HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-3-2, Page 5TILE
.0.1);zeter Abriacate,
It published every Thursday tllorui,lg,
at the (mice,
-By the-,"<,•.,
Oue Dollar per a,ttllttul if paid in Advance
.6.1,.:30 ifrko1.so paid.
$0pz4perdisco nit tined uutilall arr a raga.
rice paid A.'ivertiserae±lta without *Teethe
d,ireetions will be p14)ltishe(# till forbid and,
siiargtalaeeor,lil 4.y. hiberat discount mode
dor trausei3ntats'ertisenlents iusertedt Cor
tong periods. Every deserLPtiou of .1()1''
Pf3IV1'LN4a t.:ruei out in the finer( style,
end alt t'retier-.4te rates Oliegites,rrioney ord-
e'rs..$yC.1) 4Irertisio ,-4.11bseriptinns.(ete to
Ire 4411440 144.4 t(hie to
O1,11S. H. Sanders,
ia1'(ut'es1'iv:to 1.,t 4"ai,•ds..
430. it iilti,ilA t, tx.I). . $ I>ii. A., R•
#`4 l'aINNS1 '4. 4.r 11. 4 17 D R.. Honer
gradriaAAtcg of `tarot to 17niversity.
:i 4411 14441 ,�•( S� � 7r�i�4.,
Teeth cx r 4..'r,-,1 volithRany pail), Or 1641 �'
Wel tli 401141. 1st F'anntltzls 131(iu'k. west
silo 51a s Street, Exeter -
P. "1l•rrl1 41 ..
d f ?in a zratir`".,..4.4+(:ftil7e Toros re Vni
ashy 141. # a 4,R 4.,l (4414•g(, tat 1)e0 i! gltrge4017,•
,)t (lata „t. I'd•4"1.',1 Meted tvi11441U# aatt'
;111 mn t of Ift. 1,try up to ,lar,,. (111ir•
over 1.1114o4 low 41111:07-0111ri1sit+
.'''€let 1,1
r.:. .1 . Tl,'1I.$'"4ti&T t.,Ay1')
,.11 "stets, s(pttl44 a, £44;411 04.
'41414.'10 E'$,7.p i ,44.440, it111141141g ytaiU 41
Dr, 1tnlitn,' ntli 4.4 '*It•In4' H^3 f',1r1 rr1v -nortl
ion. Or. A.411n,' otl,o(4, 4n,1ne bull lint ,nut'
door, May 1,t tsar
Y. A. 11,01114, 9, til. D. T. 4,A, Antn1. 1f I
t'. 'dr1..Al°4j €IIi1Y, 51ENT 11E11 (11+
1 F 'the f",ull3Msof PUY-141i41LS:411474,irai'n11-
Ontrri+t Pity ,4.414 1,`iorgoonand Aeooueh
ear- 11.1114 c4, 1> 1,11,.+1(1'1. ' tat
4114 "4(11j',, 4, 4 c+.,t',"4lwi.r. NoraARRI ] Pu'li.
+j 11^y(4•,t'rt. 4.4+ (,ii'a B4414k.1r,;4.1.4,r , 4,•.,
Macaw Tit Loan
g' jfi 431 c t x,1'40. ft Ott ri 1"
J1. *: 1.Y t•: a4. 1";4r 4'.„a.
x'•r Co, t,ol•,nt
'* x St (t q,.4. 41 i, 5 t a •is 1
4 17*, •, 4.4444' 41*144. 4't
i .,Il n 411 .14444 ,V 111 le' a
to 441x1 1,4 4.,, n
t. 'I.14.11..v
i 04.41,° e : ;811,1: f: \141 I'),•()
4.(.r re,.. .1,v^•4c r,. ,,4.•1 '11x4..'' t.
