HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-2-16, Page 2Subseribers who do not receive their paper
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"WIT isn't canned fruit a put-up job?
Why isn't delirsulu tremens a tight Be?
Why isn't it mote blessed to give than
to be given away e
Why isn't a Tuan who works at a black-
lacksmith s forge a forger
Why isn't it ,genuine sarcasm to call
some servants "hells r
Why isn't the employer who reduces
stilarter :a revenue cutter?
Wire is the mean who wants the earth
satisfied if he gets the "dust ?"
Why isn't the nlan who bas no bills
against him one of tate nc-biaity ?
Why doesn't the enumeration of 1>nsene
people bring them to their census?
Why do.•e the loafer spent so much of
,itis tante in beating other people out of
theirs ?
Why don't contractors put sticking
plaster on the walls of buses ?
Why isn't it propel to refer to a cigarette.
fend as a pack. animal?
Why isn't a woman eteed to herself when
site permits a enau to love her?
Why does a num wish for a good appe-
tite and then try to get rid of it ?
There never was. resat never will be, a
universal panacea, jos one remedy, for all:
tris to wis;eh Dash k bear—the very nature
of -many curatives being such that were
the germs of other anti differently seated
diseases routed M. the system of the
pntieut—what as lanai relieve one ill in
turas would aggrevare the other. We
have, hitavev°er. •e •t ••shine SE tne. when
abtainaltle ill •► -hurts unadulterated'
,state: a remedy for ,a.tny ants gievtous ills.
My las gradual ised tntlil";out use. the
!realest systents areled into convalescence
and s s:te,.te b influence wisicu gul-
lible exert, ren Nat tire's own resturattvet.
It reeeeee the aresaieg sterna of those
with Wae u a cals+e:et,tate sof morbid dee-
�aatltelett v
an 1 uee 1 'erect isi ale is a
disr:l e alai. 1 treseetearenst tint nerves.
diep es s .o sou tel mei refreshing sleep
inestea. a Len, tri i to an a te) !):tuft,
waicie basig stitateameta e..tirsesthrough.
out tit cocae, titre starlit atilt: cite 'Whitby
tatitua! taanetio.,s ea the ne tent, thereby
nestling activity a necessary resnlr,
etrrng l+enint;the fame.. laud giving life
to the dn;;t.ti a ,?rest —, which naturally
dem:;ltd aattrt ised sans -. inee—resatlt, Un-
iroyal appetite. tir'rti.rup & Lyman of
'eronto have given to tne public their
attrerier Quinine trine at the usual rate,
anti, geugets by the opinion of scientists
%his wine approaches nearest perfection of
any in the market. All druggists sell it.
Dogs to. Protect Policemen.
The communal authorities of Ghent
.)ave deckled to provide thepol semen on
might duty with dogs eapable of defending
them in the event of attack. The experi-
ment is aan interesting ane, and in the
towns where it hoe teen tried it is said. to
have yielded excellent results. This is not
the only pollee reform wbieh is to be in-
tr'oductxi in Belgium. AtSehaerbeck, one
of the suburbs of 13rus els, all the police-
men will soon he provided with bicycles,
special shells for which are to be construct-
• ad, at all the pollee stations,
i Signals of Daulger.—Have you lost your
appetite ? Have you a coated tongue ?
Have yuu an uuple:tsant taste iu, the
mouth ? Does your bead ache sults have
you dizziness? If so. your stomach is 01.4
of order stud you need medicine. But yon
do not like medicine. }le that prefers
sickness to medicine muse suffer,but un-
der the circumstances the wise man
would procure a box of Paranelee's Vege-
*able Pills and speedily get himself in
health, and strive to keep so.
Cure of Elephantiasis.
The Venezuelan Herald announces that
the natives of Cucutta, on the frontier of
Venezuela and Colombia, have discovered
II cure for elephantiasis in an herb called
tuataa, or frailejou. This dreadful disease
bas hitherto been regarded as incurable,
and if there is any truth in the report
from Cucutta, which is vouched for by a
-priest, the inforinution may prove of great
value to the medieal world.
Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere.
The Origin of Doers.
