Exeter Advocate, 1899-3-9, Page 4•
xeti bora e,
Chas. H. Sanders, Editor and Prop
Mayor Quincy of Boston has director
the Superintendent of Piddle Grounds
to begin the - work of exterminating
°.sae 1• aa1g1'ashsl)ar1•oW.
• To I'It1;v1:NT l' 1 L' 'v ;U.K1NC.
• • l -it is
lk`s w(a 1
.s1, xievire to pees telat• . � l+ g
wit lay upon the flour, by the elite of
trite so lunaunbailist-i bidet sheet of iron,
:tine. or other Metal, tvtdt enough to
insure that he will step upon it. When
the sle'ep'walking fit conics upon hint
•e>surface his foot touches flat cold sa a f
t:ietal, aud he instinctively draw.: the
leg into the bed again. After two or
zhreratteu)pts the solnnauabulist gives
it up and; etties down in bead. •
The amounts wlli(31 the wves;tern
railways will pay tinder the new rt' -
venue bill of the Provincial Goverrt-
Imeatt have been e 11(hllaatetl aallpl'oxi.
nudely as follows-Hramhtford, Nor-
tulle. a Port Burwell, .15tH1 Can. Smith -
ern, St.
outh-{ern,:it. ('lair branch, $U13; Erie &
.:liana, ,";atilt,:; Georgian Bat .&W'e'lling-
ton. S225; London, Baron & Bruce,
r;1,042; Port Dover & leake Huron,
tl.iu (+teat & Lake Huron, $1,877; Til-
sorlIurg. I. E. & Ilaaciflt ?,itis Vie-
t(aria, : + tl": \i't'l1haat 'it. Grey & Bruce,
$1,105: do., sontlleril extension, $1,000.
The new Ontario tax, if it becomes a
taw, will .hit the Bell Telephone
�wtothe time of something like
per year. ww'laieli is. :t (tear 4I,501
'tit rt'than they are plying the Prot --
/nee of (,ltat•ltete at the {°:•t'St'nt tinge.
One objection that they make is the
fa act that while railways. are uskt'c1 to
pay only til;. {err mils on its track.
wwhieh in routed w'ignite; hIi.' »s t+15. tax •
to at t•apitaai 01 Saietural tit taking that :
unman' of looney to lay the average
loner. tbeeTelephone Company pany isaaskrtl
to pay .tnut'thinig like tita for the aaante.
tmutint of invested (•atpital.--F ee
n ,
NT.w R It i. . tw I:I:Lw(' I•; It.1T14.
.t great tical lets been said about
Ontario's tow hilt -II -rate and equally
low (teat Iat ate: and 1'1Yen stet istit's it
lugs also hetet learned that Ontario has
•a very average marriage -rate, tie may
bee seen from the following titbit.;
England 7
Smetana 7.2
Ireland 5 Oil
'New 1i;nnlp,lhirc 111.7
(I)iv Drees 1 for 10 nl;arriages).
t'onneetiCnt. 8.I
Ontario (181)7) i'),7
tustateTen ox Fowl. '
the pigs. Ile tit{ so in•lieviug h11n to Your Mood,
own them. This is the season when year .alood
l is loaded with impurities, accumulated
Dr. 'lark, \.S.. performed rather an
itttere:stfug operation raation this horning. .A
Buff ('urliin Igen wv11S llraught to hint
Oa. treatment, It haad swallowed alot
' r
gathered el
) grass whirl' batt. .ttll (d mtn as
ttg, x r,
large 1x11 in its stunlaelh, with the great re-
sult saaIt that it was, in t distress. The
veterinary saw that ordinary treat-
ment would not save the lail•cl's life, so
the StilllUlell lva cut open and the
wraps removed. The wv"llUlel Walf4 then
sewn lap and the fowl taken home, ap-
parently feeling loudh relieved. e ed. It is
more than probable that t feathered
tett will reeuwe x. • --atlatfortl Her -
Caught in the Shafting.
Acton, Marchi ..ltobt.'f ilson,atged
10 years, son of ,Taffies Wilson, fore-
man in W, H. Storey & Sons" tannery,
while adjusting a shaft to -day, was
caught in the shaft, and so badly in-
jured that lee died. within an hour,
Both legs and amts were broken and
some of his ribs,
A Section Man Killed.
