HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-2-23, Page 6./ Sebscrlbers who do not receive thele pate r gown. wilt please notify us at once. fall se the offiee for advertising rates. TETE EXETER ADVOCATE. TEt RSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1899. Have You Ever if"rled to buy a .fair of garters for your wife in a departme,at store? Met your wife in the restaurant where' you were treating the pretty typewriter to *beach? Seen the horse you have bet your last, cent qn-left at the rote? Stepped on the business end of a tack while waltzing the baby to sleep at a a•w.? Tried to save tine in a bre ber shop by getting a &ave with your three-inch collar on? Stepped off a moving trolley car back- wards, or tried to connect prematurely w th one en -, slippery paave'ntent? Taken off your leg to a lady acquaint- ance cquaintance in a preliminary canter on a bicycler Had a ; (ii3--rotted lady repose gracefully on your tee corn an a . ro :vded street ear? Rutem' ge:i all !trough your clothes, lost your temper, a: d disgraced yourself in a vsu endeavor to end the commute #ion fidget that was resting peacefully in year hatband ail the thee? Culttaate I iuttoess. liandness le more than vniiailliity, it ditittt]s tit.,tt ttfilt.:ess Anal hear; s uCture. acl:rny Cbr: t. in l e_?p:te are brusque .old taevere w'tiaolit thought that they rem - reit wrong, g, but thee have fence to eta. tante Ila, titist boa:refill grave of heal - twee. it :s not merge t, be nntcin I, for • fere ,tears o t k l-tl he ba.; fallen sl'c.rt o, de„ .rte eeat." it a l e' :is ;=-'"d as he t:' ria 1 e wittario s7 i lieg to cu1- tirott t F."i .e"Z4 a,, talon. "('h erey l,1' g !eel is keel." Kite le. its ate:ries ':P^;,t...,,,'e :'[lel hate aid :ewe:ten-I t R Ili 04. Ia• ael. t g,: !wc' ees eee ,ef ;:o, flee „s. tee truer? 't< £: rn melte of elm. Me ;i@f,P?.,.^f ' w:. -.'it Eva? "rite it gee. e,a.. V's a .e !t:1. ea--; et no v it, there mere it t.`•, Iting,•.i i..., t of tan ] .et `•, ,.",, lent Ewt- or a -,.,_,,s "mete tx.,i•t tea •eft. ' .. ws'711 a?e d- u:tdt•ne. Slat i nsww e tlt seem m That bee! reet.•'i .,d a ga l ma^'w ItFe. 'Hca tette, Adar'4!, Sc. un e ..e raberc'tl arts M im ei et anal ,,f flet.. ill all departments ents , f l.fe. clumr.'h and hrac(•. td n.tltesc t Iasi ;tut Evhieii •as;a'kee tile harder:: t.asl; easy and the xenwiest hterdtn Lght. Ctann.8ottomed ehalrs.. The owner of eane•bottomed chairs which require renevaating should provide ,herself with a ball of strong twine and venue varntshond she can manage to do the work very ere'itably to herself in the toilowin.e wary: Cut away the old Bane, take a large darning needle, thread it, melte a knot at theme! and loop the string through the ,tolee l,at'kwarai and forward, crosswise from side to side, right anti left, filling every hole; then working lsnek again, weaving as yet: would for cloth. Then varnish tier ein +ire and Nero them s tdee to dry. Inalie email cue:tons of oretonne or arty ref:. r material you have sad tie theme un tee treats with ribbons to match. A Pertutne•d Itoowu,, There Is a fad, not new, but much in TOgete :among the eociety matrons of New York city, of having, the rooms of their mansions pervaded with a delicate fragrant air. Large saehet bags are made of rich material Or highly ornamented vases are filled with violet or carnation pink or lavender and placed on the tables or the piano so that the whole room has a per- fumed atmosphere. Old-fashioned damask is also used to make the bags, which are half a yard long, trimmed round with rib- bon ruches, with bows and ends at the corners. These are hung at the backs of chairs t.) put books, newspapers or work in, so as to have everything at hand. Blotle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup stands at the Iiead of the li,t for all diseases of the throat and lungs. It acts like magic in bl a akiu:z up a cold. .A. cough is soon subdued, tightness of the chest ie relieved, even the worst case of consumption is re- lieved. while