HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1899-1-27, Page 8e0C9Central 6(4/.??lefIllet(eS:Wfre STRATFOt D, ONT. Don't Wait f" something U to turn up Get a business education and turn some- thing up- Active, educated and well trained young. men and women are wanted every- where. \ e admit students at any time Write for circulars. W. J. 'F.lilott. Principal. LOCAL JOTTINGS. Try the Aovoe ern for Wedding stationery. Latest designs, The towu of Seaforth wants power to bogus a woollen mill by giving $10, oco. The lee harvest has commenced and while it is thin the gnalit — is not bad. Mrs William Brooks has been ap pointed pest mistress of the Hay post office, Exeter North. Persons having three cent stamps can have them exchanged for an equivalent in value at any post office Mr. Thos. Walls, of Centralia, moved to town this week, and bas taken up his residence in Mr. B. Fuke's residence on Wiliam street. On Friday last, while tlr. Ed. Bissett was killings beeline some way the kuife clipped and cut a severe gash in the Wee finger of the right baud. Try Winau'a Gough balsam ter eougbs, colds and brouehiak :roubles. Sole agent for Dick's Lung Syrup, C. 1.aljrz, Druggist. The Hon. Tilos, Greenway :has order- ed of Messrs. Weeks Bros a heedeouae Swede °rotate ;tlonuntent to be placed over the remains of his son in Crystal t:ity, Man, The G T,R., are discharging all men their employ who are over fifty years of age crud as a result Mr. A. Dempsey and p. Flynn have received their walk- ing ticket. " Rev, George Jackson, pastor of .the Colborne Street, Methodist Chercb, has be'eu laid up for several Clays with the eounood cotupiniut, the grip.=• -London Free Press, T. P. Smith, the famous scientific oyt apeci,iltst. will be at the Couinter clef Hotel, Exeter, ou Friday and Sat- urd:ty of this week. See "ad" in au- otlter column. Wan for the Odd Fellows' concert, the best of the season, the celebrated Oxford Club, of Boston, Masse on Feb 20th. i'ersouat recommendations from Meanie and Odd -Fellows' Socletles of United States. The Evangelistic services in James street Methodist church will be con- tinued next Sabbath. They will be couducted by Miss Morton, assisted by the pastor. The seats are all free and the public are invited, Mr. Wm. Rowtcliffe, London Road, sold a two year.old draught colt to Mr. Rich Hicks, Centralia, last week for $1.10. The animal was a good one and well worth the money paid for it. It pays to raiso good stock. The Rev, S. J. Alliu, of Brussels, will preach the 11Issiouary Anniversary services of the Main. Street Methodist church next Sunday, at 10 am. and ? p.m The evening service will not be only Missionary but Evangelistic in its character, in harmony with the special services which are now being held every night in that church. Indications are that bicycles will be cheap this year. The manufacturers of two of the best kinds have begun a war which has cut the price of high grade wheels to $50, while the chain less wheel that last year sold at $140 in the spring will be sold for $85 This probably means that other manu- factures will be forced to reduce prices. —Ex. An exchange thinks that about the most daceerous bait that the armor can bite at is long credit. It looks easy to buy goods on time and pay for them in future, but there is a sharp and strong hook beneath it all The price paid is usually large enough to pay the interests and part of the bad debts made by trusting those who iaever pay. An Ermoudviile correspondent to the Seaforth Expositor says:—" Mr. Jacob Schmidt has been suffering for several weeks with a very sore leg, thought to be a case of blood poisoning, but one day last week the true cause developed itself, when a needle and thread was pulled out of the wound How they got there is a mystery, which will per- haps never be solved. The third meeting of the Teachers of District No. 1.,West Huron will be held in the Exeter Public School, on Satur day afternoon, Feb. 4th. Program :-- W -W hat can teachers do to foster a nation al spirit, Mr. Gowan; history, Mr. Mc- Pherson; reading, Miss Ball; Com position: -5th class, Mr. Lockhart; 4th class, Mr McKay; 3rd class, Mr. Creech; 2nd class, Miss Ball; 1st class, Miss Halla. Broke lifer Arm. On Saturday afternoon last while skating at the rink