HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-3-9, Page 2ea; ear; efelere,e,
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Subaeraber-s whu do not receive their paper
regularly will please notify us at ones.
Call at the,officefor atteertiaiter rate.,
RC.H 9, 1899.
Various Uses for eggs.
Speculations and Reckonings Cox
eerning the Beautiful Planet.
The most beautiful planet and the: one.
that comes nearest to the earth and most
resembles the earth in size isfeetthe Wine
time the most mysterious, Is Woods a
living world or dead one -that is to say,
is it in a condition to support inhabitants,
and is it probable that stele inhabitants
are there, or, on the other hand, is It un-
suited for their presence and barren of
living forme?
Those questions astronomers at present
40x e.rg added to the morning cap et are unable to answer, but their efforts to
*Wee mztkes a good tonic. answer them and the observations that
A mustard piaster made with the whits they laevo .made of the mysterious planet
of an egg will not referee, possess an ainlost sturtliug interest,
'alae white skin that lines the shell of an. First let us briefly recall what Venus is.
egg is a useful application fora boil. It is a glebe like our earth and of vont
A raw egg with the;ftlk uailarokte taken nearly 1y the semis magnitude, having a
in a glass of wine is bene1eital for tion- diameter of about 7,1't1u ladles, while that
taleseents. ' of the earth is a little more than 7,900
Wine). of egg beaten with loaf sugar miles. So nearly of the seine size are the
awl lemon relieves hoersenessa tea- two planets that if we could view them
spoonful taken once every hour. from an equal dastenee we should be un -
It le said that a raw egg swallowed at able without the aid of instruments of
cure when a i la bare is e ugh fez the measurement to detect any difference be-
throat 'beyond? ;he re eels of the fingers will favorn them. The s1a11,ranee of Venus is
lkiskx:,,e ^e t:ons rust t:ar.^y it down. slightly li,hter. bpi',: for built. than that
Vie whitea i avhie li composes the earth, but the differ -
burn or s a+d is nz z r , # it would require sitcetalt exan'iiilation to
ing, is eau ala 41114'41; aluttk!y. and +will distinguish) by weight between a setae
prevent rotas. z e attain L odder relieving e feet of the "soil of Venus and au equal
the stinging pain. amount of the soil of the.. earth. It fol --lows
7Cise white
of a• raw egg is the mostca. ie. that on •lentis the foree of gravitation or
feaetory a 'r rites, anti is Bitter than ;any F t tee weight of bodies diets not greatly differ
f raw
a -g "tnl.ne.. over la
tnencu in this retsgect is so little that agalii
- at ,* t eeol-
prepared mucilage or paste one can bur, ti win that tin the c,z*K34. If we could step
Paters ers intetel d to he put over tuitiblersz ;non venue, ire should find Hoeft wo half,
of jelly anti 4,,vn wz l lz ld Verr bet_ Ye parted with a few pounds welt lit, but the
a :.• 7
� wllto o
z 'f ti"-tt''tl 1st thti, ,
n In 1 zi ;zt i z
*DU �
, po be very noticeable.
�.t cr would n t tt n tics t11
di. it n t d � tr,
an egg n except perhaps on the race track..
ODD of the best remedies in case of bowel But this platlet, so lite be earth in
b t u r. w e taken
rn l; es 's a ail .i e a
t ut i r g'
pertly g • many respects, le very diiFeremt 'frena our
aft one 4w:alluw. It is htabui; to the in" globe in its situation. The earth's lis-
flamed storeec h and inresunes, and will tenet" from the sun is 93,000,000 miles;
eelievo the feeling of dfstivss. Four eggs the dist.uace of Venus from the sun is 67,-
t,•akcu le thin ruanDoe iu :.^4 hours willform 000,000, This Llitiertenee becomes a Haste
the best hind of nourish a ent ae well as ter of great importance when we consider
uaod.eine for the patient.