The -view now generally taken by nat-
uralists .s that the dog is neither a species,
In a zool•tgi'aal senee, nor et'en the des-
cendant of say one species modified by
domestication, but that dogs of different
parts of the world have a correspondingly
various ancestry, from different wild.
species of the genus canis, as wolves, foxes
and jackals.
FIVE TO id POUNDS per month is the
usual increase of weight when taking
Wedding Ring Custom.
The wedding ring is worn on the third
finger of the left hand because it was be-
lieved by the Egyp: fans to be directly con-
nected by a slender nerve to the heart it-
self. And these ancient worshipers of Isis
held this finger sacred to Apollo and the
sun, and therefore gold was the metal
chosen for the ring.
Miss Chief—My I but you're quiet, Mr.
)Lush! I don't suppose you have ever been
In ladies' company very much?
Mr. Mush—Just the opposite. I was
raised by my grandmother and two aunts.
A Cruel fanestio,t.
"4I am very, 0, so very fond of music,"
said Irene, as she leaned back after an
hour's raid on the keys.
"All" replied Dolly, "then why do you
never play any?"
A new back for 50 cents. Miller's
Kidney Pills and Plaster.
Japanese Wedding Custom.
A Japanese bride gives her wedding pre -
dents to her parents as some slightrecom-
pense for the trouble of rearing her.
Health for the children. Miller's
Worm Powders.
Miller's Worm Powders ours all ail -
intents of children like magio.
A Successful Financial
The annual meeting of this Cempany
was held in the Company's building,
Toronto, on Thursday, li ebruary 2,1S.
when Mr. Jahn L. 13htil ie was appy Ut'
ed Chairman, and Mr. William 1o. -Cabe
Sects tart'.
The Directors' Report presented at the
meeting; showed et;ntinit&Yl and nailed en, and the man with the joke passed him
lnx-ofs of the great ]rro .reau and solid by with only his customary "Good morn -
prosperity of the Company tin every ing, John!" His typewriter was busy,
bz^tneh of its buelnees- but he began:
A J..; r .alVS, TRIALS,
.1 Real a New Joke and Cooldnes
Spring It.
Flo: had a new joke. He intended to
spring it, no matter what the result, and
he looked about fora victim,
The street car conductor smiled after he
asked the conundrum and shoot his head
"I know it," be saald, The man sighed.
The janitor of the building was no bet-
ter. "Go on wid yer foolin,"he remarked,
"I'm not the sucker t' bite at yer bait,
Misther Smith. I don t care what the
apatryierd wary son"
The ofLlee boy was too dignified an in-
ilividu€at to even attempt such a thing up -
Stun+n:ary of the financial stetentent
and balance sheet for the year elided
Dee. ::1, 1S9S:
"Er-- hy the way. Miss Jones, what
would a Spaniard be if he ate his mother
and"— Just then the telephone rang
Cash income S735,130 E1 viciously, and Miss Jones skipped away to
answer it, The "party" at the other cud
> xpend'iture including death
elatina endowments. mamaof the line was doubtless her bean, for she
ed invt'stment Policies, pr.,fits answered pleasantly and staid for 20 min -
and alt other peymeats to 1'cl- 442,019
01 Utes talking. The man with the joke
'eyholtiersl 3131,82a 61 sighed • "'un and went into his
Reserve Fund .. .. , , .. , . 2,,",±;C. -tri T int office. I'll try it on the first ane who
Net surplus for Pelteyh"lclers 474,0t t: 4131 calls, no matter if he is Fitzsimmons of
Audited and found correct,
JAS, CA.I:LYLI. hi.I1,,
ltantiginta Director.
Corbett," be declared,
It was neither. It was a slow going,
quiet old German, who was used to taking
jokes as he saw tit andnot as the origi-
nator )meant them.
