HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-3-23, Page 2Supsersbers who do not receive their helper Teeode,rly wilt please notify as at once, Gallo use efliee for advertising rates. TUE EXETER. ADVOOAT`] .'. THURSDAY, MARCH 24, Me, $orriethirig; Now, THE SUNDAY SMOOL . LESSON XIIi, FIRST QUARTER, INTER- NATIONAL SERIES, MARCH 2E. A new designed tent has ribs 'lent se leo thos0 used in carriage tops, the ends lee - beg pivoted at each side in order that they ss'ay be tented in stztall'compa>y, with the elver stretched over flee frame after it is .paned. Sett At1d pepper can be sbla en inde- pendently from a newly designed bole, a partition being plaeaad in the centre, with p the sifting oap for ed of two layers of metal, with the per orations so er1•angec3 that they will register with but erne diem - her et once. 11. Cal ferniest has designed a boiler which eleans itsc f of all iinmperities be the ,seater, the feed p'il'e being curved after it Ener *the boiler to eaat=_e the water to re - vole% tree dirty grnde:411y falling into a funnel in the • bo;tota to be drawn ori through a faucet. Itazors nen be 'quickly sharpened by 4 stew device formed of. a circzllar piece of j. De eible saisiterl.al, haling Oleo grinding powder on its fake" the sharpener being talded over the teases of the reser Ks dent the grinding t uefette net; on the blade es it riffles keen and forth. An Ohio woman .bras patented a neateh- boz for poeiaet use, which is opened at the { i C ; #ted. : itCltto.a tt1#waatti, the matches being p out cine at ai deme by a buttort on tlna side I of the cafe, the heat. coming Hist and pas* Q -t •t e•ni: feel ignite .n 1 . h a era t isag n,Fer it teen g Fonio: rug s ^an hes surely anchored without driving irate the ground by means ' of a new imam, 'wilet is formed of a cast- I rahil • iron Coate With .a tfh4141. at the top on -h tw, slterc pest, is plei•e.'t1 to driven k int° the ! graluiid, a ser end. of wire relating tet the' e'- S' at ,41;. O pit To to . f the ;y A Magic Pill. lilt.i,ensia is foe with Rimers t3leu.ire ceeel telt'' g et piing bet t7lta.:®: @xt rty M ..1tYet:t#+kind ttal U ai a' .ra c voegteleheli et one, it ntaitee ice 4:471,-.4,-;.4,140 ate ,A +t:l:t 4 ttare,.tittat. Ili =Any -S1O atteesei a all;, ar.4tns is as deb" t• cue ll' 4'1:1.1 t!'tt ti 7 vkt :nest o 1 Ii tf;lr or senna- oiln"+:ekeieN..: +ta wltieb even a Iz eerie u . Baa vi.1 *Atil,t3 fY v4ttti.ttatD7:. "11`itll nue a e4 tetilhee es;eof tee t'aumte: eel c ^'a c zee 4' + ♦ and . C 4.41 Ct Lee : : 1 i .t,a sal r cause De+a.,a wean: :]':e tD:e":>: gtiir4,tr1• <• t:aealKal lit . see s, :e rt•,iv n a aetai woad Claret cost*. aha \bine elate[ 'Ears (lob. 7: hero :s in ::.'epee' y 11:CA rs an untiring but woe tiresome ;<•ehee.lt.on of the oft=refaltre sYl e • at3"^ ll.t lit the: t..e tt nitCtA j of a gene - roll ore of wine wind beer is to ranee tlruttneee se in the cetentntlity. .'ur.'4y Meese ter Aa.ng (It r .aany and wane driulte tag the at, is terieeli n•t estiq ort to this fan. bee •tit; theory. j a t tea 4 tem prevalence et di 1➢t tti:;t" i 1:1 t ,Rut ted begets to t!t'♦4.'i" therm +unit !. stelt'ning 401413 or tbo laitden'}:tn" t t e'ktrbs:han, andtatl phiil;ant9 mete sreheei rt.'; i. ti.n *leo e0I3- iwquent tit t k :er tl., tc. ,t+0 and pity creat and iuentel t ,et s..arat4u a. t,£ the lteepl,i. hone mere ey as rcp..rted to tie twice as conintou in f refects now as fifteen years ego, and the numb t'r of persons placed ander restraint on account of it leas. In- cre.teei twente iivtl ter cent, in the last three ycareieed r sbyterian Banner. Text of the Lesson„ a Comprehensive 'Quarterly Review -- Golden Text, John x, 27—Commentary Prepared by the etev. D, 3i. Stearns. feopyr%gltt. 1S94. by D. I11;. Stearns.] LESSON L, -Christ the True ,Light (John 1111-14). Goleen'7'ext, John i, 4, "In Him was life, and the life was ilia light of men," Tbrce of the leading words in this gospel