Miss Harrison, who resides with Dr. Amos, unfortunately broke her arm at the wrist. Oyster Social. An oyster social under the auspices of the Trivitt MemorialChurch will be held in Gidley's Opera House on Friday evening, Feb. 8rd, commencing at 6 o'clock. Admission 25c. New Grist ]!1111. It has been currently reported and on good autbority that Exeter is to have another grist mill. A gentleman from London is the projector and one of the following sights will be chosen viz. -The, vacant property opposite the old market square, Mr. Ramsay's lot on the brow of the hill or the;'Mc- Nabb property on the opposite side of the road, Wocd Wanted,. Five cords green wood wanted. Apply at this office. .tl<orkey. A game of hockey has been arranged to take place here on Monday next be- tween the Exeter and Seaforth teams- rhie. no doubt, will be a fast and inter- esting game. Shipments. Mr. Henry Willett, of Dashwood, wilt ship :a carload hots from this station to day iThurs,--\lessrs. Prior & Armstrong shipped a carload hogs to Ingersoll Wednesday, --Messrs Wes Snell-& Hy. Jones, shit ped three car loads of export cattle from here this week. Raees. There promises to be three fast aril interesting skating races at the rink on Saturday evening next. The first eveut will be a three *rile race for a sicker Cap; second, a two mile race for boys under 1? for a silver medal to be won three tunes; and the third, a one. mile race for b ys sander 14. The prizes are worthy of large competition an theraceswit d 1 oubtI d . b uss be asc it- 'ii l South Huron 3:,ricQltural $,ociets. The annual meeting of the South Euros Agricultural Society eras held at Brueetteld on S%duesday, when the following officers were elected; Pres, H. Smith, lisborne;.1st Vice. -Pres, Robt, McAllister, Flay ;2nd. Vice Pres-, Robt. icMorellos l ippen; Directors—>Goder. ich township, John Keteben;Stan ley, Alex. Mustard; Stephen Ed Christie; Exeter, SVM. Dixon; tlaborue, Thos Russell; Tuckersmith, H. McCartney; Seaforth,' D. D, Wilson; extra director, P. Me Gregor; audttors, Tbomas Fraser, tau. ley, and Audrew Scott, Brucefield; deal agates to Western Fair Association. London, Thos Russell and John. Mur- dock. At a suhsequeatt nheettang of the directors, Mr. 31. Y. McLean was re- elected set;retary-treasurer. it was de- cided to hold a spring show this year for stallions and bulls at Brueefield. From, the treasurer's statement we learn the following amounts were paid out for prizes ant the different shows under the auspices of the society, At the fall show there was paid out for horses, $282; gettie, $117; sheep, S75; pigs, Sfid; besides large amounts for other departments. mating a total of $Q5. At the spring show there was paid out for horses 473, slid for bulls eel, making a total of 4114. At the fat stock show $LS3'5 was paid out in prizes, The total amount of prize motley paid out by the society last year was in the neighborhood of $1,Q135. Alttcers installed. At the last regular meeting of Lob- anon Forest l..odge, No. 193, A. F. & A M., the following officers were duly iu- stalled for the ensuing term, viz.—W, M., Bro. J. A. Stowe rt; S. W., Bro. Wm, Sweet; J. W., Bro. P. Gowan; Treas., Bro. B. 5 O'Neil; Sc&y, Bro, C. H. San- ders; Chap, Bro. G. SValrcnd; Tyler, Bro, S. Sweet; S. D„ Bro. T A. Atuos; J. D., Bro, I. R Carling; I. G., Bro, R. Knight; Stewards, Bros. T. W. Hawk - sinew and W. T. Acheson; Master Cure monies, Bro. J. Senior. After the saver *'ral officers had been installed in their respective chairs with the customary ceremonies by Past•Master, Bro. I3 Spackman, the lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to the Central. Hotel, whither they bad been invited to participate in an oyster supper given by their worthy Worshipful Master elect, Bro. J. A. Stewart Au ample spread was provided for the occasion and after all had done justice to the good thiugs Bro. .H. Spackman open- ed the toast list by ptoposing a toast to the Queen to which all heartily re- sponded. To the toast of " Lebanon Forest Lodge" Bro. Dr. Rollins fittingly responded. The Hon. Thomas Green way, Premier of the province of Mani- toba, being present, the toast of •" Our Sister Province—Manitoba," was pro- posed and responded to by the Premier in a few able and well chosen remarks " The