HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-3-2, Page 8"ti •'w Central, r'./'T' SrRATF01 1D, 0>'4T.. ( on't Vi ca t rut someth'"g P t(t turn utp Get a bueiness education and turn some thing up. A4•ttee,tdtu'aredau41well trainee young. men :Ma Wom 4414 are wanted er•'r:+. where. Wh it studt•rits et any time Write for cruat }t t tr tt'L J. Dlllotts 1xinciral LOCALi�(?I UB. t.' ' ' d'tGd"alas Mitc•4et 1; hes Cii,een growers. Use 1)ix Lit.t.c I.iver Til1s. Sohl by , Lutz. Four ‘1,%•1•%s from to-lll4i•ro w wIll b• (blood l 1 tl :' The Exeter land intends holding a at►nct•r t Siena ly. Try the .1 e)\•o(•.\•rI. for Wedding 'ionery, la:it•st design. t'se N• 1t •w4. 11••s'?i're.t ill the spnine' :scar pat- f y i. s.; tire blood. Sohl by 32atreli came in like a lamb, and if Cts old saying laolda good, will go out T•t'y-,,e %t lion. "1'he Rev. t°ia r le s Smith \x'11 preach aw•e'x,t `i)1tlalaly t•\ lu,a 0144 '"7'1344 S\v I- 1 41g,'ti of atirila:rl. ' Revs Ilowerti, of 'I'1tul'aldalle, oeeit pled the pulttt:t to the •i t•is its :11t•intl -. fat church 1t win:tlay last. The Misses .1 tints tett ert hied a 1111111.. ter of i heir most 11,1 inane friends lin Rev. Test ! y :•k. of London, had ti)atrge4ofthe 4el•\ ices iu'rely itt M(•nuol- tl church on \\atilt. d:t y \wt (1:. The rt . ,tl^•n' ,• M••. 1;t•lye:a, South- titxilstel, \\a:• destroy ed by fire 18-1 week. Mr. anti Airs. l,e llyt•4! t eie.tping ti[ their, uigltt illt•�r:,,r. 31r. 1•:d. Hall• \wh4i ' rte:(1 1itt %Ova. burned rt'.•t•ntly, has token up his rest - tat n •t' in t h.? dew '11; ug otr t he t•n1 ni r 444 Andrew and \ letttele street a. O;wii:a. :•."t \•t•1:, while caging; (down 1pg.. t•l it tree le i1r. 11ia•haa4-t tllfled. lee, .a itlieea.s. Alf Taylor Cent 11\1111. Masons 4:.I1tuc.s1 five.. (,•414)014, alts 1' pray He hos purehastel the etshieue•e• of M. F. \\', (01118:, .\ utlrt•\t. Well. Dirt itesltxll()t'til s➢, 311'. Era yne intends huliel ng a line brick residence tlterettu shottiy. The• sper:ad t itlicetionts taken up in the Mani Stve•et Methodist ('ltlueh tin Sunday hist to be applied to 'The lie- a 4• 44,1 t i James a 1 44 - ll 1 1 +. i .tip h t 11, 1 Ili 1 441. 4 1 of o Stri. E1 valualde horst. behatghlg to .Messrs. Perkins tl• :Martin, while being driven, slipped on some ice, and hard its leg broken one day last week, ronseclucttt- fy the animal find t() be shot. Wit le Mr. Honey Lowe, of the Lon - doe Ilteed, South, wits bandling logs Oast, .y last week: (me of the logs Was ail id -Wally rolled on Itis feu)t,brllisinr it badly anti breaking his great toe. An Minato of the Iiouse Of Refuge. T11010::s Leat•horuae by name. was al - 1 wed to leave last week, 11(' having ase err. d employment at his trade in Se ft rth, the town from which he earn". On a eeo!ntt of advancing years and failing lu a1tb, Rev. 1)r. Pascoe, of SS 111 141 nt. has decided to retire from the active work Of the ministry at the approaching conference.. As he enter- ed the work in 11153, this is his 40 year of netivee service. Mr. James Brintnell held a large -week bee on Monday afternoon last, arta at' the close of the day a large pile or wood. was sawed, split and piled suf- fieleut to last the family a whole Sea- son. The evening was most pleasant.. Ty spent by the young people 111 a so- cial hop. Detective J. T. \Vestcott and lir. W. H. Moncur. returned