Snore of the leading features of the "Good morning, Scbonormeister," said.
year's business. as mentioned by the the ftlan ;as leis railer entered, ""Fine
]iresident were the followiugt: u,oruing after the snow, Pent have
Ill honking at the Company from snow down smith its Cab,'i, do they? ley
every standln int, the rt port submitted the way, spettking of Cuba, I've got a
sheave, financial strength. productive :tee question to askyen. What would a Sp.'an-
sets, solid growth, and is►rge rt'let.ave lard be If be ate his mother anti father?"
suvpins, wh eh !s the eumarnt' p,itat to rind he leaned back, ready to tiro the( an,
peliey-holders, as it is from tit:r s, Airco ewer at the first sign from 1118 7100m. The
sone, that satisfactory returns tan be vicm d slowly.
made o them. " VtiU,smileMr. Schmidt," moo,
131 The new bitsiness for the year ex- ermeirter, ''vront vat I haf read aboud
cot ,lt'a the t of any prev'eue year,
duo ..pattiardts, I t"ink be vonld bo bretW
Anathrr rat u'l;tvl feat ere .1' ►it'll sees met his stomach yet once:"
C, t,anatly is the relative l arg' :mountAnd the muu who wanted him to say
•ti stet Suridlty to 1 &ideates. IA 'lit n "' 4.'euntbal," s0 that he might remark
The Fool—Yeth, I always say juth what
* think.
The Fairy—Why, I thought you liked to
et,ntt•n'tets With tit it t.t its lead nr e.-krn• tritinlphantly, "No; an orphan," gave ilio and gt+es will.
e•t t.'r-. 'rho Pae.icleat :h•e't' .last the aloe. up as a bad job, --Cincinnati
this ratio tt.t" ,tri .1the htrt tc'�ts lay. Gofnzticrelni Tribune.
• i,)f New life for a quarter Miller's Coto-
, +1• tt's+ ntt•ras
Be Cgreful Mow Too Sit.
Recently an eminent physician gave uta-
terence to the opinion that appendicitis is
morn common in this counttythan in oth
era because of the Yankee custom that
men have—and men aro more frequently
sufferers from the disease than women—of
habitually sitting with one leg thrown
over the other. This habit, the physician
Wasquoted as saying, restricts the action.
of the digestive apparatus, and especially
of the lower intestineand causes stagna-
tion of the contents azid the stretching of
the opening of the vermiform appendix,
making it possible for obstructions to'
reach the latter and 'thus giving rise to ap-
There is no ether disease, if we may
judge from the attention given to it by
current publications, in which the general
public takes so much interest as in this
one, which is comparatively new to med-
ical practice. Probably touch of the popu-
lar interest is due to the fact that only
within a few years what may be called the
literature of appendicitis has reached the
reading contntunity.- Leslie's Weekly.
mains li Low Mown.
"Johnny doesn't seem to be hitting 1~h•
apple barrel as much as he did."
"No. I found a clipping in same paper
that said apples were good mediosne and
laid it where he could see
tratawe Story.
"What makes you say Mabel's husband
is weal. utindedt'
"Well, they've been married, two years
and he would rather stay at home with
her in the evening than de anything else
on earth."
Minard's Liniment. Cures Datlttruff,
Ciitak stair of Dread.
Milan has a curiosity in a clock which
Is reade entirely of b. cud. The maker is a
native of India and has devetetl three
years of Itis time to the construction of
this curiosity. 'the clock is of respectable
XVI.:011 to 31111.°4+ tat tltt to «a
tl'id" tltiT'rent ('etltllttt tt'*a.
141 The f+ill.toy n:et masted finer ►-4
were nettle dnt•isog the ytaar: i
1'••-r ca+t?t
Ta Premie:m Int+ Ill++... ..... 11111.a.:
Tn Interest Int tale....
In lnsuaanee in force l�;,
let asete. ..... ... ♦ a......
In Net Surplus ,
In Insurance Reeet'vc.. ,
The President salted that toIttl'ttae"n"
represeutheg, the rated States Iaa•tu'-�
0nt'e Departments lzuai been in the c 1Ty 1
during part of laet month, and hail
made a thorough end nmet ,aearel ing
vestigation into the afla'-vs of the 4'0m-
pany, with a view to its etintiesion to
do business in their res *cti t Rta tee anal'
that these experts Were extremely well
:vaatiefied with the sotiudut'i s ot^ tit' Coat-
pany. and, expressed them-e-ivts asM ali-
Ezell with every aspect of affales.
