Exeter Advocate, 1899-2-16, Page 11
$tith a
as wearing glasses when you should
not and not wearing them when you should. .
It is a 'mistake to do either. We only prescribe
glasses when they will be of use to the weal'er, A large
proportion of the cases of painful eyeiight tire due to the use
ot unsuitable or improperly fitted glasses, In consulting
our optician you inour no expense and run no risk. —
Mornings preferred for testing,
A servant, wanted to eliaree of
usehota On. a lame p*1y to
Elea 13reven.
Sale Register.
THURSDAY, F$B 15.- Household Effects,
ete theyroperty of John. Uoorso LoC
Calnielain 73, Fallartoa. Salo at 1 ieoloa,
11110WS, Auer,
SATURDAY MADDii --implecdonta and
hae-oliuttl effe:its. ttio usereriv et August
Thou, Da:Atwood. Sato at oue o'clock,
14-01.1.E'r TO LOAN.
We bavo untindest private totals for t
veatatent upon *Ann or village property,
lOwest ratcs of intitcreat.
DlegtiON S: CA111.11101
Barriaters, et Exeter
The undersigned luta few gtual forme
sato oheitp. Money to 10411 011 easy 1v71715,
Sam Wall'a Bleeh Exett
—MONEY -TO '140A/T. —
money to loan at front tii to 5 per Cent.
ELLltf r ti; tiLADMAN.
Berrietters.Soltritora. etea Main St.. Exeter.
That ilesirabie terra in the township ot
Steplitat, buing Let 17, Concession. 1d, cant -
1141 at:res. ta a good 117105
uttleatt ittubbuthltagii en the prt allot:at g rvit
latt 'Wet, DeWitt 14 ACV'S Zito, plowlitg 41011e.
Pussvssluit 11114...0 Alattla 1s1% tbA'. TI/REP Is a
good lam anti bt.. aunt ellva.p.
Apply to
Au. el oh,: (I Exeter.
1:oat desirable brick cottage situated on
the corner of James am* AUltrOW street, Ex -
end., and about. ode-litth acre ex laud. 'lite
house contains nine ruoina dig a good
kitenult, and there is a /Ned won ot water
' and a otatern usi tam premises. l'his is
spleuuld property attuated, and w111 be
sold roasonanly. Pot porttetuars apply to
ten ottani or tau lindersiginai.
AL11S. J u isx WELBR, Exeter.
Tho taro of Billet& eiciaman, Barristers,
Solicitors, eto., Alain-at...Exeter, having been
dissotved by the neath op Lr. .73. Eatiot, 1
Will con dune to carry 0u the businesS at
the same offices.
Alt outstanding accounts are to be
paid to mei aud witi diacharge all the
liabilities of the old brut.
Exeter, 7th , February, 1809.
The undersigned is offering for sale that
deeirame and valuable pro purty, situated on
Buren Street, weals part ot Lot 21, contain-
ing over live acres. there is on tee premises
a good bock con taining seven rooms,
witu stone cellar, trump, aitomat and wood-
shed. attached; a frame stable and othbr
neeessary out-buildto gs; 45 choice fruit trees,
a good woii of water and other conveuieoces
Terms reilsrsnable, apply at this othce or to
SamtraL l'itaeZcaTOR,Exeter
Is otioe is hereby given that application
will be made to the Legislative assem el
the Province of outland at its present sea
slot,' tor Ala Act to. legalthe and eoutirm a
1:14.14W Ot the sludicipal iJou.tutit of the
lage ot nixeter, Under Willett .16y -law all
lauds LI the village ai Exeter, while held,
used and uwueti as farm lauds only auti in
blocks of net teas matt tweaty. aeres, aro
from aud after the date of paastug of said
By -taw to be rated upon tn.. assessed vatue
titereOlaS i0.110Ws
(a) Vor expenditure for general village
purposes, not more than three and onedialf
mins tin tue dollar ;
(b) For the payment of the present De-
benture debt or tne the dame rate as
is retinue.1 and is from Dime 10 Cirrus levied,
upon other village property;
Co) For expenditure tor school purposes,
the same rate as is required and ts from
to time levlott uptlo tuner villae pro -
(u) For oonuty purposes the same rate as
is requged and *8*70511 time 10 time levied.
noun. other property,
And that no furtber or other rate be levied
on this said lauds by thu council of the said
Village of axeter;
Aud. that the said lands axe to be exempt
from taxation ior the payment 01 any fut-
ure debenture debt 01 tile said excuPt
such as id contracted. tor sChOot. pUrpOSee or
for tue renewed or uoustditiatiou of the pre -
Sent existing debenture debt or some part
Provided always that the said rate given
by the said by-law Du the said. lauds shall
not be lessened. by tiny of the exemptions
mentor uud sue Dion d of chapter 22.1,
1847, and. sub-seuttons •thereto.
