HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-2-9, Page 4t y *-•t The n't ^ctrl number of British war- t and were duly elected 1
s ship: 1,)wlast tc`ttli; a1w;;u tI Lg to 1 The ]��cou lei( then adjourned to 9;30 s
,q 'nk, q, Ile 1" .,, ,, .'. *^,‘• 1hatlt the ht •rr'ir':t 1:1,1Ii: 1••'rid, y.
!�"i%Se af.4. ,w"'A1 il as tt w g$ 1...:,: ••. 11 i•4 y :tt;•l).•d i 1H.,tt de-;
stray rie the liguree being 16 firs lefts
Cram:I-1 San -Sere, Editor and Prop irtlttelall:,, . e, ('raisers. 1i t i(tops and •("cunei} fuer pursuant to- adjouzn-
- ;;tulboat, and 53 torpedo boat des-. went.
T ITR'41)ta, February91 x,899 .Ihsse s The armored ewes aeras see Tenders foe County printing were .
.---------- - _- :at the VOA of t>f o1 er h26.Otl),(t () moaner . presented and sent to Executive, g On Motion of Dr, Rams Rea - Y t Colgig ��At1
A 11 l'E. with. a tonwage of over 3500
�• tllc> number t>aceithine be two the pan- Chambers, the inspector of the House
:text {'it eic. le•: Tree>t•:1t has betel act- tire Russian fleet oto the battleships of Refuge was instructed to have au
stud treble the number of u11101((1 ice Rouse and implement shed built,the
fvely engaged tl:ariit ; ,11t> last ft rr (hays i ve,�r1» III the A-meritnay\•, The windmill repaired, and mainles 11nc1
ir1 emir zit..;;; the; leattl,ing (`a'1lservat- whole of these ,flips will be culdrd to evergreens planted around the faun
ives of iltantrt 'al and in making Rt`' l the effective strength of the British and house..
,r . e t , Orga11n°Y.7atio1lofthe al..r•v lav :laxxh l.i '•, While the first On motion of Messrs, McLean and
r,an�a itnt tat for the „ - loaf f tl • �. i •�>t' • r ("(n•'
'=e f 00e. Har a ler. Chesney rr as aliorvecl $4 fox
party Earl tae;.. x1 east neeigtl. lie has ellen, iu two Luo11:t- tune, nrilasl: thlr iinjtll'y toaltorse onSilvercreekbriage.
formed the matt melees of rr-ln;lt z>romises; kIonee of t'cttumone for credits to still Reports of Road and Bridge, Educa-
to be a very complete an efficient (11»- - further strengthen the British fieet
ga•Iai etioat. Mrn . Henry Dalby, for . * n#ittees, were read, referred to Cont.
many S yeere edieet of the :star, has rt- :.i.t•A.I.1I, I\('RE.\ 1•:D. lnittee of the Whole, and adopted in
s4•tes1 that position t.) ;tet as the or The county eouneil at last week's council,
t1 ::t•. u:' the English eottion of the session increased the salary of (rovers A request ftotu'4",rm. McCreath for
' 1 nor 1•'teuelt, of file House of Refuge, an increase of salary was read and sent
• � y r
tit party In 1 :111(1 at.
tt a e ) ,P •? `.> - v' ->
+ :\ t Ive.
a t'o I', t c It
t by b_aa• iter; , I rd ih(h was ;,LS e.1r n
Che t naidential tepresemaative of Sir etlialvalent tliditi(tn rvlticn makes her }loved by I)r. Rollins, seconded by
('barleyintate sitti. .lir. J;tune, ('.rat. salary 8221 per annum. The Govcr- Jas, (.Connolly, that the Executive cora.
