HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-2-2, Page 2..01.00_,
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THURSDAY. 1!* EBRU1ARV 2, 18&9.
Pointed Paragraphs.
While there's a breath there's. hope of
Women shouldn't cry; it's wore plater
risque to sola.
Tailors entaim wetleiing suits and lawyer*
make divorce suit:?.
• One short year of married life turns au-
kur'n tre;;ses carmine.
The man who praises the baby alwey3
wins the mothers smile.
Wisdom consists in knowing wheat you
.bould learn in order to be wise.
often happens that the niaTi who Ishii
•wn boss sees but few pay days.
The lean who Is most discreet when
abler is the biggest fool when otherwise.
William Nail was recently married in
Isingston. lenppy man; no woman. can
delve a n5511.
The spots on a man's reputation look
about ten times limiter to etherst then to
Pract,cal Christianity is the kind a zuan
bAs who doesn't allow it to interfere with
itis business.
The diamond is the hardest substance
known ---excepting tile beast of the paw.m.
broker alio ref TO advaaat'e Mort) than
19 per cent. of its value.
There never was, t is never will be, a
anivers, tl 1 tn.aet , ea oat: relltedr, for all
ills to w:l,ch nese s, a .r lie very nature,
of Lfr.lt• curatives 1t a::, eueli that were
the perms of of iter 'tem itifferently seated
disetatee tamed it, the s)•,tent of 'the
pat MuS et elat wetted relieve one ill to
telt,, t+.gat li ag t t+ l:e the nt:les; Tire
base, l . tit vera vt'bCit
okatia u:alw,a iia +, stunt etinultictcr:tted
mate, a remeale for a • •"ay aiel rr'ev.ous iifs:.
By '' , f- .t.iu:ai tttti et +..eime; u.r, the •
tectame tit to :ah. are ,eti into con. ale cense
Red s: reIt" by It t itatineflee 11 *tell qua
exert, t, ta:i tea , lee own restoratives.
Itrei me, tee me -epees spirits of those
with tylion, a elerote.c state of aiaorhici ate+-
silently and Lea o t;ttet'est in lite is as
;settee. titan i.} tranquil,zing The nerves,
dispnsee to Mend load refreshing ;sleep.,-•
imparts vigor to the action of the bioade
e iaicll, bt n;; stllnnieteal, eaurses ihrnn#;h.
MIT the voiles.. strong hemng the healthy
eninatal fulnet;ons o: tine system, teereby
reeking activity .a aieeesteiry result,
strengthening the frame, and giving life
to the digestive organa whkth naturally
detrattnd eacte,teed substance -result, im-
proved app e:;a1, Northrop tt Lyman of
Toronto, beet: ,rin to the public thele
super r esti lane Wine iat the usual slate,
Auld ^• t - H y t!
Aa tt,t. i h, the opinion of scieritisty,
this wine approaches nears at perfection of
any in The naarlcet. .M1 druggists setllt.
Grape,* from ("tannin. •
Faith does not res- on the bed ot fancy.
The Christian race is nota 'tf;o,15•you-
please" foot race.
If you feel like I al•' • a
a .ln s afriend nd that is
in trouble. let it he lais hand that you
Some great men have won their Mine
by Bain beth rhinal.
11 lig error sluinit•, into noneatitywhen
p)aeee lst'4idte a semi! truth.
• \V must 19a1 tilt *Brea from error bolero
to can be alarl ied to truth.
Text of true .Lesson, John. kr, 4a-04..
1itt, story Verses. 49^51- •oldest Text,
John J.'v, G:1-,cemetentury Prepared
by the Rett. D. )t. Stearn..
(Copyright. ass% by D. M. Stearns.I
43. "Now after two day's Se departed
thence and went into Galilee." The Sa-
ialaritanS, bearing the woman's testimony.
calve unto Trim to bear Elm for then]•
selves. e-tiaany believed because of what
the told them, and through their entreaty
I' Ie abode there two days, and many snore
believed beesuse ot His own word (verses
3942). Thus souls were saved, united tet
Hien, made partakers of His redemption
and His glory, and there was joy les beaven
as well as in Sumarta (Luke ev, 7, 10).