the effects which the sun produces upon
A raw egg, is one of the ino t nutritious the two planets, Heat and tight, as °very -
of food, and may b • taken very ossify if body knows, vary inversely as the square
the yolk is not idol>en. A. little nutmeg of the distance, Wzien wo compare the
grated apron the egg, a few drops of lemon squtire of the earth's distance from the
jnice added, serge charted p IneleY sprink- sun with the square of Venus' distance,
led over it, or Ionic salt and a dash of we find that the former is about double
cayenne vender, vary tbo flavor and tend the latter, This means that Venus on
to make it more velet a:le when not taken the average gets twice as touch heat and
ail a medicine. light from the sue as the earth .gets,
But, on the oilier band, we know that
A Swot -anal lletiiciiie. -- Everyone ell forms of life depend for their existence
wishes to be w t .tut iu any under- upon the radiant euergy of the sun. Ore
taliileen :u aaie3eb lie may eugege. it is, the earth.. when we pass from the aretio
therefore, eatreinety�grnttfsiug to the aro- 1 region toward the equator, the find the
rietore of Parmelee s Vei;eteibie Pal', to number of living foram and the variety
tiow that their efforts eta compound, :► , • , life
nietlicine waist would prove a LIeeeing to and intensity of the menife_ rations of i e
nesul:a sal have been bueces.fel tayeud continually inereesiug until in the equa-
*heir exneetationa The endursatiun of tonal zone earth, sea anti air aro all
tbese Pia?, ley rbe 'pulilt; is a ,uaretutee crowded with animate and growing
that,. pill has been produced which will things. The touch of the sun everywhere
i everything •lar t t t.
fulfilclaimed, e i for 1
ro S life, nd in the absence
Of bun
duce, i , a
1 per
shine is Itis but purees to infer
,ie "n ort' kers.
Nino death.
la et t, d 4
Venus, having
twice t4 nlac b sun -
who am fond of walks in the shine es the eartit, should be proportion-
may v wo l $ wh • no trace u bane � nt etc
+i0u t
`tieIre crowded with animal and vege-
ta ever found of the war ous small animals,
table inhabitants, inhaiitamts, and that the intensity
e 4h as feld mica, which die by dozens.
of life there should.be correspondingly
The reason is that the sexton beetle line greater. Some geologists have thought
taken caro of the tiny dead bo(Ii s. When that there was a tone when the climate of
a small animal dies: he beetle:; hurry to it. the earth was so hot that tropical plants
They do not do flood deeds solely through and beasts lived abundantly' around the
philanthropy, for they get their reward in poles, A similar condition of things
food for themselves lerstdes laying'up pro- might bo supposed now to prevail upon
vender for their families. Lhese beetles Venus.--ilarper's Round Table
are an inch long and some have bright
orange bands on the wing covers. .lifter
eatiefvin$ theirit hunger the beetles
in a very laborious manner to bury the
remains. After dragging the body to a
spot of soft earth the beetles, using their
beads as sl•ades. dig a tunnel around the
body. Inside this they dig another farrow
and keep on till the body sinks into
the hole. Then they throw in the earth
they have ext'avated.
l[Inard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend.
Nut Entitled 1to
••uti -le it.
"He ants a divorce," said the lawyer,
"because he says his wife refuses to cook
for him."
"He's not entitled to it," replied the
dyspeptic partner. "No mauls entitled to
a divorce unless his wife insists upon
cooking when she can't."
If your child is pale, peevish, and does
not thrive, a dose of M'iller's Wortu Pow-
owder' occasionally will cure.
Our Social li•,tiurtiona..
"Why do you hold that Miss Perkenham
is not your sceial equal? Her father Is
one of the wealthiest men in this part of
the country, isn't he?"
"Yes; but my parents were married by
a minister. Hers were joined by a justice
of the peace."
lit l'uriy. - "And now in conclusion," the minister
was saying.
"Dear met" disgustedly breathed the
man who had just rushed in. "And I
thought 1 was going to be late!"
