HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-2-23, Page 1, "7. 110., THIRTEENTH YEAR. -590. EXETER ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1899. C. H. SANDERS EDITOR. Ther*..is .Thing as wearing glasses when you should not and not wearing them when you should, , It is a mistake to do either. We only prescribe glasses when they will be of Me to the wearer. A large proportion of the cases of painful eyesight are due to the use at unsuitable or improperly fitted glasses, In consulting our optieian you incur no expense and run no risk, . T. FITTON'S 0416tal-tRY s, OR nings preferred for testing. 11V ANT IVASITNP. 48rant wanted to (*he charge of household on a !arra. Apelv to Nieli.DEAVER. AIONEY TO LOAN. We have nalimitt d private fonds 1urin• vt-stuient upon farm or property, at lowest rates of interest. Die2t4n#4& CMILleo, Barristers. etc,. Exeter.. FARM 6 PUR SALE, alOnW.Y TO 1.)0.4.N. The undersigned has a itiw good farms for saleelikap. Money tet luau on easy textile. rd'AVIOtAN. Samwell's Block Exeter TIONEY TO LOAN1 moncy to loan. at from 4!"4 to 5 per cent. taa.lor& ULA.14.1A,E, llarristers.Solieltors, etc.. Alain St.) Exete Bale Itegister. $4111..7fLIWie 4J.WIt 14 ---jutplemen Cs and household effects, the IfrallertY at AUguet Thou, ilasitwood. Sole at oneoielock. 41). liodoNNIIHAt F.titM FOR W44E ttli RENT. ellat desirable larm in the township ot Stupeem being imt a, tiOnecssion lu, u0n- t8ming1110 tattri. 11/1.10 i s ..goott house aue.biultitege uti the premlw:4; Ix:acres fail win•at tiONVis; 14 acres tau plownig done. Possesstuu given i8x1i1 1st dish. ie 8. good farm Arad will be sold 'cheap. .a.pply to J OLIN 0 IA., Exeter. T_I OUSE FUR SALE. 11411.t desirable briok cottage situated on the eoruer el./dams and Aniti:ew etreet.E,X- oter, mud about 4)..e-fitth attire of land. 'Lae house euH8i»s 141111,t rooms including 8good krtunen. and Literals o gouti wu/1 ot water anti U. cistern on tee premises. eels is a hPltliaUld property sa well tuated, and will be sold reasonably. For particulars apply to this office or tee uudersignud. Allts. Juji24 W Exeter. NOTICE Tho Drm of .iilioz& Oladman,Barrietere, Solimtors, etc., Alasu-st.,Exoter, having been dissoLved by the ueatli OE Mr. B. V. /hunt, 1 wiiI euntiuno LO earry ou the • business at tho a»wji 01111301. ALL outstanding accounts aro to be paid to me, and 1 wiu discharge all, the liabilities of the old Arm. 2. W. GLADMAN. Exeter, 7th, February, 199. VALUABLE VILL1GE PROPERTY FOB .w1.1,111. The undersigned is offering for sale that derdra um and valuable property, situated on Huron 6treet, being part ex Lot l, contain. ing over rive &ores. Lhere is on the premises a good briok 8oae, COL C8111111g elleVell rooms, W1D11 stone cellar, fralue kitchen and wood- shed awn:heti; a. frame stable and other necessary o11t-buhitt1ug;45cameo fruit trees, a good well water and other conveniences Terms reasonable, apply at this °thee or to $434111,11.21111SZCATOlt .Exeter APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT. N otice is hereby given that application will be made to the .i.egisiative Assem ply of the Erovi000 ..intario at its present ses- sion, Ior au Aut. to legalize aed coulinn a • W of tile Islanunpal ihninoil of the vil- lage of Exeter, under which kly-ltvw all lands in village of Exeter, while held, used and owned as farm muds only and in bluoks of nut less than twenty. wires, are from and after the date of passing of said By-law to be rated upon the assessed value thereof ad follows (a) For expenditure for general village purposes, not more than three and one-half mints on tne dollar ; (b) For the payment of the present De- benture debt of the valage the same rate as is required and is from time to time levied upon other village property; (o) For expenditure for school purposes, the saline rate as is required and is from time to time levied upon outer village pro - WV/ 4 (d) For