britain. London, March 20. -Enquiries at the high conmassioner's office with regard to trading between Canada and the Motherland continue. Addresses are asked for of reliable Canadian firms shipping wood pulp, mica and oil, manufacturers of furniture, and dealers in walnut and birch, logs or dressed. .A. Bristol firm desires the agency of a Canadian packing house. Hon. R. Dobell sailed for Canada DII Saturday. Two French Powder Explosions. Paris, March 20. -Two explosions oc- curred on Saturday at the Government ammunition factories. At Bourges, in tho shell -filling shop, three men were killed and five were injured. At Marseilles it eartridge exploded, blowing up a quan- tity of gunpowder. Three mon were in- jured and great damage was done to the building. • Ottawa IS ONV8 via London. London, March 20.-A despatch from Ottawa saysthat in connection with the ligitatien looking to the exehange of the British West Indies for the Philippines or ether American possessions, there is a scheme in Canada to submit to Parlia- ment a proposal to exchange the Leeward Islands with the United States for an Alaskan strip. President Kruger Scents Danger. Pretoria, March 20. -President Kruger, m an important speech in Heidelburg, on Friday, emphasized the necessity of the State retaining the dynamite tuonop- oly, because, as he argued, the South African Republic being an inland State, In the event of trouble with any of ttso powers its supplies of explosives might otherwise be suddenly cut off. Lord Rershell's Body in England. Portsmouth, Eng., March ea. -The British cruiser Talbot, with the body of Baron Herschell on board, which sailal !tern New arork on March 8, arrived her yesterday. Grantley Leaves •London. London, March 20. -Lord Grantley, corespondent in the divorce suit in which Le Breton, brother of Mrs. Langtry, was a successful petitioner, has gone to the Contbeent with Mrs. Ile Breton,. THE MARKETS. A Little Rally in Wheat on Saturday -At Chicago prices Recovered Over Cent 9,notations. Liverpool, Marcia 20. -Wheat futures On Saturday closed 3-8d per °eared higher than Friday. Chicago, March 20. ---Wheat futures rallied on Saturday =id at one thee rose 1 go above Friday's closing figures. There was some good buying by outsiders, and room traders and crop demage reports were made the most of, Unlese the latter prove well founded we shall yet eee lower prices for wheat The close was near the top for the day. Leading Wheat Market*. Mmeh. May. July. Chicago- . - $ $ 67% $ 66% New i aYuol erek'e: : -67 ti -79 -72% 7-1 at Louis... - 70g 7154 64% Toledo...... 70ee - 703 68% Detroit . „ 7034 - 713j 6834 Doluths NA, .1 Northern. „ 6534 65% 6734 6834 Dale al, No. 1 hard. 67% -- rMX1.'Q°i. QQaal lurecriac;:rNelei Minneapolis. -688:4 6-614 6-7 67341 Toronto Ct, Lawrence Market. Townie, elarch en -Receipts of feral proauee on Saturday were next to noth- ing -only it few leesitets of butter, eggs and poultry. Prim praetically un- ebarigal, Poultry scarce; prices Ilan, chickens selling at 60e to $1 per pair. Eggs plentiful aGnidlAixel:eaper, sellieg, at leeee to 14e per dozen. Wheat, white, hu. as $0 70 to Wheat, red, bit, 70 Wbeett, Fife, spring, bit71 Wheat, goose, be „ 06 66 Rye, bu 64 Oats, ***** • • • 34% 3534 Baxley. bu. „ 47 Buckevbeat, bu....- „ 65 Pats, bu .. _ GO 62 SEEDS. Red clover, .... ....$3 30 White clover, seed, bit 5 00 Alsike, choice to fancy. 3 80 AIsike, good, No. 2 3 60 Aleike, good, No. 3 OG Timitby, lana 1 20 Beane, white, bit,,.,, 50 1141' ASO STRAW. to $3 70 8 00 4 20 3 60 3 40 1. 35 00 Hay, timethea per ton.. ta 00 to tie 50 7 50 6 50 5 00 Hay, ,clover, per ton,. 6 00 eqsater, ehttlf, per ton... 5 30 Straw, 'Joie, per ton. 4 00 DAWN mamma Butter, lb. roll; • $0 18 to 80 e0 Butter,. largo rolls 15 17 Eggs, new laid.. ea._ , 1.231 POULTRY. Chickens, per pair $0 50 to Turkeys, per lb ..... 3,2 Spring dueka per pair., • 60. FRUITS AND VEGETMITX3, Apples, per bla $e 50 to Potatoes, pea. bag.. , 75 Liverpool 'Markets. . Liverpool, llama e0. -These were the anal figures on Saturday: Spot wheat dull; futures, red winter, es 1.1eed for , March ana as 3 3-8d for May and July. a.laize, steady, at es ated for new and 3s Wed for old spot: futures, as 31ed for March, 3s 3 tiad. for May and as aetid for July. Flour, 17s Ga PULP ZiliLLS roll".4LT0.4.. 