HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-3-16, Page 5• . ..,,F.= THE et.cr gthrorate, Is published et every Tbhcesday Morning, theHAIR-STREET, - EXETER. - 6v the- • a t O At/Yr/OATS. POW, NGCOMPANY TEEMS, OF SiiBSOEIPTION One Dollarrap teif net if o aid in. Advance 2;nanisant nanag" Ra4o1;1 o?i. 4.3py,l ea V5aaxa Nodisoontinueduntilallarra rage) paper � are paid• Advertisements without spotlit) direet#ons will Lo published till forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discount made for transotentadvertisements inserted for long periods. Reeve a pti ot JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques,moneyord- ere.&o. for advertising, snbsoriptions. ate lo be made payable to Chas.H. Sanders, EDI TOR AND i'B4O0 i'rofessiona1 Cardfs. iI KINSMAN. L. D ,4'. ea DR. a#. R, KI\SltA:et. L D S•, D. D S.. Honor graduateoff�T}oronftooUniversity. DENTISTS, 1 S, Teeth extracted without any pain."or any snaa effect; ide Alain Street , Fanson's Blocs. west TNR.D. ALTON ANDEltS()N,(D.D,S,.b.D.B..) honors Ora.ivatoofthe Toronto salty and and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted withoLttain. All modes of Dentistry up to slate. Dfeice over Elliot d„ (:Uaat'a law educe --opposite Ce ttrel lie tel -Exeter. .-. Miedit'al T _ ____ .._ ts. 7 A.• IioT.r INs & T A, AMOS. Reridenees, some as formerly oFF'iC1 S,Spaokman, building. Main qt Rollin@' office: same au formerly -north d or. L. Amos' nflce. Satire building simnel door. May tat. 189e Z. A Ratline, M. P. T. A, Amos. 14 D aaT.l'. alot.AUGRLIN. MEMBER OF 1 • the College of P h ealcians and Rnrgepne Oz terio i'1).va(eian,Surgeoiia and meeeeh elle. Office. Dashwood. Oat ice :tat• D K. OiLI Q5BARRISTER-ROI-MT t 1L. OR, Convevaneer. Notary Public. Offne-••f1CBr O`heil a Bank. F.xetos.nnt(artn Leen Money tal'cna nterc-elN & maci'NG. fARRiSTRP•S A t scalicirnr'. Nnturi •.. t`nnvcwatieer.. Cotnmieelencrs. Selicitor-a for the shit -Glee Bank. ate. 'Money to loan at :, lard l'' roecent. tRlo' Fa.Pcnn'a nln.'k• Mnali t-, Exeter to member of the 'firm will be at Remail au 'etas►r..)(av ofeach week I. R. cent. taa,D. A. I.. R. Ptoses; rcifi lT 5;. tri LADM N. Ile lERt'TEpee AV Eta,. Convova*;cer.. aril menet? to Loan B, ts. Eta tor. P. W. eiLAIDIAN. auto loneers _ a. �77 DROWN,ir tnellelsea fcicenaced Auet lone ertor the Counties of Perth ani .Mi illusive. Abut for the tow nahid. of r"4borw.e galea nrni tit. rttteneio"* tonne terme ren eon'Pelee:toted erreneeii at Post office. Win- e helve' . in-ehelve'. 1j ELLIOT. J tn,nra,uoa Agent. Mein fit. Exeter • Ali Women SholiNload 11AS SEIZED 1IIA.OTAO This Interesting Letter -"I was Nervous and Weak." Life Changed from Misery to Joy by Hood's Sarsaparilla. 'Che terrible trials of the is gentler Ave are beyond .description. Bowe Hoods Sersspariilais adapted for them: and how it restores health and helps Over the hard places, is well illustrated by Mrs. Place's letter. c AS O, I..Haoeii 4 Co. Lowell, li Mzss• • «i )ear -•• Sirs: In early life I Buttered leach from stoma,* troubles and spent g great deal of money iu doctoring. I re- ceived temporary relief only to have a re- ' dire of sickness, And for the past five years life has beau trade rnieerablo by constant illness. During tient period there have been six mouths; that I was not off ray bed, and for one year I suffered most Severely. I was; Nervous and Weak and We seemed a burden. It happened that my husband bought a bottle good's Sarsaparilla and I commenced to , take it in small doses. In a short time it was evident that it was helping ole. In • two weeks F telt brat I was being greatly oenedted. About his time our youngest son, Bien 15 years of age, Wile taken down with typhoid. fever.. Ile passed on to his reward, end scop others of the family were taken ill, until I was the only one • left to dare for thein. 