HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-3-16, Page 7s
+ than that tree and spreads above it a
erown. Would God that, this religion of
1t,1t1?YAIte, $IPenewS STAND..
{ Christ, a mora wonderful emperor tree, gelates a Scene Ito witnessed as the
alight overshadow all your lives! Are •
you lowly in ambition or circuuhstance, Reason 'why no ls. cam• ak
putting over you ire crown? Are you Prohibitionist.
high in talent
potitioo, putting over
D Talmage m a Draws a Contrast ntrasfi a Ween saccharin in w our sb,, for more
less of the Itudyn er Kipling says that one gime
in a concert hall, he saw two Dung men
Rev. !�' ply two girls with liquor until they were
drank. They then, 14x1 themstaggering,
Selfishness and Kindness. star oa wormwood. down; a derk'street. The rest, of the story
Hundred gated Thebes, for all time to we give in Wil Kipling's .own• words,
be the study of .antiquarian and hiero=
"Then," he says, "recanting previous
el:enlist; be stupeudoub ruins spread ° opine/us, 1 became a prohibitionist, Bet -
Wei Should Stave to Make This World a Pleasant Piace . Those , over 27 miles; her sculptures presenting ter it is that a, man sbould go without
in fissures of warrior and ebariot the vie- bis beer in nubile places, and content
tortes with which the now forgotten ' himself with swearing at the narrow -
lames of Egypt snook the nations; her 'mindedness of the majority; better it is
o` prine; Who calisks and n .1n ne the le% o e. s her
s; Karnak and to poison thin s, and with la vile teln-
Washington, March 13. -.•-Thi contrast Alas, that there are se ma homes. not inane; the tupeudo(us temples or her perinea drinks, and to buy lager furtive-
betwveen a life of selfishness and a life of known to the Society, for the Prevention ~ of ly At back doors, titan to bring tenipta-
h i' f teas such as
I d seen. now
Who Scatter Wormwood Are Likened
to Attila the Hun.
kindness is set forth by Dr. Talmage of Cruelty to Children, where children Th .o in those dans, when the hippo- tion to t. o ipso young o0
4-4/ aicit,s'�L��f
f� t
amine itee, 44if,,a eta .gx"
le,4„ 0144-
rang with her sports and foreign the four had i understand
while discoursing upon the baleful char- are whacked and cuffed and ear rovalfy hawed at - hershrinesand her wily the preachers raga against drink,
actor of a conqueror of olden time; test, andsenselessly
sbaly end sato a order,
aste. until avenues roared with the wheels of proses- have said: `there la no harm in it, DISEASE THE SPINE. Revelation vie 10 11 "There fell Fevered rP y suppressed,
!tion v ere e a ' Mons in ;the wake of returning conquerors? taken 1nollerately, and yet my own
f h burning t is ti wander that finder such, prceesselt
part of the rivers and upon the fountains What is your anfluenee upon the neigh- Taub temples
and thrones?
nesilence t .and cora- quer
f—God alone l:nowvs went end. If liquor
great star from circa, urn ns as I i What daasheel down the vi.�ion of chariots nand for beer helped ditt:ctly to sendthese
Were a lamp, and it tell upon the third they do not all turn out Nana Sahibs! sa the Jaunt- two
girls reelanl pcd4 the dark street to
e—of waters, and the iaarne of the star #a boyhood, the town or the city o your:
titles called \Yorrnwood. residence? 1 'will suppose that you are a RJR to shiver in the detelaatfon and paint is worth drinking, it is worth taking a
Patrick and Lotivth, Thomas Scott, star or with what tri, d of saes do you, tof Callen gates and chattel d1 statues ud little
to come t saeh trouble as
his own
Matthew Henry, Albert, Barnes and sone : shoot forth? Do you use that splendid defaced sculpture, responding: l la4s F
other emnroentetors my that the star faculty to irradiate the world onto rankle built not one temple to Gee. Thebes deeires. It is not gime. that we should let
Wormwood of my texe was a type of le? I bless all the apostolic college of hayed tie hteouene-s and loved sin. Thebes it lie before the a tis of children, and I
Attila, King of the .tans, He ices so humeri ts, The man that makes me
was a star, but the turners to wormwood leave been a fool in writing to the eon-
- end has fallen." i teary:" l
culled tk�eanl,o be was $rneaant as a star, ;, laugh is to benefactor. ^ I da not thank D albylon. with her 2e0 towers and leer i This is important testimony. Rudyar'd
and, like wormwood, he imbattera al eve ay. anyhoay to make WO cry 1 eau do that
thing be touched, leo have stedied the evithoue an' Assi ,tauco.. We all ere enongli brazen gates and her ei-than:led walls, the Kipling i,; no unknown person. No one e
Star of Bethlehem mei the Morning Star and have enough to cry Ohmic Gots bleu spicudor of the earth gathered within her eau aecuee lain. of intolerance or fanatie'
ignites ':.^ -, •. _ aatea, lace banging gar.laz4 built b islu. Na cue call tetras him with ig
urs subj *ce c ally its to gaze at the star . propoanalere or i11e enaous conundrums, Nebuebadnezzar tie Uig size bre bride- , anee of late.
