HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-2-23, Page 7LOUBET WAS ELECTED President Of FranCe by a Very Large Majority on Saturday. CHOICE OF FRAN".;E ASSAILED. ltUotko;i arlA Um Enemies of loch itepubtiouniste-Twe Z) of "(MMus Work on ale street* ot tbot Gee capital -Troops Under Arms -lee Rioters Arrested. Paris, Feb. 20. -AL Lotthet, presideue of tbe notate and presiding offioer, arrived a; Versailles ia a carriage AO It) otslook a no on Scieurday. Friends sur- rounued bun when he entered tbe Oaflerj at Busts, axle be Bald: 'It you love me, I bow, you won't vote for me." The National Assembly met at 1 o'clock. M. Loubee (let:tared, the sitting open amid the upplauge ot the Leftists, duriug which M. Lanbet proceeded to -drew for tellers. The voting began with tbe letter "D." 1. Dansette, moderate RepubReam cast tbe fuse Patriots Stake Trouble. When til. Paul Deroulede, Organizer Of the League of Petriots, voted, be at- tempted M speak (rein the tribune, but Wt. Loubee teenier) him to do so. This eatled forth proteste from the Rightists au 4 aaplause from tbe Lettista, Derotalede, bowever, perstated in epeakiag Anti reed tite Inners and otbera who rushed up to expel biro from ' the tribune, which he iblaile left. Widit in tbe trthtuie L Derouleati el:muted: "The Pros -Went at ilia Repaint° ougbe eo be eletnedeby the people. I will not vete hero." 1. Drumoilt, anti-Senalte, also et - tempted. to speak and u great gorunietion foneverni. during which °ries of "Down 'With anamby!" were raised. IT IS NOT aniettletiS RODE. Tho Ballot COmpieunl. In the meantime the voting continned, Enatditioa Theft, will co hsearch 1 and at 2,40 p.m. the bailee wee taro- Jim. nee 600,000. pasted. the cheek:tug We% 111 pro-, Christa, Vela. 20 -The, reported ;$11S4 the members of the ciesembla left enema et tee etenee etAndrea awe eie *be hall and aesedublet it) the galleries, corapauloue on the coast or ziorthora corridone where they disouseed the Siberia seems, after all, t� be a canard. spondent of The Dane Mali describes the scenes at the Terseilles eleotion as a -1)=137 Brooa Fair. with a touch of tragedy tbethill, twigede of a bowie choice ruler ateeinpting to ignore hie own enpopularity and sirsillegly rettitn- leg thanks for oongratulatioas." maieve, " says the correspondent. "teat the riotous scouea in Parte are only a foretaste of what. is commie Last night the boulevarde wine hettlefieins, and where Wee a rOiCe t RIOMY the new President. To -day the mese is Un- commonly rancorena" 0.00 mindere arrested, awes, Feb. so,-ewatomither 100 arreant bave been matte M connection with the dis turbances. There is every sign of a campaign egaivet Inceeldeue Loubee, similar to that winch drove M. Casinair-Perier to re- sign.• Clearly La Petrie Frauctiie will leave no stone unturned to achieve thin einem its chief grouud, of objection be thee the President Was a Dreyfueerd. LIIPOWFANT EVENT ste eunLIN, rauirn...S4.1101111111 Dade a Doctor of nhilosnphy-.A Triumph. London, Feb. 20.-A deepatch th The Obeerver from Berlin says vba au event of epoebanaking importance in the ecadelnietal world took place in Berlin on Saturday. The Pressien. Oovernmene and. ehe Seeate or flirt Ithivereite Were ae lest given WAY to the importunity et intidents and on Satureltilf Frau- lea Nenumna was 'seen Otte Gera - /army lueorporated as Magleter Artntim Ltberalleire et Doctor Pbiloeophicte. The deau of the unlversity, in awarillpg the diploma, saki thee While the mast dignie figa positIon of a Woman Was thee at high prieetess tat bootie that natitiall did not exolutle bar from nartielnetirm in tile golentifie wort; of Men. Dr. Franlein NeuniettnIseliplerme Ware the flattering endorsemene "Cern Lamle." Sbe is 27 years of ago and bas studied at ineteltigen and Berilta her prinolpal branch beteg natural SOlelle0a* gamines of the election. 