Exeter Advocate, 1899-2-9, Page 5(IBzzter ;),.bivrocctitt, peblisheci every Thursday Morning, ,at the ettAIN-STREE.',T, HXETER. t118.--..- ADVOCAT Mit. 1 Sil 1 NG. COMPANY TEItMS oF SUBSCRIPVION One Dollar per enema if paid io ae.dyenee Sa.50 if mit ee paid, .hederortacixam lea:zoo ore. Z4.3ppltqau. eaore leo paperdieeoutinued ailarrettaage are paid Adsertieements withoaeobee directions will he published till forand and ahargodttecorabagly. Liber) eliscouotmade for treasoient advertisements inserted for long Periods. Every description. of JOB p turned out in the eneet styli. and at moderate rates Oboe ues, money ovd. Oral&e. far aevertisillg.enaseriptions.ete be made payable to Oltas. R. Sanders, Bien OR AND PROP Proresseoniat Cards. KINSMA.N. L.D.S. 8 nit, A, RENS MAN. L D. S., D. D.S.. Denor Or graduate of 'Porno University. 1,1141NTIST.S. Teeth extracted. without ataiy pain, or any bad effeots. Office in Fanson'a Bleck, west side Main Street, Exeter, TaD, A.1.4TON ANDERSON,(D.D.S.,L.D.Sti) bo nore (due °fele Toronto Una ;site, and Royal College of Dental Stageeno of Onterlo. Teeth eetreeted without paha All mother of Den ,.try up to dete. office over Elliot as Elliore law ofnce-opposite Oeutral ROtel...X0ter. Medical T A. unfillsTS T A, A sine Resideneee, same AS forenern F Mita, Speekmato building. Mein Rt Dr, Rolline' officio: same SS formerly -north eoor, )r. &�o' affirm. same building (mutt. dOor. May let• 1899 3, A. Relllas, at. T. A. Amoe, P T.T.P. fifeLA:UORLIN, MEURER OF JF the College of eht'AiOttial$ Rani Surgeon'. Ontario Physician, Surgeon and Aoeonoh ear. Office, Deeliwooll. Ont elia IL COLLINS. BARRISTER,SOLTOTT la. OR, Conveyanner, Notary Public Offine-Oyer Bank, Exeter.Ontarin Money to Loen Drclic-4,v1 & CARLIN(). liallftISTEtie Notari .s. stC'auveVelleer,, Cemmieonors. Solicitors for the tioleoes ete. Money to limn et 5 awl fel r cont. item. Pan.on's Montt. Bain St, Exeter f A member at th.. firm will be at Hensall nn Thurelay of moat week ) 1. R. Calacteo, B. A. L.11. DICKSON' La FI,t'Yl & (1T,A.DMA.N. BARRIATBPS, In Etc., Conveyaneere. and llionny to Loan. 13 V. nal 0 T. F. W. fent. Anotionoors SitoWN, Winehelson Licensed A uet Ile ioniser for the Cone ties of Perth an.1 Mi 1 Hester, also for the township °Msborue. hales prom ptly ettowled to end tonne roe On OW 0. titi, I AS ern n cod St, Poet office. Win ohelsea. Ineurnatee. - ELLIOT. [astir:aloe agent. Main St. a • Oook's Cotton Boot Compound Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000Lad1es. Sate, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Cooks Cotton Root Com- pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. krho, No. 1, $1 per box, No.13,10 degrees stronger -,$8 per box. No. 1 or 2,2nailed on receipt of price and two &cent stamps The ('nok Company Windsor, Ont MeNos. 1 and 2 void ana reocenraended by all responsible Druggists in Canada. an 1IV' sold in hitter 1,y W Brnwtting. Drieggi-t. El ice t er Pi easant Home Work Per Tlen nd Woman: day or evening; $6 to Ste weekly; no canvassing or ex- perience ne:ded; plain inseructions and sort: mailed on application. AddreSs: menoRim. COMPANY. LONDON, Ont flurtu.4Jr.v rig Cornwall has a case of smallpox. The C. P. R. has declared two per oent, dividends on both preferential and ordinary stock for the past half- year. Canadian amateurs wort all the events in the championship skating eontests at Montreal, beating the Am- erican cracks. John Neilson, of Min- neapolis, scored in the professional races. Right Hon. Ste Henry Campbell- Banerraan, formerly Chief Secretary for Ireland, and the late Secretary of State for War, has been elected to succeed. Sir William Vernon Harcourt as leader of the Liberal party. Mr. John W. Carr, of Union, died Priday