HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-2-16, Page 5THE Dueler Abviocate, urs Ie published every r h daY Mor in u g, at the Olney, MAIN -STREET, $ETER. --dv tlte^- Aovoo T6. PUBL&$H LNG COMPANY TERMS Q$' SUBSCRIPTION One Dotter per arinam if paid -in *dvs;ne° aitt.6cf if not so paid. estaleart,+sneg Rate;, ctr; 413,Stp2. - too». psperdisoontinned anti' aliarre rage ere paid Advertiseraente witho-at enemas directions -rill be published till forbid And eharged aoeardingiy. Liberal discountmade for trauseiea,t advertisements inserted for long perio s. Every description ot JOB PRINTING turned out in the ilaeet :ety1e, and e.t moderate rates: Cheques, re oneyord- ers, &c for advertising, snhsnriptions.ete,to. be made payable to (illus.11. Sanders, EDI roc AND Planet" Profeet7siontel Cards. ti, KINSMAN. L.D.S. & Da. A. R. KINSKAN, E. D. S., D.D. S., honor graduate of Toronto University. DENTISTS', Teeth extracted wittiout any pain, or any bad effects. Office in Vanson'e Block, west aide Main. Street, Exeter. it. 0. ALTON ANt)5RSl N,,(D.D,S,,L.D.$. bonore (Irattuete of the Toronto Uni- rsnte, and Royal College of Dentals Surgeons ot Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. All mocha of Dentistry op to date. pain. over Elliot & Edict's law office -opposite Central Hotel -Exeter. nettle/11 Drs. ,T A ROT,LINS lir; T A.. AMOS. 3.r I eeidenees.aame ae formerly OFFIQFS,Spatnktnan, building, Mein 5t lar, Rolline' office; a mo as formerly --north door. Or. Atpoei' office. acme iat,ildinl; .south door. May 1st. 1885 3, A Rollins, M. l). T. A, Amos, St D fln.T. P. McLAUGHLIN, MEMBER OP the College of i, vsiciittts;and Surgeons Ontario Physician, Surgeon and Aeooueh- aur. Office, 0asbwno,i. out t,t"Ra,t, • COL 1, i9CoSveyeeinBA er. nt ery PTublic ()Moe -neer 1 leil's Rank. Pxefer, star{n Mottos, tit Loan 1 '0KS'1'' & CARinfVfl•, BARRISTERS lnteri •t, t"onve,V"a,tacere, Com n,iettnners. Col tenor, for the 11olions 'Patt',,,etc. Money to lean at f, ape 5, per eeet, • Pee F,ao.tnn . Rlne'k. Main St., Exeter (A naomler of tn., firm w U be at tlra.dll nit enter...Inv of setae week ) la R,i`�nr.951:, 0 A. f,. H. I11ciZSOtt' R1iAI)NA:V. 11A1;Ili�Tlllt`, Fro, C•onveva'leere. and etonev to bo.m. • t•:9,t.)t9r. 1''. W. (leeeents. et le t f art)eteerct l' )W N, mem o tst.t r, errand isnot {vetoer for the l e,ne+tirn of N.'rth ani i {beeee, alio for the to eliiqq• uf(rebore e .e+, nr•tnt7•t11 .,,tteu i,.l to nes terra res 'tele.';alee ants ngee it POO. utrit'n. Win (leen. us ranee. r,1 MOT. ttettr:tglee 4Gat,t, Stain ot Exeter Cook's Cotton Toot Compound Is suceeseful+y used monthly by over 10.out+Ladies. ,`~.'afc t i3,'oted. Ladies ask your drat ,fiat for Cant o Cotton Root Coat - sound. gala. no'>thar at, all en xturt a, pills aue2 imitations aro dangerous. Prir e, No. 1, $1 per bus. No. 2,10 degrees etroneennetarbox. No. 1 or', mailed stn r •,',pt 1.f piece and Cavo 3•eent etampe 1h-' Conk Company Windsor, Ont. r spol else i nu •iiia is Pahl ale. ded'oy all ! n'li ' t ,' 'V e ' ' ; 1 its Fe 't,. r lav .T. W t1r'rwe; tu. {'r, r;i.t. ieasauu Mine Work t -or rlen nd Woman; .fay or evening; $6 to $aa weekly.; no eanvassin' or ex- perience needed; plain los rncti:'asand work mailed on application. Address1 MS'110121AL COMPANY, LONDON, Ont. nteinIMEISE A big yield of both profit anti satisfaction will result if you plant FERRY'S Seeds They are always the best. Do not accept any substi- tute -buy none but Terry's. Sold by att dnatets. write for thee* Seed Annual -free. eteeeERRY& CO ,WIedaor,Out. " i ,"A. ?1 't. "", <:ii i y'. 