1.S •' t,, , .o , 1" 11" ltt 1l4Vi41�
,4"46.'++.) ort..
c , 4444 14 Met y..,1. Afar I
4.:a 1 l' et4" O1 P.•1014 44
4 -.c• iz;4 t4'1r,Jst
1 It.ty 4') .1 11,1 Porto.. 4.414
.1.:',t'.'. 1 44. •'.*$',4fhee."W'it,
4,.w.•. 4444 _: rx ;n.•
4,2,. 14.:111i4't'.
f,,.rar.44:•.`j ` abet.
., kam 111 141 pini i nn '4.",,0{• fie. ,00•.31'1
t1z = 1 .4444;( iul,y UIh d monthly by over
i);1tt441.v.t#f4, .67afe,efTeumnll L,t11e.iask
y }4t,irdruggist forCoors's Cottee goof Cole-
,i luu 'Like ton eater r as ail mixtures, pills and 4
:1141 1.7 1.44{ eian4wrous, 1 rico, N0. 1, aver er'
0.4 ?:4.'p :4 k,., , 4•:; .atronger,:F3 per box. fro. a 41
receipt of price and two a Bent 4'' 4.:4.2,•(•;4••
44.0 1 n4. ('tu11T 4 ornpa11y Wtmh:or, Ont. 4'41 4 -:• 11411• 111 .. 2.,
1 a.)m
14)'.,. )14.: Dru;,.�,8", in Canada. 4 ... in T,7,4 1 Z11•4'741.
. 1 ' II i 44.44 Eget, r 4 ;c .1. 0 4. 1 4 : a „ . , . 4 1
4 ... 442•
Uealthy 0
When Born
In Three Months Humor Spread
Over lois Forehead
into His Eyes and All Over His
Fitch ltchlri g, Rumble TO/1 e-
How 6t rrlc1*ti.
'When a child is cured of the iteliint,
torture and burning ,loll lllmatlon € :
eczema or salt rhetun it is 110. W4nde:
that words fail to express ss tlio joy c)
the grateful parents, and that the:
gladly tell in as stroll,!' terms IIS pos
sib14* the plain story of suffering re
lieved and health restored. Man:
testiwouials relate the V. < :t1erful suis
cess o4.: llootl"s. Sarsaparilla parilla in. suei
ca , even after 811 ot114'i• prescription
and t;ledi(•iues fail. €1;r►'4.t• is One:
"G. I. hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
"Deur Sirrrt---Oar boy _Harvey will r4'
member the good .floods S;`i...parills di4
him ss long as he lives, .Ile was a llcalti'
baby 1`beu be was born, but before 14
Tal#S t'1rroe menthe Old a bre::):ine; out c;.
pe .eel on both sides of his f,nee. Pbysi
elates did him little good and said hat is
bin strong constitution lie "ottid not hay,
lived through his arcadfni suffering. Ti;
humor spread over his forehead, into 111
eyes, and carne out O11 14111 lt^nds. it "We'
indeed pitiful to witness the poor child'.
Sufferings. It was very ,painful for btu
to erten or 5118t 1114 eyes, St141 WO had t(
t1 iii'; little hands to prev,' t hint frau
scratching the it'chin% burning skis'
My mother urged us to try llaad)s Sar
ayarl113. Wa did 1,o, and a short timc
after h: began to mire this medicine •442
Vam . 41°a'a1;23 for the i:.:.".•;t -. We con..
t141ue411441 11 we 1141; given 141m fico br)x
tie,, Atli then the c( 1 : -:a 1 a4.1 en2 rcl
114:'•1 4 re t, Aird be 118'1 ever .since Cct ,
ilii''' 1+• (sexed ('1 CXn; 41+:r.(li8I 4„!S('11
,1eflrings e:iiv:14^41 (*'. z tWO and 1
1..:''1,• n,
;;i::: 1.i -'24'4 #'(7.: 11:•11.:11nnd kne;<
•f,^1 e 4»,.".l 1'714 and :mow that
Ii'. ;* ,14' 1:.„-2!. Leis new
411.d hi::
i.�'- •• 1 .. :31a la .4714 -.7.4 (14. ..4.m
-.1711 al 1Il4t ' (e, 40- Priv:.