of Revelation and these ar at Pelle but all skillful punsters, all repartee:+t+, tt11 1; y
a ' t �P i.myti'i, who had been breugbt u j in a
Wormwood, n,Itat my theme alight be call E all those who mlrthYuilr s rlso u>; with 1
" Q tiausual "uxtn nslaw) of wonle Themes mountainous country and could not en-
""I3rt11iant llltternea3. ] p A I,a wYer Complimented.
ar es lle -ensand Sydney dura the stilt euunlrm sonnet Iianlylon,
o e, ordina aorocter histo Head and Oberlin 1 n F ey; o
more esti this an Attila. arllt4h 11ad a divine mission, and so have • q hese hanging liar 1 u'3 built terrace dila Wader wa b. in,- tried for bril�
s not furthenish tilt s th m . , • . a above terrace, till ae the height of 400 ing a. eoiered wltne s, ;fain Joirusing, to
the ane at aounce; The '.nary goes i their a acki brs in these tunes, They sirs feet there were woods waving and fouls- testify falsely.
that one day a wounded heiferc.nmtslalup• i 1lItQ the acid becerago at life the :»acchair-, 4
Ing along through the heads, unll a herds•Ins. They matte the cellof earthly eeitt ° tains Planing, the verdure, the foliage, l "You Fey the defendant offered on
gran followed its b1e' 1y tract! on the; once, which is eumetimee stale, edervesca she glare looking ns if a mountain were fail) to testify in his bebalf5" asked the
grnai to see where the heifer was wound- i and bubble. They placate animosities.:- on the wing. Oa the tiptop a king walk• lawyer of Sala.
t lag with his queen. Among the statues, 1 ""Yes, 5811."
! all the pulpits of reach Itut what from dist ant ant ,
t•►n,4ards of
ed, and ~cent on back farther ants farther 1 They bunter ties which l Thee' slay tattles' b -'R white, looking up et birds brought 4 '"Now, rep ;at r; hat he said, using bis
until be came tel a steer. fast in the .ani absurdities tchtch all the sermons et y 1 1 g
solid gold
earth, rho point downward, as though a ne p pi s Manu 11t1 drinking oris of ezaet wol'ds,
lel or locking off over i "He said he would gib the $50 it 1 "
against hind dropped from the heavens, and ; use aro you making ff y a u Is it, givers acrd lakes open nations subdued $ 'alis didn't speanis in the third person,
bedee the edges e this swot. rho heater ' besi?ire o y with profanity and amusement
at and tributaay, arming, "Is not this great did lie?"
bawl been cut. The presentedinann pulled up nesse Do you employ it inam a Babylon which I have built?"
"No, ball; he their good care det der
that sword and it to Attila~. i physical defects for which the victims Vitae Attlee said that sword must have dropped • are Ilett resp0tisaiele? Are your powers of V pat battering rant smote tine walls? , 'Were no third pinion 'sound; der was
trent the heavens from the grasp of the ' millinery used to put rrligiou In coir- What plowshare upeiraeal the gardens? , only two—Us two,"
sod Mara, end ite being given to him : tempt? Is it a bunch of nettle .owe rove'- Whet array shattered the brazen gates? I know thee•, but be spoke to you in
meant that Attila should conquer uer and tive; Is It a bolt of unjust scorn? Is it What long, fierce .^last of storm put out „ the dist person, didn't be:'
q this light Welt illlilrnin:!tad the world.? i "I was de Oust punnet myself, Fab."