night from the effects of injur- ies received. On Monday while at work in the woods a log rolled, upon him, causing a compound fracture of the arm and otherwise injuring him. The sentence of Paul Brown, the • negro, who was condemned to be hanged at Winnipeg for tne murder of W. E. Burton, has been commuted to life imprisonment upon the report. • of Drs. Lett and Burgess that* is en - sane. - Seventeen of the convicts concerned in the recent mutiny at the Kingston • Penitentiary have been committed to the Ws= of insolation for one, year, . and fifteen of them have had their lights taken from them for one month. It is also said that all the convicts con- I:erned. in the revolt will lose their re- nission or good -conduct time. ,110 Iftvglit 41 U.Nr: 0 .W.44. The woman who is lovely in' fate, form and temper will always have -friends, but one who would be attrac- tive keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and Jill run down, she will be nervous and irritable. If she has constipation or kl.d.ney ^ trouble, her impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and. a wrebrAl- ed cornolexion, Electric 13.ttas is the be•It medicine in the world to regulate stom tch, ver and kid neys aIld to plirify the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes„ smooth., velvety skin, rich complexion, It will make n good-looking, chailning woman of o run -d n thily 50 cents, at Drug. Store. r 610StittlteS for it tbe following depart - All Women Should Read St CCEEL S II RC , EXETER RIIVETS), , ot RT Menai' 'etate Just!. Finance Lind In- ' tomer. This Interesting, Letter -" I was N Si H C S erVous andWeak."r arnpbe annerrnon Life Changed from Misery to Joy by Heed's sarsaparilla., The terrible Wale of the (' gentler see are beyond description.. Row Hood's Sarsaparilla is adapted for them and how it restores health and helps over the hard places, is well illustrated by Mrs. Place's letter. "O. L Rood .Ns Co., Lovell, Mass.: "Dear 8r -]n early lite I suffered Much from stomach trot:Mies and :spent a great deal of money in clootorieg. Ire. sewed temporary relief only to have a re. turn of eicknees, and for the past five years lite has been made miserable by Constant illness. During this period there bate been ehe months that I was not off lua bed, and for Oneyear I suffered need severely, 1 wee Nervous and Weak and lite seemed a burden. It happened that my husband bought a bottle of Sarsaparilla and I commenced to take it in small doses. In a short time It watievirleat, that it was helping roe. In two weeks I felt that I was being greatly 00nefited About this time our youngest son, the u 15 years i;it age, was taken down with typhoid fever. lie passed on to Itis reward, and aeon, °there et the family wore taken ill, until 1 was the only one lett to care for them, 1 continued taking Morro Sarsaparilla, and to the eurprise of myself and all the neighbors, I not only kept up and took Cafe of the sick, but ray Health Continued to Improve. For nearly three months Vale siege cf typhoid fever held the family down. An this time, as by a rairacle, my health kept np and I grew etrong. At present Iran feeling Welland knew that the beue. At derived from Bood'a Sarsaparilla is permanent. Other members of the hoese- hold have (duce taken Hood's Sareeparilla and Hood' Pills with good effect,' hiss. Ennseea Fuxin, N. Sixth St., GosheraIncl. Sarsa- parilta is the Ilest-in fact the One True Wood learner, Insist upon HOOD'S; take no substitute.— Hood's Pills are prompt. eflicieut and easy in effect. 