and also In John's epistles are light, life and love, Each is fully seen in Christ, WO are alt naturally darkness, but Ho so loved us that Ile gave Himself for us and: gives Himself to us, and when werereive Him He becomes to us both life and light. Inasmuch as tie is the Creator of all things how greet is the life and ligbtl 1.,Eesoei II. --- Christ's First Diseiplee (John i, 35.46). Golden Text, John i, 36, "'Behold. the Iamb of Got." ile remained on earth till Flea had finished the week the Its would 'rave Leen a Crippl- All Els Pother gave Him to do, the great 1,serk of ' T.if,l bad Dodd+es Kaduey Pitts Not atonentenr, and by Itis lite bad shown us Cured lila,-nett on alt Ielr Walk the lifecen ought to live, Now Ile wants eat; itnuretl Kis Kideoys. all the time till He strati come [gain 1 Hamilton, March 13.—"I do confidently those who will net only let Hint save believe I Would bave been ai cripple fee life theta, but wile will fellow fully in His B I had tot used Dodo's Ei#ney Feu .1. asters anal let ]list reptdisco In tbe1„" by Such was the stirtling stmadeatement ade Ir#ls .siert Ilisown Dafo tomo glary cot God, I by Mr. S. Ross, 76 Moue* street, to Sava- latl•. °N 11I. - CI4454 a First Mlruele rsl friends and acquaintances a row 4;i71 "And d His disciples believed on Hien." At Ash gena is one of our shrewdest and this feast And by thio ruireele .He imam, ..et progressive bminess men, He con- Tested forth His glory. Ile alweysencoar- ducts a flourishing grocery business at the ages His disciples err patieneo and Tenth- address given, fu#net; by thougbta and glitnpees of itis +a rebyda yo; snake such an assertion as Diary. Consider and 'see how He dial titin that'" asked ono of his hearers p F Aerie cob '♦lose c e o r'ah nd J a {a,, ' //. A alis a a t'ennr fora Priories', Look. '. A workingman purchased for a penny an aged looking volume bearing a date of 1540, The Ulan; tried to read it but threw up the attempt apparently in disgust and the volume was relegated to•theenpboard, A friend of his sew the book and tool; it to the British Museum authorities, who. promptly instil() an offer of A90, the highest sum the librarian is allowed to offer with- out a special vote of the trustees. Had the lean known what he was about he would leave stood. out for more, as eine' athorities would have paid almost any price rather than let the book slip through their heeds. It was, in fact, the first book printed by Gutenberg, and was therefore almost priceless, It is needless to say that the workman was satisfied with his penny's worth. A HAMILTON CASE. Grocer S. Ross Makes a Very Startling Statement. Golden Text John 1", 11, and Joshua Iselah. Ezekiel and Daniel, akWell, yon all know of nay severe r1111 Peter, James' and. John etttl Fan} of Tier, Oil an icy sidewalk three yes ago, The Sus doctors said my kidneys were injured Y t •. a o _. A - ><vs $' r h most nizl se ere} . 1 u sl e•l the I,,r; ctx I . •- eltrist and Nicodrmua F'rite g (John W. 1.16). Golden Teat, .luhn iii, Dins in my back and loins, ,.he doctors 10, "For Gad so loved the world that IIe couldn't help me. Neither did any of the gave His only begotten Son. that whose - ever hose S,da ey Pill e er beneeeth In Uiin should not perish, s, tiie best health rest hers but have everlasting life." No natural ever sold. Three boxes of theta set me on znun, however moral or religions, eau un ;; usy feet, made iia s'und and well in every derstand theythingsof God. Ile ',lust first respect. I)cdd's Kidney Pills afire truly gold." worth leu old. .tl th cis weighta r- o rest r in w` t =dye e A nature capab}e fund d R .t. tlaesetthiinf;8, IHeinust beborn freltna+dove. ti dr, Rose expressed the same emphatic j h ; Pie,, ieines I tock 1111 I bean using Dodd' I„I., ;ereV re at.l'act tb's "ell t,Itlhu coAvictioli held by crew one else Who ha , t n iv. 6.1F1), CcaidText, .scat, John iv, 14. ",U D.ct• ever used Dadd s Kidney Pills