Health foe the children. Miller's
Worm Powders.
Truly Orthodox.
Mary -Stop, John! I must mend your
glove before we go to church.
John -Bother the glove, my dear. Let's
remember the Sabbath day and keep it
The pimples have disappeared. Miller's
Compound Iron Pills did it.
Dollio-Was it•a quiet spot where yon
kissed Mollie?
Chollie-No, it was on the -mouth.
Flemming -What frustrated the elabor-
ate plans that Miner had made for his
Lenox -The answer to his proposal.
English wedding cakes are now Imports
ed by fashionable brides:
In the Social World.
Blink -Is there anything worse than to
have a guest you can't amuse?
Wink -Yes; to bo the guest of a man
that can't amuse you.
Where can I get some of Holloway's
Corn Cure? I was entirely cured of my
corns by this remedy and I wish some
more of it for my friends.. So writes Mai.
J. W. Bztowrr, Chicago.
Modern Conyen leness,
Engineer (to native, who has flagged
the Alabaena exp1eets)-What are you
waving your shirt for? Is there a wash-
out ahead?
i e -N" boss•, no washout, yank
de Lewd! 1 on'y wanted toe bearzr a live
coal outen yo'r engine toe light male
pipe wit'.
ragh i'r.ieee Fish.
At a certain sensott of the year -usually
about the 1st of Oetaber-it is the custom
of the commissioners who have charge of
the great parks in Chicago to permit fish-
ing in the artificial lakes at certainhours
in the morning, the fishermen in all cases
being required to use the boats that are
kept for hire. This is to prevent the banks
from being thronged with gangs of hood-
Early one October morning the editor of
one of the great Chicago dailies appeared
at a West `Ide park with a friond, both
equipped with fishing outfits of the most
approved pattern. They secured a boat,
and then the editor inquired if there were
any live minnows on hand.
The keeper of the boathouse inspected
his bath bucket and found just ono, a
diminutive specimen about an inch and a
half in length. Ho fished this out and
handed it over. Handing him a silver
brae dollar and telling him to keep the
change, the editor took the minnow,
climbed into the boat and rowed out to
the middle of the lake, where he fished for
half an hour without result.
At the end of that time he hauled in his
line, looked carefully at the minnow,
took a pencil and notebook from his
pocket, did a little figuring and returned
to the shore.
"What did you get?" ho was asked
when he appeared at the office later in the
"One fish," he replied, "and it cost me
$200 a pound."
This, it is believed, is the highest price
ever paid for live fish in Chicago. --Youth's
Mr. F, H. Cole, Well Known in
Windsor* Rejoices
$sonnei '41e Heed. recoup* Kldn.s Yilt■ and
Was Thoroughly and Permanently
Cured of Itheuw»ulna-node's
1 idaey Pilaff Always Curs.
W1.NrDSOn, Feb. ea. -Who hasn't felt the
torturing twinges of ftheulnatism t It is
safe to say that there are not one hundred
families in Canada in which Rheumatism
bas not been un unwelcome visitor,
This being the ease, the following states
inept given for publication must have a
deep and abiding interest for the great
majority of Canadians.
Every person who suffers from Rheu-
matism will rejoice to find a medicine that
wi 1 positively dire it; thoroughly and per -
momently root it out of the system entire-
ly, as it has been shown thousands of
times Dodd's Kidney Pills do.
Mr. F. H. Cole, whose permanent resi-
dence is in Detroit, :nage, but who is
squally well known in Windsor, Ont..had
been a. great sufferer from Rheumatism
end Riche y Dite:ase.
Ile gave fair and patient trial to a num-
ber of so-called " Rheumatism Cures,"
etc., but not ono of them gave him more
than even temporary relief.
Theft fa f.riensl urged flim to give Dadd's
1iitney Pali to trial. half reluotautly he
did so, an ; he hags been thaukful ever since
that to did so.