1 continued taking tot surprise IIad,d a Sarsaparilla,andthe . myself and, ail the neighbors, I not Qniy sept up.and tool care at the sick, but my health Continued to Improve. parIIt�1y three months. this Mtge C.1 typhoid fever held the family down. All this time, as by a miracle, my health kept up and 1 grew strong. .At present Iona feeling well end know that the bene - 1t derived fromflood's. Sarsaparilla is permanent. Other memberso ! the house- hold have since. takenlicodrfS.era1ar L Ia Ad Hood's Pills with good eget t. ' M..w. 4FIIF.CCAFi.'til^',N.S?sthSt,,Ce lt:41,1nd. The islands Opposite Port Arthur Cook's Cotton Root Compound ' le successfully need monthly by over • 10.090 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Lathes ask • your druggist for Casks Cotton Root coon pound. Take no other as all Mixtures, pilin and imitations are dangerous. Price. No.,1. e1 per box. No. 2,10 degrees stronger,$8 per box. No. 1 or 2„ mailed on receipt of price and two 8.eent Stamps The rook Company Windsor. Ont. epasieruisIamondedby all responsible Dggts n Cenad ,in. t stud No 2 ant+l in Exeter ly U. Lutea, 1)rugght, r i @� " FOIL Bo'6s IIS and G1RL9 • Pins Gorman Sliver R aploss Watch, gnarantt u4 Chola; ora r wt v a i?, faT:t ea . . •J rM Attu all at lai-h miter l eu1 I tachwrtiU tor}iaWg r.letnme. Ova free for selling fes na 2$ .Altnyttrell vidint:lea at 100 put. .111.8 is b•• .,11Y 10m send. i,inrand addr. ,�s• WSn forward gooda wr liana money. Can. 8nllply Co., Toronto. 2 7 '•e. a., h to Craz:DS,A ,S l•,,..sT, g oth- ,_ are C.7. , 9" l '1644,4,110100 ' is s . .' Tr '.;-4 /NM A Sur:-, •a::., f, .e,• t enr-.,r these 'hex' ie <,.......,,.-1.A,..,,,,.) .�e rt� -:ter'- . iv a.. r, Y e2 Y Pleasant bottle �'Ol°k , Fer flan . nd Women ; day or evening , $G to $es weekly; no canvassing or ex- tl perience needed; plain instructions and work mailed on application. Address : MEMORIAL COMPANY. LONDON, Ont A Frightful Biunder Will often cause a horrible Burn, Scald'COt or Bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill. the pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, all Skin Eruptions. Best pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by all Druggists. Clinton: The other morning when Wm. Duncan went into his stable he was surprised to find a large cut on the hip of one of horse; it looked as if it were done with a sharp instrument, but how or by whom is a mystery. Seaforth: While playing about the house on Wednesday, Gladys, the three year > old daughter .. of Mr. L. Smith, the new boot andshoe dealer, accidentally fell on the hot stove, burning: her chin, arm and hand very severely. TOi , r.,IA ,, • a and Children. POT Infants Tim ?'ac- nizile Of is on •t�ir4�a� every... P10",..... THE 1 .- far fiat as an sally of Br,tat Britain. Con- tinuing, Mr: Bro ierielt said the policy of Her Majesty's Government was to safe- guard British interests, and as long as these were not threatened not to stand In the way of friendly powers taking steps in Hands of the BClti$h, to safeguard their interests. The motion to adjourn was events►aley negatived without a division. CECIL RUIODES IN GERMANY. INSURGENTS WHIPPED, The _American. Advance Megan WsaI- trously for the Filipinos on Monday- Sortie 'Details of the Fight. Death of M. Secr.)tee, who bloated the Copper Bubble, 1n x888 -rue Fiala Rn Ombme L of Prince B smarC 1.