Sulitllville, 'March R. -An accident
occurred on the T, 11. & B. Railway
this morning, between Sluithville idol
St - Ames by which Elijah Villins, za
section mail, wags killed instantly. It
appears the section men were going
east, ozld met the westbound express.
They misjudged the distaanee, and did
not get the jigger off soon enough.
A Fatal Accident.
Peters baro' March 5. -At the sale of
the hotasellohl goods and 1sx'lorag tags of ° as half hour walk with a well-known
the Grand Central Hotel here yester- physician on one of Montreal's crowd -
day , 13lr. Solid. Craig. of 1, akefield, pair- ed -business streets.
ehased the bus rain by the hot(1, and Meeting with a great many paleand• he was el .!z•ous of having the and
sallow-faced ?nen and women --young
t eh to1•tIEldengaged e
t eseta all middle-aged-
.-trio writer asked hes
rices os :fir. James 13r'ohiglr todrive the physician friend the question; Doe -
team; one. of the horses beeague rather tor, we are pziesillg sores of sick
vicious. Everything Brent all right looting people; does this, fact Drove
till they were within two miles of that we are deteriorating as as people
Laakefiule1, when in rounding a curve . in health arra getlerel phy-sicial de -
the horses took fright ;and gave as sand-; velopznent"
(len leap, which mused the bus to The physician's answer was very
lurch anti threw the two men ow. ;fir, lunch es fnllowit: " A large number
('raig falling on me. Brough. Mr. ; of siek.y looking and half -well people
Brought.; nesk was broken, arising in- have passed sus to•daty, which, 1 lana 9
stint death. hh•sure has prompted your question.
' _ 1 YOU Unrest 1'Pnit!naIJer that
The Lamp Exploded. has
'Pis But the After- RAILWAY ACCIDENTS,
Pests o" Grippe
and the Common Collision of a Train Running 60
Diseases That Miles an Hour,
So Weak and
JilloS GCIeig GO�pO��g
The Great Disease Banisher
and True litalth ;Builder,
g ,
The writer a few (.gays .ir,0 enjoyed
been epidemie during the wvltlter, and
has left thousands in a 544 condition
Cliethatul, March 4th.--1chat may q of health; then there are other com-
pr'ovee to be 4 fatal itecitlt'nt occurred:. on causes of sickness that halve been
last night at Blenlleinl. Miss 1). (`laarte operating, Bardet as int;oroniu, bottl-
e young Thaniesville lady, hes .leen ,rules, digestive diaturhauees, b tall
visiting .ler aunt. MIS. JamesT3e11,and troubles, rhenuuttisue and kidney and i
while there contracted pneumonia. liver ailments. All those have cora-
During the night a Ianhp, which had tributed to sickness and deaths this
been left lighted in the rouln,OXplode'd t year, and those we have passed are
and at once the eurteins and bedding; but is few of the victims. The same
Well! enveloped in flames. Theeinvaalid conditions exist in an sou21tre,, , .al
i s .ltd t
jumped from her bed anti at tempted 1,1 I would not care to state pesttaw'e•1y
�,=7 . , , 4 e , '
nig;htdr'1 a bce.anu• ignited ;and before it* train manhood and womanhood.
assistance eaillle she Reeisevemt'ly burn- Early attention to. and sensible cans
eetl. It looker far as time as if tilt'shale „aand 'treatllaent, of, present, weeatt�,lace,.
.anise .vapid betlestl'ttyetl, halt by he. will bring atlt.hack tel good health."'
IV)ie efforts the flames were Subdued. a The apse elf m,tek. people 141 whom tile.
Tiu' ininr•ite,. and t•\e itenlent Int"' eity {I.ly iic.ala referred stand in urgent
plait'{d; ;Miss Clarke in apavtaarlauxccall-. need of Patinexs Celery Compound, ft
tilt it they 'would oultl quickly regain nerve for't'e'
101(1 power, weight in flesh, fres.. blood
The Teacher .Acquitted. •.:fluteRoa1111 bodily health. There is
The celebrated Zionist pigskilling most extensive praetict' equal to
ease sent to the (.adult' ('our. it}•;fiat;;- . l'aine'sa Celery Compound for building
istrat1' :Vetitilate:t, walk tried before up the weakened tiny, \VIren the
Judge Barrett, of Walkerton, with the great, compound is used, all weakness
result that the' prisoner, Ttrrner '.'. 1 l soon leseonie thiligs• of the past, and
disehaarged. The ,ltldg;eheld that yoring solitlheaa.lth,refreslaing slee{1, natural
leiddix hair€mg; a color of right ul the appetite• and vivacity of disposition
(wwrierslli{1 of the pigs, a charge of rnakt' life a pleasure.
stealing Could not lie..i,5 #n the chaltrt' •
of Inaliciousl• destroying; the
put out the fire and in doing so her that a a • . people we •are deteriorating
nothing known to physicians of the
nnuua s."Ployed with a Loaded Revolver.
