HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-2-23, Page 577 THE 'ter ro at le published every Thursday Morainal, et the °Mee, MAIN -STREET, - EXHTER, i3v the."- COMPANY uB N. ADVOCATE' P ISI-IiNG � TERMS OP SUI3SORIPTIOn One Dollar�per aliFnot if epiiid.in Advance essgegorraotnea• genian oos ale-peele.c. a, teeete N'opaper disco attuneauntil ell arr e re e are peach Advertisements without specie directions will bo published ib b ar 6ascaordinvly.br de puatm de for anseient adertisements inserted for long periods, Every description et TUB PRINTING trotted out in the finest style, and at moderate rates, Cheenes,maneyord- o, o "ei sus i ns,ot cto ere 3t for vette n bar t c be madepavableto g' tp Chas. R. Sanders, EDITOR At. p PROF r o ssscrrtni Cartes, R. KINSMAN, I,, D.S. & DR.. A. R. adue ot' D. rrga f ToonoU eett DEN risTS, Teeth, extreeted without any pain, or any bad effects. Offiee iu Faanson'e Moak, west side ,Iain Street, Exeter. DR.D.ALTON ANDERSON,(n.D.S.,b.D.S.,) honors Graduate of the Toronto Una, reify and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. modee of Dentistry up to date. of/ice over Elliot Se i"+,fliions law eihott-opposite Central Hotel--Beetex, Medical Diet. T le. ROLLINS&T A.. AMOR. J� RLesidenees.same as former!s O'FICES,Spaokman, building, Main Rt, Dr, T!,olline' cities; ea,rno as feel -1104y -north door. Dr. Amos' office, await building - outh aoor. Vey let. 1S9s J. A. Rollins. M. D. _ T. A.,d.mca, el D rhea, P. McLA.MI•RI1IN, MEMBER OF ear the (Soilage of Plivatolans and Surgeons Ontario. 1?hvsloiau. Surgeon and eneeuch- our. Mee, Dashwood, fiat Lean:sal. COLT/INS, I.L BARRISTER.,SOLTCIT- an ar. Notary 1 v c n. is c Public Offoe--Or er O Nellie Dank, Exeter Ontario. Roney to Lean. rDTCKW)N $ CARfiINtI, BARRISTERS, A t;olieitori, ;r'otstriee, Cnnvoyanc/ere, Commissioners, Solicitors for the motions Rank, etc, Atones to loan at r, and :,�� peramt.wens e Fien'aneei Moms, Main at., Exeter to member of the firm will be at ijeuaall on There -lay afettch week ) 1. R.t` 1itineti, B. A. r.. R. Incases. 4 G IOT ;+ tif.APM.1N. BAILRTSTFRS, Etc., Gonvevaetet' 4, arse Money to Loan. B. v. ELI..toT. F. W. cil.AT atAN. .UCtivneerle 1T ape;e N, Willett/et/ea, melt/eit/ea, Licensed Anot- 1 •veneer ter the Count See of Perth an9 ilid'ilusi [.aa a, Or the tnwnr+l/ip one/borne Sales oven :attewl.•,i toand terms rea- sonhe/ ai. 4aales arra ntrea at Post office. Win. shrews, easter; ve. E Er.LItre. Insurance keen t, Exeter St. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Ie anecessfulty need monthly by over lO ce adie'e. safes,effectual. Ladies ask your drug;,:st for to elve delete Fleet Vee- pom e, Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Prieo, No. 1, $1 per box, No. 2, le degree; strougereee per box, No, 1 or 2.Inatled on receipt of price and two a•eent stamps The Cook Company Windsor, Out. pirussiMamcudedbyall responsible nCanad Qu a eui C, •, eel tis tx,.t.r 1,•; .L Browning. tirtagai.t. Horrors of Dyspepsia Sour Stomach, Heart PaIpita* tion, Nervous, Sleepless PitaSaitit BONN World For flan . n4 Women; day or evening; S6 to $r3 weekly ; no cauvassiug or ex- perience needed; plain Instructions and wort: mailed on application. Address: ME110RIAI. COMPANY, LONDON, Ont. .t arese'Iricrxi` ...: Now Able to DO Atli the HO1tsework --What Cured Her. The excellent qualities of Hood's Sarsaparilla as a stomach topic and appetizer enable it to relieve and cure dyspepsia even when cure seezzill hope- less. Read Mrs. Willett's letters; r ec.x . Hood Lowell, it, a ss. "Gentlemen: I have been sick for about six years -with dy s- Letter pepsia with all its horrible nightmares, such as sour No. 1 stomach, flatulency,. llailllr tation, ot the heart, insom via, etc., and all that time I have tried almost every known remedy and the best doctors in the state, but laothi did LII any good. 1 was very Weak and Nervous. About