> • Body -Radical and Irish Attach.' on tl)4) Naval IludZet-.. Cbio a Neti • ia,. London, March 14 The Shan•;lrai cor- respondent of The Daily Mall says: The Chinesfe here report that Great Britain has seized the Metouto Islands. opposite Port ,Arthur, in the strait of Pechili, north of Tengebauftl, in the uorbweet portion of the Shantung Penillsullt, GER3IAN 2143UGET 1VPd;NG . A Belief That Dissolution Wi11 Grow Out of It.. Berlin, March 14.-A number of lead- ing members of the Reichstag of all part- les last night were of the opinion that the Reiebstag to -clay will vote the budget committee's report by about 200 against 168, and they believe a dissolution will follow. The Centre, however, does not believe there will be a disselutiou, but thinks it is a mere bluff upon the part of the Government. The plans of Cecil Rhodes, the British South African magnate, who is itt this city with the view of prrs,ing upan the German Government the advisability of oceoperetingin the building et the Cepa to Cairo Bailroas1.whieh will pass through a portion of German African territory, Will be submitted to relented and com- mercial experts, on' whose reports the Government will net. Geon Blonde* in Berrie. i3orlin, March 14. -Emperor lrillia►n, it is said, bus sent an aide.de• neap, in - vt•ng 1lr. Cecil h cies to le hr audi- ence. ence. The \a r Zeitung v. lilt re I be Th iso sal fi e+a, left England Mr. lfhodts had an audience with the queen, and he was the bearer of her saint.•ttione to the Emperor." .1 A Oreat ►etirtuer Dead P' . ajiAti;¢;, Ririe, Alaaath 1_ -t11. ru, fODUtler the gest-in : tut the ()mange 11iod ., ' e, ; of the Set{ tete ai(sl :lfdlntns, and (•hied went In the g i tt copper ring of 188e, Itsslstugat HOOD'S; tette no sulestitt t.. eitit t YS. 11. ees-tat►, in February. ate pelm t, a xecn, and tee -s dor:ttll a t --sseh synttit,stta ids r.'tiee Hood's Pills easy inuuoct. etecental. - the Kea of ee►pla•e. deem very low. by a s- s _..__ monopoly. The s,yndle•:tfe• bad everything Death et }Ton t1. W. Vv 00d. its own way until 19.t v -it of the follow- " lug year, when it ^`Lust• to grief through Toronto, '11a1-(111.1:. IInn,1, i Was)ul 1 s ea.retau'$ wad ,.....„al(atieu i11 ((I»pt't, M. I)., for l3roelevillc•, and ex -Control- Its et>llap- a being f(el.o.tu11 by a wide ler of Inland Revenue, wa: i'oo .d flesh spread panic. in bed thi:l morningin hi(s memos at !1 a (�tzeen'R llotel,wher(the had hetett•tae- Iltssnarck ra rte. lintonihed. ing for several days. Heart failure ie ' Berlin, Muth 14, --'rho batty of the supposed to have been the valise r f late Princess von BIimartk 'was trans. death. Deemed arrived in the eita fermi yesterday from V.usin to Fried - y estertlay, and retired :.bunt: ill (; e•loek ririssruhe and was platted meat to the hurt, night, not eolnpinining of any 111- body of this late Chancellor Iu the Frieet- nesss. When thus porter went to hi-. riehsruhe Castle. roost at 7 man. to day fir. Wood wise On April 1 the final funeral ceremonies found to be quite dead. A nuslieal of both will bo held, when it Is expeeted , willcrowded with pen and pre- e- th• t her teem be t 1 av s .1zs 1 1 a .r t • � v summoned, ane» eat. tut tti nnune e(1 the met. Ont' of haul failure. plc from all over the Fatherland. The Mr. Wood was::lieen in 1q5a, and had day lute been selected bemuse it is the iteen member an. lit maxilla v, here he anniversary of the birth of frit►ce Bl`s- :deo lived since. WA In the latae 1)o- marek. The new mausoleum which has minim Government he was (fon- been built will be finished by that time. troller of Itii.tiltl Revenue. ire