1Iis Honor took the view Haat a than.
ran do what he likes with his own {+ro- '4v ierton, Ont , Afareh 4. -,-While ('.
pe'rty, kill, burn, bury or eat it, so lung ( Armes:, son of G. 'i. Aunt's, banker
as he does not infringe 011 tlaeriglttsof here, was playing with as revolver to -
other, or pd tee other people's property daay, the instrument exploded, and the •
in jeopardy. Turner, who i, ;a salami • .tall pissed through his left. .rand, natr-
teacher. testified that yonng Fiddts, aa. rowdy -escaping hisellest,
menthol. of the eine. which detests pig,
mins to hill awl •1.1.4 d Ithal tt1 1t'*111111 - These ere the Months itt wait* to parity
The Penton Case. . (luring elle winter months from close
lj confinement, rich foo(., and other
Some few days ago, 1:. G. Porte•)•, • causes, These implu•ities must be
counsel of W. 11. l uhltun, at•rti,tet{ of (ll )w (n from ynnr system or they may
robbing the Dominion .lank at Nap- breed serious disease and cause untold
ane•', wrote the attorney-g;teneraal of suffering. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the
Ontario in reference to the ease', and gi'Pateet, and best blood Unrifving;
,?:kin;; fen information a e to what the , nhedicille if is possible to obtain. (t is
department intended to do in the matt- what the millions'take in the spring.
tier. He has r.'et4vud a reply tee=n. the It will purify 101(1 (nrie'h your Moot..
deputy attorney-g;te1Y•ral stating; that create an npvetite, tune ftp your ay, -
Bitltbide n. a (quiet eontltvy village in
.tent, wits recently the stone of a Ie-
.ua• ll.. •.., blel. The Ptt1'e at;h-
tir 11 middle-aged spinster,. had guar
relied with several parishioners and
wrote to sax of them to meet her at
elnireh on as certain Sunday, as she
wished to rn ke up. It happened to
rain. so that only one of the persons.;
attended church. After the corn-
munitnh, of which both partook, the:
woman invited him .into the vestry •
and asked the curate to be a witness I
to the reconciliation. She then thew
a revolver and shot the to aeher dead. '
She had several spare eartridges on heel
person, so that it is inferred that she I
had intended to shoot all the persons
to whom she had written. She was
perfectly calm after her act and has
kept silent about it.
• *
* ie
Canadians have sputtered long en-
ough over debates about their destiny.
All now agree that we exist chiefly to
feed jolly old John Bull. To that job
we must earn the first claim, if not the.
sole right, before our fortunes are
made and our glorious future secured.
It may be well for young Canadians
growing up to this task to consider
what manner of man • is John Bull.
All authorities are at one as to his per-
sonal appearance. -fine-looking top
not, sturdy lambs but broad and deep
where he feeds. Don't try to ship
him any but the very best of your
farm's produce. Once pleased -with a
customer he never quarrels. Once his
stomach revolts at the food you place
before him, it is good-bye to your
chances of making any more sales.
To -day Denmark is selling him nearly
half of his butter supply, while Can-
ada sends to the old man about four
per cent. of his butter consumption.
Anything that will help us to get that
butter trade is a good thing 'for Can:
ada. So 'say the farmers who • see the
grand results of .our Dairy School:-
Plucky -Bat Unwise.
The night that Hon. Mr. Mulock and
Hon. Mr. Tarte spoke�in the town. hall
Clinton, says the New Era, one of their
most enthusiastie listeners was Robe.'
Higgins, of Blyth, whose zeal was
such that it prompted him to walk
from Blyth and back again the he same
night. For a mar over 70 years of ate
this was a plucky thing to do, but its
prudence is a matter of . question.