five months ago 1 commenced taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, and after usini five bottles I ani able to do all my housework and feel better than 1 have in, several years. Also, my husband had pueuniouia last win. ter and his blood got very bad; he bad rheumatism and could. scarcely walk. He eouzzueueed to take Hood's Sarsaparilla and in a. short time he Was better in every way, his rheuma- tism has left him and is in better health than for a lou; time." Mets. W. ,J YII,LI',1T, Mt.. Holly, t, C. Still. Praising Hood's. "0. I. Hood fie Co., Loywell, Musa., "Dear Sirs: ---I amu still praising Hood's Sarsaparilla for the Letter great bouoflt both myself and husband derived from No. 2 its use and I do not hesitate to say it is the best medicine we have ever used in our fare! . „ MRS. W. J. WILLETT, Mt. holly, IT. C. fara s ariiial5the One True Bleed Pallier. Sold by all dru,:,,iste. tat sir for $5a rete all Liver Illi and Hood's Pills sick lieadaeke. Sole. The building at Berlin in which The Telegraph a'as flu flie's, uww•ned alnd occnph tl also by Mr. J. 1 . Stouffer. butter 111111111180111.0% wwall eie etroycel by fire. with niu;t t l tis w'alllsahle• eom, tents. ��� T SkFE,trot that the Khedive now has an her. to LOBET'S SE.i 1 . the tbtona. Demonstrations Over the Presi. d.oncy Have Ceased. LA PATRIE'S MILD MANIFESTO. A Stormy Session, of the Spantraa Cortes on efeaday-British Royalty in the. Soudan- inquiry About neuter and Anticot}ti.-Editors. Who wort - fled ,dei Mnrd ced- Murder Seaten Austria's Cabinet. Paris, Feb. 21. --The demonstrations r goer the Prestder,oy have entirely ceased, , perhaps only till after the funeral of M. Faure; but tbo aspect is altoeethor more bopefnl, and President Lonbet's seat seems permanent. He is credited with the declaration that he will resist strong- ly any attempt at disturbance, and has reamrmed bia insontlon to retain the Dupuy Cabinet, a step wbloh tends to remove the suspicion that he Is a Drey. fuaard. During the month of mourning he will not attend any public ceremony. Se bas followed the custom of giving holiday remission of punishments in the army and navy, and has made Inr„ e donations to the poor in Paris and. Montelimar, bis native town. The ilery Petrie Francaise has issued an neenpectedly ziilld manifesto, briefly ezproselug the wishthat the new Prost - dent shall extricate himself tram all cont- pronmising ooneeotione, and have a clear consciousness of his duty toward the fatherland and the army. The manifesto is signed by Gayaignae, Coppe, reran*, Lemaitra and others. The inference le that the agitation against President J,oubot is artificial, anti is already dying both inhoatleo s and the newspapers, The latter are now conoernod in a prosaic but piquant investigation of M Leubet's dement° conne(tions. Reporters have visited the Moutelimar dhatriota and interviewed all Ilia relatives including bis mother, who is over 80 years of age, a bronzed, cheery farmer's widow of the peasant ofa s, in snug circumstances who has never seen Paris, and who regrets her son's election, because, she says, she would now sec him more Beldam than over President Laubat's brother in-law, a Weil -to-do Iran monger, said he was de- lighted at the news of the result at the eleotiou, but eompialued that be would be besieged by office hunters, who would want to be recommended to A:1. Leubet; He added that Press:lent Loubat was not a rich man, and would not bo able to spend meet* beyond his official Income and allowaanoes; and ho thought that tbe eudwlon plunge int 1`tosideat duties, taking him from hie beloved Hoofs and music, might not prover a bappy change. 11rti. R. J. itnw,rllb private batik in Blenheim. WaS outride by burglar.: on Saturday turd the s• lie= \w'al. blown to atoms with several e'hargt•, of dyna- mite. 1'ht• rabbi•►:. m'eured : .