, l
He used spiv four, bases, but that quan-
tity was sufficient to ebun the taint out of
To -day i
bis bibloodtlthoroughly.`1'o dy ho s sound
and well in evtry bone, muscle, sinew,;
n rye and organ in the body -thanks to
l)odd's h.idxity Pills.
I?otid's kidney Pills, the only known
unfailing cure for Kidr4ey Ceenpl!ints, are
sold by all druggists at fifty cents a bon
six boxes ratan or sent, an receipt of price,
by The Dodds Medicine the, Limited, To -
The Talkative Turtle.
A ventriloquist who gave his perform-
ance at ono of the variety theaters had
considerable mischievous fun with his ac-
complishment during his stay in Washing-
ton. He was walking along Louisiana
avenue in front of the commission houses
one afternoon, when he caught up with
the darky steward of one of the big hotels.
The steward was packing a good sized
turtle along under his right arm. The
ventriloquist paddled along at a distance
of ten feet or so behind the steward, and
then he threw his voice into that of the
"Look a-heah," the turtle apparently
said to the steward, "when is yo' all
a-gwine t' drap me, nigguh?"
The black steward shot a sudden look
of fear at the talking turtle.
"I'ze a-gwine t' drap yo' right hoah,"
hoarsely whispered the steward, •and he
did, and ho was shooting around the cot•
ner of Eleventh street, making for 'rho
avenue at a dead run five seconds later. -
Washington Post.
A Medal of Blood.
Garibaldi was once presented with a
medal made of hisown blood. The giver
was Dr. Manini of Naples, who was well
known as a petrifier andpreserver of the
human body.
DrManini in offering his gift to Gari-
baldi said thatwhenever the general
looker et it it would brake him up for the
last tight, and across the medal was en-
gravedthe words, "Tho blood of Garibaldi
is forever red."
The P
strange media is reserved by the
general's descendants. - San Francisco
Emcees lye Familiarity.
"Flipleigh is rather familiar in his
manner, isn't he?"
"Neu -oilier? Why. that fellow wouldl
itrutn Of interest,
Darin, 1898 the number of Immigrants
arriving, at Philadelphia was 0,3$3, a de-
crease of nearly I,0Ve as compared With
a car.
A joyous shout from Owen Iiiurphy, a
Now York painter, welcomed the an-
nauneetnent that life uuele bad left hila
t2a,00O. An hour later the roan was lar -
lady distributing bite of paper among
pedestrians, saying they were greenbacks,
i xeeseive joy had made him crazy, 1
The fire loss of the United States and ,
Canada for the month of January, lb99,1
slime a total of $10,718,000. This is a'
heavy increa-e over the sunt chargeable
against January
f least year, which was
$11,472,3e0, although the January, 1897, fire
losses reached the serious aggregate of
A Carefully Prepared
Pilt. :tSuch time
and attention were expended iu ex-
perimenting with the ingredients that
enter into the compoaitiou of Parinelee's
Vegetaibie Pills before they were brought
to the state in which they wore first of-
fered to the public. Whatever outer pills
may be, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills line
the result of much experimenting and
study, and all persons suffering from dys-
pepsia or disordered liver aced kidneys
may confidently aeeept them ata being
what they are represented to be.
Two Much Variety;
Although it bore the name of Delmont -
co, it was an unpretentious restaurant in
the suburbs of St. Louis. A stranger en-
tered and asked:
"What have you got to -day?"
"Ham and gigs, soh:"
"Anything else ?"
"Yes, salx, you kin hab de gigs widout
de ham, or de ham widout de aigs."
Ask for Minard's and take no other.
Soul of Liberality.
Deacon Dodds -I'm afeard thet Boggs
ther groc'ryman is a leetle bit stingy.
Farmer Scroggs-Not a bit uv it. Many
the time I've seed him put in a bean or
two arter ther scales had tipped.
Liniment asked for at my store and the
only one we keep for sale.
A11 the people use it.
Pleasant Bay, C.B. HAISLIN FULTON.