nsaall: We reared tide week to r t 2. L DILr,O:., LA13 )tiCHEi. I AND " Aro ".Agin the Government" on Proposed chronicle elle Ll •tlt•il of one of ..tar woo. 1 - acs1 Expenditure. A +'till ` e) e e; inthe ul, 1, f known 3 (. til ttt, p Mr.:inInuel 1I. Ilutnt'ston. wllith sail Loudon, March 14. -During the discus - event took pines' at inti home herr On cion of the naval estimates in the house Fridny oleo n'ng. Marith :',alt the age of of Commons yesterday Mr. Henry 55 moo. Mr. liumestof Was Burn in Labouellero, Liberal member for North - loon ithe year 1811, and settled lit am ton, moved a r.letion in the vote. the township of Ilibbc•rt, together lig argued that the Government was with his part'at a, with whom he evil- "playing the game of beggar my neigh - famed to live ullt til thea year ltii! ; arwhenber1l against the whole world, declared he way united in marriage to Miss it "fouleish swagger to boast ability. to Mattilda Henry, of Fullerton. whd ern'- build snore ships than any other coun- try." Great Britain, he asserted, was not richer tban the United States, nor than France and Russia combined. Mr. John Dillon, Nationalist member for East Mayo, in supporting the reduc- tion, said: "British statesmen who at- tempt to induce the United States to abandon their traditions by embarking in aWild l d career of naval competition with Europe, will bitterly regret it, for the day will come when England will be hard driven to maintain naval equality with the United States alone. The First Lord of the Admiralty (Mr. Goschen) is trying to compete with six powers." • Mr. Arthur J. Balfour, the Govern - anent leader. denied that either the First or to Govern- ment of tho Adrniralt tl Qo c n s hadsuch insane idea. The meet as anyr t. First Lord of the Almiralty, he declared, , had deliberately based his policy upon the accepted principle that Great Bri tam's navy should be equal to the force Ittelontieleettett'anaMitztlibtalstnttzarAtaal of any other two powers. Tho House rejected tho motion for a reduction in the estimates by 147 votes aroyl 1c9. vives hint, together with his two daughters, Mary :Alice and Lucy. He continued after marriage to reside on •1 u' until 18S1 when �ar zlir)lclt t t1 u. the farm iI in, , on account of ill -health, he sold his farm and moved into Hensall. lir. Iluutestonenjov edfairly goodhealthaf- .a g • sr coming to IIt lrs,tll for a nod matey tE C ago ee years . lh but bout ehr ;aea to I Y. again r. e 11 t St itself ( .us t( m tl f health s g,,tln beg, to such an extent that 11() could not engage ill any continued work. in the hopes of recuperating his health he took a trip to Manitoba a couple of yeare ago, which resulted very bcne- fieally, but. during the - past year he was afficted with - a complication Of i Y. •�• } licit diseases, and although all that medical . skill hearts and h .,net. 111 all loving1 e k and > •iuue.d to do was (UIIE. he cc nt mold i rapidly decline and grow weaker until Friday morning, when he passed away. • 1.;,, �� �fi as Ef._. • i se fe re ✓ hr 3 Years A Nou1d you feel perfectly ; Esafe to put all your looney al te in a new bank ? One you 1 g have just heard of? fe >s But how about an old a 1- bank ? One that has done business for ov- r a quarter , 11 of a entury? One that hes lK always - kept its promises ? One that never failed ; never j misled you in any way ? V a You could trust such abank, • couldn't you? R SCOTT'S EMULSION x it of 00D -LIVER OILWITH .eta sr HYPOPHOSPI'. iTES is just 'd r like such a bank. It has never A. se disappointed you, never will. 3 itIt has never deceived you,, F never will. Look