for any form srever tlria7D:c'tll of the water that I shall of Kidney trouble. + give bunehnll never thirst, While re- Doad's-Ildney fills act so rapidly, so lipdous, moral erode mute be burn «+ aln strongly and yet so gently, on the Kidneys, sinners such es this woman may 1t barn restoring them to their natural boalth,and again, Keen Sanraritana may came. All strength in such a ;.hors space of time, naay xerelva the lavitg stet*r w iewill that those who use thorn aro surprised at lett a Well in them ever satisfying and flow -the result. And tbero is only ono result, ng feral ret bless otbcrs, r no matter how severe the disease may be, I.I 4. Pia VI." -The Nobleman's on Ileal. no matter how long it may have lasted. (.lean iv, 4:1 roe), Golden Tett, .1'r,hn a Dodd's Kidney .Pills pnsitieely cure all f. . Ta usFa1d unto him, Thy forms of rderv D.ratie !n cludi n n a, And lttnisenf he}neve( and his rt Mule eeeigllt's eneeeee, Diabetes. Stout, maw houee." In eater c11amer the way of life enateen, rentalo fee Metes, Dropsy, im- and cel diselpii side is set teeth us When pure I3looti, erecttsne. t, ete, ing, zed in title Limon it Dsbeliovir ft with - ant F4 tug ft' ffelinin jest believing His word. tree,nl ' It l' Hi. weed. I.E. -'era \'II,—i.'hrI't's Divine Authority (John v. 17.27). Golden Test, .Tohn iv, 4:. "UM is indeed the Chriet,tilt"S aria ur of the serial" In the last lesson a tieing boy .vas healed, now it is a helpless s.. elan who bad teen suffering for 3y years., hut It is the earn all powerful word that does It, the word by winch nil things were created. All things were created by Ilim and for Him. Ile only knoweth the Fa- ther, and He alone can repeal the Father. All judgment hes been committed to Min.and likewise all power. MILLER'S COMPOUND IRON PILLS l LreSoll VIII.—Christ Feeding the Five increase the puwer of assimilation thus Thousand (Jahn vi, ]44). Golden Text, increasing weight and : tringth, John vi, 35. "I am the Bread of Life." Re is El Shaddnl (Gen. xvi},1), the nighty Dow to linen t ut Blowers. It is a anistaken belief that ammonia or other drags put in the water will prolong the freshness of flowers, says the Gentle- woman. If the flowers begin to droop they can sometimes bo revived by placing them in a 4001 place or even on the ice for a short time. By placing cut flowers in a refrigerator over night they can be kept beautiful and enjoyed by day for a much longer time than if left in a warm room all the time. The cold delays the process of ripening, which ends in decay. Loose towers keep longer than bouquets. But all flowers need to have their stents slight- ly cut every day before being placed in fresh water. Minard's Liniment Lumilerman's Friend. hurried In the imine. A determined bridal, party at Strood, near Rochester, England, on reaching the church found 'hat the building was on fire. It waited around till the fire was put out and made the pester perform the cere- to ny in the ruins. d 144 the Di fro reitoe:. The pian Who Didn't Snow I think you pay too much rent for this house. The he Man Who Was Two and a Half Quarters Behind—Ah, my landlord doesn't 'think so. New life for a quarter. Miller's Com- pound Iron Pills. Queer Collection of Cirara. AL London man who always takes a cigar when inv,ted out to dinner, though he floes not smoke, has now a collection of half a century's accumulations, each cigar wrapped up and labeled with the date and occasion on which it was taken. Why go limping and whining about your corns, when a 25 cent bottle of Rol lo - way's Corn Cure will remove them? Give it a trial, and you will not regret it. Record 1lirth of Lions. Victoria, the lioness at Sanger's circus, 1l attilicieAG. Ho nerd God, evho is a s no advice from us, nor any help. Ile will bread upon which is :spread the prunes is let us be Itis 'fellow laborers, but the work again to be revered with another slice c f and all provision for hand all the glory bread. Beat six eggs, add half a cupful of it are wholly His. IIe can work en - tired), apart from us, or Bet nay tato what we have and bless and multiply it. LESSON IX.