HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-2-2, Page 1feeiseree.s0.0.0.00.......eiseiemeneweee- THIRTt ioN-rif YE A.R. —587. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUAYR 2, 1899.V C. II, SANI)EltS EI)I1'01{. SLAVOIXTER SALE "Boots, Shoes sal..c1 Mismess. During the next three weeks we want to tete) 44)00 worth of Boots, Shoe and Harness into cash, and will hold a. Sla.ughter Sale We will offer Boots and Shoes at cost prices in order to reduce the stock. The goods are first class, have been well bought and carefully selected and it will pay you, to buy uow. Here are some of the prices Men's Felt, froax Women's Felt, Bel or Congress, Vi omen's Doppia Kid. ba l or button, Men's Dongola. JL Coogress, Men's Heavy ROW:0CM, Men's Heavy Overshoes, Women's Heavy Bats, ex.eo to $2.00 *Loa Ox 00 01.25 $1.00 .75 ,75 HARNESS wo have a number of sets of light and heavy harness, single end double, Which we will also sell at greatly reduced prices. They are made frOIll the best of stock. and by competent workmen, . Call and see the goods and test our Prices. J. TREBLE, Exeter There is Such a Thing as wearing glasses when you should not and not wearing them when you should. . . It is a Mistake to do either, We only prescribe glasses when they will be of use to the wearer. A large proportion of the eases of painful eyesight are due to the use of unsuitable or improperly fitted glasses. In consulting our optician you incur no expense and run no risk. . . T. FITTON'S JEVitEllE4V STOriE. Mornings preferred for testing. SERVA.NT WANTED. A servant wanted to take charge of a household on a farm. Apply to Mart. BEAVER. MONEY TO LOA.N. We haVe 'anlhnited private funds for in- vestment *open farm or yillage property, at lowest rates of interest. DICICSON 3t. CARLING, Barristers, etc., Exeter. FARMS PCIR 521LE, MONEY TO LOAN. The undersigned has a few good farms for sale cheap. Money to loan on easy terms: JoH21 SeetticdtAN, Samwell's Block Exeter MONEY TO LOAN. Money to loan at frorn 434 to 6 per cent, ELLIOT & O-LADMAX, Barristers, Solicitors, etc., Main St., Exeter, FARM FOE SALE OR RENT. ;Ma,: desirable farm in the township of Stephen, being Lot 17, Concession 10, con- taintng 100 acres. There is a good. brick house and -buildings on the premises; 12 acres fall wheat sown; 12 acres fall plowing done. Possession given Ilifarch lst, 1899. This is a good farm and will be sold cheap. Apply to MR. .JoBN GILL,Exeter. HOUSE FOR SALE. That desirable brick cottage situated on the corner of James and Andrew street, Ex- eter, and about one-fifth acre nf land The house contains nine rooms including a good .,° kitchen, and thereis a good well of wate and a eiktern on the premises. This is splendid property well sit -110M, and will bb if sold reasonably. For particulars apply tb this office or the undersigned. MRS. J0I1N WELSH, Exeter. VALUABLE VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALE. The undersigned is offering for sale that desirable and valuable property, situated on Muron Street, being part of Lot 21, contain - over five aeres. There is on the premises a.good brick house, con taining seven rooms with stone cellar, frame kitehen and wood- shed attached; a frame etalde and other necessary out -buildings; 45 choice fruit trees, a good well of waterand othilr conveniences Terms reasonable, apply at this office or to SAMUEL PRESZCATOR.EESter NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter. of George Benjamin Glanville, a,f the village of Farqu- har, in the county of Huron, Gen- „eral Retail Merchant, insolvent. ' • Notice is hereby given that the above named Insolvent has made an assignment to me under provisions of Revised Statut- es of Ontario, 1897, Chap. 147, of alibis estate, credits and effects for the general benefit of his creditors, A meeting of his Creditors win he held at thb offices of .F. W Oladman. Esq,"Main street. Exeter, on Tuesday, '81st day ol January;.1899, at 2 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of appointing Inspectors and the giving of directions with reference te the disposal of the estate. AnCreditors and others having claims against the said es' 'tate are requested to file with F. W Glad - ma n partulars of their claims, verified by affidavit as required by said A0t,, on or be- fore thd day of such meeting. After the 1st Mareh, 1899, 1 a ill proceed to distribute the assets of the estate amongst tbe parties en thereto, haying regard only to the claims of whieh I shall then have notice. and I will not he liable for the SR Id Assets or any part therecif so distributed, to any person or persons of whese claim 'I shall not0then have had notice. - Dated at Exeter this 19th January. 1899. P. w ntAnmAx, Jena Gnu., Main street, Exeter. Assignee. Assignee's Solicitor. APPLICATION To PARLIAMENT. Notice is hereby given that application will be made to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario at its present ses- sion, for an Act to legalize and confirm a By-law of the Municipal Council of the vil- lage of! Exeter, under which By-law all lands in the village of Exeter, while held, used and owned as farmlands only and in blocks of net less than twenty. acres, are from and after th e data of passim g ofsaid By-law to be rated upon the assessed value th ereof as follows :— (a) For expenditure for general village purposes, not more than three and one-half mills on the dollar; (b) For the nayrnent of the present De- benture debt of the village the sumo rat° as is required and is from time to time levied upon other village property; An d that no further or oth er rate be levied on the said lands by the council of the said village ofExeter; A.nd that the stud lands are to be exempt from taxation for the payment of any fut- ure debenture debt ot the said village except such as is contracted for school purpeses or for the renewd.l or consolidation,of the pre- sent existing debenture debt or some part thereof; Provided always that the said rate given by the said By-law to the said lands shall not be lessened by any of the exemptions mentioned in section 8 of ehapter 524, R.S.O. 1807, and sub -sections thereto. Provided also that no owner or lessee of such lands shall in respect of the said lands have the right to vote upon any by-law for creating or contracting any future deben- ture debt except as is for school purposes ex for the renewal or eonsolidation of' the pre- sent existing debenture debt or some part thereof, as a oresaid. Dated at Exeter, this 1st day of February, A.D,, 1899. DIMZSON & CARLING, Solicitors for A p plirants. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. The stock in +rade, consisting of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Clothing, Groeeries etc , of George B. Glanville, will be offered for sale by Public Auction at the store re- cently occupied by him, at the Village of Farquhar, Wednesday, Feb. 8, 1899, At 2 o'clock p.m The stock list may be seen,d anterms and conditions of sale as- certained on application to the undersigned, Exeter, ist Fbbruary,1899. F. W, GL A DMAN. ,TORN GILL, Maia-st, Exeter, Exeter, Ont., Assignee's Solicitor. Assignee. 50 TEAMS ANTE Fifty teams wanted by the SUTHERLAND INNES CO. to draw Elm Logs from Lot 8 and 9, Concession 5, Hay, to the Company's Mill. Apply to GUS WAGNER, Manager. At Gould's Saw Mill. Mr. Roderick Mackenzie, a well-to- do resident of Windsor, was found dead in his house with many evidences of robbery. It is feared that the old man was poisoned and robbed, ancl through investigation will be made. • children Cry tor 10; Greenway.. Ueotralikt Clandeboye. hilllfeKillotr J. tostaBuhlields has sold • being $8,500. The farm contalua 100 acres, but has no barn on it, although there is a good honee. Mr. Buslifield Exiny Mstrriso 10 eetiug will be held North Middlesex Farmers' Institute 1 ia eentreue, on s.ateeiv, ae meeting will be held in Wilson's hall, enerelloec,kritviiotsji 11: tArktclii ;81,XA lid,traAr on Monday', Feb. Otli, Messrs. A. Mc- .4” presentation isioceeeteh. re - Neil and A. 0, Hallman. are the Gov- I Mr, Frank Anderson, of the London ernment agents this Ye". VI V311- ses' Regular Military force, visited his rel - elm, WO pane second sessioxagigpmk, ethees here wethiesuay, prior to his Every one interested in farming shturld aep.extere for eereaream, N. le, where attend these ineetillg'--R"' It- ' he is stationed as a soldier to guard Wilsou, of Dawn Mills, arrived home our Canadian shores. --It is whispered lefoudey to visit his permits,. who are around Veit one of our promising very sick.—Rev. W. Baird closed young business men is about to leave the special meetings last Wednesday us fin. Manitoba.—Mrs. Tennant,who everting, Several have started to lead returned home from a visit to her a Obviation life and a large number daughter last week, is, we are sorry to have been blessed by attending the eay, under the care of Dr. Rollins .aud xneetings„—Urs. George Beieger pees- is at Present, very j. Lingard, ed Away last Week and woe buried at wilo has been spending the past week Grand Bend cexnetery.,-We are hav- Londono has returned home. -7 -Mr. bag very cold weather here. Tuesday P, Curtin shipped from here a lar&e morning the thermometer registered .carlood of cattie on Mondav.—Missi. 14 below zero. Tomlin, of Bide:11310e spent Wednesday of last week at Mr, Stead's, the guest Grand Bend of her brother. Edward, prior to her departure for Spider Tow, where site La Grippe is a very common word. in hae accepted a positioteeeThe Centralia, this settlement. at present and a great lepwortli League intends holding a many are suffering severely from it.— literary evening on Tuesday next, Mr. Alvie Armstrong's little son died. when some very interestiug teipics on Friday morning hist end was buried. be given upoe old London, Me. Byron in Grine). 13end cemetery on Saturday. Hieks will give a full descriptien of his The sympathy of the community is ex- trip to the old Country. All ere eord- teinled to them in this their irretriev- kitty inviteeL—teleighieg is again en- able loss,—Messrs. Stephen Webb and joyea by everybody and everyening is J. Lave attended the funeral of the alive solicitors, who were. late Nee jamee Forrest, Sr., of Varna, a »ointed .tt the ineetin of 11 - t ou Monday lest and returned home on rons to collect names as searehoulers Tueeday, His remains were interred, for the creamery are busiiy engaged, in the Bayfield ceinetery.,Mr. john and so far have collected a largo Mine Sherrittes family has had a very severe ber. meeting- will be held on mitur- attack of grippe, as only one little day. All who are interested ex it are girl eseaped sickness in their whole requested to be present, —the choir of eervienteiecluded. We are tine ehurcli held a revival last week glad. to report, however, that they are which. resulted in a grend success, On all recovering.-- Mr. O. Stone has let Sunday the gallery eceis from side the contract a mason work on his new to side and the music was very appro., residence in process of coxistruction, to priate,. "Messrs. A. iiieks, Ruston, Mr. J. Evan% of Eereter, and the .car- eVue Bagehaw and Miss May Livens penter work to Mie W. Millie,. of Harp- have joined their number, aud add ley.—Mr. Tom Love and sisters, who much to strengthen the eltoir,Mr. have been visiting friends at William Bagshaw, our public school green, for the past week, returned teaehereuldrcesedthe Epworth League home on Saturday.—Mrs. Wm. Down. on Tuesday evening and gave a very is visiting her Meter, Mrs. Moues,. at interesting talk on the idols we wor- Hillsgreen.—Word has been received ship. ---The Rev. Mr. Orme, of London, from the city hospital, Loudon, that occupied the pulpit, here ou Sunday Mr, jellies Olark, of Grand Bend, has last and preached two very interesting underwent an operation for appendi- sermons in behalf of the Bible Society citis and is getting along. nicely,—Mr. an.d its successful efforts in spreading Norman Buchanan, of Shipka, has been the Bible to all parts of the earth. Ile hewing the timber uecesSary for the eXplained its work fully and its origi- enlargement of Mr. J. Love's barn this nation and succeeded by the help of a coming summer. Mr. B. Howald, of few old members of the society to or - Zurich, has the contract for the mason ganise a bran.ch in this pluee, which work. • - has for its officers the following: Pres- ident, John Parsons; .Vice -Presidents, R. Hicks and Wm. Marshall; secretary, Wm. Colwell, treasure% Mr. Bunt; Committee j. Wes Huston, VWere 'Femme; Collectors, Miss Sarelx Neil, illise Jones, (Eden), Miss Dine Elston, Miss 'eaves, (Fairfield), Miss Alla Hicks, and. Miss Eva Mitchell. • (Too late for last week.) Mr. and Mrs. Swinerton, of Niagara, were the guests of Mr. Samuel MeCoy on Tuesday week—Mr. Albeet Parsons, Who has been spending the past few weeks here among relatives, returned to his home in Winnipeg Monday.— Miss. Beulah Beaver, of Orediton, spent Sunday here.—Mr. J. J. Lewis, of Mooresville, spent Sunday here, the guest of Mr. Thomas Neil.—Miss E. ebb, of St. johns, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. J. Colwill, meete ing of the patrons of the cheese fac- tory here was held at the town hall on Saturday last for the purpose of start- ing, if possible, a creamery and cheese factory. They concluded to take a list of the number of .shareholders and then proceed to manufacture the ha- plemeots necessary for the purpose. We trust it will be successful as we are sure it will be a greet benefit to Our town.—The Rev. S. Salton .exchanged pulpits with Rev. Kerr, Hensall, on Sunday morning and. evening. A large and attentive congregation were assernhledb.ere, and the collection, in aid. Of the superannuation fund, was very Well supportech—Miss Huston, of Exeter, is visiting her uncle, Mr. Wesley Huston, of Fairfield.—A very remarkable event has taken place , in our town, one of Mir )ve11-known and. highly respected eitizenS, in the per. son of Mr. Joseph Anderson, who has lately been seriously ill, having since his recovery taken a fancy to farming and. is at preseut residing with his son, Anderson, of Fairfield..—Mr. Wm. Pardon has left for Michigan with his wife. and family. Mr. Thos. Elston, of Rogerville, has taken pos- session of his dwelling here.—Miss May • Livens spent Sunday in Elim - vine, ehe guest of Mr. Tbompson.— Miss Maud Jones spent Sunday in Biddulph, the guest of Mr. Albert. Mitchene-Mr. Bagshaw, our new pub - lie school teacher, was the geest .of Mr. Andrei* HiCks.on Stmda,y Mr. Wm. Parsons has engaged- all his female hands,' which were employed :at the poultry, for the purpose a peak- ing Over large cfeentities of butter for the Klenclykeee-Reeched the top step Of the ladder at last. On Tuesday af- ternoon the ..Paalons Bros. threshed for Mr. A. Nevin, 02 Biddelph, 10 . bus. clover in 58 minutes. This is the best we have heard Of as yet.. - Who eau beat thisPeeMisa Effie of London,. hae tetuxered henna to her father's house here Onee more. Farquhar. James Ballantyne, eldest son of James Ballantyne, of this place, was married Friday to Miss Maggie Mc- Kellar, of Oronaarty:—Ernest AleNic- hol, blacksmith, while shoeing a horse the other clay had a foot badly tramp- ed by the animal.—Miss Hazelton, of Neepawa, Man., is visiting at Joseph Vance's and. Wm, Ward's. She leaves for Listowel on Saturday.—Miss Clara Diemen, daughter of jam Duncan, who has been teaching school in Minnesota, is expected home shortly.— The annual meeting of the instvance company will be held on Feb. 0.—.1\. very quiet but pretty wedding took place on the 25th at the residence of John Demean, sr., when his daughter, Miss Annie, was married to George Mantle, a popular young business men of Credito, At 5 o'clock the bride entered. on the arm of her father, handsomely dressed in cream, with white slippers, carnations in her hair, and carrying a boquet. Miss Allison played the wedding mareh. Mr. 'Pletcher, the bride's pastor, officiated, only the relatives of -the bride being present. Tea was at once served, and Mr. and Mrs. Mantle then left for their home in Crediton, where a re- ception was tendered them. The bride was well and favorably known and Mr. Mantle is to be congratulated on se- eming such a nice young lady for a wife. The groom's gift -to the bride was an upright piano. Centralia School Report The following is the correct report of the Centralia Public School for the month of January. Report is based on work and general deportment of • the pupils. Names are in order of merit:—Sr. 5th—Ida Windsor, Albert Oallfas, Gertie Oottrill, Cedric Hicks, Melville Mitchell, Wesley Luker, Lillian Elliott, Laura 13aynham; Sr. 4th—Clinton Hogarth, Polly Windsor, • A gie Hepburn, Earl Mitchell, Perry ary EddieOallfas, HepburnaH, Jr. 4th—Jennie Haggith, Fluda, Baker, Sr. 3rd.—Wilber Lane, Cecil Walker. Windsor, Edith Bunt, Alvina Wilson; llfAuaxnst,na:heol Huxtable, Boyle, Hepburn, Elliott,an, i)Mi eari Walker, Bruce Mitchell, Wm. Oallfas, Ruby Hicks. Number of names on roll 86; average attendance 28. JE. Division—Jr. 3rd. --Clara Fair - hall, Horner 1Vlotz, Minnie Baynham, Minim Callas, Fred Cottrill; Sr. 2nd— Hector Mitchell, Harma Mitchell, Rosy Wilson, Warren Mitchell, Alvin Baker, Frank Boyle, Allie Ha gith, Eliza McCoy, Irene Handford, Russel Bloomfield; Jr. 2nd. --Cecil Veil, Elva Windsor, Chas. Heaman, Winnie Ess- ary, Flora Hepburn; Pt. 2 Verne Wil- son, Rebecca McCoy, Will Tomlin, Verne Shearclown; Pt. 1—Enos Wind- sor, Fred Friar, Jos. Heaman, Murray Elliott, Melinda Oallfas, Czar Wilson, Melvin Oallfas. Pupils on roll 36; avevage attendance 27. W. B. RAGSHAW, Miss M. LIVENN, Teach"' A Frightful Blunder. Will often eause a horrible Burn, Scald, Out or Bruise. Bucklen's .Arnica, Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and. promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, ,Corns, all Skin Erupt- ions. Best Pile eine on earth. Only 25 ets. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by all Druggists. 0 Thames Road. The Thames Road Heavy Draught Horse Associetion held their second meeting at the residence of Mr. John Morgan on Monclaynight last. Mr. H. Bishop wae elected President end Mr. Wm. Monteith, secretary of the As- sociation. A constitution was drafted and a set of bylaws were framed and on being presented to the meeting were approved" of. The society has for its object the better improvement of heavy draught horses, which is in- deed one of great importance to this e.tonamitaity. Farmers who have not already enrolled their names as mem- bers will be consulting their own in- terests by doing so at once and thus encourage and carry out the good ob- ject intended, There are a number on the sick list this week, among whom we hear the names of the following; Mrs. Schoff, with la grippe; Mrs. James Car- ter; Atr, Richard Waistell, who is very low and not expecteel to recover; Miss Cameron, who was taken to her horne 111 Granton; Mrs. Sanders and Mr. liodgson.—Mr. R. N. erelL G. T. R. agent, has returned home. 111r. Stokes has therefore gone back to Listowel, —Mr. J. Clark, of Ildertoe, has moved to our village. ---There is a lot of wood coining into the station just now. Mr. Ira. Bice has hauled one bemired cords, and Mr. Reid, of Lucan, about the . 3 o c wray, has brought in a lot of logs this win- ter. --Our storehouse is ielle.—Mr. Car- . mg • e ea in the corn busi- ness. They are coming from far and near,—The Colwell brothers, who have been conducting revival services here for some tirrie, have left for a new field of labox•, Suadity evening being their last meetiug here. They did not appear to have enough depth in their services, as they had very little effect on the people.—Mr. ''4Viilker Jell is inn proving slowly.—Mrs. Andrew Clarl; is unable to be arour(l.—Mr. 1)401 Cobbledick, evho recently sold his farm to Mr. Mara, of Luca% is said to be goieg into the machine business 111 Lite:M.—Miss Hattie Jell is visiting her brother in 1.ondon.-1Ve hear that Mr. George Cobblediek has sold his , fifty -acre farm to Mr. 1,Vxu. Simpson, for the sum of $2,500. Oreditun On Friday last, the Knights of the Maccebees gave 110 pleasant surprise to Mr. aud Mrs, Morley Jones and Mr. C. Ryanitownline,McOillivra.•. After the greetings of the evening were over, the following address was read by Sir Knight John C. Geiser, viz:—To Mr. and. :Mrs. Morley Jones. and Mr. CLDREYAa. nnF:—RIENDS: We have met to -night for the par - PIM*. Of taking a sail farewell of our brother gam:shoe unit wife and Mr Ryan, who, we nue, ie,ra, 1.1. are ObOnt to leave US for 41, home in the far we,t. We are sincerely sorry that 1111 ars, b'aving US, f:4;fc'TIVI gi 1r92 $:n it good end h ouoreble citizen, but still what I„ oarless mu he et-nu0011AM gain, although we would rather. that it were other vise as it is, we, the mem hors of Crediton tent,* No SS, do wish you every possible ha p pin essaud future proseerisv in your new home; and we have no doubt, but what you will take with you, the best wishes of every one in, Credito,i WIld surrounding distrust. My. and. Mrs. Jones and also Mr. Ryan responded in It few well-chosen words which showed how earnestly they regretted leaving. A choice pro - pram was then rendered, consisting- of speeches, songs, solos recitations ete., followed by an oyst. supper. An abundant supply of bivalves had been provided and all enjoyed a hearty meal. After a good deal of handskak- Mg and leave takingthe boys and girls all joined in singing- " Auld -Lang - Syne " and departed for their respec- tive homes.—Miss Almeda Braun, of Sebewaing, Michigan, is visiting her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Gottleib Brame here.—Mr. Henry Either, M. L. A., is attending Parliament at Toronto.— Mrs. Huxtable, of Centralia, was th.e guest of Mrs. Wm. Winer last, week. —Dr. Amos, of Exeter, was in tb.e vil- lage last Sunday.—Miss Dina Wood, of London, is visiting friends and rela- tives in and avoluid Crediton.—Miss Emma Lewis is on the sick list—Mr. and Mrs. Brown have returned. from Blenheim, where they have been vis- iting friends, and intend starting for their future home in Kilmanagh, Mich., shortly.—The many friends of ?Jr. E. Simpson, our past public school teacher, will no doubt be pleased to hear that he was successful in his Normal School examinations.—Messrs. Chas. Zwicker and Samuel Brown, our general merchants, are handling a lot of timothy seed this winter.—.Mr. G. H. Zwicker has returned from Toron- to, where he has been studying to be an optician.—There are a lot of people ix; this vicinity who have become the victims of la grippe.—The last fall of snow has made our town lively. Wood is coming in very rapidly.—The Eng- lish Methodist Church intend holding revival meetings next week. TT /centre. WEDDED.—The residence of Mr. and Mrs. John Wind was the scene of & pleasant event last Thurs- day, when their daughter, Miss Louisea was united in the happy bondsof matrimony to Mr. John K. Schroeder of this place. Rev. Litt performed the ceremony in the presence of the immediate friends and relatives of the contracting parties„ who are highly respected in social circles, and the Very warmest wishes for their mutual happiness are extended to them by a large circle of friends. Around About U$. St. Marys: Mr. D. McLaren, the veteran clothier, has retired from business and the flrm of “D. McLaren & Son," will in future be conducted by the sons James and Robert, under the style and name of "McLaren Bros." • Hensall: Miss Hoggarth, of Hibbert, sister of Jaxnes Hoggarth of this place, who had to have one of her limbs am- putated a few years ago, was taken to Clinton on Monday, where she will be treated by Dr. Gunn. It is feared that the limb may have to be taken oft • Hensall: The remains of the late William Bell arrived from Fort Sask- achewan, N. •W. T., on Thursday morning, and the funeral took place on Saturday afternoon from his for- mer home near Rippon. • The inter- ment took place in Rogerville ceme- tery. Grant011: Miss Mary Braithwaite died at the home of her sister, Mr. John Langford, Granton, on Tuesday afternoon. The deceased is a sister of Mr. Alex. Braithwaite, reeve of Lucans and William, on the homestead, 15th con. London, where the mother still resides. s arna o ourke, pike paid intends devoting his attention to the cattle birvizie- business. Taekermeith; While out, driving one night lately, Win Vanborn, Tuck- ersmith, met with a mther unpleasant experience. While turning round on an icy part of the road his horse skip- ped and fell sliding under it barb wire fence. Help liad to be summoned to release the animal. Hensel': As Charley Gilchrist wee splitting wood on Friday Nvith, 41 maul and wedge, the wedge shot out end capere(l. gracefully in the air, Anally landing on his face. While one part got in its work by cutting his lip the other portion selected his forebead, where it made 14 gash, &Midi; XX. N. Deichert has field his house and five acres of land to Mr. John Preeter. Mr. Deichert intends moving to North Dakota, in a few weeks. Mr. Samuel Blienbanni an1 one of lais daughters are visitin his brother-in-law, D. 8, Faust, Louie is near 1Qm830agb., Michigan. St, Marys A favorite in other days among the young .people of St. Marys was Mrs, B. K. Brans (nee Miss Lone- ina Box), of Grand Rapids, Mich., whose body was broug!it home to be laid in St. Marys etunetery on Monday )ast, The deceased was a daughter of Mr. 'Wm. Box, and a sister of Mr. W. 0, Box, nierehant. The remains were laid to rest m the St. Marys ,cenletery on Monday, followed to the grave by a large concourse of friends and re. latives. Grant= We regret very much to • have to record the death of one of our oldest residents in the person of the late Mrs...A.lbert Beatson, which. took place at the family residence in the village at about 7.30 p.m, on Wednes- day, the 18t13 inst. Mrs. Beatson had been ailing more or less for a length of time, but continued going around until about six weeks ago, when she had to take to her bed, anti in spite of everythingthat medical skill could accomplish, passed peaeefully away on Wedn.esday evening. ygmondvillet After a long and painful illness, John S. Porterpassed away on Sunday at his residence.. He was bordering on his seventy-third year. Mr. Porter was one of thepion- eer residents of Huron county,and one of Seaforth's most suceessful busi- ness men. He was born in Brandon, Suffolk, England. Five years ago, owing to a breaking up ot the system, caused principally by a, cancer, be was forced to retire from active business. He leaves it widow and family ,of ten children—three sone and seven daugh- ters, Bayfield: This week We record the death. of Elizabeth Mackid, wife of the late James Stonehouse, who died on Saturday, Ja).1, 21st. Deceased was born at Carthness-shire, Scotland, in 1812, and was it sisten of the. late James Stonehouse, vale,' they settled in Goderich township, waere they re- sided until about eleven veers ago, when they moved to Bay -ilea Mr. Stonehouse died about three years ago since which time Mr. and Mrs. Fal- coner and fluxtily have resided with her, and. from whose hands she re- ceived every care and attention. Hensall: The many friends of5.11rs. John Finlayson, who has been in ill health for some time and who a, few weeks ago went to the hospital at London, will regret to learn. of her death which occurred in that eity on Saturday morning. The remains were brought here the same evening and. funeral Was held on Monday forenoon. The deceased was in the very bloom of life, being only 28 years of age and hail scarcely been married two years. The remains were interred in the Mait- land bank cemetery, at Seaforth, and were followed to their last resting place by a large inimber of friends. Wingham; The death is recorded of Hiram Lennex, from la grippe, af- ter two weeks' illness. Deceased was in his 59th year, and had beext a, resi- dent of Willsham and vicinity for many years; in fact he was one of the pioneers of the place. He conducted a carriage business here for a number of years, and had been engaged. in several branches of business. He had been one of the Councillors of the town on several occasions, and was a - member of last year's Council. De- ceased leaves a widow and family of two sons and one daughter, who will have the sympathy of the eommtenity in their affliction. • Seafortla: An aged lady and one of the early settlers in this part of the country passed away on Wednesday, in the person of Jean McGinn, relict of the late Wm. 'McCulloch, sr., at the ripe old age of 94 years and 6 months. Fortyone years:ago the dr ceased, with her husband and put of their family, emigrated from the parish. of Stoney - kirk, Scotland, to Canada, and settled in Rarpn,hey. Alter al' esid.enee there of some years they moved back into McKillop, where, in 1870, Mr. Mc- Culloch died. Of late years the de- ceased has made her home with her daughter-in-law, 11/Irs. Wm. McCulloch whose home she died. tuityrus Ushorne, January 25tb, the wife of Richard Tasker, of a son, DfEtte—At the rectory, Ailsa Craig; on Saturday, JAM. 21st, a son to.: the Rev. L. W. and. Diehl. • 0-11.24 811 1CrEsrAwAY.—(Acciclenta1ly killed) In Brantford, on San. 28, Samuel West - away, formerly of Exeter, aged 56 years. BALL—In Ethel, on Jan. 26th, Herman Ball, eldest son of Rev. John Ball, of Kirkton, age,d 21 years 5 months 6 days.