in recent eases It may be said never to fail. It is a medicine pre- pared teem the active principles or virtues of several nledieloAl her'rs, and can be de- ,pendeei ulna for all pulmonary com .Plaints. Still Proud. "I have called, ma'am, to ask you" - "You're the seventeenth man that's been here today," interrupted the woman of the house. The tramp bowed stiffly. "Yes, ma'am," he said. "That's be- cause you've got a coal pile in front of your sidewalk. I'm not looking for the job of carrying it in, ma'am. I'm hunt- ing for a square meal. I don't get it? All right, Don't mix me up with the 16 that called before I did. That's all I ask of you. Afternoon, ma'am." -- Chicago Tribune. KEEP A CHILD BUSY. Olalef Part of ill bluing Yip a Child Is to Hake Him.Induatrious. - "If, instead of giving the young hom- ilies en vice, and thus eirecting their attention constantly to it, they were simply kept busy at some wholesome 'work or play every minute, they would he far more thorouscbly helped and cleansed than would be possible in any other manner," is the opinion expressed by Kate Upson Clark in The Woman's Hama Companion, who olaims that "most parents either do not realize the gravity of this task or are too lazy or in- capable to attend to it. For young people 'work is worth all . the 'White Ribbon' exhortations In the world. nsetul as they may sometimes be. The first duty of the rich is to be industrious and to inculcate habits of industry in their children. If ftbey are only taught to keep constantly busy in some useful and ennobling em- ploytnent the changes of their evoiution Into honorable men and women are a million times increased. Awaken their Intellectual curiosity. Study with them yourself, mothers. It is the parent who is >ssuaily best fitted to form the early habits -of the child if he will only take the trouble to do it. The making of col- lections and the bard study of almott any branch of natural history are likely to interest children: The ;Waking of ma - „chines, the intricacies of rnuslo, the -management of a printing press, may be used to busy ohildron,°" Only T'eeil.ing^ Theme. A well-known 1>`tt'ndee angler, who had been fishing the whole day and got noth- ing but nibbles was accosted by one of the keepers who said "Are yon aware theta this water is private and that you are not Allowed. to tette fish from It?" '"Pardon me," repltc'd the angler. "I'm net talon' your feeh-1'm feed n' -them ' A Fearful Example, "Peat. Staffer always discourses ea the Mils of gluttony before dinner." "Why?", "Because after dinner he is not able to discourse.." 1ltuard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc, Lave Is Wonderful. Willy I say,, entitle, what did Uncle Bola marry you fort Aunt -Why. for love. of course! Willy tttnetlitetivelr•)--•i 'ret Love will , make a man do a niostanything, won't it / auntie? How's This! i S We oiler One Initiated 1 oilers Reward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Bali's (Tatar:,' Caere, F. J. L lift NEY & CO.. Prop's., Toted+, 0,. Sv'e, the tt tderst;.'2ne.J, leave ktowa F. J. Che'•et far tale Tett 1,; years. and believe it m perfee:ly hnro tlele in all busi(tesa tratesaettaecs a ad iw a ler able to carry out Arty eabl•„atiott m'ido by 1l etc Ann. 1C1aSr&Tet-Ax,11'he'esa'eDratgelft .T tett O. w Ar tb(t. l .LNINaN S 3iaavL; Wholesale 1): ug- gietrs, Toledo, 0. llaira Catarrh Cur ^ is taken internally, set. in.. tweedy even the blood and eatemi1 aur- im:es or Ow system. Price.. -e. rerbottle. Seld by aaliAru.;e'iets. Testirn trials free, Where 7tatd, First Young Lady -.And how de you like Mr. Brien? I raw you with him a moment. Second Young Lady- Am riot impressed. Cannot abide I;,:tld-Invaded men, First Young l::aly-Bald-headed. Why' his head 1s not 1741;1. Second Young I,:idy---Oh, yes it is -••ire Shia• 1 can eat wird, anti nee iiilxer'z i:03111, Mull Pe di Pets (fid it. ion is good, Some Mt:rereei e. "Are there any geed heroin„ loeatiatui still epee, re) th.'1' "?' returned d Ielomeeer-1 should say so. yeti eau go up there and take your pie1;. ,.ager Enquirer-t.,lrett Scott 1 If I ea' P''a and take my choice -- Retuned li,t+"ndil.er--I didn't say that. I seed yon could take year piek. Bet you'll have to use it in somebody else's diggings. Eager Inquirer --Oh I A small PAI, hut P'.serfut.