HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-2-9, Page 3et --
Rev. Dr. Tairnage Discourses on the Quastion
of Dishonesty.
On Every Side Are Men Who Have Abused the Trust iposed i
Them—Banks Bankrupted and Funds Stolen --
A Monsoon of Swindles.
wmbiagton Fell lo_Thio. hike. many bank to an globe:eel:orient earelei on for
ef Dr. litimageni diseourees, recommends
right doing for this world ae well as
preparation for ;be heavenly world.
Text, Job viii, 14, "Whose trust shall be
ot bolder e web."
The two mese skillful aroleitects in all
*be world are the bee and the spider,
The one puts up a sugar manufactory
and the Other huilda a slaughter house
tor Mee. On a bright Bummer moreing,
when the sun comes cue mad mbities
Upon the spiderte web, bodooked, With
dew, the gossamer structure seems bright
enough for a suspension briage for aerial
beinge to cross on. Bus alas for the poor
ny which ill elm latter Part et that very
illey ventures ort 1; and la cattglat and
dungeoned and deetroyed I The 47 WAS
thrombi(' ;bee it Waft a free bridge and
Watild emit nothing, but at the other
end Of the bridge the toll read wee IM
own life, Tbe next day there comes
down a Strong wind, 4011 aWaY go the
web and the =trending epitier and the
vietimized tly. tho delicate are tbe iiiikCa
threade of the settler's wen tbat many
thonsande of them era put together be
sore they become visible to the human
e ye, and it takes 4.000,00 or them t4 Abwis. of Truat ritliti Oka
reek* 4
thread ag lerge as the human We mese eapeoiallo deplore the mutter -
hair, Most oruel as well tie raost ingenie tame of bank a in varlous parte of tbis
ous is the spider. .A prigoner An the country in that they damage the banking
Inietile, France, had one so trained that institution, which is the great convenience
et the Meted of the liable it every cloy a the centririeg and indispensable to
came for its tueal ot flies. The author of rommerce and the advance of nations.
With one band iti bleesee the lender, and
1th he other it biasing the borrovien.
On their elsoulders are the Interests at
private individuals and greet corpora-
tions, In time are the greet arteries
through which run the ourrents of tbe
nation's life. Tiny have been the re-
eources of the thoueands of linanciers in
days of huainese exigeucr. They stand
for acooramodaelon, fur facility, for in-
dividual, write anil national relief. Ae
their heed and in eheir reatiagement
tbere are as roucb interest and morel
worth as in any class of men, perhaps
more. How naturism", them the behavior
of those Who bring disrepute upoia elite
venerable, banignene and God lionored
intititution I
We also deplore abuse of trust funds.
beeause tbe abusere fly in the face of
divine nominee's, which mems determined
to Wein thie land. We are having a motes
of unexampled national hervests. The
wheat gamblers get hold or the wheat,
and the corn gamblers get hold of the
corn. The full tido of liotl's merely to-
ward thii lend is put back by those great
dikes of diehonest resietencis. When Goa
provides enough food und clothing to feed
and. apparel this whole nation ithe
princes, the.scrabble of aishoneet mon to
get more than their share and get it at
berg of expensive clubhouses and control- nil intrarde krone every, thing ebaking
ling country seats who are not worth it with uncertainty and everybody asking,
dollar it they return to others their jun, "What next?" Every week makes new
rights. Under aorne sudden reverse they revelations. How many more bank presi-
fail, and with afffloted air seem to retire dents and bank caeitiete have been spoon -
front the world, and morn areacot ready latiug with other people's monee and
for Inonastio life, when in two or three how many more bank directors ars in
years they blossom out again, oueitot imbecile silence, lettieg the perlidy go
compromieed with their croditora—that on, the great and patient Gott only
Is, yard them nothiug but rogret—and knows. My opittion is that we have got
the only difference between the second near the bottom. Tbe wind bee been
chapter of prosperity and the first le that Pricked from the great bubble of Anierl.