° untold blessing auto to thew through this
Jew, and because ot Huta they forgot their
44. "For Jasus Himself testified thetas
prophet batb no honor In his own coun-
try." His owe country was Nazareth,
and, though He taught In their synagogue,
Mem' only wondered at hien and called
Sun the carpenter's sort and were offend-
ed at flim, so He did not many mighty
works there because of their unbelief
(Dash. zili, 54-6S)" We need not thine it
strange if sontetimee these merest to tie
do not think Hauch of us. If well known.
In heaven, we eau be centen* to be on.
known on earth. and the conselousness ot
L11s approval, whose we aro and whom we
serve, is everything (rices rev% 23; 11
Ten. il, 1.1).
45 "Tben when He was come into Gal-
; ileal the Gatilceane received lifin, having.
sen nil tee things that Ile did at Jerusa-
lem at the feast, for they also went unto
tbe feast." At the team, of Jerueelt 111 Ile
had cleansed the temples and wrou:,hii
many nhiratelcs (chapter 11, 17, 2i). Ae
one time Ile said, late works that 1 do
near witness of ane that the Father bath
fent tele t,Iobn v, 30), and Ito else said,
The Tether iho dwelleth in Die He del th
tbo Y:uri:s see , 1O). tiVe are CORM Anded
to let aur light so shine that others may
pour geed worltsaud glorify our I?'atller
Wiaich is iu lhcevon.
40, ''So Jesus came again into Cana of
Aalileo, wilere Tia anode the water new),
Sbe-Why do they call Is battleship
"Mae," do you s.uri•ose?
He -I suppose It ams° there are so many
Areas about her
I When ehildreal are pale, peevish and
restless at night they require a dose
Am two of Miller's Worm Powders.
They are pleasant to take; no physic re-
'Sultan's Port title in.Tewel*.
The estimat d value of the sultan's
Jewels Is 40,000,000. If bis majesty has
any hobby at all it may be said to be the
purchasing of jewels and witnessing pri-
vate theatricals. No professional of note
-be he actor, singer, or conjurer -passes
through Constantinople without an invi-
tation from the sultan. He always pays
for these perforanances in Bank of Eng-
land notes.
..in Acceptitelle Snbntitote.
".Ali" sighed the summer girl, "I wish
you owned a yacht and would ;,place it at
my d sposal."
"Sorry I can't oblige you," replied the
young man. "but the best I can offer is a
little snack."
And the silence was punctured by a
sound resembling the opening of a pop -
New life for a quarter. Miller's Com-
pound Iron Pills.
llinard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc.
Curione Oatb.
The most curious European oath Is ad-
ministered in Norway. Thewitness raises
his thumb, his forefinger and his middle
finger. These signify the Trinity, while
the larger of the uplifted fingers is sup-
posed to represent the soul of the witness,
and the smaller to Indicate Ms body. Be-
fore the oath is taken a long exhortation
1. delivered.
Still Another Triumph -Mr. Thomas S.
Mullen, Sunderland, writes: "For four-
teen years I was afflicted with Piles; and
frequently I was :unable to walkor sit,
tend four years ago 'I WAS cured by using
t: Thomas' Eclectric OIL I have also
en subjeet to Quinsy for over fort;'
years, but Fclectric 011 cured it, and it
Nan a permanent cure in both cases, as
neither the Piles nor Quinsy have troubled
me since."
Art and .'Mature.
Husband -What is that yen
were play-
ing, my clear?
Wife -Did you like it?
"It was lovely 1 -the melody divine, the
harmony exquisite i"
"It is the very thing I played last event
Ing, and you said it was horrid."
"Well,the steak was burntlast evening."
Those Unsightly Pimples can be entire-
ly removed by the use of Miller's Com-
pound Iron Pills. 50 doses 25 cents.
• A. 1.:apid Growth.
The most rapidly growing of`Gerrnan
cities is Dusseldorf. Twelve years ago it
had 100,000 inhabitants. 1'o -clay it has
i 6,000.