—•Christ at the Feast (John •cit, 14, 28•87). Golden Text, .Tohn vii, 27, "If any man thirst, let him come unto Me and drink." Bread and water repre- sent that which our bodies need for sus- tenance, and one of the great promises is, "Bread shall be given bim, his waters shall be sure" (Isa, xxxiil,16). While we would not think much of such a diet it is suggestive of all our needs. and all that need is met in Him wbo is the living bread and the fountain of living waters. The Jews kept the feast, but knew Hine not, We may be very religious, but it Is Himself alone and not ordinances that can satisfy. Paul took pleasure and glorified in infirmities that the wonderful rower of Christ might rest upon him (II Cor. all, 9.10). A11 that God does is that His dear Son may be, loriiled and when we re- g ceivo and worship Him and honor Him God is well pleased for the testimony. Tho Christian must bo ready to spend and be spent. LESSON X.—Christ Freeing From Sin (John viii, 12, 31-86). Golden. Text, John viii, 86, "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." 'Those who think they are all right may, like these self righteous Pbariseos, be all wrong. If a man think himself to be something when be is nothing, he deceiv- eth himself. These blind Pharisees were sinners and did not know it. The poor wo- man was a sinner and knew it A sense c o of sin is necessary before one can enjoy the, forgiveness of sins. LEsson X.I.—Christt Healing the Blind Man (John ix, .1-11). Golden Teat, John ix, 25, ''One tbing I know, that whereas The Dorm, Dya,pep'4a.--In olden time it reit% as popular being three demons moved lnvi•ahly through the aunhient air, seek- ing to eater into men and trouble .hent. At the prekent day the demon, dysperpt•ia, is at large in the saute way, Nuking habitation in those, who by eatreless or un wise living Invite him. And once be en- ters a main it is daflie'nit to dislodge bhu. its that finds Meisel!. stipostseed mime id know thatta valiant friend to tlo battle for hint with the unseen foe is P,trtneleu's Vegetable Pills, which are ever ready for the trial. Delletoa•t Prone 1•ritters. Stir one pound witb a little sugar and s small stick of cinnamon. When sift, mash. Cut two days' old bread into thin. slices, spread these slices with the mashed prunes and out in quarters. Each slice of I was blind, now I see." Not only do all things work together for good to them that love God, but all things, all events, all circumstances, give. God an occasion to work. The blind and Jatxio, the deaf and dumb, the sick and dying, the weak and the infirm, all give the Lord an oppor- tunity either to be glorified in healing near. London, has given birth to six cubs. thein or in manifesting special grace by This is believed to be the largest numbershowing forth in their infirmities His born at one time in captivity. The cubs- meekness and patience under trial, for the have been named after Queen Victoria's ornament of a meek and 'quiet spirit is in rice I Pet• the sight of God of seat l en. g G g P taxi dr tri, 4). Qutek Divorce. LESSON XII. --Christ, the Good Shop herd (John x, 1.16). Golden Text, John In four hours recently a Paris court x, 11, "I am the Good Shepherd, the Good. granted 204 divorces, a little over a divorce Shepherd giveth'His life for the sheep." In a'minute. All the parties received state no sense a hireling, never seeking His own assistance in their cases, so that their will, nor His own glory, but always the divorces cost them nothing. f glory of his Father and, the good of men, for men and women are the sheep of His Miller's. Worm Powders are a wonder pasture, and children aro His lambs whom Cul medicine for the ailments of children. He gathers with His arum and carries in His bosom (Ps, c, 8; Isa. al, 11). When Timet fs what 11., Meant. we are willing to forget and deny self and "He says he loves her for all he's worth," `` live only for Him and for others, we wil.i' remarked Fangio. I; prove in our daily life that we bave 1I'is "Ile means for all she's worth, added Spirit,- All self seeking and self pleat:lliit Cameo. 