HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-3-9, Page 5TRU
kz.etizr burl cat
I -i pubu,hed .every Thursday Morning,
at the Office.
Ina Pollan per areal= if paid in Advance
01.50 if noted paid•
s.a arexao it 1Z3tois cas. Sippl2cea-
No peperdiscoutinued until allarro rage
re paid Advertisements without s'eoifio
irectione will be published till forbid and
barged. acoordiugly• Liberal 1iscountmade
or transexent advertisements inserteeii for
ong periods. levers, aeseelption of JOB
'RINTINGi turned alit in the finest style,
nd at moderate ratoa Cheenes,moneyord,
rs.&c, for advertising, suhsoria'tions.eto.to
s aaade payable to
Chas, IL Sanders,
EDIi'O&. eee PROP
rI.ofetsi3?,oitai Cards,
H. KINSMAN. ti D S. & DE. A.R.
KINsuoil, L D i,, D. i) B.. Honer
graduate of Termite, University.
teeth extracted without any pain. or any
sad (greets. Office In Fanson'e Meek, west
)W,ee Main Street, Exeter.
lienors Graduate of the Toronto, BM -
pity and Royal College of Dentel Surgeons
of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pato,
All modes of Dentistry ftp to date. suttee
aver Elliot & > iltot'ei low a moo-•oppoeite
je0t;al betel-liSeter-
11('die al
re. J 4, ROTer,TNs & T A. AMOS.
itealdeneos, same sae t'orinerly
OFFICES, Speakman, building, Main St.
Dr, Tropane' office: saline aS formerly -north
leer. Br. Arnett' office. chaplet bpaial0g-•s0uth
leer. May tet. 18$8
T. 4 Raatline. it. D. T: A. Amos, at A
Afit,`f;1!. efebale1 fl IN, JMEMBER OF
e the College ofPhveidea tiandSurgeon(
Ontsirio. Plbveiolen.Surgeoxl slid AQaouoh-
our. Office. Oashwood, ant
Oe'onve ne r�Watery I'bU'a
o'nee rcr oneetls Bank. Exeter Oataiio,
Money to Lowe.
TNIl:fie'*el*,7 & CARLINP, yida.TtliTSTFRC.
i;,tlieitort;iotaeri' ,i Ponveva0ltere.
ear andeei(ane'rs. So18a'ltera for the &tel ons
Tank, eta, Stoney to i{tarn at ri anti n°; le d'
ecur., %Moo f{'sa,tean•e nmol!, Slain se,
Exeter 4A, anenatel. nttho fight will lee at
iltat,alt on There lee of each week )
I, R. t,"AUT. [Nth U. A. ff, M. Ines*ON.
VtLI.I'TT fi. l?Ii.4.nilt•AN. BARRISTERS.
a Ete. Conveyancers. and Money to
t3 v, Reinter. F. W, ar.tttuA:i•
F__ fltiO�'r'Y,:Qineho/sea. LicensedAuot-
LL. ianoortorthe Counties of Perth and
Idi 1 Hance. oleo for the townob i a oi* ,borlie
Salo* ora,n p l.v etttindeal tome( terms rea-
son het ef.na►lesarranged at Post office. 'Win -
'iixWRran ee.
T' Era fa JOT.
In en ranee egoist.
'attain tit. Ea:at(tr
irksGook's Cotton Root Co pa
Is successfully used monthly by over
10,000 Ladles. Safe; effectual. Ladles ask
Your druggist forCowk's Cotton Root Cale
puma Take no outer. as all Mixtures, pills and
imitations am dtdangerous. Pried 2 No. . 53 Per
box, No. 21,10 degrees stronger,es per box. leo.
'tor 2. mailed on receipt of price and two seems
stamps elle, conk company Windsor, Ont.
r/.0 -Nos.
e b all
mat d
a,o•,d n P
roeponsible Drurglsts to Canada.