• 311 114 7''a 1.7'.
_r s .(1 ' 1 44244, 1 .! y t4:4;" t ../aide.
:441 . ti t•(d 11.! 1 (1'" 1 of II
4.y , I'. -2 . # ('1 124 (?4 , . 4.2:4'41.84„
f} 1'... 4...I. la'. 11''3 l.em'gi•1?a. i.
141 ! + 44 44 1 , . :! 441 1114111
4'i:..t4i t 32,3 3s- t...1:.(12.....7, -....f121141...
3',, r. :14.. 711147111;4,. 4 14•''-.4 rllt
1' 4• 4', tin, ea, :,:iii 14!P' :14•,
114'. V14834 4.:_8.,. 4L('
41.• 131.1+; a , 174•U: (4. 411 C3 \S1 1
17.'.3 11 : 447 :•i
,1...1 It .c;.4.. - „ 4;4.:• i -. 21 4,1
.shit la.
,4.4. 4. t
4444 4444 41):..•,.
. .411 :Fr: 1,, ,414'
! ,. n
.1 4 t 14.
`,€11411 ! =.1 `•.'if'+('1
illi 1 i as 4.4, .t 14. 111a11d'y
got 4,,,-11.2,.44114•14. t•.
Can. 23131.21, Co.,^'oronte.
. 344 txrinr: seeds
,I�• ((.('(t (1r1C 4.J CAfrra,v,+
1 14. e,PJ Immure the octet
(Y 411 44Ut1..1 wasted 141 interior
r -alri&yo largely exceeds the
0ririn111 co,t 1,.'F the beta weds to
be !Wit 2444,1lmet It;, always the
41 +. ,11•:1 Pay trifle nloro for
red ahvaya get your mnney'S
worth. Vivo cents por parer
'everywhere. Afwoy 1 t['
' 't tile? ):nnnai free.
;.5.1 342
7,- 611..44 en,71..41
Prisoner White Makes Another
Bolt at Galt on Monday,
The CIt44r„o Against 11410 13 That 4.:r
Robbed ;lis Ward of Over Si3,(400--
Is'videttee of !'rost•C44t4•ix•--C0440$el
Pleatie That Olrnoce Xs 'lot
Tboft :44441 #.144,4 for
Galt, Ont 'Feb 448. -Jana., White lop•
pear41(1 'before alaglstrate .1314111( y('eti 1 11,4.
afternoon to answer to the charge Of , l-
propriating ,'1,.tfit3.80 1141141 I.1 tin.;:: fur his
'Ward and uieee, hiss Lena I1:41'boal. W.
8; Turnbull app181:;'(i for :iii,; Il trb
and George :Keleher for white. The +4)2,1''•
1'00111 \V44S crowded, .,11.41 the /1",111041--32 ea'
tion of those present. 1ha'4 t t 1 I sial scent:
the fair plaintiff had. the y 4 1. a ()1
ti4(1'(1r.IWd. Tlu4 only eel/lone,. 414`.
