HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-3-9, Page 10 • 4 THIRTEENTH YEAR —592. EXETER., THURSDAY MARCH 9, 1899. C. H. SANDERS, EDITOR. SERVANT WANTED. A servant wanted to take charge of a liensehold on a farm. APP1Y to Mon. ElgAvint. MONEY TO LOAN. We have unlimited private funds for in- vestment upon fans or village property, at lowest rates of interest, Dicason & CABIANG, Barristers. eto.. Exeter. FARMS PUR BALE. MONEY TO LOAN.. The tinders i*ned has a few good femme for Saleoheap. Money to loan on easy terms Jelin 8rang.m./.11, Sarowell's Block E%atk MONEY TO LOAN. Stoney to loan at from -Pi, to 5 per cent. ELLIOT & ULA DRAW. BarrIsters.Solielters, etc., Main St., Exete Sale Register. WinniEsnaYanca 1504,-Ifor5e, rigs. household effects, etc., theproperty of Mrs. Edward Bissett. Sale at one O'clook on the ., premises, Maio. St. eet N• ./0112( (TILL, Auctioneer. FARII FOR SALE OR RENT. That desirable farm in the townhhip of Stephen. being Lot IT, ConceAsion 10, con. taming 100 antes. There is a good Welt house 46 mi. buildings on the premises t aeres fall wheat sown; 13 acres fall plowing done. Possession given Maroli lac, Mei. This is a good farm and will be sold cheap. Apply to Mn. J OsIA,Bsetes. HOOSE .FOR SAM, That desirable brick cottage situated on the earner of James awl Antons ritreet, °ter, and about ono -fifth acre of land. The house connine rooms inelnding a good kitchen, and then is a good well of water and a cistern on the premises. This is a splendid property' well situated, nod will be sold reasonably. For particulars apply to this office or the 114141Ottligu ea. Mae. Jean WEI.F.11, Exeter. VALUABLE VILLAGE PROarvry FOR HALE. The undersigned is offering for sale that desirable and valuable property, situated on Enron Street, being nart of Lot SI, contain- ing over five acres. There is on the premises a good brick house, containing seven rooms, with stone cellar, frame kitchen and wood- shed straelied; a frame stable and other necessary out-buildi egs; 45 choice fruit treeS, a good well of water and other conveniences Terms realk011Obio, apply at this office or to Saartab PILI APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT. reaneadsalkses ........ DISTRICT NEWS .4112k-fneril OUR OWN CORRESPONDEN. NrigEmil"gr'griiFIGFAFAiiiiirliirlirl 4 Centralia • Hay mteheu: Monday Mr. George FOOTBALT.4--A very interestinggame Davidson, while aproaching his door. The revival meethigs held ha the Of football was olayed between the sliPPedstued fell on he ice,. sustaining Methodist chureli here are increasing boys of S. s. No. 1 vsbarne, awl No. severe snjury to one of his legs, but no in inand Delgaty, assisted by the pastor, 2, Hay, on Thurstay, tiereS nightly. The meetings are beingcendurted by Messrs. Oeigg playing was good on beth sides, March a, The bones were broken. 1Ie will not he and able to be about for some time. after one hour's play the score stood laillsgreen: On Monday last, Mr, S. Salton, all of whom are doing an., one garoe to eadi,makingitietie. The Sohn FotTeste of Hay, Was united in earnest and much needed work. The A Id dd 11- le dhll t 5 engage to Miss 3lartha Church, of the Goshen line. The bride wasassist- ed, by Miss Annie Taylor, while the bridegroont was supported by Alr George Kennard. After the marriage a sumptuous supper was served, when the young couple took the evening train for London. We wish them a. Usborne Sodom speakers show in clear, forcible lan- add much to the comiort of itt Sodorn and Hurondale in a friendly the boys. Coneseire-The °outwit met March 4th. All present. Minutes of February meeting read and approved. BysLaw No. 3, appointing an Engineer for the municipality to carry