govern the whole earth, Other mighty fun at others' niF.forsune? Tit ft glop att\,ln:►G eras.t of dialer.! drove down the "You doll's trlitll stand me. When he
men have been delighted at being called their tl 4appointrncnt azul defeat? Is it
llbe stare, er iltu Merciful, tlr rho 41aaa1. bitterness put droll by drop lute n cup? music that pouted from pal, ee window was talkinis to you. slid he say, 'I will
but Attila called himself and demanded Is it like the &aliening of Artemisia and garden grove :and calla'!! the payIon-„ ou 1Sa0.'
that others call him "the Scourge of ,,absinthium into a draft already dietasto- (Meters to their revel and then dancers to ! No, Sail; be didn't say within' 'bout
God.”fully pungent? Then you are the stay' their 'feet? 1 walk npan the scene of yon payin' me $ao. Your name wasn't
At the head of 700,000 troops, mounted. ! Wormwood. Yount is tine fun of a rattle- desolation to find an weever and pick up mentloued, eepptiu' he told me et eber 1
on Cappartloeian homes, he swept avert'• snake trying how well it can sang. It is pieces of bitumen anti trt4"ht and broken got into a scrape you was tie best lawyer
thing, from the Adriatic to the Black the fun:of a bawl; trying bow quiet -it polt ly, tho rrmtaaf; or Itibvl"u. I bear it, Gait Antono to fool do jedge and de
the wild waves Saying', ."llaaby 1011 was jury ---in fat' yon was de best in town t0
and flrceau and Thrace. IIS made :lfikau 1 w:►ya or Doinglar. Ile put his hon heel on Macedonia can strike out the eDoing flood. ye of proud, dove. proud, Babylon was immure, Babylon cover up rt•'kelity."
was a star, but by sin sho turned to For a brief, br.'atbless moment, the
anti Pavia and Padua and Verona beg for I But I will elms
go thla and suppose islet �vasi as•3atyldea.
h ch 1 ht toe e i t 11 yout f 111 p Gpa It
rucrey, w 1 he ", v t not. as aro a star t worldly pro any
Byzantine castles, to meet hie ruinous 'Chen you h 1 ,. 1 pa t ity on
have levet
o run
levy, pat up at =notion massive silver , can eucourago that artist by buying his
tabits aur vases of solid golfs. When a picture. You call Improve the Melds, the
city was captured by him, elle inhabitants statales, the highway, by introducing
wore brought out and put into three bather style of fowl and horse and caw
classes, The tet chess, Moo who could and sheep. You cat blase se the world with
bear arms, suint immediately enlist under ' poinologie a, aehievemeut in the orchard. expect that titin country will continue to
Attila or be butchered; the second class, 5'ou care advance a berieulture and arrest advance until sho world shall renob the
10 liceutiftii women, wcramade captive! tine eirathful destrat'tiu0 of the American millennial era. Out, only sn.foty is in
the Huns; the third class, the egad forests. Yon can put a pierst of sculpture righteousness toward God and justice
wormwood anti has tsall4en,
Tile Lord's timidness.
I pray that our nation may not copy
the cringes of national that have perished;
that our cup of blasting turn not to
worruwood atud wo go down. I ata by-
ynattue and by grace an optimist, andi
Men and women, were robbed of every- , into the niche of that public academy,
thing and let go look to the city to prey you can endow a seille„r, you can stock-
• a heavy tax. g ing 1,000 baro feet front this winter frost,
Soonrge or !Tell. 1 yon can build a church, you cant put a
It was a common saying that the grass mission:my of Christ on that foreign
never grew where the beef of Attila's share, you can heap to ransom a world.
berth had mut His armies reddened the A rich man with his heart right --can
craters of the Seine and tho Moselle and you tell nae how rnuelh good a James
the Shine with carnage and fought on Lenox or a ()verge Pantentdy or a Peter
the Catalonian plates the fiercest battle Cooper or a William E. Dodge did while
since the world stood -300,000 dead loft Irving or is doing now that he is dead?
on tho held. On and on until all those There is not a tate. town or neighbor -
who could not oppose him with arms lay - hood that has not glorious specimens of
prostrato on their faces in prayer, then a consecrated wealth.