that of Miss Ilarhuil, t11
who te4itltlt'tt that iii'' failties Lett
Barry 1116114011. died i11 fh ) I:at-V.4e 4444
(,.naris of over $:),000 in ('1I 4.z (1.,,',t'14,..1 ;44
the (iuve'rnment Savings1;.1.11•,'10,
The ('Sfx:(11,031l; 414L144ed lot 114,1tri 1
J.l1u..'s White mid 1):1{•141
paper produe41(1 in court 1 ,':4 (.5 n•
rts:4lxat, fort h(, �zp . itllr:4. -zl t} `y \V441 -'i' sof
*3.17:44 front the hank 1:1 `1 14.) li0 4 42114•
lllt•14 of 3187 1880. The Witt.(t.a 4.41 , 1.11:.4
W11111' y: i1-)1111111 V 11141 14141111'4•, 4111114 11441 11,
COW au fits' 414 She 11144.2Y, 114, neve t it}
!tor 1111' ltul(,y, r1. ...di 1414,' had, 4. ''1
him fur It, Z1i 44 t4.t.ebo3l 4."•O* Jri'•, .'.4.t,
against White at. t) +o1a(it* 11:111 t 1 i,-
108,841, - and WW1:i. 44 ry illen:'1' (4..t 11,81'
011148414111 114444 4441511114.•41 117 M.8;1 2..0
111411(1', 31141 (11;s118O'ved i(lr. 1'lol'l•l11r'.•1
01je4 -ion. Tilts testintony i x4. :p) IC salt,
b4. 414114;8 111 it. Whit -2s 44(ko.owl(tl,?4 ; /hat he
us.2.21. 411,5 1I44rhon a I' 0:14 y 144(1 i 14.
The 114is'71141'444.e44l1(1: 1 (1o1 € 11 1. 1-r41li'r
she. hut, the 041141) went 11.
►f4.. Kelleher, the pr 3. 4.( .' : •
hist 4#d€il44s; 44x141: "`141'.:•-
1f the Invert tatent € (1 +181434.', (4144' y, 44.
ill . i1,:1'lt•,;1110(1::1.1 1..,0.1• 1 4,11 1:11:1,•' .
;sit. 'l'11rnilull :4,...1 1 11 ro .)
eLt}mialf; that he had 4.)1011.,, 1 1H4,4e.:,
that White 114.1 drawn t'• fila
1)1#44. 311-.s liarb4nl 171::1 '; r.4•••3.4.7! i!•,
t-ulu "al ••14.'• laatl 1)1. az :4-' ,
Mr. 11'4,'144414'•d4.n 118141 it
the °r',a1111 that • i.:, t
1124 4 i'.'11471 1 1 '1 i1 4.s 4 1 1 4
%Yo al l i',.,: returned 14 18211 .1,i;;.,
the 111:, ,114t'ate eoiniaa1l'•4'4. 8:)81 4 4 44, ./-
14.1:, „1114' he' V411' 17:' 111•.'' 1,
jury. 12. ?1 • 1. 1'43 , .,
f4. .•41.
Ile v'V 11 4,4 1,,,.1. :18
113'."i . • 0'1.440 -
11,14/1.121144 .4 41• ('1U:' 84 : i', 4714
Witin.477 d 4i L 2 4414'. 1,41 1511 114
4144.4,1;,4 4 t 41 11?.
oy4'r (4 f4)t,i•f0 is a::14144 ( is • 1,'14. 11.4, ,,414:,
(.14111.1:41;1( 111, 4.1 :.:di•.; • 4111. Om 4,'0'.
While :t.,11-4 (''84;,,'41 147 (12,..11.. O. -
Po -well. lit ,11 pate 2. 148,7 ti: , t
had 111 11P t 1 11 " in ' 4 4 .
gone 1121,) i 4 .104'1+ . An additional 4.7
o. 1111 i v.:121111front 404 1 t .1
h € :1. 2.444- 1441:1 11,44'111:1', 4111.11.744. ,;;;;.„,„/
(41 1144'1'1.itl .:a.1 11.44 .11:t111..
4..12.5;141..y ., 14.et-
W('4t011, I1eb. .-8. '4 :4 ,471.3 7
1 t' . Cl l roe 141-1/4 4.P "I.. "V .:1 .. a,•
.1:14 4
11;11 448:) 4 • (44 .5,• 44.0,
1,._c 3."4.,,('11 .. �4: 44.44 r 4,•
1.i Y e ° 54 Y, 4..w s. 1..,
4', 1 112 1 i t ;.,.. ! 211(' Ila 1.4. : 4)
wa:i42.,c,:4 �)14 X1.1 i •
1;1 (71 .4:1,:a 1 1 1 lift. 1' ,.
