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Sale Regiater•
irAzDAT,ITARett 17, -Farm stock, imple
meats, household effects, etc.. the property
of ..Tas, Sat ton. Salo at one o'oloak.
.BOSSRNREliftl!, Aub.
We have anlimited private funds for in-
vestment neon 'arm or village property, at
lowest rates of interest.
13arristers, etc., Exeter
The undersigned has a few good farms for
sale cheap. 5.toney to loan on easy terms.,
Jour; SraeituAX,
Samwell's Elock EXeter
Money to loan at from V. to 5 per cent.
Earritsters,Solieitors, etc., Main St., Exeter
That desirable form in the township of
Stephen, being Lot 17, Concession 10, con.
telningJ041 acres. There is a good brit.k
house and buildings on the preint5es; 12 acres
fall wheat sawn; 12 eeres fall plowing dom.,.
Possession given March lst teat, riee is a,
good farm and will be sold 'cheap.
Apply to
NU. JOHN 011.I. Exeter.
1.101,T8E FOR SALE.
That desirable brick cottage situated on
the corner ofJames and Atelrew street. Ex-
eter, and about oae-fiah acre of laud The
10u5e contaies eine rooms including a goo.1
tellee. and there Is a good well ot water
ala4 eistern on the premises. This 15 a
snlenditl property well hitiAted, and will he
dold reason% bly. For particulars apply to
this oillee Or Ulu undersigned.
Alas. Rau.; 'KELM, Exeter.
The undersigned is offering for sale that
desirable anti valuable property, situated on
Huron Street, being part of Lot 21, mratain-
lug over five +loses. There is ou the premises
a good brick house, eon mining sevou rooms.
with stone cellar, frame kitchen and wood-
shed ettecited; a frame stable and other
necessary ont-baildings; 45 choice fruit tree.
a good well of water and other 0011V0i4lail Oes
Terms reasonable, apply at this office or to
SAMUEL PlIESZC n. Ton Exeter
Of Robert Coward, late of the Town-
ship of Usbarne, in the County of
Theron, Yeeinan, deceased.
pursuant to R. s. tb, 18071 Chapter 120, no-
t1U01 hereby given that 4411 persons having
cleims against the estate of the sal late
Robert (Inward aro on or before the 15th (la"
of A eel], 180), to send to 10. W. Gladm So-
licitor for William Co ard, Executor of the
last will and testament of the said deceased,
full particulars of their claims and that of
ter the said date the Executor will taroeeed
to atstriente the said estate are° ttg the par-
ties entitled thereto having regard only to
such claims of which notice shall have been
given as above required and be will not, be
liable to any person or persons of whoee
claim or claims ho shall not thou have re-
ceived notice.
Main St., Exeter, Ont.
Solicitor for said Executor.
Dated at Exeter this 14th /Starch, 1800,
We understand that a syndicate is
being formed among the farmers of
this vicinity for the building and oper-
ation of a grain storehouse here. This
is, we believe, a move in the right
direction, and it will be a great bene-
fit to both the village and farmers of
the surrounding country. -Miss Olath-
worthy, of Ilderton, is visiting her
brother-in-law, Mr. Clarke, here. -The
constant rain and muddy roads has
elven us the impression that spring is
opening up, and there axe clearer days
ahead. Many farmers have started
sugarenaking.-There will be a grand
sparring exhibition in Barrel Hall on
Friday evening next. ".Albert the
Slugger" and 'Fred Die" are the
contestants in the ten -round go. There
will also be a number of nunor con-
tests to take place immediately after
the ten -round. bout.
Highest Cash Price paid for Black
seesAgle White Ash, Red and White
Oak, Hard and Soft Maple, Hemlock,
Soft and Rock Elm.Either stumpage
or delivered in yard.
Fax further particulars apply to
Manager for the S. I. Co. Exeter.
15F-NritritrliF7UKV"ir assetreereesseesseweettetsvoreiesaarenseseseer
Mount Carmel
Will Doyle, of the 12 cone Stephen,
is recovering from a severe illness, -
Mr. Jno. Sellers and family have gone
to reside at Deckerville, Michigan. -
J. W. Doyle will erect a brick resi-
dence on his farm near here this sum-
olin Madden has purchased the
farm of Thos. Lynch, on the 12th cons
cession of Stephen.