comity purposes the same rate as is required and is trom time to time levied upon other village property. Aud. that no further or other rate be levied 08 1185 said lands by the comicil of the said village of Exeter; And that the said lands are to be exempt froxn taxation ior the payment of any fut- ure debenture debt ot the said village except such as is contracted tor school purposes or fox the renewal or consolidation Of the pre - seat existing debenture debt or some part thereof; Provided always that the said rate given by the saicl liy-law to the said lands shall not be lossened hy auy of the exemptions mention ed eeetion 8 of chapter 224, it.S.0, 1897, and sub -sections thereto... , Provided also that no owner or lessee of mph lauds shall in respect of the said lands have the right to vote upon any by-law for areating contractieg any future ...deben- ture debt except as is for school purposes or for the renewal or consolidation of the pre- sent existing debeuture debt or some part theroot, as a eoresaid. Dated at Exeter, this ist day of Po bruary, A.D,, 1890. DICRSO.N" & CURLING, Solicitors for A pplicants. Children Ory for CASTOR ik 50 TEAMS WANTED! Fifty teams wanted by the SUTHERLAND INNES Co..to draw Elm Logs from Lot 8 and 9, Concession S. Hay. to the Coxnpany's MiIL Apply to GUS WAG ER, Manager. At Gou1ds Saw Mill. Rodgervine Mrs. Gavin Ross is very ill with an Meek of inflammation of the lunge, - mrs Adam Whiteford lute returned rom Atwood, whew, she, has been visit- ing friends, and purposes leaving for her home in Virden, Mare, on Mon- day., -A number of Mr. Thos. Case's mostintimate friends called on him one night last week and enjoyed a pleasant meal hop until the we small hours, - The roads are in a very bad condition, and almost impassable. McGillivray Council Council met pursuant to statutes, in the Town Hall, McGillivray, Jan. fith. The Member who eonstitute the Mun- icipal Council of the township of Me- Gillieray, subscribed te the required forms of their qualifleatione and deck- ratiOns of office, vizi-NW:1n Grieve, Reeve; Robert Hutchinson, Marehal Miller, Philip Harding and Adam IL Hodgme, Councillovs. Minutes of last, meeting read, approved of and signed. Hutchinson-II:wail-1g, that Daidel Dorman's appointment of Assessor Per by-law of 1898 is hereby amwoved of, and he is hereby inetrutted to place on the assessment roll hi the column for that purpose the amount of statute la- bor to be performed by each ratepayer and that his salary be $05. -Carried. Miller -Hodgins, that Isaac Laughlin and George Hindmarsh be and they are hereby appointedauditors. Hutch- inson -Harding, that the clerk is here- by instructed to prepare plan and spec- ification for the building, of a bridge on Allison's side road, • tenders to be opened at next meeting of council.- . Carried. Miller-Hodgms, that the hereinafter nained individuals be paid the several amounts as set forth, viz: A. Thompeon,repairing culvert, 16th concession, 75c; McGillivray Insurance Company, amount •of assessment, $6; G. Saundevs, Wood for town hall, $5,25: T. Wilson, shovelling snow on Cassi- dy's side road, $2.e-Oarried. 1Vliller- Hodgins, that this Council adjourn to meet in the Town Hall on the - first Monday in March, at 10 o'clock a.m. WM. FetasEa, Clerk. Kippel1m On Tuesday old Mr. Whiteman, wlao resided near Ki en, assed to the great beyond. ile Ihkd attained the good old age of ninety. For some time his health has been poor and he gradu- ally suceumbetl. He was anotb.er of those gran(l men who subdued the for- est an(1 laid the foundation for their coontrys great future. Ilis remains was interred in the cexxietery at, Bruce - field Thursday. -Another old and wor- thy resident, in the person of Alm. Alexander Cameron, die(1 at the resi- dence of her son, Peter, on Saturday, having reached the great age of J3 years, She was in the fullest sense of the tern), 1E worthy good woman