(fell gild at 1r.u•1Cagi ofnota'. valued .e1 about iEitltf. Four ear.. or the' 1'ott1111d lure:•, h1I the tlra nd 'Prin:l; neat I.t utm.a1\•itis, f,1110., were it, .ralilea and relied down all t utbanitun•►It. 1 ww't•lit w rer't lei;.ril. '3'lte• ll:a�ntn�' 'r.- �.•e•+• bn<11v ;.la:ekt•n up. Imua. l l,e de'l'l! :"I'N. aid( /1 at, a e'1i-11i4I1 for the cara, al.a'I .et lives were leaf. .Mrs. Lipett was filen' $101) and costs I and one month in jail at Barrie for having part of an illicit still on her property in Bradford, Bayfield: Mrs. Jas. Erwin died on Sabbbath evening, Feb. kith, aged 70 years, and was buried in the Bayfield veniotery Wednesday. Her husband predeceased her several years. --._....--•--•- AI(' Ie'ooeed tire tswnrefeeuea All doctors told Renick Hamilton, of West Jefferson, 0., after suffering 18 months from Rectal Fistula, he would die unless a, costly operation was per- formed but he cured himself with five boxes of Bucklen's • Arnica Salve, the surest Pile cure on. Earth, and the best Salve in the 'World 25e a box. Sold by all Druggists. ti PROGRESSIVE WOMEN. • Qneen Victoria greatly dislikes a visitor who is shy • and colors or looks agitated when addressed. Ar the finisb of the in- terview the queen generally bows or offers her hand, and then turns a little 41to one side to save the very trying necos- 111 sity of an entirely backward exit from her Presence. '. The empress of Austria has her hair ' shampooed ones a month. It is still bean- tifnl, luxuriant and perfectly black, and when let down touches the ground as -she stands; and she is tall. It is said the hair ' wash requires forty eggs. and the other in- gredients are obtained from no less than twenty mysterious bottles. One of the best-known figures in Paris is Mmthe death of here: Yoer, who, upon husband, a reporter for the 'Franck; press, took up his work and has conducted it with marked enterprise. In her r,'inds she is accompanied by a great white poodle called "Tne Doctor," who permits no one to tette with his mistress. One of the authorities on decoration in England is Mrs. Colbyns Carr. She is the wits of a successful theatrical manager, sad to her ideas on stage decoration and Costume be owes much of his. success. Mrs. Carr has designed dresses for several of Mr. Irvings' plays, and is almost alwaya Miss Terry's chief counselor on wardrobe mutters. Children Cry for C,`'1ST RIA 7rr 1ta and Childron. fat- lheel, ,r.....es.eettet' th eo :Y 1a11illfall ay. -Mout occurred at ler. W. Seceortl'' .tl etll?m1a1•e of the Pack- ing ('ompal y., Ingersoll, null, Thursday. It appears tri.(1 ire slay feting a large butclmei' knife in Itis work, when it sud- denly slipped and the blade cut finite :a large piece of flesh from the thumb, near the palet of the hand. Sakim.mtel F. McComb, of Palluerston, abrealaimaan ou the G.T.R:.,nxet with an unfortunate accident at Elora. on Wed- nesday even?mer While coupling cars there he got hie left aria caught and it was badly crushed. He was takein. to Guelph General Hospital, where the injured limb was amputated a little below the shoulder. Jahn Alexander Gilmour, of Parry Sound, who was arrested at the Caima- d:ia•n Soo, but escaped by jumping from the train near Sudbury aand was subse- quently captured by the American au- thorities on the way to Duluth, plead- ed guilty to two charges of forgery at Parry Sound and was sentenced to one year in the Central Prison. • riletRolitMidettlinetettnttalleiddsRRARReleht LDellcate r1 C!'?ildren A a: 1 1 1 1 1 .he They do not complain of S anything in particular. They eat enough, but keep thin and s pale. They appear fairly well, but have no strength.. You cannot ay they are really s sick, and so you call them What can be done for them? Our answer is the same that the best physicians have been a t giving for a quarter of acen. tury. Give them Seen it ik =` of Cod -Liver Oil with Ilypo phosphites. It has most re- :ier markable nourishing power. It gives color to the blood. It s brings strength to the mus- cles. us cles. It adds power to the S' nerves. It means robust •3 Even deli- ws t and v i or. Ev n health h g cote infants rapidly gain in AIATTRi1S IN tt.1�I1LA. Attempt to Dern the euarters of the Wash 1stgtea Volunteers. Manila, Fab. 21, -.