-They that judge of the power'; of a pili by Its size, ',v,luld consider Parmelee's Vegetable PUN to be Idling. It ill a little wonder among pills. What it lacks in size it realms tip in patency. The remedies which it carries are put up in these small doses, because they are so powerful that ouly small doses are required. The full strw'ugth of the extracts is secured in this form and do their work thoroughly, A ('fiance to Get Even. '"A Kentucky ratan recently married the, granddaughter of a woman who once re- fused him." "Gracious, what a vengeance he will be able to wreak:" "I don't see where the veegeence is to come in." "Why he will bo able to address the wo- man who had once refuse, him as 'grand- mother.' " NOTHING L1I(E IT. Dodd's Kidney Pills' Cures Ara Simply Marvellous, People Read of New Cures Zvery Dtay- A11 Are Genuine. -Dodd', Sidney Pills Cured ter. Ce S. Grigg,, of Ham- ilton, of Bright's Disease. HAMILTON, Feb. 13.-"I never knew any- thing Iike the way these testimonials to the efficacy of Dodd's Sidney Pills, in Kidney Diseases, appear in the news- papers," said a citizen a couple of evenings ago, as he laid down his paperafterhaving read one of the testimonials. "How is that?" queried his friend. "Well, no matter what paper you take up you find in it the narrative of a cure of Kidney Disease by Dodd's Kidney Pills. And, mind you, every time it is a new case that is talked about. They don't harp on the one case all the time, so, if they are all true, Dodd's Sidney Pills mast be cur- ing people by thousands?" "Don't you think the testimonials are true?" questioned his friend. "Oh, yes, I know they are. Now here's a case that I've investigated: "Mr. C. S. Griggs, a carpenter, who lives at 151 Queen Street South, Hamilton, says hr was told - eight years age that he had Bright's Diseaso. He couldn't get any re- lief, let alone a cure, till he tried Do1d'c Kidney Pills. He used three boxes of that remedy and was completely cured by them." "I don't know how many Hamilton peo- ple have been cured of Kidney Disease by Dodd's Kidney Pills,, but the number must be enormous, for hardly a week passes that I don't see a testimonial from one of our citizens in the papers." "Dodd's Kidney Pills are a great medi- cine -the only Sidney Cure under the sun." .A. new back for 50 cents. Miller's Kidney Pills and Plaster. An Even Game. "It's all foolishness to talk about any- one getting the worst of it in the matri- monial game," declared the big man with a silk hat and a loud suit of clothes. "How's that?" "Marriage is always a tie." A Diplomatist. -. I say, Jimmie, dyer ma beat yer when yer got in last night?" "No; you bet she didn't." "hi y, you got off easy." "Yes; you s.e she was afraid I'd yell so loud I'd wake the baby." Corns cause intolerable pain. Hollo- way's Corn Cure removes the trouble. Try it, and see whatan amount of pain is saved. - Neighborhood Amenities. Lathers -(who is not on good term ' with his neighbor) -I've got some pride, even if I am only a barber. Snip (the tailor) -Well, don't got too proud. You might be tempted te out boniebody, HEALTHY, NAPPY GIRS Often Become Languid From. No Apparent Cause, Th.. Blood Ir a vital, Element.,iGt Artist Pe Kept Pure, Rleh and li'Sci-0ttly in This Wap Caa Potting g Gtrlr-AttIQitt' Per., feet' Health. In the early days of her 'foriianhood every girl -no matter whet her station in life -should be bright, active, cheerful and happy; her step should be light, her eye bright and her cheeks rosy with the glow of health. Buz the reverse is the unfor- tunate condition of thousands of young girls throughout the Dominion. Tht y drag along, always tired, never hungry, breath- iese and with a palpitating heart after slight