HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-2-23, Page 4THE
Chas. H. Sanders. Betitar and Prop
THURSDAY, February 28, 1899
A:number of Toronto school boys,
forming an araateur eads. Leave, have
just theen a trip to the beatlquarters
of the United. States army at 'Tampa,
' Florida, and some of the city papers
are filled with a lot of gush about the
matter, while the Mail and Enephe• of
Saturday givee lintqatt,011$ ft•Ma the
kW". taut a le •w utoo manyitus of
their deinge. One boy tenaat etee tea
of a ehips cat and presenitt her under
his arm melee bag, pipe musks out of
the poortgeattarea agony. and this is
celled, one of the seevertat things done
that day. The easnain ehould have
twisted the yteing seamp'e ear ;uld
Made **brae' raneie for the eat. Then
they give ais eonee ill the witty remarks
such as Mate •• Do they feed oranges
to the children" and with their faces
stuek from north to mettle declares
they hail eaten etsven *Images (the
e-ounte pig* •• take a pill and go spin.
ning round like a chinese top." tun'',
sneb like altsurility. Saturday Night
deta well to tail ettentien to eueb ala
solute nonsense. What do Canadian
boys waut to. vieit a 'Yankee camp for?
Wily not send them to Halifax whet'
the tear Britieh trope in Canada are
stationed and let them see aline vain.
abh• milintry diseipline and underetand
'what Witt NtAltlierS are: The eamp at
Taupe, ie only at lea erg:tidied u
trabeel mete .1, very eh, trt residenee
there us, mid ant erly spoil these Toilet-
te eadete for adiliers. civilian,. or ans.
thitig COMA.' Lat. you bad latall-
ner,-(1 youth,: and keep tetiet for a
latet. a veer.
4111 ..,1* 71:1N4W. P1.T.
En:41E-1i .pan he. !team
a, ;et% lite fel tut t• ef tat.
Wee t the iseeteletiit 4' VA, ill ht.
nsety ie Et"tr: inVetst
Of VI. -ha e 'nee as
. ale . VW
aeotet 0. dee ht,.i to teas -
tele ;a .5. e, ah• fainter, slo
the Pai,e1;:..t‘
1Z" AV. q`AtAA.1 /g t
F ale arid
A Preadv-r's Dream,
Galt,Ont., Feb. 17.-- Rev. R. E.
Knowles,. pastor of Knox Charch, aul
his inotherein-law, Mass Ellis, left this
afternoon for Ne.wburzie, N. C. They
retseived a telegram this eleorning stat-
ing, that Mrs. Ellis' mother was dying.
strangepart of ff is that last uigtit
Rev. ..11.r. Knowles says he dreamed
that he would have to go to Newburne
tkecount of a death m the Dunny.
arid. was narrating his dreauxi this
morning When the -doorbell raug end
a messenger handed him a telegram
• eonveying the sad intelligeace,
. .
South Ferth Nomination..
SL.Alarys Feb. 21. --At the nominee
then here to:day for the by-election to
WI the vacancy in the Jewel 1..egislas
tare for South Perth, mused by the
mese:ging of -W. C. Aloserip, the fol-
lowing nominations were made: -Val -
entitle Stork, nterciruit., of the village
of Tavistoek, in the Reform interest,
and Nelson Monteith, of the township
f Downie, in the Conservative inter-
est, 1,V. Aloserip, the late lumber,
Was nominated again, but withdrew,
leaving the eientest between Messrs.
Sok end Monteith. A public meet-
ing followed the nominations,at which
the candidates and their proposers de-
livered addresses.
Fire in Clinton.
Clinton, Feb. 17, -About 3 o'clock
this morning dense smoke was discov-
ed pouring filial ar building occupied
in the lower story by Mr, Barlett as
faruiture wareroonis and in the Upper
St I IEF by Misses 311:dues and ReldelteeSs
strikers, and by. Barlett ae a work-
ehop. It was m the workehop that
the tire origiueted. The fire hpparent-
ly was put out without having, done
meadi damage, but about five o elock
tire broke out again. It was promptly
eubdtted, however. The origin of the
jj bi a mystery. The building is
owned by Mr. Elliott, Mr. BarIett'e
,itork is emr..iderably daneiged, and
etoehe in neighboring stores also are
damaged to some extent by smoke and
West Enron Elections.