out the provi- sions tit the Ditches and Watercourses Act, was finally passed. The Collec- tors Roll was received and the Collees tor's salary paid. Council adheurned to meet .aprd 1st, at one o'cloc F. 31ontener. Clerk. Whalen. Efforts are being made to unite guage the need of a general rev va this place, and the wety to eecure Scnoot. REPORT -The monthly re - discussion on several subjectsIt rby puttiag tlinmeeas into tho Is port for February of S. S. No. 2, is as 1 . . ce. ls-s, fs. tainly would be both mousing and ben- CAMelitionn s that tsbtana from SijollowNames are in order of merit: Nusseo. Ira W. R. Doug - tile greet le- lewdest bles,sings.-The 11. Johnston, H. M. Gould. Sr. shareholthes and patrons of the But- mean as, esould,('ora mann, ta „ E. The beltdower on the sehool house has been repaired and the bells now rings out loud and clear, after being silent most of the time since the tower was shattered last rammer, -Philip Brooks is preparing to holm :mother dwelling house on Ins farm, Looks as if Will hail serious intentione of scone kind.- Messrs. Stanley and Downing, of Luean, have bought most of the fat, cattle around here at prices more Moe the good old times. unite a number were delivered an Monday. Some of the fanners hare engaged their hired help for the summer, but more are needed vet. Notice is hereby given that application will bo made to the Legislative Assembly of tho.Province of Ontario at its present inn, sion, for an Act to legalize and confirm a Bylaw of the tetunioieal Oonnoil of the vil- lage of Exeter, under which By-law all lands in the village of Exeter, While held, used and owned as farm lands only and in bloolts of net less than twenty aores,, aro from Owl after the date of passing of said By-law to be rated upon the assessed value thereof as follows (a) For For expenditure for general village purposes, not more than three and one-half mills on the dollar; (b) For the payment of the present De- benture debt or tho village the same rate as is required and is from time to time levied upon other village property (o) For expenditure for school purposes, the same rate as is required and is from time to time levied upon other village pro- perty (d) For comity purposes the same rate as is required and is from time to time levied upon other village property. And that no further or other rate be levied on the said lands by the council of the said village of Exeter; And that the said lands are to be exempt from taxation for the payment of any fut- ure debenture debt of tbe said village except such as is tiontraoted for school purposes or for the renewal or consolidatioa of the pre- sent existing debenture dobt or some part thereof; Provided always that the said rate given by the said By-law to the sai& lands shall not be lessened by any of the exemptions mentioned in section 8 of chapter 224,3.S.O. 1897, and sub-seetions thereto. Provided also that no owner or lessee of such lands shall in respect of the said lands have the right to vote upon any by-law for creating or contracting any future deben- ture debt except as is for school purposes or for the renewal or consolidation of the pre- sent existing debenture debt or some part thereof, as aforesaid. Dated at Exeter, this tat day of February, AD,, 1899. DICHSON & CARLING, Solicitors for Applicants. °Wren Cry for ASTOR IA, Ilarpley ter Ase, time tact on Saturday in I ( O'Brien Jr R Northeott, J. long and pwsperowUKe There )X 1' quite a heav3r BooW-tdi the eoffunt44invii•ent of the faetore- * 3, . Clinton: A few days since white 817 *7L4 the 1'414111,e:5 (544 007S for R. Minna lbeis 11-Bertie on Saturday night and Sunday, ass which. will 10. need: 71)0 (41 