If the children require physic none acts
so nice as Miller's Worm Powders; may
pleasant to take.'
aMI there was at certain nobleman whose
on was sick at Ceeernauna." Ae the near
rlege He supplied their need, Be delivered
fro IAadilirulty, He manifested Ills glory.
Ile is the value eesterday, today and for-
orever (Heb. xiii, ie,), and we are assured
that Ho tv ill supply all our meed, and de-
liver from all tliliiculties, and preserve ns
Unto His i:iugduut (P)3il, iv, 19; II TIM -
Iv, le).
47. "When he heard that Jesus tons demo
out of Judaea into Galilee, bo went uuto
Mtn and besought in that Ito would
eau:u down and heal his son, for ho was
tit the paint of death." He heard that
Jesus was eotue, therefore soave ono must
have been telling. How necessary ie Is
that wo should to ever tolling that Jesus
bais COMO and suffered and died and risen
again, and by Nis life end dead, and res-
urrection pruvblh:l eternd redemption for
ail who will racalve Ili1u, and that Ho
will caste again to give Immortal] bodies
to all His people and to set up Itis king-
dom on the earth!
48. "Then said Jesus unto Bina, Except
ye tee signs suer wonders yo will nct be-
lieve." Faith ii eds to no tried, for by
trial faith is strengthened. .1'esus rover
said an unkind or an unnecessary wird,
and therefore there was a cause why Ho
sbould thus speak to this nobleman. They
were ever saying, :how us a sign, What
signshotvest Thou (Math. xil, 88; John II,
18) and there may have been a desire for
such even in this *tan's heart, for the
Lord knew what was in man.
49. "no nobleman saith unto Him,
Sir, come down ere my child die." When
it is a great emergency and the soul is
very much in earnest, our words are apt
to be few and to the point. Perhaps as
the man journeyed be tolerated doubtful
thougbts, but by our Lord's remarks be
recovers bilnself, and now comes this cry
of faith, believing that if Jesus will only
come his boy will live. It was a father's
heart ory for his son. See one much more
pitiful in II Sam, xviii, 133, because it was
too late. \Vbat did our Father in Heaven
feel as Bo gave up His only begotten Son
for us?
G0. "Jesus saith unto him, Go thy way, 1
thy son liveth. And the man believed the
word that Jesus had spoken unto him,
and he went his way." The same voice
which said, Let there be light, and there
was light; the same word that made the
heavens and all their host; the Ono to
whom nothing is hard or wonderful (Gen.
1, 8; Ps. xxxiil, 6; Jer. xxxii, 17) said to
this man these comforting words, and the
man rests upon them in quietness and
confidence and goes his way expecting to
find his son Living and not dying. There
are jny and peace in believing, but there is
no steadfastness apprt from it (Isom. xv,
18; II Chron. as, 20; Ise,. eli, 9).
51. "And as he was now going down
his servants met him and told him, say •
ing, Tby son ]]oath." And so it came to
pass as Jesus said. When Paul/was told
by the angel in the storm at sea, after all
hope was given up, that all would bo
saved, he stood forth and said, Be of good
cheer, for I believe God that it shall be
even as it was told me, And so it came
to pass (Acts xxvii, 26, 44). When Mary
believed the message of Gabriel, it is writ-
ten of her, "Blessed is she that believed,
for there shall be'a performance of those
things which were told her Mein the
Lord" (Luke I, 45).
52. "Then inquiied hoof them the hour
when he, began to amend- And they said.
unto him, Yesterday at the seventh hour
the fever left him." We may imagine the
anxious watchers after the father left home
and how they would reckon the time till
his return, bringing with hint tho great
prophet, They would say, Now .he is at
Cana, now he is perhaps talking to IIim,
now if he has found Hina he ought to be
leaving for holm, and all the time they
would be watching the sick boy, perhaps
unable to lift his bead, and not caring to•
open his eyes, and they were longing for
e Josue to come.