When in town he seemed to be in the
best of ` health, and his :friends were
surprised, on, Tuesday, to learn of his
sudden. death at Blyth.
the atit,I•n,,... ener ll advises the past- ten). saaid give You Sound, robust
'emollient of tie tti;al tlutil the fall. health. •
giving vvarione Treasons for such at Seaforth: •t young lath from 'lit -
t• ).
nur.-•e. _111.1 uiterrept lc•dhum/diet e- (.hell, vide thad beeiz working for Mr.
lv to this catnahuuni,'7l18 1. stating that. G. B. Henderson at the (?rip Hotel,
he was prepared to
have the triati i-
I•11vIvnari cssIIc fromserious
eee•d at the assizes this spring, and injury on Taesdav morning? last. The
that Ire was not at till willing to a ie- lad was int. hiding to go to Mitchell on
cede to an adjournment Ile thinks the train. Like agreat many others,
that it is only itast to his client that he delayed unnecessarily long in get -
the trials shottlil be protaaalt'd with as .lug; to the station. As the train WAS
n001148 possible, 41.01 no postponement crossing the street he grade a nada
granted. • j from t10' hotel and attempted to jump
Official Returns.
on the platform between the two cars,
and, missing his hold, fell backwards,
and it was by the merest chance
The following is the official returns he was not run over and seriously in -
rZvest Hulou,
Holmes McLean
Ashfield 11
Colborne 00
Clinton 78
Goderich township . 187.
Goderieh town 42
East Wawanosh 120
West Wawanosh 12
jured or killed. Fortunately he was
not injured, but he is not likely to try
so foolhardy an experiment again.
Story of a Slave.
To be bound band and foot for years
by chains of disease is the worst form
of slavery. George D. Williams, of
Manchester, Mich., tells how a slay-`
was made free. He says: " My wife
has been so helpless for five years that
she could not turn over in bed alone.
327 187 After using two bottles of Electric
Twenty-four ballots were spoiled, Bitters, she is wonderfully improved
forty were rejected, and ten were put and able to do her own work." This
ill blank.• • supreme remedy for female diseases
She total vote polled, independent quickly cures nervousness, sleepless -
of spoled and rejected ballots, was: ness, melanehoi.y, headache, backache,
fainting and dizzy spells. This mira-
cle working medicine is a • godsend to
weak, sickly, run down people. Every
bottle guaranteed. Only 50c. Sold
by all Druggists.
Holmes 2274
McLean 2134
Mojority for Holmes 140
Getting Bad.
Marion Brown, the alleged murderer
of P. 0 Michael Toohey, has for some
time past caused the jail officials con-
siderable trouble, besides protesting
against and refusing to eat prison fare.
The prisoner has been keeping the
turnkeys guessing. On one occasion:
he shaved his beard with a piece of
glass, and cutoff a largetuft of hair
over his forehead, which has materially
altered his appearance: Brown refus-
ed to tell what he shaved and cut his
hair with, and a. strict watch was kept
on him. His cell and clothes were al-
ways searched while he lies in the bath
But for some time nothing was found.
Then a piece (ifglass about two inches
square was found, with a very sharp
edge, and a prison iron spoon, with
the handle edge ground very fine. A
prisoner who was in the cell next to
the one occupied by Brown, stated to
a friend that he knew how Brown
managed affairs. On another :occasion
a letter..was star 1 djail,t
e out of the
addressed to Brown's mother. It went
astray, and having found its way to
the dead letter office at. Ottawa, was
returned to theofficials of the London
postoffice. Brown has been crestfallen
ever since he ascertained that his
scheme didn't work,
Brucefield: .A. serious accident hap-
pened to Mrs. William Mustard, on
Monday last. She had the misfortune
to fall on the icy ground, and it is
feared her left leg is broken. As she
is well up in years, there is danger
that the accident may prove serious. -
The home of Mr. J. B. Jamieson, of
this village, was, on Wednesday of
last week, the scene of a very pretty
marriage, when his third daughter,
Miss Jean, was married to Mr. Wm.
Charters, of the Mill Road, Tucker -
smith. Rev. W. Muir performedthe
marriage ceremony, which was wit
nessed only by the relatives of the in-
terested parties. The bride was ar-
rayed ingreen cloth. Bridesmaid and
groomsman were alike dispensed with..