Provided,also teat no owner Or lessee ot
Snell la intS snail in respect of the said lands
have the right to vete liven ally by-law for
Creating ur contracting an,y future deben-
ture debt except 0.11 18 tur riCILLOOlptirpOseS or
for teo ronswel ur intation ot
sent oxiotine detentes. este or 6onie part
thereof, its aloresaid,
Dated a0.Exeter, this ist day of Fe br nary,
A.L,, !sal).
DM:11150$ $: CA aLING;
Sonetturs for Applicants.
Children Cry for
Fifty teams wanted by
draw Elm Logs from Lot 8
and 9, Concession c), Bay. to
the Company's Mill.
Apply to
1.7S W MIER,
At Oonld's Saw Min.
The Stith mikes have resueeitated
their old time debates to fill the void
mused by the closing of the R. T. of T.
wmization. It WAS not the wish of
your correspondent, or of many Oth-
01'74 to elose up the Royal Tempters,
but as some whose duty W10; tO keep
ft UI the others got diseouraged.
your eorrespondent was returniug
fismi Hay P. O., he WAS atteeked by. a
large iron grey dog which caught imn
by his overcoat and mewls' pulled hint
out of the cutter, completely spoiling
the 4•oat. A dog, understand of the
same breed, a fel,' days ago caused a
enemies on Lake Road.
isiute I.Aughlin has been confin-
ed to his house during the pan week
with a sprained ankle. --Mr. John Nie -
bol, teaeher at West's Corners, is pre-
pariug to erect, a new house on his
farm on ihe 1Sth concession. --One
night recently Mr. and Mrs. Jae. Nit.-
hols, who had been spending the inven-
ing with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Laughlin,
returned home to find their house full
of smoke, the carpet and floor being
on fire. Mr. Nichols found no diffieulty
in speedily extinguishing the fire
which had already burned a hole
through the floor. But for this timely
arrival their beautiful brick residence
would have been destroyed. The fire
is supposed to have originated from
the coal stove.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Stinson left last
week for their home in Carberry, Man.,
after spending a coupleof months with
friends here on their wedding tour. -
John Rutherford attended the Ball at
Mr. Dan Hocky's on Friday night and
reports it pleasant time. -Mr. Amos
Doupe, who ran it fork into his foot,
making it painful wound, is doing
nicely. -Messrs. Samuel Brown and J.
Shute have entered. into partnership
in the manufacture of maple syrup for
the approaching season. They have
one of the best sugar bushes in Wes-
tern Ontario. They have all the latest
approved appliances conveniently ar-
ranged and perfectly adapted to the
business, making it 'ausurpassed by
any similar concern in the Dominion
and we are not surprised that Messrs.
Brown & Shute confidently anticipate
it large production of this useful eom-
modity during the coming season.
Mr. S. H. Hodgins, who has been
suffering from blood poisoning, and
under the able treatment of Dr. Sut-
ton, is again on the mend. -Mrs. Jos-
eph Abbott, of Michigan, is visiting
friends in Biddulph and Lucan.-A
number attended the dance at Mr
Oscar MeFalls on Thursday night'.
The deuce at Mr. Edward Glavin's was
also well attended. -Mr. Wm. Simpson.
is making preparations to erect a mam-
moth barn on a brick foundation.
Willie's a hustler. -The coming seasou
promises to be a busy one in the build -
mg line dtuing the corning season.
The following are making preparations
to erect new houses: -Mr. Wm. Lewis
Mr, Richard Atkinson and Mr. Rich.