The ITon. Mfr. :Allan, do i•ect,ntling the
adaption of the tree rt. enlltsl spatial
attention to the oxt'eilett ebarneter of
the inveettnents of the nonparty ; of
these over 37 per cent. are in tivst
mert:aloe securities, uoarly^ 20 per cent..
in debentures, nearly 1'1 per cent. in
steaks and bonds, loans en polllel•s clout
0 1-2 per cent., the, balance (anes:-isztg;
of cash in banks, interest :teerued. etc.,
Ile also called s7►t t utl attention to the!
fart that nithnugh the iresets halt itt-i
creased very inrgeiy, the nutstaaeling
and necrucd interest lied been very
materially* decrea:•ed. which is a proof
of the excellent ehnraeter of the in-
vestments of the Company, alnd the
promptness with whie), the !uteri et
thereon has been pa'd.
James Thorhurn; ILD., ,Medical Di-
rector, presented a full and intcreel i,i2
report of the mortality experience of the
Company from its organization. which
showed that greet care had been •'x-
ereised in the selection of the •Company's
The Consulting Aetnary repartcd that
he had made an intlepc'ndent examina-
tion of the albite; of the Oonpany .as alt
December 31st, 1808, having ex:an:an•d
the boosts, aecounte atoll balance siesta,
also a detailed copy of the annual re-
port to the Insurance Department, and
stated 'Hutt he wa'e ver,v 'Touch grnlitied
with the result of such exatanination,
also with the ' thorough system of the
t<-orl: of every department throne -le ut
the office. He commended the Con ; env
for closing its larvae peemptlr at the
end of the year, its heed been its custom
from organization and stated that. t,eat-
taitlletantlintt the large amount petits TO
pulley-behlers dor n_• the year, another
substantial gain hues been made an the
net enrpinc. now amounting to `t474.-
029.08, or if mode up stn the same Iris's
ns thnt peneraily used. viz., by nddrng
the difference between the cost inns] mar-
ket value of debentures. etc., owned by
the Onmpany. such surplus world be
$ii22attfi-l.S.i. He referred to the greet
difficulty which has been expeei•nced of
late years in isecuring sntisfaotory in-
vestments, and pointed out the g+•ent re-
cline in the rate of interest 'alhaich gtla;-
edge securities yielded. Tn view of this
he stated that the settlement of the
Comnnny's Investment Policies should
be highly satisfaoto•ry to the holders
thereof, as they eompnre favorably with
•these of the leading lend best managed
companies on this ,continent.
A special vote of thanks was unani-
mously tendered to the Compnrty's Pro-
vincial Mnnagers.inspeetors and Agancv
Stmt for their splendt l work of the
past year, daring which the lnrgrst
business ever done by the Company
had been secured. largely excerllin; that
of any other home company art the same
age in its history.
After the nsnol vote of thanks held
been teamed. the electron of Directors
took plate, whereureu the newly -el eteed
Boltrd met, and 14:r. :kiln L. Blnikie
was; nnenimouely re-e1r ted President,
and the Hnnornhle fes. W. Allan and Sir
Frank Smith Vibe -Pre'side'nts.
pound Iron fills.
It Is calculated that the men cif Great
Britain spend $25,000,000 'every year on
atilt mate,
The Debtor's Stratagem.
"Yes," said the business man, e'I have
given up trying to collect that little bill
from Bilkins. You see, he is a pretty big,
husky fellow, and he used to throw nay
collectors out."
"Then why didn't you employ a woman
colleotor? Ho couldn't do that to a wom-
"That's what I thought, so •I got one
and sent her around, but she never came
"Why not?"
"lie inarrled her.'
;,n+oii'" 11 rhea res.
got that drunken tramp sew ty
from your kitchen by inviting hire t,,u w
get a drink of whisky, (.11(1 your''
"'i'tts, Ispiriterl 11111 aiavaay.
Miller's Wornt 1-owderd a ore its in
She Scared
"'And fmy letters:" be
Site coldly answered:
•.I burned thein,"
Ill art)se to his feet and stood before her.