from Bay City, Mich., on Fridaty where they were in -quest of Wm Hewitt, who disappeared from Centralia lest week, leaving several to mourn his departure. They sueceeded in loeatting their Iran and xnatde hila toe the mark. The Exeter Garrick Club will appear ilr Crediton to -night, (Tlun'sday) under - the auspices of the Royal Templars and produce that famous drama "The 8 will Glass." This ehib has"given en- tire sat isfacetion at their every appear- ance and the people of Crediton will - fiad than fully up to their expecte.- time. "Diamond Charlie," who operated in Western Ontario and endeavored to • sw ndle. Mr. 1'. Birtwistle, of London, afew years ago and was arrested .at $t Marys, s has just finished a terra in a Missouri State prison, - and was re- leased only to be rearrested upon a -warrant from Georgia:, charging him with stealing $10,000 worth of dia- monds from different people. The man's correct name is said to be Amos Rosenthal. The Lake Charles (La.) Daily Ameri- can says:-" The Ladies' Aid Society of the Simpson M. E. church will give a, parlor concert at the home of Gen. a d Mrs. T. T. Ta' for next Friday ev- ening. Several of the numbers on tie 1' ograrxl will be given by Mrs. Joseph 34Faxr'ill Gerrisll, of Muskegon, 'YE eh., who is visiting her brother, T. F. Els- ton. Mrs. Gi'rmish is a musician of more than ordinary ability and will xnnch to the attractiveness of the Ir•..4g•a18." The following from the London c } Pre s ('f Monday has reference to a. form r mer • '• slit of Exeter, vizi- ? he employ( s of J. H. Chapman's to the•niiml•(r o' ?r rnlrt at the Loudon Roue" r n Saterdaay night to say good- bye to one of their number, Mx. A. J. M:eTaaesh, who has acc••ptedaposition tee eche,- for a Toronto firm. After olaln., ju t e•( to an oyster supper, they r . need to the parlors, where Mr. Geo.. a;'n'pkin rei>.cl ;a, neatly worded. a • 'dr s expressive of the esteem in whic`. I' M 1' . fi is held_ by his } • ow rmr )ogees ,r•€t+'r which Mr.. Geo. i ewwr + !pay -Taal him on behalf of ria erre oyees with a beautiful gold- , he rcled cane neatly engraved. Mr. sL (`avis 71., tii0i taken completely lit. 4/1r :i• sr, modelverysuital)lereply. .6„, ter a ne •tuber of speeches by several ©' ;nose present relative to the high fir•" x41 in wl•ich 'sir. McTavish is held by. a;;, +he ggatheri. re• dispersed by lodging And Lang Syne. A 44'1( tl collo: tarn Will be taken t p t 1 tl +� S 'et' Met. u t s•. an (J t le, kz t l t tat 31 r 1I( 4t 1 t)1 . .1 d Lw next; , .l t i e t .. rI it �� I t J. nip Relief 11'.40(1 ' of bt. James church, Montrt ,l. From au item in the London News. last \week( it h.es been generally re- ported that the Rev. 'telt 1•.ve1 , who 1•ecenttt uceepted a call from this parish, would accept the vacancy in St. John's church. \11•, 'ren Eyck. says the report is entirely without foundation. which fact the members of the 13I\1 tt :Memorial cllttlelt are highly pleased to [Carla. The Loudon News sayse-Miss -Miss M\aa Pittard Ird llatvrug recovered from lie*1• reeeut•$e'vrre illness has re::lalied bee elutie, at the First _Methodist church.. 'I'il(s l3apt st (laureli of POI.4)Iva par. pose IniAling the cantata '• hilt} " on the eveltiag of the .