A Case of Heredity.
"His aim in life seems to be a poor one."
"Yes: he inherits that from his mother.
I once saw her throw a stone at a dog in
the street and hit her husband who was in
the back -yard."
Six Oils. -Tho most conclusive testi-
mony, repeatedly laid before the public in
the columns of the daily press, proves that
Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil -an absolutely
pure combination of six of the finest
remedial oils in existence -remedies
rheumatic pain, eradicates affections of
the throat and lungs, and cures piles,
wounds, sores, lameness, tumors, burns,
and injuries of horses and cattle.
Arsenio Not Allowed,
In. Sweden yarn is not allowed to be sold
if it contains .0009 per cent. of arsenic. A
carpet hits been condemned by the in-
spectors because it contained 1.000th part
of a grain of arsenic in Iii square inches.
Breezy ,.
"She threw herself atBitshis head, but she.
didn't get him at that."
"Certainly not. Girl's can't throw."
Personal -"An ugly man without.
money wantsto meet an ugly woman
without means, Object,to discuss the fin -
:metal question."
".Are all the animals int' asked Noah,
taking another look at the barometer.
'"Ail but the leopards," replied Ham,
""std I tbinle we have a pair of them spot-
Noah shook his head gloomily anti mut-
ter something about"that boy coming ".
to a bad end."
Botanto-"Well," said the first base ball
Prank to the other base ball crank, "are
you going to rootto-day?"
nNo," said the other base ball crank,
feeling vaguely in his vest pooket. "1
guess I am going to seed."
Big Read "To get along in the world a
man must pay attention to trifles."
Cynicus-"Very true, Yt u must asso-
ciate with society people and be attractive
to thele.'"
One woman oast live together and not
Mabel -•-"How lovely' of yott to remem-
ber sue at once when you haven't seen ma
for over three years."
Maude (with charming smlability)--
"Oh, I anew you the minute I laid eyes
on your dress,"
Mrs, Iraomand-••R. "hire. Hasheroft late
br;aggrd liptain to slay about keeping filar
boarders eta ion
h R
lairs, Forewcok--'"She doesu't reedit
keep thein long. Slto peeps thorn co thin
that t hay look,' longer than they
l?rlend-"Do Jou know that I am fat
lest beginning to understand your poet-
Great Magtozluo Poet "Reavons1 Is it
then true that I am losing uw cunning?'"
A new back for 50 cents. Miller's
Kidney Pills and Plaster.
Scut a:1'n 1.111..1• Product .
Practically the whole business of Samoa
is based to -day upon the cocoanut, and the
export of copra, the dried meat of the
cocoanut, represents nearly all the exports
of the island.
Pareuts buy Mather Gravers' Worm Ex-
tern -limiter Lama:U , they know it is a safe
medicine for their ehihiren and an effec
teal expeller of w•orrn-. •
Sure to fie Limp pointed.
"It's a boy."
"My wife will be disappointed, doctor."
"I mean it's a girl.'."
"Well, she 11 be disappointed just' the
Same; she always wants the other thing."
at - Chinese coinage in the shape of a knife
dress au icicle se 'Ike.' "---Philadelphia has been traced back as far as 2240 B.O.
you think.
ing of buy-
ing a new wheel ? If so, be sure
and no the
before you purchase. Write for a
Catalogue, either English or .French.:
G e T d ro n Mfg. Lr f^..�.
w ` thtaseeWAWt:il.witlaachatuaedebaray
5154 U*! Por 5 d d•tnkpcd. enqutat
baclted levee 1.7..114."111,4,;,4:1,1a a co, ur a f.df'at NI
n 1a vn • Rr. ir.d.
r � Jt
xatch.,.nosand( ri retarding z ut W
: e
L e U AUR t^
Wu e we n§ L a
n u at r e, and .a a. r
nu,ut o ata
all acro re.
, is the i3 u•.
, Premium ant l ae.