63. "So the father knew that it was at
She sane hour in the which Jesus said unto
bine, Thy `son liveth, and himself believed
and his whole house." Faith cometh by
hew ilig ;the word of God (Rom. x, 17).
Every promise believed and fulfilled in-
creases our faith, and if only we ere' will-
ing,and yielded our God will fulfill in us
all the good pleasure of Isis goodness and
tho work of faith with power (II 'lhess. 1,
51. ''This is again the second miracle
that Jesus did when He was come out of
Juthua into Galilee." In the twee miracles'
we have gladness and health. In His
presonce Is fullness of joy. There Is a
river the streams whAreof make glad.
lttot•rs .rf fixt'•reat,
The Bank of France is fonm• times as:
large as the Bank of England.
"Vienna bas ebled its population with-
ithin 3e years.
In some parts of Switzerland the snow
was sig foot deep on the mat day of De-
Cyclists in Denmark are forbidden, by
law to ride faster than .he speed of a cab
through any town.
In the decade 1581 to 1891 four-fifths of
the increase a.f population in France was
in Paris.
The dirtiest people on earth are said to
be the inhabitants of flai.b t, who never
wash either themselves or their garments.
Siberia will be largely represented in
Paris its 1000, the first time at any exposi-
tion. The new railway and the lands it
bee opened will be fully represented.
Lambeth palace, London, has been the;
Immo of the primates of Canterbury for
over seven centuries, The palace can 1
short specimens of almost every style of l
architecture which bas prevailed 'since
The Mexicans have a queer way ot'bary-
s tigbtly the dead. The corpse - 's tagh y \vrap-
ped in century plant matting and pieced
in a coffin hired for about a shilling. One
or two natives, as the case may be, phaco
the coffin on their heads and go ata trot I
to the grave, where the body is totem -ea,
and the coffin is then returned.
Mrs. W, Rowe, of WQvdstook,
Tells a Thrilling Story,
rearmed by Feenate 1leuknese,x#idnrty
and liver Troubles-11er 11,rrtors
Gcavo iter Vii to Die -saved by
31o,id'a Kidney fill*,
Wo0lasToctc. tint Jan. 23. ---sire W.
hells,, who keens z :rre'1T more a+ No.
311 Dundee sir cr. here. Laud who :s known
to, and emirates). by. a very large minima
o f l eeeme in iho teem hall a very narrow
e se nape from an u'ttt tel; tl• ,a,h reit nrly .
To aur report: r, wile eabed on the May,
and asked for particulars of be mettle:it,
Mrs. Rowe said:
"flume had an eererienee such as fails
to the lot of very few women. Twelve
years, of nay life were nettle almost unen•
durable by *Female Weak: ess,' together
with laiduey and Liver Con 4u,ints.
"'ally physicians did all they could for
me, but they could not give me either re-
lief or cure. They Anally announced
me that 1 could never get better.
"2 ben 1 began to try what'th • v :rioue
ptuprietory medicines that were advertiod
In the papers would do far me. 1 tool; s
good many bottles of Quern -Icily and an-
other, but my case continually grow worse.
"Ono day I was advised by a friend to
try Dodd's Kidney Pills. 'They he will cure
you, I know, for th y wool ally daughter's
life, and she was worse than you are.'
"Well, I took her advice. In two days 4
wonderful change for the better had oc-
curred. I felt nayrelf growing stronger
daily. My appetite returned, the dull.
beery, weary ache 'went out of any lack;
tbo terrible leaden weight from my legs,
my headaches vanished, my sleep became
mound and niece:heg, 'io•day I am
healthier, stronger and better every way
than I have been for tweL a years.
"Dodd's Kidney fills are the best medi-
cine on earth for weak, sickly, suffering
The Amerle an'..Deal t to of Lite.
Let us strive then. every minute,
At a nerve -destroying gait,
Far, in order to be in it,
We have got to pay the freight.
FREE 1Ve g'tvr.
with chain and charm} for sell-
ing two doz. Whitel4�gnt Wicks
at ten cents each. No 3foney
Required. Write, and we will
send the Wicks, postpaid, and
our big Premium List. When
you have sold the Wicks, re-
1 turn the money, and svewill at
fonce send your watch free of
all charge. Hundreds have
yy earned tine : watches working
1' for us, why not you? In
writing, mention this paper.
Laundry Plant for Sale.
steam laundry, comprising Cylinder Wash-
er, C. & C. and Dewey Searchers Little Star
Loner, Stove and Iroaa, Boiler and Engine, all
complete. Will be sold right separately or the
lot. Address 0.11., 44 Bay St., Toronto.
New and Second -Wind.
Large catalogue tree.
TRE REID BROS., 237 King \Vett, Toronto.
To Introduce Dr. Weston's Lmproveid Pink Tron Tonle Pal
for enriching the blood, for pale people, delicate lollies, liver
and kidney diseases,. rheumatism, bncknehe, nervousness..
c'neral deblltty, eta..wo drive a 14k gold -pinta
watch. Ladies' or Gents' reanble �15 time.koeper, wet,.
ranted, The rills aro SOc. nerbox, 93.60 for 8 boxes. Send this
amount and von receive Slimes and the watch, eremite toy
particults. This is a ,nine offer.
258 Yang° S1. Toronto, On
pronuets, bulls, "gluten," and geraala,
separate or *mixed, sire acid as food stufte
limier snob ,,antes as ""gluten fees,"
p "germ meal," oto.
fly chemical analysis the ,average
• proximate composition of conn leas been
found to be as follows:
Ash, Protein. Fat. dratos.
Per cent., 1.39 11,63 5.'i7 81.71
Different varieties of corn kayo been
found to vary greatly iu composition
- from the above. Flecblg. a Germ in In-
vestigator. found 13 different varieties et
corn grown under uniform conditions to
thew the following variations in compo-
i Asb. Protein. Fat. drates.
:,;axitnum 1.7:1 32.63 0.2:'. 84 08
;Nimble= .1.29 9.00 G 02 80.08
Ate Chemistry Explained in u Iittllehtin
Issued by the ltltatoie rf;;rieultttral.
Experiment Station,
Bulletin 53 of the Illinois Experiment:
Station treats of the chemistry of the
corn kernel. In part it sate:
By mechanical menus the corn kernel
has been separatedi into four different
parts. Theta may be designated (see cut)
es a. the coat, or hull, of the kernel; b,
the bard glutenous layer underneath the
dull mush thekei' at the sides than at
Hie crown; e, the chit, or germ, and d,
the starchy matter constituting Me chief
bedy of the kernel 9: be germ is about 12
per cent of the kernel, but it contains •
nearly twice as ninth mineral matter and
term or four times as much oil as all of
the rest .of the kernel. The germ is also
rieb in protein, but the chief part of that
eonstiteent is contained in the glnteirene
lave The hulls and starchy portion of
the kernel consist largely of carboby-
dr ig
eta betties, the former containing, a eon •:
siderable amount in Sbe form of fibrous
matter. In the znabbufacturo of starch or gin- , fl
cose sugar from corn these different parts
are separated Lunch more porteeily than
it is possible to do by band. The bee
Difference. 0.44 4.03 1.20 3.40
The writer's lavestig;atlonshave shown
that, while Immo samples of corn of to
' single variety :;rayon under uniform eon
ditio,ls :aro markeuly uniform in cameo•
sato*, single ears from the sante bele
stem wide variations. The veriatian in
the proximate colul,a:itoes of 50 tlit7or-
; tint ears of Burr s white emu grown
from the purest mod anal under very ttul-
form field conditions was u:1 follmvs:
Solid Sterling Silver Solid Gold genuine
nracelet, Ladies'aad Pearl and Garnet
Misses sizes Settings
EARN one of these handsome
to our fp el d 4 LUv r Aluim
Inani Thimbles at 10 cents each.
They are more durable than
Guaranteed steel or sterling silver. Tape:
Good Timekeeper. measure or package of needles
given free witheach,thimble. Every lady buys
as soon as she sees them. No mono required.
Solidus your name and address and'we trill
pend the foods and catalogue of Dremiums
v_ostpaid. Thimbles to be returned if not sold.
Men, women, boys and girls tire selling thous-
ands -why notyea
hous-ands-whynotyou1 Try. When sold send ata
our money and we will send the premium you
select. IwtenHon 'this re_pper. •
GANAOIAN NOViiL'CY CO.. Toronto, Oat.
Ciat eohy-
Ash, Protein. Fat urates.
Maximum. 1.74 13 e8 0 0;3 85.79
Minimum.. 1.09 8.35 8.05 71,03
Difference;, 0.65 553 2.07 6.87
Gond 1'roflt. In ahovp.
A shaplaerd can make from 25 per
ant. to GO per cent on his investment
in ]Hutton sheep, noaordiug to his skill,
A good breeding ewe can produce enough
wool to pay for keeping her. A ewe can
bo kept in thrifty condition, being fed
suoh coarse fodders as straw, clover hay
and oorn fodder, with one•helf pound of
grain daily when sho requires .it, at a
cost et one cont per day, during the
period of most expensive feeding. to pay
for her keep she nee.le to produce no
more than ten pounds of good wool and
that a -mutton ewe can do. In addition
to the wool the returns from a ewe will
be at least one lamb -,he average of the
mutton breeds is nearer one and one-
half- From the facts derived from our
experimental work it is safe to say that,
charging foods at market prices, mutton
can be put on the market on foot for at
least three cents per pound. Such mutton
as can be furnished et that cost will sell
for six cents, and the sheep should weigh
160 pounds. Here is a profit of $4.50 from
a sheep under the most moderate circum-
stances. I have known ewes of mutton
breeding to produce each year a clear
profit of ten to fifteen. dollars. -Western
The Value of Poultry-lr,uture.
The excretions from fowls are very
valuable as fertilizers. The excretions
from pigeous contain more nitrogen than
that of any other dcmestio aminal. Diens
rank next to pigeons in this regard, and
geese and ducks are the poorest in nitro-
gen. The reason that pigeons and hens
stand so high is because they live chiefly
on giain, while geese and ducks prefer
herbaceous 'parts of plants. dometimes
-green aquatic plants, 'which are poorest
iu'the most important ele;.nents of man-
ure, The nutrient principles of plants
found in fowls' oxciements'atie chit#fly in
a oonaeused form, 'easily dissolved. It
should, 'therefore, be used in,small `quan-
tities. It Miceli not bo spreadindry
weather or on dry ernnrid, •because it has
a corrosive action„ which soon injures the.
plants. It is particularly useful for garden
plants and to fortify weak seedlings,
A Frenal authority planes the amount
of manure of a fowl per year at an aver-
age, 55 pounds for a pigeon; 12.1 pounds
for a hen; 13 7 pounds for a cluck, and
24.2 for a goose,
Anwlee of it ldnroe's i,,nt.
By the angle of a horso's foot is meant
the angle formed ny the stall and the
ground surface of the foot at the center'
'of the toe, In order to get the feet' alike
in shoeing trotters horseshoers genially:
measure the length of the toe -athd the
height of the heel ; from She coronet to
the bottom of the wail: It is well to re-
member that different horses may have
toes and heels of the 'same .length and
height, and .yet the angle, of the foot
may be different in each ease, A studty
of a picture of tho bones et .the log, will
show just what is meant by a straight
line striking the center of ` the pastern
and coffin' joints, :It means when a
straight line will pass through the minter
of both position bones and the coffin
bone. -Horse Review.
'Wheel you're, ready to buy that
new H eycle. Writ° for Catalogue,
Ge ncl ro'r- Mfg.
Years of Cur ,
Covering Tens of Thousand Cured,
Millions of Bottles Sold.
• continues its B*ti h nt lfioeal
"F 44 work in the cure of
And will always t''e
The reat ReredD or 'Ian.
pU i. P
Prima eOnt ,knee, l:ltritieing i.itngesand Latch, delivered ret any station i; Outarto•,
Late to 311. 8 £t, .t ft. 8S ft. 7 ft. 10 ft. 11.'ft. 1415.