>a4t of March and have l•la1, g(d Miss Pickard. to render the title role. and also by special rt'- pe•lhat , e'xq:usite' 1'eeitat. ive and u t z eitia, 'd •••Judith." A Musical treal t e 2.:.F :ast•tl all thusce who attend, the tale 1 Ise tag of an exceptionally high order, ,4.1 11444, -.Ss. „t„;„...„ 1\' Ip,-, of Mooresvlile, d4 1 \ •c• 1 vote ,.-eeetkuially- line horses to 31 : t...'.dt• It tt \leI)oneil on Mon - 411 1 FrA. t 18"y' \w,•.•(' fi•t•a tai si:l year.: 44:4i ) a, :Creel tipi)••d the scants F \\ -re a/tebaihel in the l01+i ) )er •; to L'verpool 011 Tuesday. Death t>i.5t •a. c oactiffe, go to press we 144 ;trn or the .14 :.11^ of 31-a s. Ipllilill l e>\\ a lift'. \whi;• i 'el e•v'11 1 4ok place at tht' ta:let:ly 1t' attt n.. 4'. Andrea- street last ev4';ta . 4\\'et11'4 410:4';rftt•I•'t prolong- ed 11)84 ` . The funeral tat.es riper on 1-•:1;,ttniay to tile. I.Xetel' cemetery. • Die let 4>r r 4 r. h' t.. ;.1•,•:•(•'\441 here of the (11M114, n i(. 'r11()1118,4 Ihl\\•ertuatt, of t t:+. 4..11;. t:rottr• r to the late 1, 1i4)IV- e : in;. t1. t>: tit 141.1,•0. The 414'l'4•8s4'(.l \will t:,• !vine:)/lewd by our 4)141e•1• 00.i - i 4,1eul 04 ...\ og 1:,o.Jo school in h.1`1. •.:,>, . "t: ir:,4 .1, :ata:at thirty -- ear.(' ago. cal (t:.,a. Mr. .i0h)1 '?neii. tri 3t. '1'h44nta;4. at tu:ln 4:aim t1 41 '.44+);!44: 1!0111 of Ext'ter, alai w.:41 visited. his plot hey hew last eek. "•:sn1arrietl 00 bis ret 114')1 to alt. 11141111r. .11.11/1 kept the 1.4418 0f llis tail, •.., a• •4 •y 4}nt4.1. the antionnee- Illt"?af ftp 10- 141 tl•1'latge being a complete smitriso 1,) ins friends hero. We ex - 0041 etc igI81nIatious, l:.wrrc.r i',.a4o.,l timed minuteie+. The iota:: et' pithily interest in the session 44i the Public h('ho1)113oar(1 held stn M()ln(iay (••cuing last Were s'1llply: Per J.:::t•t1.tn• and \V. J, (':401 41g. that t r he 'e ,t.t a I1 0 1) Spicer t i 1 ill 'trough 1 ! 1• t, , I•elnorenewal,t. a ,., 4.. . l opted, and 111ta Village ('lerk. d :1y not itnetl to hold an elee•tiou la •' t, fill the vacancy forthwith, I.T Per , Senior and. 1( N. Rowe, the (lair and 11. 11081441 he n r.:elers Supply ('om- ntatee we' lt power. Fee 1(. N. Rowe and 11, 1111541>n, that 11 refund of the suer•('-sf'tl ea1it1idate:; entrance fees in the Lt ring Examination of 11497 be Made u) all applicants, on the eertiti- t:tte of 113, p1'incipal. a. Gam, See'y Ncw Additions, 1)u014 1 he past few weeks 3I1•, Israel `:mit h has added several net• and 111).t44 -)late nitlellilles to his already Well etiuipp_'d repair shop, making it now one of the best general repair shops is ,ill m West ) a 211 (14.1 r meet- ing 1 t 1 In ing this requirements111 every detail the various branches of the work in \v1ii(•11 he is engaged. The latest ad- ditions are a 501884» ' and shear sharpen- er, clipper grinder and at rllnehine for hollow grinding. razors: These are the very best that can be procured, which coupled with a practical) ex- p4;rience, enables Bila to turn out work second to none Any person having work in any of the above lines gleed have no hesitation in placing it in his care for execution. - Oystcr Supper. A pleasant time is anticipated by. the Royal Templars of Temperance on Monday evening., March Oth, for which the special eonnuittee are arranging an oyster supper • to be, held in'then hall. Emit member of the society is requested to bring one ter two visitors or friends, for whom he or she will pay 10c. each. We ask for as full