'Nova Scotia teases 1,000 Square Miles of Land for This Purpose. Halifax, 'March 20, -Attorney -General Longley laid before the Nova Scotia Legislature on Saturday an agreement enteral into on the Bret of last mouth, by which Her Majesty the Queen grants a lease for 30 years of two immense emote of Crown lands in Victoria and Inverness Counties, Cape Breton, comprising alto- gether nearly 3,000 square miles, to three American capitaliste-Edward L. San- born and Roberti B. Blodgett of Boston, and Daniel F. Emery, jr., of Portland, Me. The lands are leased for the purpose of converting the timber thereon into pulp and paper, and the lessees must have two such mills in operation within the period of two years, and have expended at least $10,000 in the operation of the business for which the lease is granted. The lessees agree to pay the Government of Nova Scotia $6,000 per year and to do all their manufacturing within the Prov- ince of Nova Scotia. Some of the Terms. Ono provision of the agreement pro- hibits the transfer of the lease to any per- son or corporation except the North Amerie,a,n Paper & Pulp Company, Lim- itedavithout the consent of the Attorney - General of Nova Scotia. The Government reserves the customary mining rights over the property granted, but agrees to sell the land, or any portion thereof, to the lessees for the purpose set forth, at 40 cents per acre, the prevailing price of Crown lands in Nova Scotia. If the terms of the agreement are ful- filled as regards the erection of pulp or paper mills and the same are operated through the stipulated period, the lessees may obtain a renewal of the grant for a further term of 30 years at $6,000 per year. GALICIA'S FOUND GUILTY. The Awful Crime lb. Motive -An A C0011111pliCe Bahl= Tried. Winnipeg, March 20. -The probability is that dusezak. the Galician, found guilty of murdering four Galician chil- dren and their father, will be sentenced to -day to hang. The trial of the second Galician murderer begins to -day. The .4w1ul Crime. The crime of which the Galician Gnso- zale was found guilty on Saturday after- noon was OM of the most cold-blooded on record. Another Galician named Bojeczko bad $60 in cash secreted on his person which Gusezak gob to know of and wished to seetua. He and another man named Cznay wont to Bojeczko's hut one night armed with it revolver and an axe. They shot Bojeezko, mutilated his body with the axe, then killed four children belonging to 13ojeczko and who were sleeping in the room. The children were killed with blows from the axe alone. Their bodies were found a few days atm. A Boy's Fatal Fall. • Ret Portage, Ont., March 20.-A boy named Octave liowe fell from the rail- way' bridge near tho falls at Torman and ' was drownea. His body was recovered a , shore time after near the dans. He was I alled 18e 01JTWIT1ING A COBRA. Saucer of Milk Playa a Part Ita a Threatened Tragedy. Dinner was just finished, and eerie English offieers were sitting around Ow table. The convecsation lead not been. animated, and there came a lull, as th. night was too hot for small talk. Thar major of the regiment, a clam out man oa 55, turned toward his next neighbor at the table, it young subaltern, who wait leaning back in his chair, with his handl clasped behead leis head, staring through the cigar smoke at the oiling. The major woe slowly looking the man over, from his handsome face down, when with it sudden alertness and in 4(1104 eteady voice, be said: "Don't move, please:, Mr. Carruthers I want to try an experi- ment with you. Don't move 4 muscle.' "All right, major," replied the subaltern, withoue even turning his eyes. "Hadn'ir the least idea of reeving, I assure youi What's the game?" ny this times all that others were listening in a lazily expectant way. "Do you think," continued the major - and his voice trembled just a little -"thee you can keep absolutely still for, say, two