1 are contrary to His Spirit, We aro F,tet! I by beholding Him, we grow by contin,t ue "to behold Him, and we shall bo like . i The Turks have no war songs except.... of milk, a pinch of salt, a little sugar and a pinch .of powdered cinnamon. After beating this well dip the quarters in;o the mixture and fry in bot lard. A dose of Miller's Worm Powders occasionally will keep the children healthy. VIOLINS AND GIRLS: An Irntertttining Sketch of the Ad- vantages' of This Combination. Rev H. R. Haweis. the, Englisltluan who is equally un iiuthority in 'musical and clerical circles, says in an interest- ing paper an "Violins and Olds." The advantages to a. girl of perform- ing on the violin are obvious. If she singe, she may lose her voice. and if she bas not got one she can't sing If he plays the piano. no one will cease talking, in England at least—no, not even if she plays divinely—and then she cannot be well seen eft the ,piano But if she holds a violin she is at once iso- lated In .our overcrowded female popu- lation isolation is everything To ba picked or to pick yourself one of the crowd. to command the undivided at- tention of the room, to have your in- nings and to :have it all to yourself .un- der the ;lost advantageous. the most fascinating. circumstances—Glut is a great point A girl may go to a dozen "at homes" and parties.. but there are dozens more girls there aping with her. and she ie. but one in the dozen But let her suddenly appear with her violin. and she gets her opportunity Every 'notion of both her well round ed army is expressive: every attitude if she plays really well and knows bon' to hold her instrument, must be grace fnl. displaying her flexible wrists. hence and shoulders to the best advantage. Her sensitive band seenia Made to clasp its seuooth and taper neck At v last, at last. she has found a vehicle lele Worthy of her snhtle or passionate but too long imprisoned emotions—those e'' ear for ear shy r..ttte;reel which yearn n an that cannot be found. those confidences which will be revealed through her villin, but never brtratyed, that feeling that finds no relief until it is snddenly lifted away upon those tidal waves of ineffable 'melody the interpreter of things which "words are powerless to express and leave them still unsaid in part or say them in too great escessl' i 's made forwo- man. violin 1 ad Yea. surelythe to n t tt es man, and woman is made for the violin. Keep the toiler,. i'111cl. The boilers of fire engines are autotnati cally filled in a firehouse by a new device, consisting of a pipe extending up from the Boor, which bas a self -coupler at the upper end to connect with the engine and open tne steam valve to draw the water into the boiler. Why will you allow a cough to lacerate your throat and lungs and run the risk of filling a consumptive's grave, when, by the timely use of Bickle's Anti -Consump- tive Syrup pain lain can be allayed and the danger avoided. This syrup is pleasant to the taste, and unsurpassed for relieving, healing and curing all affections of the throat and lungs, colds, coughs, brou- ehitis, etc., etc. Be Ii new Ilow. "Paddy, do you know how to drive?" said,a traveler to the owner of a jaunting car. "Sure I do," was the answer. "Wasn't it I upset your honor in -a diteh two years ago?" • Keep Minard's Liniment in the House. Temper asan Influence en Voice. Temper, t ays an authority, bas immense influence on the tone of the singing voice. An ill-natured or querulous person will invariably have a catlike quality in the voice, which is perceptible in singing quite as