;Ca • Ike 1 Se 2 ool.l in hxeter by
FOR 11to ti
and (MILS
rine German sever
erosinosw tch,bt:arantod
x grata, setth Chain: ore
naptilar Camera with all at.
tmhmrntsrradyto Mkclattuma,
;auto trot) for selling tar us :b.
All iu. rnLI illlmLles at Ind esra-
t.amm uni address, tress, we'll furiexrd
);.h'2 Ita Bout money.
Can. Supply Co., Toronto.
"How Did WWI
Burn Her Face"
That Was What People Asked
About Our Daughter
Dreadful Itching,Burning Erup-
tions Cured
Smooth, Sett, White Skin Now..
"p1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Maas;
"Qeritleuleu; Our little deeugliteris now
four years old, When site was about three
menthe old, she had eruption on her face
which were very disagreeable, and itched
so womb, especially at night, that it made
Neer trouble a great deal worse. i was
obliged to keep her hands tied at night
and it testa necessary to watch her during
the day- Shewomldaeratrh herself when-
ever She had the chance, until her clothes
Would Be Covered with Blood,
We hada great mane' doctors to see her,
out they did not telpher is the least. It
was a terrible teak to Bare tar her. When
we took her away from home, people
would ash, c Row did that child burn Ler
face?' She was completely covered with
seats for a len; time. She suffered every.
thing. At last we coneladed to tryood't
Sarsaparilla, because 1 .had great faith: in
it, and after Awhile we could See that she
wee getting better. People raid she would
certainly bo lett with sears an her face,
but ebe was not. Itis now a year since
she was cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and
her face is as
Smooth and White and Soft
as that of any child, I believe Hood's.
&iraapartlla to be the beat family rued!.
clue that can be obtained. I take it my-
selt for headache and that tired feeling,
and Ihave found nothing, to equal it. Quo
peculiarity about Hood's Sarsaparilla is
Oat it is pleasant to take and it is ne
trouble to induce children to take It. The
doctors parononneed any little girl's disc e
to be teems, or malt rheum." farts.
WILUUR WHT.Tas, Warren, Conneetieut.
Ii. Da not be induced to buy as
substitute. Be sura to get
Hood's Sarsaparilla
This Rest g•fa feet the One True Mar Prla:Ler.
Sold by ell dnregiste el; ate tar g'•.
"-eine liver ille: e;iee to
cods PilIS take. easy to ollt:rata. ;a,a.
The Killing of peer in the Water
to Be Permitted.,
Hon. ialr. Gibson Says 3looso Are Plenti-,
Sµ! and; Sportsmen May Have a Week
at. 'ream. in 2800 -Brewers' and
Railways' Objections to. the
1texenue Hill - House
Toronto, March 7.—ThenunolxneemePt
made by Ilona Mr. Gibson yesterday
afternoon that it Is the intention to in-
troduce a bill this session giving cfl;eet to
the recommendation of the fish and game
commission for the repeal of the section
of the game act prohibiting the shooting
of deer in the water will be welcome.
ews to many sportsmen. The further
information be gave will also be received
with pleasure by sportsmen. A number
of bills were advaneed It stage, and the
House adjourned at 5 o'cloele.
cornpaniee. Under the existing not no
power is given for the removal of trustees:
The bill provides that where necessary.
DOW trustees may be appointed at any
general or speefal meeting of the aseoeia-
Committees o
mm tees will meet to -day as-
f 1
lows; Public accounts, 11 a.m.; standing.
orders, 11 a.m. ; railway committee, 10
hall..;. private bilis, 10 a.m.
The Pullman Car Company' has re -
tallied Mr, W. B, McMnirich, Q. C., to
oppose the clauses relating to the com-
pany in the new Government bill, Mr,
MoMurrieh was around, the buildings
Manager Dunstan of the Bell Telephone
Company protests against the proposal to
tax the company at the rate of one-sixth
of one per cent., while banks aro taxed
at the rate of bat one-tenth of oneper
cent. He was intexviovi.ng members at
the buildings yesterday.