nor gets $2'1.a, which is yet low iti xnittee be asked to report on the sala-
hern, eo well and favorably known t() ttalnit irison evil.# the stalaules paid hi ries of county oflieets, and report any
all ourettui:t alp, has C,tllseh#tetl to besi#1#ihar institutions throughout rile Changes that may seem advisable,
the treasurer of the organization,. Mr, ; pratvinee, _Lust
Httuse is economically"
Dalby's well known good qualities will
commend. him to all who are interest-
ed in consolidating and strengthening
the party for the next taulpaign. Sir
t"harlee Tupper: ins leader of the party,
will thus be brought into closer toucts
with tht Quebec wing. Ile will know
every [lentil of progress made, and,
besides knowing what every indivi-
dual anti every organization is doing,
will he in a position to excerise his 18'.
finene a here t•ven when engaged in
the other ptrovinc•e% It is understood
nteatattres Of a most t'lteetive ellaratcter
are to be taken in the other parts of
the Dominion. so that there will be a
complete orgatlizattlu:t, all parts act-
ing in concert for telt' general good.
Not for gravy cetu•e has the outlook
for the future of the Conservative
party been so bt•at;ilteind1 we feel mem.
e,l the inena=ul're i,: tite party, from the
letaelei s ti Mat. will enter into the work
with 31t+;LIIrta1 Ct:tzett-e.
tion, Special, Finanee,Iiouse of Refuge
County .property, and Executive tom -
run. In its first year the cost of ruain-
teuance per head per week was $1.121,
in 12+07 it was reduced to 93) e., while
last year it was S3;,; The reduced cost
of nlaiutt'nanee flee been brought
ablaut by looking after tate odds and
edits, There are now 85 inmates, 3 of
whom are blind, 3 bedfast, 8 are sthb-
jest to fits, while 13 of the 20 females
etre in various etatges of idiocy:. The
county council visited the House last
Thursday, while next Tuesday the
committee, ('ouneillors Torrance, Hil-
ler and Snell, will inspect the place.
Hie Shaw, phyttician, and Inspector
Coats were also melt given an increase
of stipend to the amount of $5t?, -'-
News Record.
:1 rt 1'i .a Xi) t tl.ti.UE N T.
}Fest Huron 1hnelieloa Itlettion is
annomwed for Feb. ;;1st, There are
two Mince in the #fele} Bob. :`lel can
and Btalt. iittbne% The nett question
is, who will bob in tate seat.
•(t1•.l 1L,: t a ('oust11 Brush, '1t Clif-
ton, thee tat, tate oiitltttt of gold front
the Klondike and British Columbia,
has raise(} Canada to the fifth }date in
the list of gold -producing countries.
While the Uni
States shines an i
creased output for 1Ses it is till sec-
ond to the Transvaal. :lcror'(1111i, to
the latest figures, •t he five leading gold
producing eottlitries for 1808 are as fol-
lows: --Transvaal, $73,470,00; United
States. $61,:i00.000; Australia, .$01,480,-
71,M Roesla,
7 i ;13.tass:u, ; ' a,1,3el,b94; Oanada.
The Iron. the P.M.G. should instruct
every post office to have a damp
whitewash hn'atsh on hand for rnolstc n-
ini; these two -cont porous plasters.
'1'l heti a man has the end of one of
these geographical� sheetsti of well
er in his mouth, he might well ex-
claim "We lick the world," and it is
no wonder that, after lieking a i aster
Empire than has been, the ordinary
mann feels as stuck up about the mug
just be
• : �; '•p • r had tt t en
as if 1111 n-lfe , cousin rJ
appointed you ndkeeper.—Bobealygeon
C•"otlncil hue` at 111 a, m.
The following maninatians to the
(onnty Board of Examiners were scut
to 7;dlte:ati+ttt ein,llnit•tee; J. I1. Caln-
t'ron, of Brussels, nominated by Kerr
and Me•I wags; ('hesewright, of Sea -
forth, by Bays and Melen n. George
Baird, of Stanley, by Torrance and
Connolly; A. J. Moore, (:uclerich, fly
Holt and Rollins.
The standing committees reported;
by the M'1t'etiug (Saluinittee tree a15 fol-
1. BXevutive,•--'-holt, McErvan, Kerr,
Hays, Torrance.
2Spent},-- Bolt, MCI wan, Kerr,
}lays, Torrance.
3. Finance.—Rollins, Miller, McLean,
Stuart, Melnues.