much as in .speaking.. Health for the children. .Miller'. Worm Powders. JewelWork Ernhraidery. . Cut and o y A novel and beantiful piece of work is well shown by the illustration from The Household. The outline of the de- sign 15 buttonholed with white, and a l3,r ring atttenber„ is buttonholed to the center of each figure The coloring -of the jewels is as follows The round' Spread iHe. .seta-ry. Mr. Addlepate—Where ignorance Is bliss, yon know, 'tis Lolly to be wise. Miss Willikins—Yes, i know. Still it may interest yon to know thati your hat is all jammed in tit thetop. hefelt meanfor half an hour. And What the Trouble 11 as. Dr. Kurenone—You are suffering from nervous prostration. I'll have to give you a sleeping powder. Benedict -No. Give it ;to my wife and the baby. Newfoundland is now the sixth copper producing country in the world. ,.....:.,.., „ ...-..-a...-nom NCER E ROO_ y S Ca only be -removed 1,v nor perfect system. thio have trate dated Trona other' when we see thin as He is (John r, 29, ;tel: 'Onesy No ltnifc, no Tiles r. Partieuiatrs free. tongues. c Il Cor. iii, 18; I John iii, 2): T. N. STOTT & JURY, OOWMANYILLE ONT A c DITAIL OF CUT WORK fl(ltnlat jewel shown in detail at A is yellow and the long one bine. In 13 the upper three. beginning at the center. are pink, blue and lavender, respectively The long one is lavender and the lower three, beginning at the outturn. are pink. bine and yellow, respectively in C the round jewel is pink and the two long ones are yellow D is worked like B The jewels are outlined with a darker shade of their color After the embroidery is completed the linen is cut away. as shown in the illustration. Lusters For Chita Painting. Lusters coetinne in vogue. says The Art Interchange. They are popular with china painters became they always fire with a bealntifnl glaze and present an iridescent surface that is peculiar to this form of decoration The trouble in mixing one with the other is, being all alike apparently before firing, it is alto- gether a .natter of gnesswork. There is nothing to judge by. as there is nothing to indicate any variety or combination of colors before applying thein They need not be applied with any great de- gree of smoothness', as they fuse evenly before not ,appearing to do so e though , firing There i9 en "essence" • for thin- ning lusters that should be used instead of turpentine. Chicken on Toast.' Season pieces of cold chicken with' salt and pepper Dip in melted butter let this cool on the meet, and dip in beaten egg and in bread crumbs. Fry in butter to a delicate brown. Remove the chicken from the pan and pour in a cup of cream or some of the broth in which the chicken was cooked. Season hot when it is -pour it over this: and h I slices of toast which have been arrang- ed on a platter Place a piece of chick- en on each slice and :serve. Are you think- ing of buy- ing a new wheel? If so, be sure and see the. GEND RON before yon purchase. Write foto a Catalogue, either English or 1+'.rebel. Gendron Mfg. Co., TORONTO, Ont. NATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONAL NATIONALNATIONAL KAT A WNAL FA IONqA FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS .FARMER. FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS ©M N COMPANY COMPA COMPANY COMPANY COMPANY COMPANYCOMPAN COMPANY C PA NATIONAL NY Y ENATIONA COMPANY NATIONAL COM FARMERSPANY NATIONAL L A FARMERS PY CO P N NATIONAL AR FERS M COMN NATIONAPAYL FARMERS COMPANY ARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS C.. NAOMPATION. VA L FARMERS COMPANY FARMERS ca MPANY NATia" :NEAR CBMPANY ******************* *****'**t ***********************fit This. Compton • reserves the right to refund soar money If the price of R Hemp advances ir'y ['ot[so;' of the hlllprpllto wits or otlu,r tsait•:os. Alainlli► liotnp comes front tiro Philippine Ialnind.. ORDER A"l' O;i(:fl anti nlitke 'e Rupp' v before Item advances. certain