Visiting Brethren " was respond- ed to by Bro. Black, os Hamilton, very fittingly. The toast of " The Press" was responded to by Bro. C. H, Sanders of the AnvoCATB, after which the con- vivial gathering came o a close by singing " God Sane the Queen." Exeter School l`Soard Minutes. Inaugural meeting of the board held Wednesday, Jan. 19, in the Town Hall, at 8 p m All present. The following is the order of business duly passed, Signing declaration of office by Messrs J. Senior, R. N. Rowe and D. Spicer. Per H. Huston and W. J. Carling, that P. Frayne be chairman. Per J. Senior and R N. Rowe, that the Corporation of the village of Exeter be treasurer. Per J. Senior and R. N. Rowe, that J. Grigg be secretary. Per H. Huston and J. Senior, that P. Frayne be the wood committee. Per J. Senior and H. Huston, that R. N. Rowe and D. Spicer be the repairs committee. Per W. J. Carling and R N Rowe, that J. Spi cer be the supplies' committee. Per R. N Rowe and D. Spicer, that H. Huston W. 3. Carling and J. Senior be a grounds and sanitary committee. Per R. N. Rowe and W. J, Carling, that the. night of meeting be the last Monday in each month. Per. H. Huston and D. Spicer that the inspectoral visits of the board be made at the instance of the chair and with such members as may be available. Per R. N Rowe and H. Huston, that the following accounts be declared approved for payment :—S Fanson, labor, 40ce Dr. Lutz, drugs, 25c; and subject to the approval of the repairs committee, J. Willis, lumber, 65. Per R N. Rowe and D. Spicer that the engagement of Miss Jeckell at a salary of $325 per annum, as reported by the teachers' supply committee he declared approved. Per H. Huston and J. Senior that the Secretary confer with the principal to secure a proper. list of all non resident pupils. A corn munication from the Board of Health was referred to the grounds and sane tary committee. Per W. J. Carling adjournment. 3. GRlcc, See'y. Exeter Council Proceedings. The Council met pursuant to ad jourumeat at Town Ball, Dee 30 h. 1899, All present. Minutes of pro yious meeting read and confirmed. raylor-.-Evans, that Mr, Creech be instreeted to ship the S lei,gibe of de- fective hose to the Waterous Engine Co,, and the Clerk write the Company regarding the saline.—Carried. Evans Muir, that the Clerk be iustrueted to procure a litsle book and copying Fess- -Carried, A communication from. the Fire Uunderwriter's Assoeiatiou was laid on the tables, and on mo -lou of J. W. Taylor, seconded by I. Arm strong, the Clerk was instructed to write the association,—Carried. raylor Muir, that the Reeve take the necess try steps regarding the removal of the boy Fulton to the Orillia. ass Juin.-- Carried Taylor—Muir, that the Reeve and Clerk sign the petition of the Council of the town of Straahroy. the axnmendment to ,yl unieipal act. -- Carried, Armstrong—Evaus, that the Clerk, ask for tenders for the use of weigh scales and bell riugiug, ten ders received ei u ed to Friday,27thhast. Carried. Armstrong-aylor, that the services of night -watch he dispensed with after San- 31,—Carried, Taylor— Evans, that the tender .of J. wt bite & Sou for printing being the lowest, be accepted,----earrted- Taylor—Evans, that the regular meetings of the count - tie held the First and third Fridays in each month.—Carried. Evans—Tay tor, that the council a ijourie to ,last 27tlt, at'? -S0 p me—Carried. G. Il. Biissarr Clerk. PITO:W(erT or nurou. The Presbytery of Huron was held fix Clinton ou Tuesday. The brethern. present recorded their satisfaetion at seeing the moderator, ;lir. Fletcher, again among them, after the severe illness through which. be had passed, and re-elected him to preside for the ensuing six mouths. The session re cords of the renewing, congregations were examined and attested, viz Ex eter, etc., Brueefield, Seaforth, Clinton, Hehsall, Biytie Hallett. etc,, Thames Rand. Grand Bend, etc., McKillop, ate, and Goderich. Reports on state of re tigion and Sabbath scboots were de layed till next meeting. The remits' ou the "Examination of students," and the ". Ootletitiltion of Assembly," were'. disposed of. With regard to the latter it was agreed to recommend that the representation in the supreme court consist of one sixth instead of otte fourth of the members on the