1. I'adueation.-•'••Rollins, Miller, Mc -
•a , a , . it Irutc .
Lean, i l Tut
5. Roads Mud Bridges. -Snell Patter -
tion, Leeman, Connolly, C'Imrnbers.
0. County Property.—Snell, 1
son Bowman, Connolly, Chambers.
T.Equali.zaatiun.--The whole Council.
i. Wardens,—Stuart, loft, Kerr,
0. House of Refuge,—Miller, Tor-
rance, Snell.
were .the ye
The following communications veer were i6J ti1.37, and the (B-
read and sent to Special conlinittee: i penaituies $52,058.70; that new school
Froin Lanark council, asking annelid:ousts will be built d(riug )resent
tints to the Iligh School Act. From
Bruce county re the Assessment 'Act,
From 1)ufferin county, regarding im-
proving roadways. County of :Wel-
T asking •urn amendments to Comity
land, art 4 dell
. i16.
Councils Act of 1 •
Mr. R. Holmes is the Ministerial
candidate in West Huron.
He has just published • an inspiring
letter from Mr. Robinson, a former
resident of the constituency, but now
of Manitoba, in which the writer says:
"I do wish that you will be the
member in }West Huron. Stick to the
Reform flag through thick and thin;
be honest in the eamnaign, although
it is hard to be such among thieves."
Mr. Rob nson has a poor opinion of
. Mr. Holmes' political associates.
He speaks too strongly, butno doubt
feels what he.says.—Toronto Mail and
The grip which now prevails is not
so dangerous or so general as the epi-
demic of eight or nine years. At least
this is the opinion of several of the
doctors. At the time referred to
there was a great deal of heart trouble
associated with the malady, while
this year it is fortunately not in evi-
dence. The symptoms are more of
the character of influenza. One of
the peculiarities of the trouble this
year is the partial inefficacy of that
tired remedy quinine in .coping with
it. Hitherto quinine seemed to have
greater effect on grippe patients. The
worst feature of the present epidemic
is the number of cases of pneumonia
which have been induced by it. It
has been a characteristic of grippe
that it frequently leaves the patients
susceptible to a more serious malady
and this year the tendency is towards
The council then adjourned to meet
at S pen.
8 r,3t.
Council met pursuant to adjourn-
!loved by Mr. McEwan, seconded by
Mr. Patterson. Haat Mr, Ainsley be in-
structed to purchase plank required
for flooring bridges this season. Car-
Moved by Dr. Rollins, seconded by
Mr Snell, that the Warden • and Clerk
enquire into the case of Miss Dickson,
of the township of Grey, who by twill
was left ward of the County with a
legacy of $1000, and find if the provis-
ions of the will can be enforced, take
solicitors opinion if they deem it ee-
cessary, and report at the next session
of the Council. Carried.
Moved by ler. Miller, seconded by
Mr. Patterson, that the monthly visits
of the Warden be an the first Tuesday
of each month, instead of the. first
Monday as heretofore, owing to the
raaifwayaecomulodatioufrom hishome.
The by-law appointing auditors was
then read and passed, and the Council
adjourned to meet on Tuesday, the tltb
day of June, at 3 o'clock p.m.
The Gaoler reported nine prisoners--
males—and called attention to the in-
convenient and unhealthy sleeping
apartment, set apart for himself and
The Clerk reported the insurance on
the Court Hontie, $1200; House of Re-
fuge, barn and contents, 'lO8ai0' and
Goal and Cottage $10,000
The Finance Committee recammen(1-
ec1 payment of a large number of ac-
counts, and that the anlnral statement
of the registrar and the financial state -
moot of the treasurer be printed in the
School Inspector Tom's report show-
ed thathere were 62 le andd 71 fe-
males teachers in West Huron, that
the average salary was—females, $255,
and males, $375; that the receipts for
year iu S.S. No. 7, Ashfield, an No. 10
Hay; that 157 pupils passed the Bn-
trauce, and 76 obtained Public School
Leaving certificates, and be called at-
tention to Empire Day, May 23rd,
ing:„1ho Canadian flag„ withwhich
each school should be provided, shouldA communication was read on behalf
of H. Medd, asking damages for loss be hoisted on the school; patriotic ad -
of horse. Sent to Executive corn- dresses should be delivered by the trus-
mittee. Applications for position of tees and visitors, and patriotic songs
auditor from Messrs. Morrison,Carts- and recitations rendered by the pu-
ney, and Cochrane were read ad left pl}s.”