1 The FIntlish profeesor et the Christierna , hi. ideline 101304' announced that ho 1 University bis received a telegram Iron* tad voted for M. Loutiet. I a Wend In Krasnojersk, Nebo Faye thee The Progessuits insisted on eating (or after thoroughly invoulgeting the source N. Melilloalthough be had withdrawn„ of infornuttlen he le couvinced that there bis candidature in favor of M. Louben is no truth wbatever in be report& Tbe 'Which explains the vote cast tor bin. i Polar expedition of Prof. Idathorst, Whit The votes not glvm to x., Loubet or M. wiii go le geerch of the Andrea party lifeline were illegal between M. Cavaig- mtry In ;lune, meets with popular ap- Pao. General :FAUsaier and others, M. prove). Subleriptions are neuringiu from Melina received au ovation when he voted. all Parts of Nalatat and Sweden, and al. ready the amount coutributea exceeds The anklet count showed that 810 sou me. votee were east and that M. Leubet re- celved 483, bi. Melillo 274 aud time 50 s AL ntere swatered. coueratutations. The Present Premier lianilled a Pick After the announcement Of the Mutt mei sbovel bong Atm. XL Lellbet receive:1 big Weans In au ad- ttittoett Feb. 20.entont stuebutrt attling *mien, and he was tendered their • ai , lelantion of his 69tb birthday has re- coneratulat Irma The Premier, M. called at:nitrous stories ot his early stew Dupuy, then formally transferral the glee Most people have heard of his exeoutive power to nt. Lonbcia and con- /attbanerit exverinnees. no it 14 no nratulated him upau his election. generally !mown that he once handled a The President, In thanking M. nullity, pick and shovel at ,I3ent1ngo. A hovel is exprieeed the hope at haviug the support; pointed out as the reeicienee of the then ot tito Cabinet, and be asked Al. Duper Lord "Bob" tmell, at tbe thee he was a to retain the Premiership and the pres. red AMA gold-digger in 1852. ZiV8A DIGGER. 00.m.•••••••••. ont Cabinet. After the Senators an Deputies bad isbakon bands with tbe President, =on: - Denied by M. Ilupuy, he left the Paine° in a carriage, and be u o olook Vereaillea bad resumed its normal aspect. President Lan bet arrived Meer here from Versailles at 5.08 p.m., and WAS received with nein eery honors, Loubet's Career. Emile Lonbet, who until his election to tbe Presidency was tbe president of the /trench Sonata, was born at Marsanne on the 31st of December, 3$88, was educated no: the bar, anti began his prating:la at Montelimar. He entered pendent life In the general election of 1876, when he professed himself a Rerublierm, and op- posed to general and complete amnesty. Be was eleated by a great majority, and at otico associated 'emelt in the Ageism - lily with the Republican left. He was one of the Deputies who refused a vote of confidence to the Da Broglie Mlnisti7 in 1877. After baying been twice re -sleeted the Asethably, he became a candidate for the Senate, in big old department, .and was °looted in 1885. He became a member of the firth Tirard Ministry, which only survived for thicie months, bolding the position of Minister of Pub- lic 'Works When M. de Freyeinet de- clined to undertake the president)), of the Council, be was intrusted with the re. construction of tbe Ministry, and took ithe pcsition of Minister of the Interior, nrom winch M. Constans bad retired in 1892. ItIOTING IN FAUX& /President Loubetos Election Iteceived in Faris 'With Violent Demonstrations. As this despatoh was sent on Saturday •ovening anti-Loubet demonstrations were .00rnmenoing th the streets, and cries of "Down with the Panamaists!" were prominent. The agitaton was caused by 311M. Derouiede and Drument and their party. The authoritiee say meas - ewes have been taken to maintain order. • The Nationalists gathered about the statue of :loan of Aro, and M. Derou- lede made a fiery address to them. While r. Minevoye waved the tricolored flag above M. Deroulede, the latter barrangued the crowd. He said: "Listen, now, to what 1 was prevented from saying at the Versailles election. The President be- longs to the people. I rejoice at this Inanifestation, but to -day we cannot go the Elyse° and spit upon him whom we •have no wish to recognize as thief of :state. We must allow to rest in peace. • snob as it is, the man who is still lying here, tied return borne. But on Tburs- •4nay we shall not fail to attend the fun- eral ceremony. 'You will End among the followers of the coffin the judges of the :seminal section of the Court of Cessa- tion and the base Deputies who elected this Presilent whom we do notrecognize. You know your duty; deem with this irepublio and long live a republie of the neople." Troops /hider Arms. The Central Brigade, 5,000 strong, is an special duty, and the troops are still ender arms in the barraoks, but bands of brawlers are, bowever, suffered to march tbrongh the city sbonting "Down with Loubetl" and sinaleg Deroulede's Chau - /inlet gouge and breaking windows. Itoulevexcis Are Battlefields. g London, Feb. 20.