out that aomeon e R • does not try to make you invest your health in a. new 't ftal sr tonic, some new medioine Is;Y ou know nothing of. a. , ande.n0 • all druggists. lets.Itt ' 5 oc.86 SCOTT & BOWES, Chemists, Toronto. aioinkkie 14101ioS6101115�i02t146614/644101, Picquart Goes to the Civil Prison. Paris, March 14. -Col. Picquart, in accordance with the decision of the crim- inal section of the Court of Cassation, has been handed over for trial to the civil authorities, and has boon transferred from the Cherohe Midi Military Prison to the civil prison of La Santo. BRITAIN RACKS ITALY. Mfr. Morgan Said It Was a Mistake. But the Government Persists. London, March 14. -In the. House of Commons yesterday Mr. William Pritch- ard Morgan, Liberal member, who re- cently, on behalf of British and Amari- can syndicates, obtained what appears to immensely value a concession an l� in the Chinese Province of Szeohuan, moved to adjourn, in order to call attention to the support given by the British minis- ter at Pekin to Italy's demand for the lease of Sanmun Bay. He deolared Great Britain, the United States and Japan needed expansion of trade, and it was a great mistake to support . Italy, whose demand, ho claimed; was another step towards the disintegration of China. The Parliamentary Secretary of the Foreign Office. Right Hon. William St. John Broderick, defended the Govern- ment's action, In so doing, be said Italy bad for many years been the friend and ally of Great. Britain, and, so far as Great Britain was concerned, if bYdiPtom diplomacy Italy could persuade China to niake con- cessions, Her Majesty's Government would welcome Italy's appearance in the Manila, March 1.4.--Atdarlight yester- day Brigadier -General W heaton's d ivi• slated brigade, consisting of the 20th U; S Infantry, the ;tend Infantry, eight companies of the lsaal►ington Volunteers, seven eompaniee of the Oregon Violen- t es, rolun- te)ers, three troops of the 4th l:I„S. Cav- alry and a mounted battery of the 6th Artillery, was drawer up on a ridge be - bind San Pedro Maeati, a mile south of the town. The adranee was sounded at 6,20 son., the cavalry leading the column Ata smart trot across the open to the right, eventually reaching a Clump eom- manding the rear of Onadaloupe. Supported by the Oregon; the advance force opened a heavy fire on the rebels The. response was feeble and desultory, apparently coming from ban(fule of men in every cov. \Philo the r-i?ertght column was swinging towards the town of Pasig;, the left ad- vanced, pouring volleye into the bush, Insurgents made a determined stand at Guadeloupe Church, but they were un- able to withstand the ass,ult. At 7,30 a river gunboat started towards Piesis. The Filipino's were first encount- ered by this vessel in the jungle near Guadeloupe, Steatuing slowly, the gunboat pouted s into • e tire from her Galling re A tC3Tlfi R. {,' the brush. For all of an hour the whir- ring himring of elle rapid fire guns alternated with the booming of the heavier pieces on board. Shore Battery Took fart, In the meanwhile Scott's bal.-tong ashore was shelling the trenches and driving the insurgents tack. Tho artii- lery then adveneed to the ridge of bamboo and drove a few of the Filipino eharp- shooters away with volleys front their carbines. The artillery then. advanced Land met with little opposition. In the lneatntime the infantry had been sent forward in extended order, the Washing- ton Regiment resting un the bassi. of the river, eaeh regiment deploying en Melt- ing its station and furnl'siting its owes supports. The artillery move to a ridge commanding i'a ig and ]'atc•roa By tests time the insurgents were in full flight along a lino over a mile long, and the tiring was discontinued temporarily, In osier to give the troop; a rat before making the attaek en l'asig. Their leas was believed to he severe. but only Oahe Anrerleans were wounded, At tide etago of the engagement it was raining lwavily. The Attack Resumed. ,After a short reit General Wheaton re- sumal the attaek on 1'asig. At 11.30 ann. the column _einne in eonteet 'Whir the Insurgents, and a gunboat steamed to the firing lines aand chorea the jungle on both sides, while the battery took up right. a position,ou a bluff' at the fidt. rho first shot from the American field pieces, at 1,200 yawls range, dislodged a gun at Pttvlg. A hot flee enthe rebel position was mallltuinril along the whole Ameri- can line uutil e.30 pan., when prepara- tions were male for the attack. At 3.50 pan. a largo body of the rilipinos was discovered working around alts right flank, and the 20th Regiment was moved to a commanding ridge. The insurgents `veru met oppoeito Patcree, but they bolt- ed. Thirty of theme were killed; ill were Americans lost • The rel also t,:tlenriaoncrs p six men wounded. Cavite Women remote Tacoma, WVasle, March 14. -Oriental papet:e brought by the steamship Victoria contain tiw following extract from The Republica Filipino, the insurgents' paper "tiplenditl demonstration of the Cavite women, without distinction of class or , Y enthusi- asm unanimously r(qutsttdsvith to be permitted to take the place of men if the men perish in tare struggle against the Americans for the defence of the independence of the Philippines. They say that irrespective i ve of the weak- ness of their sex, the love of their coun- try will snake then strong and will ani- mcaantae , o keen combat against Uhe Ameri- A teltM ral published 1sed in The Repub- lica ub- lice say bt hat a letter has been found in Baltimore offering; 850,000 reward for the assassination of Aguinaldo. SPANIARDS ARE VERY SORE. (Changed every Wedi.e/ ay, Wheat mer bushel ,'1 to .1 `lour per cwt. I- :i to 5.141 ;er,ey 4-1 to 45 at, •; to e : t ..'64S 60 to fro torn 44to 45 utter 14 to 14 1:oga....... 4 Potetoea per bag 55 to re lay,er ton ASuto 5.w Dried Apples per ib - 5 7 6 5 Cooks Gteese Chicken Turkey 1 - Tally of Appealing to Powers in Philip- pine p , Prisoner Matter. L er. ue Yrso, beadr l( 1 March 14.-Gon. on. Rios, the Spanish commander in the Philippines, ,. in an official despatch acga.lintiug the Government of the fact that Major- General Otis has stopped the negotiations for the release of the Spanish prisoners in the hands of the rebels, says: "I protest in the name of humanity, and believe the time has arrived to appeal through the consuls to the good offices of the powers." The despatch says also: "I am told that the Filipinos are at war with the Ameri- cans. and that the prisoners cannot be ransomed for money, as that would im- prove the position of the insurgents. In view of my situation between the Ameri- cans and the Filipinos, I await the orders of the Government." A oopy of the despatch was sent imme- diately to Senor Silvela, the Premier. who had a long conference with Gen. Polavieja, Minister of War. Both admit the gravity of the situation, and the de- spatch will be submitted to the Cabinet Council to -clay. Tho plan of negotiating with Aguin- aldo direct, without reference to Wash- ington, bas been abandoned. Italy Recalls Her Minister. Rome, March 14. -The Tribuna asserts that Italy has not delivered an ultima- tum to China. On the contrary, the Ital- ian Government bas