toad leaves behind her a record worthy of Hensall Mr. J. A. Kruger, late of Walkerton has decided to open a merchant tailor- ing buisness here and has taken it part of J. W. Ortwein's drygoods store. - We regret very much this week to have to chronicle the death of Mrs. James Gilchrist, nee Miss Annie Mc- Arthur, youngest daughter of the late Mr, Robt. M Xrthur, which sad event occurred at her home in this village, on Monday. Mrs Gilchrist was in the very prime of life, being only 32 years of age, and her death is a sad blow to her loving husband, as well as to her very many relatives and friends, by whom she was greatly loved. She leaves an infant ''daughter, only 10 days old. -The Foresters of Court Ivy Green. lodge attended in a, body the funeral of their late brother, Samuel Perkins, of Chiselhurst, who died on Monday and was buried in IVIcTaggart's cemetery on Wednesday. A number of the Foresters from Exeter lodge were also present and joined with the Hensel]. brethren in the services of the order, which was held immediately after the service cond.uctecl by the Rev. Mr. Waddell. The deeeased had been in very poor health for some time but his death was hastened by blood poisoning, resulting from it slight in- jury which he received on his hand it week or so previous to his d.ecease and which spread rapidly through his sys- tems-Mes. John Short, who has been ill for some time, died Ttiesclay morning last. She leaves to mouru her demise a sorrowing husband and eight of a family -three sons and five daughters. The funeral will take place to -clay, (Thursday,) to the Exeter cemetery. nee OlarldebOye Ceiltra•lled, Miss Berne, of London,- • who hag H Mr. and Mrs. Wna. Baker, of Fair - been visiting her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) field, are recovering from their recent Jones, here, has returned tanne.---Alre. j a(taek of e grippe.- .Mr. Geo. ..llicks 7 Porte went to London Monday even -,1 and Miss .Maud Jones spent. Monday ing.---Aliss Hattie Jell went to London evening in Exeter and -.attended the to visit, her brother..--Afrs. MeKecluele peneert Gepre.-Nr, ifpnry jin,$ton, of . went to London Ttiestlity morning.- Exeter, addressed the congregation Mrs. S. Hodgins went'to Clinton Toes- here on Sunday morning, in behalf of day enorninge-The bell-ringers gave e the relief fund for St. James' chureh.. grand, concert in the Methodist.church . Montreal,. and a, good subseri tion was 1 on 'Thiwsday evening. The ehurc/a. was given our pastor for Its re ief.-Mr. I crowded, and everyone went home 'Samuel Sheatelown, of Ltican, was hal well pleased.--Seir. E. Hodgson is pre- e town Sunday. Sant still. 'believes in the f paring for fareing. Ile has purchased precept of the old sting, "There's 110 Wne teson of heavy horses„ ---Mr. A. plaee like 1101ile.'L-A graIld concert Cunningham, of Granton, paid our vjII iM' given on Saturday night at. the village a flying visit ore Tiewsday last. ; Town Hall, composed of the Swiss Bell ' 114'4 'hem h"nrd to sa.)7 "I never Ringers.. tin, Eckardt . ,•] k ew wh I • et I' " i t as 1 nit &moue Grigg, 01 London ex -hotel emulation, --Miss Bella Hedgins is very 111,--Mre. keeper ea Glut place. will preetch here Shoff is reeovering from a severe. at- neat stmday and hold evangelistie ! Pashwood tack of in griPPeneServiees will I"' eries during the coming 110141111St.St. James church each Theirs -•i;-:- even a teem heltinging to Mr. ; The recent. soft, weather has spoiled .414)» elailing 4lirceigi14)41i beat at half- tonk fright 40*41 rite amity, , the sleighing, and tin, roads are POw 1 past seven tt'eloek.