-Tbe Parts °erre- COTTON worn:Run weLL Thiess Their Demand for Bore Wages Is Conceded. Manehester, Eng., Feb. 20. -The cot- ton operatives in South Lancashire have unanimoesly resolved to give a month's notice of their intention to go en strike unless an advance ot 75 in the pound in their compensation is conceded by the roasters. Eighty thousand persons are affected. FIGEIT AT Taint:swan:a Itussians and Chinese Bad a Serious Cori- nict-nongollans Whipped, Pekin, Feb. 2.-A serious conflict bas taken place between the Russians and Obinese at Talienwan, 800 of the latter being killed. It Is said to have originated In a question of taxes. Guadaloupe "‘Abandoncid." Manila, Feb. 20. -The California Vol- unteers abandoned Guadeloupe Church at 5 o'clock yesterday moreing,-which bas since been set op fire -and retired to San Pedro Macati. The rebels still bold the conutry In the vicinity of Guade- loupe, Pasig and Patera despite the efforts of the gunboats to dislodge them from the jungle on both sides ot the river, Tbe heat yesterday was intense and is increasing perceptibly. Under present conditions it is impossible to provide sbado for the troops in certain parts of the line, particularly IdaArthur's Divi- sion. King's Brigade is also exposed from San Pedro Mamie to Oulloull, where it joins Ovenshine's Brigade. BIG BLAZE AT ALMONTE. Furniture Warehouse of Mr. John Donaldson Completely Destroyed. Almonte, Ont., Feb. 20, -.At 8.50 p.m, Saturday the fire alarm sounded fon a fire white, originated in a thremstorey frame building owned by Thomas Wbite, and occupied by John Donaldson as a rola!) furniture warebouse and undertak- ing establisinnent, which was tilled from floor to garret with furniture, mattresses and coffins. The building and stook are a total loss. • White's loss on building $1,500, no insurance; Donaldson's 10SS On stook 86,000, insured tor $8,000 in the 'Porth Mutual. The plate glass windows in the stores across the street and nearly every window in the postoffioe on the west side were destroyed by the • intense heat. Stan Billed at Waterloo. Waterloo, Ont., Feb. 20. -On Saturday at Huothees Lion Brewery Dan, Kalb. fleisch, William Hoffman and tvvo Oben wake at work sbovelling malt on tbe sec- ond floor, when the floor euridenly gave away at the south end with a mighty • crest, and went throa,gb the first ilat to the cellar burying the two mentioned under four or five feet of malt. Hoffman was lucky enough to escape with his life, but Kalialelsoli was unable to extricaue • bimeelf, lite being extinct vehen assist- • awe arrived a few' minutes later. He leaves a widow and a family of five l'oung children. ON THE POINT OF BREAKING UP. Canadian Commissioners Firmiy .LIonoiding Dominion Bights. THE ALASKAN BOUNDARIES 'The Great Point at Issue -Canadian Situ*. ciao Impregliablo Atuerican own, missioners Wish Certain Forts Ile. • clured Indisputably 'Theirs aud Witiiiield Front arlettretIon neelitia ;It Ottawa. Washington, Fob.eatter the, meet - lug of the oommissieners on Saturday the story in geperal circulation was that the, , Wha Oil the point et breaking up because of disagreement on the bouu. dare question. It is /let improbable tbat thla result may take place, but it is felt that the position taken by the Canadian .1 commissioners is so fair And reasenable that it must preeell, wbeeber at OW flOn. forence or ire The future. .At all ertenta. certelle ebat they Will not rageds from it nlie uegotletlene tor a 00113prIll. Mise baying retlea, the canuillans offer to arbitrate tbe question of the beutidery, but only on conclielen that the wholg questiou of the ownereblp et the ebonite ' and ports attlie Lelia Canal he submit- ted to the arbitraters. Tiler° ie. a difference ot oplienni ant to One composition of tbe Arbitration tribut nal, but the math diiRculte is the amene et tbe American commiselonere to reserve certain queitiona and to bay° certain Perta ileolered, to be indisputable Aneerit min and withheld faun the arbitration. The Valladtans will tangent to nothing lees tban the arbitration of tbe whole qacst:on. They feel tbe gemoet coofidence