2O cont!. Stran f Case at Bailin. Joseph Charles, child of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Joseph Irryeous, Assyri- ans, breathed its last, as everyone be- lieved, Thursday afternoon, after a hrief illnese. The remains. were pre- pared for burial, and arrangements made for the funeral. The father sat np dining the night with the body, and was startled to hear a weak gasp for breath. Looking closely at the child, he noticed signs of returning Resteratives were applied at 3.30 Friday morning, and 12 hours after its apparent death the child seemed to beas well as ever. The ease ls, to say the least, a puzzling one. . For Infants and Children. t'ao fee- ds -alp re• •"atiZet Chosen as Liberal Leader. RISE JE "THE SCOTCH SANDBAG" (Ohaogeti every Wedueedee, IWheee per busliel Co to 7. Tule r,nrian,s, sretuotr. Flour per owt 1 2-5. v. r4 (I. Barley 4e to 45 Oats ee to $0 Peas . 50 to 65 Cure- ... ...... ..................... .... .......... 45 tO d't Butter 14, to 14 eggs... ta Ootatoes per hag 55 to CO ay ter ton ear eo S•A Priari Apples per lb Imeke Geeee . 6 Cidelten Turkey The Subject e to Witten Parliament's At- tention Is Sped:illy Pireeted. 1.#00400, rob. '7. -.The Queeirie speech at the (Mealof Parliament te-day will relations existing between Great Britain and foreign countries, and will then deal Sketen of the 3ran Upon Viltant BOVOlVes With the resent operetious in the Bounden the ReePe"rthtlitY (4. Gehlie2 the athned hopewitb thhaet 4thlrEiliCtSreitnanQ'rgeutelie:ntwibsSIZTga party SO Lung 1,e4 by the Great fair way at solution by the appointmerat Gladstone- The consents of the ()nee tee Spe - :stews • by •cable. Lonclen, Feb. 7. -.At IneetIng of the Liberal members of Parliament at the Reform Club yesterdey the Bight Ilon. Intik° the usual referenees to the paoido Sir Henry Campbell -Bannerman, former Chief Secretary for Iretaead and late Sea- retary of State for liar, was elected to succeed Sir Williene Vernon Harcourt as Loader of the Liberal pony. The Right Hon. Sir Henry CAMP' 91- liatinerman, meniner Of Parliament „n • the Liberal interest for the Stirling dis- OVA of Scotlano, since 1868, was born Sept 7, 1836. Be is the yettingest son of the late Sir James Campbell, and Linwood the additional name of Banner- man wider the will of his maternal unelor the late Henry Donnernien of Mason Court, Kent. He Wall educated at %BP gOB University and at Trinity College' Cambridge, and was marriee in WO to the daughter of the lute General Sir Charlee 13ruoe. The now Liberal leader became Firm - <dal Secretary to the War Ofl.Ixn th 1871, bold that position until 1874, was re. ent IfeNr.V CaldP11111,1.-5ANNalletal). appointed itt 1880, atul beld the race until 11382, when he became Secretary for the Admiralty In 1884 Campbell -Ban- nerman became Secretary for Ireland, and in 1888 said in 1803-95 ho was Secretary of State for War Mr. Carupbell-Bannerman has alwaya been looked upon as a imin who had a future before hint and as a person likely to rise to no entergenay. Ua la young - looking and well preserved. The Irish- men at one time called him the "Scotch Sandbag " As Seuretary for War he proved himself a amiable administrator, and as far back as 11195 his name was mentioned as a likely successor of Sir William Vernon Harm -era. rneetori ALFRED DEAD. 4 - • Mar Mojesty's Grandson. Heir of Saxe- Colioug and Gotha Passes Away. Miran, Austria, Fob 7.