•.The. natives of the village of Paco made a bold attempt last nl t to burn . hquartersof 1st gh b n t e tbe Washington volunteers by setting tiro to the huts ad3'ointng the quarters In the rear, Fortunately the wind changed at the moment the Are wars, dlsoovered, and, fanned by a stiff breeze, the flame, spread In the opposite direction, destroy - Mg fully 20 shacks and housesopposite the ruins of the church. The Incendiaries escaped, Mysterious signals were frequently made along the enemy's lines during the night, and this led to the belief that an attack; had beou arrange;!, but nothing bappened Stormy Session of the: Cortes. Madrid, Feb. 21. --Tho Spanish Cartes met bare yesterday, and there was a full representation in bath Houses and great erowds in the galleries. The amrinetpal interest contared in the (barges of Count do Atmonas, who complained that Gen- erals Prime do Rivera, Weeder and Blanco, Admiral Cervera and General Linares. haat!proved failures Ho said the tipanish army was an array of Ilene led by asses, and asned why the generale who catipitulated had not been executed. General Prima du Rivera denounced Almonas as a oalumnlator. Senor Annie. added fuel to the flame by asserting that Premier taaxnsta and Lieut -General Correa bad ordered Bianco to surrender (lube, when Blanco was opposed to such a course. The Seaton was very stormy, and nothing was aaaompishod. LoOHs 4. I31t'r 'iiLttE.4,TENINO. British Cruet er Intrepid as Bluefield** Nicaragua, Sias Work to Do. Managua, Nicaragua, Fed. 21.--A do- /patch from Bluefelds, by way of Grey- town, says that on tbo 15th the captain of the British cruiser Tutrepid requested General Reyes, who is endeavoring to re- tain command of the Attantic coast in. the Departinttnt of Nicaragua by a dia. play of force, to permit general Aureldo Estrada, two was abosen by President Zelaya to succeed him, and other official refugees, was were at, the United States oonsulato, to go ward the Imateepld, Aenertl Reyos refused tho request, and the captain et the warship thereupon issued a olroular forbidding foreigners in Bineliside to sell supplies to the revolu- tionists, or to aid them in any way. President Zelaya's array has established headquarters at Acoyapa, Department of Chontales, No battle has yet 000urred. The revolutionists occupy the suountain. Menem, .and are occaslonally aeon to the westwaard at Lta .5 fan a and ether points.:, Cabinet Matter for Aue,tria. Buda Pesth, Feb. 2t --Tho :Emperor, King Fret:ale lossh lout entrusted Kole - man do Assail with the task or forming a new Hungarian Cabinet in succession to the Ministry presided over byReran Banify, who announced on Saturday the Minister's intention of resigning at the close ot tizo Parliamentary session, Spanish ttCp tblieana ;!leaving. Madrid, Feb, ail. --The Republicans in the Chamber have decided to begin at once an energetic campaign against the Government. Connauel; t at Omdurman• Omdurman, Egypt, Fob. 01. -•-e Tho Duke and Duchess of Connaught arrived here yesterday evening, and anet with an enthusiastic reception from the natives. The Duke reviewed 9.000 troops, com- manded by the Sitdar, General Lord ltohener of Khartoum, and afterwards held a levee, at wbioh the officers an9 notabilities were present. The Duke and Duchess visttod the tomb of the llabdi, the Kbalifa s house and gardens and the palace at Kbartoum. There was a display of fireworks during the evening. itlta,aier and Anticosti. London,' Feb. 21. --In answer to a question in the House of Commons yes- terday, put by Mr James Franole Hogan, anti }tarnellite, respecting a Frenchman's nurcbase of an "important strategical position at the gateway of Canada" and the alleged evictions of the previousoocu- piers, the Goveinmeut leader, Mr. A. J. Balfour, First Lord of the Treasury, said the Island of Anticosti bad been puronaeed by M. Monier, but be had no official information regarding the evic- tions. .A report on the situation bad been asked for, but had not yet arrived. Editors Who Glorified Murder. Grenoble, France, Feb. 21. - Max Regia, the former Mayor of Algiers, notorious Jew baiter and editor of The Anti-.iuif, has bean sentenced in default to three years' imprisonment and to pay a fins of 1,003 francs for "press offences and glorifying murder and pillage at meetings in Algiers. and Paris." M. Philippe, managing . editor of the same paper, has been sentenced to eight years' Imprisonment, and to pay a fine of 1,000 franc on the same charge. Old Canadian Stamps Worth Money. London, Feb. 21. -At a stamp auction sale in London yesterday the sixpence Canada perforated sold at 14 shillings, ' the New Brunswick Connell at 360 shill- ings, and the Nova Scotia shilling violet at 280 shillings. The Pavouia Is Safe. Ponta del dada, Azore Islands, Feb. 21. --The weather has become calm, and the Cunard Line steamer Payonia, which became disabled while on the passage from Liverpool for Boston, and was towed into St. Miohnel's on Saturday by the steamer Wolviaton, is now free of danger. Cretan Chambers Opened. tfanea, Island of Crete, Feb 21. --The Cretan Chambers were opened yesterday by Prince Goatee, the high commissioner of the powers, who received a warm greeting. ''A bill embodying the Cretan s submitted, a constitution w The iihedivo Is nappy. I flesh if iven a small amount g e Alehouses, Feb. 21. -The Kbedivah If three or four times each day. gs bas given birth to a son at Montazet rot. and $1.00 ; all dr1Tgists: "'!.'hors are general great rejoieinge at the s 'OTT & BOW NE, Chemists, Toronto. ealinsesieesestaltralaheleehlithWelehnielitettettre Ter A'r suo,000,000. EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Weduesdayl• Wheat per bushel"es to 0') Flour per cwt Lair, to 2.00 Barley 43 to 44 'ata. 25 to .2y Foal 0) to a;4 Corn 10 to di Batter 14 to 14 Eggs a (.5 t .. 55 to 00 Potatoesbagt lay perton. 3 Su to ane Lased Apples per bt `5 I leeks ? Geese Chicken ........... ... 5 Turkey' h I:111 !reported at Wnahington to ray the Motley Over to Spain, Washington, Feb. 21. -- Tha Rouse committee an appropriatlonel yesterday ordered a favorable report an the bill to pay Spain 2e0,000,000 for the Philip- pines. The amendment declaring the policy of tbe Government toward the i'bilippinos was defeated by a party vote. Chairman Cannon was directed to call up the hill under sueponsion of tho rules. Cathie to Manila. The Senate committee on foreign rela- tions yesterday authorized a favorable report upou eau amendment to bo offered ter the Sundry Civil bill, providing for the construction at to sable to Hawaii and :. aa,.i..t The a tble is not to be built by the United States, but a yearly sub- sidy is to bo paid by the t3overn.mont. 4s.W.li IVL WOltle OP rnOette ,eche Brennan of Kingston May Lose I;ati, Bands and ifeet. Kingston, Feb. el. -During the private once of the cold enap lase week John Brennan, wbilo driving from Formoy to Westport, was left on the road through bis horses running away and throwing him out. Before he reaabad shelter his feet, hands, face and other parts of the body were badly treat bittau. Cangreno set in, and it has been found necessary to remove him to the Hotel Dien Hospi- tal fie may lose both hands and part of his feet. The right hand, at least, will have to be amputated at tbe wrist. He suffers little pain, but presents a pitiable sight, all the frozen parts being swollen and discolored. ,Jarvis mem Sandbagged. Hamilton, Feb. 21,-A man named Bamberton, from Jarvis, was sandbagged on the