their piceures are Murillo. instead of can speculation. The nten who 'thought
Kenmtts. aud their horses go a n3110 in that the judgment day was et least 5,0u0
She emends leen than their prodemesors, yearn off found it in 1898 er 1897 or 1806,
end Motet:el of one country seat they have ited this nation has bean taught that
three. I bave watched and have noticed mun uillst keep their hands out of other
that nine out of ten of those who fall M people's pockets. Great businesses built
witat is called high life have more means on eorrowed capital have been obliten
After than b ifore the failure, and in many ated, and men who had nothing have
of tbe cases failure is only a stratagem to lost all they had. I believe we are starter,
escape the payment of bonest debts and on a higher career of prosperity than
put the world off the track !while they this land bag ever seen—if and if and if.
practice a large evriutile. Then) is some Evils of Speculation.
thing woefully wrong in the Mot that It the first mon. and specially Cbristian
these things are possible. men, will learn neer to speculate upoit
Partners in Infamy. borrowed capital—if you bave a mind to
First of all, I charge the blame on take your own money and tern It all
earelegs, indifferent bank directors and into kites, to fly them over every common
boards having in charge great financial in the 'United States, you do moiety no
institutions. It ought not to be possible wrong, except when yen tumble your
for a president or cashier or prominent helpless children into the poorhouse for
officer of a banking institution to svvindle the public to take care of. But you have
It year after year without detection. Iwin no right to take the money of others and
undertake to say that if these frauds are turn it into kitea. Tbere le oue word
carrion) on for two or three years without that has deluded more people into bank -
detection either the directors are partners ruptcy and state prison and ram than
in.the infamy and. pocket part of the any other word in commercial life, and
thettier they are guilty 'of a eulphble that is the word borrow. That one word
negleot ot duty, for which God willbold is reettonsibletfor all the defalcations and
embezzleineuts and financial consterna.
them as responsible as he nolds the
acknowledged defrauders. What right tions of the last 20 yearn When execu-
have prominent business men to allow tors conclude to snecinate with the funds
their naines to be published as directors of an estate committed to their, charge,
they do not purloin; they say they only
in a financial institution, so that unso-
borrow. When a banker makes an over-
phistitiated people are thereby induced to
deposit their money in or buy the scrip draft upon his institution, he does not
commit a theft; he only borrows. When
thereof, when they, the published direct
tore; are doing nothing for the safety of the °nicer of a company, hY a flaming
the institution? 15 is a case of deception atnerneetuent in some religious paper
most repreheneible. gilt eertificatetof stook, gets a multi-
tude of eountry people to put their sruall
Many peopiewititb a surplus of. ntoney, earnings to an enterprise for carrying on
not needed for immediate use, although some undeveloped nothing he does not
It may be a little further on indispens- fraudulently take their Money; he only
able, aro without Srienes competent to borrows. When a young man with easy
advise them, and they are guided solely acc ett to hie employer' a money drawer or
by the character of the men whose names
the iionildentiel clerk by close propingut
are associated with the institutlon. When ity to the acconnt books takes a few dol -
the crash came and with the overthow of lara for a Wall street excursion, he ex -
the banks went the small earnings and petits to put it back. He will put it all
tlawiiiMdtfortunes of widows and &plums back. He will put It all back very soon.
and the helplessly aged, the direaters He only borrows. Why, when you are
etood with Idiotic stare, and to the in-
auiry of the frenzied depositors and going to do wrong, pronounce so long a
stockholders who had lost their all and word as borrow, a Word of six letters,
when you ean get a shorter word more
to the arraignment of an indignant pub -
en,_ deecrtptive of the reality, a word of only
lio bad nothing to say except: "" ld a
thought it was all right. Wo MO not five etters—the worteal?
know there was anything wrong going when 15 1. Rial" to Berruy`'
There are times when we all borrow'
on." It was their duty to know. They and borrow legitimately, and borrow
' toed in a positioc . which deluded the with ene divine blessing, for Christ in
Pe°Ple With Ibi6 idea that they were care' bie sermon on the mount enjoins, "From
fully observant. Calling themselves direct him that would borrow of thee turn not
tors, they did not direot. They had op. then
portunity of auditing accounts and in- away" A Young ma: rightly bor-
rows money to get his ed cation. Par -
' Petting the books. No time to do so? chasing a house and not able to pay all
Then they had no business to accept the down in cash, tbe purchaser rightly hor-
position. It seems to be the pride of some rows te on mortgage, crows ,,enenee in
moneyed men to be directors in a great business, when it would be wrong for a
many institutionsand all they know is man not to borrow. Bub I roll this warn
whether or not they get their ,dividends Ing through all these steles, over the
regularly, and their names are used as backs of all these pews, never borrow to
decoy ducks to bring other; near enough speculate-enot a dollen not a cent, not a
to be made game of, What first of all is farthing. Young men, I warn you by
needed is that 500 bank directors and your worldly prospects and the value of
insurance company directors resign cr your immortal souls do not do IL Them
attend to their bnainess as directors. The are breakers distinguished for their ship
bushiest' world will be full of fraud just
as long as fraud is so easy. When you
forest tbe president and secretary of a
mane years, be sure so baoe plenty of
stierifts out the same day to arrest all the
directors. They are guilty either of neg.
leo* or complicity.