attend- ance of members, Those whose ab- sence has been so noticeable during the winter season, and their zeal frozen, we invite you to oto revival service on the occasion •mentioned.. - Let us see whether your sympathies are for or against us. Come and spend a pleas- ant evening. A good program will be presented. EMM P1n HALE, Rec. Sec'y. . Death of Air . Pascoe. The following from a 1\•'ingham ex- change gives the particulars of Mrs. Pascoe's death:--Tlcis lady, wife of Rev. Dr: Pascoe, pastor of \Vingham Methodist church, died on Tuesday last aged O0. lleceased. was, taken i11 with la grippe about two weeks ago, and never recovered from its effects. She was a friendly, cheerful disposition, and her death came as a shock to the membership of the church. of which hex' bereaved husband is paster. Dx'. Pascoe has been ill for some time him- self, and the sympathy of his congre- gation will be accorded flim. in his great trial. , Rev. Dr. Pascoe and his wife have been residents of Wingham since July 1st, 1897, coming here from Essex Oolitic.. Deceased leaves one married daughter who lives in Hamil- ton, and her Life partner. �e tiDti7iaGol ati tYC4rIne Witia KAKKe ou 5 PERSONAL. 444 '6Jr;J'oGU2SJedSG'Qi:1 •KnisNA AI,hGdJ4eS;bb030N1 S Mr. N. B. Cobbledick spent Sunday in Lucan. Mr. R. H. Collins' condition remains unchanged. Mr. J. A. Stewart is in Toronto this week on business. Miss Dearing, of B:rucefield, spent Sunday in town. Mark 1Vlitchell spent 'Tuesday with friends in Crediton. Rev. Mr. Hobnes. of Mitchell, is vis= icing friends i u town. "Mrs. Joseph Hoagies .is Visiting Exeter."-•Lucai,u Sun. Mr. E. J. ee^epaclonan was in Toronto on business this week. Mr. T..Snell and wife, of Brucefiel(1; spent Sunday hi town. Miss Elliott of Mitchell, is visiting at Dr. D. A.- Anderson's. Miss 7-,(1n Levet( •spent ; ltl;.tlay with friends in Centralia. 3I1 amoral Could, Carling street, is l r seriouslyI w,1 t,cg,lkle, el .,• Miss Lala Bed llle tips(• visited friends m Ileus:a daring the week, 3trs 11. Bold, (41 Saginaw, is the guest of :ir+, Wei. 1)a'n1son, 3Ir, Jolut Stogc1:11 and wife spent Sunday whit frlentiS 1)1 ellt'orth. :11;1, (1. Cornell, of Parkhill, paid the town a flying visit, on Sunday last, 41r. and. Mr's.. Jos, Peart are bath chute ill and under the clot tox s cane, 111 flim )nd,, Harris, of Seafort'b, spent Suitt`,•; t%'1(i1 friends in town, • • Miss Ful11iue Howard left .11ol\day evening 1':', London to visit friends. • Mr. I nheia:u Butt•, of Clinton, spent. <r \\('(r evening witIlii••' ti • 1 tzl friends . here. 1 Mt. !.1° l.:alilport, c1' (,'•e(litotl, is the 4;m -" 1101 sister :1i... ('. Har - 110:1818;.' 1 r- neo-. ,1 31 4 4 • ler, (4f t411nt 1'4 rest, tiil(e t•e .4.d: flaky wit lis • 1•.:.4 Il:trt•tsn.>• hero. • Rev. ',A -41604411w :8 i11 ;1rk(0ia this \4 • i 11:: Wife being still very ill there. 111 - tlit;p;121s $14e11t Wednes- day 1,- - tri el11 last with friends in Ilellat9� 31t.,,• -i• • :iu(1 FI•alak Sn(ll •t ➢slay 1st with t'a'1,•1:a1s ill lie i 11r 1-1,1'4. , ill ltthc 1 tl(1-lot , ,1)4111: 1"4.4.,(4 ► ..... . ➢!, t41:. 1 t'1s'-4i ,'r141g their live, , . 1;(1 t} e hes started to I':trn .,sines wit1 ?;e„ ;'hes, Snell, .11r,1: Davidson, Of sag 111\:•,. 311eh„ t:=li➢➢ •11 few bis pa „ MI . \\ 114) has been 6'iSitillg 1 10 1'41, . ww'tl.