,i webb
Ire -�! P Sat a a•
, K ton r 4t c D
g�r t u e 5 nd a JM
soldthuttensfeturnabte I,iterdu.nt its,tonitp farad,
Itetea tfpcatay,urtirt1 r .1o.,orea".esudseer.a,:
4, -da .
Z. enr.,owterer, a psper.
i,£VsR BUTTON Ct}„ToRONTc1, O(VT. >>??��D? �)..
Thin Man -:'Those files are atom NATIONAL
idle d I
a ea should rav yes. y, one I{ATIONAL
got in each of my cars this noon. anal I FARRIERS # - �.K FARMERS
hear.l them telephone to each other that CC
my pate was a regular soap for tobaggan- NATIONAL
"Do any of you ladies believe itt ata- :COMPANY
valued woman?" shouted tiro car eon NATIONAL
duetor,putting his bead 11i at the car Hoar. ° FARMERS
"Yes, we do," replied a' woman holding Ci1MPAHY
on a strap. "Well, then, move forwartL" FARMERS
The chap with a push is out at dawn, COMPANY
Along about halt -past four; NATICNAL
And tlaoro,on the law-bespangled7awn, FARMERS
Ifo pushes that blamed lawn mower. COMPANY
1 how •our complexion exitn len
s im-
proved. Yes, Miller's Compound Iron
Pills did it.
Pi A ll .nand r.
"Hrlggins makes money by eestablishing
creameries to country towns, does he?
1 thought it was 0�o
ous fact that
little creameries don't l3-
"That's it. leis agent works ftp a..
eroomery enterprise in some small town,
and Belggins Nese there the wext year,
buys up the nuu•ltiuery for a gong and
sells it to some vilinge where they have
never had a erenmory."-ttlieago Titi-
Minard's Liniment is used by Physicians.
Meals Ordered Months Abend..
The Chinese Emperor is probably more
hedged in by rule than any otheir
ntonareh in this world. 'llhe meats for
his dully meals are ]xrexs(•rthed for him
by Itis phys'eaals mantbs ahem!. Ile is
certainly the earliest riser tttur.ng paten -
'trees, real or nominal. He gets up to
t ensaet business of eetnte at three
o'clock in the morning. His only rived,
the Austrian Emperor, does not beast
till four.
New lite for a quarter. Miller's Com-
pound Iron Pills.
ltinnralck land His living.
When Bismarck complained to the old
emperor about the woeful falling off in his
physical powers, his majesty broke in:
"Tut! Look at me. I am much older
than you are, Bismarck, and yet I am still
able to ride."
"Ah, yes," rejoined the iron chancellor,
"but then. your majesty must remember
that a rider always lasts longer than his
A dose of Miller's Worm Powders occa-
sionally will keep the children healthy.
The Friend -And how did you learn
that she had such a big appetite?
The Fool -To my cost.
Eight feet is the usual width of a titres
in China.
The great demand for a pleasant, safe
and reliable antidote for all affections of
the throat and lungs is fully met with in
Bickle's Anti Consumptive Syrup. Is int •
a purely Verset able Compound, trod acts
promptly and tragically in suttluing all
coughs, colds, brouchitis, inflammation of
the lungs, etc. It is so palatable that a
child will not refuse it, and it is put at a
price that will not exclude the poor from
its benefits.
Hens and Their Keeper.
It is really surprising how mach better
a lot of hens do if they are on good terms
with the one who takes care of them.
They have a way of sizing their keeper up
that is astonishing. If they like him they
are profitable; if they do not there is some•
thing wrong with the keeper. It is a pretty
good thing to get on speaking terms with
the hens. They have a language that is
easy to learn, and are great talkers if pro-
perly encouraged.
Keep Kinard's Liniment in the House.
Eliciting the tracts.
"How long have you been married, Mrs..
"Eleven yrars. You wouldn't believe
it, would you?"
"Not after seeing your husband.".