Blackwill, while Mr. Wm. Markin will
erect it new bank barn. -Gideon Mc-
Kenzie, about 17 years of age, was ar-
raigned before Magistrate Parke, Lon-
don Tuesday on it charge of breaking
into a G. T. R. car for the propose of
stealing. The boy told Chief Williams!
that he became stranded in Toronto,
and was stealing a ride on the freight
towards his home. When he got hat°
the ear, (which was bonded, but had
the seal broken, McKenzie said there
were two men there. They got out
when a few miles from Toronto, aud
he went on to Stratford. When the
train arrived there the deer had been
locked. on the outside. 'McKenzie was
remanded for a sweek.
Ch•editon Centralia Seaforthi A very pretty wedding
Isn't it cold? -A grand concert will Hear the Boston Oxfords in Exeter The Oxford Musicat Club, Boston, Wok pine ba St. Columban church,
niass., Exeter next Monday. Upsto- she eth else when !ilea teale Dow.
Feb. t2., Come and bear McLeod.-- i Miss button, of Elinaville, was the date program.
Frank I)ew as 1itid. up a few daYs ' guest of Miss Clara Wind, SatuldaY On Saturday, llth inst „ a large wileaY;uanaititelit;h;PMofazA•rfria‘g8etewPhitt.DMDfawWilenaY:
with grip, -R, Keddy bad the misfor- iind Sunday. -Monday morning was number of farmers met at-tlae Central- Deveraux, of Tuckersmith, near ,ea
tum to fall out of his barn to the the coldest morning for ,:N years. It ia Town Hall for the purpo.tte of organ- forth. The ceremony was performed
ground, a. distance 01. eight feet, one daY being 38 below zero. -The Anniverectiar jzieg a,jointstock conepimy to be knoNvn 1 by the Rev. Father Downey, brother
last. week and received a bad shalting ' of Zion Evangelical Olunvh here will as the Centralia, Creamery Association of the bride, assisted by the Rev.
up.-nfrs. V. Afitchell is visiting at her i be held on Feb. 19 and 2e. The Rev. for the manufacture a butter in Oen- f, Fathers Fogax•ty, of St Oolunzban;
sons, John apd Arthur, tins week.- !Clot Steebler, P. E.sof I3uffalo, former- tralia. There were 104 shares, at $10 s Inealy, of 114401;7h, and Guam, a Hes-
Do not forget the concert We4lnesdil-Y i ly pastor of this chureb, will preach a Aare, sold. The officers elected for , rem, and was witnessed. by a large
night, Feb. 22. Diene open at 7 o'clock. !Sunda.y id, 10. aan, aed 7. p.111. 111 the the ensuing year are as follows: --Pres- ,', number of friends. The bride, asstst-
Mrs. W. Barton is visiting her sister, ' Geilnan and 430 to in. the English ident, Richard Hicks; 1, ice -President, ed by her cousin, Miss Mli,ggie Pierce,
, P• • 7
Mu,. J. Col.w01, Tuckermth, who is Chins+. On Monday evening he will W. W. leevington; ctrbitrators, J. Par- 1 of 'Mitchell me; beautifully attired and
very ilL-The 14. aunt M. SocietY loot ' deliver his noted Lecture on " Dollars sons and J. Bagshaw; Treasorer, An /meted charming, The groom was
Monday uight. -A concert will beheld and Sense." The Lecture cerucu.n,ces drew 'licks; Clerlt, Mr. liaggith. -Mr. 1, cupported by tier brother, Mr. Robert
on Feli. 2-enal in the schoolhouse. un-! at 8. pale arid a, SaVer collection will W. T. Hewitt, our woorl-worker, in- Iheerceinx, of Seafoz.th.
