Exeter Advocate, 1899-2-16, Page 8Central
Don't Wait .¢, fur sc>lnethin„
if 11 to tarn 1>p
Get a business education and tun some
thing rap, Active, edtaoated and wen trained
young men and women ars 'wanted.every-
where. We admit students at any time
Write for eircttle.rs.
W. J. Elliott. Principal
Lent began on Wednesday,
Cash for hides at Exeter Tannery,
West Huron election on Tuesday
It .vas St. Valentines Day Iast
Wood fouls ready:sale on themarket
these days.
There are 35 inmates at the. House
of Refuge now.
Try the ADVOCATE for Wedding
stationery. Latest designs.
Miss Thompson, of Seafortli is visit-
ing her sister, Mrs, R. J. Webb.
One night last week Mr. W. D.
Weekes haat two pigs frozen to death.
1i No,1 hides 7 cents at the Exeter 4s Othres see us. ( Miss M.E. Gilt, teacher, liar been
4 Tannery. ""The Exeter ADVOCATE has donna- nnabieto attend to. her duties for
Mr J,, %riders -ea ltewt ed a new dress, and is now one: of the the past few days owing to ill health,
While going to press we learn that handsomest country weeklies in the B;Irs, W. IL Levett, who has been
old and west. It is also a wide awake ( f (ox\r, Joseph Anderson,at
on theui 'verge ofdeath for severaldays,
highly respected resident of Centralia, of local news, and is in every respect still continues very low, She issuti'er-
died at his son's residence in Stephen, a credit to the toz�nz and its enterpris.-. ing from an .attack of congestion of
after prolonged illness, ing proprietor, C. 3:I. Sanders," --St- the lungs,
l<.iiss Jeckell, who we reported ea
standing e an magnum- nk new dress put on by our friend the being ill last week, is still unable to
years anding dz d, and the . ,. gn (_ 1 Exeter AzpvocnT , avlalch is ably look attend to her duties as teacher in the
mous newspaper man wrote a beautx ed after and edited by Chas, ii S.an- Exeter public school. Her positron is
ful obituary, but the ntelli«exit writ- being, ably filled by the former teacher
ders, The people of that town should i
positor e oiled it somewhat Ey inekine- Miss Vospex",
Last ]lost.
The delinquent subscriber of seven.
ratford Herald..
a` We are nisch pleased with file
it say. large number of friends area
be proud of their newsy, br•ight little
relatives followed him to his last rant: et i
dipue to its
toi foThe columns which are fs ull l of newsy
ing place.
Mara ern is rgtt Trees, appearance
the adv ertisirig good, and, its
appearance is much unproved by its
It has been remarked that thepeaeh f" new clothes," Success to you 'X3rer
trees, tender varieties of plum, and Sanders,"—Olinton New Era.
grape vines that were unprotected, Dexalotion,
would be seriously injured by the cold,
Oa), arrived here on \'4"eduesday of
V'ith no snow upon the ground of s Thel Evan= elistic services were last week and will spend a few weeks
" Mrs, Ross, of Exeter, and. :Miss
Rutehinson, of Chatham, have been
in town for, a couple of day's, : lfiss C.
V. Smith was called away to Eeter
last week, owingto the serious illness
of hersister,"—eusaall Observer.
Mrs, Andrew Hicks, of Riverside,
1 eient depth to serve as a protection, brought to a close on Friday ex ening.