Lord Claud Hamilton Leaver the Brltiah
Conservative Party on Account of
Its tome Pettey.
London, March 7.—Lord Claud John
Haxuilton, chairman of the Great Eastern
Railway and brother of Lord George
head a Second Time.. Hamilton, Secretary of State for India,
Amongst the he measures that received a has railed thepolitical waters by sud-
second reading in the Howe were: Mr. denly seeedpng from the Conservative
b'oy's, respecting the Toronto Hotel Coin- party. In an open letter of explanation
pang; Mr. Crawford's, respeetm Knox he asserts that, while the foreign and
Church, Toronto; Mr. Cr imeord':e, to un Weibel policy of the Governmenthas
eorporatc the Toronto Western Hospital; p Ms entire approval, its fiscal policy,
home legislation and continual attacks
upon property and capital, aro "beneath
contcmpe." Therefore he says be can no
longer support the .Administration.
As ehairxuan of ono of the principal
railway companies, his se ession was
largely dictated by opposition to the Auto-
matic Coupling bill, which involves what
he considers a superfluous capital expend!-
tura on railways, Nevertheless, bisection
is very dl agreeable to the Government,
The Standard, commenting editorially
upon the secession of Lord Claud Ilam-
Ilton from the Conservative party, says:
"It cannot be denied that he gives ex-
uression to a :sentiment which does exist
among a section of Lord ,Salisbury's fol-
1 at•elee.'s. to authorize and mullein a
deed of agreement between the Toronto
Oeuerel Trusts Company and the Traits
Oorporatiou of Ontario, and to unite the
companies under the name of The To-
ronto General Trusts Corporation,
In reply to air. J. S. Dial (West Sim -
roc), Hon. Mr. Dryden said the Depart-
ment of Agriculture authorized the pub.
Ilea tier; of tiro report nett it1Ls1 "The Newel'
I,)t'drlets of Ontario." Tho cost of publi-
eat:ion of 1,000 copies wee $180.:l r. Dun-
can Anderson received $400 for services
rendered in connection with the compila-
It is reported that the pin t(tpiee• at
Deserontn bas been robbed of is t5'.
sold nlstil.e'ttrit'r, Jams Henderson.
has been arrested.
The hailer of an M. fi N.W. kiron'-
tivl' e'xpiTotk it while runningon the
grade near Millwood, ;then. Engineer
/fill and Fireman Minitel were killed.
('ity (`la'r'k Beasley, of Hamilton, hit:;
ra�tt'ived a tliekel from l."hieago, with
tx()te explaining that the live vents was
tojay I(W a Mottle of ink utilaaplpro-
priatt'd %Nigh. the Write'r1%.t:+atttendin(,;
1f public sehool in this city.
Roan refines- Rescue.
4r.:Melte el t'ultaiu. Plainfield, ill.,
makes the et'et,emed. that she etiu ht.
('old. whit.% F.t °-.It'd un Is'r lungs; she
was treated for ;I. month by her family
thy,t(ala.Ion ,1t1is'. He told
wy victim, t con-
she hopeless f
�u z , tat 1,a, .. If }
aild that no medicine could
cart.: he'r. Her druggist, suggested 1)r,
King;': New 1)i,('e very for t'onsunipit-
10D she bought a bot.tl(' and to her do' -
light found herself benefitted from
first dose. She continued its nst and!
after taking eix bottles, found herself
sound anal well, now does lwi' own
housework, Rust is as well as :she a've'r
was, Sold by all Druggists. large
bottl(.-1 ai) (. a'nt s and$1.10
Mi„ P. Clarke was badly burned by
a lamp exploding iii her stele redo( at,
Mr. Janine:; lirollglx of l'eti'rbltro' was
t,breiwn out of a hotel 'bus and had his
_ neck 'broken.