toderich, Feb. 21. -The Dominion
rc-eleetitni in West Huron to -day, zen-
d iieresaery by the teeignation of
A1. t. Cameron (since deie.rioti/, to ae-
3; the Lieut. -Ms -erten eltip of the
lawest Territories. readted in the
return of Mr. Rola. Iiolnies. of('ljnton
/ he Liberal ee ni elate, liy bet ulujoll
The majoritiee at as foie iwst -
Holmes. Melee:tie
eloderith town 12
heal/14n telIVII 73
Ashi.eld iwnship
Rees Wawancesh Tp Litt
AA tat VI awa p h
t erilhorne township 19
taalera h township 191
t.:'t- 201 191
teal t I irt '"1 lir. feoltliti tit a
eee a h, vitae:tee
see t tea -. 1 k-• e ego,.
e•tal ell over
l• %It AViat
ale he-
tvt ith t lie
I1 t fi otii the
se esa r," tint zi
leetee siteelel1 Lai ,eeteriitivete
the ewe. tree!, .1e.
tie .1 I ,41
1, ,n,1 v• t.1* taut
1 lho Mne, wo Id not
b the tiluo la
;Ira hod ‘,.113-11 tee leasielettue
tele, hoe,iIthe aetetry of this
heel snig Wien„.its Ite Dry-
den to eay on thktje.t.I ? Soitiort
Parthtinent has been formally pro-
rogued until _Snell 3 man. This does
not mean that the session may not be
held earlier tient that date.
e e
calm TrEAnn FPM.
During tne early . part of last Sep-
tember a mischiermus young cheese
maker. who is now at the 0. ...C.
Dairy School. Guelph, put a. tin box
containing a note and his address in
the heart of a cheese, and thought no
more about it. The month's output
of cheese was exported to Liverpool,
where it was sold in small lots. The
other day the young inan received a
nicely written letter from a lady book-
keeper in a large wholesale and. retail
provision firm in Sheffield, England,
vequesting a correspondence with him,
and asking for infornaation regarding
travelling, expressingher intention. of
visiting Amerma during the summer
Ja '99.
Religious excitement runn high in
the northern part of the township of
Brant, says the Walkerton Herald.
Some time ago a Miss Leggett became
a convert to Divine Healing. She visit-
ed the headquarters of the sect in Chi-
cago, where she claims to have receiv-
ed health and such inspiration that she
became an apostle of the new doctrine,
and is carrying on an active campaign
in propagating it. A couple of years
ago one of the converts went into hog
raising on an extensive scale. He put
up new buildings, purchased some of
the best breeding sows and was mak-
ing the business a profitable one. But
the Divine Realms have adopted that
part of the Jewish belief which classes
the hogs as an unclean animal, cursed
of God and unfit for food. When the
convertreferred to received "the light"
he drove his pen of valuable hogs to
the bush and shot them, leavingtheir
bodies there to rot. Another neighbor
had paid several years on an insurance
policy, but believing that providing
for the future in this way showed a
lack of faith in God, he threw his pol-
icy into the fire and burned it. These
, are only some of the peg:Ajax doings
of the sect, who profess a greater de-
gree of holiness than is vouch-safed to
the ordinary Christian. It is said they
,P]ass ministers, doctors and Strug,gi.sts
the same class as the devil.
Bold Bavk Robbery.
,!lielitleint. Feb. 18. -The r4dentsol
id',t1.1, 11 Wt.114 Wry Gl114•11 t•xeittel yes -
easily morning to learn that the bank
of „I. It. Powell hail teem entered and
ratted. It is !oatmeal' thet the rob.
It. AAN,*al• tIsit 1114-4.. %A:VW SA*Vi'r.
id nieuatitil dollars in the sate. After
estinhig tett attiee to 1 ht. lead: they
drilled a help in the :erne but put ;tu
overellarge of ;Ann!.eXplolVe 111 tilt!
r.,snit that t le side of
the, huiliiiztg Nc%1‘, bloWla ont. The ev.
plip.1(311 wa...‘ heard all over the town.
eat heft
.re any -rsent et uld teeth the
seem. the robbers had stemma the
iteeley and boarded a killdeer, on
eshiell they rode tett aleett four miles
teas:ail Chatham. Thee they aban-
dieted the ear and (*wailed i;1 a carriage
Whiell had .,Videlitly been left at that
POUent for them. Over $•2000 vas taken,
In Memoriam.
Lines on the death of Leura Oliver
neap of Mrs. John Parsons, Centatlin.
How fleeting are onr brightest hopee,
How transient le their stay,
And those we really love the most
Are first to fade away.
Tho fair it be in many ways,
This earth is not our home,
And she is in a fairer land,
Where sorrow is unknown.