• Farquhar
. HAY, Commissioner Wad
nay TO laa,n at 1owe5t rates of interest.
Mn.. (Dr.) 3. D. Balfour, Who Was;
here attending the inneral Of her Wit-
er, 31r. R. McGill, left, for her home 111
London, Saturday evening. --Mr. John
It thirteen had a, weent bee Tueetlay.
There was a large turnent of young
z*U'u who worked hard and cut up a lot
of wood, as they looked fotward to
the enjoyable time • which they were
to have in the evening when the beau-
ty of the vicinity would arrive, -Mr,
John Tucker eola a couple of fa t heifers
last week for a good prime John al -
'ways gets a good price as he is a good
.feeder and always has something
goode-Mr. Samuel :Melte:in,
of JUb-
I)('2t who was learning the blaelesmith-
-lug at Walton, and Mr. John. McDou-
gall ot the Boundary, utem the guests
Of the. ;Misses_ AlcNieols' Sunday. -Mit
Wm. Heaney, of the Boundary, leas
I('85('(1 his farm to Mr, Alfred ("Impost
for a term of five years. Mr. Memel.
who is a good reliable tenant, farmed
seeceasfally iU Hibbert for several
Yeare and we • believe Mr. itaekney's
farm will improve under his skilful
.11e..% Elizabeth Latta, of London,
formerly of this plaete and Mr. joint
Taylor, of Tuckersmith, were . united
in marriage, on Wednesday, March 8,
at the residence of the bride's brother,
Mr. S. J. Latta,' Lmidon, The eerie
nion.y was performed by Rev, Robert
Miller, of Thatuesville, cousin of the
bride, in the nresence of the
ate relatives of the bride and groom,
end a large number of invited guests
from. Belleeille, Ahsinston, Thames-
ville, Grand Bend, Exeter and Hentiall„
The house was lavishly decorated with
'flowers and presented a beautiful pic-
ture. The bride, who was prettily at-
tired in it gown of pale blue with trim -
whip of chiffon and ribbons and car-
ried a shower bocinet of roses, looked
altogether charming. She Was given
away by her brother, while Mrs. •Chas,
Latta played the wedding march. The
bride's cousin, Miss Alberta Oates, of
London, supported her, and the gr00111
Was assisted by his cousin, Mie Calvin
Nowell, of Chieelhurst. The happy
couple left on the evening train for
Detroit and other places where they
will spend wshort tune.' Mr, and Mrs.
Taylor will reside in Tuckersmith,
whither the best wishes of their many
friends will follow.
The weather during the past week
has been very changeable. Some days
it is quite line and then it will get e
quite rough. -Mr. John Pope, who has t.
been conducting a tailor shop here for e
. Greenway
1. Mr. J. :efeWilliams attended th
teachers' convention. in Exeter last
Thursday and Friday. ---Mr. R. English
has all Iiis brick drawri for his neve
shop. -Mr. W. J. Ntrilson. postmaster,
luts been appointed hy the Post. Ma.ster
General to eell postal notes. Parties
wishing to send small sums of money
tittought mail will Mal this a cheap
and safe %vase histructionsneiven
to all partiee applying tit his office,
Alessre. 11. Ms ineete.11. WilsoI1 leave
hought and sitit»ed another cerium, of
• hogs: l'hey pea ee high as .$3.110 p
hulloed hr t Ito right kind of shippin
liogs.--Our village merehant Is sellin
boots, shoes anti rubbers, staple
got ds. groeerieS, wall paper, noun in
nail corn meal, . timothy and clover
seed, at (dose prices for caish and p10-
11 10!. iligheet price paid fru, 111)11 ('1'
and eggs. ----,-Mr. Thomas Fall's visited
feieutls here last Monday. lie has re-
gained his weed good. health end has
liseigitt the M, t'ienteet Wein and ins
tends (0 1111181141104' farming at once.
4,p,,,,ezz.z.et„,,zsousehoseliN SPRING TIME
ripple of excitement to pass over
Brielk For Sale.
The undersigned has one hundred thous..
and first-class bria for sale at his yard in
Crediton, Forties about to build Ot1all14
consult him.
PEED nAegr.
pleted a course at the Canada optical
tote. (sin now prepared to Fit Spectacles
on thoroughly Serenade prrneiples Per-
son s needing spectacles are especially re-
quested to ere u.s a call Eyes tested free.