in the eghtfulneee of their poetical, and therefore are not colxioue itaeett she URA aftaira men take. NEWS IN A NUTS,11S1.1.. Tbe reindeer herd which lett the coast Ip May last reaobed Dawson in Janue iiry. There are 125 in the tend, It le animated that 9.800 neoPle have been thrown out ot employment in New yerk by the present coal famine. G. B. Bradley, obief of the Han- sard staff of the Oarattlian House of Com- mons, flied, at Buffalo Oa Slintley la,St. Jelin Hopkins, a Nova Scotia convict, was Nand dead, in hie cell in the Peni- tentiary at Darchester, N.B., on Friday. John W. Keller. the New York corn - =testator of °beetles, relieved 1,300 failillita on Thursdai who were thrown Into immediate want by the storm. The British Columbia Legislature hal just elected a mat: who was until recent- ly a coal unner to be OS pelt Speaker. Re is Monies Itorster, a Northumbrian by birth. A bill has been introducer* in •the Le:081001;re at Albauy, N.Y., time per - !nits the legal smashing up ot slot machines used for gambling purposes, whenever they are seized by the police. Reperte tram Sofia state that the banal of the bafent Princess Natle,slida, the fourth ebild or Prince Ferdinand and Princes Marie Loins& who dna the 4a7 after the thin was born, is excellent. Itis likely that a proposittoo from the Wilted CalleltUall and American telegraph cenipeities wiU be before Pertienient no Meal to constreet a 1.300 -mile vi line from Quesnelle and Deant City, The glieelea euoh et London has granted an order in the Druce case whitat metes time the yeah Callnet be OPetted without the srmetion et tbe Secretary of Steto, 'mimeo attitude lo the cutestioa 15 net nuowe. Jahr) Harrhien, Ole Grand Teeple brakeman wile bad his lege terribly' crashed by a train at NOWeastaa on Tiat noan EtiQd (tom tboer of bis injuries In St. Mlehaeln Begotten, Trento, on Friday. Steamer Amur brought the news to Vieteria, B.C., of the discovery of a Ilia Feeling at ()tome. Ottavve, Feb. 2(1.-40 ie belief/en that the vlale at Hon. Messrs. Sift= and Fielding to Weehington at tee theta. ; tion ot Sir Wilted Laurier, Intlicatels catgut In the negotiations. The Canadian Commissioners, before presenting an ultimatum to the Aniericaua desire te center svith ellen colleagues, not only to base the benetit at their advice, but to athertain more tulle the opinion et the :members of the novernment at Ottawa, be eon of recent developments. Tho Imperial Government has brought strong pretsure to boar to avert a suspen. son of the conference without: an agree- ment upon a treaty, and it is not im- probable that a ruoilifiration of goine of' Canada's demands has been saggeateda in the interest of inlernatirmal eomity. Messrs. Fielding and :Afton will doubt- less represent the inadvisability ot agree-, lug to concessions, (Well at the request of, tho British Cievernment, that might inn valve too great a stiorilice, and 'Will point' out that swill a coutse might have an in- jurieue effect upen the bappy relations now existing between Cariela and the mother land. The feeling in Canada seams to be universal that It the Ameri- cans perelst in their unreesonable de- mands Canada ean gat along without a. treaty, however anxious she Is to proracite ft-lawn:tap betweeu Great Britain and the United ntates. Gila): IS IlEAD. Bomber for Loris it Pineed Away Aftin• a.Long Quebec, Fob. 20. -De, Quay, binP. for Levis, Wed last Ingle; at the Hotel Dion, after a prolonged illness. n Dr. Pierre nialoolut Guay's Ancestors C111110 from Saint Onge, France, and were among the Arse settlers of Pointe Levis. Be was the son of Francois Xavier Gutty, by the late Marie Aeoiaide Cote; was born at St. Romnald d'Etchetnin, blareh 25, 1848; educated at the Quebec: Seminary and at Laval University, ether° he graduated A.13. In 1868 and M.D. in 1872. On May 12, 1874, he married Marie Louise Aptoinette, dauglitor of T. E. Roy, formerly sergeant atarins ot the Quebee Legislative Connell. lame. Guay 3, dial May 24, 1892, Dr. Guay was a gov- !. ether of the Quebec College of Pbenicians • and Surgeons, and served as a councillor mid mayor of St. Bornuald d'Etthemin. He was Met returned to Parliament in 1886 at a bye -election, and was re-elected In 1667, 1891 and 1896. ID polities he was a Liberal. LEGISLATION AGAINST JAPS. British Columbia Legislature Declines to Make a Change. Viotoria, B.O., Fob. 20. -The Minister of :thstioe at Ottawa requested tbe Brit- ish Columbia Government several days ago to say whether they would modify recent legislation in the caret:eon desired by the Imperial Government in respect to the Japanese. Tbe British Columbia Government bas prepared an answer to the Minister, deciluiug to take any action. •Mr. Cotter, the Flnance Minister ot the Britith Columbia Rouse, brought down the returns of, tbe correspondence •between the two Governments. The esti- roates fir the year were also presented on Saturday. FL53IES 00111 spiticaDING. Port wasilluetom witietiesim in Process of Being Swept by Fire. Port Washington, Wis., Feb. 20. -Fire, Which started at 9.80 o'clock last night in the large plant ot the Wisconsin Chair Company, tbreateus to destroy the whole town. Help was summoned from Mil- waukee and Cheboygan, • At 11.80 the them factory was a total loss. 'This plant alone was valued at $80,000. aid em- ploys 600 hands. A large lumber yard adjoins the plant and the flames are spreading with great rapidity. A second engine started from Milwaukee at 11.30 o'clock. Frisco's Bike ILace 11108h -ed. San Francisco, Feb. 20. -The six days' race was ended at 10,15 last night, 30 minutes ahead of time. At the end cc the 143rd hour at 9 54, all the Mere retiree for a few miuutes and returned long enough only to utak° a showing. Tbe final was as follows: Miner 2192 miles; Am:envie, 2146; Fredericks • 2090, Hale 2002, •Gene) 2060, Matra '2012; Alberts 1828 2; Banutbe, 1792, 7; Pakengton 1729, LeWson VAG, 4; Indus WI, 4; Aahriegar MOO. 6. 7 , wno Wei on the steamer en route to Ottawa to apple for a grant. The mine is nine le' from D w o Ithe ateamer Lake Superior, teeth has been in quarantine with 2,000 Dookho- bare for the past three weeks at Halifax, sailed on Friday afternoon f•ar St. Jelin ninon+ ber passengers will ba landed and despatched to tbe wen 1 he scimme for a clirelit cable beevreen Gernierly and the United States is Maxie pushed. Maw? prominent Germane are lamented in tbe projeon and capitalists , in Cologne are organizing a company to ; lay the cable, with a capitel of 20,000,000 marks. MaJor-aeneral Hutton, le the genera order issued on Friday, Metes It to be ble opinion that it is essential that all , officers who now hole or aspire to hold In the future retponsible positions in tbe OMIT should he able to convey their in- struetions to the French-Canadian troops In their own language, The 0N.W. sent out a despatch from nintalsor on Feb, 13, stating that a peti. tion wus baing sIgooSfar tho releaseOf Sit:helm Bots of Walkerville, wile was sentenced last September to In months ' nett.; Central tor embezzlIng $900 from 1.Valker at Sons, It was stated that his Maine had been in destitute circum- stances since his thearceration, Mrs. Batt emphatically denies that ber busband's family are in destitute airourostalices, The German newspapers take exception In their discussion of the Samoan ques- tion to the Attlee and statements of the totter of Chief Justice 'William L. Cham- bers of the Soprani° Court of Samoa, to Ms brother 1» ..tew York. ay deuounao the letter as "'wee! Mint {thief justice Chem:berg is at the bottom of the present trouble," deelaring him guilty Of wilful misrepresentation, aud of showing bis real aniusous in the phrase, "Germany roust be removed from Samoa." NON-COMBATANTS FLITTING. affairs iu the Pliikppines-The tr. S. Will Extend Its Jurisdiction. Manila, Feb. 18. -Mr. O. F. 'Williams, the former U,S. consul here, is in rece.et of an application from a member of the rebel Congress at Malolos for a pass to enable his family, consisting of 12 per- sons, 'who are desirous of taning refuge in Manila, to enter the American line. This Is regarded as significant. Most of the intelligent mails realize that their families are only safe inside the territory controlled by the Americans. Except for a few shots fired at a small body of rebele who were attempting to destroy the ralirond bridge near Cali:moan, all was quiet along the line last night. win nxteutt Jurisdiction. Washington, Feb. 17. -The Adminis- tration has determined rapidly to extend the jurisdiction of the 'United State g over the whole of the Philippine group. Czar Called on D. Schenck. Vienna., Feb. 18. --The latest inquirer into the secret of sex discovery of Dr. Schenck is no less distinguithed a per- sonage than the Czar of Russla. There is at present great stir in the Imperial household of St. Petersburg, in anticipation of a probable heir to the throne, who is expected to make hie ap- pearance some time in May.' The Czar bas expressed the hope that his next child sball be a boy, and for this purpose be has consulted Dr. Schenck lately. Both of the children of the Czar are girls. Volunteers in Trouble. Kingston, Ont., Feb. 18., -Eleven vol. unteers of No. 2 Company, 710 Battalion, quit Fort Henry yesterday morning. They Maim they were not properly clothed, fed and quartered. They went to bed hungry and spentsleepless nightil trying to keep warm. The men belong to Kingston. though joining the Sydenham Company. Tbey sap they were eau sworn In and had not signed the roll They will likely be courtnuartialed. Duels Are Always Dangerous, Youngstown, Ohio, Fob. 18.-A bur- lesnuo duel almost proved fatal at the Waite Opera Company's • "Said Pasha" matinee yesterday. Wander Anisden fired at Frank Wooley at Moots ranee. The wad from the cartridge piereed wooley's left breast. He dropoed unconeolous. Is Is it serious women but not fatal. 81150.000 for Kitchener. London, Feb. 18. -The Chancellor of tbe E'er:to:quer, Sir Mithael Hicks -Beath, announced in the Commons yesterday that the House would be asked to vote ei 60,000 tor Gen. Lord Kitchener of Khartoum, wbioh sum would probably he invested for hie bonen& WAS HIS FRIEND, TOO. Touching iooldei, Sn C0141leetiOn Allk the QaMM's Gift of a Cahlii r.. the Rest." * Miss Weeton, who is "Well known tot her werk among eallora in England, bas just bad an interview with the Queen at Windsor, who is keenly interested in her lebore Her Majesty receetly gliVe a ettabin" to the "Sailors' Rest" at Doyen - and miss Weston related to the Quem at; instance of a siek sai-or, wbo, after baying been placed le the thbin. asked it the careen really gave the cabin cue of her private pocket. When told it was true, the sailor said: "I vapid nee have believed it unless I badmen it. Sim has been nly Queen always. Now she is my friend.' Mie Weston says tbe Queen wept on bearing this simple stery. Tim Unexpected Remark. No well-tralned adultenind ever thinks ot the things that children will say, and the tunexpeeted" from them is always held In dread expecniumf. A fresh ex- ample was afforded the other evenlog in a family on Adelaide street. Tbere was company for dinner and the Matter iz front of the host contained a line roast of beef. Ho drew the thane carving taint aorosi the ringing steel for a few times ease becanse teat in a way i :servers have, drove the fork deep Intel e steaming beer, dosorUed a soalpxng. knife flourish in the air and grecefeliy began operations. Two Woe marbleized slices clear aortae the reset resulted and be was turning oft the third when the blade etru.ak a slower, ramie a sliding - upward motion and came out at the top with a result that the proposed slice look- ed like a frost nitten leaf curled by the Sun. The DMA Wield 005 Ran inteunn Thinge in the presence/ ot bis guests, but it nom bis e vi a 00 grim joke about the indigestibility of roasted hardwood, inquired whether the, butcher oleo ran a woodyard, dug the' saewer out vlolously and ordered lIttiel whe bad made several attempta, to tell gonstething, to imag still or leave the table. Idle andeut temper led to en: embarrassingsilence and little Willie, law an Opening that be (mule not reelsal "Cook has burnt ber nose areal," bei announced. ne-mETALLIset TUE eSSUR. "Too bad," said the father. whose • QUEBEC'S SOCIAL SCANDAL. Dean Norman Deslgus ()dices and Emote..., meets and Leaves the City Duder a Ciond. Qnebee, -Feb. 20. - (Toronto Globe" Correspondence.)-Tbe authorities here) can no longer *mecca' the details of eb• greatest social scamiel that Quebec hew ever known, sinister rumors respookinig whieh beve been iu eircuiatiou for severai. days past. From a high publio function- ary last night I learnedthe following facto. witioh will be made public here to -day or Tuesday in an °Bleat manner: The Very , Rev, Itr, Norman, Dean of the Catbetiralt Chapter arm Rector of Quebec, bas re, signed all his offices apd entelumenre a$ the instant demand of Hie Lordship Bishop Dune) and has hurriedly left thee city under Woad. He is supposed ten kayo gone to Toronto, and denies any wrongdoing. Tbe expose arises out of a seneational murder case, the victim or wbub, cioorge Pepin, died in tbe Retatt Dieu Hospital yesterday. Pepin was a, youth of Rd, employed in a tannery, wbo' was shot by one John Dixon last Sunder' afternoon while tbe letter was aiming illto • acuogrnupaaynio,nraonf;ulizieysobuaradspereradkezeinatnonaairigiedri of ill -repute who was driving viler Dixon, and hence the ehooting. Whea, Dixon and a companion of his nem** O'Brien were arreeted over $2,000 Wiwi found so their poseeesion. Asked by thtt detectivewawa they got it, they de- clared Dean Norman bad glean It to. ablifliluel ma so rbeu the sing efT, "ibaenlide ascilv awl:aasi ler:knows- to and Admitted time be bad paid thin boys 16,00, but denied any wrongdoing. When the matter was eaperted at thee Biellou he decffined to boar any explana- tion et tbe stery beyond elm admiesion the payment of the mousy, anti tha easignation eves promptly givep and age :semen. The inquest on tbe body of Om murdered luau goal 00th day, and Judge. Cbauveau will subsequently continue the- inveetigation into the eirouineteuces con- neeted with tbe aequiring of tbe monap from Dean Norruee. Tbe Dean is 76 years ot age and unrcarrie e was formerly canon of Chile; Church Cathie - Oral, Montreal. Be was born in England, and ie a fellow ot Exeter College, Oxford. good humor was coming tarok. "Howl did she do it?" "Tryit' ter Pull them skewers out Ni X. Jones, chairman of the Democratie animal comitilttee, is not in acoorn With Mr. ()roller of New York and Ain Wail of Wisconsion, regarding the para. minuet issue in tho next Preeddentlall campaign. He said on Saturday: "To say that the next Democratic" liattonal eouvention will rteatfiern ths. position taken by tbe convention of 189fe is to assert setae every candid man, even elightly familiar with existing facta. knoWe to be true, It is as certain as tiny- tblng human cau be that tbe question or bimetallism svill be the leedisig Woo the Ilia campaign nexe year." Dentocretie Chairman -genes says Thaw. win Re the QueStion. Washington, Feb. 20. -Senator names Sydney Smith's Jokes, Sydney Smith was very happy in him %Mita life, and bis children caufthe his' spirit of delight over comizon things.1 They loved animals and spent long houre in training them. One little beast, a' baby donkey, became under their tuition perhaps the most accomplished Of hie Specie: aud unconsolously gave rise to a quatrula whigh now belongs to the fame of a.ydney Smith. The donkey was a well educated °hap. Re would 'walk upstairs, fellow the family in their rembles Ake it dog end when they entered his meadow run to meat them with ore down and tail erect, brtying joyously. One day, when Dilly's head wag. ernivuea with timers and be was beteg' trained with a bainikerchief for it bridle, Mr. Jeffrey uneepeetecily arrived. He lathed in the sport and to zhe White delight mounted Billy. Time be was proceeding In tritimphi when Sydney Smith and his wife, with three friends, returned from a walk until toot in tbe festal scene. Tbe great man! advanced, with extended bande, and; greeted his old friend in an impromptu, whlab bus become familiar to the read- ing world; . 'Witty as Bowies Pint:out, AS gnat a Jacobin as Gram:bus, Short, thengh not as fet as Baochua tented, on a little jean:mg! 1 1 What a man gives out, not what he; keeps, determines big appearance in the eyes of the world. 13eanty, brightness. color, consist not in what a thing keeps, but what it gives one. A well-known law of optics teaches us that a tbing is seen, not 10 the color which, it takes in and keeps, but in that color which it gives baok again. The tning that we call red is the one which is, in one sense, blue; that is, it takes in the blue eve and keeps them for itself, but gives back the red ones in color. God bas kent all the green rays and gives baok the yellow ones, so we think it is yellow. The object mina we call black takes in everyray of light and keeps them for itself, and we bale) strikingly enough seen In it tbe symbol of all evil. The object which We call white keeps nothing of the Aim rays but gives them all out again, and we have seen in it the symbol of all good. So a man is seen and known, not by what he receives and keeps for himself, but for what be gives forth to others. The rich man viho keeps everything for himself is seen and known to be a poor, mean man. The wise man whey holds haughtily his learning to himself Will, in the judgment of men, be very apt to seem a proud fool, As titliers see its. The Raiser as a Humorist. We went up to the Kiel Yacht Club to SOS the presentation of prize's by His Majesty. He was in particularly jolly bunter, and his spec:Mies of presentation were most happily spoken. One prize winner, a little German officer, fully realized the import:row of the occasion and was the more easily embarrassed when with cap in oue baud and award in the other he stood ready to receive his prize -a pair of large vases. At the close of the Kaiser's speech he handed the vases to the little officer, who hurriedly put cap under one arm, sword under the other and rucelved them, whereupon tbe Kaiser insisted upon ebairiug hands in congratulation, reueb to the embarrassineut, chagrin and blies of the winner and the shoutg of laughter • from every one else, led by His Majesty. The next winner was • given a liquor sot and received orders not to dritikefrom all 12 glasses alone -Outing. Ear* y illaturtog• .atotpi, Young pork is always best, as weal as the most easily pi:ethical. Unless tbe animal is 'wanted as a breeder It is not temally kept until a year old. The breeds than mature early will make more pork at loss cost at six to eight months old than will those that keep on growing two or three years and attain very heavy weights, But it is still better to keep tbe breeeling sow of some ot the ouarse, large -boned hogs and then growlitters of pigs from her wben mated with some of the small breeds that mature gerilest, The half-breeds will make more pork than will the thoroughbred& MARKET REPORTS. Wheat Continued Beim on eaturder elan There Were Further Fractional De- idines itt eine:ego end Liverpool. Liverpool, Feb. 20. -Wheat futures were wean. on Saturday and elosed dell at 11-85 per cental below Friday's Dual figures. Chicago, Feb. 20. -The lower cables. gelling by foreigners and lack of crop damage news kept this wheat market on the delve grade again on Saturday. Thera was a partial recovery towards the Mose from the low point, but the final ligtites 'were 3.40 to tele per buttal beneath thosa at Friday. Lenaing Wheat markets. Cash. Feb. May. July; Chicago. - 124 $ 70% New Yorke.. - 76% 75 M ilweakee 72 - 513. Louis ... 73 73 74% 60 Toledo 72% - 75 72 Detroit 73 -• 7634 mg Duluth, No. 1 Northernam 6034 71% 1174, Duluth, No.1 bard. • 70% - - Minneapolis. - 693 7034 70%. Toronto, red. 69 - - - Toronto, No. 1 bard (new) 82 - - Toronto St. Lawrence Market. GRAIN. Wbeat, white, bu.......$0 78eato$0 74 Wheat, red, bu . , 7334 Wheat, Fife, spring, bu.. 7134 72 Wheat, goose, Mt._ 70% Eye, ou 5334 54 Oats, bu 84 35 Buckwheat. bu . 52 Barley, bu ... 47 49 Peas, ba 64) 66 StRDS• Red clover, Isti 83 40 to $3 90 White clover, seed, ha, 6 00 9 00 Aisike, chola: to fancy. 8 80 4 20 Aisike, aood, No. 2 3 50 8 64 Aldine, good. No. 3 00 8 40 Timothy, bu 1 20 1 35 Beans, wbite, bu. 80 90 RAY AND STRAW. Hay, timothy, per ton. .88 00 to 19 Hay, clover, per ton_ 6 00 7 Straw, sheaf, per ton0 00 7 Straw, loose), per ton_ 4 00 6 DAIRY PRODUCTS. Butter, lb. roils. $0 16 to SO 21 Butter, large rolls 18 116. Eggs, now laid..... 20 26 POULTRY. Chickens, per pair 80 40 to SO 80 Turkeys, per lb • 11 12)n Spring ducks, per pair60 66 Geese, per lb. ----------7 • 9 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Apples, per bbi .. . . . . $2 60 to a3 50 Potatoes, per bag • 66 • 76 Reat Inaffek. cattle Market. 00 30 00 00 Cattle, choice to extra..e5 Cattle, good to choice... 4 Calves._ .. „ .. .... Sheep, choice to extra.. 4 Sheep, good to choice._ 4 Lambs, choice to extra., 4 Lambs. good to choice.. 4 Rogan:I:Ater(' and heavy 4 Bogs, Yorkers 8 Pigs- ....... • 2 25 to $5 75 50 600 00 750 25 4 50 00 425 90 600 76 400 10 411 90 805 50 $90 Liverpool Markets. Liverpool, Feb. 20, -On Saturday the final floras were: Suet wheat steadyt No 1 Northern, Is futures, rat wints*, ta 7-85 for March and 5e 7 Msd for May. Dialze steady; as 7ned for old, futures quiet; Os 5 8-8d for March and an, 6 1.44 for Piny. Vicar, lite 9d,