= l+tit ti,•(1 Moltke • 1 W.:\. allot t,(lgaa: \v'(• t' (•011 1 ; he earlli\,:l heal 111 1le,1- sall 1:. .. : en 'tit?. • 31r. i'.• (4 1! vino 'has e()111I>le•t ed -his ttsi . •e -iii}s at the Times. (it:iee, leeft T!1. Condom. Miss= :ae •• 0. \1'1141 IUs-: hetet t .-.::• - ing tit i'.'11n•ite4l to 110'1118,0' in Friday lal81. 31r 1, 4 •t 4 \v?Fee has' .1),e'n of c)1 . , l ' 1144 i lig- le still wete ill and 1 41 ,4• ;,e4'i4 her ltrc;,• 3111•..44 11.1 ➢ 4;('11 Wit.: t ..kensel•..nss. 1y i11 ora ef. 4° of inf]auu0au'ia,. 81141 18 at p•.•1.. under 1110(1(e't(4* 14484'4•. 31i's. ( t ]e:•:I, of London, spent a few ti.. \ '. ith friends Irl('*' ' tlul ulr the wet h.: he guest of M1:,, A. Ford, Mi: s \t Al. of Z4r;d1, spent 5)441 • guest. Jessie clay h t.l t es (' ,.. t 1 et Hiss Cri'eeli. and 11•it for L4)11(14)11, 3I01141:1y, Mr:, 1 y tte} tot Brain l()ad \ , i•i t- t e'• • e 4,• town n ,v i l ft. li . ,.t the to o ;,1. z f her sister. 1i:. T. B. Carling' and ' 111 Kolar. Pi••lcai(1. Mrs.. Tlioutate Shipley, of (Hinton,' visited i'ri'•lids in town *fors8 few days during til" \''eek. the guest, of her sis- ter, 31r'.s. \\•ul. Ba\t•(len. -Miss .4eel ell, teachn'.. who lute been ofi' duty for t1' past few weeks, owing to 111nes-, ro..uuu'd her duties he the. Exeter publi(' school Monday. 3Tr. John Prior, who has been visit- ing his brother. Mr. 'I'11os. Prior, here, for the ilaast few month,. left Wednes- day to • itis 110111e in Hamilton, Dakota. 111'. end Mrs. 5lhte tt who have been visiting; friends in .1nc1 around It -.ter for the past few months. the guc••,t of Mr. and MOS. A.,. 1)ow, left 7'ue#Vary morning far their 110100 in noughts, 31448. It is e•nt•rently resorted that 31r. 71. S. Lang will shortly remove to Tor- onto, 118 \'ing i('0tn'e(1 a lucrative posi- tion wit h. Liudsity fi Son,appll' export- ers of Glasgow, Scotland, wit 11 head- quarters at Toronto. The ADVOCATE was favored. by a pleasant call on Monday- from lir. S. Grigg, who is bolding evangelistic meetings in Centralia this week, and the Rev. S. Salton, popular pastor of the Centralia church. 311•. ,James V esteott and wife, who have been spending the pastfewmonths with friends here returned to their home in 1)otiglas, Man., • "+•idly last, an•('olnpanieed by Mrs. . • -.• 'Mil- ler, who will visit thein a flew: „•• rials. 'p Wm. Dignan, of Exeter, h.ti•e• (•ne- ed a position as blacksmith \w :.;: D. 3IcLau't e aS: Son. " Billy will some- what sti•t'ugthen the lacrosse team of this town next snnu1101' as he has learned the tricks of the gang' in Exe- ter." -St. Marys Jeurlla I. Mx'. and Mrs. Al. Morgan ;mel Miss Eva S13e11. who have been visiting friend, hate for several weeks, .the finest of Mrs. Morgan's sister, Mrs. G. Bissett- lett \Vednesday morning for Huntsville, where they will visit prior to leaving for Winnipeg, Man. Varna.:' Mr. John Sparrow has pur- chased 311 .1.• Reid's bush fawn at a reasentlble figure. Cllr .: ell George Smith of the ma- chine room, in, had a finger cut off his left hat el by •t saw -on Thursday. Clrnf elt; . Mr. G. Rentgen Met with all aeel, (.