and the temperature at 13 or 14 below Miss'Morton addressed the convexes,
zero, none but the hardier fruit could Her counsels were practical and time
stancl it. ty, her theme was following Christ,
Exeter Wan 4n opportuuity was then given to
Lovers of ]roc key witnessed seer a vex'~ unite with the church both she and the
interestingand exciting game onthe ; pastor gave the widest liberty for the
choice A e church thee- f th b h 1 e- blioat Arra ld join,
With fiends and reliatives, after which
she will return to Riverside where her
son, Mervyn, zxow resides and is enjoy=
ng good health,
Parkhill; Mr. Charles Fairbanks, a
well-known citizen, died on Saturday,
r xexc{r gin;: on 'r'#Iurs-clay, right last l A large number gave iu tl>eir names Feb. •ltli. Though able to be arounds
between the Clinton and Exeterjunior a: most of whom connected themselves
until a short time before his death, his
teams, resulting in favor of the'liorrxe ablehealth had been poor for a consider-
team by a seore of 2 goals to I, Both withtheJaxuesstreet church. JIr, T. cable time,
teams )laved Hood hockey and flat>.. Garlirxg then moved the follo�► run res-
I �, rieularll; ;liras. James Gilchrist is
seriously ill, and Dr. Browning, of Ec-
eter, was called in consultation on
Tuesday night. 'Mille here his horse
ran away, but was caught before it
had gone far or done much damage,
spectatorswere ,veli pleased with the oltutioxt le-
wits s(>cozxcl((1 by \1r,
A Faney Dress Caraivaal will he held gime,
Gea, Thomas, Thd> resolution w,Is car -
in the rink her( to-xnorz'ow (Friday) uenvy Oram -ht la(t,rae ( iced bt a standing vote and amid deep
` *alga A. McDonell, of Exeter, was for presented. the eiesTillition to Mice
Hear the Boston ('tub's great pia;- in town at the Rattenbury House last i Morton expressing a ver) high opinion
gram next Monday. Plan at 1.)r. Lixtz s Thursday, lee .i y and Saturdayluxxx ° a) her ability, ell.araxetc*x" mid useful..
Seats 2.S and 8 i. classing horses for the old (7(ntutry " fess, She made a very suitable rely.
One of Mr. E. A. I�oilieles teatlll ,vas xuarl et; he mule a purelinse of over a' The following is the resolution moved
night luif_d) fine tipkaxa 4 t
t goodfi b T. li, Carling, Seconiedb�Ue z
a(kieksl by itsre tx•on Txktidav
and had to 1)(> killed, xuses, and will sail) a couple of cars i Thoniias:• --"' On this the closing even-
'` en -
It is never too late to mend—unless about the loth xtxst, from Exeter to- i ingot' these Bras; ebstie services, we
our trouser' buttons break orf whileLiverpool via Portland. Mr, 1IcDonell i desire to Owe* on record our heartfelt
you are mooing t() d atclr a train,
is a shrewd purchaser, and is looked thanks to mu. Heavenly ]rather, for
Don't forret the Odd -Fellows' greet- upon as a criterion on horse flesh.'" --m 1 the>, bountiful outpouring of 1hN Holy
alditol New 1+;r4z
est concert Monday night. Buy your ow •
wt sag ;loose t,1CeTt) ek,
seats early. Price 25 and 85 cents,
Wnil(> Mr. Rola. Rowe was })arcking \VOLtl Was reveived fruxtt Clinton on
, Tuesday of the dearth of Mr. John
out his hoer, onl "eerie sdih to litre. ud Mooreslteaa(l, who died at the House of
a funeral he accideftty sopped ani Refuge that day. The old gentleman
sustained a broken rib. has been in poor health for some time,
A. large number of the farmers are but a sudden attack of la grippe end-
coluplaainilx;; of having their potatoes ed his days, He was ;a former resi-
boa. ax matter , • ^" - ,
frozen arae] say at will t 12 dent of Exeter and was cd y eat, of
to get potatoes for seed. age. His romans will be brought
Miss 1ctea, daughter 1 x, Z.
J. here and thAmend will take place
(a2'ling;. while ,lotting en the rink one from, the residence of She led, Hunt,
day last week, sprain(e(I her ankle and dill street, on Friday.
Is now confined to the house, Velesoap
The ropes attached to the Trivitt The cold snap of the past few weeks
Memorial ehureh bells were tied exp is probable. the coldest ever known in
Tuesday night, the ringers having the country. In the year 1872 a some -
suspended operations until after Lent. what similar spell was experienced
The Wlxi#a"ly farm on the Horon roadbut it was in nowise as lengthy or yet
Tucl ereteith, is to be oared for sale so cold, It is nearly ly three weeks ago
by auction on the 4th of March. It is stare Jack Frost commenced lits
at line property and is likely to be sliId
pranks, and kept it up until Tuesday.