aloud of dust was seen in the ttistaance, But suppose you grind the face of the ger and blaspheme in tho streets of our
and a bishop pried, "It is the aid of poor. Suppose, when a man's wages are great cities, as though they wore reaching
God,” and a all the people took up the cry. due, you make him wait for them because after the fame of a Corinth and a Sodom,
"It Is the aid of Goa." As the cloud of he cannot help himself. Suppose that, are not repented of, wo will yet seo the
dust was brown aside the banners of re- because Iris family is sick and be has had smoke of one nation's rain; the pillars of
enforcing armies marched in to help extra exponsee, ho should you our National and State capitols will fall
toward man. If we forget the goodness
of the Lord to this land and break his
Sabbaths, sand improve not by the dire
disaster's that have again and again come
to us as a people, and wo learn saving
lesson neither from civil war nor raging
epidemic, nor drought nor mildew, nor
scourge of locust and grasshopper; if the
Political corruption wheel, has poisoned.
the fountains of public virtue and be -
slimed the high places of authority, mak-
ing free government at times a hissing
and a byword in all the earth; if the
drunkenness and licentiousness that stag -
1. "Balk to the Klondike.
Miss FIRM $113W Inas cruelly dissipated
the ludo of rOtu nree that surrounded a
journey to the Klondike. Young gentle-
men whom. it has been found expedient
to treneplant freta Pieeadilly to Dawson
City will no longer be able to impose on
tender -be art xl womenfolk with tales of
hairbreadth escapes and horrible prim -
tams, which Miss Shaw bus shown are
largely' tl1Iu'- of the past. The journey
tano more than a month, widen, snit -
tractive; a fortnight for the luxurious
transit to Vancouver, leaves a fortnight
for only perils of the White Pass. Second-
ly, Mist Sbaw has demonstrated that
these same perils call bo gone through
by a woman with comparative ease and
comfort—that is to say, if ono can take
kindly to munching beans three times a
day like a horse. As for security of life
and property, pistols are as superfluous
I in Klondike as in Pall Mall, though
occasionally ono sups with Indian mur-
derers. In short, what Miss Shaw can do
, and enjoy, our golden youth ought to be
able to do without swaggering, even if
they do not enjoy it. Miss Shaw bears
testimony to the auriferous character of
s Attila "tl Scourge of God " to 1'3150 his wages for this year, and you more disastrously than when Samson : these regions.—Saturday Review.
The most unimportant occurrences he roughly tell him if ho wants a better pulled down Dagen, and future histor-
A Malady That -chile* Life Alwost t•,'n.
beaarohle-.i. Nova SCutia -Lady Patti
Dow tu. Cure It. F
hits. ih ink Kinard. of :Hilton, Iv.S., is
a lady who even: -o -et the cantidenco of a G
large circle of friends. airs. M^nard has
been a sufferer from spinal diseate and
attendant eoniplirationz, and to a reralrrer
alae reeentli' gave tite Fermenters of her
eure. • ;te sa d: "Asa I'esuir of the trim -
lee I stirred .t rrit�ly. At tinier the pelt
would 1» eonfantd to my rock„and at„cher •
linnet it seemed to affect every nerve in';
Iny body, frees the top of any head to my
t es. As a result I wise reduced greatly in !!
streugth and was eatable to steered upon
Ina fret long enough to attend to my
hon -chaff! war,., When doing 'any triad
of work which required a standing posi-
tion I had to Provide iuytelf with a high
chair as a means of a ippert. The =din
eine which the doctor prysteitel for nim •
d.d not seen! to aura Ino mere than tem-
porary relt.f fraena the pain, and I was
gradually growing weaker and weaker.
Filially the doctor euggested that Ishoulat
use Dr. Williams' Innis .'ills, anti acting
on his advice I berm to take thein. I bad
only used a few ate eax when the agony I
had suffered for menthe began to abete,
and I began to regain my strength. 1 eon-
tinuari using the palls for a short time
longer, and was again in foil eossession of
my health and strength and able to do my
household \park. I have never enjoyed
Letter health tban , tun doingat prest:nt.”
Dr. Williams' Pi -it Pil"as cure uerauso,
they supply the blood with its life giving
properties and atreemethea weak nerves.