-- -Mr. -1- itireittly AV itlk a large maple!, e4ry difficult, tti travel iiver itS titere haul imnie till tilt' treteatel tieing vonsiderehle damage._ plates where the snow Is very I Dunn, who has wen nandlton for Our toe lute had some noteworthy at all, -The series of revival meetings day evening. ...eta Ira ince win have ea ehort time ago a eharecter of notor- then) and in other places there is none the past month, 141 111111(1 holm -Times- events (toeing t pittit eouple of weeks. in this place are about at a lose. Ulla ,• an auetien -.ale on his farm on Times- 111 1. left these Innis for greener pas- ff, inueli good leas been done. -The fun -1 day, :mnreit 2nd. Hverytiting go5,4, tures, iZttit Wveli, WIT,. liewitt de- ' eral a the late Philip Let'll took place even the cone e,g, .ry. Airs. Leen is also sick.seThe highly respeeted residents of the prime/ell ereditors and mustable gave 1 on Saturday to tlw Bronson Iine eenle- Dina- One of the oldest and need ,P,,"11.tril'utigt)::,it,htg.:1;1)7111:.Vree.bt)roeti;0' .41.illf d'h Itti 1 hnshand With a lemming habY boY on 1 great beyenil on 'Wednesday niorniiite, 1.41" Nit Wt.!'.. 11H,Plorl'i'S,S111. Bill's genial , Sattuda y„ tilt', I ltli inst. Airs. Cluirik February 22i1d, ai the perscni tif Mrs. eenut tIlunivc• 1% ::.1 in' mieetel by the chi- 1 ;tile a lire isra,seitt to her husband ou i Aleut, teumingliam, of the 2iitl eose ?en, ,hf tiliz ty ,.ky-)„, 1.4 whew he had ise. . 15th ieet• -Air. t 'brie Haugh aila,.,,„,,,i,„,. sit, ,11,,,I ,,,,, 11,1. 11114 •1 v. „.r., ,....,)•,,..,,„, 4,.. ...,,,,,,... _..._...., , , .. Wifi' 10'1 CM Tinsel:1y for their future at, the rine agi. „f 2:4; p,m.,. 1),,,,..t ;;',1 *s:,,Ti‘lt".:4;:41'' ia"; ..1;nlit.74=10.11711 41'41 home near Cavalier. N. 1). Alr. Albert • Schrader went also. - Mr, August- Tium is making preliarat ions to (1(1 )V(» With his fainiiy 141 Dakiita in a el )(I i1» of wife of Mr, Adam whee inesented her I township 01 eleflillivrtly ninee`ii ttl the 4.11a ti) thk, ,114.:1r fat ally priVir4 depart - had an alt Wk of la grill., and being a. ee. nor a lee sphere of hther was eumbtel. She eali good, itintldwarte.l and vele,. ad' emotiou animist 5111(1 8441014 respelled kV' an wilt knew no mit.rttie1 erolht ors. The finwral will take pluee inn)* , DLTAT11 .110,41:ett ANotr.itskeg.-110, lwr etas resitlenee to St. Jainee ealltt."" VON hand of el nth has again visited tery, on Friday at 11 o'elteet ann. ne end elainad for its vletim km old weeks. We wish August success in his new home, but at the same time he will be missed in the village. --Abe leiremw Wiezand on the siek We hope to teem hear of his recovery. -- Miss of the piddle Seltool has tendered her resignation which has been accepted, and a :111Ss King. of Clinton, has been engaged by the trustees, The change takes place on March 1st,- Several of oar villagers Mule in the auniversary serviees at Crediton on SundayeaRev. Steal, - ler leetured to a larew audience in the elmreh here on Tuesday night. -Every farmer in need of gates this spring should see the one shown by E. M. Brokenshire, and those not in need should have one for convindence sake. Without doubt this is the best farm entte ever shown. Greenway There died at her home in Greenway on Friday, February 17th. of In grippe, Mrs. Selina Wilson, Aged 72 vears and 8 mouths, widow of James T. Wilson, who died on Fehmary 7th. She was beloved and respected by all who knew hen and was ever ready to cone, fort and help the sick. She WILS a brilliant light in the Boston Methodist (immix, and will be greatly missed, as she had a kind, gentle, unassuming and unostentatious way of helping a neighbor or performing the church work, never trying to get glory to her- self. Tb.e ladies of the churde present- ed a, beautiful floral wreath, and her son. 0. H. Wilson, one also with the word " Mother" on it. The funeral service on Monday wa.s conducted at the house by Rev. Hazen,. of *Wyom- ing, as he had exchanged work with her pastor, Rev. J. W. Baird. 