Mr. Charles (`lark. aged 80 year;, of
was as found in theearly morn-
ing inthe theparlor of his house with
every indication of having hems mur-
derously assaulted. He drew money
from the bank the day before, and
that is missing.
Cliwo 12
11•111111M1 ARRAN= JEMIN11111111311•111\
T. Manitoba and Canadian Northwest
will leave Toronto every TUESDAY during
March and April,
Passengers travelling WITHOUT LIVE
SToC K should take train leaving Toronto
at 316 p.m.
Passengers travelling WITEI LSVft
STOCKltd eke s old t the train leaving Tor-
onto at 9.00 p. m
Colonist Sleepers will be attached to
ea0 traln
For fall particulars and copy of "Settlers,
Guide" apply to any Uanarlian Pacific agent,
or to
Assistant General passenger Agent,
1 Kin oronto
Ring East, ,
Bismack's Iron Nerve.
For Infants and Children.
The fac-
Was the result of his splen di.dheallth.
Indomitable Will and tremendous en-
ergy are not found.where Stomach,
• Liver, Kidneys s and Bowels are out of
order. If yon want these qualities a
and the success- they bring, use Br. 3
.King's New Life Pills. They develop
every power of brain and body. Only
'25c at an Dim Store.
� �scn
erea4 selearteiewite®MadN€taAAareceeafee
What Shall
You have tried iron and
other tonics. But she keeps
pale and thin. Her sallow
complexion worries you. Per-
haps she has a little hacking
cough also. Her head aches;
and she cannot study. Give het
Be Done
Stein ion
The oil will feed her wasting
body; the glycerine will soothe
her cough, and the hypophos-
phites will give new power and'
and brain.
vigor to her nerves a a
Never say you cannot
take cod-liver oil" until` you
have tried Scott's Emulsion.
You will be. obliged to change
your opinion at once. Children
especially ':become very fond.
of it;and infants do not know
when it is added to their food.
50c. and It Loo ; all druggists.
SCOTT ec BOW NG, Chemists, Toronto.
., g
First iteadings,
Ilan. J. T. Gamow-11111 for 1811 act
inspecting the clow and sale of cemeteries
by munieipnlities.
Hon. J. T. Carrow --Bili for an act to.
amend the Aiuttiriplal Act i'e ip i eting local
lion. .1. T. Gafrruw —Ilial far an act to
encnd the law t'(al1(v:ting the liabilities,
lint. J. T. Barrow—Bill for an net to
provide that priority wages In an nisei-
- lit es at;a N11a11 bo paid within ono
1 Minh by the a,isirnex' or liquidator.
Shouting' Over 11 hits+ iii the Outer.
In reply to) Dr. mete (East Toronto),
Ilan, Air, elision said that 0,000ciar-uiars
were sent from the Oleo of the chief
game warden, soliciting answers to a
series of question,as to shooting dear
'Wile in the water. All who bad taken
out license' to shoot deer in 1897 were
time consulted. Not more than 500 or
6U0 replies were received, and the answers
given were very conflicting. Tile conxznis-
s;topers, after discussing the subject, and
having in vleW the strong views held by ,
a largo number of exloplo, had conxo to the
oonelusiau that the pr'obibitiou of shoot- ,
ing (leer whilst in water should be re-
pealed, It is suatisfiaetory to know that the
ra(venue the department receives from
deer shooting litteensee is More than the
amount expended in tyle administration
of the law. Much had been done in iin-
ruvin a the laws for the reservation of
p r, �� P
game. To enforce those laws more vigor-
ously would entail additional expense.
There had been since the laws
were put
in operation a considerable increase In the
number of deer. Some years ago there
was llangcr of extinction, but these fears
bud vanished. So great had been the in-
crease Of deer in the eastern section of the
provinee that be bad hopes there aright
be an open season for moose in 1900.