roll, as in the past. The chief reasons advane- ed for this reduction in the number of commissioners and the difficulty of providing homes for so large a num ber during the meeting of Assembly, and the expanses of travelling, etc Rev. W. Muir, of Brucefield, tendered the resignation of his pastoral charge. Regret was expressed at the necessity of this step being taken by Mr. Muir, fu considering the harmony which bas always prevailed between Mr. Muir and his people, and their warm attach ment to him, The resignation will be disposed of at next meeting. The annual report of the Presbyterial Woman's Foreign Missiou Society was submitted, showing gratifying pros perty and increase. The contributions of the last year were the highest of any year hitherto reported. The total contributions, including mission bands, was;1,676, A resolution which has not come to band, in regard to receiv- ing the report, and expressing the Presbytery's hearty gratification with the great and good work of the society, was recorded, on motion of Mr. J. S. Henderson, duly seconded. The next meeting; of Presbytery is to be held iu Clinton, on the 14th of March, at 10:50 a. m. The uvanaelistie Sertices. The evangelistic services commenced last Sunday morning in the James Street church. As announced Miss Morton, of Toronto, had charge of the services. She was assisted by the pas tor, who gave her a suitable introduc- tion. She briefly related the manner in which she was called to this special work. Her recital of some facts of her home life made a deep impression upon the minds and hearts of the cougrega tion and prepared her way for a sue cessful day's services. The congrega tions was very large and evidently deeply interested in the Evangelist and her work. The sermon was brief, prac- tical and impressive. All who listened felt that the speaker's heart and life were consecrated to God's service Without dismissing the congregation she conducted an after meeting both for church members and the uncon- verted. The entire service prepared the congregation to co operate with the Evangelist in her future work. Her voice is very full and clear and well controlled. She has no trouble in reaching the most distant hearer in this large church She speaks with great fluency and a style and manner so cul tivated as to place her beyond criticism. These powers are evidently consecrat- ed to the service of God. At the even- ing service the seating capacity of the church was fully tested. The subject of the evening sermon gave full scope to the speaker's powers of both mind and heart. The sermon was evidently well prepared. It was clothed in the choicest language and forcibly deliver- ed. Nearly the entire congregation remained for the after service. Dur- ing the after service it was very im- pressive to see the profound attention and intense interest of all classes and ages both in the gallery and the body of the church. The work of the day assured the Evangelist of the hearty co operation of the membership of the church during her stay. There is room in this large congregation for a large ingathering. The services of the week evenings show that the attendance will be very large, both from town and country. Men and women young and oid have assembled.`'. The Evangelist, the pastor and the congregation have good reason for both hope and encour— agement. ' Warning. The Board of Managers of the Pubiie Library again warn the person or per- sonsguilty of eutting and writing and otherwise destroying books and mag azines in reading room as they intend to prosecute same with the full extent of the law A $ad Story. Probably nomore pathetic story is told than the unfortnnate circumstances surrounding the case of little Flossie Hueter, daughter of Mr, John Hunter, of Usborue of whom we have made mention front time to time, et will he remembered that the unfortunate little girt was attacked by an old sow some months ago and came near losing her life Luckily she escaped, but sustained a badly mangled arta Her wounds were dressed and for a time the injured member seemed to do nice - iv, but on removing the splints it was discovered rhat the bone had not unit- ed An opera'ioa was then deemed Pecessary atad the bone was cut off at the ends and brought together by meansef silver wire, The operation tit: F`. i as su a aafn zi c4. 1, dh the bone united, but a few dal s ago she unfortunately broke it again. and tbat coupled with a severe attack of inflartlntation of the lungs she is now in a precarious con ditto it - Personal mention Mr. W. H. Levett spent Tuesday in Toronto. Mr. Birr, of Birr, is the gaest of Mr, A Taylor MGs 0. Reid left nu Monday to visit in Port Huron, Mich.. Miss Susie Weekes, Milliner, returned from Guelph on Saturday. Miss Maud Parkinson left on Wed.- nusdey to visit in Detroit, Mich Mr, Wnt Carling attended the Poultry show at Clinton an Wednes. day, Miss Nellie Davidson left Tuesday for Clinton, to attend the funeral of her aunt, County Councillors Rollins and Mc- Innes are ;attending a meeting of that body this week. Mrs. John Essery left Moudav for Brantford to see her daughter Mrs. L. Brauud, who le very ill, "Miss Myra Pickard has been of fered the position of alto soloist of the First ;Methodist Church."--Londou Ad vertiser. Jas, Abbott, is suffering from a very aevero attack of grippe and it is thought the dread disease may go hard with him, hiss Fowl, who has been the guest of ;Mrs, E. ,Spackman for several weeks returned to her home iu Woodstock Saturday, Mr R. H. Collins, who has been con- fined to the house for several weeks, is improving but is still unable to attend to his office duties, Miss Jeckell, who was unable to teach Monday and. Tuesday owing to Illness, is again on duty, as is also Mr. Lockhart after a week's illness, Coleman Moneur, who has been in the service of Mr. E. 3. Spacl:matt for the past two years, left Tuesday for Ledbury, Mo, where he will learn the operating with his uncle, Mr, Alfred Sam well, who has been engaged with Mr. Geo. Samwell for some time, ;eft on Saturday last far the land of bis birth—Old England.- where he intends making Ms future home. The Hon. Thos. Greenway, Premier of Manitoba, spent Sunday and Monday with his brother and -law Dr, Rollins. The premier is in good health and has been in Ontario on private business for several days. Clinton : A. Furry met with an ac- cident at a saw in the machine room Tuesday, having the fingers of his right hand severely cut. Mitchell: Messrs. Walkum and Chap ple, of the Ontario house, have purchas- ed the business of Stoneman Bros , at Kirkton, and will commence business there in March. Egmondville: Mr. Thomas Daly bas sold his farm to Mr. H. Colbert, for a good price and, as it joins Mr. Col hart's farm, on the east, it will be very convenient for him, EXTENSIO OF OIISIESS. T4aving purchased the Exeter mills, we are now prepared to do general gristing and chopping Flour, Wholesale and Retail, ALL KINDS OF GRAIN BOUGHT. Grain delivered at first elevator paid for at Mill office. pilot) ti Piistb FEEb delivered to all parts of town free of charge. 500 'CORDS WOOD WANTED, (Bard or Soft.) COBBLEDICK & WILLIAMS. NEW MEAT MARKET. The undersigned has op- pened up a new Meat Market 1 DOOR SOUTH OF CARLINGS' STORE, where he Will keep the choic- est of meats constantly on hand. John T. Manning. 131G CASH STS CASH OR PRODUCE ONE PRICE ONLY. ` M ANNUAL STOCK -TAKING SALE.-..- is now on. You will find some DRESS GOODla, Bargains that will do you good. . the Greatest Mone Saviug 0 ortunit r tht has come your - pp 3Perbaps n for a long time will be this Great ClearingSale. We find our- vstock desirable Fame and loaded up with a very Keay- of de i a y a d Staple Dress Goods, Also a lot of remoants and, odd ends, which will be cleared out regardless of cost or value fit, o have a table of Dress Ends, nue dress t<* in each piece, some Bargains that will do you good to see, Coarse quick if you want first ol)omT. $1 QQ for the Dress End New Brown Shot • Alpaeea, Cho best dollar dress we leave ever shown. $1.75 forldw edediLg velBFaaac y Eo s eetc t from, \o 'a vuur chance, for a bargain. Away they go for $1.75• • '$2.00 $S S5, a nd $ 50 rho dress enol for µ7 a invely pleinand fancy dress ends, , jr^ the Dress. End Good Heavy Twa .2iJ totne`fweeds,strong, solid gco5s' all new patterns, loud better seo this lot for rhe dress sand area, ala-ta�late i,3C � Tweeds, correct styles and such values as you don't often see. Dresses in this lot, worth $5.O and $2.50 each, clearing at 31..1;01 LAS. ( $1 5Q the dress end, Snow -flake efe