-Prinao Alfred of Saxe-Cobourg and Gotha Is dead. Ile had been suffering from cheonie cotebral trOtable. Prime Alfred of Saxe•Cobourg b th n tb 1.) it of G nna ot a was e so o e Saxe-Cobotirg and Gotha (the Duke of IEdinburgb, second son of Queen Vio- toria). His mother was the Grand Duoh- 1 ess Marie of Russia. The Duke and is on Duchess of Saxe-Cobourg and Gotha cent - mere . valve brawl their silver prodding on Jnn 23 at Gotta. Prime Alfred was born at Iluck- tnghnm Palace, London, Oat 15, 1874. The village of Burford is greatly ex- cited over an awful tragedy- which oc- curred there Tuesday night. Mr. T. 5. MeLttee, the well-known storekeep- er of the village, who had been in his usual health the day previous, is cold in death,. while hiS wife is lying in a dangerous condition, and may not re- cover. A servant, rapping ort the. door of Mr. and Mrs. Mcintee's room, received no answer, and after calling •• once or twice with no reply, she en- tered the room. Going to the side of the bed she found, to her horror, Mr. Mclntee and his wife lying side by side, apparently dead. • Miss Swain. quickly raised an. alarm, and Dr. John-. ston was sent for.. A medical •exam - illation proved that Mrs. Mclntee was alive, though in a very dangerous con- dition. Mr. Mclntee was quite dead, the body being cold. Mrs. Mclntee has been sulfering from neuralgia for some -time, and has been applying la Idaieum to her face as a remedy. The cause of the awful affair .attri- hilted to the drng. • Ile WAS a entail) of Prussian infautry and unmarried. He was the only son and heir. EIGUTING Al' "II ABSEtLLES. The Dreyfus Agitation Lends to the Can of Firearms. Marseillee, Feb 7 -.At a meeting here of the anti.Dreyfus League of Patriots in the Alhambra Hall ,a hostile demon- stration upon the part of some Dreyfus - Res led to serious fighting in the streets, during which revolvers wore tired. The police suppressed the disturbanee, but several people were injured, Many arrests wexo maae. I Cheers mod Cursys Greet Itoehefort. A g iers, Feb, 7. -The arrival here yes- terday of Henri Roohefort, editor of The Intraneigeant from Marseilles, caused great excitement Mobs of Dreyfusites and anti-Dreyfusites met him at the quay. and cheered or ()urged biro, :word- ing to their sympathies There were sev- eral collisions between she rival factions The prefect of police has suspended the mayor and municipal council. ...«...................4............. IAdvice to •I CORSUMPtiVeSi There are three great reme- dies that every p..rson with weak lungs, or with consump- tion itself, should understand. These remedies will cure about every case in its first stages ; and many of those MOM advanced. It is only ; the most advanced that are hopeless. Even these are wonderfully relieved and life • itself greatly prolonged. What are these remedies ? I Fresh air, proper food and Se0119S Erne t of Cod -Liver 0i/ wit li Hypo JOhosPhites. Be afraid of draughts but not of fresh air. . Eat nutritious food and drink I lent of mill- Do no' forget • that Scott's Emulsion is the , I oldest the most thoroughly g . tested and the highcst en- 11 4 dorsal of all remedies for 4 CDCNT CAPRIVI In DEAD. Bismarck's Successor .as Chancellor of G.,rinotty. 11,1s Passed Over the Line. ' Frankfort, Feb. 7.-Generel Count von Caprivi, the former Lhaneollor of the Glerman Empire, died yesterday morning Skyren, near Crossen, 3$ miles from here The General died peacefully at 10 a.m. He bad been ill for twine time past. Duke er Teck's tones& London, Feb 7 The Duke of Tack's condition from ossification ',t the brain is causing great pain and anxiety to his family and royal. relations. ills mental state is now hopeless. Day and night two nurses watch him He has ()tensional brief lucid intervals, when he realizes his condition and suffers the keenest mental anguish, giving rise to orience most try in to himself and those about him. The Macaws of York visits him et White Lodge regularly, and is deep]; distressed at her father s condition 1• ' That Dreyrns Trouble'. Paris, Fob. 7. -The Parliamentary committee, by a vote of nine to two, yes terday rejected the Go % ern ment's bill providing thet all CRASS Of 111411 revision be brought before the vvhole (10111t of Caseation, inetead of before tee 01 withal section of that court. i weak throats, weak lungs and, I " Nen' Portt Riot, Cabinet. , 1 consumption in all its Stages. ' Sen .Tua'a do Porto Rico, Feb. 7.