Other fur -bearing animals ware also in-
creasing, through the operation of the
game laws, A bill was in preparation by
the Government whioh would be more or
less a revision of the present act. Esperi-
enoe bad shown the need of revision, and
the commissioners thought the act might
bo usefully amended.
Automatic, Car Couplings.
London, nfaroh 7.—The British Rail-
way Assoeiatiotl bas arranged to send
live prominent railway olflelaai to the
United State to investigate the fnots
upon which the Government bases the
bill eompelling the adoption of automatic
couplings—the measure `which would
give the Board of Trade power five years
from its adoption to L•ornperl British rail-
roads to supply the whole of their rolling
stock with this device et an estimated
cost of $10,000,000.
Protection of Insectivorous Birds. I
Dr. Pyne secured an order of the House
for a return of permits granted during
1898 to collect birds, birds' nests and
egge, under the provisions of the act of
1889, for the protection of insectivorous
and other birds.
Ilon, Mr. Gibson said the number of
permits had been greatly restricted, in
accordance with the representations of
the game law commissioners. There was
no doubt that the permits for scientific
purposes had been greatly abused.
The )!rowers Object.
Son, Mr. Harcourt was interviewed
yesterday afternoon by Messrs. Eugene
O'Keefe and Robert Davies, Lawrence
Cosgrave, Hume Blake, Mr. Taylor of
St. Catharines and Acting Secretary
Carnahan, a deputation representing the
Brewers' & Maltsters' Association, with
reference to the new act respecting brew-
ers and distillers.
The ebiof object of the visit was to ask
the Government to insert a clause provid-
ing that brewers may sell in wholesale
quantities within the rnunicipality whore
the brewery is situate to other than
license -holders. If they are refused this
they will in cities suffer a loss of profit
they now derive from the sale to house-
holders of beer in kegs, whioh, in some
cases, forms quite a large item of busi-
ness. The deputation also discussed not
unfavorably the proposed license fee, with
which they found no serious fault. They
are also not entirely in accord with the
clause whioh provides for a fine of 50 per
cent. of the duty in cases where the
brewer makes an incorrect return under
the act. It was pointed ont to them, how-
ever, that the bill also contains a clause
remitting the fine where it is found that
the error was not made for the purpose
of defrauding the Govermnent.
Messrs. Wainwright, Biggar and B. B.
Osler, representing the G. T.R., also wait-
ed reference
i the Government withre
upon po
to the clause taxing the railways, Which
does not meet with the approval of that
railway. The: ground upon which the
objection is based is that many of the
roads operated by the.. G.T. R. were orifi-
finally' constructed as pioneer or coloniza-
tion and that they
i newdistricts, iots
tion roads n,
never have and do not now pay, but are
operated at a loss. The company contends
that those roads should not bo taxed un-
der the circumstances.
Mr. Dryden's "Bill.
Hon. Mr. Dryden 'will introduce a bill
to amend the act respecting 'cheese and
buttes manufacturing associations and
French Foreign Minister Says Great
lir{cola Receded From Her Position.
Paris, March 7,—In the Chamber of
Deputies yesterday, M. Brunet, Progres-
sive Republican, questioned the Govern -
meet on the Muscat incident.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, M.
Deloasse, declare(' the facts were that the
British resident summoned the Sultan to!
withdraw a concession to France of a
ecul depot on a creek near Muscat. The
ultain. thereupon asked France to return
the deed of the .concession and France re-
fueed, The Sultan then °entailed the con-
oe-csion. Great Britain, however, quickly ,
admitted France's right to the coal depot
and expressed deep regret at the Incident.
France thus obtained prompt and com-
plete faction and tho inoid nt
e was
P sats
considered closed.
The Foreign Minister ooneluded with
officially corroborating the statement that
negotiations are proceeding between
Franco end Great Britain for a delimits -
tion of their African frontiers, "in a sin- I
cere spirit of conciliation and with the
view of reaching an arrangement whioh
Will guarantee a lasting understanding
between the two countries."