-alt a few days ago by slipping and b1, aking his left leg at the ankle. Val t a : While Mr. Fred Purdy Was engaged sawing wood for Mr, b'. Keyes he accie:1 ntatlly cut his leg just above the knee. Clinton: Mrs. T. Lavas slipped at hex doorway and fell heavily thereby causint :t breakage to her right wrist, on Thr -day. Gr.ar . Bend: Amelia Maisonpatssed into the great beyond Friday. The• remain were buried in the cemetery here Sr.::day. A got a -good tenant• , and the funeral to pay their last tokens of respect: •Seafrn h: Mr. Robert Leatherland bas 1e t;: 11 his tine farm on the Kippen road, i' r..ith of Egrnondville„ to his• neighb Mr. McGavin... Mr:Leather- laincl has got a good tenant, and Mr. Gavin 1h81; secured a good farm. Varna: While Mr, Malcolm Mc- Naughton was drawing a load of wood along the Oh.- concession, the sleigh tipped, t f:owing h.irn with his side on a sharp •;ick. of wood, .which cansed sever c 1.,.;1 n and . possible internal in jury. Chntr n: Mr. Oliver Johnson receiv- ed a teleg tier Monday morning stat- ing that his brother-iu.iaw, Mr Wil- liam of Baden, had died sudden -x the evening • previous. The ease 18 an nusually• sad one Miss Mel - borne having (lied about a year ago, ki elvn ng• eight children.. . 1Go: d erieh: While playing ying hockey at the rink Satr ty, (Amster, son of i, Farrow, was hit in the face by a hoe - key 1t(.y Sti('l. The 111()\w cut 1115 upper lip open so badly that the doctor had to put in several stitches to close the ()lilltou: While 1) son of Rev. Mx: Millyard was go111g up the stairs 'to the hall, on Tuesday night, the party - in front of him slipped track\\yard and struck: young 3lillyard in the face with Iris head, bruising; his check and Miltc- On ; as painful wound, C . il)bert: 1St ". \• ' � I1 x ,Miles _ '\ ' o t \lc . I!1]at rl of , Tackerianitb, who Ovals recently united, N •;,; , s•�: in marriage to ;Hiss Mary, daughter of ' ill or two of the greatest Corset Bargains that we have ever offered, ... .. 13-10- CASH yP k 0 CASH OR PRODUCE ONE PRICE ONLY. \Vlu. Hastings, Esq., has purehascd Ow lettt'rs fine 130 net* homestead on the 01.11 and 7t1'. concessions of this township, It is one of the finest farms in llibbert. \Vingbent: The sad ' news of the death of (lutist:1net', the nine-year-old These two lines are i lire �c hit(' ail filled with the daughter of Mr. John Nicol, late' G.T.l ) 11. alg;eait\\ , n, received \3• in ton lion- celebrated) f .'atherboue4" which is ael(now1edro,'cd by experts (lay.The childhad been residing wait to be the best corset filler on the continent. hes grandpar'e'nts at Port Elgin since the deal It of Mrs Nichol, and had been \1'e haVe u St ten dozen of these two Imes to in delie•:tte health for some months past. l Offer at 7c. and 81.00. E);ruond'ille: ,After several years of Ill 440.41) 11, Mrs. William Yeo (1 ('(1 on Saturday evening last. Since Iu.)viug into t'1t• tillage from llibbert, sue \vas seldom able to leave her residence, arltd deal 3 n.ust lt:t\0 ('ogle tt) her as a f➢ i reat(!1 deliverer. She le t\esa family of qv:- •111ldr -u, three sons and. two (1440.!:,' Chi. on: 3)r. • john Wiseman hits .lt i .•el ) 1118 o1•k of t11('ichalndis(' :zOd 4'(' :ring front bllslate s i, lie Mals lAt ! et• t -ate11 upon plains for the fntto, ', filt4 t}tillk-4Ktt111eWhat of trying' Ile is the oldest resident or( Oa `11448 beetl1n business a n1t111- ha -1 ,f r, ors and is deservedly popular aiming his 4eilow (•1(1.7..44118. Fuller;ins Death bas ,again visited 11' and (',i)•3'.tecl off its its vielnu one of the 01(!4•st. residents of one community, Mrs. team. lI1t1't retie( of tike late ;111•. Jallues start. Demised 1)88 been a Ila - tient 5t)3]'4•i•e r for some time and p_ess- 4441 quietly away (414 Friday evening. She had reaeh4'1t the age 4)1 82 years. Two sons and thrt•e (Taught4•rs are left to mourn her toss. \Vingluuu1 311•. Charles Lloyd died •41 Isis lion1 ' \i'ellne..