Jeweller 3 Optieian.
Mr. 1,Villizim Lewis, J. P,, who has
been in 'Damao the past week on
business, returned home Friday even -
"sea -Miss Edith Wiggins, of Crode-
, spent, a, few days last mvek. with
Mr, and Myst Riehara Baker. --Rev.
Wing, of Berlin .11e1d quarterly meet-
ings in ties German ehureh last Satur-
day and Suedayt-Miss Hardy, a Ex,
ee ,eter, SV1lhi lht Village Saturday tiateh.
g ing 1101' I41ipiIs. Mr. Geo. BkalMtleda,
g the Mieses Banes and Fraser, our pub -
lie MI001 teaehers, attended the Pub-
te. lie School Convention in Exeter on
Friday.- Mrs. Lydia Hoffman, who
has been visiting her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Geo, Brum), the imst two week,s,
returned to her home in Platteville
last Satmelaye e3Ite John Gaiser left
fin' Denver, dont do, on Tuesday. He
has rented his rand 10 his brother,.
-wee we wise ante- a safe journey.
Mrs. Jeeob Either is still. very low,
nd we hope that she will soon tie able
to be enema again. -Friday evening,
Rev. james Hue:ser went to Centralia
• nd aetested Bev. Salton in the revival
services, while Mr.. Samuel Grigg, the
evangelist, of London, who has heen
a:edging Rev. Salton - for 'some- thins
eaeae here awe teen charge ee Rey
Husserei [MO. Mn. Grigg gitVg' 1111
addresvini hie ••• Mese mid Experiences.
which was ;seventy appreciated by his
Coresen., enunell met pursinuat to
adjourmuent, at Town Hall, 51041111v-
isiy, Menet Gill. Present: N. Grieve,
Reeve; H. iiIntehinson,M, Miller, A. IL
iforlgins and P. P. Herding, Couneil.
lora. Minutes of last meeting read,
approved of and 'signed. Ilutehinson
Ilardiug. that 1111. tender of R. H.
Patterson for the building of bridge
on Allison'e side read for the sum of
$173, In. aceepted and his deposit be
retained until 111.. reward bonds ar
signed; and that A. 11. Hodgins ii
hereby arpOil)ted et illtIlliSS10001.--
lied. Hutchinson -Hodgins, that th
Clerk be hereby instructed to wive'
t" count of a eevere break. 10. being
We. are pleasetj to note that the
e young sunat Mr. Harry Randell, who
4-, lately had his leg amputated. On :le.,
tise for tenders for the township prin
iug, to be opened on the 1.1th day 0
Maroll al the Clerlee residence,. Wes
MeGillivray, at two o'eltede pan„ b
the Reeve and Clerk, with full powe
to accept.- Hutehinson-
Harding, that the auditor's report a
d e aceepted, and the Clerk is here
by.. instructed. to have 300 copies printe
. utelun
nsoe-Miller, that
P, P. Harding is hereby commissioned
to have bridge ever the Sauble on the
Ind concession rir
epaed by having a
pier and breakwater built. -Carried.
thett this council do
hereby instrt the Clerk to -communi-
cate with W. IL Taylor, 31,P.P.,' re-
questing Wm to support any measure
compelling the destruction of the
shrub Barberry: as NVO are convinced
t eet said shrub is detrimental to the
maturing of cereals in the vieinity
where it is grown. -Carried. Miller -
Hodgins, that accounts, amounting in
all to $1.33.00, paid. -Carried. Mil-
ler -Hodgins, that this council adjourn
ea meet in the Town Hall on the first
Monday in April, at one _o'clock p.m.
Wee FnAsErt, Clerk,
caught in a buggy wheekis progressing
t as favorably as (lurid he expected uns
tT der the eineunstances.-We learn that
r Mr. Eibh.M.in usual energetic style
is about to 1)44114 8, fine new brick store
s on the site of bis present premises,
; The young daughter of Mr. John Tor-
', ranee, member of the County Column,
narrowly escaped death by drowning -
on Monday. As the result of the re-
cent thaw and rains, the ditch along
the Hensall road was flooded and the
frost 011 Steed:Lyme& a thin coat of
ice. The little girl was walking along
on the ice when it suddenly gave way,
precipitating her into about three feet
of water and but for the help of her
comrades would probably have been
drown ed. -Again we hear the wedding
hells -inning out. This time the many
friends of Mies Tilly Faust, of town,
and Mr. Finkbinder, a hardware mer-
chant, cif Milverton will listen and
say with joy 'Tis the old old story.