!EON. blit. 131.AKE.
Categorical Refutation of a Baseless Story
About Him..
London, March 7. — (Toronto Globe
SpeciaL )—The story regarding Iron. Ed-
ward Plake whioh was cabled to a e
Montreal paper on February 20, to the p.
effect that he was retuning to take part
in Canadian public life, is altogether de-
void of foundation. Mr. Blake is not
leaving the Nationalist party; he bas not
fixed a time for a permanent return to
Canada; bo bas no appeal from Canadian
Liberals to return to Canada for the pur- P
pose of "regenerating the Liberal party."
Her Majesty Getting, Young.
(Changed overs V4iseee+',e,
Vheat far erudite ZS} to 7e
Flour per cwt 1.85 t'• &nr
Barley , 4e to 40
+ata 26 to 218
Peas 60 to 05
Corn 4$ to
Butter 14 to 14
Eggs 14.
Potatoes per bag av to 60
iia,r tan 460 to 50
Dried Apples per lb .
Ducks 7.
Geeso. 0
Chicken 5
Turkey__ 0
" Every morning I have a
bad taste in my mouth; my
tongue is coated; my bead.
aches and I often feet dizzy.
I have no appetite for breakfast
and what food I eat distresses
me. I have a heavy feeling in
my stomach. I am getting so
weak that sometimes I tremble
and my nerves are all unstrung_.
I am getting pale and thin. 1,
am as tired in the morning as
at nigbt."
What does your doctor say?
"You are suffering from im-
pure blood."
What is his remedy?
You must not have consti-
pated bowels if you expect the
barsaparilla to do its best work.
But Ayer's Pills cure constipa-
We have a book on Paleness
and Weakness which you may
have for the asking.
Writs to oor Doctors.
Porltnpe you would Ilko to consult
eminent physicians about your condi.
tion. Write ne freely all the particulars
iu your case. Yon will receives prompt
reply. Address, Dai. J. C. AVER,
Miss Mary Ann Hannah died. at
Omemee at tite reputed age of 1)2
The city of Montreal will enter
eighteen actions against the street
, .
• 'hyfor insufficient :evoke and
railway r t ,t 1
overcrowdingthe car..
Louis Fraliek, said to hal( friends
in Ottawa, jumped into the river at
Brie Fort Erre and was swept away. He
had been arrested as insane, but escap-
ed from the lockup.
&Fore. .after- "food's Phospholine,
The Great English Remedy.
Sold and recommended by an
druggists in Canada. Only reli-
able medicine discovered. Six
packages guaranteed to euro all
forms of Sernal Weakness, all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To-
bacco. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed en reeeipt
of price, one package Si, six, $5. One wilt please,
six will cure. Pamphlets free to any address.
The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont.
tal'woorl I
Lutz, drue,tt,t •
faL okYJ t4 A�'4 .7 -AL:
London, March 7.—In. view of the fact
of the Queen's approaching visit to the
Continent, Englishmen are especially in-
terested in Her Majesty's health. It is
announced that, except for an occasional
attack of rheumatism, Her Majesty is
now enjoying remarkable health, unim-
paired as it is by the burden of her old
age. Her nervous headaches, which form-
erly caused her so much suffering, are
now things of the past. Her Majesty's
hearing is as acute as that of a girl of 20,
and, though she suffers slightly from
weakness of the eyes, her eyesight is
keener than that of many young women.
Ominous News From Shanghai.
London, March 7.—The Times pub-
lishes the following despatoh from
Shanghai: The British, American and
Gorman consuls yesterday declined to
hold further negotiations with the Taotai
of Shanghai on the question of the ex-
tension of " the foreign settlement, owing
to the evasive and obstructive tactics to
which he has resorted. They will demand
that the Viceroy appoint a special deputy `.
to arrange the matter.
In Contemptuous Terms.
London, March 7. --The Pekin corre-
spondent of The Times says: " The Tsung.