24 'Tia- 114.4114.1..1:4., 11,.4444x44, t., 4 ,, 4444. 1
4'' 1 :at 4::. v,....t i:) , ...
14.) 1 .. -y t' h.; ,-'',. ...'Ci 31 44,
(. 44.:
L•. 4.t ,..1134'. 1 1 y': ars -.1
2 i 7 /. 1•-•
';l? 7 a.11;4.4
4.•44: ,t•' •.(E '(a . 4
pot- 1' ') i)
i1;11) (44 ti.rti-1'2' 8114I A1i11;811 1 . the',
S 471.E 111•.11' b7.4 lit 1 ,( 14 :.l 1 n4.
r1•1:• ) 4141 1.121.77.•,,-, 1'('P.. l' ' 4.11,1..
arrested at ('. ).' a'°..,1..1 41'1 14, (414..:'• , O
sf 4:4. lillg ,1 41111 II 1 1111 lil 11. 1
Ti)1'4)11to in (drug,.r4. 1 (1'tt'(+tiS(' .11t"-:::1-
)1:4nperor M'2211(?lik 01' .A.b ss211!:':•1 1111"'
captt>,'ecl 4.h" 11.bysailii'i,7 ('11 liar:.
i1Z 1'n'11Lscia, Governor 4)f the P414vinc:l
of .Tigre., \141.11) for some tin4,o had 313o 4'1-
tatim('41 axebellious attitude 444 ,, 1(lthr
Robert W. 311111;, of Paisley, v ho
wanted. ha Iowa on, - Ch1Ygl 13:` pass-
ing forged drafts, loft for that State
Friday incharge of the 4.12414oftletsr.4.7 311;.4
has fought against eta t1a:11ti44_a ,.(11' two
A little daughter of Mr. y.r. II. Cars
well, of Chatham, broke th'1().1gh the
ice while crossing the 1IV(-'T' 1141 1.'N and
81011.1(1 h tvc;1.)c 4.., (1„,own214i hut for the
courage of Miss 133:14 -4v133:14 -4v Kerr, I', {Plw went
out and saved the little 1;i141.
4.•''E) 1L 4.0 fSI 1 )
t 1
��. startling ( ' 1•
11 1) 1
1 74. 14,1 ( 1 �l
John Oliver 1. lt.'hilade1014441., y4. 41 tit'
Se:bject, is n1,.'). itet:1 4)'y 1)11111'4 fo11ows'.
111.8 414 in 1. 1113),{;cn)ltlitl()n:
My- '211174 was <"1a11.12:;t 7'0, 1.1)' ''7.411 ,34'1
ken; tongue coated, ') 1 1)11:< oP7tin1:d111
111 back and 4:;1 1'•4; 314 1'. ")1>4''1 -r1}. 41-
1Ily gr.o4.villi 'lVeak(7 3171;7 by clay.
Three phv"i(e3 4 )1 had. given iven 131)e• up,
For !'8(1.31411 V ,, 44'1('X111. • 4(lvis(11 i'71.ntr
Electric<44u111 ^x 4.21(1 4.0 31111: great .. jot,
11'111;1:1 rl01se, this lir4:71 bottle. mexIA p+.
decided lisue.,7)1(i41,:i44 1 `4•.1)111211 1(11
their 111;,,e 1'.141: )) , '<•:' ,1:,},:au41l 11,T0
.;L Wp.1x;11,. know111 ✓ 1,y
saved 7,1•
11E(I. n‘441 ,4,41)1r713. ,10 .r4;t4.;..'44(1 rtuother
v(t;;(3 N41 a1tr' 7,,!10f)1:1 fait 4741 14' 4' nein.
to a,aR
:•',322,-42. r1, botile, 4','('4.1,1 110tti4; go 11
4114",2.•.71, , L ,7. 11)1.1,4. ' 11(x'44.
(l 1,4 .1, ,.,, 5):S 1".0,'.1 5,; i
1,74• # l 4'. 44 4 ,
-- 11. .84.. .1u.. 44 ) 0.!