-Mr. Daniel Liveegood and family re-
moved to Mountain, North Dakota, On
Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Livergood
are old residents of Hay, having come
here with their parents when the
country was all bush. Of late e'ears,
however, a xnunber of their children
having settled in North Dakota, they
had. it very natural desire to be near
them in their declining years'and of
their trials and triumphs to the new
land. Mr. Wm. Becker, their son-in-
law, and family went with them. The
best wishes of very many friends ac-
company them to their new home. -
Mr. Albert Deitz, who has been vieit-
iug friends in this vicinity duringthe
winter, left last week for Manitoba.
He has been in Dakota fax seven years
and did well there, but as he has two
brothers in Manitoba, he decided to
try that country, and if he likes it will
likely remain there,
terrific and disastrous explosion that
ever took place in these parts occurred
here on Wednesday, March 15th, about
2 o'clock, in the afternoon, caused. by
the. blowing up of an acetylene gas
Machine, located in Messrs. Merner
Bros.' general store. The force was
so great as to blow out the east side
and front of the building, wrecking a
number of buildings on the opposite
side of the street, shatteringwindows
two blocks distant, and causing a gen-
eral commotion throughout the town.
The shock was felt for miles around,
and all seemed strickeu with conster-
nation at such an unusual occurrence.
The building in which the explosion
occurred took fire, but a large number
soon gathered around and extinguished
the flames. All the clerks, together
with a number of customers, were in
the. store at the time, and also a num-
ber on the street when the explosion
took place and how all escaped with
their lilies is a miracle. Mr. Merner,
however, was severely burned; but
130 others were injured. The loss on
the stock is estimated at $1000, while
the loss on real estate will be consider-
Miss Elizabeth Bobier, of Exeter,
spent a few days of last week here, the
guest of the Misses Anderson.e-The
Rev, Dr. Willoughby, of Exeter, took
charge of the revival meetings here on
Wednesday night last, and gave an
xcellent adch'ess to a large audience.
Rest Husser, of Crediton, assist -
CI our pastor on Friday night, and
a year and a haif, disposed of his busi-
ness on Monday to Mr. Mark Broken -
shire. Possession given at once. -Sev-
eral of our villagers are leaving fax
the far west. Messrs. Andrew Mus -
sex, Charlie Schroeher and Win. Moir
intend going some time next week. -
Mr. David Geiger moved into the house
he purchased from Mr. Jacob Keller-
man last week. Mr. John Pope moved.
into Mr.' Walper's house on Thursday,
Mr. Jos. Routledge has moved into the
house recently vacated by Mr. August
Thon.-Several new members were re-
ceived into the Evangelical chuech on
Sunday last. Next Sunday the fomth
quarterly meeting service itt connec-
tion with the Evangelical charch here
will be held. Rev. Wing, I?. E., will be
present and preside. -Mr. ro. Else has
again organized a troupe and is mak11
ing a tour through the country with h
his medicines and show. They are
at present showing at Exeter. -Mr. h
Maxle Brokenshire was in Exeter on
Tuesday on business.-K.O.T.M. meet-
ing next Monday- night. Everyone in -
stirred up a large munber of sinners to
the front. The meetings have done a
great amount of good. -Mr. Fred Lane
has purchased from Messrs. Handford
& Elliott a handsome driver, which
promises to be a splendid roadster.-
The Board of directors of the Centralia
Butter and Cheese. Association met at
the residence of Mr. R. Hicks on' Sat-
urday afternoon last, and, after con-
siclerable discussion, concluded to pur-
chase the building from Mr. Parsons,
including the two lots and contents,
paying $700 for it. They will prepare
at once to convert it into a suitable
factory, and commence to make butter
as soon. as possible. -Dr. Jones of
lancleboye, spent Sunday here, the
guest of his sister, Mrs. Wm. Hicks.-
Mr. Thomas Fitton, accompanied by
Ir. Win. 3. Carling, spent Sunday
ere, the guest of Mr. Samuel McCoy.