NagtrillteLe°74ulloliri -t - FB:,4 Val t;nt.:41711,11.r'RIT; stM:-etnit',Fhlinselifteewt assliplp)11esdcinfrgm:1°4'in)egne4ttliCtI2 conmanied by a strong wind, which speed, and pnrp„se having it Todd, Gm ArInstroni. P1FID 1--11efeei.11-Ma, and lie fell on his shuulder, made it One of the stormiest days of reativ for the niairreeeture of butter setiont- Pitroirre- The following a cornea report of S. 84 No. a. for ow month of February, Report ie ba.:(51 on the work and attendanee of the' onside. Nantes are in order of merit. V-- Pat Buckley, Dan Coughlin. Al. fired Scott. Sr. IV - Effie Coughlin, Pearl Wilson, Clover Short. Sr. - Josephine Coughlin, May MeGory, Georgena Scott, Tommy Lightfoot. ! Lilly Lightfoot, Cora Short, Edward Faultier, Willie Lewis, Joe Doyle, Harry Lewis, Garnet Coekwell. Jr. • III -Leo Coughlin, Sam Seott, Olive Short. Sr. II-Rosella Lightfoot, Mary Holtman, Nellie Lewis, Pearl Short, Wesley Cockwell, Sennet McGuire, Jenny Lewis. Jr. II -Gladys Short, Erwin Scott. Pt. II -Atonic! Cough- lin, Arne Lottie Welsh. Part 1 - Raymond Coughlin. Adrain Cough- lin, 3Iable Lightfoot, Adeline Hoffman. No. of names on roll 37, average attend- ance 30. J. II. Leans, Teaeher. .., Mtn . tillia)' 71 t n Me. e'."-5,14" spraining his arm severely. On teati- me sellson, - Mr. IL Webb had a woO41- in the *King. 311'. •A•4 :Cello wit.' ' Munn The best speqtere in the manta- :matey George (tittle nue With as Silitir bee on 71,11,st-fay of last Week, using elected T1. ,..- 0 7 in 311, , . 11i1 1,*1 ly spelling nr4t,lies were: V- '41 Rus. - lar arrhh,nt. and has not siner herr, Mr. J. Brown's eirolitlr mints This is stead, white Ale. Wea. ..1.1elkoitt1,Y,!‘;'' sent F IV--. Johnston: 81'. 111 • W .• l aide to use his :irili. 4/11 ,S;11114lay W111:/,' a veil' v'ilit'i'llt r"lY ia. (lilting a Int,„44 41.15 g;vmA V.11141101* e.-ItE4.56- --usti O'Brien; Jr. 111 -- D. Dining; 11 ele i 0n. sae. esay to ,,,anlasa mm es, etseed wood in a elan.' spats` of t unit -cot' Lily Rollin e koi' liv.tt.r, is the gee:it or- Jahnsann.; jean ti....ls„ mann; Part 1-- nad the misfortune to slip on thepave- john :therein has purchased anuateluel ma and etre A. lie•les. -.Miss Mertiat 11. Todd. went and bt ae. her right arm, ripen of nnulsters. They inskiant falleY Dishmen, os r le iideletyse is ep eating - - pair of drivers.- 31r. Those seallis is a. 14 7). day, ne.,„„ eta A., isepauen hes moving mite t he farm lie re''ent13' Part entered Lel.. it in ti,l•ship Wil il 'dr. A. I plaee at Mr. William tits-rens* on AViel,, Wincltelsea Dayeclale: A, happy event tnok e11sei1frliil:kti,(iior:4'I)ir1.''3r1ie114:rliiiit.-114)1111 e,Id!nPrilis1ltx:rIJeT rF,tt,:ia,,•,,vliingla;t,1:4lt!is(1.;tnulgal J41n.sist:.1ii;,„:irfe1g:.ai4,nti0kt,,1ti,1.1i.I7;.t,p0,n4,agyn.ri1isvillc1ii.J,izn,Igi::i:1‘xl,,Aiiitriit.Va4.711itittinr: lately with inthimination in his eyes. (tar night ; Ite - lea- of a v. Ty 441,Nisatit4,5, $411811ille. 7114. *41(4731(41 1-1 Miss 1! lenge to :Made/in Rokkapy. of 1.74101-716 (111441 Oa 14/e a illir.'4, time olle II *N.' t•pl,t.br:tt, i.).1 ,A: ME,.. W'ittlt•il'h bill ilday. 110 OW 11111.14+4 1144n -eyed, but vor. g,tihrs4i.i.,,,. 1;1,4 *up:v:440u wilig tho .14innicl litelpialls, a her fathers res'i- The 141,0001(y 4', 4* perforated by Rev, liellee In 1}/1-444,:lzlie on M. 4.41140'ILLY 44 Mr, shave ot Raytield. We all join in recently, %41151*hee 4'111814t them to be se meet , siey-111 • ,iillt• NV 4-, spent, l'eit. Week. A 1, NViSik t he young coupleV ' 2AS1 INiling the young Null& the compli- eonsiderlibly 1.