disavowed tho action of :Signor Martino regarding the Saninun Bay affair and has recalled him, confid- ing 7•tnly's interest to the British minis- ter at, Pekin, Sir Claude Macdonald. un- til the successor of Signor Martino arrives there, 1)ratlt of Sir Julius Vogel. London. March 14. -Sir Julius Vogel, the (roaial statesman, le dead. Sir Tulin V net, K. C. iI. G., who was created a ,.ni€ lit In 1875,was born in London in 1833Ile was Prue ier of New Zealand in 1S0$ 1878 aln(1 l878 He was Colonial 'lrt 1mror of, the new.Governmeut formed in 188.1. 9 eivisuiption Do not think for a single moment that consumption will ever strike you a sudden blow. It does not come that way. It creeps its way along. First, you think it is a little Gold; 'nothing but a little hack- ing acking cough; then a little loss in wteight; cough; then a harder� en the fever and the aught sweats, The suddenness conteswizen you have a hemorrhage. Better stop the disease while it Is yet creeping. You can do :it with Aqers perry mom You first notice that you cough less. The pressure on the chest's lifted. 'Thatfeeling of suffocation is removed. A. cure is hastened hyplacingone of Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Plaster over the Chest. I- Rook Free. it is on the Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Verr'tica us Freely. l t y, a havo any complaint whatever and deairo the brat medical advice you can possibly receive, write the doctor freely. Yon will receive aprorept reply, without coat. Addr-s,. Dl:. J. C. AYER, Lowell, Maes. Owen Sonn I has (tarried the h,• -I., w to loan Hay Brothers $15,000 to help ' lY. int erecting i Ic t• n t new chair fat t( 1 An attempt: was made to to') the Western Bank at;'f'aoisinek, but Lorne 11eTavish, a boy who sleeps in the building, fired his revolver and put the thieves to flight. A yonngg man named -MeTherson o{ Delaware drove through the fields to escape a, flooded road, His buggy got into a bole and the young man was thrown out and drowned. .An .explosion in C'ane's chair fatetury at Newmarket Set tarday, beetled Mr. Cane , li • Charles rpt 11t a ( ntl. z.( H. S. Cul t severely and set fire to the buil( doing about $:.1,1100 damage. r levelly was 1 io Mattel at Belleville The Albion destroyed by fire Saturday horning. Several of the guests had narrow es- capes, and two etee slid down down from the third storey on ropes with women servants o11 their shoulder:. boteh b t 08 D withPtc. r :s but don't think you can patch clothes to look` Tike new. Then � d, would noten c�,{; 11.1 it is pay you w hen 3•ou eau buy clothing at the prices we sell. BAROAlliS Pants made to order, all wool heavy tweeds $2.00 Suits 19,80 Qv' reoats 8.09 B1aekr Worsted suits ti spec- ial, $ 12,0[ Our 820 blacks beat all others at 823. Come and see for yourself. PATRONIZE US People patronize us because they realize that we always sell clouting that is strictly up-to-date ... . iJ. . O1 IEVE Opposite Pt»t Office. THE Thetoi R A I BR following ItemMee are liable and worth giving a trial; Dix Little Livor Pills for the atalnaehe liv.r an.l )•ilteua heaelaehta. Nath -c Herb Tea AS a ai rit g meek due for t-ur,t. u g ti:,• hluod ural oyo*arn. Call tut,i get 15 ears, idle l to ilf.rc. Dix Kidney Pitts are 1.1 11 g largely used and give g. od results. Winatt's Cough ilalsant and Dix Lung Syrup are reliarle in Cough., cold, sued brouthetie troubles Winer's Liniment is daily growing in popularity, Give these a trial -vI1en required. C_LUT LUTZ. DRUGGIST i�fl • ..e. tram 3R- .. a. .t•K spy a4,. ,$) 41-, PAYS ID `S To read the big stores' mi - 1 vertisenlents I V I )( zl ! building, STOP! 1 Y�c 7 1�, 6 Pi 0. qa ,i►f.' F �$ - C y� .1 • ",r r� w The Leading Specialists of boric?. 