Ali diseases due to tither of these{ causes
are speedily cured by the use of this medi-
cine. 'Sold by an dealers or sent by mail,
post paid, at !toe. a box or six baxe. for'
`J.atl, by addressing the 1)r. Willh'uns'
Medicine Co., Braelville, Ont.
”"Hobson wasn't so sally, after elf"
"What do you IneruY"" •
""Hsi got out at the country before Val-
eutine's day "—Chleago Record.
agurn t "the urg•
go and get it, Suppose, by your !ants will record upon the page bedewed
used use. supernatural resource. .After plaice to
tbreo months of failure to capture the maainer, you act as though be were noth- With generous tears the story that the
city of Aeuileia, when his army bad ing and you were everything. Suppose free nation of the west arose in splendor
given up the siege, the flight of a stork you are selfish. and overbearing and acro- which made the world stare. It had mag -
and her young from the tower of the city dont. Your first name ought to be Attila
was taken by him as a sign that he 'vas and your last name Attila because you
to caapturo the city, , and his army, in- are the star Wormwood, and you bave
!spired with the sante occurrence, resumed embittered one-third if not • three-tbirds
the siege and took the walls at n point of the waters that roll past your employes
from which the stork had emereecl, Iso and operatives and dependents and asso-
niflcent possibilities; it forgot God; it
bated justice; it hugged its crimes ; it
halted on its high march; it reeled under
the blow of calamity; it fell, and as it
was going down all the despotisms of
earth from the top of bloody thrones
brilliant was the conqueror in attire that elates, and the long line of carriages began to shout: "Aha! So would we have
bis enemies could not look at bilnl, but which the undertaker orders for your it!" while struggling and oppressed peo-
-'ahaded their eyes or turned their heads. funeral, in order to make the occasion pies looked out from dungeon bars, with
Slaiu on the evening of his anarriage respectable, will be filled with twico as tears and groans and cries of untold
by his bride, helico, who was hired for many thy, tearless eyes as there are per- agony, the scorn of those and the woe of
- the assassination, his followers bewailed sons occupying them. You will be in this these uniting in tho exclamation: "Look
him not with tears but with blood out_ world but a few minutes. As compared yonder! There fell a great star from hean-
ting themselves with knives and lances. with eternity, the stagy of the longest life Yen, burning as it were a Innip, and it
He was put lino three coffins, the first of on earth is not more than as minute.
iron `` ' anvolyd of silver and the third of What aro we doing with that minute?
'o1_ , He was buried by .night, and into Are we embittering tho dolnesttio or -Mee grave were poured the most valuable or political fountains, or aro eve like
coins and precious stones, amounting to Moses, who when the Israelites in the
the wealth of a kingdom. The grave- wilderness complained that the wafters of
diggers end all those who assisted at the , Luke Marah \yore bitter and they could
,burial were massacred, so that it would • not drink thein their leader cut eft the
never be known where somuch wealth branch of a certain tree and threw that
was entombed. branch into the water, and 11 became
The Roman Empire conquered the sweet and slaked the thirst of the suffer -
world, but Attila conquered the Roman ing host? Are we with a branch of the
Empire. He was right in calling himself tree of life sweetening all the brackish
.-a scourge, but instead of being "the fountains that we can touch?
Scourge of God" ho was the scourge of Tilt. 0u1Y Sweetening„ Power.
hell. Dear Lord, send us all out on this mis-
Because of his brilliancy and bitterness slon. All around us lnabittered lives—inn
the .00nrmentators might well have sup- bitterad by persecution, imbitterod by
posed him to be the ,..star Wormwood of
the text As the regions ho devastated
were parts most opulent with fountains
and streams and rivers, you see how
graphic -my text is: "There fell a great
star from- heaven, burning as it were a
Ininp, and it fell upon tho third part of
the. rivers -and upon the fountains of
waters, and the name of the star is called
Baleful Influences.
Blit use any of you the star Wormwood?