Market Square last night by two men. He was drunk at the time, but he yelled "Murder," and the higbwaymen ran before they reaobod his roll, in hie inside packet. His bead was cut. A Blaze at Southampton. Southamptlon, Ont., Feb. 21. -The fine residence of Mr B. A. Belyea was totally destroyed by fire about 2 o'clock yesterday morning, together with inoat of the contents Loss on house, $5,000; insurance on house, $2,000. Every Gough makes your throat more raw and irritable. Every cough congests the lilting membrane of your lungs. Ceasetearing your throat and Iungs in this way. Put the parts at rest and give them a chalice to heal. You will meed $ante help to do this, and you wilt find it In rs Cherry pectoral Prom the first dose the quiet and rest begin: the tickling in the throat ceases; the spasm weak. ens; the cough disap-r pears. Do not wait for pneumonia and con- sumption but cut short your cold without delay. Dr..Ayer's Cherry Pec- toral Plaster should be overtire lungs of everyper- son troubled with a cough. Write tothe Doctor. neuter opportunities and long ex• perienee eminently ttltualtf7 ua for g!vin;; yon tneclk,1 advice. 1Vrite freely all the lartrealar4 In your t'a9e. Tell us wha yeur experaesee has been with our e'herry I'eeterat. Yon will receive a prompt rept", altbout C041. Address, DIC, S. t'. ATE12. Luwea, masa, ale. 1alit. ,eatl.:.un, (1 ( aeit. Rt ; mei it .t bail VII•e'dlt.lit. Ina Sat 111118 v Wahl. i'l. 11/' \t'al5 moving ltille'�e'l// .l•eeg t 1 14',/111 t.aali to lar :we't1). anti hest ale lie l'e1lclt- etl the edgy (ti Beverly tww.e,/,t, It.rS• htel'aalnt• det:U.11c1l f1•ein Litt• ?et.:ei. 1I.• fell after it on elle ham t 1. 'As- (ht.' of thele kicked 111r i1ro,tl8t• 411.111 all:tl bath tool atww ly. 1\ h1 ml I'll 11t1 Mr. Jack an'silead was c,lwere,I twit It igloo?. 73Cr6rr. Alter' Wood's P110610110ai1 e, 171e Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada. Only reli, able medicine discovered. Six packages guamntred to euro all terms of Sexual Weaitne,s, all effects of abuse or excess, ,wlental Worry, Txee'•eive use of lb- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package *i, six, $5. (hoc still prose, az will cure. Pamphlets free to any address. The wood Company, Windsornent. nne'Weed Ph°eelladine is said in Iexrtrr ted IJ. tV.l3rownit.a,drnirgt.t NEWS INA NUTSHELL. Health returns from the various muni - for January, of the province 1899, show a marked increase in cases of tuberculosis and a decrease in typhoid fever and diphtheria. There Is a ease of smallpox in .Anderton Township, Essex County. the disease having been brought from Detroit. Two new cases have developed at Vankieek 11111, and one death has 000urred there. Hon. Edward Blake will return to Canada for good in May. He will be. given a banquet by the Irish Home Rulers on his departure from the Old Laud. Mr. Blake says he will not enter politics in Canada. A son of John McMaster, Pitt's Ferry, near Kingston, 5 years of age, placed bis mouth over the spout of a tea kettle on the stove and took a drink of the boiling oath and terribly so Water, to y !ding his month scalding throat. He may recover. Hamilton's mayor has written a letter to Manager Ramsay of the Canada Life Insurance Company promising better tertns than ` Toronto in the , matter of assetsnment it the company will retain Hamilton as the place for its head offices. W L. Madsen, Watertown, N.Y., has seoured a divorce from Elia Townsend, who married William Parish at Brook- ville and left him in, 1898. In 1896 she married Hudson. The woman said Parish was married before be married ber, but ebe oonld not furnish proof. At Eespeler on Monday a resolution was put and carried by an immense Majority of votes, by property owners only, to sell to William A. Kribs, M.P. P., a portion of the publio park at a nominal figure for a<' site; on which to build a bot( and woodworking plant. s 1 4 u • The Leading Sieciaiisis 0 i�ineiica 20 Years in Defends 250,000 MI C ' FSS ,CTURE T'hour f young and middle-aged monare sdwiththisdisease-mal: uneonsei,.They may have a ,mart -n,;; ins 'ensation, small, twisting stream, ;1 she 'utting pains at tunes, slight die- K" eha difficulty in commencing weave e u� � i sand all the symptoms OT ;,. mi..e OD , ymP of nervous debility -they have -Se rtlf - T'UItE. Don't let doctors experiment rex to you, by cutting, stretehing, or to rt you. 