cts, Greyand fawn only, pure wool - Just half regular value, yours for 81.50. Sand 4.o0 the dress end 3,Q S � for Q r c o latest le goods, ve a,.e l t t d . t h , Y y g it pays to buy your Dress Goods at Stewart's Bigg Cash $tore, X1.50 the dress end for nice, black sgured "W goods or ,plain all -wool Serge. e2 00 the dress end for fancy, black Bro- "0' cadge, new patterns and stylish, ,00 $3,50 and St oo rer the dress end of n vary new and stylish black goods, values that do not conte agar way at On. Do 'you, want a Black Silk Dress We hare a Black' peen de Sole" at $X 00. Its the best value we know of; soft. rich ftr:isle and a great wearer. S T EWA RTrf Sicares ctase i5:3o p. m. except Wednesday and Saturday. $1 i 5 the dress end for Black llrocheo Ef • facts, very neat designs, good,,-� honest goods, 2 50 the dress end for ehoiee, nen, black . fancy Sgnres. These are rare value x,51) $t0Oand $5iOthedressendforsome a of bechoieeatBiaekuoadsyQtt°ll feud in rho trade, Our plain Black llelir•iettas, Serge:. and .Bret. Cloths are sure Money Sayers. (me and see our .Slack Dress (Mods—Bargains. You'll be pleased with the -Values. fIDKWI 4TEt CL E/I tG SALE OF 1LDY"TO"El,.. CLOT Q. After taking stock we find we have a lot of odd sizes, ArL and we want to put them out, at prices far below our usual sale price. You know we never purchase i11 small quantities, but always by the hundreds of suits, clearing -out lines and job lots, thus always being able to sell our custom- ers ready -to wear suits at less than is usually sold... Boys' 3 piece suits, cut single and double breasted, in fine Canadian all wool tweeds, neat cheeks and overptaids, best Italian lining and silk stitching. Boys' Long 'Perris Frieze 'Meters, doop storm collar and first-class trimmtug.``' Men's Suits that are made in Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, well lined andperfect fitters. Lots of odd pants to clear. E. J. SPAOKnMIAN, -41111"--"The Big Clothier, TAILORING CHEAP AND NOBBY. "The Hang -dog Expression" looks of a " ready made,"" hand- me-down " suit of clothes is enough to disgust the Prince of Slovens. NO FIT, NO STYLE, NO GOOD. A tailor-made suit cut. made and fitted to the contour of your form is certain to look right. AND WEAR - Parts of machinery which accurately fits withstand se- vere service and parts that do not fit wear out quickest. Same with clothes, Choose your cloth and we do the rest. Prices small as stitches. Bert. Knight. NEW REPAIR SHOP. Having opened out a well equipped Shop I am now prepared to do all kinds of repairing such as BICYCLES, SEWING MACHINES, LAWN ' MOWERS. In fact everything and anything. We make a specialty of remodelling Bicy- cles and sharpening Lawn Mowers at this time of the year. ISRAEL SMITH. One door north Mr. Stewart's store Snell's COMMERCIAL LIVERY. First-class Rigs and Horses Orders left at Hawkshaw's Hotel, or at the Livery Stable, Christie's old Staiid will receive •promptat- tention. rrmBleph ,i eraeasonable;" :1 eConnectone ion REMOVED,. To the apposite side of the street, one door north of R. Pickard'et store, where he will keep a full selection of all kinds of Firesh and Salt Itireats, Poultry and game in season, Sausage and Bologna. Also Healer in Bides Sheep and Calf Skins. BEEF SOLD BY THE QUARTER' Ono door North. of 11. Pickard's store. LOUIS DAY s n:Set " A STORE, OF KNOWLEDGE!. Yes, Webster's dictionary coir tains a store of knowledge. but you may read it from start to - finish, and it won't tell you where you can buy cheap ants the best furniture. .. WE MAKE THAT EASY. We have everything. you need from a hat peg to the largest piece of furniture, and best of it is that prices are away down. Undertaking a Specialty. • 1%1 • RO Vie The Mole®ns Bank. (Chartered byParliament, 1855•, Paid up Capital . , ......... $2,0.00,000 Rest Fund .... - . , , 1,500,000. Head office Montreal. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Es q., GENE' RAL MANAGER Moneyadvanectd c good ,Farmer'son thea own notes, wz.L one or more endorsers at percenmt . per annaturdagum, Exeters ]iq Brancha,m.to pm Open every lawful day trom .10 a. m. .to 8 p 8 l . genera 1 backing balsiaiess transacted CURRENT RATES allowed for mon-. oy-on Deposit Receipts. Sayings Bank at 3:'•, percent. N. D. I'URDON Man ago, I!