- sec. and 5, cre,; 411 drug,vl'',,, GOVetnOr-General Henry has ordered the SCOTT & BOWee, Chemists, Toronto. dissolution of the Insular Cabinet and es.••••••4444.••••steee•seeeeostreveseae , . of Prince George of Greece as blab etani- missioner of the powers in Crete. Tee seeeeh will also refer to the invi- tation to attend the Czar's neette confer- ence, which bite been accepted, •and COO - tains Tory sympathetic, reference to the assassination of the Empress of Anserie It mentions the •enti-Anarohiat confer- enCe at Remo, and the probable necessity for the alteration of the law of Great Britain with respect to Anarchists Is foreshadowed. The speech thou expresses great mut- est% at the fact thet thellia8110 collanues in Certain localities ot India: pays tributes to the efficacy of the measures taken to maturate it and the devotion or the officials, Cape Won', le complimented upon its patriotism as demonstrated in its routine vote for naval defence, and there are very symeallsetio allusions to the diseeeer the West Indies. :Finally, the stealth announcee that bills will be introduced tor the munielpal government of London and for the pre. motion of secondary education, etc, CUBAN TO THE CORE. "..prOM.,11•41, General 01,07nOX 14 Not by .111W areen Reconciled to itie Idea of Melted States laterveution. New York, Feb. 7.-A despateh to The iferald from liaTeha saes: Those who have beep JO to believe that General Maximo Gomez was persuaded by the President's emumissioner, Hobert 1'. Porter, to look more kindly upou the conehmed Arnericon occupation of Cuba may disebuse their =aide. The grim old Cuban still clines forany to "Cuba Libre," He has abated no jot of his a nagonlsto to foreign intervention of any sort, oven though he =elite $3,000,- eltai for his warriors In letters puLlieheil with his author - ley, Gomez gives praise to his soldiers for their heroism and foram le. Continuing, he says: "ls Is wonderful that any are left after small a horrible struggle and pains We warn you that we may not have finished the strange destiny that presouts last trial and buoulliation, We are strangers in our own country, still wet with our blood. "Forced guidanze is hateful to us. It appears that the Americans are reim- bursing themselves for their spontaneous Intervention in our "a or for Independence. %heir delay In that Intervention is still a shame upon thetn. Tho Americans, In - ennui of Aiding, are obstructing the establishment of a free and Independent republic). "This Is our house. Wo aro to live in It, We should furnish It to our own Ilk - Mg ray to yen there cannot be •peace In Cuba while there lasts that trnusitory government, imposed by force, and width is hateful in the eyes of our people I bad hope to bid farewell to Spain's hereto soldiers, inviting them to return and juin us as brothers in mibuildng Cuba, but the Americans embitterd the jay of conquerors by the guidance they impose 'aeon us. Embitteritig us, tboy bave also added grief to the tempered. "In order to put an end to this abnor- mal and unjust situation every ono of us must rainier his aid tendering anew all hts energici to bis country. I, first of all, offer myself without restriction Or the accomplishment of tbo great undertaking of the TavolaOen-the erection of a ee- public in Cuba." This letter, the genuineness of whioh is unquestioned, bas tilled the Cubans with enthusiasm, and adaed, if anything, to the old General's popularity. G004 1000e Your heart beats over one bun., dreil thousand times each day. One hundred thotreand supplies of good or bad blood to your brain. 