During ring that time the mercury was
at a goodgoodfig,ti figure. . never above zero and very often down
The ()cid-Fellow`; Society has id- below fifteen and twenty, a duritti
wars igen concerts that have proven Sunday night went as low as 32.
high Mese, and their reputation will he
well sustained by the postai, C)xfords Coto "Quarters.
next Monday night.Mr. Walter Reddy, of i'sborne, has
1 ', laittersn)t erne] 'Iv. Tanto will in his possession : spe Cies of the feath-
Ix Clintonfled tribe rarely if ever seen in these
speak at Cion Thursdayuand at
),arts; at, this sea- in of the year. On
(Xoderielx nit Pridav .in support of 1Tr, i
Holmes, the Liberal candidate for the Tuesday he went to the bush to cut
Commons in West Huron,
wood send on felling a tree discovered]
a large bird fly out of a nest, and on
The Rev. Cluirles Smith will preach repairing it discovered it to be a wiled
in Mainstreet# streetehnrCli mixt Sunday duck. Its feet had been frozen but;
morning, on > The Good > he p >r d ` otherwise it was aright. \'r.. Medd,.
and in the evening the sermon topic has his prize now raged. The lilies
avk1 be " A Golden Candlestick." was pre>1>ably never heauxl of before.
The residence of Mr. Edward Hall ltraie•i: Lucke
Exeter North, mysteriously took fire
on Wednesday afternoon and before On Friday. laasi. while Messrs. R. J.
discovered lead gained such headway \\'ebb and N. :\fcAvoy- were cutting
that it was impossible to save it, logs in lir. Wm. oat s bush Us-
borne they "staucl. lac,]. They had
:lir. 1). Spicer held an auction of his cut down a large tree and on it stalk -
household goods and town property ing the ground a huge coon jumped
on Saturday afternoon last. Good out of a hollow limb. They soon made
prices were realized for the effects short work of his coonship, but little
while the house and land brought thinking they had yet untold rich
$1535, and was purchased by Mr. Al- spoils to follow, for on examining
pert Hooper. the limb discovered a large quantity
Allan, second son of Mr. Robt. Pick- of honey. This they gathered and on
and met with a painful accident on their return trip home were much
Tuesday last by falling down stairs, heavier laden than on their trip out.
sustaining abroken thigh and other-
wise received a bad sharking up. The Donee of iicrn_e Notes.
tittle fellow is doing as we as could The committee, composed of R.
er chairman; \Warden Cook and
be expected. Messrs Torrance and Snell, niet at the
It is announced that the postal de- Hotel Clarendon on Tuesday: W.
partxnents of Canada and the United Lane, county clerk, and Inspector W.
States have reached an agreement pro- Coats met with then. It was decided.
vrding for a considerable reduction of to raise the windmill 20 feet, so as to
the rates on international money or- avoid the frequent breakages, also to
ders. The rates will be the same as build a driving shed and ice house
exist in domestic money orders in each combined—the building to be 24x40,
country. on 14 ft. posts, and flooredabove. The
One night last week while Dr. inspector was authorized to plant
Browning was returning from visiting maple trees and evergreens where
a patient near Hensall his horse took desirable. Mrs. Mary Wells, of Gode-
fright at two dogs and, turning off, rich, is a new inmate, admitted on
threw the doctor out with such force Friday last.
as to break his arm. The horse got
The 'P,mr men or ranaze.
away and was captured next morning The United Brotherhood of Track -
down near Centralia.
Vre are indebted to Mr. Ern. Gidley, men is comparatively new organize-
Winnipeg, Man., for a copy of the tion braving only been three years in
Winnipeg Free Press, containing a
cut and full account of the destruction,
by fire, of the niagnificient Hotel
Manitoba, which occurred last week.
It was the best hotel in the city and
the loss is estimated at $300,000.
The Stratford Herald says: "Lenten
fast this year will be restricted to
Wednesdays and Fridays, instead of,
as in former years, being compulsory
every day. The modification of the
fasting' requirements of Lent this year
is on account of the general prevalence
of grip, and the need of strong foods,
such as meats, which may be freely
used, except onthe two days mention-
The regular February official meet-
ing of the Main-st. Methodist church
was held on Monday evening last. One
decision of the meeting was the setting
apart of Thursday, Feb. 26, as a day
in the interests of "The Relief Fund"
of the great St. James church in Mont-
real. Collections and subscriptions
will be taken up on that date for the
relief. The meeting, before closing,
also voted an invitation to their pre-
,sent pastor, Rev. Charles Sxnith, to
continue 'as their pastor for a third,
Word was received here this week
of the death of Mr. Samuel Perkins,
o Chiselhurst, who died at that place
o x Monday last after a prolonged ill
n ,ss from rheumatism. The deceased
w is a former resident. of Exeter, and
w as a shoemaker by trade, having
se.•ved his apprenticeship with Mr.
Wm. Faison here over twenty years
ago. He has been conducting a small
b.x ainess in Chiselhurst for some titne.
He was a member of the Canadian Or
4er Foresters, under' whose auspices
the funeral took place yesterday (Ned
Mitchell; A wide circle of friends
will be pained to learn of the death of
Mrs. W in.. A. O'Dell (nee ,Miss Carrie
( t
>ot � is sa(t event occurred here
Ialc tl �` Ii h rx i 1 h
on Monday last, Dcee eased had been
ill for some time with lung trouble.
She leaves a ;voting son to mourn her
5 lilt; grid n)xr' high appreciatiotx f Clinton: Mrs. Charles Rouse, of
P g lanes in ,Ashfield township, died oft
Mies •l s
theEvangelist.tan Moltk who ltak
Thursday, in the thirty-fifth year of
eonduetd the ser is es for the past her age, and leaves behind a sorrow -
three weeks. The entire ltmeull)fr:slilp ing in biusl curd family of five small
of the elttuelr Maas peen, moved. Those i children, alta• eldest not yet ']even
years of age.
backslidden in heart have been reclai>u-
ed. The faith of the younger part of
the nu'ntberehip in trod, and m the
promises of His word has been greatly
strengthened. Those more expe2'ieue-
ed arnd aged in God's service have re-
ceived arieh baptism s i
will l
them to greater victories,
in the fntux .
'.rile entire company has been benefit,
ted beyond what any nuulericial re-
sults ean indicate, only eternity May
teeveal the full results. We ar'ethauk-
ful for the ingathei'inl from the world
many influential Treads of families and
young people, who have been the sub.
jests of many prositsrs and much
thought troth in their homes anuli the
iululay Sebool, have been added to the
elxllreb,• We start out with greater
unity and accumulated. strength, For
these results we are greatly indebted
to the faithful labors of Miss Morton
a Mong us. Her consecrated spirit, her
('arae:vt appeals, 11(er elociateut sermons
so efficiently delivered, end her honest
fidelity and kindness Of heart have en-
abled her to win souls for the Lord
Jesus Christ. The impressions )node
by these service's will net beshoi•tlived.
but will live in the entire community
and, especially in James Street, church.
While we praise (god from whom all
blessings floe, we give x)ur hearty
thanks to the Evangelist wli,>tu God
has owned. We also recognize the
constant and faithful labors of our pas-
tor which have prepared the soil for
this general ingathering.. To him also
we are indebted for the introduction
of the Evangelist among us, and for
Ids most hearty co-operation with her
in the entire series of services. We
start out from this point with renewed
courage and hope and pledge ourselves
together fidelity in every department
of Christian work."
reraonal Mention
Blythe ialr. George •llraebling was
badly injuu'ed on \Veduesday while
felling trees in .]]r. James Me•(`owan's
bush, A splinter of a fallen tree struck
the" ..
? .. ,i splinter.
( 1 e< • i d. .lint i
lx heath r tl, n ,x a
him; in ,
t; 1
ing the palate axnd both jaw bones. He
'oleo received several ltes"I* wounds on
:the face.
Kippen; The Methodists here are
busy loading material for their new
church. Henry Sheller has bought
the old elutoob for $85, , besides :sub -
9 , { {
s(•xil)ing; towards the new olxt, The
chola+ will be of braiek, with cement
foundation and will be one of the fin-
est eountry ekurcllc's 3n this section.
The plain is that drawn by Rev. W..1,
('lintou: Mr. John McMurray hats
sold out his grocerystockto Mr, J. W.
Hill who is already in possession. • Ali.
11i11 is well known to the citizens us it
shrewd and successful business men
and will seenre a share of the tratde.
Mr. McMurray lute been a resident of
Clinton since 1800 and in the grocery
business at good part of the time. • He
thinks of locating on the prairies.
Lucian: Tuesday evening, lith Feb..,
a wedding of some interest to many
residents of Lamm, was celebrated at
1 o)uoka.. Miss C. Edna Dark, a
slaughter of Mrs. Adeline Dark, of
Kouxola, was joined in holy bonds of
natrilnony to Mr. C. 0. D. Gibson,
son of 31x'. S. Gibson of the Lucan
Planing Mill. Quite a number attend-
ed the wedding from here.
Hibbert: On Wednesday, Feb. 1,
over seventy people assembled at the
residence of John Britton, to witness
the marriage of Miss Venetta Clark to
Alfred Robinson of Fullerton. Miss
Daw, of Loudon, assisted the bride,
while John Robinson, brother of the
groom, was best man. The nunierous
and costly presents showed the esteem
in which the bride wits held in the
Parkhill: Willie, the five-year-old
son of Mr. George Tudor, had a very
cold bath on Thtu'sday. He and Wil-
lie Gough, who is about the same age,
were at the rear of Mr: Tudor's prem-
ises and not being able to get into the
house, amused themselves around a
cistern which contained about 2a feet
of water. They took the top off the
cistern and in some way Willie • Tudor
fell in. His little companion, it is
thought, tried to get him out, but not
succeeding ran to Mr. S. Tudor's house
near by, and gave the alarm. Miss
Tudor went at once to the cistern and
rescued the little fellow from his un-
comfortable quarters. By careful treat-
ment he was soon all right anclaround
as usual. Only for the sagacity of
Willie Gough he would, no doubt,have
perished in the icy cold water.
Mr. P. Anderson, London Road
south, continues quite ill,
Mr. Liendfield, of Dashwood, visit-
ed friends in town Sunday.
Miss Jessie Miller is visiting her sis-
ter, Mrs. Patterson, in Hensall.
V. Ratz, M. P., of Khiva, gave the
ADVOCATE a pleasant call Tuesday.
Mr. John Grigg, who has been quite
ill for the past few weeks is recover-
Mr. John Snell, of St. Thomas, is
home visiting his ]pother for a short
Edgar Westcott has started to learn
the art of barbering with Mr. A. Has-
Miss Lille Hersey, of London, spent
a few days with friends in town dur-
ing the week.
Mr. Robt. Richardson and wife, of
Zurich, are spending a few days with
friends in town.
existence and no longer than since. Dr. Willoughby left Monday for
November last on the Grand Trunk Arkona, where his wife and daughter
system. The prime object of the are lying very ill.
Brotherhood is to protect its members
against too great imposition on the
part of the companies, though there
is also an insurance system in connec-
tion as well as provision made against visited several schools of the rural dis-
disability by accident. It is claimed tricts during the week.
that the G.T.R. pays its trackmen less
Mrs. Harry Samwell is confined to
her bed through illness, the result of
a surgical operation.
Mr. J. E. Tom, I.P.S., of Goderich,
than ddo the other roads. The C.P.R. Mrs. Littlejohns, who has been on
aan extended visit to St..Thomas and
pays o foremen $1.75 and the men London, returned home last week.
$1.15 as against $1.50 and $L00 on the Miss Buelah Beaver, who has been
Grand Trunk. The latter's employees visitingMiss Ella Morlock returned
areconsequently organizing and will to herhomein Crediton Saturday.
ask for a greater quality. It is under-
stood that branohes or the Brother- Mr. H. Hooper left Tuesday as a del-
hood have been formed along the line egate to attend. the Grand Lodge of
including three or four in Huron, A.O.U. W., now in session at Toron-
which the trackmen have joined al- to.
most without exception. Mr. James Sweet, a former typo at
pied. the ADVOCATE has accepted a position
Little Willie Chester Creech, son of on a newpaper just started in Mor -
Mr. William Creech, Carling street, den, Man.
who has been a long and patient suffer- Miss Brown, who has been visiting
er, died at his parents' residence on her cousin, Mr. A. Hastiugs, . for the
Tuesday morning about ten o'clock. past month, left for Port Huron Tues
The little fellow has been a victim of day.
diabetes for a year past and has been Misses Harriette French and Millie
hovering between life and death for Shaw are guests of Miss French's sis-
several weeks. Occasionally his case ter, Mrs. Stogdill, ofExeter.—Seaforth
would take a.turn for the better, and Sun.
prospects for his recovery on times Miss Mabe). Walters, of. London,
would appear b1: tight but his lrttlei�con- arrived ived home Tuesday and will spend
stitution 'meanie so weakened, that, the remainder of.the 'winter with her.
recovery seemed almost impossible and father.
he peacefeily passed away at the time
above,sane/I. When in possession of M
r. P. B. Dignan, has accepted a
good health he was aparticularly position in a large wholesale harness
bright Ie fellow, and his comrades' establishment in Toronto, and leaves
Ted school: mates willbe sorry to learn for that city Monday.
of his demise. He was aged 10 years ;Mr. R. H. Collins still continue
ws ab -
end 3 , cies. The, parents and breav- out the same. His rnother,M s. Mitr-
ed family have the sympathy of all in ray, and half-brother, Mr. A. J. Mur-
their affliction. The funeral takes ray, both of Rockwood, arrived here
place to the Exeter' cemetery to -day, Wednesday morning and will remain
(Thursclay) at 2:30 o'clock. for a time.