111:0 5,4) ,. i11 1.. .'1' 1" „1(f. :1.,i 4aI" ;i.
4,,"1244 4.1, •:l: , (24).181 (1.1 x1)1, ).5 1)4,5'.. 11.'
411 :1 lel 1 ,..,'1414:81 0: 1.,1. 4,44144, .47.
T:0111 4 11'e•It $ N111421 1 4 ;Hod,
.:34.4 231o., Feb. poli •
tot pj ; '42„427
1 4 ,. .111)1.),1 '41 . , y: .
01 :2; 4,310 1' )8r (. 1 I
Ten (') 4,4:1 1.;1(:011 1
1"1,E ( UI 41 i",': 111 111.' ..
..1100011, diet at t114, P.
1-) , :Waal , 11411V 1,.'11)4'1' 108944112)14
n ;341. 1i.,1t4 1:.,'14 4.1 441 ti:•.
csorry 4.i 1., 4:-12-2 4., 7•32 -44, . ` :4, 4.21.1�
thau 41.'21:1his 1211`):4 i:..
nor':44141(m Arra ,tt•,4 at '1. 144.:.4'-
v.1v.T., Fob. 28.--D. ``
/Lei, 111. 4.h0 <.:14441117'.' ...
t (' 1 , 144. at,
1• ( hat ) e it a i V days.) V
'V(U•. 1':,
4121'y,a. .4
4'41011 )1444, 114•.151 -:1
44, W1,••:1
_1 14 was 11',44101401 414411
14,..1 41, 1 1 , .1) :7' 1):131.1. t ht' (•11141' i
4 _' 11 e) ; ..
4.1) .,luiL, ro47, witse . hc+ ha.,w• • at;
4.1 , ro,. 1)a 411142net1 (4421140,4 u.aticl• i.:::
(„t+:44x110.41 ACt..
1. ' iii) 71'."11 aut.
13,,,,r,41., street 1::4i1V{^4ty 128.t". . ',ml Mubur"'
bora Liat•s frau/104i ("s• ¢ a11444.i4
11,01' do, Feb. ;s,-- 4.l, ,01111orci161
1 -.••1:1; afternoon sail: `1' " "wUit. stu-
pendous business (1('141 t t :, 414401y of
1h(• City ) 1 �� 11 �
u 11.i , WC/ 1 1 4'12'-+ of 1)('lb
11C al1(1 private 1n44.re:2t: o74 1 and hi
the 44111ol1111 of capital Inv 1' . , about
completed. 14 involve, 72/..",. 14,000.000
of ('apilrl. 13x14411: , it 1.4, 14' of the
entiI.e street 4:1111•-ai(1 .4{ 4. : .13uffale
t 1144(1 a nn!44b4'r of ?,nb(er1,4_4
lite /loaf ineltt41(., the ,) 44
folio;1'114.. (a),tlt,a.,lt s:
4.1'14f u 1 :1tilt+ "
1144f4.410. .. .
els , i 1.114 a.'0l111. 11x11. -
Ni8 :'2
I318 .1'S e 1.:144,” 11t- 11 1 •.
t 1,r . • 44..44 ,.,,ii 2 (', e,:
Tduvolve(t 1•s $'f481)'.
14.1.51!, :4111 . 4 ,.:".74-13••,1 •.-
Falls t.1••'.04-1 111. 842
the 1;1',,,1 4 :)1,4 & (,u. ;'n 4,i•:1.1
C(J#lln•! a1['.
This 81441,4'14.4'
bas}'. ilei to 41, 1.4.11:.
\4.1,4.' Rt :lit•) $ 4111(1 1'11
411 (1f OA' ini4.1'41;rs 44:1110 .