What friend would be so selfish then,
ask for Laura's stay on earth,
\Vhen she can live in Heaven.
Or why should friends for Laura grieve
• Tho she has gone away,
While earth affords no resting place
Then why &mild Laura stay?
When she can live in mansions fair,
On Canaan's peaceful shore,
And nr,uhda#: by a Saviour's care, •
What fffiencl could wish for more?
ase(.44( -el dare
Thieves at Thamesford.
Ingersoll, Ont. Feb. 21. -About 11:30
o'clock this morning Chief Crawford.
received a telephone message front
Thamesford stating that a horse and
buggy had been stolen from the church
shed in that village. It appears that
Harry Bowers hired. a rig at Smale's
livery, and, in company with a couple
of lady friends, drove to Thamesford
to attend a concert. Arriving there
he tied the horse in the ch-urch shed.
until after the concert, but when he
went to get the outfit it was gone. A
message was at once sent to our chief,
as also to the police of surrounding
towns, notifying them of the robbery
but up to 1:30 this morningno word
had been heard of the missing outfit.
The Chief said he believed it was the
work of some of the same gang that
operated in 'Woodstock a nighe or two
ago, as one of the parties is said to
have been seen wending his weer north-
ward and turning in the direction of
Thamesford yesterday early. It is un-
derstood. theee is &reward of $20 for the
capture of the horsethief. The police
have been notified of further 'depreda-
tions in the same place. Last night
the residence of Jataes Patterson was
entered and between $8 and $10 in
coppers stolen. Two men are suspect-
ed. Onelwore a soft felt hat and tan
shoes and was about 5 feet 11 inches in
height. His pax•tner wore a brown soft
hats was of dark complexion and was
about 5 feet 6 inches in height The
horse stolen was iron gray in color,
was knee.:sprung and was 14e hands
Cruelty to an Orphan. 1
IParry Sound, Feb. 19.---saa the police 8 as f 0
court yesterday a ease of cruelty to au ' - ' ' •
orphan boy who lived with a family
named. Stacey near Sandrid e mane
up. Teddy Staeev, the boy, about 12
years,of age, lived with his unele,John
Stacey, .on a farm, and was made to
do -work around the place. The evi-
clenee revealed the fact that- the boy
was starved almost to the point of
death. He became literally a living
skeletou. Gangrene had set in on his
fingers and toes, from the effects of
which he will suffer for life, having
lost some of his toes at the first joint.
When Dr, Carmichael. of Saudridge,
as ftnaally called in he found the boy
unconscious and: in a dreadful emaciat-
ed condition. No other restorative
titan food was administered, and by
good treatment and a liberal diet dur-
ing the last month the boy is telly re-
stored, except, from the effect- of the
gangrenemal 5O1-5, whieh still affect
his hands 'and feet. The lad stated
that he got nothing else to eat than
one or two potatoes and a small mor-
sel of dry bread, -At one time he • fed
on raw peas,' oats aud _chop stuff that
got fame the barns, and sometimes
raw turnips. He ran away once, but
was brought haeke Stneey was sea-
teneed to six months' imprisonment
and his wife was made to enter into a
bond of $200 tie appear later on for
sentence when her husband is liber-
Shot Dead,
Winnipeg, Feb, 0').--Xte R, W. Janis
eson, member of the Dominion Houee
for Winnipeg, neeidentally shot him-
self at his residence last evening. Mr.
Jameson attended a board of trade
meeting in the afternoou, at width
the Kettle Valley Beltway charter was
uuder discussion. He moved a resolu-
tion, urging that the charter should
be granted, and no monopoly given
any railway in British Calamine. He
supported the resolution in a, long
speech, and at the close of the meet lug
went home to dinner. After the meal
be read the papers and discussed with
his wife the danger of carrying fires
emote 1 le add • I have one here new,"
and milled out a revolver, which he
exammed. His wife turned away to
her household duties, and a eteenul
leter the wehpon was dieeharged. the
bullet entering near the mouth and
liassing out through t he haelibinse,
• using instant death. The lirst re -
tents were that Mr. Jameetinliad teen -
witted saleide, but Mres Jameson wae
never in a more cheerful mood than
last night, and during the all erm it in
meeting he was in eplenilid ipirft.lle
had but revently returned from at
southern trip for the benefit of his
healtlz. Deceavel was a very popular
man in IVitunipeg„ having 01-eupied ilei
position of ehairman of the linattee
einaluit tee for eeveisil year.-. Ile u
then fleeted mayor by largemajer-
ity, and in 1897 1.4mova t
Liberal nueuber for Winnipeg by 117
majority, tht hyo-eleet iozt behag mead
by the unseating *It' Ilion, Hugh ,John
Maedomkki. lip wale 19 years of age
mid leaves a widow and two Milliken.
ate. -
Mrs. Marearet Mtn:reedit itt Wipe
lie]: at tire age of 103 e and
:11e. it. W. Jamie em, L. i. he. 'the •
lupees. aecidently :hot lem-ell dead
last inght.