•4111.411414.111• 84;lerillAP111 16 long i111o3 it IPPY wedded lite. We ”" inents (if the 4444 ('444(5 ,Mise SteveRS of the 1.01,1.s sitpl,,,r, ilk the Peeebe. yt•;114511qlatal:11(111w„aI:t111 14,11;11f41 1(.11f411S1/11,:t:terin ehureltninil Bendwas ;in Ciamiehoe 11.1,7%\at,i,4,14tpm.14705444r51..114i7N4111krhptamsi Sunday postponed for two .11.141'10 1111 () W . 1 4.•41-. ' 4 . • g 11 •• CI , , Miller. Ile eareful Joe„ --Me„ oianey ' Kippen: $1,450 is the contract for the new Methodist church to be built heriduring the coming summer. Mr. Robert Patterson has the carpenter work, Mr. Cudmore the brick work, and Mr. Sohn Stacey the painting. All these contractors are from the neighboring village of Hensel'. Zurich Mr. Alexander Ehnes is visiting his sister, in Point Edward before going to Alberta, N.W.T.-Mr. Fred Stegner has sold his house and blacksmith shop to Mr. Wismer, of Brussels, who takes possession on the 29th of this. month. -Mrs. Wm. Bastard, after a two months' stay with her mother, has re- turned to her home in Manitoba. -Mr. Ed. Bossenberry, the popular horse- man of this place, has purchased from Mr. Andrew Dunkin, of Varna, his well-known trotting horse, John Dun- can, jr., for which. he paid $150.-A very serious and painful accident hap- pened here last Wednesday afternoon. As Mr. J. B. Foster was driving away from the Catholic church, the seven- year-old son of Mr. Henry Randel went to climb onto the back of the -rig, when his foot caught in the wheel. One of his legs was frightfully torn, the bone protruding through the skin. Drs. Buchanan and Campbell, of the village, and McDermid, of Hensall, held. a consultation and amputatedthe leg above the knee. Much sympathy is felt for the little sufferer and. the family. 50 TEAMS WANTED! heemnit of the en•qemeney ot ea, es th... 4.olite,--4414k11 vv.'s., was la ( ..boye sdionpung spent part. ('1 I:44 wt -44; h»s apparently no heeltie but • 4 rens bleion,dnynas gale. nee wasalead. sister, 31re. thq). DOWn• Mount Carmel, who is speeding „. 114.evA,,, .1,44 tat. Wife Of weather. 31r. tile% \Valnee of laseini, • I 1 7110 %%hat? 44 1117 Mrs PAM% 4411110... 11" w.:111, welw,n..%, n /maw% and was, almost wholly, recovered tronl scvere .01 114.1. 04131 41.1141ke attest of La Grrepta 'rite old gentle- . t -'" t 1 .7• 1,441 Fifty teams wanted by the SUTHERLAND INNES CO., to dravv Elm Logs from Lot 8 and 9, Concession 5, Hay, to the Company's Mill. Apply to GUS WAGNER, Manager. At Gould's Saw Mill. There is Such a Thing man is 9; yeare ot age. Stains before a di .4 e• talent 10. siumiumed A meeting of the Stella creimery aas deal, 1 teeth VI,`4144 Palls 11 from WaS help 4111 Marell 1. The seeretery swam 44E* - lormiNed bon Ves 4 WIS. l'epal4 showed that there was an in- band and re *1' children- two sous and ereast. in the leisini•es the past stetson. t wonanosassa e4111Q, 411,0 „,„ IA , t i141.4 awl 17 :, e 117 the even:rig she well: 4(1 115 1'44 MIL the C.1E00441 • Wilrn 41* -4,a144.14.uly taken and woNo rA,flou or iottt,.t. moult- Bi.triN. Jen went to factored, which netted Ow Patron,' (hilton Sat Insley mondng Meta from 12 7-20 cents to 151 cents per lin mania' way returned home on aftr paying ali expenses. R. 31. Bal- wae. a nan„ lantynte of Stratford, gave 41 Vtwey on it a interesting address on the whole intik Thursday. evienng. Pedro was .0101. ail 110 141I't r .41 MI'. litib1. 1140(44311`ti MI system, After considerable discussion gamees ma lie Mei. is moving Into it Wila deeided (4) lalt tile 111111C tiler(' jilt. Vi1141ge. ..Me. M. Sialptital. WW1 every tiatY 141111 aeParata it. After Pa'4* has 'Well NV itw: hen. fin, some tour, teunzing it, to kill all disease gertlis has moved. ..s hie former residence. in_ and cheek the souring process, the milk will he returned to the patrons the 'Mooresville. - A few of the boys went same day. Separated tkeealn, ,Initter. to hear the Nashville Students in sells for a. much better price than geth- IllinnZ Nrrvt,1111.8tsiNi2;.:TNINIlitligl ..t herill1111%Itlinal: ered erearo, end as the separat or takai . ruent.e.Ou7• populatiOn iR increasing. Clarke is 41111e 747 be out again.