01.•:4" A Veteran's Voice EBB Gives High Praise to Hood's for Health • iroan-tale > 1r tv of r, t 1 dement -1e So 1t) t cl','1 e , the blood. tivtt by t'Lkin H,>•e:1'9Sarsa- parill•l, in my different cl,:,:ases are cured. The Duke Erie & Detroit River Rail- way roundhouse at Sarnia was burn- ed, ancl a couple of engines were de- r'nyed by the fire. A young man named Frank Inman was killed near. Monkton on Saturday by the limb of a tree striking him while he was chopping wood. :Benjamin F. Parrott, a, weak-minded carter, of Hamiltons attacked his mother with an axe, on Wednesday, inflicting fatal injuries on the old lady. r Mrs. William Morley Long, formerly Miss Wilson, of Dorchester, committed suicided at a Detroit boarding house where she was living with her hus- band. Mr. Nathan Devine, of Dnntroon, while engaged in chopping wood on Saturday, was instantly killed by a falling tree. The deceased leaves a wife and three children. Blood 00d urlfied tree th Built u p ,-- Tobacco Habit Cured., Many a 'Veteran of the War, whose health was wrecked by wounds, ears posnre and privation, has found in Hood's Sarsaparilla just the tonic and blood reviving effects he needed. The following is one out of hundreds of of letters from G. A.. R. boys prais- ing Hood's Sarsaparilla for health re - stOrei strength renewed in de- clining years. "C, I. Rood & Co, Lowell, Mass.; "Dear Sirs: On account of the great benefit Rood's Sarsapar'ille has been to di writethis,he me, I gladly Y that others simi- larly afflicted may learn of the suocees of the medicine in nay case and a poplars cure for them. 1 had been A Physical Wreck Since 1863, and had also been a constant smoker for 3a years, My wife purchased the Bret bottle et Reed's Sarsaparilla and' I commenced to take it more to please her than anything else. One 'tittle after another waa taken with, inereashng benefit. The effect was et a strenghening nature, toning up my whole syatem. After 1 bad been taking the medicine a short tune, 1 laid away my pipo and have not had guy desire for the nee of tobacco slime. hood's Sarsaparilla has thoroughly purified my blood and driven all poison Out of my system. It has also done. me A Power of Cocci physically, and I hellfire a new and free men. Previoue1y,1 had tried a good many different tithes to stop limiting, and to regain nay health, but I was unable to ac- cornplish the former, so that my attempi for the latter was each, time a failare, 1 am pleased to recommend Floe W s Sarelipa• riUaasablood purifier," J. Bs MoF4.nurlt, Ex -Commander Ness Post, 8• 1, G. . B., Dept. of Kansas, B owneville, Wesh,. N. B. If you decide to take Rood's Sar- ealxtrilla do not be induced to buy any anbetituto; insist upon flood's and only Elea;,., tbo' ansa aatos e. Mr. A. 0. Thomas, of Marysville, Tex., has found a more valuable dis- covery than has yet been made in the Klondike. For years he suffered un- told agony from consumption, accom- panied by hemorrhages; and was ab- solutely curecl•by Dr..Iting's New Dis- covery for Oonstiinption, (toughs and Colds. He declares that gold is of little value in comparison with this nlarveloits cure; would have it, even if cost a hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma, Bronchitis ,(tn(l all throat and tang affections are positively cured by Dr Kin New )v � Discovery i for - L iV t U U Cion. euneption. ,Sold at any Drug Store. Re gular