Exeter Advocate, 1899-2-9, Page 6his tllibsoribers who do not receive their paper regularly will please notify us ax once, 'Oen at the efface for advertising rates. MME EXETER ADVOCATE. aessianaisas TllLl if tip A a F isBRU a llY 9 It ill]. Little Sermons from Dickens. l'hienteg beget t .;Fmk kave y Men haa ete ettetteae tai+Ull ,it idl.Sl a, a;s otva� rule•: rti, e a:ati :all t.t+ nt. Tare Aeon if we win. Let ue- its ata om., the few who do their :!,nate. Surprises, line n,1,,'ortaiuee, rtrtly emus alrlonr. Ib.gtveress is a teeth quality. au exalted Hrtue, La lave of home ties love of country has Qts rise. In the cause of triendship - . . brave all dangers. 'Use anti r.ecee este are good teaebere - the beet cef any. Only time shall nll show us, whither win, 'traveler is hound. T'her.e rs no hitu;.ettoa art Aute rao bad that It can't he mended. The. will to do w&4 . . , is the next thing to having the ]tower: rheas., never yet wand up w clock or ireski.at as 1it4;i,tn engine Fortatne will not hear chiding. We must not reproach her. or aha will shun Ira There can he no confusion in following Sim anti seeltin;; no other fe etteteps. An honest span is one of the few great works that can be seen for nothing, It is an undoubted facet that all remark- able men have had remarkable mothers. Natural affection and instint•t are the Nicest beautiful of the Almighty's. w''rits. It hat the poor are to the poor is liths !shown excepting to themselves and Go& There is hope for all who are softened rand penitent. Ther' is hope 'tor all sueh. The nes hue no appree.latton of great men, but kn^cks therm hour like small try., t.•heerfuluect and t'ontent are great beau- tifiers and are fatuous preaervera of good a. For Heaven's sake let, us mine sacred- whether there ;s any wrong entr u'ted to na IQ set right, Show ea a Yuan who says anything against i onleu, as women, and I boldly alaeolare he ie not a► man. It"F a world of eriea'ed mysteries, and the Creamtor only knows what Lea beneath the lrurface of tut liglntet '..cage. A joke no a'very good thing . but 'when that joke i5 :made at the expellee of feelinglt, b oft my face against it. What I want is frankness, confidence, lase conventionality, and freer play of the soul. We are so dreadfully artificial. Do Not Delay -When, through debili- Wed digestive organs, poison Budin its way into the blood, the prince consider- ation is to get the poison out as rapidly and as thoroughly as possible. Delay may mean disaster. Parmelee'a Vege- table Pil3s will be found a most valuable sed effective metiieine to email the in- truder with. They never fail. They go at onee to the sear of the trouble aud. work Si. permanent cure. { A 'Valuable Maxim. Sadie --Mamma, mayn't I have a piece et that lemon pie? arcasi a -I think it hemi that you should not, nay dors. You know that the last time you ate a piece it d laagreed with you. Sadie --•1 know it, mamma, but you know you have always taught tae to live up to the rule: "If at• fxrst you don't suceeed,tay, try again." linard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Benefits of minuet.. George -I foxy, Jack, change mar Si AV*, aren't you? Jack -I haven't more than enough for lunch and car faro in my pocket. Z'a tis, I don't Carly money loose in my pockets any more. I put it in the bank and pay by cheque. "I don't caro to bother with cheques. I rlways carry money in my pockets and I never miss a cent." "Yes, but you are not married," Cheap Rutter. The best managed dairies in Mihneaota have reduced the cost of manufacturing a pound of butter to Isle rents. The prevail- ing price in other States is about 8 cents. The Regular Method. "How did you get alone, with the Indians suit In your part of the frontier?" "Bless you, we don't We make the In- dians get along -if they have any ]and we want-" Prevent Disorder. -At the first symp- toms of internal disorder, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills should be resorted to im- mediately. Two or three of these salu- tary pellets, taken before going to bed, followed by doses of one or two pills for two or three nights in succession, will serve as a preventi ve of attacks of dys- pepsia and all the discomforts which fol- low in the train of that fell disorder. The means are simple when the way is known. The Henson Why. "I can't live properly on $75 a week," Abe young man complained. "Yes, you can," said his guardian. "Tho real trouble is you want to live impro- perly." Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. New Vigour and Energy are soon at- tained by the use of Miller's Compound Iron Pills. 50 doses 25 cents. Curious Mexican Custom,. .& strange custom is followed by Mexa can farmers. They use oxen of one color in the horning and another color in the afternoon. They do not know why, but they know it must be the right thing to do, because their forefathers did it. It is only necessary to read the testi- ano.nials to be convinced that Holloway's Corn Cure is unequalled for the removal of corns, warts, etc. It is a complete ex- tingnisher. Me Wanted to Know. i3artender (to customer who has not said anything) -,Say, misters Did you conte in bore to buy a drink, or are you just shop - :Pine' A done of Miller's Worm I"owdeee occasionally will keep the children healthy. TERRIBLE SNOWSUDE. es Trxfin and I'i,irt�-Titres bfen 5tilrept SUENCE AN LIFE. Down a Mountainside - Three Railroaders Killed. Denver, Col., Feb. 4.--A, snowslide on;, the main line of the Denver 4i Rio Grande Railroad nine miles east of Glen- wood Spring, yesterday overwbellued ag work train, killing three ]nen and injur-! ing several others. 'i'he killed care John McMahon, readmuaster, Denver a; ]Rio Granas, Ulenwood Springs; Dempsey, eectionninan, Spruce t,reeit. Col.; J, 11ul- vihill, secilonmen, lied Cliff, Col. The injured are Charles Ilaenett. ongiaeer; T. Carr, fireu tame; R. B Steele, engineer; A. Diver, brakemnan; G. 11. Berry, ear,. repairer; B. Bernard, section naan, 'Lae mantle riralsnehe phot dewn the mountain side ie the canon of the tirend River on the western slope of Colorado, and carried the entire trala, osew and working gang, .Sal nom in all, into the bottotu of the abyss. The engine, caboose and cars were carried down before the slide, and ail the shoveller, evhu were scattered along the track at work were swept before the righty weight Trees, reeks and Large blocks of ice which bad formed on the side of the mountain dur- ing the winter added so the weight of the avalanche. t'litl's rise at the side of sae railway tracks WO or SOO feet, while the side of the mountain .at the point tvinere the accident occurred risa.:.a00 inions porpendroalaarly. Special (leas were Sent to the spor ae soon as 11igenee vented 'bed the headquarters of the 1)oaver ti ktio tlrande Re.•act. IN TIui. s t'ill1'1,. BL' itattora decidedly serums Froin ('oa.- batted Snowfall its Coloriado. f]eneer, Col,. Feb. 4. --The ftnowstornm that bas raged with but brief luterinis- sion for more than a week in Colorado was renewed yesterday with unabated energy. The ;snowfall ail day was very heavy, while strong winds piled it up and filled railroad outs, almost complete- ly,"ibloaeking railroad tratl c in the moun- tain districts. Snowslides have '•coursed at several poitnte. ono 18 miles west of Leadvillo, on Mount Elbert, carrying down a miner's cabin and burying Wil - liana dlalmn.ng. Many mountain theme are out off from the world, the only means of communi- cation being en snowshoes, Food and. fuel supplies are becoming alarmingly short in many places A hazardous plea) of work, to relieve', the eullering at llreckinridge, Como. Dillon and other points around the firsa'. named canon, eras successfully aceom- pllsbed by the Colorado Southern Rail- road yesterday, when oltizens with shove els cleared off the South Pari; track to the depot in Breckenridge and ti touch battered supply train crawled into the, town, the first inside of three weeks. The situation at Brackenridge was ho- rning critical, as the grocery supply was almost exhausted. Miners, prospeo- tors, nalllmen and timber cutters were coming in from the surrounding MUS. begging provisions. Breckenridge was buried in snow. :hides In all directions made the roads leading into the tramp impassable. At Leadvillo the supply of coal is so .mall than a foreed shutdown of amines and smelters is threatened. SPANIARDS AVAST ANNEX iritmN. Appeal From apan t4h Residents of Bayous Ita•apecti.ng t'ub:a. Neve York, Feb. 4.-A despareh to The \Forid from Havana says: .A com- mittee of :iiinniartis in Havana t,ave issued a strong appeal to their compat- riots throughout she island to unite for the purpose of bringing about the annex- ation at Cuba to the 'United States. The appeal states that 400,000 Span- iards are ready to vote for annexation, and that this number would bo largely augmented by Cubans cf wealth, position and influence, who ea not wish to sea the revolutionary party in the ascend. ahoy. The committee believe that it a vete were to be taken to -day on the broad issue the result would be decidedly in favor of union with America, even if the negro element in eastern Cuba was al- lowed a free franchise. BIG CARGO 1?ItOM Oi7.NTATIA On the Largest Steamship to Enter the Manchester Ship Canal. Ottawa, Feb. 4. -The largest steam- ship that ever passed through the Man- chester ebip canal, according to a report furnished to the Department of Trade and Commerce, was the Manchester City, which sailed from St. John, N.B,, and Halifax, N.S., on Jan. 4th, and reached Manchester on the 14th. Her big cargo, consisting of 400 head of cattle, 37,000 bushels of oats, 40,060 bushels of wheat, 67,000 bnsbels of corn, 3,408 hales of bay, 6,470 bundles of wood pulp, 2,500 sacks of oatmeal, 1,084 cases of eggs, 1,250 tierces of lard, 4,600 bags of starch, 615 tons deals, 4,500 doors, 469 packages of poultry. 1,415 boxes of butter, and 1,200 boxes of cheese, was all from Can- ada with the exception of the corn. Almost Bled to Death. Sarnia, Feb. 4. -Word bas reached here that Mr. John Elliott of the 12th line of Moore met with a terrible accident on Tnssday, which may result fatally. He was felling a tree, and the tree carne down unexpectedly, striking hint to the ground. His young eon was unable to render assistance, but he ran for help. When assistance arrived Mr. 'Elliott bad almost bled to death. Ho klas been brought to the hospital here. His skull is fractured. A Stouftville Man Burned. Stcuffville, Feb. 4. -At noon yester- day, as the men in the StonfFville Car- riage Warks were off duty, a little job, which required the assistance of several men, was done, which resulted seriously to Uriah Swates, one of the employes. He was in theact of carrying the gaso- meter of an acetylene gas machine past a stove when the gas ignited, burning his arms and face. No other damage was done. The John Paton Fire Cases. New Rork, Feb. 4. - Judgments amounting to over $27,000 were entered yesterday in favor of Horner. E. Dudley of Buffalo against several fire insurance companies of this city. The judgments wore transcribed from the records of Buffalo, where they were taken by de• fault, The claims, It was stated, were '"The mini ter's sermon aft harmonp q assigned to Hamer 1 Dudley by the s John 1?.aton Con.pany, Limited, ;of . 2 .0. .seemed to be somewhat out of tune," "He forgot his henna," •ronte,. We Are lydebted to the Forrn;r^ for the latter, seier:ee .Gave, tTs Dodd'a Kidney rut* Dodd'aKidney mills Give "ea;:ernritF From Deets, -41r, Charles Deen'+a Casae Proves This t'laimn. LONDON, Jan, 80 --.Lt this season, when everybody oue meets is complaining of "the Grip." "Backache." or some other similar complaint•, it conies as a relief to know that there are some diseases from which people can free themselves ab very slight expense, and tteareely any trouble. When we find that these eineases have for centuries been looked upon as incur- able, and have carried hundr<ds of thou- sands to untimely graves, we have reason to bo thankful to science and its votaries, who bare given us the means to free our selves from this horrible nightmare of Death. As everyone knows, Kidney Diseases base. until less than ten years ago, been looked upon ae utterly baton -able. Hund- reds of thousands have died of them. Until lately there was no medicine known to man that would either relieve or euro them. To -day, thanks to the wonderful meal - ripe known throughout tire civilired,world as Dodd's .Kidney fills, Kidney Dis uses] are no more tlangs'reus than a common cold. Proof of this feet has leen given by thousands of startling cures lay Podsi's. Kidney Pills of cages that the best phybi- cians had. "given up." The latest evidence in this city comes from Mr. labarlee Dean. ale employee az the Pity Hotel. Mr, Dean suffered for three years with terrible Paine in his lack, fie eould get no relief from any of the many rsnedieinee. he used. One day a friend advised him to try Dodd's Kidney ?ills. Ile did so. As a re - cult he is now as strong and well as he ever was. Dodd's Kidney Pills, he says, are worth their weight in gold.,So they are to tie-victinms of i(iduuy Iliseas(s. F;anth. peeve And (•tosetsy, A London weekly has given two guineas for a definition of faith, hope and charity. It is as follows: Falth---Blind trust in a Aret page. Hope= -What investors are fed upon. Charity -What some of theta ;'re likely to be brought to. That is certainly not bad, but this one is, perhaps, even better: Faith -The gift that save. man- kind. Hope -The gift that cheers n au - kind. Charity -The gift that mattes man kind You need not cough all night and dis- turb your friend,: ; t here is no occasion for you miming the ri':k of contra: eine' in- flammation of the lunita or Consu,nntioh, while gun cant get ]tickle's Auti-(7on- sutnptive Syrup. 'fide nmedicine cures mean:, Calsis, ilia:mim:atiou of the lungs and all throat and chest rratthles. It pro- nemee a free and e•tny expeeeoreticn.tvhich immediately relieves the throat and lungs from viss ld phlegm. Potato stalks for Paper, La Revue Graphique Belga says that be- cause of the searcity of raw lnatealal for the paper mills of Hollaud they have pressed into service the haulm or stalks of the potato plant. which can be bought of the farmers for 90 cents a ton. How's This ! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any cannof Catarrh that cannot be oared by Hill's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, 0, We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 yens, and believe him perfeetly honerable to all business trausnctlens and financially able to earry ant any ohligatiun made by their firm. Wear & Tan.,lx, Whceesale Druggists. T ledo.0. WALOING, Ku nus & SlenviN, Wholesale Drug - ,gists Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cur' is taken internally, act• ing directly upon the blood and mue+eus sur faces or the system. Price 75e. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testlm anials free. Tee Tongue. The doctor said; "Show me your tongue." But the bright little maid was bleb strungue. "My tongue isn't sick," She answered him quick. "The trouble's way down in my longue." If the child is r••stless ar night, hat coated tongue. sallow comnplexion, a dose of Miller's Worm Powders is what is re- quired; very pleasant and perfectly harm- less. Time F.nougk Then. "Don't you think, John, that you ought to teach that boy that he can't have every- thing he wants?" she asked. ' "Not now," he replied. "He'll learn that quick enough after he is married." Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc. He Was Quote Sure. Old Lady -Now, porter, you're quite sure you have put all my luggage in? -the big portmanteau and - Porter -A11 right, mum. Old Lady -And you're certain I've not left anything behind? Porter -No, mum, not even a copper. Skepticism. -This is unhappily an age of skeptioisl•n, but there is one point upon which persons acq%minted with the sub- ject agree, namely, that Dr. Thomas' Eciecrric Oil is a inedi^ine which can be relied upon to mire n..cough, remove pain, heal sores of various kinds, nncl benefit any infinmedportion of the body to which it is applied, (lone to Decay. Longwood, Napoleon Bonaparte's home in St. Helena, is now a barn; the room in which he died is a stable; on the site of his grave is a machine for grinding corn. Dasa Stas, -I was for seven years sa sufferer from Bronchial trouble, and would be so hoarse at times that I could scarcely speak above a whisper. I got no relief from anything till I tried your MINARD'S ,HONEY BALSAM. Two bottles gave relief and six bottles made a complete cure. I would heartily recommend It to any one suffering from throat or lung trouble. Fredericton J. F VsNsnaxiianc, Mors than 200 municipalities in Eng- land, Scotland and Ireland now own the uiunicipnl gate wor]rA THE MURDERER'S DOOM. A murderer's doomn, a constant fear, The sword e'er hanging o'er lila head. At every sound that he may hear He fears, the presence of the dead. I am that craven. felon man, 'Who took what he can ne'er return, Who fives beneath a constant ban. Pursued by retribution stern Ten years ago this very night Did 1 commit that awful crime. And now, before the rmtornieg 1 gOt,. Most 1 do penance for that scum. It ever Is a murderer's doom, On the same night of . cry year. To be fate led auto t m• tanntb Tinct bolds the dcasl -my time is here. I open teleer, the r la:et •est uocr. That the col; boist'tcu5 wind would fain keey, slim And leave the Mum. I r e,ay not enter more To seek a ]vilely and deserted hut_ Stay! What is that -that form amid the , trees That glowers upon she SO? Let me. re- turn: Tway, 'tis the branches wavlrg in the breeze: Not It has usoved downs there amid the fern. I see its eyes, which glare from that dark spot. Where ferns and rushes hide a noisome pool. I come. 1 come. whether 1 will or not: yet now 'tis gore. l'va 'soaped thsat death se cruel" I meet ge on, The churchyard must crony. I dread each tombstone lest It Wee his ghost. Ano as the wind in gusts the diad leaves toss Teach rustle makes sne think 1 hear the lost. There Is the ill famed hut. ?4y path nee hcr�. Mons grown, untrod--a lonely, silent spot. My palsied hand shakes with a dreadful fear. The ill hung door holds fast and opens not Rio ghost is p'raPc behind and /midi 1t. fast. Yet must I tinter. It opens with a shock That nearly throws me. There it is at last, That plain deal ease faatened with heavy lock. No varnished oak ]nooses there the lead. No velvet and no nails adorn the 114, The box e'ont,tins no sepula'her of lead. The burial as it is alone I 416, Now would 1, in repentance, give rile, all To busy once more a clear and sinleos Tided. No sacralee too great could I recall That lite and buy that pence 1 ame'er shall find. I would that I could scream, but voice Is gone. 'Tis but a nightmare --nay, for there's the box: Qh, why was I to misery thus born? Yet see. untold my hands undo the, locket Ah, there they lie. those bleached and gl.:t'tly bones' Ah, horror! 'Here It was that night I Stitt I seem to once more hear the dying moans And sea the death throes of -poor aunty's eat! -Pick Me Ue. Common Symptouaa. "I think I am in lova with that girl. When she comes around, I got three new diseases." "What are they?" "Palpitation of the heart, ossifit•ation of the head and paralysis ;if the amin et. - Chicago Record. what :neon mode t'ontatea, A bowlful of sugar. Enough salt to provide a dinner party. Enough gas to fill a gasometer of 8,649 feet. Enough iron to make five carpet tacks. Enough carbon to make 9,360 lead pencils. Phosphorus enough to make 8.064 boxes of matches. Er.ough hydrogen to fill a balloon that would lift himself. There is enough fat to make from four to eight pounds of candles. New life for a quarter. Miller's Com- pound Iron Pills. Abyssinian murderers. In Abyssinia it is the law that the murderer be turned over to the rela- tives; of the dead person, they if they please, to put him to death in the same manner in which the murdered person was removed. A new back for 50 cents. Miller's Kidney Pills and Plaster. Flour is now being pressed into bricks for use on the march and in cramp. The• British Government is test - in it for its army. We give this fine WATCH with chain and charm, for sell. ing two dot. Whiteliggi,t Wicks .at tencents each. .Se Money Required. Write, end we will send .the Wicks, postpaid, and ,our big Premium List. When you have sold the Wicks ,re- turn the money, and we will at once send your .watch ,free ,of all charge. Hundreds have earned fele watches working for us, why not yoi? Ja toritiriQ, rnention this paper. Wl31TELICHT WICK CO., TORONTO, CAN. Th. 'White Man In the Tropias. The attempt to acclimatize the w'hite man in the tropics meat be recognized to be a blunder of the first magnitude. All experiments bassn upon the idea are mere idle and empty enterprises, foredoomed to failure. Excepting only the 'deportation of the African races under the situation of elavery, probably no other idea which has held the mind of our civilization during the last three hundred years Las led to so much phy- sical and moral suffering and degrada- tion or has strewn the world with the wrecks ofso many gigantic enterprises. In the- tropics a white mann lives and works tinder water. Alike in a moral. in an ethical and in a political sense, the atnmos.phere he breathes Must be that of another region than that whirl, produced him and to which he belongs Neither physically, Morally nor politi cally • can he be acclimatized in the tee pica. Benjamin S. Hidtl. Don't Forget the EASY RUNNING When you're ready to buy that new Bicycle. Write for Ostalogtie, Gerotom: Mfg. Co., TORONTO, Ont. aei tilt! r r i � e1i tPt ti ar"« tit1R*lisri t eYrk'Vt irYt"Nii:�ia<'r1iYs ct► rlrWliN�fltWr A Rubber FOR "T". JACO Oar CM— SORENESS I - SO ENE and STIFFNESS kt..wy t u...tAiktt#:A,.p.w7r RWp,ppilam71titmp!,,ym fkilll,xr,a.ersa'"• !fit"iw.m. IT CURES IN TWO OR THREE ViCOI OUS RUBS. T E STRONGEST ALL -METAL GATE EVER .. *leo cos plot •, i,tcltnling illingeN ;and Latch, dotivere 1 at at S illation in Ontaria, l.e'm b a ft. Iii ft. 4 ft s ft, 7 ft. its ft le ft, It fa. :. ft s :> %12.2% I ;, it " 2.50 i': f><r y' ',11'• ; f, .... .,. 2,54' 2.10 .75 (5.51 14,10 Vi 00 sere tt& em ( a t (1p :.£4• k.7.e Vet 3 ee 4.2'• S t13 5.75 to ase ,env u, ther.seal t'.' m. D. on Approval to he peel fur if entirely satisuc:ory,otherwise to be re- turned tat our expense, 71rlght THE FROST WIRE FENCE CO, WELLAND, ONT., Frost Pence, frost Steel Gate's, and Prost Coiled Spring Wire. 1t,l,l'4'I'RA.TEt) WA I'i'o\ uuguI3ST. AGI'.\T,S WANTED. *ti r�. 5 aFl eli The Only Safe Way to Speculate BOY THE SCRiP AND PAY FOR IL VA and upwards sent to us can be doubled within one year ; too have done it athousand i� times, we Can do it again if our advice is Rated upon. ,tow we (to it : We buy low priced Railroad Shares that we have inside information upon. We know of thousands who dabble in "Bucket Shops" and Min- ing Stocks, both are the worst kind of lotteries; we know of thousands more who are ever ready to invest in paper town lots where the chances are very remote for increase in value, and usually the money invested is never recovered. and even when the property aloes increase in value it is difficult to secure a cash purchaser. if it is railroad stock you can sell it for spot cash at any time. We have been twelve years in business in this con- servative old Vermont City of Burlington, and we can furnish references from National Banks and leading citizens throughout the State, and we do not expect any person to deal with uu until we prove our responsibility and reliabii ity. KNOTT & CLOSSON, Bankers and ilrokers, BURLINGTON. VT., U.Q.A. ¢rivatc N F.W RK. ('IIICAGYOrO. Wires I POea'1`ON. &fettle viii tf,-;.•., SS 0EEEF<(<•*C<FEtECtatE,E‹ <tEte<tee EECEFEFtEeC.KEeEEee<EEtE4Eee rnrr 'ia W W FOR ONE , rJAY'S WORK �y n th4aneWATCQ,wlthachaiaandcharoa. A 1rE GIVE for selling 2 dozen g¢aald•topped, enamel - backed Lever Collar Buttons at 10a each ora lady's * watch and guard for senior 3 dos No Motor Rsgaaireel, De You run no risk Write and we send the Buttons, cwt.• l� paid, with our big Premium List. Sell the Buttons'ts• At turn money, and we send watch, free e t all charge. life- e sold buttons returnable. Liberal commission if preferred Be the arst in your field. Send your name and address today. I. suiting, aunties this paper, >>>»»»> LEVER BUTTON CO.,TORONTO. ONT. »»»» How to Do It. "I suppose to write well you must use ink well," "Yes, nnd to write fine use a pen with some point to it. "-Harvard Lampoon. Silly Gossip. Mand -Is it true that you are In love with Mr. Bullion? Clara -Mercy, not I'm only engaged to hint. r&WI./O..' Evlook w. wavikell STOP that Cough W that Wasting 1 -tang that Nervousurxs HOW? Go to your druggist, procure one bottle F R.FRA Ttz) REIDS' PIANOS In TOUCH, TONE and FINISH they have no equal. Correspond.• tats wanted In every town to act as agents REID BROS. 1'57 King St. West, BROS., Toronto. , STEM _ a � WATCH C) s BETS STEM WIND a FRES To Intrndnce Ar. wt ten's improved P1ii fiat Teen r1P e • for enriching the blood, Tor P•+'e people. deliaa4 hale. cine end kldney dleeeete, rhe,en1iu� bdk she, szerv,,um general ladles' or eta, we able IF:3ak E a 14k rold-pt+at58 ratah, tadie'er eent.'r.lanble tlen wee. Fantod. The P111. are per hoz, (3.68 for a boxes, nrea S.sd Sas amount and you remiseive 811,1.4 and thewatob. *simile NU parttcuiare Thie tt a genuine offer. THE OR. Yong' tOTN PILusa. T. N. U. 206 COD LIVER OIL The Improved Emulsion, containing the best tonics and having no teals of OIL The Ferreted Cod Liver 011 Company, 500 Uhnrch 85.. Toronto. =elf your druggist has not got it we will, on receipt of 5,Oc-, send a bottle to your address, prepaid. Iheatelelle Send Sterling S1ivar .slid Gold¢¢eenneela . n'a elet, m adie, cad Y�ltettnd EARNR J one of these handsome L15Il tt premiums by selling � to your friends 2t Silver Aluw. Irian Thimbles cit 10 cents each. They are more durable thsn' Guaranteed steel or sterling silver. Tape' Good Timekeeper. measure or package of needles• given free with each thimble. Every ladYbuye as soon as she sees them. No ;stoney required, Send us your name and address and we will fiend the goods andcatalogue of preniume p_ostpnid. Thimbles to be returned if not sold, , Men, womimen,hoys and ;title ere selling thous- 1llds—WbynotYOU .? Try. When sold send tieour money and we will send the premium you select. Mention thin P?Pe o -rANAD d.N brOeVi.L1'iCO., Toronto, One. , ise