The presents were numerous and very
pretty. After the ceremony and a
sumptuous dinner, the happy couple
left for their future home. in Tucker
smith, where a reception awaited
them. The evening was pleasantly
spent in dancing and social amuse-
ters' many
Mrs. Chas.
ments. M .
friends join in wishing them a happy
and prosperous life.
-- hUdren�i
Cry for
Dreedfal Oeonrreego on the Magttoba
• Northwestern Railway Near Mllerood
,Ear)Rlaa.eer and Plrezi an Kilted-
Sete* People Killed by a new.
sire Z=tplusloat on a Russian
D1111740, Martsh ?.-Lake Shore train
No. 10, the Chicago, New 'York and Bos-
ton special, while running at a speed of
60 miles an hour, struck a swwiteh engine
at Wesntfield, N.Y., last night, just be-
fore midnight. Both engineer and fireman
of the light engine were so badly injured
that they may die, and nail the postal
clerks and several• passengers were badly
shaken up, but not seriously injured.
The engines were completely wrecked,
the postal ear went down a beak, the
xembination baggage and buffet car were
overturned, and some freight ears were
smashed to pieces. The road was blocked•
for five hours.
Later it was learned that Fireman
Collins of the express was also ininred
and died 'while being taken to Olevelnud
for treatesent^,
Seven People (tilled,
St, Petersburg, March 7. -Last evening
a earboy of bousine exploded in a thirst
class railway carriage on the line to
Dwlnsk, south of St. Petersburg. The
cerriage was burned, she women and a
Man were killed and 16 others were .14-
. Terrible Accident by Which Engineer
and Firemen Were .hilted ou a
a.l as nlf:oba liatlwas',
Winnipeg, March 77. -..••At, dreadful 4001.
dent occurred near ht(Iwood station on
the Alanitoisa, & Northweetern Railway
yesaterdaay morning, by which Eugincor
W. Bill and Fimnaan Donlon were tn-
stantiy killed. At the crossing of the
Ass1uebohae there is a very steep grade
on approach to h(ilw:ood Station, and It
was while climbing this about 0 o'clock
that the engine boilers exploded, the
shock taking the engine right oft the
None of the passengers were injured,
The company's oillciidea an yet Gannet
explain the eaurse of the exploslan.
Mr. W. 11111, the deceased engineer
swagei 0110 of the most highly reipsetted em-
ployes of the eompeny. Although but 88
Stales old, he had twee in the company's
employ as au engineer far the past ten
years. He formerly carne from Oshawa,
A. Message From the Queen -Remains
Leave WashIneton The Talbot at New
York Deady to Receive Thom.
Washington, March 7. -The body of
Lord Ilcrateb411was taken t New York
on the midnight train of the Pennsyl-
vania Railroad last night, wherew it is te)
bo taken to England on the British crui-
ser Talbot. Aiessrs, Cartwright and Wil-
liamson, the secretaries, accompanied the
Mossnee u
ron the
'The following message from
Victoria to the President has been re-
ceived at the Executive Mannon:
Windsor, ;March 0. -The President of
the United States -I thank you slnee)•ely
and the American nation for the honors
paid to the memory of Lord 1lerseheli,
and for the friendly sympathy shown to
my 00011tiy in its bereavement. Victoria,
R. I.
Ts lhn t glees York.
Newt/York, March 7. -Tho th rd-
British cruiser Talbot, commanded by
Captain Gamble, arrived here yesterday
from Bermuda and anchored in the Up-
per Bay. The Talbot was ordered here to
transport the body of Lord Ileischell to
England. The cruiser was met at quar-
antine by the United States revenue cut-
ter lianhattan and escorted to her anchor
age, just south of Liberty Island, by the
As soon as the cruiser let go her anchor
the Manhattan carne alongside, and Percy
Sanderson, the British consul -general at
Now York, boarded the eruisor. He was
received at the side of the ship by Cap-
tain Gamble. In the meantime the guns
of the cruiser began to boom for the in-
ternational salute, which was answered
by the saluting battery on Governor's
The Talbot will take on coal and water
this morning, and leave port about 11
The remains of the late Lord Her-
schel will arrive over the Pennsylvania
road at 6.30 this morning. • A room has
been prepared on board the cruiser to re-
oeive the remains.
Fire 1.ahlte of 17 Guns.