'Which is it? lt bad, impure blood, then your brain aches. You are trettied. with drowsiness yet cannot sleep. You are as tired in the morning aa at night. You have no nerve power. Your food does you but tittle good - Stimulants, tonics, headache powder*, cannot cure you; hut ° • • ..4.• will. It vaakes the liver, kidnen, skin and bowels perform their proper work. It removes all im- purities from the blood. And it makes the blood rich in its life- giving properties. To Hasten Recovery. You will be more rapidly cured if you will take a laxative dose of Ayer's pills each night. They arouse the sluggish liver and thus cure biliousness. Wpito to ear Doclora. We lama Oa I.:Wooly(' !Writes of soma of tbotrant =Went phyMetaus in the United States. Write frouly all Gm particulars In your tato. -Odra'', DB. J. 0. A.Tint, Lov,,o11. tag. 5 Ra -Ai. Geo. W. Stull of Guelph died suddeuly in his office. Toho ryfo, Ouelph, was crushed to death by a tree failing on him while chopping inthe woods. Burglars entered the residence of Mr. Alphonse Diplome, Montreal, chloroformed the inmates of the house and robbed them of their valuables. 714"• Afi". Wood's Pllospllodlne, v. Great 2?entedy. Sold and recommended b3all druggists in Canada. Only reli- able medicine discovered. Wm ekages guaranteed ta cure all forms of SexualWeakness, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental Worry. Excessive use of baceo, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed en receipt of price, one voltage $1, six. $5. one log/please, i 116* 6 4 witittroverbs but don't dunk you Call patch clothes to look like new. hen again it would not pay you when you eau buy clothing at the prices ''we seit. BARGAINS.,--wager- Pants made to order, all wool heavy tweeds Suits Overcoats Black Worsted mi. s ial, Our 820 blaelts teat all others tit 8443, C'ouui and See for yourself, PATRONIZE US. 4E • People pattonize us because they realize that we olways sell clothing that is strictly up todate..... J. T4. GPIEVE Opposite pflAt.ofrip... .1! •nln!•_ns.1Mnannn.s.P•FSnnerf,n THE ORAL STORE. Try WINAN'S BALISItiti for Coughs, Co de and aronchhrl troublt itt old or W. 3711,11UrilVinre—,. IVINER'S L1NAMENT which is an excellent (01 Cremes. l'aius, Neuralgia Sore limeat and Influenza. oto Rename. Wtatann, eon. (Ireton Powders. still holes first place in tin market. • Also Lotion for eeratell on honer end Condition Peering tor same NsatiaiOLEI Ammuisimataavi 1011 ai C. LUTZ, DRUGGIST. DIX. LUNG STRITP., Bicycles ! Bicycles 1 Bicycles! TANKER DIN -1, tr OBICED UP. Six tviit cure. ampblets free to any address. Tho Wood Comentny, Wlndsor,Ont. aerwotei s Phos ohodie s. ld in Ex, ter by J W. Bro wn leg, druggist. Petitioning President BOKIttley to Get B. C. Alien Exclusion Act Dopeated. Skaguay, Alaska, Jan 80. via Seattle, Wash , Fob 7.- A monster petition to President higginley and the members of the joint high tommission is being signed, asking their assistance in secur- ing the repeal of rheAlien Exclusion Act, I recently passed by the Government of British Colunelia, in whieb the Atlin mining dietrict is located. The petition has already recoiled 1,000 signatures. Five tbouasnd in all are expected to sign The petition will be forwarded to Niushiegton by the nest steamer Canadians are signing as readily as Americans. The trade lsalready seriously afftmeti, and a Mph official of the White Pass Road said yesterday that the Eng- lish owners have cabled over that if the nos is not revoked work on the road will be ordered stopped. The Porcupine and Salmon River districts on the Dalton trail, are coming to the front, and the prospeators headed originally for Atha are goiug into the new fields of Ameri- can territory, L4111(11.11 Wing the 'estern Tankard. Stratford, Feb 7 -The finals in the western district of the Ontario Corliag Association were played off here yester- day between the Forest City Club of London anti Waterloo resulting in a victory for London by 16 shots, the score standing 47 to 31 At tle conclusion of the match the western district trophy was presented to the winners by .A. F. g, M. P., presieent of the Ontario -r Curling Association i 1.1 irpr ,il'm Ctlif TR+, a • ; ,4 4, .1/41 4Ft A' ii • 1,-,' .p. l• hg ,titg.&1_ 4 ,,it •J,t-liN.i."21-,;'. R•.$. A Book for Young and Gtd. I.4 ..„ 51 bit a,. C, NERVOUS BLoor) sKiN DisEAsEs 0 Cr) PRWD v t?,0 USA'S Yon sinned *an agaiest imam.° onionoraubo1 tire terrible orime pea eeel Yertre committing.' Didoti only consular • lel; 1,1,0 fascinating allurements: ot this evil 'habit? When too Ire° to avoid the tor - Six tionths1II Central Prison. Kingston, ti` 7 DI iv 21 .. 1 en of "A 1. tety trt-martiutied for .i in Etazettao. rt. etc, ed t. a.taisti of six months in the Ce., teal Prison A nein' bursar at iimk wood Hospitel, t11.1.4 1410 ferwardea his iieleneition to toe Severe m It on Sitter oey air Anglin will caaletibtedly ho granted $ns eienneteal, lie has awn in 01fide 27 yew Orill,,, at. Line. 01 11 a Dee 7.- ay voi aof 309 to (t.I this town yu. Ir 8Y passeci a a zi au- thoriziog 1.131) Coulee] to raas b ciebon- tures 575,000 for the putmo5,e installing an eluetrio trousm4451013 rviwor [emit it is 1.rovisted to bring 800 horse -power from 1-Zia:teed Raines, on the Severn River, a distunce of 10 miles 'eland. A Beal() Orin has already got the contract at eo7,200 for 5 complete poeer plent. 16, rtblo s,,sults. were your eyes opened to your Dori 0? Did you later on in ram- hoodeontraet any PRIVATE or BLOOD disetuto? Wero you cured ? .Do you now and then. soo Bane alarming symptoms? Do e you marry in ysurprosen eon - el i i ? You know, "LUCE FATHER, LOSE SON." It married. are you con- utly living in dread? Ts marriage a fal into tit son on occonn t of any4/011k.. LOSS canted by early eauee or later ex- cesses? Ilave you heat drugged with mercury? This booklet will peiutout to you the results of these crimes and peint out bow our NEW BiLE'llilOD TREA.T- AIENC will positively cure you: It shows how thousancl have been ss.ved by our NEW .1,11.1hATIvIENT. 11 proves how -wo can OITARANTEE TO tURE A:sY CUitADLE CA1311 OR NO PAY. 'we treat naul ere--ENIISSIONS, VA it-in/013LE, SYPHILIS, GLE'E'I's 41 (1 4 3l1110.lTlltii,_ IMP OTE NOY, SE - (1111f, V DRAINS. UNNATURAL DS- Li ClIARGES, EIDNEY and BLADDER spn dir 4RANTEED 4.0 A . Stn" Pe.'t free 5y 00-5,EF:J aT,ON for 3. t.ease . ...JAN S.Ielby St. DiSTROirr, PMC44- OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. 0. iorvw turIporm4FicrrNic-mgc-Jvc aeeetee Bicycle Pleasure. ' Are you seeking Bicycle pleas- ure? If so, you should seek first a good wheel. We can furnish you any of the best wheels made at lowest prices. Musical. - Do you want anything in the musical line. We hove a choice lot of Pianos and organs. Call and inspect them before buying elsewhere. A full stock Of sewing machines, baby car- riages, etc., etc. Perkins 8/ TIartti MENINNINININIMNIIIIMGAINIMMINNOMENNIMINOMMIll 4 44 4 IT PFIYS To read the big stores' ad- vertisements ST OP! THINK For whose good are we in the furniture lousiness? For yours and ours. If we are not useful to you we cannot be use- ful to ourselves. We have got to carry the goods you want at the prices you want or we can- not make a success of our busi- ness. But we have been doing business right along for years, which, proves that we are the right kind of people with the right prices. Come and see for yourself....- S. & SON, Furni tl Te, Ur dertal. ing. • •„ .teeet,„,„ ,„„eteePent eiee, _