- Mr. Millard Rammer is on the sick list. - Mr. David Wenn ISI improving blow - very had fall the other dayInd We , day. 414 the age t'i 60 Sear, and ts ere pleaseel to report that sh. eight years, end she will be I1145Sed by beer *1011))' node MeKillop: The death of J4lne8 13,*- -mrs. Avesloy IleVW41011 reeehed Qllaid, (10'1.411 etsne,o4,44.1011. on Man, e is again mord lie, leeway. 4110' (*1 the earliest, righte -The stem Satinet's. wile a 'set 11.,e7el 1 la' weltenne visitor and evers person (1""t4nMi 1"411 "'fling With 44"11314A Se1.1111S to (Aim; adeeintente id it. '111"Ihte fin' id""a " aud fur the 1) 1.74' OF AN 1h-41411eN11 PIONGlill.-- 1134 s"" ntilLaitult atf. There passed 41187) 441 the uneeen world 1 t`die but very int Tioureday lasL Robert Coward. one tlao"Fh he had (air been - confined to of the earlysetthre, a slimes:47d fano- , bed 14'l' 44151444 ",)1111"t4111 11," leaves tA er, a men noted for his strict integri. minim las 44" nei MU' allti a Janina" f.11 ty and, respected by all as a friend and neighbaie Mr. Coward had enjoyed, we might eity. the bast of health up to within about three. weeks before his de. mine when be was taken down with all attstek of grippe and gnulually sank -un- til death relieved him of hi -.sufferings. Deeeased was lawn in Yorkshire, Eng., and mine to this country when i was an abeolute wilderness and settled on the farm now owned aud occupied by his son, William. Ile was it man of unus- ual strength and energy contributing more, than •the average share tower& • became ill, end never recovered. transforming the redo and unbroken Wingbam; One a those very plea forest into well tilled fields and ins- sant and happy eveuts which ay. Proved surroundinen, A inan of re- eagerly looked forward to *17) 4411 young tiring disposition, takinglitt le interest people, took place at the residence ot Mrs. Cody, on Tuesday evening, it be. ing •th,' marriage of her eldest daugh- ter. Miss Bertha Ctuly, to Mr. John Dee., one of Winglitun'e mast populai V(18074 men. Miss Maud Carr played the Wedding Bells' March iu her 118.• ual grand style, while the bride wee given away by her uncle, Arthur IL Carr. The ceremony was performed by Re*. Dr, Pascoe... 51/115 and t daughtere \Ve Imre to reeord the death of 111',.. Jame., DUcie, of tbi. 5t11 coneeeelon. which took plaee on Mon- day evening. Iler maiden mune W4V:, BilVAlket 11 "IA(0114;011. Slik. was Op old. est daughter tif the late \Vni, son, and sister e if 31r. John Aiteliesine of 31eKillop. She was born in Head- ingtonehirta Seotkual, and hail reaeh• id the good old age of 81 years and months. 31r. I hirie died six Weal; ago. and the day of funeral, Mrs. Doyle, m ai e 4111111 41 tam u • will get a much better yierd per cow e 1 ' '-' On Friday het Mrs. he 'Hodgson Pre" I in matteie; nubile, hitt aS a farmer M*. than formerly, which will be much stinted her husband with a danghtar• Coward had few equals and by dint of more tedisfitetory. The patrons are to .3.1r. E. Collins also Nellie'. " papa," nil ‘1' industry, his skill 112 an agrieulturist be Munn full emery two weeks wheu Fri llr We e'111110t See the smile on the new system conies into effect. The Edsell's face now- it's a, girl. composite system of Babcock testing will be used. The officers for theen- suing year are as follows: President, Stephen James Scott; secretary -treasurer, F. Coveante-Coimell met at Crediton D. Hutchinson; auditor, John A. Nor- Mardi Oth. All members present ris; directors-EdwardDrake, WTiliiam except Mr. Hicks. Minutes of last Oliver, John Robbins and Howard meeting reed aud signed. Mr. tough - Gray; salesmen -J. D. Walker, F. D. lin requested that 8. 