"He is young. The fact is that we ran
away from school together and were wed
"Oh l Then he must have been one of
those boys we read aboutwh : are uiwaye.
falling in love with their teachers."
t lames; nl lea t4.soO
breaking train. F �
t r =• over ..t lbs. oak n s
feet to the 1' tutl. Full w earls Silbs. t, eath bale, No a eging 10
the laud.. i-t•,,maatett ^ mound; node entirely of pure .4anil;t hemp
ithuut..duitee ae.t et tiny kilt absolutely tate best seer •drnrrd the
Canadian f trtner. SO faro, NATIONAL MIN.DI R .PWINF•, FOE
511 VASIL with any cue of the fenewiug valuable and motel
14 -Karat GOLD-PLATED WATCH, stein•Wind-
iug and stens-setting, guaranteed reliable time keep-
er -lady's or gentleman's size -maker's guarantee
with each watch.
SOLID GOLD RING slit with genuine Garnet and
(anal gems-stamped
and warranted --with maker's
Mark and 1 z ' l i
1MMUS1CA.L CLOCK, glass sides, in Nickel Silver and
Gilt --••a hautdsomeornamt'ft and accurate time piece.
A never ending pleasure in the home.
11 W IT is fl0 : The Nal ionel I••armers Co. sells direct to punt-
tient bent tido harmers; employs no middle
a nog t e•i -••• :vrry
a m, tree 1 ss 1
root ' r agents, (lees bnshar. s only for cash, ti
.i.dollar dr . i.Its full duty. We have a hit of Nati,TION.tL UIN1)BIIt
TWIN Run hands- • mush that the bink rate •.f interest tat 1 aiter
hate est, on the money locked up, will amount to many thouseed
dollars. ten want to save that lutenist :ant give it to the farmer to
return fur rash. That Is where the prim itut c roes in,
***rt**********fir**** *******w ************************
-k *ItistnOmjrltny reserves the right to refund ttar
yOmoneyUtile p ‘lee of Ifot,tp atdvaneOii lay reason of the right
war or outer ranks. Maxilla
Memo eanlee from the Philippine Islands. ORDER ail ONCE and matte
tertian of your season=s supply before Hemp tut va 1005. Remit money
to us only j
Postal Note, ota Poet Office Order, Express OrderIor
Or Registered, Lotter, your n plainly, give yourrIoH o3cOad-
dress and also the railway station to which we aro to ship the Twine. You
pay freight on the Tlsilte from . OLIONTO, we send you the prematon
prepaid by mall or 02C prows from Toronto. Observe above .1lrections Bare -
fully eta we cannot make any mistake in forwarding your „ceras, bay
whether you want IXGentientan'e 1011 Lntly's'tVateh, 11lenaleal ('fool: or It
11111g -If the latter, send a niece of strip, -or paper size required.
itetAddress:ill letters and plaice all romlttanres peyabic to
*•iK*xhef•*****•Y•*iF******1** FSK*******af•xhVtrf•**** K*****4•
Nt) PLAS'u Ell
Semi :0 cents for Dr.
Alas fn's Common Sense
Treatise on Cancer
with 'reran miles
from those who have
been cured.
C01t1 PANY
ifIrEnquirers are referred to any Mercantile Agency
and to the Editor of this paper as to our responsibility.
If the children require physic none acts
so nice as Miller's Worm Powders; very
pleasant to take.
The guinea pig grows mare quickly than
any other quadruped. It is fully grown
when six weeks old and begins to beat
young at two months.
Tho custom of keeping birthdays le
many thousand years old. Pharaoh'i
birthday festivities aro mentioned in the
My wife is having the best of health
now. Miller's Compound Iron Pills did it.
The depth of water affects the speed of
steamers considerably, the vessels moving
more slowly in shallow than in deep water
wohis fine
with chain and chars, for sell.
ing two dor Whitcligitt Wicks
at ten cents each. No Money
Required. Write, and we will
send the Wicks, postpaid, and
our big Premium List. When
you have sold the Wicks, re-
turn the money, andwe will at
ones send your watch free of
all charge. Hundreds have
earned fine watches working
for us, why not you? In
writing, mention this paper.
ti is Means.