on the table. Letter from F. Borley, House o fRefuge Committee reported
clerk of Usborne, was read calling at- payment of 31 accounts and recom-
tentioin to county bridge between Us- mend that /natters in connection with
the House of Refuge for 1899 should be
barge and Biddulph. Sent to Road
and Bridge committee. Resolutions dealt with by the committee.
passed by the township of McKillop and
bridge ry be -
were read, asking that the county
cease to supply collectors and assess -
Huron and Middlesex be rebuilt;
mentrolls. Sent to Special Committee. that the tender of R. Jamieson $89, to
A circler from the Trustees' Associa_ erecta bridge between Mullett and
tion was read, asking the council to McKillop, be accepted; that the en -
appoint one or more delegates to at- gineer have the Clinton bridge re -
tend next meeting of association. Ed- Paired; that he examine the Usborne
ucation Com. The statement of Mol- bridge, and if necessary have it re -
sons Bank, Clinton, showing balance paired; that the tenders of Hunter
of county funds, was sent to Finance Bros., Kincardine, $1035.50, for iron
committee. An application from E. bridge at Summerhill, be accepted, and
Heaton for a grant to the Children's also that of F. Gutteridge, of Seaforth,
Aid Society, was sent to Executive for the abutments of the said bridge,
committee. at $5.50 per cubic yard.
Application from Misses Gilpin and Property Committee reported that
Munroe to be appointed county, stu- the jail had been inspected and found
dents and the following communicat- clean, with everything well kept; that,
ions, were also sent to the same com- in reference to request of jailer for
mitteegrant t West G. Huron Teachers As- Warden afor better nd Engines getat estthe
sociation; Ontario Rifle Association for the necessary buildings, for . pre-
fer a grant, D. French for an increase
of salary.
A letter from J. J. Fisher, Clinton,
repainting court house, was sent to
Property committee.
A letter from Dr. Shaw regarding
supply of medicine for House of Re-
fuge was sent to Executive commit-
37 accounts amounting in the total
to $601.57 were read and referred. to
Finance committee.
The following were sent to the com-
mittees named: County commissioner's
report, to Road and Bridge; Regis-
trar's return, to Finance; report show-
ing insurance on county buildings, to
Property committee; reports of In-
spectors Tom and Robb, to Educational
coinmittee; gaoler's report, to Property
committee; treasurer's' report to . Fie
Moved by Messrs. McLean and Mc-
Innis that, Philip Holt and Wm. Lane
be auditors of criminal justice accounts
for 1899. Carried.
the Chosen Medicine of All
Classes in Our Dominion..
The reputation of Paine's Celery
Compound extends from day• to day.
Those who stand in need of the heal-
ing and recuperativeowers of nature's
health restorer are advised to use it by
'dose who have been Made well ana
strong. In the house, on the street,
and where people congregate, Paine's
Celery Compound is ever recommend-
ed and kindly words spoken in its
favor. In this way the popularity of
the great medicine is made enduring,
audits immense sales stir the envy of
the ordinary patent medicine proprie-
tor and the jealous minded doctor,
The wealthiest families of the laud,
the best and most observant people in
our cities and towns, and the common-
sense people in our agricultural dis-
tricts, place Paine's Celery Oompound
far above all other known remedies,
The past and present history of Paine's
Celery Compound is one grand con -
tinned story of sick people made well.
—of fathers, mothers, sons and daugh-
ters restored to perfect health.
Competent medical authorities de-
clare that Paige's Celery Compound is
the one great mediebse for rundown
and physienlly weak people. When
the vital forces are low and the tier-
vous organism shattered, thou it is
that the marvellous medicine manifests
its wondrous heeling•vii'tues. Weak-
ness, depression, tired feelings, 1an-
gu(n', digestive troubles, headache,
rheumatism and neuralgia are quickly
b:ulished owing to the noauisltnhent
that Paine's Celery Compound. im-
parts to brain, nerves and tissue. It
is the great everyday home medicine
for all classes of our population.
R' port of Farmers Institute,
The Ontario Government has never
issued a more instructive and useful
doctnnent titan the report of the
Superintendent of Farmers' Institutes
for the year 1897-8 just received. It is
book of about 500 pages containing;
numerous illustrations and celebrating
the latest and most detailed informa-
tion upon every subject connected with
.the pursuit of farming. The Farmers'
hist -Mutes are in a flourishing con-
dition their total membership having
increased from 15,707 in December 173-
97 to 10,3512nn July 31, 1898. During
the year 05S Institute meetings were
held attended by an aggregate of 126,-
091 persons and 3,270 addresses deliver-
ed. Some 30,000 excursionists also
visited the Guelph College Parra under
the auspices of the Farmers' Institutes.
A woman's Institute has been organiz-
ed in Saltfleet Township, Wentworth
County, with 80 members, which it is
hoped may be the pioueer of a new
movement for organizing women in
the country districts as the men are
now organized in the Institutes, for
the discussion of a large class of do-
mestic, social and economical prob-
lems iu which farmers' wives are in-
The report comprises selected papers
and addresses delivered before the
Institutes, all of practical value in
their bearing upon farm industry.
The r,
Institutes Lave secured ed the ser-
vices of a large number of experts and
leading men throughout the country
who have freely placed their special
knowledge at the disposal of the mem-
bers The topics treated of cover an
exceedingly wide Tango including
every phase of farming industry and
many scientific or economic questions
which have an important bearing up-
on the condition of the farmer. A
very few of the papers which might
be mentioned are " Cross Breeding
and Hybridizing of Plants " by W. T.
Macouu; " Making Plant Food Avail-
able ", by G. a.. Day; "Utensils for
Practical Use in a Farm. Dairy", T. C.
Rogers; " Dairy Education", H. H.
Dean; " What the Dairy Industry has
done for Canada", A. F. McLaren;
" Spraying and Apple Orchard ", J.
E. Orr; " Relation of Agriculture to
our School System ", C. 0. James;
" Practical Poultry Keeping ", A. G.
Gilbert; " Women's Institutes ", Miss
Laura Rose; " Domestic Economy ",
Mrs. J. L. Smith; " Swine breeding
and Feeding ", John C. Nichol; and
" Tuberculosis ", 'D• McCrae. A pa-
per by Charles W. Nash, on the birds
of Ontario in their relation to agri-
culture, is a special feature of much
sentation at the June session; that the interest as it comprises 52 fine illust-
County Engineer put the fence around rations of Canadian birds with infer -
the registry office in proper repair, and in ation concerning them, which shows
that the County Clerk take the nec- the useful part they play in connec-
essary ste s to have the Court House tion with farm economy.
In another appendix to the voluine
the results of recent scientific experi-
ments in Europe and the United States
in the leading branches of agriculture
are given with much fullness of detail.
This will be found particularly useful
and instructive to the progressive far-
mer who desires to keep in touch with
the latest discoveries and avail him-
self of the results of the researches of
experts in a practical way by adopting
new economicprocesses andinventions.
Such investigations have in the past
done much to improve the condition
of the farmer. By bringing; the know-
ledge thus acquired in distant coun-
tries in an accessible form before the
farmers of Ontario, the Farmers' In-
stitutes are tieing a useful and much
needed work and fully justifying the
encouragement judiciously afforded
them by Ontario administration. The
volinete before us is an extremely ere-
ditable and gratifying' evidence of the
advanced condition of agriculture in
this Province and the intelligence and
enterprise of the farming ,community,
no less dialed, the energy. and pro-
gressiveness shown by the Depart-
ment of Agriculture in . educational.
John S Thompson, of Chicago, is
the inventor of what he calls an elect-
rical selective ap-paratus, wnich, if it
accomplishes all that he contends, will
create a sensa-tion in the world of
telegraphy and typewriting.
Mr. Thompson says that by his in-
vention'a typewriter at one point can
be operated manually so as to print any
matter, and a second typewriter at a
different point will be operated so as to
exactly reproduce this matter. So, in-
stead of sending telegraphic messages
spelled out by means of. the Morse al-
phabet and then transcribed by the.
receiving operator, either by hand or
upon a, typewriter machine, such mes-
sages are automatically printed by the
typewriter itself. All that is .neces-
sary is to place the paper for the mes-
sage in the machine, operating the
swich controlling the Cirenit so as to
allow the machine to receive the mes-
sage and then to remove the paper af-
ter the message has been printed upon
Moved by Messrs. McInnis and Holt,
that the usual grant of $300 be made
to the County Agricultural and Horti
oultu al societies holding exhibitions
in 1899. Sent to- executive .committee.
Council adjourned till Thursday at
10 a.m.
A number of accounts were read and
sent to Finance, and statements of the
County Collegiate Institutes to Execu-
tive. Lindsay, Feb. 3.—W. Higgs, 'aged 21
Messrs. Carrick, Burgess, Onihliette, cam; Grand. Trunk brakeman her
Y orthree ears was
Got11iane, Hess, Cousley, Morrison and For the past two y
Urquhart were nominated as auditors. killed -.this :afternoon while coupling
Mr. Cochrane being elected on the first cal's.> The accident was not witnessed
ballot and Mr. Carrick on the ninth.
R. S. Hays, of Seaforth; was nomin-
ated as trustee o1' the Seaforth College
late Institute, :John Ransford-for Clin-
ton, and Rev. Dr. Ure for Goderich; , t to
flag placed in proper position.
The Education Committee recom-
mended that Mr. Cameron, of Bruesels,
and Mr. Beckett, of Ashfield, be'ap-
pointed to the board of County Exam-
The Executive Committee recom-
mend the following grants: $20 to
Agricultural and 13orticultural socie-
ties holding exhibitions $25 to the.
Children's Aid Society; $10 to Prison-
ers' Aid Society; $25 to the West
Huron Teachers' Association; $15 to
County Libraries; $25 to each Farmers'
Institute; $$25 to the County Poultry
Association; that $20 be paid Mr.
Henderson in full of all claims against
the •county; that the tender of the
Exeter, for printing, be accepted; that
$10 be granted to plant flowers around',
the Court House in the spring; that
Seaforth Collegiate Institute be paid
$2,23:1, Clinton $2,148 and Goderich
$1,589; and that in reference to motion
on . salaries, Mr. Lane's be $800' per
alintuin; Mr. Coats' $150, Dr. Shaws,
$200,_ Mr. French $275, and Mrs.
French $225.
Jailed While Coupling Cars.
by any one, but it is supposed that
Higgs slipped while coupling the e.In- and the success they bring, use .Dr.
c' NewLife Pills. They (level en
rine to a freight car; and the tender King's
passed over his body. Deathwas iu every power of brain and body. Only
s an nous. Iliggs was unmarried. 25 cents at any Drug Store.
lla'llnln'llnl1nP11 l411 relnial n 1.'ntnl.114•n..l
.�- 4
Caatoria is put up in ono -size bottles only. It
is not sold in bulk, Don't allow anyone to sell
you ouytbing 0110 on the plea or promise that it
is "just as good" and. "will answer every pur-
polo; t *i+' Seo flat you get
Tho Sic.
alis afic • ir " s8c aEc�dczacalSc.aes > c �
iifcao�, a�ta v'�s a99. �xfS
cc tic
aa2 cs^'�
aft'Ca9!t'1irNI*24*"119 "a"giNZF c
nit21 ArMi. a'9ca�cxyr=''o'.r VrAi r'°Ji'r�.►` 11:73
—TO -
Ri..oatn• k°. Iron ri; rve.
Was the result of his splendid health.
Indoiuitable will and tremendous
energy are not found where Stomach,
Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are net of
order. If yon want these qualities
We have just
placed an order
—for —
from the Old
Country beRire the
unusual low init., of lltlydtvati'+
a heavy advance on or before the first of the.
year. The
in nails, cements and other goods are very
and t an la )
C DOW nett you on
Ni!s, CiTiii1s, llis, Bills,
...LOCKS, CIC.,.
at prices that will surprise
you. .Also eve
will give specially low quotations on
when tendering for the entire hardware
. . . contract . .
�� Msflop & Son. <6
► . EXETER. ' '
Rug & Mat Makers
Color Th -•iv Rags and Yarns
with ✓1i Iu2ofil Dyes.
The World Famed Dyes for Producing
Brilliant and Unfading
I have made several very handsome
Rugs and Mats for the house that I
am very proud of. The rags and pieces
of cloth and flannel used in my, Rugs
and Mats were all dyed with your
wonderful Diamond Dyes. The colors
are rich and brilliant, and I find they
are unfailing. Diamond Dyes are the
best I ever used.
Winnipeg, Man.
The Brockville Peat Company has
been granted exeption from taxation
by the Elizabethtown Council on the
lands, buildings and machinery neces-
sary for the carrying on of peat manu-
facturing on a large scale in that town-
Alex. McKay, of Grey county, met
death by a sapling striking him on the
head while he was releasing it from
under a fallen tree. The same day his
grandfather, Donald McKay, who
lived with the boy's mother, died, aged
84 years. Both were buried together.
Sir Charles Tripper to Speak,
Ottawa, Feb. 7.—The West Huron
by-election campaign promises to de-
velop into a fight of some interest • be-
tween this and the date fixed for pol-
ling, the -21st inst. It is announced
that Sir Charles Tupper will speak for.
the Conservative nominee.
Baby Weighs a Pound.
Mishawaka, Ind:, Feb. 4.—There was
born to the wifeof Noble Austita, in
this city, the smallest '11' i,nt ever re-
ported in Northern Indiana. The child
is about the size of an inc:txtd'scent
electric light gi uses and weighs one,
pound. The physician, an old practi
tioner, says it will live.
1. andaGOMA
Fine sermaa [rival
fo•yleas'Watcb, gnannitoed
for a years, wltb elinin; or a
"Snap—Shot" Camara with all at,
tal:lmentsready to take pictures,
given Iree for selling for us :!b
Aluminum TMmblta at Iv:
name and flatiron, we'll forward
golds without. money.
Can. supply Co., Toronto
Is the Best
'It is made in a factory the
cleanliness of which is the
surprise of all.
if you will visit the fac-
tory you wilt smoke ..the. ..
tobacco... .
Hie InP,-'u'asS:,eed.
Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen
of Hannibal Mo., latelyhada wonder-
ful deliverence from a frightful death.
In telling of it he. says: "I was taken
with Typhoid Fever, that ran into
Pneumonia. My lungs became har-
dened. I was so weak I coudn't evert'
situp in bed. Nothing helped inc. I
expected to soon die or Constunption,
when I heard of Dr. King's New Dis-
covery. One bottle gave great relief.
I continued to use it, and now am well.
and strong, I can't say too much in
its praise. This marvellous medicine
is the surest and quickest cure in the
world for all Throat and Lung Trouble.
50 cents and $1.00, at any Drug Store;
every bottle guaranteed.
'egetablePrcparat onfa)r-As-
silnifatinn therooI antiPeg nia-
ling the Stomachs car d l3oivcls of
Y(., ,,
c It • r Ai��`•P.
Promotes Digestion,Gheerful-
s:ess andPcst.Coiltains neither
OphuiiL Morphine nor Niaeral.
1eri7e6teillr&Uf1TLAfr2 R
.iia S,I-
.. Sousa +
rids- Sea •
,li`ky' l7J Rt
fTate rr�rt fraiw:
Aperfecct Remedy for Constipa-
tion. Sour Stomach,Diarrltoea,
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Tao Simile `�S�`�igneturc of
.�- 4
Caatoria is put up in ono -size bottles only. It
is not sold in bulk, Don't allow anyone to sell
you ouytbing 0110 on the plea or promise that it
is "just as good" and. "will answer every pur-
polo; t *i+' Seo flat you get
Tho Sic.
alis afic • ir " s8c aEc�dczacalSc.aes > c �
iifcao�, a�ta v'�s a99. �xfS
cc tic
aa2 cs^'�
aft'Ca9!t'1irNI*24*"119 "a"giNZF c
nit21 ArMi. a'9ca�cxyr=''o'.r VrAi r'°Ji'r�.►` 11:73
—TO -
Ri..oatn• k°. Iron ri; rve.
Was the result of his splendid health.
Indoiuitable will and tremendous
energy are not found where Stomach,
Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are net of
order. If yon want these qualities
We have just
placed an order
—for —
from the Old
Country beRire the
unusual low init., of lltlydtvati'+
a heavy advance on or before the first of the.
year. The
in nails, cements and other goods are very
and t an la )
C DOW nett you on
Ni!s, CiTiii1s, llis, Bills,
...LOCKS, CIC.,.
at prices that will surprise
you. .Also eve
will give specially low quotations on
when tendering for the entire hardware
. . . contract . .
�� Msflop & Son. <6
► . EXETER. ' '
Rug & Mat Makers
Color Th -•iv Rags and Yarns
with ✓1i Iu2ofil Dyes.
The World Famed Dyes for Producing
Brilliant and Unfading
I have made several very handsome
Rugs and Mats for the house that I
am very proud of. The rags and pieces
of cloth and flannel used in my, Rugs
and Mats were all dyed with your
wonderful Diamond Dyes. The colors
are rich and brilliant, and I find they
are unfailing. Diamond Dyes are the
best I ever used.
Winnipeg, Man.
The Brockville Peat Company has
been granted exeption from taxation
by the Elizabethtown Council on the
lands, buildings and machinery neces-
sary for the carrying on of peat manu-
facturing on a large scale in that town-
Alex. McKay, of Grey county, met
death by a sapling striking him on the
head while he was releasing it from
under a fallen tree. The same day his
grandfather, Donald McKay, who
lived with the boy's mother, died, aged
84 years. Both were buried together.
Sir Charles Tripper to Speak,
Ottawa, Feb. 7.—The West Huron
by-election campaign promises to de-
velop into a fight of some interest • be-
tween this and the date fixed for pol-
ling, the -21st inst. It is announced
that Sir Charles Tupper will speak for.
the Conservative nominee.
Baby Weighs a Pound.
Mishawaka, Ind:, Feb. 4.—There was
born to the wifeof Noble Austita, in
this city, the smallest '11' i,nt ever re-
ported in Northern Indiana. The child
is about the size of an inc:txtd'scent
electric light gi uses and weighs one,
pound. The physician, an old practi
tioner, says it will live.
1. andaGOMA
Fine sermaa [rival
fo•yleas'Watcb, gnannitoed
for a years, wltb elinin; or a
"Snap—Shot" Camara with all at,
tal:lmentsready to take pictures,
given Iree for selling for us :!b
Aluminum TMmblta at Iv:
name and flatiron, we'll forward
golds without. money.
Can. supply Co., Toronto
Is the Best
'It is made in a factory the
cleanliness of which is the
surprise of all.
if you will visit the fac-
tory you wilt smoke ..the. ..
tobacco... .
Hie InP,-'u'asS:,eed.
Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen
of Hannibal Mo., latelyhada wonder-
ful deliverence from a frightful death.
In telling of it he. says: "I was taken
with Typhoid Fever, that ran into
Pneumonia. My lungs became har-
dened. I was so weak I coudn't evert'
situp in bed. Nothing helped inc. I
expected to soon die or Constunption,
when I heard of Dr. King's New Dis-
covery. One bottle gave great relief.
I continued to use it, and now am well.
and strong, I can't say too much in
its praise. This marvellous medicine
is the surest and quickest cure in the
world for all Throat and Lung Trouble.
50 cents and $1.00, at any Drug Store;
every bottle guaranteed.