th'p the auspices of the LiterarY Bac- , he taken attliedoor.-41ise Dina Wood tends leitviree for London, wht•re Ile ', 13rttsm4st 1.4tst wei.k. in noting the
iety., Flifor‘ts are being thatitn, to sen. ' after a pheisant visit of two weeks bas aeee.pteea poeition. Thie beisn's ;: seethes of la asleep.. we mentioned, the
(441re a gooO PrO"TanL, ‘1 .! -Ileiseoo, , with friends and relatives in and an opening for a is -nod inane -Mr. Jos- , name, of nn,,n.y., the, aiii„g, tmas.,
comic l'Oealist, of'f:ietifortlit 1)r Replies; ' around erediton,h.ft Monday morning- eph Andieemi is etill eontinia1 to his '.. lines ,,A,t tivit t iyni. we had not learea
mr. In meime,s; mesera miller and fm, Liar liana, ia iemeine-Rev. Mr, beil, 11i• saw his cightiOli birthtlaN ed that ion ,. inn w.,, nenassedoes teem
Johnston, of Meisel!, are muting those Litt, our tic.rmira Pistor, is attending on Tuesday, - Mr. Thomas Wand oat; ; a windier of ntjp.:... who were attacked
I1*() win take /!art in the enterteills -the, Trustee Dwaine. of the North a, railway on Montle)" lasi whieh I at' -• I. de F teh succeed
he given at No. 1 school, Weduesday. 1 next /Monday. Big Concert. Irishtown, on Wecluesdaz morning,
mein. Admission, 15e. AVestern t INF4 Ill tl
IN le NATIO. 1114 .1 .
asp- g 141 a zPanz ' s 'night have Provd s°11°1114 well' it n°I hie day sbowed Win getting weaker,
Stephen ter, spent Sunday with her cateerts,
"mu int° a sa°W bank, thas invvent- and he failed to illy froth the ex -
the stineling of the inipile in se el, No, day eVe1111111; pi.rsons were
R, fm. nu. mmith a January; 1 taken in as:members of the German
Bruce. Beseezilic.ITY, 1 1:1I'lliall (4711, Nee. Clisiz•ehe - Mr., J. E. Tmo, S, 1., of
sou Ravine, Edna .klina Ilos. ilhipt,(11•11 0111" 14111/11e School
enberry, Ernest Mollard Fiume Zilpfe, Tuesday.
- Alice Cill, elee Me Il-
ene. Brenner, Rini.r.y Carrier's., Willie ;
misfortune to get hie ears trozen. '4% e „, „„lIl, . , *, ill 1
NVIA13). Prarl Pagt., Artitilr ila,11.4.r. Mr. :SIMI. Drirliert, /1,4. Onr. thar pro- 1'7. lt01.1)(1A'::
Zapfe. Jr. III Vietoria Arehie
warden and Jay ch.legaie to the synod.
AVocelhaiii: When driving to St,
farye eloaday. ;Mrs. Joseph Step -
liens, and two illeglitere. Mieses B ir-
etri.ati, eeeilli et. re; 777 Le s I )-e- wise 7!*. SIteN'SA 111 1114 110W 01-1- 81.1114141'11t11111:111s"80illit'llsTAtrTn. tiTic l'.4)111.1.11s.17is. ..i11;11ti'Xis1:r.xolgsril'e(:21Z
eirdine, laikiee Luther Suittini, t* *'2 Mr. Daniel Me('orinick, for,. 41.11(44 Of I'sliorne. all of them. "1 718113( Wag liot good
Paid Oratten. Sr. -tleomina Tet- merle of the Commercial, lute moved auteheni. eta George leivielson has ft,t1 till; 1.'4° Past 1110 Uhl (14" bri°1`•
week. -1.111ies :Millie Bertrand. of Exe- for his presence ';;;;;;r in mining, his lungs and /earl Iwingiat.enel
St"Hool. Raannres-The follewing is Mr• and Mrs. A. 14. Bertram • . f ,th , 1), la
Wills has the contract of inovilig- some II "roe I%-eaknees wheel always cennes
• +
poultry from 0, G, Esserv's poultry ' "th 9118 di'.4.1".' and earlY :.‘1°11(NY
shed.. sWe are glad to repo'rt that .Mi% 'i ul."rnIng 11°,1"":"44 1 'twiny as Peiteefiffly
Daniel Smith is able te be around.-- i a'" though t`tiling' asIP°P' In PnlItles
One of our young 111e11, while taking Mr., fr..11,.."..as '"t"11""11 1 !"""ry"tive.
his nsual SiinclaY night walla had the an" I" r°'41.111 a Inemberof the elitirch
ot VII nand F ir si • • • • •• 17*' '
Rennie Ravine, eta/wenn eel -Aviles, • pewter 01 the (unaniercial betel, and
enfant. jewie, eermiali 1/isiii . . y, •
inine s amyl ft for Cavalier, Dakota, on
eph Raville. Il --'Myrtle Ilar- Thursday last, wirere they will reside
1Vaiper„ Ida Page, Essery Insjar- t future.- -lir. Louis Foster took pos-
sums Dalphes Distariuna Fenn; snit- session of the Commereial hotel 'Mou-
ton, Ester Wilier:cell; part, 1 I --Roy day of laet week. The brass band gave
11014 Cleirne Peen. NI, illie Betties 1i:we 14111 :a serenatli• in the t'Vening. we
gear, and not to vent ms. ont, until the
higher temperature would. warrant
such preeaution unnecessary.
Around About is
04 Beer Revalbe Diesardince into Mr. 'W. Steinbach's residence.-
. 1. Walpies Major Baker, Walter Mr. Ed. Hagen has porch:teed the farn-
sal.i.e. inhurn Rimitton. :sternal,. Dee one 1 res ter formerly owned by Mr, N.
Jeanne. innairdine, Laurence Deichert, and ie thinking of trying, the
eirrierte Berlin iee races. Siweese,
Mies Cox:emelt:Oa Teleber. Chen, Either hes disposed of his rirld-
- -
Fa rq hi I r
MENTEXO. - metalug or
usinnin. nod Hilibert nal Fire
Insurance Company. was lend here cm
NVII4'11 1.111.1V1,1138 811 eXeellellt
ster to Mr. Ilawkshew, of Exeter, for
a gond figure. Mr. P. Bender has
bought the property ol' DM. Appel,
(Titian,. the post, office., and it le al.'
together likely we will have another
Boot & Shoe store. ---On Tuesday last
turnout of shareholdins. 111,. but,m04.; a Wi'411111g Win; solemnized at the r*
1s.*',.,., t meet ing was the rereivalg. Ileitis. of he 'aide's father, Mr. Henry
ot on.11.ports nod tin. (.1,,etion of two Itu"d"11. who gam. Alva)" his "VII'
ter, Mary. to Mr.
directors, The c•leetion rc.sulted in the .albert Zane, better
re-eleet ion of the t wo ret iring direet ors, kn "Va as It's* 'Am of MI'. JOsP1)11 Zet'
ill!. The bride was assisted by her
so that the boinsl will be the same as
InSt.year. MO. Thomas Cameron was sist". l'Iztle, "1111" tlz° 12.1"" NNIzs
euppnreed. by Mr. Barney 'efittelholtz.
agaln appointed seeretary-treasurer.
The direetors' and auditore' mpurts RCN, Valentine perfOrtiled the eere.
showed the vompauy to be in execelent, mony. 'We wish Mr. and Mrs. ',Anne
htallaing atla in a nourishing Nunn_ a long and prosperous married life. -
tion. The total number or neueies in Mr, in et Klein, with Zeiler & Co, tin -
Mrs. Jantes Oinisins died
force at the end. of the year was 2,•100, tunith, Juts left town looking for a St . etarys;
eoeerins. iin in.qtrance „r tesseamsns, richer positione-Mr. Benj. Geiger, of ini 'nut -elan after a week's •a 1 , .
wit'Ininntlii(1);e4. 1.1:::ielt41( sto.
Dakota, is visiting friends and rola- 1 at lwr h(nar • , t , i i ,I. - s Year it has
i °ill:. than usnal and
whieh le seenred by premium notes vvere entice -ion with apoplexy arid 1
anion i a ing to $11)7,914 :it Duriue the
, - tives fil(i. tolyini: e:Mr.f Oietnye -A,Iert,,ler; ,1 ibinelimonia. Demised, who was hi her about three weeks ago he determined
' 73rd. year, leaves a husband and grown
up tinnily.
eold the, Illeks House property to the • NI, n on • e
wle.re the s147.ighing 'MIS Lotter, but
Ill tenants, Messrs. Aheand Robt.
idson. , the hank was sq, steep that the cutter
Henea.11; Arnold, son of Mr. ,i"ho
four feet deep. The cutter pulled the
horse clown also. Several persons wero
close itt hand at tin. time and, the lad-
ies horse and cutter were soon safely
on the road. egain little the worse for
theh• tumble. It was a great. wonder
that 10) one was injured. Miss Bar-
bara reeeived the roughest usage, as
she plunged through the ice at the bot-
tom of the diteli ana wart for a short
time eompletely covered with the
while attempting to haeg
onto a sleigh, got his foot erushed by
the runner.
Oranton: James Langford bee rent-
ed Mr. Samuel Langford's farm, lovat.
ed on the 151.11 eon. Biddulpla and will
move there some
St. WATS; GOO. WeSt011, W110 IIRS
heel). in this gardening, business; here
ten years with his brother, has remota
ed with his family to Lorne Park,
where he purposes condueting mile
Winebelsea: Mrs. MeGregor, an
aged, lady, died on Friday, yam. a ser,
yew. attaek of la grippe. She was an
old resident of Knekton seetion, form-
erly residing on the east boundary of
Seaforth; Mneli surprise and regret
WAS 1911 7127101713 our citizens on Satur-
day on it -hemming known that Mr.
Alfred E. Stark, senior member of the
firm of Messrs. Stark Brothers, had
diva that morning in the hospind 171
the eity of Toronto. Mr. Stark had
been selfering for many Years from
year en policies were issued, covering ' •• - . . . .
an insurance of $1,323,555. The total MIss SIM° IN....raft" Dashwood, were
losses amounted to $8,nni,tans 87 pm, united in the holy bonds 41 matrimony ,,,,„
rent, Or WIliell Wtwo mused by light- en Tuesday. Our Jubilee brass baud e z. J.Intoni r.rilo death of Arm Jolp mg along well unti7 he 3.6 35 attacked
fling. The otsli balance on luind and dray° down ill the evening and re- v0.0 e,w letookP 044' P1:8( an (Le' lry typhoid-pnenir , tie. This, with
I h.' h 1 • A. Tb 1
in the bank wile $1.782,82. The re, port a splendid time. We wish Mr. PrlYett the town of .01t0 a its oldest thP other, iiroved es) much for him
ports are most. encouragitig, end place and Mrs. Meister it long and prosper_ residepts, the deceased having reached
and he passed away on Satunlay
the 07 us old ago of four -score and
. iree years. was communicated to his friends here
Seatorth: Mr. Robt.Dennison, hav- by the hospital authorities. Mrs.
ing sold his farm in Ushorne, has ply- Stark was called to Toronto on Wed -
chased the interest of Mr. Wilson in nesday and was in attendance upon
the grocery- and meat business of Wil- her husband until the last., The re -
son in McNanghton, and intends com- mains were brought home on Satur-
ing to town to live, and still join Mr. day, the funeral taking place on Mon -
McNaughton in the business. day from the residence of the deceas-
ed to the place of interment in the
Mitchell: On Thursday of last week
Maitlandbarak cemetery, Mr. Stark
a pleasing ceremony took place at the
when was 33 years of age.
home of Mr. Win. Henderson,
his eldest daughter, Annie, was marri- Brave Men Fall
ed to Mr. Win. Graham, who is fore- Victim' s to stomach liver and kid -
man in the printing office at hagns. ne tr bl 11 '
v ou es as we. as women, and
Tim knot, was tied by Rev. W. A, all feel the results in loss of appetite,
Bradley. , poisons in the blood, backache, ner-
St. Marys: While Mr. R N. East- vousness, headache and tired, listless,
man, in com.pnnys, with Mr. N. Bos- run-down feeling. But there's no need.
well, was driving to Woodham last to feel like that. Listen to J. 'W.
Tuesday afternoon, the cutter upset Gardner, Idaville, Ind. He says:
just outside of town and the horse ran "Electric Bitters are just the thing
away. Mr. Eastman had his shoulder for it man when he is all run down
fractured, but Mr. Roswell escaped and don't care whether he lives or
with a good shaking up. dies. It dicl. more to give me new
Clinton: Mr. George Bunsch of the strength and good. appetite than any -
Clarendon Hotel staff, has a badly thing I could tale. I can now eat
bruised head. He was holding alively anything and nave a new lease on
span of roadsters belonging to Peter life." Only 50 cents, at any Drug
Cook of Goderich township on Tues- Store.
day when. one of them reared and
struck him on the top of the head, in -
Biding a severe scalp wound.
to go to Toronto to undergo oper-
atiori there. The operation WaS Very
suecessful, and he eeemed to be gett-
the Usborne company to the front ails wedded life., -Mr. Daniel Zeller, ti I • morning, when the sad intelligence
rank as mie of the best mid most econ-
omical mutual eompanies doing busi-
One by one the old residents of this
section AV?. passing away, man soon
there will be none left of those who
had to do with the earlier history of
this country. One of the few of those
remaining joined the great majority
on Tuesday, February 7, in the person
of Mr. James Thomas Wilson. On
January 4th he was taken down with
la grippe and at the above time passed
peacefully away at the ripe old age of
78 years and 8 months. The deceased
was born in Guysborough, Nova Scotia,
on June 4th, 1820. In 1852, he, with
bis wife and three children, came to
Ontario, and lived in the township of
Reach, back of Toronto, for three
years. Afterwards he moved to the
township of Stephen, county of Huron,
and bodght Lot 43, south bmmdarv,
Sr., one of our oldest citizens, left for
Dakota, last Thursday, to live with bis
son, Daniel, in future.
promises to be one of the best enter-
tainments ever given to it Zurich
andience will be given here under the
;inspires of the A.O.U.W. on Thurs-
day next. A lengthy program svill
be provided, and without a, doubt it
will be a grand affair. See bills for
Weninnte-A pretty wedding took
place on Feb. let, when Alm Johns
and. Miss Carrie Brook were joined in
holy bonds of wedlock, at the resi-
dence of the bride'sparents. Rey.
Geo. Jewitt in his pleasing- manner per-
formed the. ceremony before a large
number of the friends and relatives of
the contracting parties. They intend
to make their home in Exeter, andwill
both be greatly- missed by their large
where he resided until about eight circle of friends here. We wish the
years ago, when he gave up the farm happy couple it long, happy and pros -
to his son, 0. H. Wilson, and came to Perons married life.
this village, bought it house and lot, DEATII or Mils. ANDnaws.--The sad
where he resided until his death. He news of the death of Mrs. Sidney. An -
was steadfast in the faith and. in his drews, formerly Miss Lyda L. Web. -
allegiance to the Boston Methodist meyer, of North Branch, Mich.'was a
church in which he held, at different shock to the community. The deceas-
times, various official positions, and ea had. enjoyed the best of health up
was trustee and class -leader up to the to Sanday and even that day was par -
time of his decease. His family eon.. ticularly bright and cheerful, when all
sisted of ten children, four of whom of a sudden she was taken ill and
had preceded him to the better land. gradually grew worse until Monday,
. He leaves a, wife, four sons and two when death claimed her. The deceas-
daughters. The funeral took place to ed. was a victim of Bright's disease
hag conducted by Rev. J. W. Baird, B.
. which was the cause of her sudden
taking off. She was of a kind disposi-
the Parkhill cenaetery, the service be
A. ; tion and highly respected as a friend
deboye, is visiting friends in this vie-
oe Clan. and neighbor, and it large circle of
BRIEFS. -Mr. Jos. Dixson,
inity.-Mr. John Andrews, of Claude -mise. She was aged ! friends will be pained to learn of her de-
boye, who has been visiting his many :ed 25 years, 2 months
friends in this vicinity, was taken very and 1 day, and had only peen married
sick at Mr. Edward McPherson's last a short time. Her remains were con -
Friday, and has had Doctor Hotson to irveyed to Lucan on Wednesday and
visit him here. He is troubled with home in North Branch, Mich., where
' om there evere sent to her former
asthma and la grippe. --Miss Jennie she will be 'ant at rest. The sorrow -
ill this village. -Mr. Fred Howard paid community.
lVfanning, of McInnis, 15.7 isiting friends
our village a flying visit last Monday.
1 -We have had the coldest weather Ootnecre-Council met on the 4th of
ever known in this vicinity, 32 below Fob. All members present. Minutes
of Jan iiaiT meet in g read and approved.
.31171 W, oilfsohnel, yofouEthIg. in, is visiting the. , of London, as Engineer for the town -
jou. The appointment of F. W. Fern combe,
ship, under the Ditches and Water -
zero. -Mrs. 0. F. Kerr, nee Miss
-a...a_ I courses Act, was revoked, and Clause
%V On at Sib.' neileyee. ' i 1, Bylaw No. 2, 1892, repealed; Mr.
" I laelieve Hood's Sarsaparilla is _a ' John Rogers, of Mitchell, was appoint -
good medicine, because I have seen its ed in his stead, apd a Bylaw drafted
good effects in the case of lily mother. confirming, his appointment. Bylaw
She has taken it when she' was weak No. 2, 18e0, confirming the appoint -
and her health was pooe and she s'aYs ment of fencevinwers and pounclkeep -
she knows of nothing betfteeeri tsotroti,.1.(1„
her im and make her ;17'e IlAmusdiPtoarsss'edkespiogrtite, clasanpdr esseenaltee dd: '
131.13402e M. Keitswans, Upper aVot'od ' was adopted, and 150 copies ordered
liarbor, N. S. to be printed for distribution. .411. f el),
I orders were issued in payment of ac -
1 Hood's Pills cure all liver ills. Mein , counts, and catincil a,djourned to meet
ed for 25c. by . I. Hood & Co., Lo- I March 4111i. at one o'clock.
well, Mass.
Fullerton: Robert Ward purchased
the farm of his brother, Thomas, on
the 12th con., and W111. Ross bought
Robert Ward's farm on the same con-
cession. Wm. Robinson, Blanshard,
purchased Wm. Ross' 50 acres, and.
Thomas Ward. is 110W the owner of
James Colquhoun's four acres on the
Mitchell road.
Wingham: On Saturday last, it
young son of Mr. John Little, of Cul-
ross was coming to town with it load
of wood, and when at the jophine
street crossing of the G.T.R. the sleigh
was struck by a passing engine; the
wood was scattered and the horses
freed from the harness. The boy
narrowly escapedbeing killed.
Wbagham: At the home of the
bride's parents, Lower Winghaan, on
Wednesday evening of last week, Mr.
Frank E. Seli, a 'popular young man
of town, was united. in the holy bonds
of matrimony to Miss Amelia Netter -
field, of Lower Wing -ham. The in-
teresting ceremony Was performed by
the Rev; W. Freed, pastor of the Bap-
tist chiwch,
Wingham: On. Wednesday fore-
noon, Mr. C. N. Griffin and two of his
children were taken ill with pains and
vomiting. The only cause that could
be given was the eating for breekfasb
some potted chicken, which Miss °vie -
fin had beought with her from the
Noxell West, and part of which she
had eaten on the way down without
experiencing any unpleasant effects.
A physician was called in, and by the
use of the stomachp amp, the stomachs
of the sick ones were relieved of their
F. MORLEY, Clerk. contents.
Bxecac-In Dashwood, on Feb. 10, the
wife of Adam Birk, of a son.
GE AR 41I-HENDERSON-At the resi-
dence of the bride's father, by Rev.
W. A. Bradley, on Feb. 2nd, Mr.
Wm. Graham, of Fergus, to Miss
Annie, eldest danghter of Mr. Wm.
Henderson, of Mitchell.
Coeenna-Moonn-In St. Marys, on
Feb. 8, by Rev. G. Henderson, Mr.
Colbert, of London, to Miss Clara,
daughter of Mr. Samuel Moore.
RoiseNsaa-CeAnec-At the residence
of Mr. Jno. Britton, Hibbert, Feb.
1st, by Rev. Mr. Nethercott,
Mr. Alfred Robinson, of Fullerton,
to Miss Venetta Clark.
(1,11A ('44Itt,
CBmrox-in Exeter, on Feb. 14, Wil-
liam Chester, son of William and
Annie Oreech, aged. 10 years and 3
Aemniewe.-In Usborne, on February
13th, Lydia L. Wehmeyer, beloved.
wife of Sidney Andrews, aged. 25
years, 2 months.
Wu:sox-In Greenway, on Feb. 7th,
James T. Wilsou, aged 78 years.
FAI1113ANICS.-in Parkhill, on Irebettle
Cheeks Fairbanks, weed. 67 years, at
0'1)nere---.11) i Leh ell 011 Fob. 1:3. CIT
Ile 'Blood, 1 lel (wed wife of "Wm.
O'Dell aged 28 years.
MoonEstis,An-At the Efouse of Re-
fuge, on Tuesday, Feb. 14th, John
Mooreshead, aged 79 years.