411411(1.,4 ':1 14111:14, oft,:' .:1.:.,
T11e €x4(',64 .tut#!u4. Ilii, 1.14.1 14 111 1148 I)aor
of Death tett Itht 4:4-(•oy: 1) 8111
1»s, (e 4.a' !"4110.t...
n•:1' l I"t'b, l i, ;L 4.4.,14
in IEt-i4. 14-1,1747-... • 1)44 4444'. n4`4• : h,a:'1i+1'4.
1818 11:4:5 1.) a, 111); 4 '::1,f of 1114
on -T. Sit:.. i'a''.,4,.
..'4:, :.1_ • . a drive
a4. :1 4.1 )4 i 1;1 1.4 4 IVIt11
41x1(1 1) of 5441 hirer. 11 'i:..: - =114 first;
#11144' 1:# 1..4 14' ti':44 i" .. 1''f:• the
b410,24(2 ,1"' 110' illi,':1441'1, 17.!: 4 • ('844.141-
('rI'•t :.,_ 1 zI1i11 4' o•):.1. , „ 1441011
her 1. a: ,441 4'4'1.11 '-4.'. .714404',
W4;s 4.4.14142114144414244•
I1:•. 4; 11 4.t • .t . " . 1114.;111
r ti;l ••_ 4, 4, . 4 4:.. 4 .tet,,. too1
sir „ 122, 71 74411 tsar liesi
},4 '•)": 4. _. - .-- t:4' 11(""4'4-,
rale it • • 1 7
1.2. :.s,:rt1 .1l'
311'. 1), ), s• 4 1 s :. }{ 4. 4
,4 remember
2 10321.,304 1.1'1 u
L a u r. S.4.
,! r1,
a strength must come from "1'1''•1.1:
m food Did you ever thi ..;. of
that I' - -
0 ' Perhaps your intxseles need
1.10373 strength, or yetr nerves;
0 o.. 's'=''aps your stoxrlach is
wsa1r. and cannot digest what
0 you oat.
iIt you .need more strength.a
then. take :
xi {
1,4. >.�
r(• 'x
a c.
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(4.a Gb'� irt"vJ_w1'
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p11c.1) 7.st4 s 11'114 011 1,:4 4.1:.
C' ,,i+ .:112,'%'o^ of 1 ll:_ .41 .8:-442
7 4v
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4.4„17"r-" -4..-ailcal a
:1 wo:r17,) 1.4.1-;('0 4,1, .21,
4"J 1-;4.,-p GI' 0-1'04 1..1...£311
mil 434/r all C,1 f7- r
•13weakw;p., Y1
1:4)4»=1 'of liv:.L,1,
roc .14421 414,44)all druzv •,
3114)'1'1^ St 110\1TNii,'Chea.':sta, To14.4'1ta:7,
0.4Pe'At1CoosiwCC)CS '?" s*t.4•,6CIil44,w,223.3443,1,,:r
Q`anglit-in ad Shoff. L11111 ;"1;111, i1'.W.TT., I' • b, 2;.-W1:i1e
Signs 1.i. Arm %Tong, 841) 11) 0n A. 4.&G
'4.1 'tail€4.l 1 f . ,14, was ( 4' 4(:• 1,2
4.'r ll11 1114' 1711814111 011 „i,n4':lay, be
caught halal of a, horizontal 4:41:aft, 111:
arm was ';'1)84111?(1 to;a• 171.11). knottier 1111411
1uta1 to torn Armstrong 114 tittles 1'011'11
1.110 sh3tffl 10 ,i-1, 1110 victim lots to. The.
141,11114 31:144 to 81 amputated at the shoulder.
Rai 70;40 Hen 1{i11(•0.
P1oi'ia, 111., 41 17.?5.- \ 4;'4 _2'11iyon and
Operator Wilton of the Peoria, 4.'4 a -.n t
Ilvansville 1441211roa(1 at 1414k.10(14V 4.71.
t11111, were killed 011 tllo 13x44'; Four 31' 411
Tion1u114 last 111 that. They til (.re rotund 1.g
h0413u from Tremont 011 a 1.1154 Ly {01001•
1)0(10 avid tho an 0X1.11, ran tllrin
(l0W11;, 12,1111i -43g 1)0(;h 3111i1'14.11444Liicly.