'Miming purchased the Exeter mill,
we are now prepared to do
general gristing and chopping '
Flour, Wholesale and Retail.
Grain delivered at first elevator paid
for at Mill office.
ST0 hp
2 only, Grey Goat Robes, largest size,
good quality. Yours for 55.50.
1 only Black Cow Robe, whole hide, no
dye, Al quality. Regular value $16.00.
Yours for 11.00.
Ten only, Wool Knee Rugs, beauties,
Regular value $2.00 each, Away they go
for 1.25.
Oiw BZcecIz Dress Goods are
worth seeing. The choicest t and.
most Va•r'recL assortment we have
ever shown. Remeiliber, it costs you.
nothing to see our new crud up-to-
date stool o . Black Goods, Ire are
leaders in lav Goods.
� yrsdere a cap
Stores close 0:30 pan., except Wednesday and .Saturday,
delivered to all parts of town free of
. charge...,.
(Hard or Soft.)
.. SPRING X00 . .
200 pieces English Prints, Walter Crum's hest styles, tterns
and colors. (.orae early and get a good choice, These
goods have the reputation of being the best cottons in
the world.
100 pieces of English Flannellettes, ranging fro .l ae, to 10e..
warranted to us Fast Oolol s.
NIerriton fAirtings, Indigo Blue, tine and twilled.
Spring Top :shirts, iia prints, ginghanns, glencairn and other
The undersigned has op-
pened up a new Meat Market
where he will keep the choic-
t of meats constantly y on
3'ohn T. Manning.
-`The Big Clothier.
The " Hang -clog Expression "
looks of aready-made " hand -re -
down" suit of clothes is enough
to disgust the Prince of Slovens.
A tailor-made suit ent, made
and fitted to the contour of your
form is certain to look right.
AND WEARS-millay'
Parts of machinery which ac-
curately fit withstand severe ser-
vice, and parts that do not fit
wear out quickest. Seine with
clothes. Choose your cloth and
we do the rest.
Prices small as stitches.
Bert. Knight.
We have one of the best equipped re-
pair shops in Ontario and make a
specialty of repairing
In fact, anything and everything. We
are prepared to remodel Bicycles, and
do all kinds of repairing on short
One door, north of J. A. Stewart's.
First-class Rigs and Horses
Orders left at E[awkshaw's
Hotel, or at the Livery
Stable, Christie's old Stand
will receive prompt at-
tention . . .
1 errs Reasonable
To the opposite side of the street.
one door north of R. Piekard:s
store, where he will keep a fall
selection of all kinds of
E'reah and Salt Meats,
Poultry and game in
season, Sausage
and Bologna.
Alco Dealer in Hideo Sheep and
Calf Skins.
One door 'North of R. Pickard's store.
Yes, Webster's dictionary con-
tains a store of knowledge, but
you may search it from start to
finish, and it won't tell you
where you can buy cheap aniire
the best furniture
We have everything you need,
from a hat peg to the largest
piece of furniture, and best of it
is that prices are away down.
Unclertakiing a Specialty..
R. N. ROvitE.
The MoIsons Bank.
' chartered by Parliament, 1855.)
Paid pp Capital $2,000,000.
Rest Fund...:........ .....1,500,000
Head office Montreal.
Mone.‘ adv.a,,,.e.td 10 good Farmers on
their own note+sivitb of a or more endorsers
at 7 par cent._ P(.r a1,1 um.
Open every lawful clay from 10 ia.iia. to R
p.m; Saturdays 10a.:m to 1 p.m.
A general banking business transacted,
CURRENT RATES allowed for Money on
Deposit Receipu. Savii.gs Bank at ilX
DxcusoIC & CABLING, N D. Hearo1*;
Solicitors. Manager