bf your etataOn ( e P 1 t Remit it O IiYbons 9 oil l} Postal tt Note. Post Onion Order. Express rese O rto r *orIt nletero.lLutt r. Write lotlrnL o plainly. ;Ivo r"or post tleoadw drums lett also the railway stttt[au to \vtricli wo are to 'ship Ci1a'1'rvtu,+, You pay frets:nit on the Twine from ORONTO, we send you the _premium j,repadd by innit or express from Toronto. Observe abate directions caro - 1, any mistake in forst your Ronde. Sa I iIttvu t 1 we eatitilat 1llitlta it1 y a « 1; `J wha;the r you want ta, Gentleman's s or a Lady's 'etch, a altisteal (look or a ming -if the latter. Rend a 'niece of string or paper size required. ter'Addresf all lettere and snake all remittances payable to **** f>raF**1**-WFiF*iNh?tthtaK•vt****ie*af•*yF*alf •**** NATIONAL NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY, FARMER FARMERS COMPAN COMPANY TORONTO. NATIONA NATIONAL g rEnquirersare referred to any liercantile Asseney FAR hi ERS andto the Editor of. this paper as to our respousibitlty. FARMER COMPANY COMPAN hitIUhAL NATIONALNATIONALNATIONAL NAIiUNALNAIIUNALNAIIUNAt NATIONAL .FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMERS FARMER FARMER,, FARMERS FARMER COMPANY t g COMP CO COMPAN COMPANY COMPANYCOh1PANY COMPANY COMPAiY ANY COMPANY NATI ONAL— lNDER TWI F 11 strength: over 73 lim breaking strain. Full length: We feet to the p,a nil. Full weight: 8, lie. to teen 491_4, No et eeleR be the bender--compaotiy wound; made entirely of pore Menne ilk•mp Ithont adulterant of any kin a, absolutely the best ever atread the Canadian farmer. 80 lbs. NATIONAL BINDEI TWINE FOR 1111 CASH with any one of the followingvelualile and useful PREMIUMS; 14 -Karat GOLD-PLATED WATCH, stem-wind- ing and steal -setting, guaranteed reliable time-keep- or—lady's or gentleman's size—maker's guarantee with each watch. SOLID GOLD RING set with genuine Garnet and ()pal gerns--stamped and warranted—with maker's Trade Mark and .guarantee. MUSICAL CLOCK, glass sides, in Nickel Silver and Gilt -a handsome ornamentand accurate timepiece. A never entlin" pleasure in the home. 119W -1T is DONE. %e National. Farmers Co. sells direct to roe. , tical bane ode Farmers: employs no middle .nen r agents, does business only for cash, makes no l„sett--•Ev,'ry dnliar does its full duty. We have a lot of NATIONAL BINDER. TWINE on hand -"se much that the bank rate of interest tun :l after a llarecst, on the moray locked up, will amtount o many thaueand return for each That is is cl ere that the premium c mesive it on. the farmer let FARMER Otl1PAN' NATIONA FARMER COMPAN I NATIONA FARMER A COMP N NATIONA FARMER N0 PATI ATIONA (FARMER COMPAN NAT OVAL FARMERS NAT ON A FARMER COMPANY COMPAN riAl ONA FARMER HATIONA FARMER COMPA N NAT SNA FARMER R COMPANY 1 r1'egive this beautiful l,casvy told 7'l,tietl CIInlu laratceletinatlafntylilush-lined REE case for selling 12 of our Fiile Linen. Full -steed »l.3'Ues at lOc♦ each. Latest and prettiest designs no fere alike. \Vrite,.and \ve send doylies, postpaid, and our + c i List. 8 11 them re.urn•us 1.2 n w a on a fo m b Liberal Fli Premium s e D a d e t r ret dour maeletfree. commissionifpreferred. Unsold Doylies returnable. LINEN DOYLY CO., DEPT. D..'loront°. Notes Prone The Ladies' World. To remove the puckery appearance of embroidery Inet, finished wet a clean piece of linea tri clear, cool water, wring it blot and place it on a clean. wooden table, Then lay the work on, its face upward Pin the work down and stretch it us smooth as possible and leave it so for `34 ,hours, White linen tloeses.shonid be.nsed in e nthroldeitu lain anon damask dile b p Per cloths also for the lace edgings and, insertions used for their furthel' deco•' ration and trimming Cording stitch.' made by taking a long stitch forwtlyd on the faceofthe material laud a vers short 'stitch, back on the underside. le need in the revived white embroidery' on table linen. The French knot. made by twisting the needle once or twice around the thread, passing the needle straight down through the work and drawing the knot twice: is another Stitch used in white embroidery Satin :stitch is touch used in the re- vived euihioitlery It is ',rade of "long replier etitt;hes closely land together to present a smooth. raised satin effect Mian nd erstood. The words of some hymns are some- times misunderstood, and the misunder- standing is often ridiculous. A good story with this as a theme is being told. A young countryman had promised to contribute $2 to a fund to buy music I books as soon as he disposed of a calf, but I failed to do so. He wont to choir practice one night a little late, and just as he en- tered the door the choir began to sing the well known Sunday school song, "The Half Was Never Told.” This sounded to him like• "The calf was never sold," and he started in to thrash several of the young men in the choir. -- Philadelphia Cali. Foundation For Trouble. "Oh. my headl My head!" groaned Rivers. "If anything ails your bead," suggested Brooks, "why not treat it homeopathio- aliy?': "How's that?" "Have.it shingled." It occurred to Rivers later on that Brooks meant to intimate he had a wood- en holed, but by that time Brooks was out of reach: -Chicago Tribune: BINDER TWINE AND ROPE. ONTARIO BiNDER TWINE CO., 124 Front St. West. Toronto, Ont. USE ULRICH'S. ENSILAGE CORN N MAMMOTH WHITE GIANT PROLIFIC YELLOW DENT IMPROVED LEAMINC E. It. ULILICH'& SONS. Sp, in geoid, 117. Ask your dealer for samples and testimonials. PILES_ It cures all forms of them -even after the knife l asbeen used. It is awonderful rem- *sly. It Is simpleandsafe and is free' to honest sufferers. Send address and get it free. A. LEWIS, 112 Shuter Street, Toronto. REIDS' PIANOS In TOUCH, TONE and FINISH they have no equal. • Correspond- ents wanted orrespo:nd-ents-wanted In every town to act as agents. RE[D BROS157` Kin St. West' ,, 'roseate. We give this line Watch with a chain and charm for selling 2 deem' packets of our exquisite Perfume at 10 cents each, or a lady's watch and guard for selling 3 dozen. No Re- quired. :e- and Are wilt e1 nns trisk. erfume rostpa•d and our Premium List. Sell the Perfume, the money, and your \Vateb will be forwarded at once, all charges paid. Unsold Perfume may be returned. Hundreds have already earned valuable Wanes selling our goods, .. a y not you? Mention this paper when wr ting. The Home Specialtyec IslT y Co. T.,ItONTO, UNT. New Yorks Multitudinous Press. New York Newsboy—Paper, sir? Now Yorker—What papers have you? Newsboy—See here, mister, I've getter work for my livin. I know th' names of all th' papers 1 carry, but 1 ain't got no time to stand here and recite 'cin. Come around some Sunday afternoon.—New York Weekly. FREE&IniftVG'Vcf, Silver, and Nickel Watches, l'lt Chains. Ringo, Brace - e a. Meuse Bete, Air 11 dos, Knives, Spr'ons, Toa Its, . Lace Cul tains. tltlgazittcs, •etc., etc., to RIO, elle tie a will help nit to sell our rear Rose Bud Tooth Powder at 10e. pt•r package. It Is the ',nest that can be intdeand 'should be • Seri by everyone. r'x packages ern fen be sold in one house. Premituns. are given for sellilrg:. 10.Daelcnnes laid ups wards. write and we i will send a iu b r t of m acka es and our bid premium lite. No money required. Men ion this paper and write name and address very plainly. Toronto Drums Co' Bay Se..Toronto. lk T. N. II. 211 To lntreenee nr. Wentnn's Tmproved Pink Iron Tonle Pnaa for enriching the blood, I'er pile people, deltente Wien, 11,09, and kidney dieeaees, .rhemmnttorn, bnnka.cite, ncr8Cimn d general delaility, eta, we give. FREE a 141 gnld•plNt>aeh`. watch, UMW' or pont'. reliable C LL1't RRww IG ttme•kooper, wag ranted. The riffs ere t.8o, per box, OA for 8 boxes. Send eunount and yon reeelve 8 boxes and the watch, or writ* 105 particulsns, Thigh ri.cnnuiiaA offer. THE DR. ' .ST N' PILI,, 'ate 86t Yens al.pxoreete, Vag