Li Yamen s rejection of Italy's demands
' was couched in studiously contemptuous
and minatory terms.
Owing to the insulting manner in
Chinese Government has re-
fusedthe Ch .,
fused the request of the Italian Govern-
ment for a lease of Sanmun Bay, Prov-
ince of Chekiang, as a coaling station
and naval base, Signor Martino, the Ital-
ian minister, declines to hold direct com-
munication with the Tsang Li Yemen.
Is Queen Marie Yet Alive?
Brnssels,' March 7.—Queen Marie Hen-
rietta's strength has much diminished,
and a fatal . termiation of her illness is
still feared.
�. m
The Leading Specialists of Liman
150,000 CURED.
Nothing eau be. mord demoralising to
young or middle-aged men than the pres-
ence of these "nightly losses." They
produce weakness, nervousness a feeling
of diagtistand a wiloletrain of symptom
They unfit'?: roan for business ni1a ed
Fie and social happiness. • No inti er
whether caused by evil habits in sot, h,
natural weakness or sexual exoose s t..tr
l:ew Method 'Treatment will positively
curt• you -
Reader, you need help. Early abuse or
later excesses gnat have weakened you.
Exposure may have diseased you. You
are net cafe till cured. Our New Method
will glue yen. Yon run no risk.
250,000 CURED
Young tirrn- -Yon are pale, feeble
and haggara' nervous. irritable and ex-
citable. You i'eeome forgetful, morose,
and despondent; blotches and pimples.
sunken eyes, wrinkled face, stooping
form and downcast countenance reveal
the blight of your existence.
No matter how serious your ease may
be ,r' how long you mag have had it, our
cure it. The "wormy veins" return to
their normal . condition and hence the
sexual organs receive proper nourish-
ment. Tho organs become vitalized, all
unnatural drains or losses cease and:
manly powers return. No temporary
benefit. but a..ermanent ono assured.
We treat and cure SYPHILIS,
MODERATE. If unable to call. write
but don't think you can patch
clothes to look like. new.
Then again it would not
pay you when you can buy
clothing at the prices we
Pants Made to order, all
wool heavy tweeds $2096
Suits t''9.81
Overcoats 81.O1:4
Black Worsted suits a spec-
ial, $12,t"
Our $20 blacks beat all
others at $23. Come and set•
for yourself.
People patronize us because
they realize that we alwa, w
sell clouting that is strictIT
p -to-date....
Opposite Post Office.
titki R AL Dflii
The following remedies are re-
liable and worth giving a trial:
Dix Little Liver Pills for the stomuob,
liver and bilioue headaches.
Native Herb Tea as a spring medicine for
pu•Hying the blood and system. Calt
and get a sample package.
Dix Kidney Pills aro being largely used.
and give gi od results,
Winan's Cough Balsam and Dix Lang
Syrup are reliable in coughs, colds
and bronthetic troubles.
Wiper's Littirncut is daily growing in
pope)arity. •
Give these a trial when required.
-immommemerummorazinm• V
cles I I
Bicycles ■ r
Bicycle Pleasure.
Are you seeking Bicycle pleas-
ure? If so, you should seek first
a good wheel. We can furnish
you any of the best wheels made
at lowest prices.
Do you want anything in the
musical line. We have a choice
lot of Pianos and organs.
and inspect thein before buying
A full stock
Of sewing machines, baby car-
riages, etc., etc.
Perkins & Martina
11 PAYS.
To read the big stores' ad
For whosebusiness?
whose good are we'in,
• the furniture usiness? For
▪ yours and ours. If we are not `'
useful to you we cannot be use tj
f1x1 to ourselves. We leave got
to carry the goods you want at
the prices you want or we can-
not make a success of our ;busi-
ness. But we have been doing
business right along for years,
which proves that we are the
right kuid of people with the
right prices. Coxae and, see for
yourself ....
Furniture, Undertaking.