"On," smile will say, "better preaob
the gospel and lee business matters
alone." I reply, if your gospel does not
Inspire common bonosty in the dealing.
of men the sooner yea close up Your gos-
pel atol piton le MD) the depths ot tbe
Atinutto Ocean the bettor. An orthodox
swindle is worse than a heterodox swin-
dler. The recitation of oll the
chieuas and ermine ever wrItten and
partaking of all the communion clialices
that, ever glittered in the eiturehee of
Cbrietendont wilt neVer save Your sons
IlleSS your inteiness clueraoter
awnds With your religieue predeesion.
t4oxne of the worst seoundrele lu Juneriett
have been Inembere of obutches, and they
got nit on sermons about heaven when
they Most ileelishl to bave the pulpits
preach time wnich would either brig
them to repentanee or thunder them tete
et tbe bielY communions Where their pres-
ence Was a therilege mid an leifemy.
lay Mxe. Who was a leading scientist of
hie del, had no doubt watched the Yore -
Moue proms* of title one Inlet% with an -
Oboe and row Bonier and ay swops cloven
'with the eame Wotan or *metered by the
Mule Wind. Alas that, the world bas so
many desigatng spiders and vietanteed
flies! Tilers tate not Leen a time wben
the utter and black irresponsibility of
rattily men having the tinenulal interests
et others In charge has been more evi-
dent than tri theee lase few years. Tint
bankruptcy of banks and ditiapPearanee
of adminietratore with the funds 01 large
efitatesi and the disordered accounts of
Unitea Suttee officials hey. sometimes
made a neetilence of orlon* thee solern•
nizee every thoughtful man euci woman
and leads *very philanthropist aud
Chrietian to ask, What shall be done to
e tay the plague?
There 1. ever and anon a monsoon of
o winclie abroad, a typhoon, a sirooco. 1
g oluetimes ask myself if it Would not be
better tor men malting wills to bequeath
the property directly to the executors and
officers of the court and appoint the
widowe and orphans a committee to wtlb
that the former got all that did not be-
long to them. Tim simple feet is thut
there are a large number of mon 0011104
yachts and drivine fast horses and mune
Sieerries--and many a (waft hag gone to life bas Put upon twine of you. Col
ems on the reeke bu L to tell made up his enind Mu ago bow meth.
Ytiu that all the Beltways, arid she Need. or how tow dollars it would tie best for
les, and the Cankete, and the niterriee you to have. Trust to his appointment.
are an eothing compared with the long The door will soon open to let you out
line a breakers wenn) boiled the ocean and ler you up. Wbat shock of delighe
of eonunerMat We north, eetwii ease and for ieen wbo for lie years have been in
WOSt With tlIO white foam of the,r tiospeir busniese otaxiety when they eball sudden.
in the dirge of their datanatioit—the lei awake in everlasting holiday! On the
breakers of borrow. maps of the Arctie regions there are two
If 1 had only worldly. weapon te nee places whose names are remarkable,
on Ole ',object, I would give you the g1Vdfl 1 suppose, by some peter eXpedi-
Mon fresh from the highest authority, titian Cape Farewell atid Thank God Hare
that 90 per cent of Wiwi who go Into bor. 1st this last the Polaris wintered
wiid speculation lose all, but I have a 1111871 and the Tigress M 1874. Some
better warning, than a toothily warring. *hips bave paseaa the cape, yet never
Front the place where men bave perished reathed the benne': Rue from wbat I
—body, mind, Boni—St:DA Ott, Stand Off: knoW of many ot`you A have concluded
Abstract pulpit dieeussion must stop that though your voyage of lite may be
aside en tide queetion Faith and repent- very ?origin rue into by icebergs on this
anew Are aneeletelY neceisary, bet faith side and icebargm p then yeti will in
ad repentance are no more doctrineof due time reach Cape Farewell and there
the nible than commercial integriny. bid goodby to all annoyances and soon
"Render so all their dues." "Owe no after drop entailer in the calm and Impart
man anything" And while I mean to turbable waters of Thank God Harbor.,
preaen faith and repentance, more aud "There the wicked cease from trout:Ong,
More to Preach them, I do not mean to and the weary are at re*"
spend any Mine in chasing tbe Hittites
and Jebusites and Girgashites of Bible HEIR TO A DUKEDOM.
times when ellere ore so many evils Tighe '
around us deitrqing' men and women reteenter at Joir b T Ones
414 I.OR &
for time and for eternity. Tho greetest Story of Sham Death and ViSisoral..
evang.thatio preacher the world ever saw.
Man who died for his evangelism— The Johannesburg correspondent or
peerless Paun—wrote to the Romans,
The London Mail telegraphs: "A remark-
nhhohine wage hon„t In the sight or able store was told the other day during •,
nil men:" wrow to she Corinthians, ',Do She hearing of a (Mange of fraud against
that which is lionestt" wrote to the Ohnrien omen. statement was put in I
Philippians, "Whatsoever things are boa- II' thn Prisoner in wbieh be deoleredi
este wan to the Hootowo, “wining in that he was the brother of The tete Duke,'
all 'tinting to live behestly," Tim uible ot ilemilten, and left England atter
says that faith wielmee Werke is deed, fighting a thole For private reasons his
wbieb, being liberelly translated, means deeeth Wee foritutilr ennounced and 41
tbat V your business life doasnot eerie. sham Amoral took pee, Gunn asserts
spend with your profeselon your religion thutrual ItcoHotintiswelthich4sen
ot Hsethsoerswellilhalima
Withn eglt
1. a /manes.,
ton pelace and pieced in the reauseleure
Live iTour motion
Here is threethireg owide to be nod ratni that if elm Yale is tweeted and ,
Pennine' Jute the ears of 411 the Yining' eiPrnizaal his aratementcu he 'verified*"
The late Duke at Hairilltan died, May
mon of Amerlea and itemenci and reiter-
ated if this eoUtiery is over to be deliver.
ed from its °eternities and coutinerelal 0eS, S9
eeeldb5. sa
i1nneniii11.AIfred WInouVcat;
tiomilten. The late Duke's only /nether i
prosperity is to be estaellehed and per-
petuatednelive within yew, means, Spend Was Charles George Archibald. Is is re,
no more than you mane. And let us ad- cordedthmyke s Perage that Charles
indt all oar besiume and our bonnie by NV" aro 314,Y ln. 1847and died
the prieciplee of the Cbristiati reftgion. lilea44 A.laYi If aeries Can Provo
Our relialon ought to mean Just as Innen that he in olive he eph nee the done,
on Seturtlay and Monday ae on the day clam 404 "ht
between and nee to be a mare eteriphratle
Of eauttiey. Our religion ought mo first
envie Our hearte and thou is ought to
(non ;Mr liven neligiou is nee, ai some
soOmo to think, a Ittart Of hutch delecta-
earn a kind of tionteetionary, a tort of
spiritual caramel or holy gumdrop or
sauctitied peppermint or theologietil an-
aesthetic. It n, an ornrimmene prnietele,
ell controlling, all conquering YAM itley
get aloug with something ieee than than
anti you may deceive youreelf with it,
out you eannot ticeeive GA, and yoei
caunot deceive the world. The keen Med-
nem man will bUt on hia tower:sties, and
he will look elear through to the back of
yeur heed and Ned whotner your religion
Isa $1014011 Or a fact And you cithnot
hide your semplee of sugar or rice or tea
or coffee; it' they are false you cannot
bide them under the Moth ot a eomtnun-
ion treble All your prayers go or tioth-
Wig so long a* yen iniereprtwent your
berating institutions and in the report
of the resources you put down more
epode, and more fractional currents', anti
more elearin it house ern titicaten and more
legal tender notes, end mare loans, and
more diseounts than there really are, and
when you give an aineunt of your liabili-
ties you do not mention all the unpald
dividends and the United States hank
nines outstanding, and the individual
deposite. and the obligations to other
banks and bankers. .A n antheeity more
sorutinizing than that of any bank ex-
aminer will go through and through and
tbroegh your business.
Gathered In all religious aesemblitges
there are maer wbo blive trust funde. Is
Is a oompineent to you that you have
beim au intrusted, bus I charge yoU, in
the presence. of God and the world, be as
careful of the property of othcr 158 you
are careful of your own Above all, }map
your own private account at the bank
separate front your account as trustee of
an eireita or trustee of an instithtion.
That is the point at which thousande et
people make shipwreck. They get the
property of others mixed lin with their
own 'property. They nut it into invest-
ment, mad uway it all goes, and tber
°teepee return that which they borrowed.
Then ileums the explosion, and the
money marget is shaken, and the prose
denounces. and the church thunders ex-
pulsion You have no right to use the
propeety of others, except for their ad-
vent:age, nor without their consent, un-
less they are minors. 11 with their con-
sent you invest their property as well as
you can, and it is all lost, you are not to
blame. You did the best you could, but
do not come into the delusion, which bas
ruined so many men, of thinking lutetium
a tbing Is in tbeir possession therefore it
Is theirs. You have a solemn trust that
God hss given: -ycitie In any:assemblage
there may be some who have misappro-
priated trust. funds. Put tbem hack, or
if you have so hopelessly involved them
that you cannot put them back confess
the whole thing to those whom you have
wronged, and you will sleep better nights
and you will have the better chance for
your soul. What a sad thing ifi would be
if after you aro dead your administrator
should And out from the account books
or from the lack of vouchers that you are
not only 'bankrupt In estate, but that you
lost yonr soul. If all the trust funds that
have been misappropriated should sud-
denly fly to their owners., and all the
property that bas been purloined should
suddenly go back to its owners, it would
crush into ruin every city in eeneerica.
Dishonesty Does Not PAY.
Let me say in the most emphatic man- 1.
never pay. An abbot wanted to buy a t
piece of ground, and the owner would '
not sell it, but the owner finally consent-
ed to let it to hint until be could raise
one crop, and the abbot sowed acorns, a
crop of 200 years! .And I tell Veil, young
man, that the dishonesties which you
plant in your heart and life will seem to
L, very insignificant, but they will grow
up until they will overshadow you with
horrible darkness, overshadow all Mine
and all eternity. It wilbriot be a crotefor
200 years, but a clip for everlasting
I have also a word of comtort for all
who euffer from the malfeasance of
others,,and every limiest neon, woman
and child does suffer from what noes on
I on 4. entwge.
The Star that bonnie are Mitde et 1*
mixture of fortitude, resolution and
gumption. They are all eemition sense
niaterials, which every man tied woman
oughe to cultivato and cherish, nos only
Weans* they are so indispeneible in *
oriels, but because they aro so eXeeeding-
ly bandy for everyday use. Most of
are foutillar witb fear ana know what I
sinking of the heart means mid bow It "
Seine ethen the knees knook togetber. '
Those eeneetions ure mere pbysical snap -
toms thee indicate not the abeence of .
courage, but she occasion tor Is. It Is the
habit of looking out intelligently over a
siithing heart, and of earnpeliing a pair
of shakine legs to stand still or carxy
you forward, that develope the fortitacle
whieh is tie useful in all DUI= concerns
and so eseential to personal comfort We
ought an of us to bave the courage or our I
partumiar calling. Very few of us will
ever be under fire er on a burning ship,
or will stand in the tenth story at a
burning building, or will meat a mad
doo, or even have to stop a runaway
home. Those adventures aro not a part ot
everyday life. But very many may teal a
shaking of tbe bean when accident be.
fells, or under long aexieties ot sickness,
or in the Into of finial embarrassments.
Tbe spirit that meets the ordinary yieissi-
Sodas of bre with tranquility and energy
onglit to tind its strength equal to calam-
ity, too, if that should come. Idfe le
minty troublesome anyway. We bave to
live in snore or lees peril. We cannot
afford also to live in /ear. The folks who
have the best 0115 aro those who have
trained themselves to realize that their
bodies are sometinvg they live in, that
tbeir bodies are an environment, and that
both are liable to damage front without,
but that they themselves are spiritual
creatures wbo can't be hurt uniese they
consent to it, and who are masters of
their fate.
Diet for Itotierino Rheumatism.
Unquestionably the most active cause
of rheumatism, as wen as of migraine,
sick headache, Bright's disease, oeuras-
thenia, and a nun.ber of otber kindred
diseases, Is the general use of flesh food,
tea and coffee and alcoholic liquors. As
regares remedies, there are no medicinal
agents which are ofany permanent value
in ,.be treatment of chronic rbeumatiiim.
The disease can be remedied only by
regimen—that is, by diet and training.
A simple dietary, consisting of fruits,
grains and nuts, and particularly the free
use of fruits. inust be placed in the first
rank among the radical curative meas-
ures. Water, if taken in abundance, is
also a nieane of washing out the accumu-
lated poleons.
An iadividual afflicted with rheuma-
tism In any form should live, so far as
possiale, an out-ofdoor life, taking daily
a sufficient amount of exercise to induce
vigorous perspiration. A cool morning
sponge, followed by vigorous rubbing,
and a moist peek to the joints most seri-
ously affeeted, at night, are measures
which are worthy of a faithful trial.
Every person who is suffering from this
disease should give the matter immediate
attention, as it is a malady which is pro-
gressive, and is one of the most potent
causes of premature old ago and general
physical deterioration. A meri can nervous-
ness is probably more often due to uric
acid, or the poison whieb it represents,
than to any other one mune—Good
ner to all young wen, dishonetty will A Noble Critic.
In financial 'scamp:tom Society Li so
bound together that all the misfortnnet
which good peoplesuffer In business ,
matters corn° from the misdeeds of ,
others. Bear up under distress, strong in
God. Ho will me you through, though
your misfortuues should be eentupled. 1
Scientists tell us that a column of air 46 ;
nalleg in "might mots on every •man's '
meek's—the Hanwaye, the Needles, the head and shoulders. But that is nothing
Casket', the Denver'. the Andorlos, fate oorepared with the pressure that business
When Pope was first introduced to
Lord Halifax, to read his Iliad, the noble
critic generously criticised this passage
and that word at frequent intervals. The
poet was stung with vexation, for the
part that most pleased him were tint
ones Mien criticised. As he returned
borne with Sir Samuel Garth, berevealed
bis displeathre.
"Oh," said Garth, "you are nom
seq.uainted with bis lordship; he must
oritibilse. At the next visitread himnhe
same passages and tell him you recollect-
ed hie criticising." Pope made use of thie
etratagem. Lord Halifax was delighted,
and exclahned, "Pope, they are now in-
imitable I"
novel unties.
"Do you imagine the time will ever
come witen the women will attend to all
the business and leave the M011 at nome
to do the cooking ated such?" '
'I hope se!'
'You hope sol Great Sco'n1"
"No, Mit Great Scott, at alli When
that time comes we men will be boss of
our OWil homes for the fleet timer'
k dtti/ 46i ea -A
:it 41'4 1—"71147
04/Ur 44V
•re-1,44tA1/ AA,
Olt, Sergeant 73111y Stubbs waa the hero
of Um fray.
Tbe bero of the battle— that Is -what the
papers &eon -
And moue from the War Wily earoe one
August day,
An4 they met bite at tbe defeat with a
pngeant long e.aid gay!
two,:v Mapped the ltero"s bacit„ and they
zoidt aim he wa,c, great-.
The etrove 10 intr.mate that etIn had
eaved the St:AW
Tbee lee girls. o1 teliten 'hound, that
poor hero swartrir4 arouna,
And tho eergettnt ever. IINVS Vii,0711114 5rta4
She OOPS filA4 seeded Me fete!
"Twits klee. Wan Kee! That's the way
they wene for
Swann, emeek. Kneen: Every sixteen was
innant for lane
Seep, seep. mei)! OM maide unbeot for
Cite Gantt of bow they feeed l4sn with their
011. Stir:Team niubbe was a Ilene real.
ly bold.
A hero bold se Men- tliat is what biz
friends bave old --
Bun ab, nee rich piling blood in his bosom
gurgleil cold
As they rushed tarn in a comer
oisses bUthoty elonew
011. tbey gave tarn gentle sips,
gave tem liesty reps.
And the old one uttered rousto
Ilite to berried real
Ile triecl a booty flieln. nut the girls all
bind him WOO
And lensed him till lie wished that be had
lost Ids final eleips.
'Twee Kinn Ides. Ides! Thane the way
they went for Inin.
numen smaele suniek' Every Ismael; was
treient for bine
Seep, seep. mere Ql6 zurdds an unbent for
011, think of how they eliangee biro witt
anil their
end they
Mot Was i
Mr. Richard Gatliog, the inventor a
the famous gun wbiela bears bis Immo,
was a dabbler in i-eliDOO oe the age of O.
At that time bis father wan Purnilog
over a vaacbine for sowing cotton seeds
but try as much as he would, he could
not perfect it, and at lase, in a ilt of de-
spain he celled tu Young ttiebned to his
aid. The lad lieteited ettonttently to the
details ot the proposed inventiou, telly
grasped the ditticultles, shut himself up
lomi room tie think, and in a awls while
suggeeteel a way out of them Tbio was
eagerly adopted by the eider tinning, with
the resitit that tbe nue:bine was perfeoted
and became a grant onenese.
"Why do you always ride In the amok-
ing cart You don'e smoke."
"1 ride in the tenoning ear," repliedtbe
men to wbom the quettioo was atitiressen,
"to eseepe nom the effusiVe gretItude of
the young women to wnein 1 always 'moo
to give tip my eeet whee 1 eitle 2n any of
the other care.'
But there wee e. bard, Nett:dile, letinleal
eort 01 ring in his veto.-
Yrs, it ig true, I was very wenn and
Conmuund Iron Pins made tam
re- ere in norther Rusin* went
groren lion year before th. end. et Oen:dean
—flevelarid niain Dealer
"That naval offieer thinks he knows it
floctin't bee" said the German Olt Torar.
"Ilie conduct %Triunity warraute the
guepielon, your majesty."
nile's getting lutnehty and Imagine
that lio can bave 1 a own way whenev
and wherever he pleases."
"It tartainly looks that Nvoy."
"Well, I don't want to burt his feeling
personally, but we'd hitter do sumethien
to hold down his own nring pride. I
guess I'll put lam in 4exarge uf ono of our
warebips and send him to Maulla."—
Washington Star.
A Peaceful Seetion.
Missotri Traveler --'1h15 is a famous soot
tion for Mode, I tuelerstand.
Native—No more peaceful parts any -
Where than right here. No feuds here; ev-,
erytitiegas as pleancut as pie.
"13feluitabr.oey about thoBillingtonoWellinge
"Over long ago. I'm Billingtou "
"Indeed: 1 litiven't met any of the 'Wel-
"No, nor you won't. The feud Is over."
—New York Weekly.
fibs Opinion.
"Do I understand," asked Admiral Cer-
vera, becomiug interested, "that the new
battleship Ohio is to be a better ship than
the Oregon?"
"That's what the builders claim."
"Well," rejoined the admiral, thrusting
his finger and thumb into his ve:st pocket,
"I've got a peseta or two left that 'lapilli
Her rate,
Mrs. De Work—I have trained my eldest
daugbter into a thorough housekeeper.
There Is nothing she does not know.
Miss Do Flight—What a nice, bandy
maiden aunt she will make for your other
daughters' children l—New York Weekly.
By their -action on the Stomach, Lir-
er and Bowels, Miller's Worm Powders
correct all such troubles ag lack of Ap-
petite, Biliousness,. Drowsiness, Sallow
Complexion, etc.; nice to take.
' Her Belief.
Smith—My wife's too much of an ortho-
lox to suit me.
Jones—Makes you get up and go to
thurch on Sunday mornings, ehl
Smith—No; but judging from her regu-
lar raids on my pocketbook she evidently
believes in the theory that ma.n is made of
Tbat weak, tired condition will soon
change by the use ot 'Miller's Compound
Iron Pills. 50 doses 25 cents.
Cansed the First Coolness.
Mr. Newlywed (reading)—Nobody ever
yet saw a dead mole.
Mrs. Newlywed (who is• thinking of
something else and not listening) --Don't
you think your life insurance premiums
area waste of money, John?
Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator
has the largest sale of any similar prepar-
giion sold in Canada. dlt always gives
satisfaction by restoring health to the
little felkn
Mexican Tobacco Export,
During 1898-7 Mexico exported more
tobacco to Cuba (Havana) than 40 all the
rest of the world. It restated Canada as
"Havana" cigars.
Kinard's Liniment for sale everywhere.
Goad Match.,
"They met at a lawn party. Appropri-
etc, wasn't it, seeing she was a grass
Yes, and he sunh a rake."
Health for the ohildren.
li'doena Powdens.
Mrs.. Roberts, of Montreal, Tell*
a Wonderful Story.
be Was a Soffstrat for home severe There
lied Medical Trsatromit ,Palled to Give
Bar Moro Than Temporary
Elot-Ald Iteporwir inveinigt.see tn. 001146,
'rone she Herald, nientreni.
"I thought it was bonen tang wonderful
when 1 'went three days without being
side" fond Mee. Annie Roberte 50it. repro-
entative of the Montreal Herald, refer-
ing to leer remericabie reeovery from an
illness of over seven long years. Mr. and
Mrs. Roberts reside at 84 Wolfe street,
Montreal, and the wiporter was cordially
welcomed when he went to enquire as to
the truth of the report that Mrs. Roberto
had been restored to Itealth thrOtIgh the
use of Dr. tt illiams' Pink Pills. Mr, and
lira. Roberts tame to Canada a little more
than live years ago, and Mrs. Roberts' Ill-
ness began while still in the Old Country,
"I was really the victim of a combination
of troubles," saye Mrs. Roberts. "For
seven years neuralgia, with allies encru-
ciatIng pains, has been my almost con.
Mane attendant Added to this 1 was at-
taeked with rheumatism and palpitatiozi
of the beart, and for the last five ywtre
was not able to get out of doors during the
winter menthe. Sometimes I felt am
though those teirible pains in ray head
would drive me mad; my nerves were all
unstrung and a Smock ut the door would
send me almost crazy. Ivens treated all
different times by four doctors since conn-
ing to Montreal, but without any lasting
good, and I had given up hope of ever be-
ing better on this side of the grave. A.
friend of mine whose father had been help-
less for two years, but was restored by Dr,
Williams' Pink Pills, urged rne to try
them. My husband asked the doctor owlet
was attending me what he thought of
them, and the doctor replied that be
believed them to be a good medicine. This
persuaded me to begin their use. No one
who sees me now can form any idea of my
condition when I began taking Dr. Wil-
liam's Pink Pills, and I had only taken
three boxeswhen 1 Wigan to recover. But ,
seven years of pain had nearly shattered
my constitution and 1 did not look for.
speedy recovery, and I was more than
gratified to find ihat after I had used
think) about a dozen and a half boxes I
was fully restored to bealte. It seemed
all the more wonderful because the doc-
tors both in England and here never ffid
more than give me temporary relief, and
their treatment was much more expen-
sive. The past summer was the itirst ixt
years that I really enjoyed life, and I was
able to go on a visit to Radnor Forges.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have also been of
much benefit to my daughter Violet. She
is just nine years old, but she suffered a
great deal from pains in the back and sick
headache, but the pills have made her feel
all right again."
"I never fail to recommend Dr. "MI-
liam's Pink Pills when any of nay friends -
are ill," said Mrs. Roberts. "While -visit-
ing at itadnor Forges 'urged a young lady
friend, who has long been a sufferer from
ourvature of the spine and. obstinate con-
stipation, to try them, and they have done
her is vast amount of good,"
The reporter confessed that Mrs. Rob-
erts' story is a wonderful one. That she
is nowt horoughly well . is clear from her
face, her manner and her happy spirit.
Mr. and Mrs. Roberts are intelligent and
reliable people. Mr. Roberts is head engi-
oeer in the biscuit works of •Viau & Preen,
the weaathiestfirm in this lin,e in the Do-
minion, and he fully endorses the good
words his wife has to say in favor oi Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills. In fact, he says the
speedy cure theywrenght in his wife scam
has saved him many dollars,
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have no purge,
tive acti n and se do not weaken the body.
They build up tha blood by supplying it
With the elements which enrich it and
strengthen the nerves.' In tins way they
cure all diseases hewing the r origin in
poor and watery blood. Always refuse
the pink colored invitations which some
,dealers offer. See that the full name, Dr
Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People lento
every package you lone it in doubt ,end
direct to tbo Dr. William:1' bled,i0ine
Brockville, Ont., and they will be Mailed ,
;poet paid at tna A bast ov six boxeg for P.M