1 -ler re- mains were laid. in the Parkhill ceme- tery beside her husband. There will be memorial service held on Sunday, February 26, in the Methodist church at the usual hour of service. She leaves a large family, S.V. J. Wilson, A. M. Wilson and C. H. Wilson, of Green- way; Mrs. C. F. Kerr, of Elgin; Mrs. H. Wickett, of McGillivray; and Rev. R. L. Wilson, of Down Mills. BRIEFS. - Miss Lila Andrews, of Wisner, Mich., returned home last week to take cave of her father. -Mr. Philip Baker, of Grand Bend, has rent- ed the Bemzer favin for a term of five years. -Rev. R. L. Wilson drove from Down a, distance of 67 miles to attend his mother's funeral. -A large number put up ice last week just in time before the thaw. -Miss S. Mac- Locklin visited her home last week. - Mrs. A. M. Wilson, who has been very sick with la grippe is slowly recover- ing, and Mr. J. 'Andrews is some better. Communication Kaleida, Man., Feb. 16, 1899. To EDITOR OF EXETER ADVOCATE. DEAR Sra:-We have had very cold weather during the past two weeks,45, 55 and some say 60 below zero, but at present writing it is nice and mild and thawing a little. Ontario has had quite a number of visitors from aromad about us and on their return one and all say "Manitoba is pretty cold but I would rather have it than rain." Farm- ers are beginning to awaken to the fact that spring is drawing near and merry bells can be heard at any time as they are on their journey too and fro to the bush; the farmers getting out wood so as to be ready, when the soft and balmy winds have taken away the mantle of snow, to be once more on the land sowing the grain. What a busy time the farmers have here in the spring, plowing, sowing and har- rowing and then taking the cattle away to be herd.ed for the summer. You can see hundreds of heads of cattle all banded together on the prarie with a, man or boy accompa,nying them for the purpose of keeping them within certain limits,for woe be unto the farm- ers fields of grain if they got into them. It is a very pretty sight indeed. Since my last vvviting we had a real old time blizzard, and while no one suffered around us, in Cavalier County, N. D., there was two or three deaths from colcl, 1. It is much worse over there then here daring ii, storm, as it is all clear prairie anti the wind. makes a dean sweep. Hoping I have not trespassed too much on your spaee, I am yours truly, AMELIA. „•4•.• so advaneed in yeina s eiedly see- ,zt the eaute hee ;1 slit ',rise and shoelc, ar41 highly resiaant of this Oretlito Andenem. %elm has for the paet few guest of Miss Mary Atm Morloek this atmetions cif an, Iwo. and ap to the village. hi the penem of Mr. Joeeph B(B1 It Beer, (4. ENt44'r, Ill" month:. Ian It lenity the trials and week.- - Mrs. Lydia Hoffman aind , Lan nem. neent watt the assurance 1 y of Plat tsvillte is visiting 1 ier t. t when the theith summons should alaa (1(4)414:11 Br"wa• l'"41:Y (.411111all 1'» (1(4111 11. 11 en. on wednes. elitheis 41.P.P.. of Toronto, spent Sun- 4.1av of lied ....».»1.-1...pessed peacefully first Mine' tlw seesion has comm1-»4.ieelt•at It taking plate. at the residence of day With his family hbei ere, it 11g14(' an:ay to jein the majority beyond, his Wm. Lewis, J. P., is attending 1 his ,,an winiaan nun mann:non step_ rie this vveek.---Mr. the °tang(' 1481514' eaureatilan (It Bar" l hen, where he had been visiting for was in London last !Holiday ja-e"I' Swett4e,r !the past four weeks. For Rime time ("2 „base" II deceased had liven in failing health and nese, - Mae Daniel Trneniner, tu 141:411. s 111040 intensely from the effects or wood, ataompaided Mr. Hy. Edher to i e4144n511 main, heart failure eying Toronto last Alonday to consult a I rile Intimate (»8h51' of his oath. un 81)0144111-4 for treatment, for her ears. nnannsmt was. 11 1118tre.. re hope that she will meet with , lane, and with his parents emigrated relief. - Miss Norris, of Staffe, is visit- 1 to this mann. when fin, ynns or age.. Int; Mrs. Wililam Win" t'llis week.' - They settled iu Grenville, Que., where Mr. James Clark, of Crediton East, is 1 -- i thee lived, for some years. At, the age weering a smile on hie Dive these days. , of 2:0 he vitae' to the Huron Traek ond 1 es a girks-Alud reigns supreme these days in oer little clod, Mull! 