'lhiswillnot cure sou, asitwill ro- turn. Our NEW METHOD TREAT- MENT absorbs the stricture tissue hence removes the stricture permanently. It can never return. No pain, no suffer- ing, no detention from business by our method. The sexualorgansarestrength- ened. The nerves are invigorated. and the bliss of manhood returns. WE CURE GLEET Thousands of young and middle-aged men are having their sexual vigor and vitalit continually sapped by this dis- ease.ey are frequently unconscious of the cause of these symptoms. General Weakness, Unnatural Discharges, Fail- ing Manhood, Nervousness, Poor Mem- ory, Irritability at times Smarting Sen- sation, Sunken Eyes. with dark circles. Weak Back, General Depression, Lack of Ambition varicocele. Shrunken Parts, etc. GLEET and STRIOTURE may be the cause. Don't consult family doctors, as they have no experience in these. special diseases -don't allow Quaeksto experiment on you. Consult Specialists wbe have made a life study of Diseases of Men and Women. Our NEW METHOD TREATMENT will posi- tively cure you. One thousand dollars treatment and acceptico atm fora, case weo canot cure. Termmoderatefor acure. CURES GUARANTEED We treat and euro: EMISSIONS, VARICOCELE SVPIIILTS, GLEET, STRICTURE IMPOTENCY, SECRET DRAINS.'UNNA'PURAL DISCHARG- ES.KIDNEYandBLAI1DERDiseases. CONSULTATION,FREE. BOORS FREE. . If unable to call, write t:er QUESTION 13LANXX for HOME Ft TREATMENT. !1 EMS. KENNEDY& KERGAN k • ch • l • 6111164 4 r but don't think you can patch. clothes to look like new. Then again it would not pay you when you can buy clothing at the prices we sell. BAEWAINS.." Pants made to order, all wool heavy tweeds $2.O0' Suits $9.80 Overcoats 8.09 Blaek Worsted suits a spec- ial, $12.00 Ole $20 blacks beat all others at $23. Come and see for yourself, Cor, Michigan Ave, and Shelby 2, . DETROIT, MICH. PATRONIZE LIS. • People patronize us because they realize that we always sell clothing that is strictly p uto-date.... • f* GIVESIE Opnoeite Poet Office. THE k1RAL flew STORE. Try WINAN'et Cl.li.'OlI BALSAM for Coughs, (;olds and b;renchial trouble in old or your,. a1Y'et 3tanufueture-ne WINER'S LINAMENT which is un exeella:ut remedy° for Cosmos, Pains -Neuralgia: Sort Throat and Influenza. he Old Reliable. W'tnanht e'en dition I'onderre. still hnktee first !,lace tn 1111 r :rket. • Also Lotion for eel -!tall e c'n !:cores and Condition Powder 1G, : me 'OLD AE:ER.I A' on DIX LUNG ST REP. C_LUT 0s,'a ci T Bicycles! a Bicycles ! l r Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bicycle pleas- ure? if so. you should seek first, a good wheel, We ran furnish you any of the best wheels made at lowest prices. Musical. Do you want anything in the musical line. We have a choice lot of Pianos and organs. Call and inspect thele before buying elsewhere. A full stock Of sewing machines, baby car- riages, etc., etc. Ppl kilos & Martin. IT PAYS To read the big stores' vertisements STOP! T f1IiqII 4 good whose good are we iu business? furniture For yours and ours. If we are not useful to you we cannot be use- ful to ourselves. We have got to carry the goods you want at the prices you want or we can- not make a nuccess of ourbusi- ness. ness. But we have been doing business right along for years, which proves that we are the right kind of people with the right prices. Come and see for yourself ... ..:I. & SON p1 � 1 1 . o Furniture, Undertaking. OPERA DOUSE BLOCK. e