Washington, March 7. -After confer-
ence with the Secretary of State, Secre-
tary Alger has given orders that Fort
Wadsworth at the entrance to•New York
harbor shall fire a salute of 17 guns
when the British cruiser Talbot passes
out of the harbor with the remains of
the late Lord Herschell.
Coal is the Yukon.
Ottawa, March 7. -Mr. William Joel,
formerly of Johannesburg, South Africa,
is here on his way to England to float a
company to work a huge bituminous
coal seam, which he claims to base dis-
covered. The seam is said to be five feet
thick. The coal is of an excellent quality,
showing 87 per cent. of carbon, and will
prove a veritable black diamond mine
for its discoverer. The cost of wood for
fuel in Dawson is $15 per cord, and, as a
ton of coal would be worth as much as
two and a half cords of wood, Mr. Joel
can market , it at a relatively much
cheaper price than wood and still make a
handsome profit. The mine iron a creek,
only two and a half miles from the
Yukon River.
50 Corpses Recovered.
Toulon, March; 7. -About 50 corpses
have now been recovered from the scene
of .the explosion of the
o der m• zf
P p eaEta , w ne
on Sunday morning between La Soyne
and Toulon. The remains of several other
victims are still buried in the debris. It
is said a corporal fired the magazine to
be revenged on a private' soldier working
in it.
o,qt,•:••...,a,y.,e a .e ,,ei. nauvreib e,,,".�',; „•., . ...
31,1. Li33a.
$imitating theFocdaadRegula-
*ing the stomachs and Bowels, of
PromotesDi estionCheerful-
tress andRest Contains. neither
2pitilnitilolphine nor . liiiel•,3i,
i t r1lNAit.cDTIC.
joG •FaI-
R Asar.s.0 -
,%tns:aeca -
Aperfecl Remedy for Cot sli fa-
ttoa, Sour Stomaach,Dfari hoce.
Tac Sirnite ,S�ifnaaturs of
F -.
Castor's, is pat to in 550-141 1901t4 ally. It
los said in belie. Don't aallax septa to sell
yea suythisa oho on else plea, or prouaire that it
is "tjtct as goad" and "vill answer Suer,( psr.
pm." Ai`$ee flint Son., get (i•A.S-T-0-&I-A.
: O far
€;r' •axe
� is on
- 4T0?
`"<5 kk. MrAAplr,
4* -TO-
400 We have just
placed an order
`14 from the Ohl
sialeaaeallcz'ie.$h sal; a/Us/halt ark ataptl,cst!lczAL•tic,,it,
tai.','K''OrNik•ltl 7Li«aTG n`'Sic Ng
unusual low price of Hardware, we
a heatve' advance stn 01'.l1efo11" tin* lir4 of trate
h year. The
in nail*, (•tvnents anti other goode are
81)41 .'all .*Owe (11101(' y0U till
t(i1s, Ogiiis, iutis,
ANIS, i'IS,at* ell
/wires thatw' 1
all surprise wall. flee we Yp
6 will givespet1;a11y low quotations on t
Country befnre the when tendtz'iug for the entire hardware
40 • Advance. 1
... contract .. .
liisPop & Soil :
a6e$eatS:alSeatSc s& leatstha"9[3E4.acke gid l:sicNrIenr.:, ,c a4`"sA•zei.�ll
Y Sri T,'{ T
Bicycle at any price. If you decide on ono heft
looking around, you make a 1ni$take. We ins:
comparison. Knowing that our factory, which is
equipped with absolntely unequalled facilities,
permits us to construct in the Cleveland a finer,
accurate and more durable bicycle than any other.
Racers, Special Racers, Roadsters, Special .Men's
Wheels, Special Ladies' Wheels, Tandems.
Prices from
Sole Representative�.�
H. Aa Lozier & Co., Toronto Junction.
David Galt Spires the sixteen -year-
old. son of Mr. David Spires, Galt, fell
feet on Saturday, a and
ininj .red save for a slightly sprained
sum, and the effects of the shaking up.
;:le had climbedto the gables. of the
house, ' repairing something for his
pigeons, when he lost his footing and
tell to the bottom.
pieasant Home WOVR
For Poflan . ntl' Womun ;day or evening ;
$6 to 112 weekly; no canvassing or ex-
perience needed; plain instructions and
work mailed on application. Address :
•gra ,.R