'Mud! 1 and event el on Lot 1.9, COM rt, .Stephen Mudi-Mr. H. O. Hueston, tosteiship, the farm on *hie he died. jusltralle'! Shortly afterwards he left for the Gulf Tuesday on business. -Mr. \\ MeV ! married Miss Jane Diamond, of Step - agent. of Exeter, VMS ill au,. VPlage 1 tif Aldieo. returning in Ian, when he Kerr, of Brinsley, spent Sunday with his friends here. I hen. at the residence of Mr. Floyd, of STonEx.---B. Brown, our fashionable 1 Exeter, then the Diamond. estate. Af- boot &shoe 181411, 17115 relieved of eh- ter his marriage be settled on the farm a out $100 hist Sunday. Mr. Brown had 1 nd bv dint of industry and good man - received 801114' 111014'y from 51 party and ageminnt he hewed out. a coinfortable home andsucceeded, with many yeare had put the 8111110 into a valiee and laid of pioiwer hardshine, in accumulating a it in the cupboard. In the evening when Mr. Brown looked for the money it had taken wings and flown. How the money got away is still a mystery. WEDDED. -The residenee of Mr. and Mrs. August Heist, one mile north of Crediton, NAILS the scent, of a pleasant event when their youngest daughter Miss Mary Ann was united ni the happy bonds of matrimony with Mr. Thomas Mawhinney of this place. The Rev. J. G. Litt tied the knot in the presence of a large number of friends and relatives of the contracting par- ties. We lifiSh Mr. and. Mrs. Mawhinney a long and happy married life. ANNIVERSARY' SERVIOES.-on Sun- day- the Rev. Christian Staebler, P.E., one of Buffalo's most popidar devines, and formerly pastor of the Crediton congregation, preached alive powerful and impressive sermons, two in Ger- man and one in English, here in the Germ= church. The Rev. gentleman has a large nuniber of bosom friends here, who, with pleasure and spiritual profit, attended his services last Sun- day. Rev. Staebler is bound to make a mark in the world, being a person of great, personal ability, and as an orator second to none in the church of his op- tion. When the church was dedicat- ed the congregation provided for its payment. Since that time a handsome fence has been built; cement sidewalks laid and some loss in subscriptions and other incidental expenses, caused a, deficit of about $500. This the con- egation was asked to wipe out last Sunday. Henry Either M.L.A., pro- mised the trustees of the church that if the congregation would wipe out the accrued balance he would give them $50. The congregation accepted the challenge and Harry had to put up. To that every dollar of the church fund is now secured and the church is free from all incumbrence. This is as it should be. Now we expect that the grounds around the church will be 1111 - proved and kept hi good condition. What a pleasure it must be to the members of this congregation to kalow that such a handsome edifice is entire- ly paid for and what a legacy the older members (who have contributed. so handsomely) have to hand down to the future generation. -Monday even- ing the Bev. C. Staebler gave his not- ed. lecture "Dollars and -Sense " to a large audience. The Rev. gentleman gave some.good pointers on how we should handle our dollen and common sense, while now and then he -meld give some witty anecdote. He niade a rod impression on his audience and it is hoped that, they will inereaseboth their dollars and sense. The notice- able people nth° attended the chureh Anniversary last, Sunday and Monday are: -Rev's. Heist and Sinienof Zurich and Dashwood, respectiveiy, Mr. and. Mrs. Christian Either, Mr. and Miss Merrier, Mr. and Mrs. G. Heitman, Mr. Faust and Miss Faust, Mv. and Miss Kibler, and Mr, H. Well, all of Zurich. goodly share of this world's blessings. His wife died in 1867, leaving to mourn her loss a sorrowing husband and nine ehildren, all of whom are living and are as follows: --Mrs. P. Trainer, St. Joseph's Leland; Mrs. A. E. Adams, Leddington, Mich.; Mrs. Joseph Hud- son, of Munishing, Mich.; Mrs. J. A. Graham, London; Miss Anderson, Munishing, Mich.; Wilson Anderson, near Crediton: Wm. Anderson, 011 the homestead, 211(1 concession, Stephen; John, near Bay City, and Joseph of Chicago. In the year 1876 he married Mrs. Bicknell, of Centralia, and then retired from farming and settled in the village where he resided np to a short time before his death. Deceased had travelled extensively and his know- ledge of the various part of Canada de- lighted the minds of all who have heard his experience. He was also a lover of good literature and well versed in all subjects. In religion he was a Methodist and was a faithful xnexnber of the church here. He was beloved by both old and young and his death ' will be universally regretted. He leaves a small family by the second wife, two girls, who reside at home, and Mr. Frank Anderson, of Fredric - ton, a soldier in the Canadian army. The funeral took place on Friday after- noon and was the largest that has been witnessel in this part for ten years. There was in the neighborhood of eighty vehicles, reaching one mile and a quarter. On Sunday evening the inemorial service was preached by the Rev. S. Salton and the congregation filled the church from back to front. It was an impressive and well directed sermon. The choir gave some very appropriate selections. • (Too late for last week.) Mr. James Campbell, of Varna, ac- companied by her son and daughter spent a few days Of last week here with her mother, Mrs. Martha Evans. -Mr. John Essery, of Eden, shipped from this depot a car load of valuable horses to Teledo, Ohio. He accompani- ed the horses to that place. Mr. It.. Hicks had a wood. bee on Thursday last whioh was rather slimly attended, owing to the intense cold. Those who ventured out returned from the bush with their nasal organs as red as lobsters. -Messrs. Thomas Neil and F. Ward ere busily engaged seeming send for their new dwellings. -Miss Mary Colwill gave a very instructive paper 011 " Taking Things Patiently " at the league on Tuesday evening to a fairly well attended meeting. On the 80th of February the social department will give a honey and bun social and a choice program is behag arranged. An interesting time is ex -pedal -Mr. Colwill, our enterprising hay Merchant, is making levee shipments of hay, from this depot to Montreal and Boston. Large quantities of other farm produce is also being shipped. from here. -Dr. 'Rollins has almost knocked the foot -hold from under la grippe which was uhe .prevalent aro-und town; but we earn that the matrimonial fever is securing a hold • eome of our young citizens which' wt11 call for Rev. S. Salton s prompt attention. -Mr. Geo. Grafton is mate. ing preparations for the erection of a new brick stable and will also place a new foundation and celler under •the hotRI This will make a big improve- ment to the place., A CLOSE CAL.I..^-48.t three o'dock 013 Saturday morning the residence of Mr, Samuel McCoy narrowly escaped being burned to the ground tegettwr with. the eontents and inmates'. It appears it hot brie* had beets placed in a bed in the room adjourning the par- lor for the purpose' of keeping the childrens" fete Warne A.11 Went well for a time until the mother was awakened by the severe azul agonising coughing of the •ehildren, which arous- ed her and on investienting matters 10Und the •children enfant ing awl the bed on we. More :assistance roort :wheel and they fought the tire des. perately for half an hour and finally eXtingetislied it, :when it was found that it had destroyed about $30 evorth of property. It is almnet eertaia that the whole family would have perished bed not the the:been discovered in the nick of time. - Biddulph Air. Wes. Hol AN and sieter, of Thorn - dale, were vieitp,4g. friends at mourns. vine on F Ed. Mehar, of Port Att,4 M 411.. is visivng friends, 111 Buldtdpii. Mrs. Alehae Is a sister ot Mrs, James 1 renneseeseuel was a form- er resideut of elitheahdeenwesers, Joeepli and j411114 Kennedy. of Granton paid. friends at Alteireseelle a nein ou Monda..y.