20 Years hi Detroit. 21311 u tatl.ti.,➢00 Curd. a U(, �.�g .tee j ,i ECURESi RICT �`3 Et ,,, • ix�a •e, Tbonr 2 young ate? middle-arec , •; r a menatu :dwiththt uaea.e-mesio •• They a-* have a sma-. meows,. Th ett h ) uu y r ruE -tat,t,a, small twisting stra:l: a .`� sh: -ntting pains at times, Blight tits ch: difficulty in commencing, wean. ' Y4 erg.• emissions, and all the symptoms of nervous dooility-they have ST)nt:- TURF. Don't let doctors experiment or.. i. YOU, by cutting, stretching, or teerins you. This will not care you, asItwill re- turn. Our NEW METHOD TREAT- c G MENT absorbs the stricture tissue > , hence removes the stricture permanently It can never return. No pain, no suffer- ing, ? - no detention from business by our method. The sexualorgansarestrength- ened. The nerves are invigorated, and , the bliss of manhood returns. W CURE GLECT Thousands of young and middle-aged men are having their sexual vigor and vitality continually sapped by this dis- ease. Theyare frequently unconscious of the cause of these symptoms. General Weakness, Unnatural Discharges, Fail- ing Manhood, Nervousness, Poor Mem- ory, Irritability at times Smarting Sen- sation, Sunken Eyes. with dark circles, Weak Back, General Depression,. Lack of Ambition Varicocele. Shrunken Parts, eto. GLEET and STRICTURE may be the cause. Don't consult family doctors, as they have no experience in these, special diseases -don't allow SHacks to experiment on you. Consult pecialists whehave made alife stud of Diseases of Men and Women. Our NEW METHOD TI0 ATMEN'T will .posi- tively cure you. One thousand dollars for a case we accept for treatment and cannot cure. Torms moderate for acure. CURES GUARANTEED We treat and cure: EMISSIONS, VARICOCELE, ' SYPHILIS, GLEET,,,STRICTURE MPOTENCCY, SECRET IJ1) DRAINNS.NATURAL'1ISCI•IARG- ES, KIDNEY and BLADDER Diseases. CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE. If unable to call, write for QUESTION BLANK for ROME TREATMENT. Cor. Michigan Ave. and Shelby St DETIIO*T, 19CG1, • ( For g rue avho • . outs arta we in se T the furniture business? For 1t, Arnim amid ours. If we are not lr useful to you w(" cannot be use- he ful to ourselves. We have got to tarry the goods you want at the prices you want or we can-, not make a success of our busi- ness. But we have been doing business right years, alongfor ears , which F �. hich rov es we re that , the right kmd of people with the a.•igllt prices. Come and see for yourself .... 1 d�y M• s, Gi • •n soy. 1Furniture, 1Jrdertaking. t OPERA EC SE BLOCK. IV �_ �Tir � ly '•t5..a.� XEI[R- ECM3RY J, MURRAY,.,, Manufacturer and dealer in Plows, Gang Plows, Land Rollers, Root Cutters, Straw Cutters, Saws, Belting, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, and Bebbett Metal. F OR SALE. White Eugine and Stearn Thresher complete, and Clover Mill, Straw Cutter and Grinder, for $1250. See our Barrow and Scale combined, weighs 800 lbs. Price $18;00. J. MURRAY. W)7'8. 'After' Wood's Phosphodino, The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli- ablemedicine discovered. Six t �.. packages nto o forms of Sexual .Weaknessguara,'all teed effects , eurof abuseall or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- aceo, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt f price, oho ackatge $1, si , *5. One 10211 p7ease, -Pamphlets et free to an address. stn;1ex11 ewe. Pam hl s y P The Wood Compatay, R'indsor, Out. nt• rarWood,s Phosphodi 10 1 sold in Exc ler ly ut.,ttrn 1