Do you scold and growl from the thrones
.00,turiiasl oe, maternal? . Are your ohiidree
everlastingly pecked at? Aro you always
crying "Hush!" to the merry voices and
swift feet; and to the laughter which
occasionally trickies through at wrong
Omen and is suppressed by them until
they can ;hold it no longer, and all the
barriers burst intounlimited guffaw and
'machination. as in , this weather the water
bas trickled through a slight opening in,
the milldam, but afterward makes wider
and _wider breach until it carries all be-
fore it with irresistible freshet? Do not
be too mush offended at the noise your
children now make. It will be still
enough when ono of theist Is dead. `'Then
yon would give your right hand to hear
one shout from the silent voice or one
step from the still foot. You will not
any of you bave to wait very long before.
pour house fa Miller than yea want It.
hypercriticism, Embittered by poverty,
itnbirrtered by pain, inibittored by injus-
iire iwliirtcrcd by site 1Vhe not go forth
and ewueieu them by smiles, by inspir-
ing words, by benefactions, by hearty
counsel, by .prayer, by gospelizecl behav-
ior? Let us remember that if we are
wormwood to others we are wormwood
to ourselves, and our life will bo bitter
and our eternity bitterer. The gospel of
Jesus Christ is the only sweetening
power that is sufficient. It sweetens the
disposition; at sweetens the inanners; it
sweetens life; it sweetens mysterious
providence; it sweetens afflictions; it
sweetens death; it sweetens everything. I'
have heard- people asked in social com-
pany, "If you could. have three wishes
;ratified, what would your throe wishes
bo?" If I could havethreewishes met, I
tell you what they would be: First, more
of the grace of God; second, more . of the
grace. of God; third, more of the grace of
In the dooryard of my brother John,
once missionary in Amoy;China, there
was a tree called the emperor tree, the
two characteristics of which are that it
always grows higher than - its surronnd
Ings, and its leaves take the form of a
Drown. If this emperor tree be planted
beside a rosebush, it grows a little higher
tban the bush and spreads out above it
a crown. If it be planted bythe ,side of
atiuth tree M sSS -' at 1112. higher
fell upon the third part of the rivers and
upon the fountains of waters, and the
name of the star is called Wormwood!"
Canal Systrtta for Germany.
g The German canal ball which is to be
• introduced into the Reichstag during the
coming session provides for the expendi-
ture of 400,000,000 marks on canals and
river irnprovehnentec, as follows: Midland
' canal, 102,000,000 marks; Dortmund -
Rhine canal, 68,000,000 marks; 50.000,-
000 marks for watersheds, etc., in the
Oder district,; 40.000,000 marks for the
Berlin -Stettin ship canal and 20,000.000
marks for the improvement of the Weser
River. When the scheme is executecl it is
announced that the stain waterways of
Prussia will be connected from tho east-
ern extremity of the Empire to the har-
bors of the German ocean.
Ilse for Liquefied Aar.
It is reported that a use has been found
for liquefied air, the possibilities of
which have been matters of discussion
among scientific men for sem0 time.
According to The Mining Reporter, a dis-
covery was ntaacle recently by which it is
now practicable to use liquefied air- in
underground work, such as mining, driv-
ing tunnels and sinking shafts. It is said
that under proper conditions the libera-
tion of air from the liquid can be effec-
tive in generating power• with which to
run drills under ground, pumps, hoists,
etc., while cool air can also be supplied
in the deepest mines. Theliquidair can
also be -used in freezing soft ground,
making tunnel outtin.g less hazardous
and tedious.
A New Use for Spiders.
In the professional school. at Ohalis-
Menden, The Industrie Textile states
that spiders have now to spin for the
benefit of the balloons which pro used for
scientific and military- researches.. The
spiders are grouped . in dozens before a
reel which withdraws the delicate threads. -
One spider can give a thread from. 20 to
40 yards in length, rafter which perform-
ance'it is released. The threads aro of
pinkish hue, and aro washed to remove
the sticky surface layer. Eight threads
have to be combined. The resulting tex-
ture is much lighter than ordinaay silk
of the sonic bull., and strong cords for
military balloons can no doubt be obtain-
ed in this way.
P'isii with an Mastic Stomach.
The good old rule that a receptacle
must be larger than its contents finds sp•
parent refutation in the case of the chia.s-
modon, a fish popularly known as "tho
black swallower," It is noted for its
voracity and for the enormous distensi-
bility of its stomach, which permits it to
wallow hikes larges' then itiwU.
First Weather Prophecy on accord.