The Womans' Missionary Society
eld ix very interesting meeting on
Tuesday afternoon, at the residence of
Me. Hicks, Fairfield. -Mr. R. Hicks
re are glad to say, was able to attend
ivine worship here on Sunday, after
eing laid up for the past seven weeks
ith a broken leg. -The services held
ere on Sunday were, despite the bad
terested should be present and add to d
its .interest. -Mr. Wiegand still con- b
tinues to keep the house. We hope w
soon to see him around again. h
There is
Such a
as wearing glasses when you should
not and not wearing them when you should. . . .
is a Mistake to do either, We only prescribe
glasses when they will be of use to the wearer. A larg•e
proportion of the cases of painful ey-esight are due to the use
,of unsuitable or improperly- fitted glasses. In consulting'
our optician you incur no expense and run no risk, . .
JavitsuaRY STOE
orrnngs preferred for testing.
roads and weather, largely attended.
The Rev. S. Salton took charge of the
morning service and preached a most
interesting sermon, whieh was fol-
lowed up by a grand fellowship meet-
ing in which all but the unconverted
took part. In the evening Mr. Grigg
gave au excellent talk upon "The
True Vine," and, after the invitation
was given, a large number came for-
ward and received a blessing. Up-
wards of six hunclrecl have set a good
example, and are living for Christ. -
The roads 'and walks last Sunday were
most dreadfully muddy. It was nh
trouble to step outside ancl get ahome-
stead on on.e foot and a pre-emption
on the other. -Many farmers around
here have conini en ced making maple
sugar, ancl everything indicates that
epieng has come, We welcome it with
'nate The Missionary Society have
arranged to seeure the services of Rev.
McKenzie,' to exhibit his excellent
magic latern views -70 in number -
illustrating the sights of his travels
throtigh Jitpan. It will indeed be a
grand lecture. -Mrs. Paisley, of Ilder-
ton, is visiting here, the guest of Mrs.
A. Hicks.
Children Ory for
The waterworks dam on the Thames
four miles west of London, was carried
away by a large quantity of ice, which
for some weeks past had been jammed
at the cove beiclgc, about two miles
above the dam, mid had been broken
up by the use of dyanmite.
Spain's Greatest Need.
Mr. R. P. Olivia, of Barcelona, Spain,
spends his winters at Aileen S. Q.
Weak nerves had caused severe pains
in the back of his head. On. using
Electric Bitters, America's greatest
Blood and Nerve remedy, all pain soon
left him. He says this grand medicine
is what his country needs. All Amer-
ica knows that it cures liver and kid-
ney trouble, purifies the blood, tones
up the stomach, strengthens thenerves
puts vim, vigor aid new life into every
muscle, IlerVe and, organ of the body.
If Weak, tired or ailing you need it.
Evellt bottle guaranteed, only 50 as.
Sold by all :Druggists.
neighborhood, took plage at the res
dexter., of Mr. John Gould, ot the 4t
concession of Hay, on Wednesdete
March 8th, it being the marriage c
his eldest daughter, 31ary Alice, t
r. John C. an -whelk% prosperous rum
fanner of the 2nd concession of th
sante township. Miss Nellie Gould,si
ter of the bride, acted as bridesmai
while the groom was supported by h
Cousin, Mr. Chas. Campbell, of London
The nuptial knot was tied by the Re.%
.I. Kerr, an old pastor, and, gene
al fat-m.1W at Sexemith, in the pre
envy of about sixty -live heti pest
The bride was made the reeiment
many CIPitly and nst'll'al tre,rttnifs,slis
ng the high eeteem U1 w wet the youn
Is the Griver of Health and
New Life to the Sick
and Diseased.
Spring. with its bright sunshine,
lengthenirag days. War111 rains, and itse
pienuise of a new life in nature, is fast
appeoaching and will be hailed with
s- true delight by the old and ,young
:me enjoying fell health and bodily
4 activity.
' To tie -• d • 1 • " 6 of spriug
g 1841114-4 41 1(161'
va! atam nay and suffer-
etamie helti by their dfireiteentd
s taut' tiOa' graVtAmong thiapreeent limn a
were; mrs,Nv/14 Wingior i
Ofnar's a..11111, Vn1316,.•
l; NV ht .72 14108 Mai e810•11 Ore
e4 with deatiolealing sieknesses, sneh
1 le t "th e hIeF • s • .
Weed rhininatieni. neuralgia,
Mrs. Art hi ii• ( tie we irt Creel iton. A f
ter spending the evening itt plea -au
games, the party broke up about on
Weloek., the yiniag ermple lea‘'ing fo
Mrs. nubile Campbell, ingersull: Mi
and Nips, Louie Aletwortia theleriel
township: Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Camp
11 and t he terrible after effects of grippe,
- eyelets hes me, eliartits for them, 'They
have allowed themselves to sink into
4. a illnditant ot an•M'ry and ltelpleSSne&
41U1'4lig 1 tie 'Winter that must quiekly
bell, of the Sitithle Line, and :%liitu
flair new benne, with the hest 141411
of the cominenity fellowitig them,
terminat lite, unless 11)1(1 true health
Mad life • giver. Paine's .Celery Cow -
1 pound, be made irie of without delay.
e t Tlw nervous system, weak and tun -
strung. must be fortified: the blood,
elutrensh, euptire and watery, must be
made eieen :Mil last thaVing, aud
every org-an ot .digestion must lit' ton- -
41 t4 up trtte pitelL
Nat tire..r• tateeetifilll
Ittediehte, Ikulut.,:s (there* Compound,
e tles i.('111 Weeis as Ito other re-
. luedy ealr rim It a..1 s: as a nerVe and
„ brain feed. it .givee life to stagnant
.1 likettl, 11. leiniehes permanently kidney
• diseas4 . liver elttoplubit, rheumathesta.
, dyspepsi.t nut a be e• . t reuldes that
make life a misery. '
The thine -au& of thankful lettersre-
(lived front Catiadats best people are
the lletit, 4111t1 strongest proofs that
Paine's t'4,1(1', (tnnpound curee.
IN'llen your lin. is in danger do not be
Misled by cemmon advertised medi-
cines, as many of them aredangerous
and unsafe, . Ask fortho kind that
has mired your frieeds and neighbor'
-the kind that''makes people well.*
• Hensalle We regret this week to
have to chroniede the .death of Master
Lawrence 'Wood. .the Seteetreild Son of
Mrs. William 'Wood, of this village,
which oceurred very suddenly on Sat -
today evening. Lawrence., although
never strong and rugged, was a par-
tieularly bright and thoughtful boy,
even eo beyond his years and the very
day of his death, although he had not
been very well for some .time past,
he dressed himself and came down
stairs and was going about throughout,
the dale 84.1 that 111S slidd en death was
a great ehoek and sad blew to his
mother,: wile has been deeply afflicted
in the past few years, having lost her
husband and little daughter. Very
Much sympathy is, therefore, felt by
the whole commenity for the mother,
who is now left with only her little
Clinton; It is with very deep regret
indeed that we announce the de.ath of
the wife of Thos. Mason, of town,
which occurred on Tuesday afteruoon,
at the early age 1)2 41 years. She has
not enjoyed good health fora consider-
able time; even while living on the
farin her condition was critical, but
she improved somewhat on moving to
town, though latterly it was evident
she was falling. She was the eldest
daughter of Mrs. "trodden, of town,
and was an amiable wife and mother -
She was it consistent member of the
Methodist church, and all through her
sufferings, (which were intense,) there
was the evidenee of rest on divine
grace. Not able to participate, in
church services, she nevertheless lived
a life of abiding faith in Him who is
eternal. She leaves two children, a
son and daughter, and her husband
has the very deepest sympathy of the,
entire'community in his sad bereave-
I Ontario Agricultural and Experi
rnentI Union.
nose iv Ex perjure zits lit eericuttur
eoperat ive experiments in Agri
081t111'O have been eunilueted thrutigh
01111 °Marl° in Mel) tit' the
teen :ANUS. In 1Shi3 the Work (('445 (111
ried by 12 fanners, and 30 'dots wort
used for this purpose. 'The number
has been eteatilly ineneteing since that
date, until m NH these co-operative
experiments were conducted by 3,028
farmers, and upwards of 12,000 plots
were used for the work. Object les.
eons in pritetieal egrieulture Were thus
loeateel on fully 311011 Ontario farms in
the. past year. Those who make these
tests in their OVill fields with varieties
of fano crops, methods os cultivation,
Ways of increasing Soil fertility, etc;,
obtain valualde mforniation which
they cannot possibly get in any other
way. 'Crpwards of IWO varh•ties of
farm crops have been tested in the Ex-
perimental Department of the Ontario
Agricultural College for at least live
years in suecession, Pure seed of the
very best. varieties are used for the co-
operative experiments.
1. Testing nitrate of soda, superphos-
phate, muriate of potash, inixture,and
no immure with Corn,
2. Testing nitrate of soda,. simerpluee
phate, marline of potash, mixt tine:old
no =mire with Mangolds.
3. Growing Grass Peas :Ind two va-
rieties of Vetches for Green Fodder.
4. Growing three mixtures of grain
for Green Fodder.
5. Testing six varieties of corn fax
grain, fodder or silage.
0. Testing four varieties of millet.
7. Testing four varieties of grasses.
8. Testing four varieties of clovers.
0. Testing three varieties of buck-
10. Testing three varieties of spring
wheat and one of spring rye.
11. Testing fonr varieties of barley,
12. Testing four varieties of oats.
13. Testing four varieties of field peas
14. Testing three varieties of field
15. Testing three varieties of jape,
nese beans.
16. Testing four varieties of carrots.
17. Testing three varieties of
golds and and one of sugar beets.
18. Testing twO varieties of Swedish
and two of fall turnips.
19. Sowing peas at different dates
to determine the amount of injury
done by the pea weevil.
20. Planting potatoes the same clay
and Eve days after they are cut.
21. Planting corn in rows and in
Interested persons in Ontario who
wish to join in the work may select
any one of the experiments for 1899
and inform the director at once of the
choice made. All material will be
furnished entirely- free of charge to
each applicant, but he will be expected
to conduet the test according to the
instructions sent with the seeds, and
to report the results of his test as soon
as possible after harvest.
Material fax either No. 1 or No. 2
experiment Will be sent by express,
and for each of the others by mail.
The supply of material being limited,
those who apply first will be surest of
obtaining the desired outfit. It might
be well for each applicant to make a
second choice for fear the first could.
not be granted.
Paeticular varieties need not be
mentioned as the kinds to be mention-
ed as the kinds to be distributed axe
those which have done exceptionally
well on the trial plots in the Experi-
mental Department at the College.
C. A. ZA.VITz,
, Director.
Ontario Agricultural College,
Guelph, March. 18th, 1899..
Mr. A. D. Clement, postmaster at
Brantford, is dead.
Rev. T. Albert Moore's house at
Hamilton was robbed. of a lot of
valuable jewellery.
Mr. David Baird, nightwatchrcian at
a T., IL & B. CrOSSiTlg in Hamilton,
was run down by a yard engine and
killed. •
Prevost, the comdernned murderer,
attacked his jciiler at Port Arth ur with
a slungshot, ancl then tried to escape,
but was overpowered. •
OhildrerKtry for
The Spring Months
Are most likely to find your blood.
impureand lacking in the red corpuscles
which enable it to carry nourishment
to the nerves and other organs. There-
fore you feel weak, tired and listless
and are troubled with spring humore.
Relief is given by Hood's Sarsaparilla
which purifies, enriches and vitalizes
the blood.
Hood's Pills cure biliousness. Mail-
ed fax 25 cents by C. I. Hood & Co.,
Lowell, Mass,
JOHNSTON-In St. Augustin, on March
' 10, the wife of Mr. Albert Johnston,
formerly of Exeter, of a daughter.
CA1IIPI3ELL-GOULD--At the residence
of the bride's parents, on March 8th,
by the Rev. W. E. Kerr, of Hensall,
Mr, John Campbell, of the 2nd con-
cession of Hay, to Miss Mary Alice,
eldest daughter, of Mr. John Gould,
of the 4th concession of the same
Deves-KEnsnAnn.-At the resid.ence
of bride's parents, Meech 8, by Rev.
P. Scott,Moutgoinery Davis to Edith
Helena, eldest daughter of William
Kerslake, all of Hibbert.
TA.PP-STEwART-At the residence of
the bride's parents, Rodgerville, on
March 8th, by the Rev. Heudeeson,
Hensall, Mr. Wm. Tapp, to Miss
Bella, eldest,. daughter or Mr.' Robe)t
TATtoR,-Tn Exeter North, on March
12t11, Mary Taylor, aged 77 yews.
MaCoenee-Tii RocIgerville, on Aftirch
llth, Dongald McColl, aged 80 year:;
and 1 month.