Her Father -Is he a young man of any
She -Certainly; he means to marry mo.
Exceed ing iy So.
Jones -And is he so very popular?
Johnson -Popular? Why, that man
has been the preferred creditor in five
Deafness Cannot be Cured
bv local applications, as they cane t reach du.
diseased porta n of the ear. There is only one
way to cure Deafness and that is by, coostita•
Hopei remedies. Duthie s is ,•ansed by an In•
flamed condition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian ubo. Whenthis tube gets in•
fla,ned youhave a',niiblinw sound or imperfect
healing, and when it is entirely c:osed Deafuese
is the result, and uidnss the inflauunation rata be
taken outao•t the tube rests ed to its normal
condition, hearing I+i1.1 he des Toyed forever;
nine cases out of ten are caused by e atarrh
which ie nothing but au inflamed e..uditioll of
the piteouseurraces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for s"y
e•+se of Deafness (caused by eat rrh) that can-
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for
circular, Free.
F. 3. CIIENIIY le CO., Toledo, O
Mt Sold by Druggists,140.
Solid Siterttcg Siirer Solid Cold gentile*
Bracelet, Ladies'aad reads and Game
Mtssesdzes. Setttnrs.
EA�9 one of thesehandsome
GSC premiums by sell¢
to pour friends 24 Sliver Alum-
inum Thltnbles it IO cents each.
- are ore durable than
Guaranteed steel or sterling silver. Tape
Cood'rimekeeper. meaTheysure orpDmaekage of needles
given free with each thimble. Every lady buys
as soon as she sees them. No money required.
Send us Ifbur I1amO and address and we will
send theoods and catalogue of 'premiums
postpaid. Thimbles to be returned if not sold.
Men, women,boys and girls are seiner thous-
ands-whynotyou 4 Try. When sold send us
our money and wo will send the premium yon
select. Mention this paper
CANADIAN NOVELTY n Co.. Toronto, Oat.
FREE in eyelettown AGENTS WANTED
Canada to earn one \of ou
valuable premiums, (no tr
but all reliable goods), for sells
ing our goods, consisting of
Music (vocal or instrumental,
regular price 300. and 40c. per
copy) Patent Lever Collate
13ulton s. &mett ins.Alum-
3n u.m `1' him bles, Medicated!
Lamp Wicks and other geode.
For selling two dozen of the above goods at foee
each you get your choice of a Watch and Guard
Air Gun' Spring. or Hockey Skates, Violin and
Bow, or Gutters Ace.,rdeons, 13 ,zing Gloves,
Punehi,tg Beg, Football, and a Large variety oe
other goods to choose from. We send you our
premium list with your first order. No money
requu'ed. We send you the good• to sell, you
return us the money and we send pm your pre -
intim. Get to work at once. We, n you write
state which line you require to sell Dominion
Novelty 0o., 115 Church St,, Turuuto.
and FINISH they have
no equal. Correspond-
ents wanted in every town to act as agents,
RAID BltO5 157 King St. West,
•� A'orouto.
T. N. U.
WIND jwa ., n x. FREE
eorTo ntrintrl4
chh,ngceieDrLweitfonnr '.a.7tmpprenvedle, p ink tr• top Tonic, IPha
sed kidney dietaries, 'rho„mntisn twtnelle,nervousness.
general dettlilts, eta, we give p� a i,k gold p]otaG
watch, tpdtoe' it Groff 14110,1, �ifk� thnakeoprr, war-
canted. Tho 0111, are ire:t,or box, 46.410 rorlt hoxot. pend thio'
Imount and tron ready,, 8 two., and the watch, or write £S1
tartleulara :this V a amtulne Otter. _
THE 1R,krWE sa, eT Pia 0a'°•