size 50 cents and $1..00. Gua- ratnteed to eure or price refunded. Hood's Sarsaparilla Mae , The OneOneTrite l,l hod Putt era sold by 1 ae druggists, Price, $1 per bottle; six for $a. act harmoniously wits UOOd S PLUS lieoa's Sarsaparilla, The Depart int'td of .ittstiee his l'e- eeive'd a pe t Il iont.king tar t•etl9tluutn- tie>n in behalf (It :lira N(>irie'r (('orelrlia 1'i:l)►1, who, with `tins l',lrsloav, mur- dered. lte'1 Iii .b't ill. P(il'i'r. 1>III'ing the tiro{ at 'lir liilli ' boll works, (r'ttnultoque, W. Ita1 y, one of than enLployt•esa, went into the building to save bis local,, ill' IC;tS uyert•uln, by t;nlake- and taken out dead. The Fit zge'ratid Blurs:. St. ('alhatnne';: Wits sl:t)um:nal by ilia on Sat mday. 'Die flames badly damaged. ill+' olive c :nal the tib axils, i'rt tilt t=t :alio, .:.nti flu: fn1'ttisl.l'le,: suffered carie lt'1•ahls' by' n111;theand U':111.1., P•a'.'LI e:.. ul :a,•,'ttia't'.1 tic, lilt:, (lasso Wednesday. . t)^t Ilse fa sal ^'f .111'. Joseph I,' t t'1', gra t-tlr.ei liar for the un- fit'tnu'lta viei int. .le>ltn Hoover. aged abttnt. ?:i, y't'rs, was: instantly killed by ti large tree now.; on hilt,, tb:at he and anther matt, named T11o111p„1)1. Were Nit 'tirig down. CAS O �"--1� Oi Infants and Children, 5:II:, :15- ., ,her to an .f • 01,517 a ssesss‘ -meats lErnlyr alwauied .a decree of divorce on the groin nd. lA that his wife kla3 been guilty of adultery , 4 . gins fehal,sred every wed).eastay, wt,eat per bueltel_ 6S to 69 1 w -185 to 0O Flour per o t >'. Barley__ , ....... 28 to 24 Oa' b r±l to ,2y Peas 60 to ei IT4I.Y 4.N0 FRANC Corn 46 to tis Butter 14 to. 14 Said toAB av o i treed ill a. Position 1 tatoea per bag r.5r to. t• C n a fe to Initiate. Hay per ton ..................—.... 4'.50to SUo Dried Apples. 'Per ib 5 Louden, Feb, 14. --Italy and Prance, Daeka T says the HOMO correspondent Of The Ct tisk 0 EXETERGo MARKETS, � ` with his cousin the TWO Positions Taken by Liberals in the Imperial Commons. ATTACK ON THE HOUSE OF LORDS Mr. Henry Laboucbere Champion of ilia First—Sir H, Campbell-l;uttuerwan, the New Leader, 'rakes the Second Position -Reply of eel.. Balfour And Defeat of the Proposed. Amendment. Thomas Dudley Brougham, brother of r rough Baron Brougham All the nartlea to. the snit are well known in society, Daily Mail, have agreed to share posses- 'f>xrkex' 0 slot) of Cape Dunmire, on the Babette coast, ae the southern extremity of the Red Sea, It is. expected that Prance Will fortify her portion of the Cape In the opinion of the correspondent, ,the British fortifications at .Perim, in Vie Straits of Bab-el-Mandeb,.at t filo:• . e silo _.Ile r to a London, Feb. 14. -In the Home of Red Sea, opposite the Rabei to co..:r:11 Commons yesterday air. Henry Labou- lose » con of their atratogie vnitie i> :' .w ehere, Liberal menitlor for Northampton, Italian coneeesioa to the krelteb ie -.t'- made his annual attack on the Hous meat, of Lords, with a view of limiting its veto - r x F,, i1 t ,� W - p lamer, from which, be said, Liberal #?lf+. G LL NOT �.. 5 t 1 measures invarianiy suffered. Re moved an amendment Co the address to the Deville Island, Prisoner Claims Ris State - throne providing that bills adopted by menu. enu. Are Violated. tea Comnops in one session and net p Landon, yob. 14, --The Tinily Tele - adapted by the Peers, sbonid, if re*. graph publishes the following despatch passed by the Commons at a subsequent from Cayenne, capital of French Guiana: session, become the law of the /and. "The judicial ottteer who has just re= After a ditscussiou of Mr Laboucbere'e turned here from a visit to Dreyfus, on ained9n nent, Air. John Lawson V alton, the Isle du Diable, informs me that the Liberal member for Sena), Leeds, pro• prit;ouer is in ;cod health, but dentines posed an amendment to tha address, dtt' to reply to the written interrogetloua of glaring that the powers now possessed by the Court of Cassation, no the ground the house of Lords or orerruitng thio that his answers are ineceurateiy trans- decision of the Rause of (:on,1fons de*e milted to Paris." Mended urgent attention of Parliament, Sir Henry Qatupboil•Bannsrinan, the CANADA AT PARIS, newly -elected leader of the Liberals in Sha Commons, supported too Welton The Exact Spittle that Dominion Is to, atnondnzent. Ill the neural of a vigorous RpeMAA he denied that the Liberals were Oct I5 at Last I'txed.Qur eetaated by partisan apirlt in raising the Largess pietptay: Ottawa, Fah. 14. -The reeult of recent question, but the House of Lords he des olared, had always formed s aarltinuouil Nathan Nicholls, an employe of the \latthew'S Pork I'm -king Company at. I'etl'rboro, Was caught in tate .hafting Wednesday afternoon and terribly znangIed. Ile was removed to the Nicholls Hospital, but. Itis recovery was doubtful from the first and he died the same evening. At Roekwoo:l Asylum for the Insane Thursday nig:tt Joseph Bailey, a pa- tient from Marmoset, North Hastings, managed to elude the vigilance of the attendants and forced open a door leaching into a dumb -Waiter shaft. In his anxiety to escape from the institu- tion by that exit he fell: a distance of 45 feet. .lila skull was fractured and internal in- s . brokenthe his right anti , juries he received being so severe that he died early Friday morning, Your Doctor Knows 'Your doctor knows all about foods and medicines. The next time you see him, Oust ask him what he thinks SCoIrs Emaision of Cod -Liver Oil with Hypo - phosphites. We are willing to trust in his answer. For twenty -live years doc- tors have prescribed our Emulsion for paleness, weak- ness, nervous exhaustion, and for all diseases that cause loss in flesh. Tts creamy color and its Pleasant taste make it es- pecially useful for thin and delicate children. No other preparation of ose it.D Don't l is like cod- liver oil time and risk your health by taking something unknown and untried. Keep in mind that SCOTT'S EMULSION has stood thetest for a quarter of a century. 5oC. and $r.cn; all druggists. SCOTT & 110WNE, Chemists, Toronto. and stereotyped anti•Liberal majority, segoYiatlans between the lion, Air, 'ton patriotic and consdtutianm k'taher, president of the Canadian board grounds," said Sir Henry, "the situation of commissioners, and Lord .trathoona, is f0t1 of danger; and no dispassionate representat%ve of Canada on the lntttertat wan can bony the enteeetly and;lhsurd• royal commission executive, ie that Can- $ty of a nouse or fords in tho face of a ase is to get 12,000 square feet of space in . representative system of G. orernnent. the general buildings at the Paris eshibi- • 'lita l.ihereie desire to chard the rishta tion, ivateead of 15,000 fee; as had been of the representative chamber, while sAiv- prolvousiy announced, and in lieu thereof in^ to the house of Peers a' re.rionnblo 8'000 foes addltitlnal space Is granted in ,:.tit amount.space a to a Canada Mr Arthur d. Balfour, Government V leader, said there was no mladlo course in tha "las" building 27,1u0 feat, the between the policy expressed in lir+ gnaw part of the :00,000 feat contained 1 .et calauit l building, Thiswill nab the that t i Daiwa. or oritiolam and aivlae, 'l total of U c d to C 1 Luhouchere's amendment and the policy in this building 10 the general and the of leaving the /louse et Peers in its prey- colonial sections the 5psce, as before, 00t position Ile declared it to be his aggra atea 30,100 square feet. It bus ,;eau firm conviction that the Liberals, in pm, arranged that the Canadian exhibits in posing constitutional retorts, were really tea colonists buildirko ~iii eotnoete with . oozing in the interests of the parsy, the rust of the world, and re0aivo awards 11,0 li()U55 thou rejected both amend just as it they were shown side by side n:ons.--ii:r. Wanton's toy X57 neain It 107,with them In tho general buildings. The, a:.d. Mr, l.abouahef a'a by 1 Q3 against I0 lurgeet display will to made to the fol,. lowing lines. indicated approximately in ' tho order of their importance: Fartnacl- ons products, general and their derive - titres; preserved goons, Including a small Surress Crowns Another Bombardment prei art i n Of beverage°) the working or in the rhilipptners by the Attturitr;atl mines, quarries and their products; agri- cultural implements, pro6ainea; rawagri- :i:tvy•-`t,o•>• 1"rum (:1,nrral :1t_Hirt*, cultural nraluct0,animaland. vegetable' Manila, Feb. 11.-1,0 35 a.m.)-The textile fabrics, cottons ani woollens, anti Tinned Stems forces, lti'>elet Brigadier- elotbillu generally. tag!+ther with the Omelet] Millar, ca inured l.loilo, capital plants and vro.osees; product:; of the for - 01 thu t'Iauti of Panay and t,0nt of the est. hunting and emitting equipments, Visayan tto celled Government of the polus etc tticlnd!ng llshlni applinneee, Feeer:al Cenvtantien. on bttt,rday -leen meta.. ,,.ee:et:a nen 11'+11 culvert), cern- alter n bambardineat. ages, wtleellvrinllto' work, bioyeles, etc.; %be *rebels set the town an fire 1'i- t>ro railway anti tramway plant Next itt evatenstien, Lot the Ameria'an troops es- order of the dletrilaut.on of space by the ttreniel,ed the 11a,15ce. 'share wore no board of co)nn,i. i>uer9 oxo: llorticui- cesueltiva nn the American stale. turas products, plants arta trey 01111080, i)uspaat-.hs.t From 'stiller, nursery seeds anti etaekt the orhibit of Melilla, Fob. 1.L--11.1 35 a m,)— Tho pulp and paper; h;zusohol,l and art flrni- rinitet] .States gunl,oatPetrel arrived late tur0: ranges (imams and beating al> - f P:u•attla t,,nersli;, ; elaaailon, 1n,'lral 1t, la's evirn]r.' tvitli da:.li1'. rain strumnttl. 1bur.l ora stnnilor eXblblts of laigatiier-(laneral Marcus 1'. Miller to hota�raplly, cloutrlaity, boats andIt,njer General Otis, announcing' that p ' Bono bad been taken by the combined un"""''''f11111"y1ts ani fruit trues, natal )uillsary anti naval forces on Saturday walking, carpentry and joinery, leather n.or'1 0» and skins, toletcro and n.atrlles The iirnur,,l +i's13tr, en receipt of his in- bald of commis -inner i met hard yester- struu€ions from Miioi1a, sant native coin- day in this oflicu et that Minister of Arri- miesitsrters ashore from the U S. trans- culture, and Lave chert complete: the nen St. Paul with a communication for work of solooting chi various alaseee the repel Goyernot of Iloilo, calling, upon and making a proportional OIlatmont him to surrender within .a time statej, of the available 513 see among thew. Spe- cial work has been astienad to each corn- anti in the interval The rebels ion- ni s`'alntr' who will report to fila Loadmeuiately moved their guns and prepare•I at their next meeting to be held about to defend tbeir position. ''bereunon the the 1st of Mara!, I etrel fired two warning gins, the rebels tiz:ruodiately opening fire upon her WUO OWNSrtil; )10: Ei Thr• Petrel and the llaltnnora then bombarded the town, which the rebels, baying set on fire, immediately ovuon- atod. Aenerionn troops wero promptly landed and estinguisheid the fires in all cases of foreign priporty, but not beiure consider- able damage bad been done. It is be. lieved the enemy's loss during the bom bardmcab was heavy, but no American casualties wore reported. Pte. Alelsiok of the Montana Regi. mons, who was shot in the lungs In the fighting E eb. 4 and 5, died in the hospi- tal yesterdl,y. All the enemy's dead at Ottoman have been9 buried -1«.? last Sunday tlnday and 800 yesterday. The United lntates cruiser Charleston has rnoved up the coast and is now ofl Malolos, the seat of the so- called Filipino Government at a distance estimated at about Dight miles.. TAKING OF ILOILO, RUSSIANS FLOODING CHINA. A I'ti11 Army Corps Hos Been Added to (iurrieons Around Pott Arthur. Hongkong, Fen. 14 --The Russian Government is pouring troops into Fort Arthur and Tallenwan, on tbe ground that the force now garrisoning those Places is too small in view of the appar- ent discontent of the inhabitants of Liao- tung Peninsula, who have within the last two months risen up against tbe Russians in 13 towns and districts No less than 9,000 men bave landed at Port Arthur within a month, and it is intended to add 25,000 more before the end of the Chinese brat moon, making a full army corps of some 80.000, in addi- tion to ,the garrisons of 15,000 moo for Port Arthur and 8,000 for Talienwan. ' • • • 820,00.0 to Find Andree, Stockholm, Feb. 14.- Lending citizens of Stockholm have subscribed $20,0u0 to- ward the fitting out of an expedition to search Greenland for some trace of Prof. Andree It is believed that the exp+di- t{en, Whether or not it falls of its object, will add to the fund of knowledge re - gelding Ohe little -explored interior of Danish Anerioa Divorcee in Bituland. London, Feb. 14. '--" Baron. Karl de Merck bas scoured a divorce an the grouted of adultery committed by ins wiCe,'mite her maid's brother The Baroness -avis formerly Miss Lillian Young, and is said American woman. an Ancor an: m '• be ,ea (1 Baring was yesterday A !fixed -Up Criminal Case From Old flatel>er.. Quebec, Feb. 14. -Two young men, between 17 and 1S years old, named Frank O'Brien and John Dixon, charged before the Polies Court yesterday with shooting, were found in pcssessi)n of over $e 200 ' in arise bank notes, the former 42.11, and the later $1570 Sev- eral different stories as to whore they got the money are in circulation The most probable theory or co eieotnre is very compromising for one of our best known citizens The party who bas been wound. ed by Prank Dixon, a young ratan nailed ectad ore over He under Peppin, n i9 BS t 0 LL P `vent an operation in the afternoon to ox• tract the ball, but it was not sueeesefui AN ANNEXATION SCHEME... Montreal Rill Try to Drina. in All Out - stand ina llunieapatithea. Montreal, Feb. 14. -Mayor Prefontaine saws be will push through in the near future the anuesation scheme, by which ail of the outstanding municipalities ale to be brought unser the oity government. , Mr, W. G. Reid contractor for the Midland Railway of Nova Scotia, award- ed yesterday to the Dominion Bridge Company all the steel superstructure re- quired for the bridges on the line, amounting to 17 spans. oysters in E. C. Waters, Vancouver, B.C., Feb. 14. -The people of British Columbia have lots of fish, but an oyster, except the canned product from the east, has been unheard of here- tofore However, it now looks as if tbe people would have plenty of oysters in future A fine bei has been &score ed at Seohelt, up the coast. They are of exce- lent quality Being adjacent to Vancou- ver, they should provide a delicacy for the local market. Prof. Prince had plant- ed oysters in the Gulf, but these discov- ered are in another quarter. Record 3111e on Snowshnee.' New York, Feb. 14.- Charles Clinton .i Qlaewin of Ii untrea{ crafted a new r world's one -mile record for running on � l �t llan s ons. If it wasonly health, we might let it cling. But it is a cough. One cold no sooner passes off before another comes. But it's tate same old cough all the time. And it's the same old Story, 100. There is first the cold, then the cough, then pneu- monia or consumption with the long sickness, and life tremb- Hng in the balance, loosens the grasp of your cough. The congestion of the throat and lungs is removed; all in- flammation is subdued; the parts are put perfectly at rest and the cough drops away. It has no diseased tissues on which to hang. Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Plaster draws out inflammation of File lungs. Advice Frees femcmcrwo here a liffsilro1135 p,,r t• meta. Urns, bare any ce r ml.c,nt wt3:,t' ever and desire the best mt'dte0l (l.V3(U Son can possibly obtain, ~silo tbu doctor freely. Yon w1.1 receive a promptrej,ly isithoutcost. Address, DII, J. C. Y 1i tis 3. 11' i'av:tl t)'Ht'Uz'31 aged 71;04 lam - saes : .et:tily hnt'ited S,°:t:et9`al:t se Sloe n7+ t.tntl.ltg with her ltoe-k to 11 very lout Novae.' tit ilia dining )O3'l1t; when It't'tauthixtr ,;tails:3 $later altst,'a;ttn- tli,e Int he i,a atsid,• of bee 1.ga t3 arch Ate Ofia!!" withProrer6s but don't think you can patch clothes to look like new. Then again it would not pay you when you can buy elo!..hing at the prices we sell. BARGAINS' s t.order, made t I'au 0 wool heavy tweeds Stilts Overcoats BIaek Worsted stdii $2.4O $.9.810 $.09 spec-. 7iai, u' 12.00 Our $.0 elms • beat all others at $ ,, C'olue mad see for Qursel#, PATRONIZE USS •410. People patronize us because they realize that we always sell clothing that is strictly up-to-date.. . :fi. Ot igV E Opposite Post Office. THE CENTRAS DfiliC STORE. Try WINit 'S t'ovolp ]asaI.:111'�i 1i far Coughs, Co ds and brut). 1i.a trouble in 014 or young. WIt EWS l.EilA BENT which is no ext.elkus tunir1'< for Cramps. Pains, Neuralgia Sure Tinoat • and Influenza. The Attu Reliable. ll•lnan'w Con - 011108 tl' n», tt a'r `•, still tunes first t'lece in tit t;o xlnl. Also Lotion for seratth s Rn horses ,t)4 Condition 1 Oa drr for lame etOIL l ii (e EVA 0.010 »Ix 14-V.NO SIAM?. LU fJ iiia ey' rlT. ;2vf -•iia3 it . rt :r1Cyt{ A �t • l who tial Clic in,•t ir.' weld lu : lit,e;t:rt' u the i1;ttta'a \L (It (mill.;. ',lcdit+:t! 2051 e T wan summoned lie, she (lit tl Sunday', bLo (lj, J a IJ r,ef oo nom: Wood's Placrithodine, Bicye €s Them r Green rn7tuih Remedy. e Sold and recommended 1, all druggists in Canada. Only reli- 1' rtegre '";ecl,rmedicine sdgua an ed to urre' Biz fu`i•nls of Sesuaf Weakness, all effects of those 08 excess, Manta/ Worry. Excerslvc nae otTo- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on racelpt of pri00, 000 package $1, si x. r 5. One wiftidatse, si,•tacitl cure. Pamphlets tree to any address. Who 'Wood Company, Windsor, Ont. ,C.