5111(44410 :64.' 1'lo1uu..
}aeeIn Fob. 4.3S-..--171 za ,It Gibson ,ship
c1.tp(s'lter, far many 1141)314 117 8141:811 441'
Spect-al. (•illu40 of thi4 1,'44 1 x414,1''400 1144,
fOr h( i
1 1)( i)k1, 11 1'440 f-.41..
4,u .1111 :: l ) 17 n, by',4.).) 1-21,4 1411 11 in
the h(44,1. , 1 144 1 4)101111l, ,•
o1L 4,.•:S (4.
4.'T..,., 1:1, 1 <)U .i' ,z, >. 44go. 1.
• .. I'
-3111(.1 1P0 ),,. 144 i.nii:g' S.y,.,e 41 G'It1•,.
No'2', "1 (1 ,. Fob. 41 )143
44,- '14. 44. throe
'(1.i;, t:17 +a 17 c..lilil:run 8:1.8'. 1.• 41 1.,1:4044 1+y
1177171 (144,•: 4 4. Long .,.1):'ti 1444, and 7:7,7;J
1)7;1 L, (4 1(4 411,4' o L 11114 /1.1
111,4. e 1.,,'('8'o1,1101)134. 1.111 L11111.1 1;.111):,'(15.
• r1, 41.7,72
hold -
"i 4 idly
i 8",1
' (1144
1. 14'.7(•44
11 4' ',•el e
01 484,
.4 '1 C:a1,•
•1144 :111•-
1• •1; 4.4 ,
)ar.14.1 Il 4•'
(Changed every Weduesdayr
Wbeat ('('1' bushel.. 68 to 70
1''lour per cwt :I. 85 to, tt.to
tat, r., x0 14)
fell 4)) to 1)(4
(3111.12 9•:. to 444
1f( fret 14 to 14
" r:1.e. 4444.. € .4
/ 410 & 1'
o 4,r Ea n .0
ay 14.r toin......g 4710to 47)40.
tiled Apples per lb 5
1,n,'l-n 7
(loose 4)
(l,ilelren .. , 4444 ... 4444. - - 5
Turkey 4444 .... ................. t)
40 to 4:1;
Cvery ,cough more
Jur throat mor e A aw
find irritable. Every
t ;1 ^'1 congests tholiniBg
i,.ed„ 'x' it.r_', of your Ian a..
Ct;;'.43e„earii , your throat
4-441 lungs in this way.
Put the parts at rest and
giir'e them a chance to
ilei l.. You will need some
help to do this, and you
will find it in
From the first dose the
quiet and rest begin: the
tickling in the throat
ceases; the spasm weak -
etas; the cough disap-
pears. Do not wait for
pneumonia and con-
sumption but cut short
you cold without delay.
13r. Ayer's Cherry Pec-
toral Plaster should be
over the lungs ofeveryper-
son troubled with a cough.
%V ' to to the Doctor.
u.uY npt:(rtanities and long ex -
ni!4 4'4 i 1.q uant)yr gqnalit' u1, -1',,r
V') 71)41 nu•1iic111..474•44.4:11 $'rIto
i ,: 414 t' a t 1Mi(!a1.tYa ill your 144,:0,.
If ;31)44(1 ('2441l71evee 11113
L r 411111 aur t'11.'4117l'vetoral. Tau
144(1 To,'et5c 14 yrtal'treply,zritlloul
447'.1 eso,8l,, J. C. ATlilR,
Lowell, Made,
4444 '.
1 1.:,,l
',1 1 • 4
d' 144.4 a (121:-'r 2:•
11'+:rr414 Feb. 111 41 7.,114) of in -
maid inri
n-CC11411411 ) 4.,, 44 in a 1"'1 4 covero: