Exeter Advocate, 1899-2-9, Page 8one Central -as`&41‘eliai/e- eaLerjr." S TRATFoRtt, Don't Wait Get a business education and tarn some thing ap. Active, educated and well trained young men and. NVO(11011 are wanted ever.Y- where. We alfni- students at any time Write for circulars. W J. klItiorkt. P44'3100,1 Lif)CA14 JOTTINGS. We, Uncles 71 cents at the Exeter A not'd n ""vr • ;•4"Asi Miss Rosa Fitzpatrick, whohas be.en- , Tannery. .. Thursday laste was Candlemat day, visitbag her atint„ Mrs. MeAvoy, left The ice supelv, and especially that and in aceordanee with Ws :newel Wednesday for hueaus whichhas been peeked during the past two weeks, is the be stored for .years.: . Cash for hides: at Exeter Tannery. Wood finds mayde onthemarket these days. • • There are 85 ininates at the House of Refuge utiw. Try the.. ehervoe,org . for. Wedding: stationery. Latest designs. The Orangemen of thbs. district will eelebritte the 12th a jute' here this year. It new tirne the Exeter Turf Club • was calline- a meeting .and getting down to Misinees, Riehop &on have just placed a lartee order for e.,lass to be Imported from the Old Country, The immense logs of which we.Macle :mention last week contained 1500 feet instead. of 15000 as stated, • • Rev. Howard, of Thorndale, emu, pied the pulpit of the Trivitt Aleueer- ad church on Seny last, . Try Winau's cough balsam for -coughs, col& and bronchial trembles. Sole agent, for Dick's Lung Syrup, • C. LUTZ, Druggist, There is a, peristent =nor that the Shawl is :commg hack, but • we her nothing of the borrowed umbrella re, turning, " There is some talk 'of Mr. John WU- liams„ of Zurich, moving to tewn :shortly for the purpose o sAblitig ft managing the Exeter grist mill. . J. Jewell and W. Carling were elect- ed directors of .the Huron Poultry As- sociation for this distriet, at their meeting held at Clinton last week, **There ctinie near being ft .fxre at Hawkshave's hotel, WednesdaY night* through, a defective chimney, but, be - ng noticed in time, no- seriousinjury WU$11e 410—Selanth 'Expositor, While a Weiler was driving around the corner on Mein street leading to Dr. Sweet's 'surgery, on Wednesday morning, his cutter :collided with the telt,phone poet and badly demolished the sheits, The Mitebell. Advocate eaysi—in 18- a4 the postage 011.11,1etter from Ireland to Alitehell was one shilling and ten pence half penny sterling: and in 1304 the postage was reduced to ten pence ter, of Goderieb, secretary, sterling, now it is one penny. An Arkansas editor who reads that a lady in New York "kneads bread with her gloves on," remarks: "\\e need bread with mu, pants an; we need bread with our boots on, and if our subseribers who are in armers don't soon pay up we shall need bread with- out anythiug oth" Messrs, H. Bishop & Son Some thee ago placed orders for five car lots of barb and plain wire, wire nails, ce- sxgnpieaenetuttss1aoettli:g:tt:11(1.1eyillEerlaso.istTesssetill,It'o' ,,,e1,)i°3:oe:ezuend 'tears ttes(sCs TeatatIo*'n tTi 011117 :el almost breathless, the congregation to the recei7t, heavy advance M the, laalorwinaTzilect gd000livola, the satstuiteheaes- ihuee, 4Nitehtitstoitli;a‘dviati(V.i.,4702111i:!1'Ltal,14 • . realize restate ttre yated, this week, Tile pastor expects t services to close • < their expeetensaus. eormalle 'op 1rk1ay evening, When Miss The Oxford Mix:deal ehth, a nostou, Morton will address the converts specs Mass., sectired at a large expense by Be the Odal-Vellows', will be held in Gids „ orat fry's Upera lioese, on Monday, Feb,P eople who think postal clerks over :Seth. They appear in thirteen places paid should heed the following hints in Canada—Mitese-y Hall, Toronto; suggested ler an exchaoge: laTo letters Eingston, Montreal, Ottawa, thund- tem, tondo's and other towns. Don't will be delivered until they are re rules hearing their voeal and inski,u; pel.tipvelo" ultfhr dna),41. ratiat4.:12 t 141),1,. selectione, yon do you, wi" se postmaster look through all the bees sarrY 'when they're goi‘e' TbE• Is the and down cellar also. It ought to be env:nest concert, Plan there somewhere and he likes to hunt open Fraley, Vele loth, et. ;610^ at 'Jot. it just, to pieztse you. If your 1)z'.Lutz's drug tame. Admission 74 ima a ) ete, abuse th p .- eiRts, reserved seats Z3 cente, master; he is to blame, If be tells These are the days for record break,- grieved expreseion, and say "them custom the ''ti a; supposed. to have Mr. and Mrs. J. a Grieve atisaided come out and 1°"L'ed ror hi$ 'thadow, the funeral of the late Mr. A. Stark If he did he saw it all right, and, on- at Seaforth on Monday, less the theory is baselees, he has acme baek to Ws wi fox'. x eckell, teiteher, has been un- able to tezith eince Mondey, owing to weeks, and spring is just that fax ott _ van= 1.,,.a 4%,_ ile,*.4.4 . t. * 0,1, inflammatien in her eyes. E _ I i 1 with illtwh interest. eke-en:Out Sun ft, vir9" The revival services still continue' apt' ats; days with his sister Mrs, f . -ttionderul Bargain day the pastor preached nt the _ a vr,111SOn% ) ) IliUMA Street, morn s--4 ing and Miss hi. ortou conducted an visAiltrswItrimerrisl.itAw.dsenaitaefist,eri: Loloonaroiliit, * after service. She addressed a mess meeting in the ititeruoon. Hee even- returned, home Wednesday, Ing sermon and appeal were amonget Air. JOhn Penhale, :old eacli, pure Linen li,nw,ymoon with, the former's mother. ' v CASH ie CASH OR PRODUCE ONE PRICE ONLY. t the most eloquene and effective of all eobe ees ye are bare spending gear! iae Lead you there is no mail ftw you, put ou loads. Me.lto be goalie," He is probably John Grey, of Romney, wbo drives hiding awe mail for the pleasure of the Cleveland Bays for the Sutherland 1having you eall for it two or three Innes Co., drew a toad ot toga: to town, 1 times a (lay. Ask him to look again. the other day, Whirl/ contained 1700 1Exs.1*.r commil peweeetwee feet, :Next I 1 Council met pursoant to adjouens ierairteree err -elves Next Sabbath. f =TA*, at Town Hall, Feb, z4,leh3. Dr. Willoughby evill have the assist, „eel present, Athletes of previons alle0 of Mies elortem in the Quarterly Serviees next Sabbath. She will preach morning and evening. There will be love feast at 0:15 a.m.- seem - went, a the Lord's Supper will Woe% morning sermon. owe -a :Mr, Frank Case, of the London Road north, met with rather aix unpleasant experience on Tuesday afternoon last. He was driving flOW11 tows On a load of hay end while crossing the iron bridge the load in some 'Way upset. Luckily no one was hurt and no dam e done. Huron Medical Aiiserrlation. The Huron Medical Association met at Clinton on Tuesday. The attend- auce was not large, the prevalence of sickness keeping many of the doctors at home. The election of officers MIIS held, and Dr. McKenzie, of hionkton, was elected president; Dr. Graham, of Clintonce-president; and Dr Hun - Nell Down cellar. The stock of dry -goods, fancy -goods, The many friends of Mrs. Xioward, clothing, groceries, etc,, of the insole better known as " Granny Howard," vent Glanville estate at Farquhar, was will be pained to learn of sn unfor- sold Wednesday to Mr. 1 W. Broder- tunate accident vehich happened her ick. The stock will probably be sold at Sarnia last week. She is living by auction on the premises next week. with her daughter Mrs. Miners, and A horse driven by Mr. F. Snell, be- in some way tell down Teller, sustan- came fractious on Main Street Satur- 1ing such injuries that she is not expect,- ' day and ran into a, cutter driven by ed to recover. The old lady is hery Mr. Win. Bagshaw, teacher. The feeble and the shock no doubt would hack of the cutter was somewhat de- be a severe one. ranged but otherwise no damage was I., 0 IA. County meeting. done. South Huron L. 0. L. County Meet. Duriug the past few weeks our ing was held here on Tuesday last. streets have presented a very lively The weather being fine there was a appearance and business generally good representation from all pi11. t f on the move. There is pat snow the der he district. Aft t s o meal pre - :enough to inake good sleighing and liminaeles and general business the every person seems to be taking ad- following officers; were elected for the vantage of it. ensuing year, viz:—John Scarlett, W. A team, belonging to Mr. Sohn M.; A. year, D. M.; W. Craig, Chap ; Dew, while delivering wood at Mr. P. Cantelon, Rec-See'sh Andersoii, Charles Galley's residence, became Fin-Seey; F. Davis, D. of 0.; 3. ]3u1 - frightened at the train and ran away. lard, Led..'J. Beacom, Treas. The They. started for home but were cap- next annual meeting will take place tureti near the iron bridge, none the in Exeter the first Tuesday in Feb. worse for their run. 1000. By a unanimous vote it was dc - The adjourned vestry meeting of cided to celebrate July 12th next, at the Trivitt Memorial Church was held Exeter. in the 'school hall On Monday night For Empire Day; and was well attended. A few im- The Minister of Education will short - portant matters relative to the newly ly issue a circular letter to the school appointed incumbent were dealt with boards throughout Ontario drawing after which the meeting adjourned. attention to the fact that it has been The Junior Hockey Club have ae. determined to observe the day before ranged to play a game here to -night the Queen's birthday in each year as (Thursday) with the Clinton team. Empire Day, and askingthem to make These teams are playing good hockey suitable arrangements for such obser- and the public may expect a good ex- valice• The minister proposes to hibition of the game. Admission, leave it to the discretion of the school trustees in each, locality to decide the gents, 10c; ladies and children, 5c. details of the celebration, but he will A valuable hound belonging to M. suggest that an address be delivered Emanuel Bissett, while running- a fox on the G.T.R. track, was run bysome prominently public man, that • south the Union Jack be prominently dis- over by the freight train on Tuesday played, and that various patriotic ex- ercises be indulged. in. Mr. Ross had hard luck with his dogs, having hopes that in the near future Empire had three killed in the same neatmer. Day will be CAerved in the public Th.e G. T. R. Management has post- schools throughout Canada. eci notices on the round houses and Illypoee car shops on the system thethereafter employees will got their monthly pay en Sunday; this is to obviate the loss of time involved by paying on week ation caused quite le comment among days; the new re a bit of unfavora the men. A. young man hailing from a neigh- boring town has been doing a rushing business in the eastern part of Us - borne and Blanshard, selling stove po- lish at 15 cents a bottle. He tells a pitiable story of poverty and need, but it has been discovered that he is a fraud, and the farmers would do well to steer cleat! of him. A gentlemen in Markdale advertises for employment, and would prefer working farm for window, but states that he has no matrimonial intentions. It is quite in betting your last pair of pants that this gent will never secure employreent with a widow, and he will be hated also by all the old maids in that neighborhohd. This is the way in which the Cen- t .alla Journal editor answers a ques- tion propounded by a stock raiser— "A rural subscriber asks, "Do hogs rely?" We know that a good many don't. They take the paper several years and have the postmaster send it back marked "refused." Such a breed is usually two-Iegged aslitel un- profitable. The ..e_tkineon Drainage Vauderville Company produced—well, we are at loss to say what, but they gave some- thing in the shape of an entertain- ment, but which greatly fell short of what the word would imply. The whole affair was simply an imposition on the public and not worthy of the time it takes to view it. The atten- dance was slim. Mr. S. Day, of Londou, after epende ° Huck '1 owel, the best ing a few daye here, the guest of Mt. low-prieed 'Thomas 'Willis,- returned Tuesday eVer xJi�wfl morning. - . Mr, aud Mrs. P. Halls attended - 4 for 25e, the wedding of Miss Aliee Sheldon to Mr, L. Wileou Lang, at Grant/meet on Thursday. . -Mr, R. IL -Collins is still confined to his home, and, while 'apparently bet- ter on times, does not seem to improve very itaucb. • " (MOS -WeMS, Who has been visiting friends here for a couple of weeks, is visiting at Exeter and Berlin." --Brush eels Herald.. towel we have Each 7c. or Alra and Mr. ChaS, Maeon„ of Forest 'Wig) spent several days in town during the week,. the guest of Alm Geo, San- ders, returned. home Tuesday. Word has :been received that Cole, man Moneur, who left lieVe about, two weeksage for Leadhorro. Mont,, • was snowed in for nine days on his way out, "Miss E. Howard, who has been vise it ins her cousin, Miss Isottiejeffereon, for the past three weeks, returned to her hinne in Exeter TueSday."----St, : Marys Jollraill, meeting read and couhrmed. Mans Miss Mary Carling left, Wednesday, --Armstrong, that the =lams' re. ,fo, r Norwich. having received word ef port, as preseuted, adopted,—Car- t_he serious illneee of her little swim ried. Armstroug—Taylor, that the ,r,4141,ine, flau.gider of Mr. Beg. EdUot- following, aceottuts be passed and or- „Pao stmermg from pneumonia, and tiers drawn on treasurer for same; D. her Condition is considered dangerous, Dyer, copying press and letter book, $8.00, ink paper and pens OS:ma james The words of praise bestowed upon Creeela wood, 80,14); H. Parsons, Hood's Sarsaparilla by those who have nightswatch serviees to Jan. $1, A. taken it prove the merit of the toed'', ..$2,1.2:i; James Creech, refund of error in R. Spicer's taxes, $3, --Carried, Tay-! Clinton: Bert Kemp met with an lor—Evene, that the correeted amnia aceident on Saturday by having his of the Riede* Light Co. for $75.83, for right hand caught by the sander mad light' to Feb, 1st, be passed and an was ground very deeply, order drawn on Treasurer for same. ---4 Grantees: commie; westenan, Carried. Taylor — Muh•, that By-law 'It I II No. 7, 1309, to grant eertain privileges "f late, .;0111.11.4a!s ;07eti *nigoto od to the Sutherland Innes Co., as mat a ,s Shakespeare,14' 0, else ...as 404. eareer si wee third time and finally passed,—cais, ,wro.ulop a'"IrleT" ; Mrs. Wm. itston first time, be now read a second, and ried_ Armaroog—Evans, that nye concession, has passed to her reward, maw No. 8, ma% to provide a fixed rat. after a somewhat lingering Mum, hr, for lands used as farm lands, Her bereaved husband and three child - lacks of 20 acres or more, as read a i re" surely" her. first time, be now read a. second and 1 Parkhill; Mrs. John McAuliffe died third time and finally passed.—Car, 011 SaturilaY, Jan. 2Sth. Though in tied. .Armstrong — Evans, that the poor health for some time She did not Council adjourn to Feb. Nth, at 7430 , become seriously ill until two or three on'oelaateilicopf,x1:1.r—s.Clet.:011t111,... lussmvi aelt, weeks previous to her death. Parkhill: Mr, Wm, Mathers, of the town line, sold his fifty acres to Mr, . The account which we append is Thos. Nibloek, for the sum of $1,4-10. from the Brantford Courier and relates Mit ?Anthers and his mother intend to the death a Mrs W. H. Verity, : going to ;Manitoba in the early sluing, who resided at Exeter and temoved a Seaforth; Miss Rose Heenan, for - few years ago to Brantford. The de- ceased was au amiable lady mai lama. nierly of this place, died recently in Detroit, where she was housekeeper esteemed by a, large circle of friends in and around Exeter:— for Wm. Seymore and family, former- " The death occurred at $ o'clock - rY of Goderich. Her remains were in - Friday morning of Mrs. Mary 3. Ver- terred in Seaforth. ity, widow of the late W. B. Verity, Tuckersmign On Monday the death founder of the Verity Plow Co. of George, eldest son of Silas Eyre, Mrs. Verity, who had reached the took place at his home here. Although age a 07 years has been failing for evernthing was doue that kind friends some time and death was not unexpect- ' and medical skill could do, he was ed. The end came peacefully with : called away on the above day. members of the family about her. Stanley; James Forest, of the Parr Deceased whose maiden name was Line, a native of Perthshire, Scotlaud, Fountain, was a native of England but died on January 21 at the good age of removed to Canada with her parents when quite a young girl, and after SI Yee"' Deceased bad. been ill for , about six months. He leaves a widow spending a short time in Stratford, took up her residence in Exeter, where and a huge family. the greater part of her life was spent. I Goderich: Catherine McBeath Niel - Here she met and wedded Mr. 'W. H. : ans, widow of the late James Bissett, Verity some 45 years ago. Thirteen died at her residence, East street, on children blessed the union, twelve of Saturday, aged 80 years. The, funeral whom are still alive. One daughter, took place on Monday to Maitland Mrs. Hutton, of Winnipeg, died a few : cemetery, Rev. 3as. A. Anderson be - years ago. Six years ago last October ing the officiatiug minister. 1 at the time the 'Verity Plow Ce., re- Bayfield: On Friday morning last moved to Brantford, Mrs. Verity came . Mr. James Gardiner, one of our oldest here to reside, and here five years ago ' imd most respected citizens passed in - this winter her beloved life partner • i to rest, aged about seventy eight passed away. I yeaes. He was for many years post - Deceased was a much respected resi- master and in the early days of Bay - dent of the city and beloved by all who ' field was one of the most enterprising kuew her. She was a good wife and a business men. Paralysis was the kind mother and has Bared to see her cause of his death. Two of his family large family grow up and take prom- are ministers of the gospel and one a inent places m the commercial and so - doctor, while another has fulfilled the cial world. In religion Mrs. Verity duties of deputy posbnaster. Two was a consistent member of the Meth- daughters also survive. odist church and an adherent of Col- - borne street congregation. The surviving family cosists of four r The Oyster Social given under the sons and eight daughters. Messrs. R. Ex TENSION OF Bilsmcgs &US ices of Trivitt Memorial church, H., W. j., C. F and P. E. Verity, of . in idley's Opera House, on Friday Verity Plow Co., Mrs. Southcotte night, was well attended,. and the Toronto; Mrs. Ramsay, Ottawa; aftair throughout was a very success- :Mrs. T. B. Carlin and Mrs. Robert flaying purchased the Exeter mill, ful one. After all had been amply Pickard, Exeter; lrs. Gundy, Ridge- we are now prepared. to do supplied with oysters, a choice pro-- town; Mrs. W. A. Bratuid, Chicago; general gristmg and chopping...... gram was rendered. The solo "Ben Mrs. W. G. Renton and Mrs. Fred Bolt," by Miss Ida johns, received a Burnett, city. Deceased has been liv- Flour, Wholesale and Retail. hearty encore, as did also the comic ing with her daughter, Mrs. Burnett, SOPS by Mr. M. Vincent. The vocal at the family residence on the corner ALL KINDS OF GRAIN BOUGHT. duet by Mrs. Billings and Miss A. Oke Murray and Chatham streets. Two was admirably rendered and they grandchildren, Miss Nellie and Master were compelled to appear a second Ernest,Hutton were also in the home. Grain delivered at first elevator paid time. The recitations by Airs. P. L. To the bereaved relatives sincere sym- Bishop were well radered and loudly pathy will go out. The funeral took applauded, as was also the reading of place Sunday from the late residence Mr. Eftwelon. The music by the Dav- to Greenwood cemetery. . idson Orchestra; which consisted of a -el -mutat .Meni ion many of the latest selections, was Mr. Brodeeick, of London, was in greatly . appreciated. The proceeds town Wednesday. 500 C ORDS WOOD WAVTED, ' amounted to about $50. Alci(Hard or Soft.) . Mr. E. 3. Spackenan is in ntreel The New Rector, on business this week. The London Free Press says: ---At a, •COBBLEDICK & WILLIAMS' Miss Bella McLean, of IKippen, silent largely attended meeting of the vestry Tuesday with friends in town: of the Trivitt Memorial, March Exe- Mrs. Fuke, Sr., is at present danger. ter, held last Tuesday evening, Rev. J. W. Ten Eyck was unanimously no- minated and recommended to the Bis- B. Spicer, of St.: Thomas, is home : - hop of Huron for rector. The Bishop spending .a few weeks with his parents.: - . has since approved. the " nomination; and the rev, gentleman has received his Lordship's notice of appointment. Rev, Mr. Ten Eyck has labored in this city for the past, few years most har- moniously and successfully as aeeis& ant to Rev. Canon Richardson; in the Memorial Church perish; and did eX- eellent-work in connection. with All Saints' Chapel. His many friends in London, whilst regretting his temoyal hence, will congratulate him upon his preferment - by the 'Exeter congrega- tion the happy appointment to their church. :He is sure to have: : large prosperity in his parish. . . . Oc, each for pure Linen Huck Towel, hem ex,ds, blue, red or white borders. Extraoi dinary value, each 10c. I 5c, each for lovely pure Linen Huck Towe , large size, hem ends, as- sorted border, You get your money's worth when you buy this gnat towe for 15c. 50ceach for gents' white un laundrieti shirt, re entbrced linen frobts and shoulders, heavy moft cotton, DO dressing,. Come and see the best shirt we have ever showb, for half a dollar. It's a Sure Bargain. „ 111"-.J4. Ao STEWA,RE. Stores ose p,; ,, except Wetinesd and Saturday. .1.00.1110111.11•••••••111•11i MIP-U.II4TE13 CLIEARING SRLIE OF RE/4.1716,TO4flEctii CliOTT-11110. After taking stock we find we have a lot of odd sizes and we want to put theta out at prices far below our usual sale price. You know we never purchase in small quantities, but always by the hundreds of suits, clearing -out lines and job lots, thus always being able to sell our cuz,tom- ers ready -to wear suits at less than is usually sold . . Boys' 3 piece suits, cut single and double breasted, in fine Canadian all wool tweeds, neat cheeks and overplelos, best Italian lining and silk stitching. Boys' Long Harris Frieze Ulaters. deep storm collar and first eines trimming. Men's Suits that are made in Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, well lined and perfect titters. Lots of odd pants W clear. E. J. SPACKNIAN, -41111m.--"The Big Clothier. TAILORING CHEAP AND NOBBY.,eseL The "Bang -dog Expression" looks of a, ready -i mule " handeme. down " suit of clothes is enough to disgust the Prince of Slovens. NO FIT, NO STYLE, NO GOOD. A tailor-made suit cut, made and :fitted to the contour of your form is certain to look right. AND WhAR'....gantgv.- Parts of machinery which ae- curately fit withstand severe ser- vice, and parts that do not fit wear out quickest. Same with clothes. Choose your cloth and we do the rest. Prices small as stitches. Bert. Knight. for at Mill office. Fi.toUR AND pEEID delivered to all parts of town free .....charge 0 N ously ill and not expected to recover. EW 1VIrs. J. H. Petty, of liensall, visited Mrs. Geo. Heaman a few days last week. Mrs. Penhale, Gidley street, has been quite ill, but is now on a fair way to recovery. Mrs. Thos. Snell, of Brucefield, spent a few days with relatives here during the week. Joseph Leathorn, of London, spent Monday with his father, Mr. Robert Leathorn. Mrs. Wm. Riney visited her moth- er, Mrs. Pidd, at Granton, for a few days during the week. The undersigned has op- pened up a new Meat Market 1 DOOR SOUTH OF CARLINGS' STORE, where he will keep the choic- est of meats constantly on hand. John T. Manning. REPAIR SHOP. .41411.1110 We have one of the best equipped re- pair shops in Ontario and make a specialty of repairing BICYCLES. SEWING MACHINES, LAWN MOWERS. In fact, anything and everything. We are prepared to remodel Bicycles, and do all kinds of repairing on short notice..... ISRAEL SMITH. One door north of J. A. Stewart's. S n e II' s,02, COMMERCIAL LIVERY. First-class Rigs and Horses Orders left at Elawkshaw's Hotel, or at the Livery Stable, Christie's old Stand will receive prompt at, tendon. . Terms Reasonable rreleplione I. Connection REMOVED P 1 To the opposite side of the street, one door north of R. Pickard's store, where he will keep a, full seleetion of all kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats, Poultry and game in season, Sausage and. Bologna. Also Dealer In Ditles Sheep and, Calf tiatIns. BEEF SOLD BY THE QUARTER One door North of R. Pickard's store. ° e LOUIS DAY c4414,00,, , A STORE OF ICNOWLEDCE ! Yes, Webster's dictionary con- tains a store of knowledge, but you may search it from start to finish, and • it won't tell you where you can buy cheap and al. the best furniture WE MAKE THAT EASY. We have everything you need, from a hat peg to the largest piece of furniture, and best of it is that prices are alway down. Undertaking a sticiaity. R. 14. ROWE. The Wilsons Bank. Chartered by Parliament 1855., Paid up ...... $2,000,000. Rest Fund 1,500,000. Head office Montreal WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq.,' GENERAL M.A.NA.GER. Money advanced t good Farmers on their own notes with one or more endorsers at 7 per cent. per annum. I ---EXETER BRANCH---- 01)71 every lawful day from 10 a.m. to 3 pm ;Saturdays 10 a.m. to i pm, A general banking business transaCted. CURRENT RATES allowed for money on Demisit Receipts. Satiugs Bank at x.. Dictum; & CAnntwo, D. Rim DOR; Solicitors. • Manage,.