Joseph Weetate of Senili. elite him-
self dead at it Windsor boarding hon -e,
llt wae eirk and oat of v.
Mr. Joseph ,Incele lumberman, of
St. Henri, has aesigned, whit Iia bait ies
of $45,000. The assets are about the
When you are nervous a nil she !Sees,
take Hol nr$ Says:gel ri 1 la . 11 Itiakis
the nerves strong and gives
Mr. Jitek Rennedes, ttf hese-re:el, fell
on the eidewalk•Friday, and had the
miefortune to eut his hand. It requir-
ed six stitches to dose up the wound.
R. Dickson, yaid foreman at Island
Pawl and A. Briton, brakeman, who
lived at Point it. Charles, wtnet mak-
ing a coupling, when the train backed
np, crushing them to death.
The five-year-old son of John Mc-
Master, of Kingston, placed his mouth
over the spout of a tea kettle on the
stove and took a drink of the boiling
water, terribly scalding his mouth and
throats 41g_.
.1o11 Gibson, of Lobo, met with
painful accident a few days ago. He
Was assisting his -brother-in-law in fell-
ing a tree, when a limb struck him.
His head was badly cut which rendered
him unconscious.
The boiler in R 0. Konkle's saw mill
near Beamsville, burst on Sunday,
causing much damage to property in
the vicinity. The engineer had just
left the boiler room mid was unhurt.
John Konkle, son of the owner, had
his back injured. The mill building
was demolished and the trees for 500
yards were damaged, large pieces of
the boiler being carried that far.
The floor of the Lion Brewery at
Waterloo, Ont., gave way Saturday
afternoon, and two employes named
Dan Kalbileish, a,nd Wm. Hoffman,
who were shoveling about 2,000bushels
of malt from one wareroom to another,
when they were carried down to the
story below, a distance of 20 feet, with
the malt on top of them. Hoffman
escaped serious injury, but Italbfleish
was killed. The latter was 45 years
old, and leaves a wife end five child-
DISM0Yored by a Woman.
Another great discovery has been
made, and that too, by a lady in this
country. " Disease fastened its clut-
ches upon her and for seven years she
withstood its severest testabut her
vital. organs were undermined and
death seemed imminent. For three
months she coughed incessantly, and
could not sleep. She finally discover-
ed a way to recovery, by purchasing
of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Dis-
covery for Consumption, and was so
much relieved on taking first dose,
that she slept, all night; and with two
bottles, has been absolutely cured.
Her name is Mrs. Luker Luta Thus
writes W. C. Hamnick & Co., of Shel-
by, N. a Sold by all Druggists at 50
cents and $1.00. Every bottle guar -
Till Ursa, Layman Used
Paine's Celery Compound
The Only Medicine That Gives True
$trefigth and. Keeps the Body
Letter that Tells of Trials
and Sufferings,
A New and Joyous Exi$tence
• Experienced After Use of
• Wonderful Medicine.
mr, 3I 1. iseenenuan, of Woodataek.
Ont., writes as follows regarding her
rescue from suffering, and -agony:
After serious consideration
think it ray duty to aeknowledge the
great good that 1 have derived from
Paine's Celery Compound. No living
mortal can imagine the sufferings I
endured for four months. That de-
• mon lagrippe' got a fast hold of me
1 became nervous, and was so prostrate
ed that 1 could not sleep night or day,
was to a mere skeletoa, and life
• became a burden. My appetite wag,
very poor, and 1 was so extremely
nervous that I could not bear to have
ny person in the room with me,
One Sabbath afternoon I read one
of your hooka and found that ?nine's
Celery Compoun4 had cured many
people. I thought I woull try bottle,
and bought one that afternoon, and
commenced to take it according to
directions. The relief was almost
instant 1 continued the use of the
Compound, with the result that I can
now sleep well all eight and feel rest-
ed when morning comes. Myappetite
is good, 1 eon gaining in flesh and feel
like a new person,
" 1 cannot find words to express my
gratitude for your great Paines Celery
Cempound, and for the wonderful
etre it has brought about. I am 73
years of age, and can mew walk five
miles without feeling very tired.
ant telling my friends and neighbors
who. are Apelike,: and nervous and
m1111.1114; as I was, 1 wish you nu -
bounded stleres.., and hope this may
be read by some one who is afflicted
and anxious for relief."