(Iay, , 311•. Lloyd had been :tiling for some 1line past With nel•\•011s prostration and added 10 this an attack of grippe. 1144 seemed to have got free- of the grip, but his weakened constitution e(n141 not with- stand the other disease at1141 1x44 passed away as stated shave, ti .. ,, . , ( e U , f lila. iia., • •W• ' .lathe "(a,: ry 1 111, wilt) has been 1) r0si1c•ut of Sraforth for several years, 104('41(114 removing book o his farm t 11. 44111 I Il \i'' 1 10Willett. tt 1 r\ 1.441 a '•a 1111. son, who ]las bell living 4)11 the fairlu since lie left 4, having bought a'farm near \Vingllaul, has removed to it, and 311. TyreOunl:; 1ecan-hl-lat\v, Air. Fair. service, has rent eel his farm, 31r Tyre - man retaining 11144 hoose and orc•hal•cl. W'inghaun: ft. is again our sack duty to record the dearth of one of our old- est r44siclent8, in the per.•on 1)i' Mary \\'itson, be'100ecl wife of 11r. Th0:.. Les- lie, whic•il sad event o:-In•red at the home of her son-in-law in Lis4owel tit Thursday. Deceased \4.4414 in her 7(11 h. year, and had been in failing health for some months past. She and her husband lead. been residing snore or less WWI their daughter hi Listowel since 1111 Leslie, disposed of his tailor- ing busilt(S`: here. Goderich: Tile untimely death of Augustus \V. (totaled!, eldest son of A. 13. Cornell, and one of the youngest business 11100 of this totivn, occurred on Saturday at the (early age of 32 3 oars. The young Ulan previous to returning to Goderieli about eighteen months ago, had spent seven years in British Columbiaa and California. \\ iliiein. the west his health became impaired and a few weeks ago he con- tracted a cold which settled on his lungs, with ac fatal result. }ie had only been 81111010(1 ten months and his young wife, with his parents and other relatives, has the sympathy of the en- tire community.. • Downie: On Sunday a widely known resident of St. Pants, in the person of William Aitcheson, passed away after an illness of about four months, during three weeks of which he was confined to his bed. The trouble appears to have been some- what complicated, one of the medical attendants attributing it to a cancer, and another to heart .disease. The deceased, who was in his-41th year, was a mason by trade, and owing to many genial qualities had a wide circle of friends who Will sincerely re- gret his early demise. A wife and seven childx'en survive. EXTENSION °V COSINESS. Having purchased the Exeter mill, we are now prepared to (10 general gristing and chopping Flour, Whulesale and Retail. ALL KINDS OF GRAIN BOUGHT. Grain delivered at first elevator paid for at Mill office. FLtOUR AND FEED delivered to all parts of town. free of charge 500 CORDS WOOD WANTED, (Hard or Soft.) COBBLEDICK & WILLIAMS. NEW * MEAT MARKETI The undersigned has op- pened up a new Meat Market. 1 DOOR SOUTH OF CARLINGS' STORE, where he will keep the choic- est of meats constantly on hand. John T. auk lug,. COMAIi+s UIC .- If yon want aerftect fitting, well moulded and effect - formed Corset at a n '( at bargain Remember. only one lot at this price, 75e, and Si.00, Do Jon want a bargain irks rt' bid y.