"1) -glial you," he hoarsely stammered.
"did you intrust the burning to a tritek
driver and a roustabout and a half dozen
day laborers?"
"No," she replied; "I burned them. my-
Re fell limply into the nearest scat and
'wiped his beaded brow.
aWhat a fright you gave mei" he smil-
ingly said,
ked in deep aei+
Canada nod a 111;; Garrison Of British
Now that there is talk of inoreasing
out military strength in Canada, writes
a correspondent of The London Empire,
I may point out that not only Halifax,
but ail Canada was adorned with regi-
ments of the regulars; and there were
almost enough tben to make a "thin red
line" around the then provinoal►. Now
there are not 2,000 regulars in the whole
Dominion. The following is a list of
regiments and whore they were stationed
in 1830:
ist Dragoon Guards, Chambly. Lower
7th Hussars, Montreal.
2nd Batt. Coldstream Guards, Quobao,
2nd, Batt. Grenadier Guards, 1+a
ist Regt. of Foot, Montreal.
Sth Regt. of Foot, Halifax.
lith Roga of root, Sorel.
15th Regt. of Foot, Isle -au -Noir.
28rd Regt. of Foot, Halifax.
34th Rogt. of Foot, Montreal.
82nd Regt. of Foot, Sandwich, tipper
89th Regt. of Foot, Alnherstburg.
80th Regt. of Foot, Fredericton.
37th Ragt.. of Foot, Halifax.
43rd Hegt. of Foot, Niagara Frontier,
65th Regt. of Foot, Kingston.
66th Regi, of Foot, St. Johns, L C.
67th Regt. of Foot, 1Poodstcok, N.B.
71st Regt. of Fout, L'Aead iu, L. C.
73rd Regt. of Foot, Blandford.
83rd Regt. of Foot, fiine ton.
5th liege. of Foot, London.
93rd Resta. of Foot, Toronto.
Mr. Charles Dean on Dodd's
Kidney Pills.
Textile i?abrte 1•'ru;rr, l•iue•nppia Shan.
There will ehortic arrive in England
from Assam a trial shipment et a new
Aber for eextlle laureate. The rungh
outer cora a mead' the pineapple is therm
materiasfrotu whielt the new tlberis suede.
Arab Tokens wt 1 rerutt,th.tp.
The Arabs chew their frlendliness when
meeting by shaking hands six or eight
shams. Arabs of distinction go beyond
this --they embra e each other several.
Miller's Compound Iron Pills restore
the color to pale cheek and blaodleas lips.
Ula the nese Meaux tat lfand.
Raving no jail at Jerome, ,A.T., the
pollee handcuff the arms of the prisont,:re
atqund telegraph poste. The law -breakers
can stand, sit, or lie down, but can't
escape hugging the pole.
Ke Was Asked I1 Dodd's Kidney Pills
Cured Him of Kidney Disease, and
Declared They 1)id After Kis
Doctor and Other Medi-
cines liad Failed.
LosmoN, Feb. 6,—The publication a few
days ago, in the press of this and other
cities, of the statement t at Mr. Charles
Dean, of the City Hotel, had been cured
by Dodd's Kidney Pills, of a disease that
every other remedy he had used failed to
even relieve. created wide -spread comment
and discussion.
The majority of the citizens agreed that
the case was not a remarkable one for
Dodd's Kianey Pills, which, they said,
cure every case of Kidney Disease for
which they are used.
Some few persons, however, doubted the
accuracy of the report.
To settle the question once for all we
interviewed Mr. Dean, and asked him if
the press reports were true.
"Certainly they are true," said he. "The
only fault they have is that they are not
strong enough.
"I used to suffer, so much that I had to
lie down, to get relief. hly doctor said my
Kidneys were affected.. He gave =medi-
cine, but it didn't help me.
/'One day I met Mr. M. L. Duffy, archi-
tect, who was cured. of Kidney Disease by
Dodd's Kidney Pills. He advised me to
try them, and I d d so. When I had taken
four doses 1 nes relieved. One box made
me a new man 1 lave taken three boxes`
and am completely email Dodd's Kidney
Pills cured me. 't Srt.i ,ere worth their
weight in gold."