The first attempt at scientific forecast-
ing of the weather was the result of a
storm which during the Crimean war,
November 14, 1854, almost destroyed the
fleets of Franco and England. As a storm
had raged several days earlier in Franco,
Valliant, the French Minister of War,
directed that investigations bo made to
see if the two storms wore the sante, and
if the progress of the disturbances could
have been foretold. It was demonstrated
that the two were in reality ono storm.
and that its path could have been ascer-
tained and the fleet forewarned in ample
time to reach safety.
Must 'Pouch Ilar4ler.
Yeast --Don't you thin!- Daubson haus
the touch of tee rtsat artist?
Crieusonbmie---lit ell, be touched Inst
today for . 5 Is that anent the right
twee for an art t?---Yoneerss S;atesmatn.
Feminine t'haracteriatia
Qnizzer—!'Etat males you sterol! tha%
Shakespeare was a wenianiah sort of
(':Dicer-.-ne's eroben of rs "xnylesdt3
uaiuded." New 'eerie Antrim).
To Corner Plratini"n.
The formation of a Franco-Belgian syn-
dicate, with a capital of (;10,000,000, has
beeu announced, its purpose being to pur-
chase the platinum mines of Russia and
thereby control the world's output of this
metal. Ninety per cent. of sho world's -
supply conies from the Ural Mountains,
and the consumption, is practically a fixed
quantity, regardless of price, ' since
wherever platinum is used it is an inn
perative necessity, so that any change of
the supply will nave a great effect ou the
market price. It is claimed, however,
that the syndicate has not boonable to
obtain control of all the mines, so that.
its plans may not be carried :out.
The different countries of Europe vary
greatly in . the avenge stature of their
people. Tho Scotch are the tallest, five
feet ten inches, on a level with the Poly-
nesians and Armenians. At the other ex-
treme aro the southern Italians, French
lend Spaniards, all the shortest people
except the dwarf tribes of Africa. The
average height in Ireland is five feet nine
inches; in England and Scandinavia five
feet even inches; in Wales, Germany and
Denmark, five feet six inches; Spain,,
Switzerland, northern and central Italy,
Ilya feet lour inches; Portugal and sou-
thern Indy, Ave feet tree Wake,
A new back for 50 cents" Miller's
Kidney Pills and Plaster,
Kept Adele waltiaw,
In Pere -le -Chaise, Paris, there is a tomb-
stone bearing at the top the inscription: 1
"Adele Ronald, 1820. I await you." Under-
neath is "Louis Ronald, 1881. here am I."
Some youngster has aeriblele3 at the bete
tom the pithy criticism "Betook his time."
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local appllcatlons, as they eaun •t reach the
dls:ased pasta 11 of the eta-. There ie only t ne
way to enre Deafness and that Is by constitu-
tional remedies. D.afne s is i at'sed by el M-
inuted condition of the mucous lining of the
l:ustachne , ube. when anis tube gets in.
fla , ed you bave a 'mating emend tar imperfect
hearing, and wheu it is entirely toes.al D. aafne4.
is the result, and unless the infiamivatb n can be
taken out an the tube rest* ed to its normal
condition, bearing will be des•royod farever;
nine casts out of ton are caused by a tarrh
which is nothing but au inflamed c nditlon of
the n,UCOU9 eurlaoCs.
We will give One Hundred Dollars fora v
else of Deafness (caused by eat reb) that van.
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for
circular, Free.
F. J. CHENEY S: CO., Toledo, 0.
sir Sold by Druggists, 15e.
All the Some to Her.
"In one respect every woman Is ambi-
"How do you make that out?"
"She teen throw just as well with her
left hand as with her right."
No worm medicine acts so nicely as Mil-
ler's Worm Powders; no physic required.
.iat,ar aci%$ for Fodder.
Asparagus is so plentiful on the Russian
steppes that the cattle cat it like grass.
The seeds aro sometimes dried and used as
a substitute for coffee.
Can Recommend. It.—Mr.- Enos Born -
berry, Tusetarorat, writes: "I ant pleased
to any thatt Dr. Thomas' Eclec:tric 011 is
all that you claim it to be, as we have
been using it for years, both internally
and externally, and halve unsays received
benefit from its ase. It is our faamity
medicine, and I mite great pleasure in
recommending it."
Other Troubles.
"Doesn't your broken engagement at
the beginning of a now year !nuke you
unutterably sad, Archibald?"