-Mr'. Joseph Abbott, of A.I- Mon, Miele,- whet has been visiting friends and relatives here fOr ti•io past few weeke, ilitende returning to her hoine this week -For breaking into a bonded freigi tsir 4)1k the tira WI Trunk on the 14414. Gideon McKenna was on Tnesday sentenced to thirty days ht jail, by Pollee Magistrate Parke. Mc - _Kenna pleaded not guilty, elaiming that the ear Was opened by two other men W140 1144 it before the train rtewb- ed London frein Toronto. • Bnikeman Darrell, however, gave evidenee that he first saw MeKenne in the ear at St, • Paul's station, near Stream', and Made him prisoner until he readied London. by !netting the door. The ear Wits filled with rolls of paper. me_ Kenna watt en route to Ins home in Bidduleh.-Mrs. Mary Hodgins, re- lict of the late Henry Hodgme, died on Thiirsday at the homeeteads Lot 26, N. B. Biddulph, at the advaneed age of 81 veers and eeven months. The Amaral, whieh was largely attend- ed tools plaee Saturday last for the burying ground on the lltla con. of London township, -Mrs. O'Donnell, of the 10111 con., of Biddulph, died on Friday at the age of 63 years. The funeral, Which Willi largely attended, took place on Sunday morning lest to St. Patrick's church. Undertaker Murdy had •charge of the funeral arrangements. The Annettie or a cioat Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose Stomaeh and Liver are out of order. .All stieb should know that Dr. King's New Life Pi11, the wonderful Stomach and Liver Remedy, gives a splendid appetite, sound digestion and a regular bodily habit that insures perfect health and great energy, Only 25 cents at any Drug Store. Brussels: One day recently Tom Bird had the inisfortime to have his foot jammed by a stick of timber in P. Ament's mill yard. Settforth: On Tuesday night some person or persons entered. the shoe store of Mr. Robert Willis and stole therefrom nearly $150. Mxs pays for grain for Mr. James Beattie, and on that night had about $150 mostly in bills, left on hand. For safe keeping it was placed in an old shoe box and laid on a shelf among a num- ber of other such boxes. In appear- an(1e it WaS quite as innocent looking as the other boxes, although. much more valuable, and the thief must cer- tainly have known where it had been put. How entrance was gained to the store is equally as mysterious as who the thief was, as the entrance was ef- fected without violence of any kind. The loss is a heavy one, but as Mr. Willis has not the slightest clue, he does not know hew to turn to endeavor to recover the stolen property. • As far as is known nothing else in the store was disturbed. The burglar had simp- ly. walked in, placed his hand on the right box, extracted. the -money leav- ing the right box behind, and the theft was not noticed until about noon on Wednesday. Your Rest Interests Will be served. by rnaking sure of health. It wili be a loss of time and money to be stricken -with serious ill- ness. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla and pnrify your blood. In this way all germs of disease will be expelled, sick- ness and, suffering will be avoided, and. your health will be preserved. Isn't this a wise course? Hood's Pills are the only pills tO take with. Hood's Sassaparilla. Price • MARRO AllA ' HEDDEN-CUDMORE-In Exeter on Feb. 16th, at ,the residence of the bride's fatheis Huron street, by Rev. John Ball, of Kirkton, uncle of the bride, Mr. William John Hedden, to Miss Millie Cudmore, daughter of Mr. John Cudmore, Exeter. 0141AT MILNE-At the family residence, Lon- don, on Feb. 16, Jane Milne, former- ly of Exeter, aged 00 years. MATHESON.-In Mitchell, on Feb. 11 Alexa.nder Matheson, aged 77 years and 4 days. 4.,