inintates-to save your life?" a.tere you joking?' "On the eontrery, move a mus- cle, and you are a dead man. Can yow stand the strain?" The subaltern barely whispered, "Yes,' and his face paled slightly "Burke," said the major, ad- drese1ng an officer across the table, "pour some of that mint into a saucer and set it on the aoor here juse as the beak of me Gently, man! Quiet!" Not a word was spoken as the offices quietly filled the saucer, walked with it carefully around the table and set it clown %Imre the major had indicated on the floor. Like a marble statue sat the young subal- tern in hie white linen clothes, while*, cobra di capello, which atul been erawlixig up tee leg of las trousers, slowly raised it* head, then turned, descended to the float and glided toward thematic. Suddenly the elienee was broken by the report of the - mater's revolver, aud the snalte lay dead on the floor "Timid{ you, major, sala the subaltern as the two men shook hands warmly "Yon have saved my lifet" "You're welcome, my boy," replied the senior, "hut you did your share. '-Soot- tish Ameriean. SOUND WAVES,, Some That Tan Can Only reed and Cannot Maar. The deepest note which can aetuany be heard by human ears is produced by aa. organ pipe 32 feet long. If you throw a stone into a pool, you will see it number of ripples spreading after the splash la circles If you blow a whistle or beat te drama you make a splash of the same kind in the air„ and the ripples spread out all, round When they break :against the drum of the lannan ear, the brain is eon- selous of a, sound If the little waves or ripples in the air are quite regular in the' proportion of 8, 16, 32 ripples per secon& the results are perfect musical notes. Now, the 39 foot organ pipe produces mealy 16 WaVeS or vibrations every see - end When the dead march in "Saul' is played, for instance, on the great organ of St. Paul's cathedral, that note may be, distinctly heard, like the boom of artil- lery, shaking the whole building M ite foundations But deeper notes than that can be felt, though they rmeite no sound. In the theme der of Ningara-a eataraet which is rough- ly 167 feet high -a note is produced ex- actly the same as that from it 160 foot or- gan pipe Listening intently, you cast feel the shocks and actually count them as they beat upon tbe eardrum at the- reto of eight vibrations a second. Yet even that to not the deepest note, for when the volcano of Krakatoa blew up in Sunda strait every observatory in the world very shortly recorded the explosion. The delicate meteorological instruments actually recorded a note of four vibration" it second, which could not possibly have been heard by mortal ears. -London Aa- re:era In Hie Midst. "An when I'm 6," said the 5 -year-old, pursuing a tour of mental investigation entirely upon his own hook, "Marjorie, she'll be 9 or 10, an Paul, he'll be 4, an when Marjorie's grown up Paul will bet mos' 7, an 1 -well, I guess I'll be in heav- en." But here his mother, who is of it prate - tical turn of mind, interrupted. "Heaven, my dear boy," she said, "you ean reach at any time. It lies within yourself." "Does it?" replied the 6 -year-old, who also is practical. "All right. Then all I've got to do is to turn myself inside out.' Nat. IA rally Interested. "You feel a deep interest in the stability of your country, don't you?" said the pa- triotic young man. "Of course, I do," answered Senator Sorghum. "If there wasn't any country there couldn't be any government jobs, could there?" Everything for the Printer. ************ NKs ,01.1,2y,:lrif)eoliVated arm -ry PE The latest and best. rm,s!tliestocsilaita PLATES the world. Cast by the "Gat - ROLLERS Thet a kind in Canada. PRESSES READY- 2'14, ,tiiiirrodane: PRINTS Unequalled by any other in Canada, in matter, paper and presswork. STEREOTYPING Promptly said effectively execute& ELECTROTYPING Fine deep shells, and clear working- guitran teed . 41140040.4s4s000,40041$ TORONTO TYPE FOUNDRY Cov 44 Bay St.,' Toronto. firsseehosi 046 Craig St., Montreal. 171$ Owen St..-Winniper. 120 Corrbera St., Taneaaver. 140 Lanny Water St. Ilalifian.