This certainly settles the question, No-
thing further 1
gcan ,e held.. Donn s KID-
Those who require Dodd's Kidney Pills
Cala get then, at all di•tv, stores for fifty
cents a box, six boxes fni •2,80, or by send-
ing the price to r,Lhe Dodds Medicine Co.,
Limited, 'Toronto.
Now you know by this sign
St. Jacobs 011
Rheumatism. Neuralgia,
Lumbago. Sprains,
Soreness, Stiffness.
Why 1 -Te. went.
Husband—I declare, there hasn't been
anything decen on the stage for I don't
know how long.
Wife ---I suppose that's why you've been
so often.
FREE thiWs gls i:sce
with chain and charm for sell-
ing two doz. Whiteliggi,t Wicks
at ten cents each. IVO Money
Required. Write, and we will
send the Wicks, postpaid, and
our big Premium List. When
you have sold the Wicks, re-
turn the money, andwe will at
once send your watch free of
all charge. Hundreds have
earned hne watches working
for us, why not you? In
writing, mention this paper.
Did You Ever Examine
No home sbo,lxl be vithout one.
giving entireslrlo
sfci n
Fire only required once in two weeks,
For circular write •
TheOdorless Cr
Cdar as .amatory Closet Co,;
When yet' gG ready to 'buy that
new Bicycle. Write for Catalogue.
Gendron Mf Co-,
lee eet.tpiarte, iutl
1, t fat....., .,....
Any mirolor eat 1',
ural'.! al ota+t'y tea,d.'.. �+ WIRE �+� CO,y fl y i �y
Frost Fence, Frost Steel Gates, ni Pewit Coiled Spring Wits.
IL,LLSI'R,iti•I:I) C-k`i'.%l,oUL'i. L'PON ltriteCI:.e W i1N'Gi'i).
nti1 ., Iliz►geteant Lett it, tte'ivere l fat:rn y station 1' 0.t
1. 't:; it l?. fey 4 ft, ,, ft- i ft, t 4 ft. l 1.
t o &t
es 'l :t _'E ft c9•-4. wf+yO `15.14 fiktk,•a
t.......... «.Cru :.„15 ,r ,1 Z ' ,t i3 log`
rat+t-a„v.el to he paid 1'.e' 1' .art s. iE a':r:..., for y, t-tIrrerw se to l+a to.
The Only Safe Way to Speculate
BUY THE SCRIP AND PAY FOR IT. sp;and upwards sent to
us can be dou.blt'd within one year ; we have done it :i thousand
tunes, we can do it adairn if our advice is aetel' upon. flow we do
Wt buy low priced Railroad Shares that we have inside information upon,
We know of thousand:4 who dabble in "Bucket Shops” anis Min-
ing Stocks, both aro the worst, kind of Iotteries; we know of
thousands more who are ever ready to invest in paper town lots
where the chances are very remote for increase in value, and
usually the money invested is never recovered. and even when
the property -_does increase in value it is difficult to senure a cash
purchaser. if it is railroad stock you can still it for spot cash at
any time. Wo have been twelve years in loudness in tb `s con-
servative old Vermont City of Burlington, and we can furnish
references from National Banks and leading citizens throulghout,
the State, and we do not es.pect any p: t. on to Ileal with US unci.
we prove our responsibility aid reliability.
Privates}( HIQ�IT.G t1"• Rankers and limiters,
Wires `' D0 -TON. rtt'11i.1", TO". ear.. tee. A.
WE11E+ the.tineWATC H, with chitin andohantt,
GIVE for selling 2 dozen gold topped, eosin*.
watch and guard for gelling 3
backed Latter Collar Muttons at let,• etcr,. or it Wee
dna .t a Money Rtastrrd.
You run no rise Write and we aen•1 the liurtnu,. post. A
paid, with cur big Premium Legs Sell the gluttons re. A
turn money, and se send watch,Jrra,f oil show. i:Tn. A
goldbuttonsrcturnabie. Libernicomnnaaionifltretened. /lp
130 the etstin. yyourileld. Send Your name and address A
today. In atritine. mention this paper.