13. lots 19 and 23 day to the Exeter cemetery was large - be permitted to do their statute labor on houndry. Request granted on con- dition that McGillivray council make a similar concession on the boundary. Resolved that Mr. Carrie& s case be taken up next meeting. Council to meet again first Monday in April at ten o'clock forenoon when pathmasters be appointed. Orders granted.: -Jas. Moir, for gravel, $7.50; W. Patterson, S. B. damages, $0.00; J. Heitman. re- pairing culvert T. R. $1.25; County treasurer, Stone Bros. $21.00; Fred Haist, tile N. 13: account, $11.40; J. White & Son printing (balance from 1895),15.50. Samoa REPOBT.-The following is the correct report for S. S. No. 3, for the month of • February. Names are in order of merit. V. -Ida Jory, Ed- win Beaver, Daniel Sanders. IV - Clinton Sweet, Stella, Penhale, Charles Sanders. Sr. III -Vera Sanders, Her - hie Ford, Asa Penhale, Homer Bagshaw Frank Triebner, Roy Parsons, Marshal Box, Minnie Triebner. Jr. III -Laura Jory, Viola Penhale, Sadie Willis, Hattie Willis. Sr. II -Minnie Sanders Alonzo Ford, Jennie Sanders, Nelson Sanders, Willie Triebner. Sr. II- Herbie Dearing, Lizzie Sanders, Herbie Beaver, Edith Parsons, Eddie Willis, Mitchell Willis. Sr. Part II -Harry Parsons. Jr. Part II -Lillian Stanlake. Sr. Part 1 --Annie Sanders, Ralph I Willis, Harry Triebner, Tommy San- ders. Jr. Pert I-Oicilla Ford, Samuel Stanlake, Vinnie Cookson. - Average attendance 31. R. N. CREWE, Teacher. Following is a correct report of S. S. No. 4, the names are in order of merit: Sr. IV -Clara Martene, Mary Roeszler. Sr. IH -Russell Bastard. Jr. III - Fred Amy, Freeman Morlock, Arthur Amy and Pearl Kestle, equal; Garnet Amy, Wilber Rowe, Albert Wein, Chester Rowe, John Hartman. Sr. II Ezro Wein, Oliva HartMan, Mabel I Clark, Nora Hartman, Tomtny Roesz- • ler. Jr. 11-IA1/nine Yaeger, Herbert i Morlock, Jacob Hartman,' A. E. Whi- taker. Sr.. Part II -s -Willie Smith, Wesley Wein, Annie Hartman, Elgin 'Amy, Cecil Rowe, 'Willie Rooszler. jr. Part Ha -August Hartman, Della ' Kestle, Nora Brown, Cora Clark, Aaron Wein, Idella Smith. Sr. Part Is -Minnie Kestle. , Jr. Part 1 -Elder Wein, Albert, Hartman, Edwin Wein, Leo Hartman. Average attendance 20. J.; H. Hoasans, teacher,. and faithfui application to duty sue- ceeded in acquiring at valuable estate. In politics he Was as staunch Cemserva. tire and was never found wavering in the support of his party. He is sane vived by four sons. and one daughter- WillkunDan , iel, George and Thomas. of this township, and Mrs. Hull, of Goderich, Mich. The funeral on -Satur- Hutchison and Henry Yoe. as wearing glasses when you should not and not wearing them when you should. . . . It is a Mistake to do either. We only prescribe glasses when they will be of use to the wearer. A large proportion of the cases of painful eyesight are due to the use of unsuitable or improperly fitted glasses. In consulting our optician you incur no expense and run no risk. . . . T. FITTON9S JElAtEllERY STORE. ornings preferred for testing. Hay Council Council met on March 6th. All pres- ent. The auditors laid their reports be- fore the Council, showing that every- thing was satisfactory. The book of Treasurer was finally examined by the Council and signed by the Reeve. A petition signed by Mr. Newell in be-: half of Canada Company and by others was presented, asking the Council to open up road on Concession 2 and 3. The Council will attend to the matter. 1 Geo. Eisenbach was let the timber on side road between lots 10 and 11, con. 7, at $5 per acre, he to pile all brush on • side of the road. He was given time till April ist, 1900. Frank Pope waited on the Council regarding a bridge be- i tween lots 35 and 30, S. TB., which he requires to enable himto get to his land. 1 Messrs. Stelk and Lamont were in- structed to investigate the matter. F. W. Farncomb was reappointed Engi- neer under provision of The Ditches and Watercourses Act, at $6 per day 1 for all work inclusive of all expenses. The following were appointed officers, for the current year: Patb.masters--; jno. Williams John Case, Geo. Jeffery John Bell, A. Johnston, R. Thompson, Thos. Harvey, W. Northcott, P. Munn Alex. McEwen, B. Phillips, Robt. Deck Jas. Carroll, A. Wildfong, Win. Cole - Man, John Mossean, E. Daters, W. Mullholland, John Berry, Geo. Snell, Chas Redmond, Henry Daters, George Reichert, J. McDonald, T. Blackwell, Jas. Freen, H. Reichart, E. Troyer, D. Schaefer, J. Foster, Jno. Hey,- Fred Eisenbach, H. Bender, P. Wolley, S. McBride, P. Hartman, J. Regier, Jno. Weide, J. Block, C. Baechler, B. Jacobe G. Schroeder, H. Eckscein, H. Ortwein Jno. Prang, Jno. Geiger, J110. Gerber, H. Weigond, S. Phile, G. Easenbach, David Sararus, S. Meidinger, J. Gas- cho, Kasper Rerig, J. H. Schnell, J. Schroeder, S. Vincent, R. Denomy, O. Corovoe, S. Spencer, W. Jellison, Jno. Taylor, P. Schade, J. G. Taylor, Jas. Cochrane, Chas. Troyer, Jno. Thomson J. Leslie, Jno. Howard, W. Harris, H. Reynolds, P. Beaver G. Na,diger, H. M. Willert, Jno. Bearer, Jas. :Ken- nings, Robt. Turnbul. Fenceviewers- W. Russell, W. Coldwell, W. Ma roan, R. McArthur, S. Thompson, F. Stelk, J. Haberer, J. Decker, W. Hey - rock, Geo. Edighoffer, J. Moliek, W. Snider, J. Wagner: Poundkeepers-J. Paterson, A. McEwen, R. Northcott, Johnston,3. Robt. Thompson, R. Mc- Allister, 3. Decher, Jr., Chas. Geeb, P. Murray, D. Spencer, T. Turnbull, W. Snell, E. Karcher. Road Commis- sioners -Chas. Troyer, J. Oesch, R. Carlisle, W. Caldwell, S. Weide, C. Rerig, P. Beaver, X. Wagner. After 'passing a •sinall number of accounts the council adjourned. until April 3rd, at 10 o'clock 41.111. - FEED HESS, Si*., Clerk. ly attended testifying to the esteem m which he W418 held. The family have the sympathy of a large circle of friends. Crediton Brick For Sale. The undersig led has one hundred thous- and first-class brick for sale at his yard in Crediton. Parties about to build should consult him. FRED HAIST. PR MIR vs YOUR SIGHT.-Travi ng just cow - :Acted a course at the Canada Optical Insti- tute, 7 am now prepared to Fit Spectacles on thoroughly Scientific principles. Per- sons needing spectacles are especially re- quested to give us a call Eyes tested free, G. H. ZW1CKER, Jeweller & Optician. Mr. William Lewis, J. P., left for Toronto Tuesday morning on business. -Mr. Tames Clark, and Charles Fah- ner, left on Tuesday morning for Mani- toba on a visit. We wish them a safe journey. -Henry" Either, M.P.P., of Toronto, spent Sunday here withhis family. -Mr. Norman Hill, of Seaforth, spent a few days here last week, the guest of his sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Rivers. - Council met in the Town Hall, last Monday. All members were present with the exception of Mr. Hicks, who, on account of the accident he received some time ago, was unable to attend. The Revival meetings in the Methodist Church are still going on. So far some 25 have taken a stand for Christ. - Mr. and Mrs. Israel Smith, of Exeter, spent Monday with friends here. - Sunday's blizzard was theworst known for some time. -Miss Florence Ludwig, did not return to her home in London, as stated last week, but is visiting friends 10 Stephen, the guest of Misses Wilson. She intends remaining for some time. -Messrs. Fred. Finkbeiner and Jake England left on Wednesday for Cavalier County, North Dakota. OBIT. -The cold hand of death has again came into our midst and taken away Charlotte, beloved wife of David Mawhinney. Mrs. Mawhinney has been an invalid for a number of years, sufferingfrora Bright's disease until death claimed her on Sunday last, at the age of 31 years, 9 months. Her re- mains were interred in the Exeter cem- etery Wednesday,the Rev. Uusser offi- ciating. She leaves to mourn her de- mise a loving husband, one daughter, a mother, brothers and sisters, and a large number of friends, who have the sympathy of the community in their sad bereavement, Tian Some. Gae.ss. - The Exeter Garrick Club presented. this. famous drama to a well-ffiled house here on. Thursday night last. The play was produced with spleudid effect and was fully up to the expectations of all pre- sent. The committee deserve credit on the success of the affair. Volcanic Eruptions. Are. grand, but Skin Eruptions rob life of joy. Buckleu's Arnica, Salve, cures them; also 01(1, Running and Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warta sreits, Bruises Biuns, Scalds, ehapped-'ilands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out Palsies and Aches. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure gnaranteed. Sold by all Drug - Hillsgreen: We are sorry to ens nounce the death of Mr. Wm. Hill, who came to this country about fifty years ago, and hewed out a home for himself in the forest. A number lei years ago Mr. Hill .gave tip farming and made his home Hillsgreen. He passed the most of his time travelling, and was a man who saw n great deal of this world. He was the very soul of honor and despised anything meals or low. He was ealled away on Feb- ruary 23, and was buried the following Saturday at, laoyer's cemetery. Goderich tp.: A. very- pleasant event took place at the residence of Mrs. Sowerby, Con. 3, on Wednesday, March 1, when her daughter. Hannah, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Thomas Amy, of Con. 2. The cere- mony was performed. by Rev. Mark Turnbull, Goderich. The bride was given away by her uncle, Wm. Wake- field. Miss Ida. Amy ably assisted the bride,while Geo. Sowerby performed like duties for the groom. The pres- ents were numerous and costly, and. show the high esteem in whicit the bride is held. Children Cory for CAS fat' IA. taiLsnit sinnssisssississess Effects Were Wonderful. "1 had been troubled for years with pains in my sides and kidneys and had aches in all parts of my body, owing to stomach and liver troubles. I be- gan taking Hood's Sarsaparilla and its effects were wonderful. In a short time I was entirely cured." MRS. Fear 209 Ossington Avenue Tor- outo, Ontario. Hood's Pills are non -irritating and the only cathartic to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. BIRTHS. Commis -In Clendeboye, on march a, the wife of Mr. E. Collins, of a daughter. Hi:meson-In Clandeboye, on. the 3xel inst., the wife of Mr. E. Hodgson, of a daughter. Szerescea-In Mooresville, on March. 2nd, the wife of Mr. M. Simpson, of a daughter. 'MARRIAGES. Rotrrams-Smarianets-At the residence of the bride's parents, Drysdale, on Wednesday, iela,rch 1st, by Rev. Shaw, Mr. John Routley,of Usborue, to Miss Minnie, daughter of Mr - Wm. Stephens. HEATHS. Bnex.-In McGillivray, 4th concession . Mrs. Chas. Bean, aged 59 years. Cow.tan.--Li 'Osborne, on March 2nd„ Robert Coward, aged 79 years, 11 months. MAWHINNEY.-In Stephan llth con- cession, on March 5th, Charlotte Sane beloved, wife of Alr. Da 'id Mawhirmey, aged 31 yeers, 18 days.