-•«4,totsI'li bt'dit os • It InE,,tcr1y .1 ti'. 19.••• n,t e,,trtuntt,t. ifIN 11.;;X:74:49. '3,a,y,,. 4 - ,.her, The Leading Specialists of Puta 20 YEARS i0 DETROIT. `150,000 CUED. WE.CUR. EMISSIONS Nothins .,,sn ad ",.vro demonetizing to , t the urea - Cam a ed snot) than Younger th md_r , aura of these "nightly losses." They i> oehriiewe%knees, nervousness, abating of disgust andawhole train of symptoms. to They use* non for business, marred Bea e•:l b„oial happiness. 1>io rnaL.or whether cared by evil habits in Teeth, ,tnra1 wraknes:l or sexual excesses, o t r eitev Method eneesalient will positively eine you. NO CURE—Ni PAY :Reader, et.a,needhelp. Early ultimo or 1 ter excesses 'raw stave weakened you._ Repneure may have diseased yon.Yon . on aro rt),: safe till eared. Onr New 11}othed wee a': u. 'You run no risk. 2509 ,s0 CURED Yottee teens -Tem sero pale, feeble and haggarr.' a,,t'toue irritable and ex- oite,ble. Yon ;'o'ems tor.'ietf:ul,8101010, and despondent:, blotches and pimples, sunken eyes, wrinkled face; stooping feral acid downcast coanicnanee revolt! the blight of your existence. LA,± WE CUE WIRI OCELE lin matter how eortens-your ease may be. .,rhow long 5-ou ma hone bad it, our NEW 11iT'1'1IW) T11YL1TMLNT will cure it. The "wormyveins" return to their normal =nation and hence the sexual means reeelee proper nourisb- ntent. The c yes b eeme vitalized, all win atnrni d.:. -._.s ei losses cease and manly pLovtcts return. No temporary bencdt, but a��k t'r, uent euro a shred. ale) CURB , NU PA=". NO OPERA - 1 [ON I1] t' neeAllet. NO DETEN- «1GN FROBUSINESS. RES GUARA *ilLt FO We a treat and ouzo S1 PLi1LLS, ''0j GLBET, EMLI]StONS, 'IMPOTENCY, STI8ICTURE, VARICOCELE, SRAII- NAI, LOSSES, BLALIDL'R AND Kii2- . 5a . snowshoes :in Central Park yesterday afternoon In the face of the cutting snow and a strong wind, be ran 1,700 yards in the marvelous time ot 4 minutes 50 seconds His friends ware prepnre3 so see him create a now record, but; they were utterly astounded when be reduoedI the old AA_ ;i. fi' ,. q m,ak em tnn 6w, ' r�d N •Ed. scGsUS S CFRJ SE UaLCIlAA TP GF N 10SZ£eATE: 1f unable to call. write forit QUI•STION BLANK for HOME TREATMENTT;Avasr KENNEDY& KER,'AN 148 SHELSY STREET, (DETROIT ilSI,CSia naras-sr V yfc •auk • is Bicycle Pleasure. faire you Broking Bicycle pleas- tire? If so, you should seek first :1: good Wheel.. We can furnish you any of the best wheels wade at lowest prices. Musical. Do you want anything in the musical line. We have a choice lot of Pianos and organs. Oall and inspect them before buying elsewhere. A ful stock Of sewing machines, baby car- riages, etc., etc. Perkins & Martin. 8 a9c.saca8ca gs 0&Z&]&3- E_ IT PIWS To read the big stores' ad- vertisements STOP! T j4ITs l ! For whose good are we in A the furniture business? For 'ft yours and ours. 1f we are not 'M useful to you we cannot be use- 6 ful to ourselves. We have got to carry the goods you want at the prices you want or we can not make a success of our busi- ness. But we have been doing • business right along for years, which proves that we are the right kind of people with the right prices. Come acid see for yourself... . S. GIDLEY & SON. . Furniture Undertaking. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK..