HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-2-2, Page 5TEE "How Did She r a•Q'. at tt published every Thursday Sigrning, Buro Her Face est the Office, MAIN -STREET, ^- EXETER, ----tie the -- ADVOCATE ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY TERMS Ole SUBSCRIPTION one Dollar p1i annum if if paid din, Advance d. adv iertesiesum Rai a oa ,a -)splice-. tion No sieve, discontinued until all arra arage ore paid Advertisements without sleoifio directions will be pnelished till forbid .and ',barged,acoordingly.Liberal discount made for transoient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of TOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Choques,moneyord• ere,$to.foradvertising,suhaeripelepe•et9 to emad a' b e p vable to Chas. H. Sanders, EDI rcR AND PROP Professional Cards, K, KINSM.AN,'1,. D. S" & DR, A.11. EINSsiAN, f. O. S., D. D.4.. Honor graduate of Toronto University. DENTISTS, Teeth extracted without rimy pain, or any had effects. office its Panson's Block, west side Stein Street, Exeter. DO. A4TON ASIDERSOX,(D.D.S.,L.D,S•.) R-1)honors. Graduate of the Toronto i'ni- rsity and Royal College of Dents: Surgeonb of Oeteria. Teeth extracted without pain, ,A11 modes of Dentistry up to date. Oiiico over 'Elliot $t Elliot', law oileceopposite General Hotels -Exeter. l.rec'lenl Ori ti se. J R N T Oti. A , . al & ii A„ A i ^-, e s taxi Om eS,. P S 1 am a fp e 1 xm rti OFFICES, Speokman, building, Main et Dr, Rollins' ofitoo; sante as formerly -north door. Dr. Amos' of'dco. eawe building -south door. Slay tat. 189S T. A Rollins, M. 1), T. A. Arca, At D T111.T. P. KOLAIx(kl1I,IN, iMFMBER OF i + the College of Physicians and Surgeons• Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Acoouoh eur. ')feces Daallwood, Out Leg a1, IT. 001.LIN9, BARRISTE1;.sOLICIT OR, Otit Oonve vanter, Notary Public' na Ov r n:dra1,a Dank. oxo ex,nn ario nc, n v to Loan. ��i(7ii1')v & C-ARLING, IIARRISTF.R' it1 tinlirirors. Noteri•�, estaVetaac,•r,, Cnmmii.icuer . Solicitors: for the Muhor ffalnk, *Ate.. Mont`v to loan 41,te :, .t)+-1 G', ;/: r cont, arrow h`an,lnt, „ Illoi'1:. Main St.,' Exeter (A member of tis firm a ill bo it* Fiero+aril on Thursday of ouch weed: -a_ T. R. l.li.nr.iNu.1l. A. i., ll. lilc;tsoN t'Ted.t'1T & (tL<ti1.'IIAN. IBAi:ECISTER , .[,'1 Etc., Conveva'icers, rind Mommy Loan. 0. V. EL.I.IOT. P. W. fIL,wet AN. • Attrtlotteer$ Ta liItoWN,4Vinehelyea. i.icensedAuet 1 . Wean- tor the Cou),ties of Perth mei i ilo30e,alio for the township) ofVsIorn, dales promptly attande4 to and terms Tea ane.haln.eteles arranged at Poet office. Win chaises. rnsurunce, _ 141I;LLI0T.l 1 Insurance kgent, 3lriin St, Sir e.nr leasant Home Work 0 1 dayor evening e .nd Woman $6 to nen weekly; no canassing or e. perience ueeded; plain instruction,; and work mailed on application. Address: ,eienORIAL COMPANY, LONDON, Ont Cook's Cotton Boot Compound Is sucaesstully used monthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Sate, elTeoteal. Ladles ask your druggist for Cooks Cotton Root Com- %ouod. Take no other•as all allxtures, pills and roiitations aro dangerous. Priro, No. 1, $1 per box, No. 2,10 degrees stronger,$a per box. No. 1 or 2. mailed on receipt of price. and two ii•cent stamps The Ceiok Company Windsor, Ont. spnrisindondedbyall resposiibleDuggsts Cana lo 1 eel No s sell in rsxot.r by 3. R' ?frowning, Druggi,t. eipali',a Greatest, noel. Mr. B. P. Olivia, of Bareelona, Spain, spends his winters at Aiken, S. O. Weak nerves had caused severe pains in the back of his heat. On using Electric Bitters, America'sgreat- est Blood and Nerve Remedy, all pain soon left him. He says this grand *isxis. what his * medicineiclnc. country ace All America knows that it cures liver and kidney tvouble, purifies the blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life into every Snuscle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need it. Every bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents. Sold by all Druggists. Children Ory for ti SAST .m United 50 Years. To live together as man and wife for half a century and then to depart this life within less than a day of one e ,. another is the unusual end to the lives of two venerable citizens, who passed away, the one on Saturday nig/et and the other some 23 hours later. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McNeill, of .Lodnon, were each afflicted with the grip, and on Friday Mr. McNeill was Informed that his agedpartner was not likely to sur -vivo. The news affected him greatly and he gradually sank, passing away Saturday night. Mrs. McNeill's condition continued hopeless and she soon followed the companion of her lifetime to the Great Beyond. The couple were respectively 70 and 75 years of age. The safe of the Brantford Soap Works was robbed and about $200 be longing to the Young Ladies' College was stolen. " FERRYS SEEDS were famous years ago-thelr fame grows every year -as the seeds most to be relied on -as always the hest. For sale by leading dealers everywhere. live cents per paperand always worth it. Insist on having them Run no risk -buy ferry's. 1899 Seed Annual fs Iree. 1). M. FEILfa.Y do tO Windeor,Oet, That Was What People Asked. About Our Daughter • Dreadful Itching, Burning Erup- tions Cured. Smooth, Soft, White Skin Now. "0, L Hood & Co,, Lowell, Mass: "gentlemen; Our little daughteris now four years old, When she was about three months old, she had eruptions on her face which were very disagreeable. and itched so much, especially at night, that it made her trouble a great deal worse. I was obliged to keep her hands tied et night mud it was necessary to watch her during the days She would scratch herself when- ever else bad the chance, until her clothes Would Be Covered with Blood. We had a great many doctors to see ber, nut they did not kelp her in the least, It was a terrible task to care for ber. When we took her away from home, people would ask, 'How did that child burn her face?' She was completely covered with seabe for a long time, She suffered every- thing, At last we concluded to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, because I had great faith int and after medleys could sae eat elle was getting better. People said ahs would certainly be left with sears on titer raee, aIt io but he was s not, s now a year since she was cured by Noodra Sarsaparilla; and tier face is as Smooth and White and Soft as that ot any child. I believe :Hood's e idar;�a ills to be the best family In i �f y cine that can be obtained: I take it my- self for lieadaebe and that tired feeling, and Ibave found nothing` to equal it. One tiarity about goodet Sarsaparilla is peon that it is pleasant to take awl it is lie trouble to induce children to take it. The doators pronounced my little girl's disease tt1 be eczema, ox salt rheum,11 Mits. Mums Verse, Warren, Connecticut, B, Lie not be induced to buy any substitute. Be sere togct Hood's Sarsaparilla The nee •-•in fact the One True i;laeed Purifier. Sold by all dralggists. St; alx for Si. cure T.irer Mat tear to tlood's Pills talta,ease tooesrats e5s. Choked BV a two. well:no, Ont., Jan. 5. .t very zewi mist re'l•int;11reident happened atiltc z stunt, when the little year-old daugh- ter of lir. and Mrs. Millard Dlznst,v was ;leeidt'utally choked t4( death on ae Bone wlti'•b she was eatini; fi'oni, OF some 111e:tns OW childgot a piece or the gristle portion in leer throat:, 11ne1 despite ;111 the 'teethe' attendant could do died two hours later. A Narrow I eeape, Thankful words written by Mre. Ada E. hart, of (lrotozi, Se: 1). `"Was « taken settled e ( e l with a bad to>ltl , ll lz ttl volt ,r,; , r set ( ra and finally On my lungs; < rl,tl h t 1 terminated in Consumption. Four 11o1'toze gave (11(• tip, snyizzg 1 could live but 1.Short, tante. I gave .-myself Ill) to my Saviour, determined if I e•oazlcl not stay with illy friends an earth, I would meet Iny absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr, King's New Diseovery for ('on- samptioll, t`(zughs and ('olds. I grave it a trial, took in all eight bottles. It has eared me, and thank God, I tin Saved and now 0 well told healthy svotnalz." Sold by all druggists. 10 ets, and $1.00. Gua'rante'ed or price refunded. CSTO 1 For Infants and Children. ;10 far time enure Of a'c " is en rm/y���i ass :,� a t�rapi,s.. vey Safe Blown Open. Brantford, Ont., Jan. 25. -The safe in the office of the Brantford Soap Works was blown open last night, The burglars got about $300. The -;,ort appears to have been that of professionals. Two holes were drilled n the top of the safe, which . they abandoned, and it is supposed that another hole was bored close to the keyhole, or that the explosive was put in through the keyhole. The work took place about three o'clock this morning it is supposed. A Fleshy GUARMTEE OF PEACE Signer Baccelli the Minister of ]Public Instruction to undertake at his own ex- pause the excavations in the Forum, and the partial reconstruction of the aooient monuments, the work of reaonssitutian Mr. A. J , Balfour's Opinion of to be made under the direction of a cone.'plosion of archaeologists of different Anglo-American friendship. countries, CYNICS ARE ALWAYS WRONG. The First Lord of the TreasurT Believes That the. Frieneehip Manifested Be' tween Britain. and V, S. Within Past Three Years Is Not to Be Shakes by Here Clrcum. stance Cable New. London, Jan. 31. -The Right. Hon. James Arthur .,&Inti9 Balfour First Lord of the Treasury and leader of the Ministerialists in the House of Commons, delivered his annual address last evening to his con- stituents at Manohester. Alter speaking of the"Intrinsic difficulty which contin- ental nasions find in understanding Great Britain's aims," be continued as follows: "But there is surely one great country which, by community of language, re - Belong, blood, origin, and even Instlluu- 41028, Is well fitted to understand, Need. I say that the country to wbioh I refer is the Wilted States: Same foreign critics, cynical by profession and training, hold the view that tau frioncisbip now happily auk/slating between the English speaking peoples 011 beth Sides of the A1150410 15 but the grewtb o' the snonzant, and de- pends upon a transitory community of interests. They affect to believe that when ;Lis disappears friendship alga will disappear. aar. ThoJ 1ald tha tflitlti Sluttish trade should feel iejurod by some inconvenient tariff, immediately the soatinlents so generally felt at this moment in Great Britain towards Antericn, would vanish like the loaves in autumn. "According to my observations," said Mr, Balfour, "the world of cynics is al- ways wrong I believe the cynics wroug in this case. If our good reletiona renily depended yPQn those fortutt4U6 c i.'In - stances, while the latter might be elle foundatloA of au all'►auce, they could not be the four>.detion of zshat Is iniluitely ' more lin ertaU that s p l 4 or friend- ship a - ship sshlcb, in season, and out of seaaoa, through good report or 111, le not to he abalten by mere ctrl ulnstancos. "It WW1 in this hall In 1' J0, that I Urn woke of the international relations between the Mittel States and England -in thole dark days of the Venezuelan Controversy, when penile feeling In America had loon arousal by the wholly unfounded easpician that Ivo bad sonde designs of empire In South America, and when, by natural reaction, we felt that aur brethren ore the other side of the water had neither judged nor treated us with knowledge and fairness. I tt.on ex - proem I my firm faith that the time would coma when all apoaking the Eng- llsb language and searleg the Angio. Saxon uivilizatlon would be united with a sympathy which no meta political divergence could permanently disturb. "1 felt than, tb(,ugh I spoke my In- most convictions, that I must impress my bearers as soinothtrg of a dreamer and an idealist, or as a prophet only boping for what bo himself oto barely oxiinot 40 s°o realized. Bat the time years that have elapsed dues have i wrought A newly marvellous change in ' the relations between the two countries, a change which I believe is not destined to be reversed, a change which has brought back these two groat communi- ties to tboir normal relations, disturbed as thosa normal relations were by more than n century of uneaten, discord, a obange wbich, once made, as a obange ought to be, permanent, for ibis founded, ' as I hope, upon mutual sympathy, mutual cornprobonsion, and the walnut belief that each groat and free commun- ity desires to see the privileges it enjoys extend el far and wide to all continents and among all nations. ".And if I am right, and that common sympathy be fnpl:,nte:i deep in the breasts of those two great nations, there cannot bo a greater guarantee for future peace. freedom, progress and civilization, not only of this or that country or com- munity alone, but of the whole buman rage." ELECTRIC LIGHT SLOT M 1.CHI:IE. The Light Does Not Go Ont. Rat Gets Dim when Coin Is warted. London, Jan. 31. -The popularity of the penny -in -the -slot nte.re for gas has resulted in an invention for the supply of electricity automatically en the slot principle. The new metre is the joint production of Mr. F. M. Long, the en- gineer of the Norwich Electricity C.1m- puny, and Mr. E. B. Sobattver, who until recently was also one of the com- pany's servants, Pence will not operate this machinehowever, whiobrequires payment in silver, and the supply is in proportion to the value of the pre -pay- ment The inetre does not extinguish the light suddenly, but causes it to dim gradually, intimating to the consumer the need of replenishing the metre with coin. ConsuConsumptive j� • THE CHINESE THRONE. mnptive Dowager Empress Said to Have *Selected Did you ever see one P Did you ever hear of one? Most certainly not. Con- sumption is a disease that invariablycauses loss of flesh. If you are light in weight, even if your cough is only a slight one, you should certainly take Scow's Ems cion of cod liver oil with hypo- phosphites. No remedy is such a perfect prevent- ive to consumption. Just the moment your throat begins to weaken and you find you are, losing flesh, you should begin to take it. And no other remedy .has cured so manycases of consumption. Unless you are far advanced with this disease, Scott's Emul- sion will hold every in- ducement to you for a perfect cure. All Druggists, roc. and Sr., SCOTT & BoWrrt:, Toronto. I Emperor's Successor. Pekin, Tan. 31. -The Chinese here say the Dowager Empress has decided upon a policy regarding the succession to the throne. At a meeting of her relatives, recently held, she selected the successor of the present Emperor His identity is not divulged" but all reports agree that a change at the palace is bnpending. The Emperor is still ,strictly guarded in the northwest corner of the island palace. It is asserted that the Dowager Empress practically ignores the Grand Council of State and the Tsung Li Yemen. Jacobite Celebration. London, .fan, 31. -The anniversary of the execution of King Charles I., wbo was beheaded at \'Vhiteball on .fan 80, 1649, was celebrated yesterday by the Leititimist and -Jacobite Leagues in Lon- don and the provinces. Numbers of wreaths and floral crosses were deposited at the foot of the Charles I statue in Whitehall in tbo presence of leading Legitimists and Jacobites;' who stood bareheaded during the ceremony. Conspicuous among the tributes was a shield, surmounted by a crown of im- niortelles, 'from the Amerioan Jacobites. Attached to it was a white silk ribbon, inscribed: "America remembers her martyred King " I COUNT TOLSTOI COMING. ][is OPsn Suppers of the Doukhobars may Cost Hint His Civil Rights ! St, Petersburg, Jan 31, --•The; dispute between the Czar and the. Holy. Synod regarding Count Leo Tolstoi seems likely to grow into an open rupture. M. Pobe- donor z ,tl the P o t t a , u r ourar•General of he Synod, insists on summoning Count Tol- stoi before the Synod for trial, which will involve his being deprived of his civil rights, The Synod is enraged on account of Count Tolstol•s open support of the. Doakbobors, whose religious tenets, it is claimed, Will undermine the very founda- tions of the Greek Cberoh, On the other hand, the Czar, who is really a great admirer of Tolstoi, bas been trying to convince the aged phileso-- piler of the error ot bis ways, He is lis- posed to harken to the counsel ot the numerous friends of Tolstoi, yet teem the power of the Synod Intimate friends of Count Tolstoi assert that the peace=losing Count will leave Bessie of his own accord, and that the sending of bis son to Canada in charge of the first doputetion Qt Doekhohora Is but a wtiv-paver for Ms own emigration to Canada. Gaunt Tolstoi loves the Cana- dlana acid be believes that In Canada he will be allowed to practise unbludered the dialates of his faith, IS S'R A*;Tii[: it CIUItTIh A,LIVI<5? Wife Gets Leave From High Court to PreSittne HO Is Twee. Leedom, Jath. eel ---Iii the probate dill - sten of the Biala Court of Justice yester aay Lady Sarah, Curtis applied for leave to presume that the beach of her hus- band, Sir Arthur Colin Curtis. third baronet of blas name, occurred near Quesnelle, Mud River, British Columbia, while he was on the way to the Klon- dike. kvidence was elven that h left his r q parry's amp on 3n'ce 10, iS,S, after a disagreement, and has not been seed since. The judge thought the atelleatton was carte, sat view at Sir Arthur's death being sa meant but be granted leave, ort the precedent being cited. The estate ,i valued a; .4:14,1e.0. That German- tiuerieanC.able. London. Jan 31 -The Frankfort cor respondent at The Finaaclal ;yews says relative to the projected cable between Germany And the Unit al i4atas, that be is informed that certnin agreements have been made with Americancable cow panics by which the cable Itself Cause be manufactured in England and laid by way of the Azore Islands. The .American companies In enestioa have pledged thouzselves to use the now lino for the transinlsston at tbutr despatches to and from Uelzuany Thu Carman pastot'Gce has gIa5allta3(4 the transmission of a ear. taln number of wattle, and the profitable working of the line is therefore said to be fully insured. The slier° capital wilt possiuly be not less than 3U,000,000 marks. in (Rustle.. To 'Restore the Forum. Rome, Jan. 31 -According to The, Italie, a wealthy Englishman has Offered The 'tipper Growing Bolder. Cologne, Jan. 31, -Tho Ripper, who lately terrified. Cologne and then visited Muenster, where be stabbed several wom n, is growing bolder. In the town of 1 tdingen he attacked three girls in broad daylight, stabbing them seriously. Tho girls carr give but a vagus descrip- tion of their asSullant, who struck and vanished with equal suddenness. 'Ebo Solingen pollee oould .find no trace of the Ripper. WON 51,000 EA'TI.XC. Steamer City of Seattle Down From Skagna7 111 (quirk Time. ^ Seattle, Wash., :fan 21, -The steamer City of Seattle, Captain Hunter, bas re- turned from Lynn Canal, having broken all records. It made the trip to Skagnay and return in 8 days 17 hours ana 40 minutes. Joe Barrett wagered $1,000 with Richard Butler, a rich Minneapolis Elondikor, that tha Seattle could not do the distance to Skaguay in four days. The vessel made the trip in 75 hours and 25 minutes. A epeoial to Tho Pnst•Intelligencer from Keyokuk River, Alaska, says: "John G. Tait of Chicago was drowned Sept. 27, 1898, night miles north of Pea voy by the capsizing or his canoe. The body floated under the ice and was not r000 tared, RECEPTION TO DOUBHOBORS. Winnipeg People Tendered an Address Which Gratified Them. Winnipeg, Tan. 31.-.A reception by the citizens of Winnipeg was tendered the Doukhobors in the immigration hall on Saturday. An address of welcome was read by Rev. A. G. MnBeth in Euglisb, and integrated into 'Simian by Interpre- ter Subrjitzgy. Durieg the reading of the address the eyes of the newcomers flashed; nods of assent and expressions of approval were freq.tent. In replying to the address, one ut the Deukhobors ex- pressed gratitude to the citizens for the reception, and tbauked the Canadian Government for receiving them iu this spirit, and, in concluding', he remarked that they bad long been speaking of free- dom, "and now everyone has it." Grand Trunk Will Keep Faith. Montreal, Jan. 31, -In retorenoe to the deoision of tho arbitrators appointed to decide the difference between the man- agement of the (;rand Trunk Railway and the telegraphers, 11r McGuigan, general superintendent, intimated yester- day afternoon that the award, being a unaniznous one, rho company would in future gover:. its relations with •its em- ployes on its conditions.. Both sides, be. said, had accepted the decision, and would do their utmost in the future to the cove an and between remote emitY Y P P its employes EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wednesday f i Wheat per bushel 69 to 70 Flour per cwt 1.55 to 2.00 Barley „..,. 40 to 45 oats 28 to 80 Peas ................. .......... ,,, -.,se to 65 Corn 46 to 49 Bntker 14 to 14 Poa oee per bag. ........ ....... 55 to 50 flay per ton • 4.50 to 5,r( Dried Apples per ib ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 5 Ducks 7 GChicken . s h Turkey 9 p0 Yoe %Vat �nsumW�aT We are sure you do not, Nobody wants it. But it comes to many thousands every year. itcownestothosewbo have bad coughs and colds Hadi the throat is raw, and the lining. membranes or the lungs are inflamed. Stop your cough when It first appears, and you 'remover the great daugFr of future trouble. Aiers sherry pectora o s altisles It stops a h o . cussk P t. docs so because it Is a sooth- ingand beating remedy of great power, This metes itthemat- est preventive to alts. altepte'on, Put one of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Plasters over your lungs A whsle t1Mod c l Measly Free. For four centra 0e eeamnr totaytpioat. bu 04o'ks.8' we will sendyou sixteen niergeitl Medical Advcorce. Ws. have the exclusive services of some 4 the lnesteminent pies:cline in the United 1.latei. tirasual tipper. tuaitics and tong experience eril. neatly fit then for givingi, you modleat ndvtee. Write freeiv alt 4110 pa.rtie- ulsrs in your caro. you wilt receive a prompt reply. without Celt. A decal, 1G .1. c. Aver Iawete Mats, Robinson ) o The al t , i zt family, ilv who lived t3 t T3( u' 1 lz l v,e t on (mr of the ]Bras Isl:tn(ls, in Take Erie, are reported 14) MVP Ire') d:own- ed an at trip to this side to bury a little boy. John McMullen, of ('anningtc Ie, while cutting wood in a bush, 51)1)111 half n. mile out of ft tv r, 1111(11 t nue it Tuesday, was ita^uek on the head by a falling limb will fattally injured ire. ' er. 'Wood's Phoophodino, The Great .Erlgl(sh Remedy. Sold and recommended b; all druggists in Canada. Only cell- ,, able medleine discovered .81z xaguameed o r forms of SexualpaeWeaknessgcs, all n(effectstofcuabuseeall or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To- bacco. Opium or, Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one package 51, six, 55. One.:miifli,:aae,1 sizwiUcure. Pamphlets free to any address. T o 'Mood Company, Windsor, Ont. > 3"WcodsPhosnhodinerssoldinExeterby J. W. Brovrning,drurtg)st. withPferbs but don't think you can patch clothes to look like neer, Then again it would not pay you when you can buy clothing at the prices we sell. RARGAIHS... Pants made to order, .all wool heavy. tweeds $2.00 Snits 0.80 Overcoats 8.0 Black Worsted suite a spec- ial, S12s00 Our $20 blacks beat all others at $23. Come and se for yonrselt. PATRONIZE US, • People patronize us because they realize that we always i sell clonism ; that lS strictly up-to-date.. , , tJ Opposite Mee t; slide,,, THE AL pg STORE. Try WI A$'S( t/I Qa:l DAL el ler C*•t.i , Qs) w1; sad :, :ea:slits�ld 1C ell old 4*r smile. • W*' elauulaetnreese WINER'S LINAMENT which is an extelitet remeds teat Cramps. f aetis, Ncura1haa bort: Th..uat and tniluenee. The Old Boilable. Wineries Corr tritium f"'on(14're. ' till holds first place in tlzt trertcet. Also Lotion for tecratth a on horses and Condition Powder rot 53(110 SOX.0 A((iir 7S1' RT014 �*TT IMI L1 NG S.iR �dI)a Going to Visit Lord ''A`into. Jan. 3L -Mr. Victor Clifton, Ont., . a Cavendish, M.P.; and his wife, Lady th Evelyn, the eldest daughter of e Mar- quis of Lansiiowue. are staying at Niagara Fails en route for Toronto, They will be' the guests of Lord Minto at Government House; Ottawa, for some time. They ' caszne to America via New York Mr. �. Cavendish is 'heir -presumptive ' to the 1)ucod oin of laovonshire. i'r'S, A {. t a eVr] . The Leading Spa ialllsts of America 20 Fears In Desalt. 250,000 Cure& WE Thou• f young and middle-aged meaare. Allah this disease -many uncon. . They ;nay have a smart• ini.1 :on, small, twisting stream, sh ratting pains at times. slight dis- ch difficulty in commencing, weak ors, missions, and all the symptoms of mr, ous debility -they have sTniC- TURE. Don't lot doctors experiment on you, by nutting, stretching, or tearing you. 'ThiswillnotoureTon, asitwill re- turn. Our NEW METHOD TREAT- MENT absorbs the stricture tissue; hencoremovesthe striotnrepermanently. anne o return. No pain,no suffer- ing,never no detention from business by our method. The sexualorgansarestrength- ened. The nerves are invigorated, and the bliss of manhood returns.. WECURE, GLUT Thousands of young and middle-aged men are having their sexual vigor and vitality continually sapped by this dis- ease. They aro frequently unconscious'`• of the cause of these symptoms. General Weakness, Unnatural Discharges, rail- ing ail ing Manhood, Nervousness, Poor Mem- ory, Irritability at time* Smarting Sen- sation, Sunken Eyes, with dark circles Weak Back, General Depression, Leek 4 of Am bition Varicocele, Shrunken Parts, oto. GLEET and STRICTURE rdctoseeprcei ..doctors, as ty have Don't consult at It these. speoial diseases -don't., allow " c Quacks to experiment on you. Consult Specialists.whe have madea life study of Diaease*ofMen andWomen.' Our NEW MI4TTIIOD TGEATMENI will poli- ivaiy Dura you. One thousand dollars fru, a case we accept for treatment and i ex ain:amro. yarmsmoderateforacure. x ; UA Ink tveat and care: EMISSIONS. 't y SYPHILIS, G•L91ET.' 1,!.NT'1A1 i�LOTIt AL J)T'SCZI AIv( anal:LAih1)Fn Diseaee9. n .11 iri1'lON l'IIE'. • BOGY' 1 t unable to call; write. `. r r 1 toy. 1314.1E: for F • . i�+fi Y 4 .e9aa:2 y Aug �'•?�• t 3'>at:l ill Ate v', l�iil eiheth Ci'S iE l"Fr?`3i, 11t611, 4Z. m:u, Z4i'1-ice z.:.i.:deeA O. TZ D. UUCIST. Bicycles Bicycles ■ Bicycles I Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bicycle pleas- ure: If. so, you should seek first We a ooci wheel. "GG c� call furnishyou any of the best wheels made at lowest prices. Musical. Do you want Anything in the musical line. We have a choice lot of Pianos- and organs. Call. and inspect them before buying elsewhere. A full stock Of sewing machines, baby car- riages, etc., etc. P rkills Marti aiscaBc$cae. AfiL2P..rt-mac41- IT PAYS To read the big stores' az:d- vertisements..... . STOP! THINK ! For whose good are we in the furniture business? For yours and ours. If we are not tr useful to you we cannot be use- ti ful to ourselves: We have got to carry thegoods you want at the prices you want or we can- not make a success of our busi- ness. But we have been doing business right along for years, which proves that we .are the tt, right -Sud of people with the 1- right prices. Come see for yourself:.... S IDL a Furnitii re, TLndertakir � '. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, NI" V"Iiir'iF 'fi 7Qg TWA