Surest of Ali,
lawaud Dyt,s Excel Ali
Other Dyest tars.
These World Famed Dyee are llonit
FnvuHt e-,
We have tried to t1Sli. (0101` ttp.s.
Intl they (IR 110t give u$ sal lentetion.
Bought eight paekages of your Dia-
mond I)yes to dye our Woollen 'Yarns;
the work ails p•riert.
,r dying alleges and Cot lima omits
unond Dyes:ire ittwoualled.
MRS. FRED Plh'ith
AVindsor, ona
Alexander Matheson one
of the oldest settlers of Minnie'', pass-
ed /lithely nway on Tuiseday. Ile had
been ailing for many months", anti the
prevailing troublee.whieli are leaving
Oa al to :so inany 0111 people ilu.ei• days
caused him to fail rapidly until the
end tame. Deveased was 77 years old.
Fullerton: A very ple:r4an1 event
look idave at the rehideiaCe (31 Me. and
Mrs. .litines I termer, on Wednesday,
Fele 15, being the uniting in marringe
of their daughter, Mary. to Andrew
ITriptliart . The knot was tied by Rev.
11r. Walter in the presence, of about
eighty etteNumerous
sts. and eostly
presentr's MT() I)M:Wilt (Ft1 t (4 tilt' C0111)1(4
in token of the reepect in which they
Were held.
Steen: Fred Hallam died. in Lon-
don Tuesday. His remains arrived in
Dublin Wednesday night and was
brought to Stalin for interment. De
ceased was 28 years of age. -Death
also visited the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Batson, cutting down in the very
early bloom of youth, their youngest
child, a, bright little boy of two years
of age. Much sympathy is felt for the
bereaved parents.
Mitchell: A new creamery is to be
established at the bend on the Huron
Road, a few miles east of Mitchell.
On the evening of Feb. 21 a meeting
will be held at Gould's school house,
Fullerton, to discuss matters in con-
nection with the anclertaking, and
several speakers from Mitchell and
other points will attend. The meet-
ing will be held at 7:30, unless other-
wise announced later. There should
be a good attendance.
Goderich tp: A very interesting
event took place at the residence of R.
Thompson, 10th con., at high noon,
Wednesday, Feb. 15, when his daugh-
ter, Miss Emma, was united in holy
bonds of matrimony to Mr. John Shep-
herd. The bride was assisted by Miss
Jennie Mustard, of Brucefield, while
Mr, Robert Thompson supported the
groom. The ceremony was performed
by the Rev. J. F. Rarke, in the pres-
ence of a select number of guests.
Clinton: W. Graham, M. D., has
purchased the practice lately carried
on under the name of Drs. Turnbull &
Graham. The former left Friday morn-
ing for Berlin, Germany, and Vienna,
Austria, where he will remain and
take a course of study in that eastern
country. The partnership heretofore
existing between the two doctors has
been disolvecl and the practice will
now be carried on by Dr. Graham,
who has obtained the entire practice.
Goderich tp: The cold hand of death
entered the home of Geo. Barnett, and
called away Mrs, J. A. Burnett, relict
of the late W. Burnett, on Sunday,
12th inst. Deceased had been taken
down with la grippe, settling into
pneumonia, which atter some ten days
duration carriedlaer away at the age
of 84 years and 1 Month. She had
been residing with her son, George,
and he has been seriously ill with la
anteedgrippe, and a sad incident at this death
was that he was unable to see his
mother before her cleath, the corpse
having to be conveyed to his room for
him to have the last look at his belov-
ed mother. ,It was a sad occurrence.
children cry for
What is
Castoria Is for Infants and Children. Oastoria is ft
harmless substitute for Castor 011, Paregoric, Drops
and. Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium,
Morphine nor Other Narcotic substance, It is Pleasant.
Its guarantee is thirty 3 -ears, use by Millions of
Mothers. eastoria destroy.s Worms and allays Feverish-
• ness. Oastoria, eures Diarrlieea and. Wind Colic, eastoria,
relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and
Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates
the Stomach anti Dowels ofInfants and Children, giving
healthy and, natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's
Panacea -The Mother's Friend,
$tenst,oria is an excel/eat medicine for '4 Castoria Is so well adapte4 to children
children. hiethers have repeatedly told me that I recommend it as superior to any pre -
as good effect epee their children." senetten R'.140WIt to zne."
ne. O. e. Oeasee, Mau. Allegan, hi. D..Orookbw, 4V. r
1111rXrre=2::: .;1:•=7:11.2-Ur'''''',1=5103203EENNEMN
low price of hardware, we
Twrionio rp wirpa 114.8A7 mivillice y(alearOr beforie the lirmt of the
1411"11 11." I . 'M.
We Imo just
placed an order
from the Old
kmuntry before the!
..1%...rEr.....ncxer. 7 ik sfSc.
e -7c NK3WNE.--.ar
1 I nails, reloents and other goods aro very (1)
%fit, OAR '3*
anti ean nov q mite you on '
Halls Oats. Flops
Joon, olo...
;It prive;-; that will surprise you. Also ea.
NV ill give sreei(dly low (Violations 501
wheii tonal -ring for tile Vitt 11411d Wart.
. Ctl/ltnlet, .
. . . EXETER. 44
'01.7-3raz "xar 7f0 '6'"%it‘
.E S.SGSTAII 342.2 'rat
A serious conflict has taken place. be-
tween the Russians and Chinese at I
Tanen Wan, 300 of the latter being
The skating rink at Paris a•as Nina
ed with all the Hockey Club skates,
boots and clothing and twenty pairs
of curling stones.
Frank Cornell, chief on the C.P.R.
dining car Holyrood, comanitted sui-
cide at Revelstoke, B.C., by cutting
his throat with a razor.
An old lady, registered. as Margaret
'Wescott, Port Burwell, was fonud
dead in her room at the Vendome
Hotel, Sarnia, with the gas turned on.
Kippen: Over one hundred guests
assembled at the banquet in the town
hall, ou Friday evening last, in honor
of our worthy townsmaia, Mr. R. E. ,
Clegg, who has for the past thieteen
years so capably ancl efaciently filled
the position of station master here.
The gathering was a non-political one,
and was composed largely of the resi-
dents of the village, together with
nuraber from the surrounding towns
and villages, ancl from this immediate I
neighborhood. Early in the evening I
the assembled guests sat down to a I
sumptuous ansi most tempting and:
elaborate spread, which places mine
host, Mr. George Greenslade, of Hen -
sail, in the front rank of caterers.
After all had done ample justice to
the rich repast, Mr. R. 1VIcMordie took
the chair, end Mr. G. T. McKay the
vice -chair, when the remainder of the
evening was given over to toast, song
and senthnent.
• et Melon. New&
Comes from Dr. D. B. Oargile, of
Washita, I. T. He writes: ' Four
bottles of Electric Bitters has cured
Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had
caused her suffering for years. Ter-
rible sores would break out on her
head and face, a,nd the best doctors
could give no help; hat her cure is
complete and her health is excellent."
This shows what thousands have prov-
ed, -that Electric Bitters is the best
blood purifier known. ' It's the sup-
reme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt
rheum, ulcers, boils and running scores.
It stinnelates liver, kidneys and bowels'
expels poisons, helps digestion builds
up the strength. Only 50 cents. Sold
by all Druggists, every bottle guaran-
WICIAMMIIPCM...217.90•1••04. MIUSTIMEIMitlf .10112115.6.1.116519.131
• You get pure Virginia
tobacco, full weight, not
loosely packed to make
the package look big, but
closely packed. to retain
the moisture and the
4 -
To Manitoba and Canadian Northwest
will leave Toronto every TUESDAY during
March and April.
Passengers travelling WITFT0I7T LIVE
STOOK should take train leaving Toronto
at 315 p. in
Passel) gers travellin g WITH LIVE
STOCK should take the train leaving Tor-
onto at 9.00 p. m
Colonist Sleepers will be attached to
each train
For full particulars and eopy of "Settlers'
Guide" apply to any Uanadian Pacific agents
or to
Assistant General passenger Agent,
• 1 Wing St. East, Toronto,
Fine German Sliver
leelrie03 Viratchr guaranteed
for 6 years, with Chain; or
"Snari-Shoe Camera with all at-
raohmentsroady th ulke..acture,,
given free for selling tor us 25
Aluminum Thimbles at lao neh.
name and address, well fonvard
good, without money.
Gan. supply co., Toronto.
4.1 L(„giiijkit s