8 ft ^t',',`3 t ,5
1k ft 2.'3 2.&) 7".55'1
eft.,........ :.5u 2,5(1 -,78 18.50 14.00 55610 *5:11 101.00
4, ft 2.54 2.75 8.00 3.75 4.25 510 6.75 4.0
Any number sent C. O.D. an approval to be paid for if entirely eatisfaaetory, otherw:se to be ree
turnea at our expense:
Frost Fence, Frost Steel Gates, A(
and Frost Coiled Spring Wire,.
The Only Safe Way to Speculate
BUY THE SCRIP AND PAY FOR iT, $50 and upwards sent to
us can be doubled within. one year; we haved,one it a thousand
times, we can do it again if our advice is acted upon. Prow we do
it: We buy low priced Railroad Shares that we have inside information upon.
We know of thousands who dabble in "Bucket Shops" and Min-
ing Stocks, both are the worst kind of lotteries; we know of
thousands more who are ever ready to invest in paper town lots
where the chances are very remote for increase in value, and
usually the money invested is never recovered, and even when
the property does increase in value it is difficult to secure a cash
purchaser. 1f it is railroad stock you can sell it for spot cash at
any time. We have been twelve years in business in. this con-
servative old Vermont City of Burlington, and we can furnish
references from. National Banks and leading citizens throughout
the State, and we do not expect any person to deal with us until
wo prove our responsibility and reliability.
Bankers nod ltroltera,
Private NEW YORK.
Wires 11oSTON.
Ei To 130Y't
Ea and GIRLS
For sailing 2 doz. of our Patent Lever
Collar Buttons or cur Aluminum
Thimbles, at 10 cents each.
NO MONEY REQUIRED Yon send ns vournaane su
bele you would like to sell. We�forward i them byye return
mail, free of all charge. You pay for thein when soli.
PREMIUMS -Watches. Rings, Violins
Aceordeons, Air Guns, Spring ect
:Hockey Skates ]Manicure Sets, guilt
many others.
This American Lever '0' itch,,, Stens
Wind, Stem Set, Fully Guaranteed
to replace or repair, for selling 2
doz. Bailees or Thimbles.
Western Novelty Agency, This Full size biorart Violin and Boxfos
04 Yon,;o St., Arsa1T6, TORONTO. selling 3 cior Buttons or 'Yuletide*.
QEF FE4FEFcCFcEe <««<Cc000kCEr4 FEFFGkC«G'dCFC«kF-
,i�.: IIAY'S' WORK
• `�1�sjOt»>,1�>> LEVER :BUTTON
we emir thin aneWATOII,wititnchain sndcharm,
NG UI1 for selling 2 dozen gold -topped, enantel-
backed Lever. Collar Buttons at loo. each, or a lady'a to
watch and guard for selling 3 doz• No Money Itegstrrd,
You run no risk. IVrile and we send the Buttons. post A
paid, with our big Premium List, Sell the Buttons re. /1t
turn money, aml u•osend -Watch, free fir altcharge. ' 'On• A
sold buttons returnable, Liberal cptnnliss,on.ifpreferred, /i5
Be the first in your field. Send your name and address leg,.
to -day. Zen writing, ntentiaa this paper.
CO.,ToHoNTO, ONT. 9 ;?)yvr> e5y
What It Ilan Conae To.
Miss Brown -What foal 's Lize
Jackson pnttin on sick'airs?
Miss Johnsing-IFun't yo' done
heerd dat her 'lashuns was descended
frum dem I+illypeens whut Mare Dewey
done captured? - Philadelphia North
An limey Met1aoil.
Miss Fuze! e-1 want to break my en
gegeient with, en pic,;but ;1 don't
know bow to do it witb,nit driving the
poor fellmlw to enioicle,
.Little Poo here-. ;x;'lty don't yen ,IBI.
hint see yon in curt helpers just,raiacel'-•,+
l :i
L -"^"--; t
Prima eOnt ,knee, l:ltritieing i.itngesand Latch, delivered ret any station i; Outarto•,
Late to 311. 8 £t, .t ft. 8S ft. 7 ft. 10 ft. 11.'ft. 1415.
8 ft ^t',',`3 t ,5
1k ft 2.'3 2.&) 7".55'1
eft.,........ :.5u 2,5(1 -,78 18.50 14.00 55610 *5:11 101.00
4, ft 2.54 2.75 8.00 3.75 4.25 510 6.75 4.0
Any number sent C. O.D. an approval to be paid for if entirely eatisfaaetory, otherw:se to be ree
turnea at our expense:
Frost Fence, Frost Steel Gates, A(
and Frost Coiled Spring Wire,.
The Only Safe Way to Speculate
BUY THE SCRIP AND PAY FOR iT, $50 and upwards sent to
us can be doubled within. one year; we haved,one it a thousand
times, we can do it again if our advice is acted upon. Prow we do
it: We buy low priced Railroad Shares that we have inside information upon.
We know of thousands who dabble in "Bucket Shops" and Min-
ing Stocks, both are the worst kind of lotteries; we know of
thousands more who are ever ready to invest in paper town lots
where the chances are very remote for increase in value, and
usually the money invested is never recovered, and even when
the property does increase in value it is difficult to secure a cash
purchaser. 1f it is railroad stock you can sell it for spot cash at
any time. We have been twelve years in business in. this con-
servative old Vermont City of Burlington, and we can furnish
references from. National Banks and leading citizens throughout
the State, and we do not expect any person to deal with us until
wo prove our responsibility and reliability.
Bankers nod ltroltera,
Private NEW YORK.
Wires 11oSTON.
Ei To 130Y't
Ea and GIRLS
For sailing 2 doz. of our Patent Lever
Collar Buttons or cur Aluminum
Thimbles, at 10 cents each.
NO MONEY REQUIRED Yon send ns vournaane su
bele you would like to sell. We�forward i them byye return
mail, free of all charge. You pay for thein when soli.
PREMIUMS -Watches. Rings, Violins
Aceordeons, Air Guns, Spring ect
:Hockey Skates ]Manicure Sets, guilt
many others.
This American Lever '0' itch,,, Stens
Wind, Stem Set, Fully Guaranteed
to replace or repair, for selling 2
doz. Bailees or Thimbles.
Western Novelty Agency, This Full size biorart Violin and Boxfos
04 Yon,;o St., Arsa1T6, TORONTO. selling 3 cior Buttons or 'Yuletide*.
QEF FE4FEFcCFcEe <««<Cc000kCEr4 FEFFGkC«G'dCFC«kF-
,i�.: IIAY'S' WORK
• `�1�sjOt»>,1�>> LEVER :BUTTON
we emir thin aneWATOII,wititnchain sndcharm,
NG UI1 for selling 2 dozen gold -topped, enantel-
backed Lever. Collar Buttons at loo. each, or a lady'a to
watch and guard for selling 3 doz• No Money Itegstrrd,
You run no risk. IVrile and we send the Buttons. post A
paid, with our big Premium List, Sell the Buttons re. /1t
turn money, aml u•osend -Watch, free fir altcharge. ' 'On• A
sold buttons returnable, Liberal cptnnliss,on.ifpreferred, /i5
Be the first in your field. Send your name and address leg,.
to -day. Zen writing, ntentiaa this paper.
CO.,ToHoNTO, ONT. 9 ;?)yvr> e5y
What It Ilan Conae To.
Miss Brown -What foal 's Lize
Jackson pnttin on sick'airs?
Miss Johnsing-IFun't yo' done
heerd dat her 'lashuns was descended
frum dem I+illypeens whut Mare Dewey
done captured? - Philadelphia North
An limey Met1aoil.
Miss Fuze! e-1 want to break my en
gegeient with, en pic,;but ;1 don't
know bow to do it witb,nit driving the
poor fellmlw to enioicle,
.Little Poo here-. ;x;'lty don't yen ,IBI.
hint see yon in curt helpers just,raiacel'-•,+