"No; a man can't die of a broken heart
when he has to hustle for his next meal
or go hungry, "—Detroit Free Press.
ental Ignorance.
"I notice that a Boston negro was sent
to prison for three months for stealing
two umbrellas."
"Poor fellow 1 I don't suppose ho know
that one was all that the law allowed."—
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
She (her first season) -I hays been shut
up in boarding school so long that I feel
very awkward and timid in company. I
do not know what to do with my hands.
He—I'll hold them for you.—New York
The Report of H.is Cure of
lir Deild's Kidney fills When Zrerl
Other Tried Remedy lied railed—
le case Wes 21raeptionatliy
Severe. flat eniCkly Yielded
to Denid'S Kidney Pitts.
'WINl)3on, elarrh 0.—Mr. P. R. Cols,
whose ease was reported in the Cama lien
uewsrepers last week, was met by a tented
on she street a couple of evenings ago.
"Hello! Ie this true that 1 have been
reading about you being eurcd of Mem
matism by 11 +td's Heaney Pills?" milted
welly certainly it's true. Otherwise
about °a never have permitted it to bo pub'
fished; ''answered iilr. (:ole.
"And did. Dadd's Kidney Pills z'et13y
our* you, or was it your doctor s mole
"I was taking no decter's medicine. 3
wasn't using anything except Dead'a Kid.
ney Pills. Therefore it could be nothin
else' bus Dodd's reidney Pills time curets
"Was it a milts ease of Rheumatism?"
"Not by any uneaten It was, on the come
teary, an exceptiauctily severe one. 1 out
tered more than 1 eau describe. I tried
several of the retnedlee Haat were mom -
mended as emir 'sure t' -are' mo. Buri
though one ur two of teem gave ane ro
little temporary relief, none went any.
where near curing me.
"When a friend urged me to try Dedd'r
Kidney Pirie I demurred. I be eased they
were no better than the other remedies I
had used. However, I bought a box and.
began to use them.
"I soon bean to feel easier. My sleep
came back, the terrible pains vanished,
and four boxes of Doodd' c Kidney Pills
made my cure complete and thorough. e
cannot speak too highly of them, and 1
shall recommend every sufferer from
Rheumatism to use thein, knowing they
will positively cure."
Mutual interest the Closest Tie.
I should like to say a great many more
things if T had space. I shoaled like to say
that developing common tastes is a :great
bond between husbandandwife. Opinions,
and convictions may widely differ without
affecting married happiness, but for really
good fellowship tastes must coincide. They
must like to do the same things, to go to
the same places, like the same people, find
the same things funny, and the same
things interesting, and each must be saat's,
fled with the way in which the other con-
ducts himself or herself in the small pro-
prieties of life. For in marriage, as in all
the rest of living, only the occasional mo-
ment finds us on the renews; our dayn
and our years must be spent in the *Valley
of Commonplace Things.—Helen Witter.
son Moody in the Ladies' Home Journal.
There are so many cough medicines in
the market, that it is sometimes difficult
to tell which to buy; but if we bad a
cough, a cold or any affliction of the throat
or lungs, We would try Ilickle's Anti -
Consumptive Syrup. Those who have
use,I it think it is far ahead of ail other
preparations recommended for such corns
plaints. The little folks like it as it is as
pleasant as syrup,
No Cliques in -laagaziue Offices.
"Cliques" in magazine offices do not
exist, no matter what is said, or who says
it, to the contrary. The only clique which
exists in a magazine is a clique of editors
banded together to forret out the man or
woman of ori rinality, and it makes no
difference to those editors where he or she
lives or what his or her name is.—Edward
Bok in the Ladies' Home Journal.
Kinard's Liniment is used by Physicians.
He Couldn't Swallow That.
"Como, come, cheer up," said the .•optl-
mist, "itis all for the best, remember."
"So it seems," replied the possimistt..
"At all events, we second best ones don't.
seem to get any."—Ally Sioper.
No Danger.
First Burglar -1 feel a bit shalt' oyes,.
that last job of ours.
Second Burglar—We're tall right. Iread
in the papers this morning that the de-
tectives were following up a clew. -Town
Tlroy Stop Work, Cost Money, Give Pain.
SpraillS and
It Coate Iittle to euro
them rigut away with
4. BS
It saves tithe, money, misery.
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