4.>>>>>>>>>>»» )
Old Men.
Old men have their place and power.
Moses was eighty years of age when ho led
the children of Israel out of Egypt and
founded the most influential nation in
history. Franklin was .eighty-one when
he sat in the convention that framed the
United States constitution and contributed
to it its most important compromise, that
of equal rept, sentation in the Senate and
proportional representation in the House.
Gladstone stood erect at eighty-four with
the British Empire on his back. Old men
have given the world some of its biggest
lifts and most powerful pushes, and we
must give them a chance and not try to
crowd them out.
Tell the Deaf.—Mr. J. P. Kellook
Druggist, Perth, writes: "A customer of
mine having been cured of deafness by the
use of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, wrote to
Ireland telling his friends there of the
cure. In consequence I received an order
to send half a dozen by express to Wex-
ford, Ireland, thisweek."
The present system of Britishtelegraphs
all the world over embraces 1,111,886 miles
of wire.
There are cases of consumption so far
advanced that Bickle's Anti -Consumptive
Syrup will not cure, but none so bad that
it will nob give relief. For coughs, colds
and allaffections of the throat, lungs and
chest, it is a specific which bus never been
known to fail. It promotes a free and
easy expectoration, thereby removing the
phlegm, and gives the diseased parts a
chalAce to heal.
The Ailment.
"What appears to be the matter with
your father?" inquired the doctor, as he
hastily put his clothes on.
"Re's got the plumbago,"• replied the
boy. "I think that's what maw says it is."
`'Pain in the small of the back, I pre-
sume," said the doctor.
"No, sir, he hadn't got no small of the
back. My paw weighs 284 pounds."
I was pale and weakly for years. • Mil-
ler's Compound Iron Pills brought about
a change.
The Man for 1•ler.
She -I will never marry a man whose
fortune has not at least five ciphers in it.
He (triumphantly) -0h, darling! Mine
Is all ciphers!
Our remedy is pleasant to use
and the cure is permanent.
Particulars free.
Neer an* s000nd-1laatt,
Ltugr eats orue gree.
TILE REID BltOS., 3f,1 fling West, Toronto.
To Introddce Dr. Westmen Improved Pink Tron Tonle PO?
for enriching the blood, fere+lo people, delicate ladles, ity$
and kidney diseases,. rhemm�tism. backache. nervoutmes
genernl debility, efa. we Sive ��!'�„ a lip goid.pin
watch. Ladles' nr Gents' reliable G time•kecper, wa
ranted. The rills ore fico. her box. SSA for 8 boxes. Send tbt
amount and you revolve 8 boxes and the watch, orwrito i8
particulars. This is n eenable offer.
WO Toronto,
T. N. U.
Solid SterlingSilver Solid Gold genusaQ
Bracelet, Laies'and hurls and Game
Misses sizes. Settings• ,'
EARN one of these handsome
premiums bey se11in0
to your friends °i Silver Alums
'num Thintblos at 10 cents each.
They are more durable than
Guaranteed steal er sterling sliver. Tape
Good Tlmckecpee. measure or ppackage of needled
given free with each thimble. Every lad- huy
as soon as she sees them. No money require
Send us your name and address and we will
send theoods and catalogue of premium*
postpaid. Thimbles to be returned if not sold.
Men, women, boys and girls are selling tbouq•
ands—why not you I Try. When sold senduo
our money and we will send the premium Yelb
select. Mention this paper.
A Brave husband.
Watts—I noticed a photograph of a
wildcat not long ago taken just when the
beast was about to spring at the photogra-
Potts—That is nothing. Peck has a
snap shot he took of his wife as she was
coning at him with a kettle of hot watat.
—Indianapolis Journal.
Followed Instructions.
Jackson—Confouird it I That silly chap
of a jeweler has made a nice mess of it.
Dobson—Why, what's he done?
Jackson—Well, I told him to engrave
this ring "Froin A. to Z," from Albert tit'
Zillah, you know, and the idiot has gone
and put in the whole of the alphabo.lr,r