exercise, so that merely to go up stairs is exhausting, If a doctor ie o suited he tells theist that they are oats mie the plain English for which s they have too little blood -and unless a powerful bleed enriehing. Herr -re-taring tonic such. es Dr. Williams' fink Pills for Pale Peo- ple Is taken to restore health, deelitle and an early grave is only too likely to follow. The benefits which follow the use of Dr Williams' Pink Pills in cases of this kind is amply illustrated by the following' testi. moniel from Miss Ida Bookman, of Marks' vide, Ont. Bliss Rep; Haan says: '"It gives, nue much pleasure to aeknowledgo the Ilenelit I have derived from the use of Dr. ''fluent ' Pink Pills. My health was completely broken clown; I became so weal; I could, scare ly waalk Across a room. I was wry pall', had no appetite and r.t ifi'n 11 ally Itemt fe� until it Iwa9 mere lv a lit mon. I was subject to palpitation of t'.n' hewn -rt, tlizzines inti violent heaaclat•lu s, I tette metier in er ina•lit from two daadeta)a' ,, 1 lot neither seemed to henellt Hao atoll I went on in this way for about Posen nevntii.. Having,''- n Dr. Williams' Pink Pills recommended 1 tidrter:niued t) err thecal. Before 1 Ainished the second kos 1 began to improve and by the time 1 Inti used eight ,vest's I nats as well n- ever 1 had been ant, had gained 2j pounds in waeight. I ata grateful for what Ur. IV i!• limns" Pink Pill; have done for Into ;oat freely glee this testimony in the hope that it unay benefit some !tinea: girl Buffering as I was" Mere pale and bloodless girls have been amale briglet, a live and strong by Dr. Williams' Pink Irille than by any other neeaus. Mothers should see that their daughters entering. womanhood aro strengthened and invigorated by the use of this great blood malting tonic. Sold by all dealers or scat pas, paid 10 50 cents a box or six boxes for F: ,6U fay addressing the 1)r. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock. ride, Ont Deatattituto in Preto. such is the destitution In (.,rete that tate sailors en her British tnrnjesty's war.hip Anson are sewing wurlun petticoats for the needy. l'bey Are Carefully Prepared --Pills which ti nasipetae themselves in the sronmeh cannot be expected to have much effect upon the attesti1ces, and to OE'ereere res- tiveness the meliclue administered must Influence the- action of these c:anale. Pur - melee's 'Vegetable fills are so made, un- der the supervision of experts, that the sub trance in thein intended to operate on the Intestines are retarded in action until they pass through the stomachto the wels, Mil'ler's Worm Powders the medicine for children.. A &ilitti.Ut,• doral Pattbtetu. There is ono flower, Bays a writer in. a London paper, which has apparently been overlooked by .A.nterieaus in their search for a suitable floral - emblem, which, I think, is worthy of their attention. I refer to that of the tobacco pluut (aiootiana) in its many varieties. 151s handsome; the plant Is, I believe, indigenous to America, and its importance as the solace of the human race is indisputable,. New life for n. quarter. Miller's Com- pound Iron Pills. 5(,t Soy mg lynch for liter, Blabsnore-Admitting that Boobley is henpecked, I'm surprised that his wife boasts of it. - Babway-Does she, indeed? Blabmore-Yes-she's been frequently heard. to say that she's made him what he is to -day. Millers Worm Powders for sallow skin; old or young. Hottest 1'ituee en Earth. The region about the Dead Sea is one of the hottest places on the globe, and the sea is said to lose 1,000,000 tons of water a day by evaporation. itinard's Liniment for sale everywhere. To Hang the Pictures. Often in hanging pictures the greatest difficulty is experienced in getting the serew to fasten securely into the plaster. Here is a simple remedy which many pro- fessional pict .re hangers follow in the course of a day's work: The hole made by the screw is enlarged and the edges of the plaster are thoroughly moistened , with water. Then the space is filled with plaster of pais and the torew pressed into the soft plaster. When the plaster becomes har.tened the screw will bo found to hold very firmly. - My nervousness has loft me entirely as a lesult of taking Mller's'Compoundlron Pills. . Nothing' to Take Back. The editor ran his eye critically over the manuscript the young poet had. tendered. "It occurs to me," he said', `o,you use a faulty form of speech when you apostro- phize the -brave old years,' What is there brave about the years?" "Well," replica. the young poet, with some stiflncss, "here are comparatively few people who ems ,nuke a century run." -Chicago Tribune. - DO YOU THINK CANCER Cannot be Curred? We can send you the addresses of a great many whose eases were given up as hopeless, but. who are now loud in their praises of our painless home treatment, es they have bean positively and permanently cured with, tit knif,, or plaster. Send 6 eenIs for book awl mention this paper. T. N. Stott & Jury, Bowananville, Opt. HUGGED BY A GHOST. fixes. Staaton'a Story of a Startling Personal Experience., While under the direction of thelyceum; bureau during the decade of 1S7Q-80 I traveled eight months in the year, from October to June, mostly in the western states, :speaking nearly every night. It was my oustont in the large cities always to stay at the same hotel, that the land- lord and clerks might know ala and I might be received at any hour of the nigbt, If possible, I elwatys wonted a room on the, second floor with a balcony, for safety nn case of fire. Ane night I arr(ved rather We at In. dianapolis, baying previously telegraphed. The hotel was crowded, as there was some unusual public gathering, just what I do not remember. On meeting toe in the parlors my kind but distracted bust t -id: "Mrs. Stanton, I have not a room in the bouse for you, I stn sorry, but you some be obliged to go to soe other hotel.': "That," I replied, "I cannot do. You must give me in the parlor if you have no other place," "Well," said the host, laughing, "I'll see what I can do." So while .1 was taking supper be surveyed the ground and at last returned to tell the he had n shall room on the third floor, but with no balcony. If I =Mid ancept that, fee would have it prepared for ins. "Well," I replied, "since I can do no bete ter I must accept that." IA clue tilos he annotlneeti that all was ready, I found a pleasant IIUlo room, lighted with gas, a bright fire in the grate, every- thing looking fresh, clean and attractive. Being very tired, I lost no titne in going tie bed. M usual. I left the gas burning, and looked under the bed and in 0°0;040 toto see that neither teen nor vita were any. where concealed. I was soon sound asleep, when suddenly I found myself in. the strong grasp of a powerful than. ,At the saute instant a cry of despair root the air, an, agonizing voice shrieked: "Ob, tam me, ttdr1 Save met" J crribly friglatened. 1 sprang front the bed in her. tor. lint all was still I searched the room in vain, No ono was there. the gats was still burning. the doer Inched, every. this::; as 1 left it on going to sleep. So 1 concluded the terrible experience 1 had just paid tenet have been a nightmare, and • as 1 was thoroughly tired by toy !erg journey of the previous day my excite- ment was seem overcome and I fell asleep again Only a row ntot«ents had elapsed. however, when I again felt tine (,Aches of those desperate arms and my ears were ailed with the sound of that piercing shriek: "'Oh, save rile, mother! Save tol" Again I slheak all the horror anti, fully awake, convinced myself that I was alone and that na ono hail entered shy room. Gradually I grew Cahn, and then, from sheer exhaustion, slept once nnore, hey rest was as brief as before, for in an in- Stant, It seemed, the grip was around sus, and thovoico tore at shy very heartstrings; "Oh, save me, ntotheri Savo mei" It la useless to rehearee the continued Cortaro of that night. tiuflico it to say that with tho dawn only it ceased. When the maid casae to awake the fire she said, "How dill you sleep, wedeln?" I replied, "I have had a night of intense suffering." "Oh," cried slte, bursting in- to tears, "I told 010141 110 to put you in this room. A man died hero yesterday with delirium tremens. Ilis cries could be heard over the whole house. For days bis constant appeal was: "Oh. save cue. another, :wave me 1" This startling corroboration of my re• cent impressions quite unnerved mo. I bogged the maid to remain until I could leave the room whose walls bad witnessed anti wore still repeating tho deaghairing ap- peal of that distraeted soul. I never think of that night in Indianapolis wit' 'nth a shudder -Elizabeth Cady Stanton in Journalist. The Indian Ifs Merry woad Chatty. For the Indian is not, as the popular Idea figures him, stolid, taciturn or even sullen In his everyday life, says George Bird Grinnell in Tho Atlantic, Ho may bo shy and silent in the presence of strangers, but in his home life he is talkative -eager to give and receive the rows and to gossip about it, no is of a merry, laughter loving people and likes to make good natured fun of another's peoullarities. Thus one of her companions may jeeringly call a' very slender woman the shadow of a moccasin string. Once on the prairie in the bright, hot sunlight I heard an Indian say to another who was very stout: "My friend, stand still for a little while I waist to sit down in the shade and cool off." Some years ago I was on the reservation of a tribe known as the Big Bellies -Gros Ventres -at Fort Belknap,. Mon., and while I was there a new agent came to them. He was a fat man, and ono of the Indians, who met the agent for the first time in my presence, said as he shook bands with him: "All, you aro one of our own people. Yon, too. are a Big Belly." Why Fishes Are Slippery. Fish of almost every sort are when fresh caught slippery and bard to hold. This slipperiness is due to a sort of rnuous ex- uding through the scales and is of the greatest importance to all finny creatures. One of the important functions of the fish's slimy coating is to protect it from the attacks of fungus, a form of plant life found in all waters, salt and fresh, foul and pure. If the fish is so injured that some spot becomes uncovered by the slime, a barely visible fungus will be likely to lodge there,, and when it is once iodged the process of its reproduction is very rapid. It soonextends over the gills and kills the fish. The primary purpose of the slime of the fish is to reduce its friction when in Illa- tion through the water and increase ice speed. It also serves as n cushion to the scales, which in thus protects from many injuries. A Dutch Trick. Duteb fishermen make astonishing catches by means of the following very simple plan: They put a number of live worms and insects in a bottle partially filled with water and then cork it'secure ly. The bottle is dropped into the- water,. the fisherman sinking his line alongside. It appears that the sight of the wriggling contents of the bottle soexoites the ,appe- tite of the finny tribes that they fall easy viotims to the baited hooky. - - A New Game to Him. "Jacob, what are you doing running around the streets when you should be in school?" "Well, ma, you told me to learn some games which I could play without tearing my clothes, so el:'tb playiug a new one called 'truant '"-- 13altimoreJewish Com - went, Man Killed 'Twice. A Belfast paper is responsible for stat- ing that a ratan ' was overtaken by a pas sensor train and killed. ', He was injured to a similar way about three years ago," Are you think., ing of buy- ing a new wheel ? if so, be sure and see the OENDRON hei'Ore you puraltaSe. Write fel' a, Oat:ilen:ale, either Eneelielx or French. Gendron Mfg. Co., TORONTO,. O11. .OE*E• (4EEEEEF<<G<<E,+FEC+!E*,<G<<F<<<<E<EGEE(4gEGE,E.EE V FREE _ �{,CC /'IU�+ this9.. WATCH,witeachainandahem% 1qr We& for setting 2 dues sold-wo9ppped" *must- backed lever voter Buttons at loo. 'active or :s lwsitt A watch and peel far sallies 3 d+'i !Pa Mawr lt,Qair.t /A Yee run no risk. \1 race and we opal the Banana pot- sb paid, wad one b'g Premium. Inst. Oen the Buttons, re. fe ..,1 turn u:oney, and we weed eratch,Itw grid/ r rarer, 1Ja, l/ FOR ONE .. a woad hutts`sreturnatto l.iberaleermnaeaiugttpreterre`, ,A ,, h tlws la your 1. bend ynur rime and ad q;/ SRAM S WORKte•day, 1. ,c. -.n,.', tne'eriaa hifs paper address "11>?»>?>?» LEVER BUTTON CO.,TOHQNTO, Qt'17'- »»l,»»>7 R In every AGENTS \ MiITf D ' own in t Canada to eaten one of our valuable premiums, tnn *entail but all l el:ahir g.r,us), for seal- ,; C"71S1ritroar° '.1 'Metric freed r E.'-! 1 11111-;:1.1. tt•',ai ,l prl.'.•,a,e. Huai .-e. troy e'°in') Patent Lever Collier liititnns. ScaarfTittle, Alum- innna ftlltithlt•s,Mott watt -0 IAtit p ll'iv1.,.t nd'' I .: -• ois. Icor seliipa twvn d• zcn "f tin• t(1 ow, ro..d .,t nee each tem e:ct yeel!, ei •1.". of a 11melt and (,i; T i. Air Gnat, tips rigor Hetet, States. 'Violin Aral 11-,w, "r Ga tars. Ace -Name. 11 ante elevate l'uaeelting Bile Fee:l.ail,avid it l tr.,4 i;ati,•t} of other mimes to ela•eoq(e from. W. send y a u •'ur 1rcln 111n list with seeur brat corder, N" moneyrce;tt.o e.l. We sinal you the fist edi to t=eat. ,'flu TMitrat malum. Gale tvoeh aand tere ee1'd yn4 a tcwyelur lire• you Erritue elate whIelihue you aatalu.retostli• 1„tornainion Novelty Cu..1:6 Cisurrli St„ Termite, Dickens in Real We. A, former master t 1 Ely workhouse hal just been admitted as a pauper inmate to. the Institution over which he formerly preslded, Si:eb an incident Is, we believe, without. precedent in pour lawndministra- tion, atltheugh - I)lekcns antiviraatea it in -Oliver Twist," in the fate which bo pro- vided for Mr, Bumble. Good appetite, guoi digestion, refresh- ing sleep follow the use of Miller's Lout - pound Iron Pills, 61t tines 23 cents. leww-Wantalrel SC4$pee. Seolips for handling sugar. coffee, etc., are being made with a weighing: attaaeh- mcnt, consisting of a system of lovere eup- poriin;; the scoop; which is detachable from the handle, the lovers connecting with a spring -controlled shaft having a baud at its upper and to register on a dial, We believe MINARD'S LINIMENT is the beet Matthias Foley, Oil City, Ont. Joseph Snow, Norway. Me, Chas.Whooton, Mulgrave, N. S. Rev, R, 0. Armstrong, Mulgravo, N.S. Pierre Landry, sear., Pokenouche, N T3: Thomas Wasson, Sheffield, N. B. A Wray Widows Have. "I always loot out for number one," raid the selfish man; "don't you?" "Well, hardly,"' said the person address.- ed, ddress.ed, who happened to be a widow; "I am looking out for number two." The superiority of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator is shown by its good efrecte on the children. Purchase a bottle and give ha trial. Against Nature. Guyer -A woman never would make ai successful blackmailer. Quizzer-\Vhy not? Guy or -You couldn't get 'em to take "hush money." MInard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. Japanese children are taught to write with both hands. FREE We give this fine WATCH with chain and chum for sell- ing two doz. Whiteng{,t Wicks at ten cents each. No Moray Required. Write, and we will send the Wicks, postpaid, and our big Premium List. When you have sold the Wicks, re- turn the money, and we will at once send your watch free of all charge. Hundreds have earned fine watches working for us, why not you? In writing, mention this paper. WHITELICHT WICK CO., TORONTO, CAN. An Exininsioniat. "Your'Uncle George is an expansionist, he not?" - "Oh, yes, even to that bald spot that started on his head a few years singe." - Indianapolis Journal. Not Public. The Friend -Experience is a great teacher. The Fcol-Yes; but, hang it, I wish her lessons were given in private. -New York Journal. Undoubtedly. , • Upton Parke -Is your wife's new girl e.'fixture? Cyril Downs -Seems to be. I dora't see her moving arou.nd•auy.-Brooklyn Life. •sY What Is Ito:Hort She had asi:edfor a definition of burner" and he hesitated b -'fore, answering. -May it not Oe bra :dly^ tie verlbisiasthat wltie•h has a1 tentieaeytomake ono laugh?" the ask t'e1. -Not. necessarily,' he replied, for be wawa in tho habitt of contributing to the hul+l(.r.tnne we'eklie's occasionally. "Per - baps st:cces,ful Mentor might better be de-,•ribed ns what the a ditor pays for." But won't the other definition also cover that?" she per lsted. "Oh, clear, nol" he answered, and then he laughed as if he had run across ono or the %huicet;tsamples of humor everknown. ,And there are these who think be had. -Chicago Post, The foundations of an anefent English church have been unearthed at Waverly AItbey, near Farnham, Surrey, as well aa- the remains of the monks' dormitorics,the kitchens and the diselpliaaty cells. Sena• ral old oaken cofliu: were discovered in as perfect state of preservation, among them that of William. Mandell, third baron of Uanslapo anti king's chamberlain, who was buried in 11%F1. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Suprrntitlons. About sett. The mountain people of North Caroline and West Virginia are said to put salt in their shoes in order to keep off the witches. Bancroft related that one of the aboriginal tribes of North America refrained from eatin: salt, in the belief that it turned the hair white. Try It, -It would be a gross injustice to confound that standard heating agent - 1)r. Thomas' Ecleetrie Oil with the ordin- ary uugtteuts, lotions and salves. They are oftentimes inflammatory and astring- ent. The 011 is, on the contrary, emin- ently cooling and soothing 'lien applied externally to relieve pain, and powerfully remedial when swallowed. i'st'it Idea, Sea Captain -Now, Pat, what would'yon do if you were left on a barren rook in the. middle of the ocean? Pat -I'd pull out me teeth en' live ora their roots. FOR LADIES ONLY NM A.I.T. AIAI)I•, TO OR1)t tt- For sample to canvass, remit us $1.45 In cash by registered letter or post office order, and we will send you, (all chances prepaid), to fit vont own figure I,er.ectly, one of our best et.5Gy Sateen CorsItSt tanymed d fin3siiad. ain to leo used as a stun plc only. among your i friends. If you Fend us further orders we will pay regular prl. ices -veto t , eaelsales ar.afterwards wf t4 he n send - leg for samnie be car.2n1 to s=cud your own Bust, Waist an 1 Hip measurement, tincler Arm and length cf Fr. nt. This is an opportunity for every lady to make money and be independent. Be sure and send your correct address. We reserve the right to supply sample orders only at above: figure, and will not furnish two orders to any one party at price named for samples which is below cost. The Perfecto Corsed (Jo.. 209 Queen St. W., Toronto. REIDS' PIANOS In TOUCH, TONE and FINISH they have no equal. Correspond- ents wanted in every town to act as agents. REID BROS., 157 1 Toronto West, STEM SET, STEM IND To intrnduco Dr. westen's 7mprnved pink tree Tonto PIM for enriching the blood. for pilo people, delicate ladies, liven and kidney diseases, rhommstism,g ,b�n!rknebe, nervnuenesei general debil,tr, eta. we give nstee a 14k sold-pawwatch. Ladles 'nrGentte'reliable s timekeeper,wa,. ranted The P1111 are coo: nor box, $G•GG for B fa boxes. Send t amount and ♦n,, receive [ibexes and the watch, orwrlte toe Particulars this is a _nnule, offer. THE DR. WE STON PILLt. Toronto, CO. . on T. N. U. 207 Solid Sterlin Silver Solid Gold genie nracdet, to te5'aad Yantis and GamM Misses sizes. settings.. EARN one ofthesehandaom. to your friendsu24 SilverAlam Intim Thimbles at 10 cants each. They are more durable than Guaranteed eeatern.. Tp. CoodTimekeeper, stmealsureor or packageiigsilverof needales given free with each thimble. Every lady hues, as soon as she sees them. No money required. Send us your lime and address and wo will send theoods and catalogue of premiums: postpaid. Thimbles to be returned if not Men, women, boys and sold' girls'sre selling thous+' ands -why notyou i 'cry. When sold solid 111 our money and we will send the premium yeti select. Mention this pa er. L• CANADIAN NOV ELI"! CO., Toronto, Ont.