„.Murk Pile. Coat or C'a x'. ft you, do niow's your ehaiire (1,s 011P'$ illu.'f !;t] out. ,J. A. STEWART. Stores close (4:30 )1.11l., except Wednesday and 58tur()83', C -••". •.'v1"7". 3'.,I'.`trt•''w.:sisiw,wi ....e.7777 -717. -7177711W7477.1= -4M SPffWtRESS STUFFS. taymoir S in Green. Fa.\\ -n and l3lue, ?" in 13111('1;, Navy, Brown, Fawns. P��,,.,y'� �, 1 II ;i11A1,E', it.l('t'tl'IC', LATNE.7TKSin Blank, Dome Blue, Pearl. R Me Green, Fawn. Blown. Navy. C vEr,a CLOTH in Fawn, Green. Grey. wigging in •hots, Blacks (plait & fan('yl, Cheeks. Cheviot:.Ottoman Cords, Pipe Colds, Forges, len- galire$,'Ei Andres, Cashmeres) Fancy and Plain Cream m tress Stuffs, . Oak' floods ai'e itp-lo-tlte-i'fr/le. and all ill,"/tr'e'liorl Of them will please, us. Waiter (;runt's Fast% Colored Prints E. J. SPACKMAN -4 -The Big Clothier. • mss. TAILORING CHEAP AND NOBBY. a�'2li� 'r111, " slang -dog lixrlr0.ssiou" looks of alae ready-made band-xne- d0wn " snit of clothes is (enough to disgust the Prince of Slovens - NO FIT, NO STYLE, NO GOOD. A tailor-made. Suit cit(', made and fitted to the contour of your Porta is certain to look right. AND ITATEAR Pits of mtuelnuely wh1('11 ne- c ur 'tcely fit withstand severe ser- vice, and pints that do not: fit wean' out quickest. Same \ri1.11 clothes. Choose your • elo(11 al.rtd we do tile rest. Prices small as stitches. ert. Knight., REMOVED . . To the Opposite side of the street, one door north of R. Pieka i'd's store, where no will keep a full selection of all kinds of Fresh and Salt Meat P'oultry and game e ' mi Zb. season, Sausage and Bologna. Also Dealer in Jill ides Sheen and Calf Akins. BEEF SOLD 'BY THE QUARTER. One door North of 3. Piokard's store. LOUIS DAY A STORE OF REPAIR POP. KNOWLEDGE ! We have one of the best t'(1111laped re- pair shops in • Ontax i0 an(1 'snake a specialty of repairing S149SEWINGp Cz �p L E a v - a9AHI!'1�y ES9 LAWK TOMS. In fact, anyt hung and everything. We re prepared to remodel. Bicycles, al.ncl Ido all kinds of x:'epair•ing on short notice ISRAEL SMITH. One door north of J. A. Stower:t's. SneU's COMMERCIAL L LIVERY. First-class Rigs and Horses Orders left at Hll wkshaw's Hotel, 'or at the Livery Stable, Christie's old Stab d will receive prompt --at- ! tendon. CURRENT TRATESalto wed for 'rnoney on Deposit Receipts. Savings 13ank at 8;. Te1Op110ne , nicitsONSzC.AALINO, N.]).11484005; Oonneotton i Solicitors. . Manager Yes, Webster's dictionary con- tains a store of knowledge, but yen may search it from start to finish, and it won't tell. you '• where you can buy cheap and the best furniture WE MAKE THAT EASY. 'We have everything yore need - from a hart peg to the largest piece of furnitw (, and best of it. 1s that prices are away down.. Undertaking a Specialty. -. R. N. ROWE, The M'rIsonS , ank. i Chartered by Parliament, ism.) Paid up Capital 12;000,000. Rest Fund.. , ' 1,500,000 iTaad offioo Montreal. F. WOLFERSTt THOMAS, Esq., - GENERAL MANAmett. Atone', advanced to good runners on their own notes with: ono or more endorsors at 9 per cent. leer ane nut. EXETER BRANCH -- Open Open every lawful day from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m; Saturdays 110 a.m. to 1 p.)1x, A genoralbankieg business transacted. Terms Reasonable •.